InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Your Pleasure, My Pain ❯ The Night of the New Moon: Part 1 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 12: The Night of the New Moon: Part 1
Inuyasha had completely forgotten that tonight was the night of the new moon and because of Kagome's illness. Damn, I hate this! Inuyasha thought. How am I supposed to protect Kagome and the pup when I'm in my human form!? I hope we don't have to battle any demons; Inuyasha's in his human form, Kagome thought.
“Well Miroku, did you sense any demonic auras?” Sango asked.
“No, I didn't,” Miroku answered.
“Well that's good. We don't have to worry about Inuyasha still being in his human form,” Kagome said. Inuyasha was sitting inside the hut looking into Kagome's mirror and moaning like when I girl finds a pimple on her face.
I wonder if Kagome thinks I am handsomer when I'm in my demon form, Inuyasha wonder randomly.
“So, Kagome, does Inuyasha treat you different now that you're his mate?” Sango asked when Miroku was not around.
“Yeah, he does. I thought he'd never grow up, but suddenly, he did,” she replied. “Hey Sango, you like Miroku, don't you?” She asked.
“Kagome….. You've asked me that so many times, and I always give you the same answer,” Sango answered.
“Yeah, but it seems so obvious that you like him. You're always getting jealous when he flirts with other girls.”
“I get mad because he shouldn't trick those young, naive girls into thinking that he actually loves them. I mean, you see how feathered brained these girls are when it comes to stuff like that.”
“Well, I guess you're right, Sango,” Kagome forfeited. Yeah, right; you like Miroku and you know it, she thought.
“I just wish Miroku would grow up too,” said Sango.
“He'll grow up. Once he finds a girl that he's really serious about he'll learn,” Kagome said.
“Yeah….. A girl he's serious about,” Sango said quietly. She sounded sad.
“Kagome, Inuyasha wants you,” Miroku said.
“Tell him I'll be there in a minute; I'm cleaning out my backpack,” Kagome ordered.
“He told me that he knew you'd say that, and to tell you that he needs to ask you something very, very important,” Miroku responded.
“If it's so important then why doesn't he come ask me his self?”
“He told me you'd say that also, and he said to say that he can't because it's personal.” Kagome put her stuff down and went inside the hut to Inuyasha.
“Yes, what is it that you wanted to ask me, Inuyasha?” Kagome questioned.
“Hey Kagome, do you think I'm handsomer in my demon form?” Inuyasha asked her.
“What? I don't know. Um, well, um….. Why'd you have to get me to come here? How come you couldn't ask me out there?” She asked.
“Because it's personally, now answer the question,” he said.
“Um….. I don't know. I like you both ways,” Of course you're more exotic in your demon form. There isn't anyone in my time looking like you, Kagome thought.
“Pick one, would ya?” Inuyasha said getting a little frustrated.
“Why on earth are you so worried about it? You only look like that on the night of the new moon. So what does it matter?”
“I don't know. I just wanted to see what you'd say.” Kagome turned around and went back to the back pack she was cleaning out. I should've taken that dang on mirror away from him while I was there, she thought.
“Inuyasha!” Miroku yelled as he came running into the hut right as Inuyasha was running his fingers through his silky hair and fixing it.
“What!?” Inuyasha jumped as he snapped the mirror shut.
“Were you….. Were you just caring for your vanity?” Miroku asked, completely off subject.
“No! Of course I wasn't tending to my vanity!” Inuyasha snapped. “Now what do you want, Miroku?”
“I sensed a demon aura. It was strong, although it wasn't Naraku's,” he informed.
“Tell Kagome to get inside here. You, Sango, and Shippo are going to have to take it down your selves. If you can't do it then we'll have no choice but for me to go out there,” Inuyasha said. Kagome was herded into the hut with Inuyasha and Miroku, Sango, and Shippo took off to battle the demon.
“Inuyasha, I can fight,” Kagome said.
“No, Kagome, you can't. You're pregnant something could happen to the pup, and if it does it'll effect you too,” Inuyasha said.
“Inuyasha, face it. The demon's really strong. What if they can't beat it alone?”
“Then I'll go out there. You're not taking one foot outside this hut.”
“Inuyasha,” Kagome began but he interrupted.
“Kagome don't argue with me anymore, or else I'll keep you in this hut, even after the demon's dead.”
“You can't do that.”
“Just because I'm in my human form doesn't mean I'm completely weak; I have muscles, Kagome.”
“I didn't mean that. I meant you can't control me.”
“Really? That's my pup you're carrying, Kagome.”
“It's mine too.”
“Well, then act like it's yours. First you're sick and don't ell me and now you want to go out there and fight and risk the pup's life.”
“It's not like I want to. I just don't want Sango, Miroku, and Shippo to get hurt. The baby can be replaced, they can't.”
My child is not an object. It's can't be replaced!” He yelled.
You're child? It's not coming out of you so shut up!” She returned the yell.
“If it weren't for me then you wouldn't even be pregnant!”
“If it weren't for me agreeing to be your mate then you wouldn't have a baby either!”
“Yes I would!”
“Oh really….. Zombies can't have babies!”
“I wasn't talking about Kikyo! I find someone else! And don't call her that!”
“Oh, so if I said no, then you'd just go to the next girl you can find!? So are you saying that you don't eve love me!? That you just used me to lay your seed!?”
“No! That's not what I said. So, stop putting words in my mouth!”
“Well you mine as well have said that! You're such a jerk!”
“Kagome, I love you and you know it. You're just trying to make things difficult like you always do!”
“You're such a dog!”
“You're such a wench! And the pup's half dog too!”
“He might be half dog demon but we won't act like a dog like its father!”
“Well when I get another pup and she's a girl I'll make sure she's not a rotten wench like her mother!”
“Oh, I'd like to know who you're having this second child with!”
“You, stupid!”
“Oh, so now you're going to decide how many kids we have, along with you telling where I can go and where I can't!?”
“You got it.”
“That's not happening!”
“You're my mate!”
“You don't own me!” Inuyasha growled. When Inuyasha had cooled down some he noticed that seeing her angry was putting him in the mood. Oh great, how am I going to get it now that she's mad? Inuyasha thought.
Inuyasha put his head down so that his bangs covered his eyes. He laughed in a deep, slow, sensual way. When he slowly looked up and met Kagome's eyes with his eyes that were radiating with passion, she lost her anger and looked at him strange. “Inuyasha, you were just mad a minute ago,” she said.
“Kagome, you're so beautiful when you're angry,” he said slowly.
“No, Inuyasha,” Kagome knew exactly what he wanted. “I'm mad at you. People don't do that when they're mad at each other,” she added.
“We can be different,” he whispered into her ear, turning her blood into ice sickles.