InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Your Pleasure, My Pain ❯ The Night of the New Moon: Part 2 ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 13: The Night of the New Moon: Part 2
Just as Inuyasha was kissing Kagome with his coat part of his kimono off and in the process of taking off the rest of his clothes, Miroku came running in. “Inuyasha, Kagome,” Miroku said then pausing once he realized what was going on. Inuyasha took his hands off his pants and put the coat part of his kimono back on, keeping off his shirt because he knew they would pick up where they left off once everyone was asleep.
“Oh, I have no problem telling you two later. Now, finish what you were starting,” Miroku said sitting down in a position to watch them.
“I don't think so, Miroku. Look, it wasn't even like that. I had a cut on my back and Kagome insisted she'd tend to it. I also had a bruise on my leg so I had to take off my pants,” Inuyasha lied.
“And I suppose tending to your wounds means that Kagome has to kiss you?” Miroku asked.
“Yeah, I was kissing her but we weren't going to do anything more,” said Inuyasha. Kagome's face was bet red from blushing.
“Now Miroku, what were you going to say?” Inuyasha asked.
“Oh, yes, I, Sango, and our little Shippo defeated the demon. Everything was fine. But, we were not able to kill him; it just ran off. I have a feeling that it will be returning later,” he informed.
“Well, by then I'll be back in demon form.” Later that night, Inuyasha waited until everyone was sound asleep and he picked Kagome up, who was awake, and carried her outside away from the hut.
“Inuyasha, it seems like your Youkai is taking over you again, but you're in your human form. So how could it be controlling you?” She asked.
Inuyasha knew well and good that his Youkai side had nothing to do with his want for Kagome. If I tell her that it's not affecting me then she won't want to do this tonight, he thought. I know it's not right, but what could it hurt? Inuyasha thought.
“Although I'm in my human form, my Youkai blood is still active during mating season,” Inuyasha lied.
“Oh,” she said.
They got undressed and mated. Afterwards, they lay awake looking up at the starry night sky and the glowing moon. “They're so beautiful,” Kagome said.
“What, the stars?” He asked. Kagome nodded and he chuckled.
“What's so funny?” She asked stiffly.
“I don't mean it that way, Kagome. It's just, well, you're so beautiful, and I just can't see how someone so lovely doesn't even know that they're that pretty. I mean, how can they not be vain?” He asked.
“Why does that shock you? Kikyo looks like me, exactly like me, other than my hair is a little different, but she was never vain.”
“You two only look the same to people that don't look at you two close. You two look different to me. I don't see you as the same as her, not even close. You're so outgoing; the complete opposite of her.”
“Hey Inuyasha, do you ever wish that you and Sesshomaru got along?”
Inuyasha huffed and said, “I hate that bastard. Why would I ever what to have anything to do with him?”
“I know you hate him now. But don't you ever wished that you two, well, that you two actually loved each other, instead of hated each other?”
Inuyasha was silent for a few seconds.
“Yeah, I never told any of you this. But, we use to live together when I was about three, four, maybe even five in human years. It was so long ago. I can hardly remember what the castle looked like. I remember getting lost and my father had to send Sesshomaru to come find me, and I remember getting weird looks from the people who were there because I was a half demon. I remember there was a lot of dark colors in the castle and that there was a giant painting of my father, Sesshomaru, and Sessy's mother. I never met or saw his mother because she hated anything that was not demon, and she didn't like too many other demons besides dog demons.”
“That must be why Sessy hates human so much. He can't help it if you think about. I mean, that's what he learned all this time. I think he takes care of that human girl because he's actually lonely inside. Maybe, just maybe, one day you won't hate each other.” Inuyasha chuckled.
“That'll be the day hell freezes over. I'd try to get along with him, but he on the other hand, he's stubborn.”
“Well, maybe that human girl will soften him. Children have a way of doing that to people.”
“But that's almost as impossible as Naraku just randomly dropping dead.”
“Well no matter what you and Sessy are still brothers. I mean, have either thought that your father wouldn't be happy about you two fighting?”
“I thought about it once, but I hardly remember him and Sessy was sore at him ever since he found out about him and my mother. So, I don't think Sessy's really cares. I think this is also a way for him to get back at our father; a way to make him feel kinda the way Sessy was feeling.”
“So, if you two stopped fighting you would love Sessy?”
“Well wait a second. I said I'd get along with him. It's take a while for me to love him, and it'd take even longer for him to love me. Even if he did end up loving me, I know he'd never be able to tell me because of all this. I don't even know if I could ever tell him.”
“I'm sure you two could tell each other.”
“You sure have a lot of confidence in Sessy.”
“No, I have a lot of confidence in you.” Kagome leaned over and kissed Inuyasha.
“You two just have some major sibling rivalry.”
“What's sibling rivalry?”
“It's when siblings fight. It's nature to argue. It's like me and Sota, when we yell at each other. We don't hate each other it's just a thing because we live together and we get annoyed with each other sometimes.”
“Like me and you?”
“Sort of like us. But we fight like a couple.” Inuyasha's eyes were lost in passion again and he and Kagome went for another round. They finally went to sleep after wards. I can't believe I lied to Kagome like that! Inuyasha thought. The last time I lied to her was when we first met. But I don't feel bad for lying. Kagome's not going to be hurt by it if she doesn't know, so I just won't ever tell her. Besides, tonight was great, he thought with a grin.
I love Inuyasha so much! I never thought I would actually fall in love with anyone, let alone an exotic demon! Kagome thought. I never thought me and him would even have that sort of relationship. But, I'm so lad we do. I trust like I trust my own family, and I know that he would never lie to me or hurt me. Kagome drifted off to sleep with thoughts of Inuyasha dancing in her mind. She was in love, so deeply in love. She sis not care if people looked down on her for becoming a mate of a demon; she found love, and that's all that mattered to Kagome.