InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Your Pleasure, My Pain ❯ Guarded by the Unborn: Part 1 ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 14: Guarded by the Unborn: Part 1
After breakfast the group set off again. “I can't believe that we've only come across one demon so far,” Sango said.
“Yeah, it's strange,” Inuyasha agreed. Kagome was not feeling too great; she had gotten vomited five times so far. I hate this throwing up thing. Not only do I hate it because it feels terrible, but I'm scared that it might trigger my bulimia. I haven't been that long since I have last purged. I can't purge while I'm pregnant, or the baby won't get enough nutrition! I'll be a horrible mother if I let that happen! Kagome's mind panicked from the idea.
“Kagome, you look like you're panicking. Is something wrong? And you better tell me the truth,” Inuyasha said firmly.
“I'm not panicking. I just don't feel good, but I'm fine, really,” Kagome replied. The group had stopped for a break. Inuyasha had sensed Kagome was not telling him everything. He grabbed her hand and guided her into the forest where they were alone.
“I have a feeling you weren't telling me the whole story. I know panic when I feel it,” he said.
“I did that on purpose so I could tell you what was really wrong,” she lied. Of course I didn't want you to know; you wouldn't understand it and it's embarrassing, Kagome thought.
“So, what is it?” He asked.
“Well, I'm going to have to explain because it's not like anything in this time.” She took a deep breath.
“Is it really this hard to tell? You're like me when I was asking you to be my mate,” he said.
“Inuyasha, there's this eating disordered, or problem, and it's called bulimia. It's not a disease because you choose to have it sort of. It's when you force yourself to throw up. See, when people think that they're fat they might eat all the foods they want then go vomit because they won't gain the weight and they'll lose weight. But you can also do it because of stress, and stress is why I have well, had it.”
“That doesn't make any sense.”
“Well, it started when I was going to this school and it was different from the one I go to know. It was a school where they practiced religion along side of school work. Well, I was really different, sort of like you were, and it wasn't easy because of that. Anyways, one night I got so angry about the school that I throw up in accident, and then I realized I felt better after that; all my angry and sadness was gone. So that's when I became bulimic. And throwing up because of this baby might trigger the bulimia into coming back, because well, I stopped being bulimic a long time ago, but being sick like this so often could cause it to come back.”
“Oh, see. So that's why you're worried. I can see why; the pup won't be able to get any food if that happens. Well, is there some type of medicine you can take for the vomiting?”
“Oh, that's a good idea. How come I didn't think of that? I would have never pf had to tell you this if I would have thought of that.”
“Wait, how come you won't tell me stuff about you?”
“Well, because being a former bulimic is embarrassing sort of, and I thought you'd think I was crazy or something.”
“Kagome, I would never think that about you because of some illness you had; I love you. No matter what, I will always love you.” Those words of affection started up Inuyasha's Youkai side again and he and Kagome mated. “We haven't gone back to your time to talk to your mother yet,” Inuyasha said after they were done.
“Oh yeah,” Kagome sighed.
“You know you have to apologize. She's your mother and you just can't forget about her and live with out her.”
“Well, actually,” Kagome began but he stopped her.
“We already went through this. I see why you're so mad at her. Yeah, she did over react, but she was a right to because she's your mother. She gave birth to you, she gave you life. Besides, how would you like to live with the idea that your mother lost another child because of you? Even if you're not dead being out of her life would seem like you were dead to her.”
“Yeah, I know, but she's so difficult when it comes to stuff like this.”
“Well, yeah, all mothers are. Wait, stuff like this? You've gotten pregnant before!?”
“No, of course I haven't gotten pregnant before. Hello Inuyasha, I was a virgin until you. I mean, I've done some bad things before but not like that.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot. Wow Kagome, I never thought someone like you would be able to do anything bad.”
“Yeah, well, you haven't known me all my life. You weren't there when I was in rehab for my drinking and drugs.”
“What?” Inuyasha raised an eye brow.
“I was “addicted” to alcohol and drugs. Rehab is a place where you get help so you're not addicted anymore. I'm guessing you at least know what marijuana is. Well, in my time there are other drugs like that but they can slowly kill you and they are addictive. Well, I really wasn't addicted by my mom made me go to rehab anyways.”
“Yeah, I heard of that marijuana stuff. But, why would you take something that slowly kills you? It's like taking poison.”
“Sometimes for the same reasons that I told you for the bulimia thing, people do those drugs. But, the last I did that I was fourteen and a half.”
“Wow Kagome, you're life was really awful for a while.”
“Yeah, it was. But, I'm fine now. I also had to go to therapy because I was so called “depressed” by my mother. Therapy didn't really work; I only acted like it did so that I could get out of it. Then, too many people in that horrible school I was telling you about found out about all the rehab and the therapy and I moved and went to the school I go to now. Luckily, my best friend moved a few months before I did so I knew at least one person when I went there.”
“How could you be sad?”
“Well, a lot of things. I've always gone to schools where I didn't fit in. I got laughed at for not fitting in, and then when I tried to fit in I got laughed at even more. I guess you would really know about that stuff. It seemed like most everything went down hill after my dad died. He died when I was six, Sota was three, and my oldest brother was nine, and oh, his name is Goku. Then, when my brother was fifteen and a half he ran away with his girl friend. I was twelve and Sota was nine.”
“Your mother and he must have had a big fight in order for him to run away.”
“It was a huge fight. They argued and fought for over a month, and then Goku just couldn't take it anymore and he ran away. He and my mom never got along; their personalities didn't mix. What's sad is I think my mom still blames herself all these years later, and I think she always will. But, she was right about a lot of stuff they had fights about. He was going to therapy and rehab then, and he also was put on medicine to control his anger. But, a lot of the time Goku wouldn't take his medicine because he thought that he didn't need it. He said it took away his gift for poetry. See, he use to write these angry poems and they were really gruesome and disturbing, and that's why he was in therapy. But, he didn't see it that way; his writing was just a way to blow off his anger, but he didn't see have sick and inhumane they were.”
“You're life is as almost as bloody pitiful as mine.”
“Well, I guess we have more in common than we thought. I think he might have killed his self and then his girl friend found him dead and killed her. Goku had problems some what like I did. I just wish he wouldn't have ran away and put everyone through all this bloody hell. I mean, I'm sad that he's gone and I know he's not coming back, but he ran away. It's his fault. And I wish Mom would just stop blaming herself, she didn't tell him to leave. She wouldn't do that; he needed a lot of help.”
“I'm just glad Sota was young when we moved and he never had to face the same problems me and Goku did. At least my mom will have one normal child. I didn't want to be that way, especially because of the whole deal with Goku; I didn't want to cause her more pain, but there came a point when I just wanted out of this world, and that scared her more than ever.”
“What happened?”
“Oh….. Nothing really; I just tried to kill myself. She walked in my room and I was hanging form a rope on the ceiling.”
“Kagome…..” Inuyasha said with worry. He leaned over and embraced her.
“Inuyasha, I'm fine now.”
“I better not even catch you hanging your self, or I swear I will hurt you. And if you die, then I'll haunt you in hell.”
“Don't worry, I fine now. I have you and a baby. I'm not going to leave either one of you.” Inuyasha smiled and kissed her.
Inuyasha was about to kiss Kagome again but he paused instead.
“What's the matter? Do you want my body again?” Kagome asked.
“Yeah, I want to mate with you again, but it's not that. I smell a demon. Its aura is strong.” Suddenly, there was a loud roar and the birds flew away from the trees and every other animal scattered away from the forest into the clearing. “Miroku, it's the demon! Go find Inuyasha and Kagome!” Sango yelled.
“Damn, Miroku's gonna caught us,” Inuyasha said grabbing his clothes and putting them on as fast as he could. Both Inuyasha and Kagome were so much in a hurry that they accidentally put the wrong pants on. Inuyasha had his white shirt with the red coat over it and Kagome's black chained pants, and Kagome had black tang top on with her long sleeved fish net shirt over it and Inuyasha's red pants.
“Inuyasha, Kagome, the demon from earlier has returned,” Miroku informed. Miroku lifted one of his eye brows when he looked at Inuyasha and Kagome closer. Inuyasha and Kagome looked down at their selves and they both blushed.
“Interesting……. I can obviously see what you two were up to,” Miroku said.
“Miroku!” Inuyasha hollered and then hit him over the head.
Inuyasha and Kagome switched pants and then rushed to Sango who was battling the demon. “It's strong,” Sango said.
“Indeed, I am strong,” the demon was a woman. She was tall and well formed. She had long, full silky black hair that was wavy and came to the back of her knees, her skin was as pale as the clouds in the blue skies, and her eyes were a light blue. She was very beautiful. The demon was dressed in a black kimono with pink sakura flowers on it.
“I want your jewel shards,” she said.
“Are you working with Naraku!?” Inuyasha asked fiercely.
“I have heard of this Naraku person you speak of, but I am in no alliance with him,” she replied. “I want the jewel shards to myself.”
“Then how have you heard of Naraku?” Inuyasha questioned.
“Well, Onigumo who Naraku once was is my older brother. I knew he was in that cave after the fire being cared for by a priestess named Kikyo, and I often visited him. He was suppose to marry a close friend of mine named Suki. She was seven years his junior and him and her had always been close in their child years. But instead, he fell in love with that priestess Kikyo and refused to marry Suki like he had promised to. That made me angry and I never visited him again. But afterwards, when he had disappeared I listened to people talk to try and find what was going on with him, and soon I found out about his transformation into Naraku.”
“If you were human back then, then that means you're not a real demon; you an accumulation of demons, just like Naraku,” said Inuyasha.
“I wouldn't be talking when it comes to pureness. You are merely a half demon. I know that priestess beside you has three jewel shards; Naraku has most of them, some young brat boy that serves as a slave to Naraku has one to keep him alive, and I have the remaining of the jewel shards. It's a sad story how my own flesh and blood brother will try and kill me for them, but unfortunately for him, I won't let him have them,” she said.
“What's you're name, you disgusting demon?” Miroku asked.
“My name is Suka, and I am not a disgusting demon. I am beautiful and divine, very divine,” Suka said.
“Quit your blabbing. I don't care how pretty you think you are! You're gonna be nothing but bones and rotting skin soon; because I'm gonna kill you! Wind scar!” Inuyasha yelled. The blast came racing towards Suka but right before the blast hit her she but a barrier around her and the wind scar split around the barrier and faded. Suka chuckled evilly.
“Stupid half breed,” she commented.
“I'm a whole lot smarter than you!” He yelled. He let his sword turn red and he broke threw her barrier.
“Stupid accumulation of demons,” Inuyasha said with a victorious grin drawn on his face. Suka drew his sword and pointed it towards Inuyasha the blade grew larger like Inuyasha's. Its blade was normal but on the top part that was not as sharp as the cutting part it was jagged.
“Look at that sword,” Sango said in amazement.
“I've never seen anything like that before,” Miroku said.
Inuyasha huffed as to say that he was not impressed. Sakura twirled the sword and then pointed it at Inuyasha and a blast of light blue demonic energy blasted out from the sword. Inuyasha jumped out of the way just before it could hit him.
“Pay attention, half breed,” Suka said with a wicked smile.
Inuyasha tried to use his wind scar and his backlash wave, but Suka was blasting the power so fast he had to keep running. Damn, how an I going to use my powers when she's this fast!? Inuyasha thought. Every time Kagome would go and ready an arrow Suka would sense the danger and she would send a blast towards Kagome. The same happened when Sango tried to attack. Miroku had managed to open his wind tunnel, but Suka would point a finger at him and a vapor of miasma would spring from it.
The miasma was as strong as Naraku's but it was dark blue instead of purple like his. They all had to keep running as fast as they could or else they would get hit by the demonic power of Suka. I think I'm going to puke if I keep running like this! Kagome thought.
I'm running out of energy! It won't be long before I'll have to slow down, but then I'll be hit by Suka's blasts! Miroku thought. I can't keep running like this! Miroku's mind yelled. Kagome, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo won't be able to keep running and dodging like this for too much longer! I wonder how long I'll be able to hold out, Inuyasha thought.
They all will be getting tired soon, and then they will die, Suka thought. I thought Inuyasha would be more of a challenge for me, but I guess I was wrong. Instead of keeping with the same pattern of blasts, Suka broke the pattern and sent a blast to Kagome. Unfortunately, Inuyasha did not jump in the way fast enough, and the blast hit Kagome.
This is it! I'm going to die! Kagome thought.
“Kagome!” Inuyasha screamed in grief, and a tear fell from his anger stricken face.