InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Your Pleasure, My Pain ❯ Guarded by the Unborn: Part 2 ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 15: Guarded by the Unborn: Part 2
“You dirty bitch!” Inuyasha yelled as he charged at Suka. “Wind scar!” The wind scar did hit her but it was not a direct hit so it did not kill her.
“You have emotional connect to this wench, I see,” Suka said. The blast was still striking Kagome's body. “Unfortunately for her, she will die. A mere mortal can not survive that,” Suka informed.
After the blast had faded everyone's eyes grew wide. There Kagome was, laying on the group unconscious!
Her body was surrounded by a barrier! “What!?” Suka shrieked. “How could this be? My blast hit her so fast and suddenly that she could not have had time to put up a barrier!”
“But, Kagome doesn't even know how to put up a barrier,” said Inuyasha. He was glad that she was most likely alive but he was also shocked.
“Yes, that and she did not expect for Suka to aim for her! How could Kagome learn to put up a barrier? And how could she put it up in time!?” Miroku asked to no one in particular.
“Well it doesn't matter to me. She'll die this time!” Suka yelled. Inuyasha scooped Kagome's body up and dodged her blast. Damn! Inuyasha swore mentally. “Come on Kagome, wake up,” he said.
“She might be alive but she is still going to be very weak. My blasts are hard on even a demon's body,” Suka informed. I just have to manage to hit her with my backlash wave. She's giving off a demonic aura so I know it'll work, Inuyasha thought.
Suka suddenly took out black stone ball from inside her kimono. She touched it and it turned clear. “Damn it!” She suddenly swore. “I hate to attack and leave, but I'm afraid we'll have to finish this some other time,” Suka said and then she took off in a flowing orb of blue and disappeared.
“Damn and I didn't even get to use my backlash wave on her,” Inuyasha said disappointed.
Kagome started to move her head and make moaning sounds.
“Kagome,” she heard someone say. The voice sounded familiar to her but she could not quite tell who it was. It seemed as if someone were calling her name from a great distance away from her.
“Kagome,” Inuyasha repeated. “Kagome, are you okay?” He asked when she opened her eyes.
“Who are you? Are you God?” Kagome asked in a weak fatigued sounding voice.
“No, I'm not a God,” Inuyasha answered. “It's me, Inuyasha.”
“Inuyasha, you died too?”
“No, I'm alive, and so are you. You didn't die. Some how you put up a barrier right before the blast could kill you and it saved you,” Inuyasha informed.
“But, but, I didn't put up the barrier. The barrier just came around me. I didn't even try to put one up; I don't know how to,” kagome said feeling confused.
“Well, then who was it who put the barrier around you?”
When Kagome got some of her strength back they all went to Kaede to ask her about the barrier. When they told her the story she seemed shocked.
“So I take it that you don't know who could have put the barrier up?” Inuyasha asked.
“I know who put the barrier up. I'm just shocked. See, demon children can sense danger even when they are inside the mother's wound. That child that is growing in Kagome had sensed that its mother was in danger, and therefore it put up the barrier using its powers. Most demon children can do this, but when they are born they lose the ability to put up a barrier like that; they have to learn how to put one up,” Kaede said.
“So in other words, if Kagome wouldn't have been pregnant she would have died?” Sango asked.
“Well, I can't yes or no, but I highly predict she would,” said Kaede.
“Hey Inuyasha, do think while Sango and them are here that we could go to my time and talk to my mom?” Kagome asked.
“Are you sure that you feel well enough?” Inuyasha asked. Kagome nodded. Inuyasha carried Kagome on his back all the way into her house.
“Hey Sota, where's mom?” Kagome asked.
“She's upstairs, in your room,” he answered Kagome took her little brother into a big huge and squeezed him tight.
“Kagome, I can't breath very good,” Sota informed.
“Sorry Sota, but love hurts,” she said.
“I missed you,” she said letting him go.
“I missed you too Sis.” All three of them went up stairs into Kagome's room. Her mother was sitting on her bed.
When she saw Kagome she jumped up and took her into her arms.
“Oh Kagome, I'm so sorry. You were right; I did over react. I thought I was going to lose you, just like I lost Goku. I over reacted with him too. It was my entire fault that he left and that's he's dead, and I blame myself for what happened with you too,” Kagome's mother said.
“Mom, it's not you're fault that Goku left. He was a troubled kid that wouldn't take his meds, and when you forced him to take it he would make himself throw up to get it out of his system. Don't blame yourself for what happened. If he was here I would knock Goku in the head for putting us through all this. You were right when you told Goku he needed to take his meds and go to therapy. It's Goku who was wrong; it's just we were the ones who had to feel the consequences. The consequences of losing him,” Kagome said.
Her mother smiled and kissed her on the head.
“Mom, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything,” kagome said.
“I know dear. I know.”
“Inuyasha, come here,” Kagome's mom ordered.
“Um…. What are you gonna do?” He asked with worry. Kagome's mother grabbed him and hugged him. “Welcome to the family,” she said. Kagome stayed in her time for a week while Inuyasha was in the feudal era.