InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Your Pleasure, My Pain ❯ The Week Apart: Part 1 ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 16: The Week Apart: Part 1
**************In the feudal era with the group**************
“I've never seen Inuyasha pace around like that before when Kagome was gone,” Sango whispered to Miroku.
“I haven't either. This will be very hard on him because this is the longest Kagome has ever stayed home before,” Miroku said. Poor Inuyasha, he can't stand to be with out Kagome for even a day, much less a week. I don't want to be around him by the end of the week, he's already going nuts now, Shippo thought.
Damn, I can't find anything to do to keep my mind off of Kagome! Inuyasha thought. That and I really want to mate right now. I'm gonna go insane if I don't get her body soon! Inuyasha's Youkai was biting and clawing at his emotions and sensations. He jumped up into a tree and resting on the branch. He tried to take a nap but he could not get his mind to settle down.
“It's so quiet here with out Kagome. She always keeps up entertained when we aren't fighting demons,” Sango said.
“Yeah, it's not fun with out her,” Shippo agreed.
“Well, then Sango, maybe we could go off on our own and share some personal time together,” Miroku suggested. Sango slapped him across the same and then sighed.
“Even hitting you isn't as fun when Kagome's here,” she said.
**************In Kagome's time at her school**************
Man, I don't get any of this! I'm horrible at math as it is, but then to be gone for a long time makes it worse! Kagome thought in misery.
“Pass your tests in please,” the teacher said. Kagome groaned and handed her the paper. The rest of her day went by slow. In every other class the time was passed by taking notes. In four days I have important exams in all my exams! I can't believe this! I have to cram, cram, and cram! Finally, the school day had ended and Kagome went home after her friends threw a million questions her way about her illness.
“Hey Kagome, how was school?” Kagome's grandpa asked her.
“It was long, boring, and I didn't get half the stuff they were teaching,” she said.
“Well, that's to be expected. You've been gone for so long. But, everything will be fine now. You're staying here for a week so you'll have plenty of time to catch up. It'll also be nice to take a break from the feudal era,” he said.
“Yeah, but I miss Inuyasha and the others.”
“I suppose you do. You and Inuyasha are a couple.” I miss seeing his naked athletic body too! Kagome thought. She smiled when the image of his well defined muscles raided her mind.
“Oh hey Kagome,” Sota greeted her.
“Hi,” she said yawning.
“Wow, was school really that tiring?” Sota asked. Kagome nodded and went up stairs and lay on her bed. It was not long until she was sound asleep. Kagome did not wake up until dinner. Her mother had come upstairs to wake her.
“You look so tired Kagome. You should go to be early to night,” her mother suggested.
“I was planning on it,” Kagome replied.
“It sure is nice to have the family sitting down for dinner. When you're not here everyone seems to eat in a different room. I eat in my office, Sota eats in the den, and Grandpa eats in the living room,” her mother informed.
Kagome laughed. “I thought you said you would never let anyone eat dinner outside of the kitchen,” Kagome said.
“I did, but I figured it was fine. I mean, you weren't here so the whole family wasn't here anyways.”
**************In the feudal era with the group**************
Sense Kagome was not there Sango was the one boiling the water for the ramen noodles. Shippo started to sob silently.
“Shippo, what are crying about?” Inuyasha asked.
“It's gonna feel like Kagome's never coming back. It'll be a whole week with out her,” Shippo said. The group was use to Kagome being gone for a maximum for three days; she never had been gone this long before.
“Shippo….. Don't cry. It'll go by fast; you'll get use to Kagome not being here,” Inuyasha consoled him. I could cry; I want her body so bad I could sob! Inuyasha's Youkai said. That night, Shippo slept next to Sango. He cried silently for about twenty minutes. He was use to sleeping next to Kagome. Physically Shippo was warm, but inside he felt cold and lost.
**************In Kagome's time at her house**************
Kagome lay awake thinking about Inuyasha. She missed him so much. She missed the rest of them too. I wonder what will happen after we defeat Naraku. I don't want to lose touch with Miroku and Sango. Shippo will stay with me and Inuyasha; he's like our adopted son. I always did love Shippo as a son. I couldn't love him as a brother because I raised him. I love Inuyasha. Most people would say he's cold hearted and mean, but inside he's a great person and kind. I feel so safe with him, I feel like nothing can cause me harm. Even when I dream about him I feel safe, Kagome thought. I'd die for him, and he'd die for me. I wonder if he's thinking about me right now. I wonder if he's lying awake thinking about me……He's probably not; I bet he's asleep…..
**************In the feudal era with the group**************
I miss Kagome so much! I missed her smile, I miss her laugh, and I miss her body. I just want her to hold, I want her to hold me tight and take my warm into hers. I want her to hold me just like she does after we make love, Inuyasha thought. He loved the way her soft, warm skin felt against his bare chest. It sent static throughout his body. He loved to listen to the soft but rapid thumping of her heart. That put him in the mood again, and after that the process of making love and her holding him would start all over again. I wonder if Kagome knows how much I love her, how much I care about her. And I wonder if she's thinking about me right now. Well, she'll probably exhaust from those tests and sound asleep right now, he thought.
***** Inuyasha's and Kagome's thoughts at the same time*****
I'm so lucky to have you. If I hadn't met you then I'd never know what love was.