InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Your Pleasure, My Pain ❯ Welcome to the World! ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 18: Welcome to the World!
********************Nine months later********************
Mating season was well over with. It was February and Kagome was nine months pregnant. Inuyasha was really panicking about the pup being born. The group was staying with Kaede because it would be any day until the pup would be born.
“I don't know who's more nervous; Kagome or Inuyasha,” Sango said watching Inuyasha pace back and forth.
“Kagome, is the pup coming yet?” Inuyasha asked.
“No, Inuyasha, the pup is not coming. Just please, calm down,” Kagome said. Inuyasha had asked her at least fifty times today if the pup was coming. I wish he'd stop asking me that, and I want him to stop that stupid pacing! It's making me nervous, Kagome thought.
Any second now the pup could by on its way out of Kagome! Names! We haven't thought of names yet, Inuyasha thought. “Kagome, we need to think of names,” Inuyasha said.
“Oh yeah, we haven't thought about what we were going to name it. Let's think of boy names first,” she suggested.
“Okay,” he said. Um…. Let's see….. Inuyasha, Shippo, Miroku, Kohaku, well, that's all the boy names I can think of.
“Kagome, I can't think of any names,” Inuyasha said.
Kagome rolled her eyes. It figures, she thought.
“The pup's going to be powerful when it grows up. It's a half demon with spiritual powers,” Inuyasha said with a grin on his face. Inuyasha suddenly sat up in realization.
“Kagome, I have a name,” he said.
“Well, what is it?” I thought he smelt Naraku or something, she thought.
“What do you think about Mikoyasha?”
“I love it! How about Sakura if it's a girl?”
“Okay, I like it.”
“Kagome is the pup - “Inuyasha began but he did not get to finish because Kagome interrupted.
“No, Inuyasha, the baby is not coming so just - “ Kagome did not get a chance to finish. She felt a sharp pain and she felt something wet underneath her. She looked down. Her water had broken! What's that smell? I've never smelt that before. it's kind of like water and something else.
“Inuyasha, my water broke!” Kagome yelled. Kaede and the rest of them heard her and they all rushed over to Kagome.
“What? Why are you all over here? What the hell is going on?”
“Inuyasha, the baby's coming,” Kagome said.
“What!? It's coming now!?” I can't believe it; I'm going to be a father! Inuyasha thought.
“Inuyasha, carry Kagome inside,” Kaede ordered. Inuyasha picked up Kagome and carried her inside the hut. He gently laid her down and Kaede put a damp cloth on her head. To everyone's surprise Kagome was not yelling. She could not; the pain caused her to be silent. Oh my gosh! I thought that time when I lost my vision and my hearing was bad, well this is right up there with it!
Inuyasha was silently crying, Sango was smiling, Shippo was confused, and Miroku was lost in his lecherous thoughts. “You all will have to leave now,” the midwife said.
“You'll do fine Kagome,” Sango said hugging her. Sango, Miroku, and Shippo went outside.
“Um….. Sir, I'm sorry but you'll have to leave,” she said to Inuyasha.
“I'm not going any where,” Inuyasha said.
“Sir, you'll have to leave. You're wife, um, mate will be fine.”
“She better be, but I'm still not leaving.”
“Sir, you will have to leave now.”
“No, it's fine. He can stay,” Kagome said. She winched at the sudden sharp pain. “Inuyasha,” Kagome said.
“Yes, what is it, Kagome?”
“Hold my hand,” she ordered. Inuyasha held her hand and kissed her on the cheek.
“Okay, breathe deep,” the midwife ordered. Instead of breathing deep or screaming, Kagome burst out into laughter. She had found what the midwife said funny because it reminded her of the comedies with pregnant girls in them.
“Kagome, why the hell are you laughing? You're supposed to be screaming and crying,” Inuyasha said. The midwife and Kaede looked shocked.
“Well, I've never heard of a woman laughing during labor but at least what ever she's laughing at is keeping her mind off of the pain,” Kaede said.
“Lady Kaede is right,” the midwife agreed. But it was not long until Kagome stopped laughing and started cry from the increased pain.
“It's time,” said the midwife.
“Okay Kagome, push. You will be just fine. Just fine indeed my dear,” Kaede said putting a freshly damped cloth on kagome's forehead.
“Push and breathe. Do not forget to breathe; you'll suffocate,” said the midwife.
Well duh, I know I'll suffocate. I'm not stupid or even half as naive as most of these feather brained chicks in the feudal era. The pain Kagome was feeling was horrendous. It felt like blade was ripping threw her insides. She felt beads of warm salty sweat drip down the back of her neck, her back, and her face. Her vision was blurred with tears. Despite Kagome's pain, she was excited at the moment. She could not wait to have the baby in her arms.
Meanwhile, Shippo was bawling his eyes out because he thought Kagome was dieing. No matter how many times Sango and Miroku told him that Kagome was alive she was just in pain he still did not stop crying. Sango was pacing back and forth with excitement and Miroku was thinking about him and Sango having a baby.
Hours went by of Kagome pushing and cry. “Be strong Kagome. Nothing will happen to you, I promise. Give me your pain; I will take your pain,” Inuyasha kept whispering into Kagome's ear. It was helping her a lot. She knew Inuyasha cared about her so much and he would not let anything bad happen to her.
Finally, the midwife smiled at Inuyasha and announced, “the baby's here. I see its head.” Inuyasha's eyes went wide and they lit up with excitement; in a few seconds he was going to be a father. The midwife caught the baby. She turned to Inuyasha and smiled. “It's a boy,” she informed. A grin slid across his face. He had a son! The midwife cut the cord and then cleaned up the baby and put him in a blanket. Kagome was sitting up brushing her hair when she stopped to hold the baby.
He looked just like Inuyasha. He had pale skin, colorless hair, white dog ears, and amber colored eyes. However, his mouth and face shape were just like Kagome's.
“He looks just like you,” kagome said, handing him the baby. Inuyasha smiled when he saw his son open his eyes to reveal his amber stones again. Inuyasha felt so calm holding the baby. He could not seem to hear the midwife or Kaede talking. The rustle of the leaves seemed to pause and the wind seized. It was like the whole word held its breath and everything went silent as death. He felt proud and so over whelmed with joy a single tear fell from his eye. Sango, Miroku, and Shippo quietly walked into the room.
Shippo was rubbing the tears away from his eyes. “Kagome!” Shippo exclaimed happily as he jumped into her arms. Kagome hugged him and kissed his cheek. “Shippo, come see your little brother,” Inuyasha said. Shippo stood next to Inuyasha. Sango positioned Shippo's arms and Inuyasha set the baby in his arms.
Shippo smiled. “He's so cute. What's his name?”
“Mikoyasha,” Inuyasha replied.
“I like it,” he said, handing him back to Inuyasha. Sango and Miroku were the next ones to hold the baby. When it came time to feed the baby Miroku was forced to leave. It was not long until he was flirting with one of the village woman and Sango had followed him outside to slap him.
Inuyasha watched the baby while Kagome, Shippo, and Sango were in the hot spring. “Shippo's my son, but I can't believe I have an actual baby. I mean, I don't know the first thing about babies,” Kagome said. Sango laughed.
“Don't worry. You'll do just fine. I know you will,” Sango said. They laughed when they heard Inuyasha yelling at Miroku to give the baby back and Miroku begging to hold him for a little while longer.
“Miroku, give him back!” Inuyasha ordered.
“You said I could hold him,” Miroku argued.
“I said you could hold him for a little while; not forever.” Inuyasha said reaching for his son.
“No, look, he's sleeping. You'll be a horrible father if you wake him,” Miroku said sticking his nose up.
“You'll be a horrible uncle if you steal him.”
“I'm not stealing. I'm borrowing.”
“What!? After we got out of Kaede's place you saw those women and you took off with him and said he was your son, and that your wife had left you and your newborn for another man!”
“I was going to give him right back you know that.”
“Well yeah, you'd be a dead monk if you didn't.”
“Just let me hold him. He's comfortable.”
“Fine, hold him.” When they were done bathing Kagome held Mikoyasha for a little while, until Sango took him. That night Inuyasha and kagome slept in a separate so no one would be woken because of the baby crying.
“I can't believe we're parents,” Kagome said.
“I never thought I'd be a father,” said Inuyasha.