Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts:Behind the Scenes ❯ Sora and the Pepsi factory ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ch.12 Sora and the Pepsi factory

Sora: What the heck!?

Ranma: Shush it, I'm brilliant!!!
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Sora:-0pens a Pepsi bottle- I didn't win!!!

Riku: At least your say *sorry pleas* try again! Mine just says try again.

Kiari: Yall ain't going to win,heck,do yall even know what the prize is!?

Sora: -thinks- a admission to (Ranma (looks to see who makes Pepsi): OMG I'm such a freakin blonde!!!Pepsi made pepsi duh!) to the Pepsi company. and a free life time supply of---

(that one dude from game shows like Wheel of Frtune who say what you won): A brand new car!!!!!!!!!!

Sora: No, Pepsi.

Riku: I like Pepsi t-heh.

Kiari: And how many can win?


Riku:-opens another Pepsi- Oh! Crap I lost again T-T -guzzles it down-.

Kiari: Your idiots.

Sora: Smart cookified idiots!

Riku: What kinda sense did that make?

Kiari: See even Riku knew that didn't make sense, Sora....That's sad.

Riku:Sad like a bag of tator chips.

Sora:-turns TV on- Oh, the first cap that say winner was---a girl!!!

Riku: I'm a boy!!!!!

Sora: Suesy-Sue from Amsterdam got it! Come on Riku.

Riku: Where we going?

Kiari: To the Reindeer games! Makes antlers grow and it's a way for you to show off in front of the dows (can't spell XD) come on!Sorry....

Sora: 0-o that was a shocker... No, were going to jump her till she gives up the cap!

Riku:Yeah boi!!!

Kiari: You ain't going to Amsterdam to beat up a 5 year old girl.

Mr.T (don't ask): That's why kid's need self defence, HUHA!!!!!!! I pity the fool!!!! -walks out-

Sora: That was some what...

Kiari: Random?

Riku: Yeah...

Sora: Ok! There 4 more left, lets go by some more!

Kiari: How much have you drank through already?

Riku: only 2,000.

Kiari:Good Kami!!!!

Sora: Ok lets go into town.

Ok so they drink and buy drink and buy and eventually there is like one bottle cap left.

Riku:I think I'm Pepsi drunk :D

Sora: One more Pepsi cap left....WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kiari:No, no you can't....

Riku:Your not sportive....

Kiari: I know.

Sora: Don't listen to her Riku.

Riku: When have I ever?

News Guy from the TV comes on:And the last Pepsi bap was found today folks, some old guy in umm Alaska found it.

Sora: -turns TV off-Crap...

Kiari: Pay up!!!

Riku: You bunch of gamblers.

Sora: Agh here's your 20 bucks.

Kiari: Thank you's.

Sora: I was going buy more Pepsi's with it but we lost.

Kiari: See a wise women told yall and yall didn't listen see what yall get?

Riku: A slap it the face?

Kiari: Sure. -hits Sora and Riku in the face-

Sora: I didn't say it!

Kiari: You need a good slap in the face once in a while.

The next day Sora is walking down the street when he hears a commotion.

Women#1: What a cheater thinking he could get away with it.

Sora: What?

Women: He didn't get that pepsi bottle.

Sora: OH yeah I can still get it, and Kiari has to give me 20 bucks back!!!!!!!

Women: But theres only one pepsi left and some chick just bought it.

Kiari:-walks by drinking that pepsi-Sup Sora?

Sora: You have the lid!!!!!!!!!!

Kiari: The contest is over stupid-o.

Sora: Nope!!!The dude made a fake.

Kiari: I threw the cap in the trash.

Sora: And where did you throw it away at?

Kiari: At the Pig.

Sora: -takes off running and looks back- You comming?

Kiari: Yeah I wanna record you digging threw the trash.

Sora: Oh it can't be that bad.

Kiari: Yeah it can.

Sora: What ever lets go.

So they run to the Piggly Wiggly (thats a grocery store for the people who didn't know) .

Kiari: In that trash can.

flys are flying around it and it stinks like really bad.


Kiari: I didn't know.

So Sora digs threw the trash and about 30 minutes later finds that cap.

Sora: I won!!!!!!!!!I'm going to the pepsi factory.Tomorrow!!!!!I can bring you and Riku!

Kiari: Yipee -sarcastic and all-

So the next day they arrive at the Pepsi company.

Kiari: Why are we here?

Riku: Are you kidding we get pepsi.

Sora: Yeah!!!!

Riku: I wonder how they make that stuff.

So every winner including that one 5 year old girl and the old man from Alaska are there.

Sora: I can jump that girl now.

Kiari: You are not!!!!

Sora: I'm just to nice ><.

Riku:You ain't nice okay???

Sora: I wonder how they make the pepsi...

Riku: Lets go in and fine out!!!!!

Kiari: Woopdi doo.....

Sora: You ain't in the least bit curios?

Kiari: The ingrediants are on the bottle!!!

Sora: That don't prove a thing....

Riku: Come lets go in!!!!

They walk in and find extremely hot guys making the pepsi.

Kiari:Okay you win.(she says that sooo wierd in the game.)

Sora: This makes me look like nothing T-T...

Riku: Well I'm a zero to hero....

Sora: Like Hurcules!!!

Kiari: He's hot to.

Sora: Are you cheating on me?

Kiari: No...I didn't even know we where going out.

Sora: Well we are.

Kiari: Ok then.

Riku: So are yall gonna ya know do "it"?

Kiari: Your a sick minded fool.

Sora: What's "it"?

Kiari: No need to concern your self with that information.

Tour Guide dude: Well hello everybody. (take notes this is a boy 0-o)

Sora: Gay dude...


Kiari: Your a sicko!!!!!

Tour Guide: Please, don't insult me or I will be forced to kick you out...

Kiari: Just speaking the truth...

Sora: Shush you face talking about the gay guy or they'll kick us out.

Kiari: Well sorry!

Sora: Tis ok.

Kiari: I love you again.

Sora: I know....

Riku: Come on guys.

Tour Guide: Okay and over here is where the big bossey man lives and I shall leave yall.

Boss Man: OK I didn't want to do this but my secratry told me it would raise money and beat coke, and ones again she was right, dang. ><

Secretary: ;p

Boss Man: Ok so lets get finished. So there's theres and YEAH BOI the five year old just fell into the boiler!!!!
Now to get rid of the old man from Alaska who HECK YEAH just fell into the oven!!!!


Boss Man: Shouldn't you be freaking pepse drunk by now?

Riku:HELL NA!!!!

Kiari:No cussing!

Boss Man: I'll give you your pepsi if you'll answer this riddle.

Sora: Don't worry I'm good with these things.

Boss Man: A train leaves at 5:00 a.m. and travels to Central and arrives and 12:00 p.m. if 30 meters equaled one mile and they traveled 79809 meters how many miled did they travel?

Sora: HUH?????I don't do Science.

Riku: 2660.3

Boss Man: You where right!?

Riku: I got an A+ in Science.

Kiari: It's math stupid.

Sora: Can you answer that question?

Kiari: With a calculator.

Sora: All right then.

Kiari: Shut your face.

Boss Man: Fine you get pepsi.


So they get there pepsi and ones again I can't think of anything else so I'm ending this in a horrible spot LOL.
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Sora: Some genius you are X-X

Ranma: I am a genius ain't I?