Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4. So for the fight scenes I was at a complete loss of what to do. So I jumped onto my awesome rockin' chair and replayed the scene where Axel comes and destroys an army of Dusks and then dies (boo hoo). So I took the English battle cries and some quotes from the scene and placed them in the fight scene… Yeah. All Axel says when he fights, it seems, is `No you don't!' and `Get away!'
Also because I had extra time I'm using the roman numerals for the Organization. Yay.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Awakening Plains
To tell the truth, Axel didn't mind Demyx's company, just so long as the other boy wasn't talking. Sadly, this inconvenience seemed to be something Demyx did a lot of. The 9th member of Organization XIII seemed to talk a lot when there wasn't anything else to do. It also occurred when Demyx was nervous, Axel knew this because when he didn't acknowledge Demyx's presence the 9th member would sort of ramble to himself. These ramblings usually consisted of him wondering what in the world had happened to them and if they were going to find a way back to `The World That Never Was'. Axel was pretty sure he'd figured out where they were or at least why they were there, but Demyx hadn't a clue. On several different occasions, the 8th member had pondered upon telling Demyx his theories. He never went through with it, however. Theories and stories that Axel contained would only further encourage Demyx's talking. As a result of never speaking back, Axel hoped to deter the younger boy. Still, as the hours passed, Axel began to doubt his plan.
Finally Axel broke Demyx's chattering, “Remember when I told you that you could come along?” He asked irritably.
“Yes…” Demyx answered with hesitation.
“Do you recall what I told you?”
“Erm…Not to slow you down?” Questioned Demyx before hastily adding, “I'm keeping up! You don't have to walk slow or stop or anything. You could run and I'd keep up.”
“That's not what I'm referring to.” Raising his hand he made quotation marks with his index and middle fingers, “`shut up and stay quiet' Got it memorized?”
“You don't have to be so nasty about it. I just… Never mind.” Demyx grumbled something under his breath and Axel could hear the rustle of clothes as he folded his arms. There was a frustrated sigh, but that was all there was left to the conversation.
Axel felt a little bad about it, and almost asked about what Demyx was going to say but caught his tongue. It wasn't like he enjoyed making Demyx suffer like he had when he'd been playing the Organization for fools. Demyx was an odd duckling, weak and highly `emotional', a strange characteristic for a Nobody. To some level Axel felt a connection with him, but he denied it was there most of the time. He didn't want to get attached to someone again, especially when the wounds of his former relationship still plagued him.
Letting out a heavy sigh, Axel decided to at least make idle conversation with Demyx. He owed the younger member that much for the trouble he caused, “This morning… I heard some birds singing. Did you hear them?” He asked awkwardly, looking to his side at Demyx.
“Birds? No. I haven't heard anything but the rustle of the plants since we got here. It's disturbing how quiet it is here.” Demyx commented looking around at the vast greenery, which lay still save the caress of the wind on the trees. A strange, sudden movement caught his eye. Something white, moving quickly across the ground, then it disappeared.
Axel instantly stopped thrusting a hand out to stop Demyx as well. They stood still for a long moment, their breath sounding as if it could be heard around the world. Axel found his hands shaking and he quickly drew them back to his sides. Willing his Chakrams to come they appeared in his hands, he felt the solid metal against his palms. Then, as suddenly as they appeared, he felt them begin to go. Emerald eyes striking a glance at them his mouth fell open in a silent gasp.
So taken off guard he stepped back, raising his hands to see what was happening. The solid forms were fading, going translucent before completely disappearing. He balled his hands into fists around the empty space, “Shit.” He growled his brilliant green eyes dancing over the scenery, searching for the illusive white figure.
A quiet whistle of air splitting clued him in and he jumped back just in time to avoid the white creature from jumping on top of him. It was a Dusk. In a normal situation this would not have frightened him, but this was going to be no typical fight. For one, Axel no longer had weapons and, secondly, this place gave him a disadvantage. Darkness had been a key element to Axel's strength, and, without it, he was very mortal.
As six more Dusks leapt down from the air, into their presence, Axel moved his hand back, coaxing Demyx behind him. His second hand came back protectively, like a mother protecting her child from a rapid dog, “Demyx,” He hissed quietly, “You stay back. I can handle these punks.”
With no further words Axel started forward, his mind desperately raking up all the information that he'd learned during training. There had only been a fragment of his schooling that covered weaponless hand-to-hand combat, after all the Organization had thought the members would always have their weapons present.
He did not attack right off; it would have been a waste of time, Dusks were far too tricky to do that. So in the center of the group he paused, “You picked the wrong guy to pick a fight with,” he said with a grin allowing one of them to act first. To conserve energy, he would try to get rid of as many as possible without summoning fire. At the sound of the offense, on a heel he turned bringing up his leg in a high kick, catching one with a solid hit. Ducking down he caught it by the leg, throwing it to the ground in a powerful efficient motion. When it hit the ground it turned to ash and he directed his attacks at the others. He landed three more blows before the Nobodies learned the combinations of his moves and began to easily slither around his punches and kicks.
“Damn, Dusks! Hold still will ya?!” He growled lightly.
Then more began to appear, and Axel began to worry. Slipping past one of his punches, one of the Dusks landed a heavy slash across his chest. Instinctively Axel brought his arms up to protect his face and chest. Taking advantage of his defensive position and the fact he had to step back to keep from falling, a Dusk wrapped around under him sending him to the ground. The seconds he took getting up again, left him considerably vulnerable and before he could level himself three Dusks were on top of him, holding him still as more attacked him and jumped him.
Feeling his energy draining and mind beginning to race, Axel gave in to the raging flames beneath his skin.
“Get away!” He yelled, fire bursting out from his body in a wave. The Dusks touching him were instantly scorched into dust, and those close were set ablaze. Shaking and his eyes searching for the others he spotted them with Demyx. The 9th member was trying feebly to ward off the attacking Dusks but he could do no more than dodge effectively.
“Oh, no you don't!” He snarled to the Dusks, before rushing for them.
Ducking down and rolling from the center of the five remaining Nobodies, Demyx looked to Axel, clearly unable to defeat a simple Nobody in the panic. When his gaze laid on the pyro, however, he found that he was completely engulfed in flames rushing towards the Dusks that had been attacking him. Demyx could see why he was called the Flurry of Dancing Flames, because that was all Axel was now as he attacked the offending Nobodies.
When all of the attackers had been reduced to ash, the flames around Axel's body extinguished. His chest was heaving for breath and his pulse racing without a heartbeat. The fight had taken up far too much energy for just Dusks, he'd hate to think what would happen if he encountered the Assassins he once had control over.
“Hey,” He called breathlessly as he turned to look at Demyx, “You all right?”
“Yeah, I think so.” Informed the Melodious Nocturne as he stood up and brushed off the dirt and cinders he'd collected, “What about you? You look tired.”
“Give me a little credit won't you? I turned fifteen dusks into ash like they were nothing. I think you could have a little more faith in my abilities.” Axel said with a cocky laugh, “Come on. I'm all fired up; I can't just sit here and piss around all day.”
“You didn't answer my question.” Demyx stated.
“I'm fine, got it memorized?”
“Stop being such an ass. I was trying to be nice. It's a little thing called concern, ever heard of it?”
“You know I haven't. Have I ever worried about anything?” Axel questioned, inflating his ego even more than it already was. He was probably a little more proud and laid back than he should have been, especially when his body felt like it was about to fall apart.
“You're trying to tell me that when you were being buried with Dusks you weren't in least bit concerned you might get hurt?” Inquired Demyx skeptical that it hadn't even crossed Axel's mind.
“That's exactly what I'm saying. It wasn't that big of a deal. Now, come on. Seriously, I'm not going wait up so I can answer your stupid questions.”
“But we could have seriously been hurt!”
“Well, shit happens, you know what I mean?” Axel shrugged casually before turning to the mountain, not waiting for Demyx to reply. He wasn't about to admit to Demyx that he had been worried. The amount of fear he'd felt was almost laughable; he actually did chuckle a bit at the fact. Still, outwardly dwelling on problems wasn't his thing; he preferred the silent moping around at night over discussion. He'd be doing a lot of thinking tonight.
Radiant Garden-
Roxas stepped out onto the cement platform with hesitation, his body adorned in the Organization XIII coat. The dark portal, which he had no control over, disappeared behind him. Running his gaze over the scenery he tried to determine where he was, but this was a place he'd never been to before. There was a certain feeling of familiarity to it though. The place he was at looked pretty shabby, the buildings were horribly patched and stone walls were crumbled. A ways out over the red-roofed town a large castle looked like it was being built, or rebuilt. There was a set of stairs to his left and behind him and to his side walls, one of which had water flowing down it. Turning to his left he found the roof of a flat-topped building.
Not wanting to go down the stairs without getting a view of where he was headed first he stepped onto the grey roof and over to its edge. The plaza below was moderately crowded with people buying things. It all looked very plain, sort of old fashion in the fact it appeared to be a Marketplace. Getting down off the building he headed down the stone steps. He couldn't stand around anywhere long. It seemed to more time he took the more worry clouded his mind. In his right hand he carried the pair of chakram Axel had owned.
Once at the bottom he noted there was a string of shops to his left, and in front of him an indention in the earth were people chatted. Half the shops were run by white ducks, which instantly brought a name to his lips, “Donald…” It was not a name he was used to. He'd seen the character once before as he recalled, suspended in time at the labs... He grimaced at the thought of those labs, the place his nightmare began.
As people pushed past him, Roxas began to feel closterphobic. The more they pushed and talked the worse it got and he found himself desperately looking for escape. Past an accessories shop and an armor shop Roxas jumped up onto a wooden ledge, which was there to shade the building. Groaning he sat and let his legs dangle over the edge. He didn't know where to go, who to talk to. To be frank, he was lost in pretty much all ways you could be lost.
Head in hand, he let out a soft groan again. His stomach was being tied by guilt. While he sat there, Axel could be in real trouble. Gripping the chakram on his lap, he looked back up, “I've just got to find him. I just have to find a way to find out who to talk to.” Up on his feet again, he looked over the throngs of lightly packed people.
“Hey, Leon, look at that kid up there.” He heard someone say from his left. On the ground in front of a weapon's shop a tall brown haired man with a large blade over his shoulder stood. He wore a white shirt under a cut denim jacket and black pants. His blue eyes were frighteningly sharp, and they were on him like a hawk watches a rat. Beside him stood a woman with long dark hair and eyes, she wore a black vest and short, a jacket tied around her waist. She was pointing up at him.
Suddenly, feeling like it wasn't a good idea to just stand there, Roxas ran to better ground. Jumping for the flat-topped building he found himself back where he started. Now though, a fairly dangerous looking man had him cornered near the edge of the shear drop to the town.
Swinging the blade down, the man pointed it directly at Roxas' face, “You're part of Organization XIII… I suggest you drop your weapons.”
Roxas looked down at the chakrams. When he brought his eyes back up, he flashed his teeth in anger, “Never.” He growled bringing the weapons up, holding them close to his chest before summoning his keyblade in his free hand. The only keyblade he used now was Bond of Flame; no matter how powerful the others were he couldn't bare not to use the blade, “You'll have to kill me to get them.”
“Tough talk coming from such a small fry… How did you get to wield a keyblade?” He asked.
“I don't know, I guess I got it from Sora.” Replied Roxas, sort of hoping that the information would deter this stranger. Roxas didn't have time for big fights, he had to find Axel.
“Sora?” The man withdrew the sword and hung it over his shoulder. For a long moment Roxas was examined by those deep blue eyes, “I can see him in you.”
“I'm his Nobody.” Roxas stated, almost cringing at calling himself a Nobody. Slowly, he let down his guard lowering his keyblade, “I need to find somebody. Can you help me?”
“Perhaps…” Was all the man said as he turned and walked down the stairs.
Roxas didn't follow immediately, for a moment he just stared after the mysterious person. Then, he silently followed. When he got to the plaza, he was disappointed to find that the man with the large blade had disappeared somewhere. Knowing he possibly couldn't be hiding anywhere in the marketplace Roxas took off across it, going up the second set of stairs for the first time. He was greeted by two more ducks, an older one and a duckling. Both were running shops. Donald ran through his mind again, but he quickly shook his head of the meaningless face the name belonged to.
“Have you seen a man with a large sword come by here?” Roxas asked demonstrating the length of the sword with his hands, after willing his own blade away.
“You must mean, Leon.” Said the older duck, “I believe he was headed back to Merlin's House.”
“How do you get there?”
“Just follow the Borough alleys, you'll find it.” Said the duck.
“Thanks.” Roxas murmured before taking off.
“Name's Scrooge!” Called the duck, but Roxas wasn't listening and he was already halfway down the stairs.
Radiant Garden-
As soon as his foot hit the solid cement at the bottom of the steps, heartless thrust themselves out of darkness into battle. There was a single Morning Star and two Book Masters. Summoning the `Bond of Flame', Roxas brought the blade across the two Book Masters, fire streaming from the metal as it sliced down. Instantly the two heartless withered away. The power of his blade had increased considerably, gaining power from the weapons it was fashioned after. It shook with energy, sending shivers down Roxas's spine. Turning to the Morning Star, the large green spike ball of a heartless, he brought his keyblade up just in time to block an attack and come back with a powerful counter attack. The battle was quick, easier than any battle he'd yet seen.
Letting his hands drop to his side, he started on his way again, down the cobble stone path. Turning the first corner another Morning Star appeared and taking his blade up in offense again the heartless was gone in seconds. The strange light defense system didn't even have time to react.
Another corner, four more Book Masters. Flipping the pages they began to cast spells, ice, fire, and lightning. Though the ice and lightning worked effectively, the fire attacks were sucked into his keyblade and the chakrams. Jumping up into a fatal attack combo, Roxas took out two easily and the second pair just as easily as the first with a ground attack. Again, he was alone in the Borough.
A glance around told him that there was only one accessible building here, “That must be the place.” He murmured to himself as he approached the door. Not bothering to knock, he threw the door open, not intending to make such a racket when he enter. Still the heavy door swung open and hit the wall with a bang and a soft crackle. Those in the room jumped and looked his way.
Radiant Garden-
Merlin's House
There were a lot of people in the small house, six to be exact. Two of them were the ones he'd seen in the Marketplace before. All of them, save the strange man, were looking at him, and it gave him the shivers. A blonde haired, sort of gruff looking guy, sat at a large computer consol, a toothpick, or something of the like, was in his mouth. There was a strangely dressed old man with a long white beard, his clothes down to the floor and pure blue; he sat at a table on an upraised platform. The quiet stranger was leaning on a desk next to a bed, where the girl from before sat. Two other women, who appeared to just be wandering, also occupied the space. One was adorned in pink and white, her hair brown and braided back; the second had short dark hair and looked sort of like a street fighter.
“Is this the boy you were talking about, Leon?” Inquired the girl in pink, her green eyes darting across the room to look at this `Leon', who gave a nod. Then she looked back at Roxas and gave him a sweet smile, “He's adorable.” At this Roxas gave her a somewhat disgusted look.
`Cute? I'm not cute.' He thought scornfully as he stepped further inside and pushed the door closed, it wasn't as loud a bang as when he entered. There came a grunt at the computer consol as the blonde man turned back to the keyboard and started typing away.
“Hey there!” Greeted the youngest looking girl as she bounded up to him, “My name's Yuffie! The Grand Ninja Yuffie!” She held out her hand freely for a hand shake. For a long moment Roxas stared at her hand. Then he stepped away from her giving her a skeptical look.
“I'm Roxas.” He stated without taking her hand.
“Roxas, huh? What're you doing here?”
“He's part of the Organization.” Leon growled, reminding the girl to back off.
“I know that!” Yuffie cried over her shoulder, “That's no reason to be mean; you also said he's part of Sora! Anyone who's part of Sora can't be all that bad. Look how much he's done for us.”
“Yuffie's right.” Came the gentle voice of the brunette in the pink dress, “Roxas doesn't mean us any harm. Even if he did, we had such wonderful men here to protect us.” She smiled warmly.
“Too true, too true!” Called the old, skinny man in the blue robes as he stood up, “Still, a boy doesn't leave himself behind for nothing. He's here for a reason.”
“That's right.” Roxas voiced, “I need to find someone, the owner of these.” He held up the chakrams, “Can you help me?”
“Tifa, we should get going. There's work to be done for the restoration.” Leon said to the girl on the bed.
“Of course,” She nodded, “We wouldn't be much help anyways. Anything we know, Merlin knows and with a lot more information. Of course, if you ever need some sword lessons, Leon and Cloud are the best swordsmen around.” She offered as they approached the door.
“Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.” Roxas said watching the pair leave. They all felt so familiar.
“About the owner of those weapons, do you have any idea of where he or she is?” Asked the old man.
“Sort of… He disappeared a while ago, into the darkness... I need to know where Nobodies go once they've… Died here.” Roxas said, flinching at the word `died'. He was getting hopeful. These people felt safe and knowledgeable, with any luck they'd be able to tell him where to go, or, at the very least, where to start looking.
“Roxas, my boy. You're a Nobody, you should know just as much as we do that they simply stop existing.” Corrected the old man.
“Merlin!” Scolded the girl in pink.
“That's not true!” Snapped Roxas stepping forward, “I know he exists! I can feel it, just as solidly as I can feel his chakrams in my hand!” He exclaimed before his breath hitched in his throat. The chakrams in his arms began to fade, “Axel!” He voiced quietly in fear as he brought the chakrams to his chest, clutching them tightly. Somehow, he believed this would keep them for disappearing all together. Then, he felt them solidify again. A sigh of relief escaped him, “I know he's still alive, somewhere. As long as these as still here.”
“Hrm… Well, I suppose it could be possible.” Hummed the old man dubbed Merlin, “But I'm afraid I just wouldn't know of such a thing.”
Roxas's hopes dropped and his eyes fell to the floor, “I see.” He felt a comforting arm wrap around his shoulders, from a glance he could tell who it was, the woman in pink. He wanted to push her away but didn't; she was just trying to help. Besides, if he did they'd likely not treat him so well.
“Don't get so down. I'm sure you'll find who you're looking for.” She assured him.
“Aerith's right! You'll find him, or I'm not the Grand Ninja Yuffie!” Giggled the overly energetic girl.
“Well… If you're set on finding this person of yours, I think, hrm, yes, yes. You should see Yen Sid. If he doesn't know, no one will. But before you go…”
Save Game: to be continued…