Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 5, this one's a little shorter than the others but I got through what needed to be said in this chapter. I would have gone back to Axel and Demyx but their next scene doesn't really apply with anything spoken about here. Lots of deep discussion with Leon and Cloud. As much as I love those two, they rarely did any good for me in the game. So I thought I'd give them a chance to at least inspire somebody.
Oh, and I'll try to refrain from spending so much time with Roxas. Next chapter will be all Axel and Demyx, promise.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
Radiant Garden-
Roxas sat on the ledge in the Borough; it was up the stairs and before a doorway, which he didn't know where it leaded. The sun was setting now, and he'd lost many hours that he could have spent looking for Axel. Still, Merlin had told him to stay a while, prepare for the journey while Cid got him a ship. He'd also been told to talk with Leon and this Cloud guy, but he hadn't the heart to look for them. This last fact made him laugh sourly, `hadn't the heart'. Nobodies didn't have hearts or feelings, this sometimes troubled him. How could he feel lonely and sad when Axel was so far away? How could he worry, how could he have his heart set on seeing him again?
“Maybe I have half a heart… A piece.” He said to himself watching the clouds pass by, lit ablaze by the sun, “And he has the other piece and when we're together… Maybe it's whole and we both have a single heart to share.”
“That's complete nonsense.” Came a man's voice from behind him. It made Roxas start, and almost fall off the wall. Turning at the waist he slammed his empty hand down on the stone.
“Shut up! I wasn't talking to you.” Roxas snarled at Leon.
“Hey, I'm just saying.” Said the other man as he hopped up and took a seat next to Roxas.
“Well I don't need your opinion, it's a crappy one. What would you know about it anyway? You're not a Nobody, you're just… Human.” Roxas looked away from his with a trouble grumble. “It's not fair.”
“Life's not fair… For at least part of your life it won't be fair, but it'll look up eventually.” Leon told him.
“How would you know?” Roxas muttered angrily.
“Let's just say I've had my share of hard times, but that's over now. It took a lot of fighting, a lot of pain and suffering but it's over now. I'm here, helping out to get this place back on its feet and it makes me feel content. Sora's had hard times too. He lost his best friends, had to fight for them, had to fight to get himself back. Look, kid. You can't just go around acting like you're alone… You're not.”
“But it feels like I am.” Voiced Roxas in almost a whisper. His eyes fell downcast, watching the streets and homes; everyone was getting ready for bed. They all seemed so happy and untroubled.
“Hey, you've got to be strong to take this journey… If you're already doubting yourself, you'll never make it. Be brave, have the courage to fight and make your life what you want it to be.” Said Leon placing a hand on Roxas's shoulder, “Can you do that?”
“I don't know… I want to, but I don't want to do it alone. Sora had his friends by his side. He got strength from that, but I don't have anyone or anything. All I have is this ache in my chest and these weapons in my hands… How can I do it all alone?” Asked Roxas as he brought Axel's chakrams up, cradling them in his arms.
“You have to use the strength that is given to you. Those weapons, that ache… They will give you the strength, they will guide you.” Leon assured him withdrawing his hand.
“But why do I have to do it alone?”
“Because it is your journey to take, no one else's. Others have their own journeys, however trivial they may seem to you.”
Roxas sighed, nodding. He understood that, he'd had a trivial journey once, with his old friends. He missed Hayner and the others, but he could never go back there again. They didn't remember him anymore; he was a dream to them now.
Holding up the red ring-shaped weapons to the sun, he gazed at the sun reflecting off them. Then he pulled out the blue orb, the one from the struggle champion trophy, “Do you think I can get it back?”
“What back?” Asked Leon looking at the sphere in Roxas's hand.
“My life… The one I had after the Organization? The one before I knew about Sora?”
“No… I don't think you can. You can only move forward in these worlds, there isn't any going back. There's something more for you out there… Somewhere.”
Roxas put the orb away and again looked at the sun through the red metal.
“So you're searching too?” Came a voice from behind them.
“Hey, Cloud.” Leon greeted without turning. Roxas, however, did turn to see the new guest. He was tall, wearing all black. The sleeves of his clothes were off: while the one on his left arm was long and covered his entire arm, the right was nearly nonexistent. He was blonde, and had blue eyes. Those blue eyes, they were troubled, deep in despair.
“You're Cloud?” Roxas questioned. The man nodded, looking at the blades in Roxas's hand.
“What are you looking for?” Asked the man in black, his voice was quiet and gentle.
“What am I looking for? I'm not looking for something, I'm looking for someone.” Roxas corrected.
“He's looking for his heart.” Leon informed Cloud as he got up, “A heart that never was.” Leon said with something of a sorrowful tone, placing his hand on Cloud's shoulder he and the blonde exchanged a silent farewell, and he was gone.
“A heart that never was…” Cloud said wistfully his gaze cast towards the setting sun as he said it. He seemed enchanted by something, what Roxas could not be sure of, “What an item to be searched for, worth beyond imagination, and a rarity to match… I too am searching for something.”
“What are you looking for?” Asked Roxas setting the pair of chakram down, turning further in his spot to watch this oddly enthralling being. He could feel some sort of connection with him, a bond that two people with the same goal would share.
“Something very dear to me… A man with the strength far surpassing anyone my life has ever known holds what I seek deep within him… I look to take it back, to find out what it is exactly I desire. It is a journey that it seems to me, shall never end… You're voyage is similar in the fact that what you seek for is within someone.”
“Do you think you will ever find it?” Roxas asked his eyes examining this mysterious figure, looking for something the drive that led him on.
“I like to think so.” A smile touched Cloud's lips as he looked back at Roxas, “You… I'm certain you will find what you desire most. Good fortune to you and don't worry. Your heart is pure and strong, it will take you where you need to go.” He said turning, his coat flapping in an extravagant and beautiful motion.
“But wait! I don't have a heart!” Roxas called swinging his legs over the ledge and jumping to his feet.
Cloud paused and looked over his shoulder. He offered Roxas another mystifying smile “Don't you now?” The question was neither of doubt nor of curiosity. It was said in a way that was making Roxas question what he'd just said. As he thought, taken aback by the comment, Cloud disappeared somewhere in the Borough.
After a long moment, Roxas turned back to the sunset. A smile touched his lips as the sun splashed the atmosphere with the fire of life. Closing his eyes, he let the warm breeze caress his face and he brought a hand to his chest. The talk with Leon and Cloud had done him good. What doubts he had were pushed back into the prisons in his mind, allowing light to come forth, giving him hope again. He wasn't going to let Axel down, not this time. He would find him.
Save Game: to be continued…