Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 6, thought I'd update on what the others were doing (just in case anyone was interested)
I've been listening to two songs the past week. One had been `Somewhere Only We Know' by Keane, which kind of suites this story. The second has been `Jack and Dianne' (I don't know who it's by) and I'm fond of a single line which is `Oh yeah! Life goes on, long after the thrill of livin' is gone.' Another song I listened to every now and then is `I'm Gonna Be' by The Proclaimers, which also suits this story, but it's a little upbeat.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Awakening Plains
Axel let out a groan, rousing from deep unconsciousness. His mind was hazy, and his body ached all over. For the moment, he couldn't quite remember where or really who he was. He remembered he'd been dreaming; it had been a very good dream. It had left him feeling very happy, but that would soon go away once he realized where he was again. It was dark, even with his eyes open he could barely see. There was a shadow looming over him, and a shadow over that shadow, and beyond that darkness lit by specks of light.
“Roxas?” He said quietly, instantly he regretted speaking. It made his head throb and, even though he'd said it barely as a whisper, it sounded very loud to him. Raising his hand, he covered his eyes. Silently, he cursed. He knew where he was, and he vaguely recalled how he got into this position.
“No. It's just me.” Muttered Demyx, not sounding too happy at all. In fact, he sounded pretty upset, not angry upset but sad upset. Axel could hear him back away and sit down in the grass somewhere to his side.
“How long?” Growled Axel letting out a soft grunt of pain.
“Pretty much all day. The sun set not too long ago.” Informed the Melodious Nocturne.
“Shit, what happened? I remember we were walking and then things start going out.”
“You passed out. You were fine one moment and then, `thud', you were out the next. I dragged you as far as I could before it got dark. You're pretty light, you know that? Don't you ever eat till you're full? You're as thin as a toothpick.” Demyx informed him. It wasn't like Axel didn't know how thin he was. He had a very high metabolic rate; he ate something and his body burned it up in no time. He actually probably ate more than any of the other Organization XIII members because his metabolism worked so fast.
“Yeah, I eat just fine. A five course meal of fatty cakes, ice cream, and pies couldn't dent this figure.” He stated as he sat up. A wave of dizziness washed over him and he had to put both hands on the ground to keep himself steady, “How far did you have to pull me?”
“I don't know. Those mountains don't seem to ever get any closer.”
“I know what you mean. A watched pot never boils.” Axel said with a heavy sigh flopping back down turning his head to rub his cheek against the warm grass. The ground was feeling a lot more comfortable now; the grass was thick here and was good bedding. Despite the fact he'd just been unconscious, he still felt reasonably tired. Rolling onto his side, he balled up and rested his head on his arm, “It's a nice night. I can enjoy this. What do you think?”
“I suppose I could enjoy it a little.” Demyx answered before something shook the very foundations of what Axel had come to expect of this world- the sound of a sitar playing. Sitting up and whirling around to look at Demyx, Axel gaped. Demyx was sitting cross-legged with the blue sitar straddled on his lap, and he was playing it.
“Your-“ Axel could not find the words he wished to speak. They wouldn't even step into his mind for a moment so he could at least hear himself say them. Giving up on them Axel said something else, “When?”
“Last night.” Demyx stated, “I woke up in the middle of the night. I felt lonely so I thought I'd play for a while. I didn't have any trouble summoning it. It's just like back at `home'.” Demyx stated still plucking the strings, gently in a quiet tune, “You're not upset are you?”
“So the weakest guy gets his weapon back; that just is not right.” Axel said shaking his head at the calamity before him a smile touching his lips. Then he threw a hand to his head fighting the laugh that was coming up.
“It's not a weapon… It's an instrument.” Said Demyx in a kind of know-it-all way, “It's used to make music, not hurt people.”
“You know what? I don't even care.” Axel finally gave in and laughed falling back into a lying position, crippled by fits of laughter.
Demyx's playing stopped, no doubt in shock or surprise, “What?” He voiced his dismay as he leaned forwards, “You're laughing? I think you hit your head on the way down, Axel.” He informed the strangely acting Axel.
“Th-that's just so wrong, it's funny!” Axel laughed a hand over his stomach now. Stitches were beginning to form in his side. It was just so ironic that he could no longer control himself. Out of the two, the one who'd not even tried to fight had his `weapon' back. It was a freak incident, he was sure no one else could do it if he couldn't. Even more, it was ironic because, in a world of silence, there was music when not even a cricket dared to chirp, “Get over here!” He beckoned turning quickly grabbing Demyx by the pants, not sure if Demyx was wearing his tank on such a warm night.
“Ah! Let g-“ His words were cut off as Axel sat up and pulled him under his arm.
“I'll show you for leaving me to do all the dirty work when we were surrounded by Dusks!” He growled almost playfully as he roughed up the 9th member's hair. Demyx yelped and voiced his objection to this; he struggled, but it seemed he couldn't escape for the life of him, “Damn punk! You had me worried!” He exclaimed pausing his actions.
“Worried? I thought you didn't worry, Mr. Nobody without a heart.” Mocked Demyx sticking his tongue out at Axel, still trying to break free.
“Least you had that memorized if nothing else!” Chuckled Axel, “Yeah I was worried, but this… This gives me a whole new light.” Axel told him before shoving the younger boy back by the forehead onto his back, before shifting back the space his own body had warmed. He let out a long sigh of relief once on his back, his arms spread out under the sky, “I really needed that. I can rest easy tonight.” He voiced smiling up at the stars, “Wonder who else is looking up at the stars like this…”
Demyx lay on his back looking up at the sky past the tree as well, hands laid gently on his sitar, “Who else?... Yeah, I wonder too.”
The World That Never Will Be-
Forrest of Lost
Marluxia paused from the work he'd been doing taking in the scenery once more. Since he and Larxene had left the others, he'd spent every night studying the strange plants that grew in the world. While he did this, Larxene napped in make-shift beds. They did not harm the plants by uprooting them and making bedding, but simply wove the vines and shrubs branches together making something that looked similar to a hammock. Currently, Larxene wasn't sleeping just lying there watching him. Noticing this, he bowed his head.
“The moon's beautiful tonight, bright.” He commented quietly busying himself with the plant in front of him. There was a long pause and he looked over at her, she had stopped looking at him and was now gazing upward between the thick trees where Marluxia had gained light from.
“So it is.” She said quietly before wrapping her arms around herself. A particularly cold breeze whistled under the leaves. It was always cold here they had found, the trees shaded and cooled the earth. At night the brush held that coolness in, making it near freezing before too much darkness had passed, “Hurry up, it's cold.” She told him with a heavy sigh, her breath coming out in a white puff.
“I'll get there when I get there.” Said Marluxia in a snobbish way as he tilted his head back looking up at the sky. It wasn't often the trees broke and they could see the sky, he was enjoying it while it lasted, but before long the cold began to get to him. Retreating to the `bed', he laid down. The plants gave a little, cupping them closely and he put his arms around Larxene. This was not for the fact they liked each other, just because it was warmer this way. Neither of them talked much, just walked and explored. They especially did not question the direction they had gone, if anything they forgot all about the others, about everything and, like animals, they were just living it day-to-day without much thought at all.
The World That Never Will Be-
Abandoned House
“Zexion, you didn't have to come with us you know? If you really don't like us, just go look for the others, I'm so sure Xemnas would adore you.” Vexen taunted. It had become his favorite pastime. Zexion had been sour since they'd gotten there; it made him wonder if the Cloaked Schemer was just moody by nature, “Or maybe you could go and hang out with Axel. That poor bastard's got to be nuts by now. I think he got stuck with Demyx, damn newcomers. Everything would have been fine if they'd never showed up.”
“You were always so quiet before, a bookworm, why do you have to start up now?” Glowered Zexion.
“Oh, I detected a hint of malice in that comment.” Vexen grinned, “Trust me. If I had my journals and books I'd be silent as the dead.”
“The way you two bicker, one would begin to think you two were married.” Lexaeus commented.
“Shut up.” Growled Zexion and Vexen in unison.
“It's nothing like that.” Zexion said.
“It's out of shear boredom.” Vexen confirmed.
Lexaeus shrugged. Deciding to change the subject he got up and looked around the room, “So… What do you guys think lived here?” He asked. Just that night they'd run across the place. It was abandoned and musty, but it was a place to stay that they wouldn't pass up. Vexen was lying on the only bed, Zexion on a lounge chair, and Lexaeus on an old rickety rocking chair. They were all pretty happy with the arrangement, it was nice. There weren't many rooms in the small two story enclosure. There was a lounge room downstairs, along with a running bathroom and restroom, and a wood stove run kitchen. Upstairs there was just a room full of boxes and the bedroom.
They had decided they'd stay for a while, probably a very long while. There was a lake just outside the house and a good many trees, even outback was what appeared to be an unmanaged garden with strange fruit and vegetables. So, everything they needed was there.
“As long as it isn't here now, I really don't care. Maybe we'll find out tomorrow when we search those boxes.” Vexen suggested smiling. He was hoping that there would be books of some sort; he needed some different entertainment because Zexion was going to get pretty intolerable if he kept up what he was doing, “We should get some rest, if you two are cold, use these blankets, I sure as hell don't need them.” He stated gesturing to the blankets he'd tossed over the head post of his bed.
“Of course, Ice Master.” Zexion said, stubbornly refusing to use the blankets. It wasn't cold enough to use them anyway. Shifting in his chair, he turned from the others and fell into a dreamless sleep.
“'Night then.” Lexaeus murmured, slouching down him his rocking chair, bowing his head to sleep.
Vexen hummed his `Good night' before turning his head and looking out the window. He'd watch the stars and moon go by through the hazy glass window as sleep slowly took him.
The World That Never Will Be-
Awakening Plains
“Superior. Why are we headed this direction?” Luxord questioned, still diligently following Xemnas where ever he may go. They had indeed started off going in the direction of the mountains, which Xigbar hadn't gone to, but now they had turned completely around, and only traveled at night.
“Because, my dear subordinate, if even there is the slightest chance Axel were to continue to exist happily I would have to crush it. Despite Marluxia's and Larxene's attempt at overthrowing us, their treachery does not compare to the acts Axel's committed. He is our entire reason for being here.” Xemnas explained in a cold, sadistic way that would have sent shivers down a normal man's spine. Luxord and Saix, however, were not normal at all and this tone had become customary of their leader.
“I want first dibs at his life.” Said Saix scowling.
“We'll all have an equal chance, no need to worry about that.” Xemnas assured, “He won't be slipping from our fingers again. I guarantee it.” He smirked.
“That is all good and well, but why do we waste time walking to them when I could just stop it and we'd be there in no time at all?” Asked Luxord, walking tired and bored him, there wasn't any fun in it at all.
“Why, Luxord, that would ruin my fun.” Grinned Xemnas, “We have all the time in the world, why rush it? I am simply giving our game a little head start.”
“Sounds like a plan, but what of when we've finished him off?” Questioned Xaldin with a respectful tone, so as not to anger the Superior.
“Once he is out of the way, we'll play with Marluxia and Larxene for a while. After that, we'll tear that trio, Vexen, Lexaeus, and Zexion, apart and have our way with them as well. This world is ours to toy with for however long we please. I plan to make the best of our `friends' while they last.”
Save Game: to be continued…