Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 7, we're just cruisin' right along here aren't we? Now if you're wondering what happened with Sora and Riku, don't worry, I'll get back to them. But, you should know that won't be for a while (sorry).
Introducing the first of a brand new set of enemies for our `heroes' must fight off during their journey.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Awakening Plains
Waking up with a cat-like yawn and stretch, Axel was glad none of those weird things that happened in stories happened to him. For example: in some stories when he woke up, he'd find himself nestled against Demyx, which would have been pretty freaky and he wouldn't have known what to do. Thankfully, he and Demyx were exactly placed where they were the night before. Getting up he scaled the tree and began to pick more of the awful smelling fruit. After trying a variety of the Sunfire Fruit, he'd discovered the ones with equal red and yellow strips and patches tasted best. The ones with more red tasted a little sourer and the ones with more yellow tasted sweeter; the amount of orange on them didn't seem to affect the taste at all. He also had discovered, unlike him, Demyx had something of a sweet tooth and liked the yellow ones best. So, as he picked, he purposely got a few yellow based fruit for the younger member.
When his companion hadn't woken up and the sun had actually peeked over the mountains, Axel decided to wake him. Of course, he wasn't going to get down specifically so Demyx could wake up. As a result he perched himself on a nice branch and picked a fruit that was most definitely not one they should eat, it was still partially green. Tossing it up twice, he took aim and pegged the small baseball sized thing at Demyx's head.
“Ow, fuck! My head!” Yelped Demyx recoiling in pain, both hands over his head. Direct hit. A grin spread across Axel lips, when Demyx saw this he jumped to his feet, “That hurt, asshole! Get your ass down here, I'm gonna-“ That was about all that Axel got from Demyx before he burst out into laughter. He laughed so hard that even if he'd wanted here Demyx screaming obscenities he couldn't have.
When he'd finally settled down, Demyx had stopped yelling at him and was quite angrily playing something on his sitar. Wiping away the tears of laughter, Axel stood from his seat. “That was fun.” He told himself jumping down out of the tree, “You really have to stop being so uptight about me teasing you. It's only a little bit.” Axel told him, “Besides, laughing at it with me will make you feel better.”
“Oh yeah?” Demyx questioned dangerously. Before Axel, Demyx threw the fruit back in retaliation. It hit him on the forehead, above his left eye. Axel let out a yelp, throwing a hand to his forehead to ease the pain.
“Ow! Damn, that hurt!” He cried out shakily. His voice wasn't shaky from pain however; it was because he was already laughing.
At first Demyx just stared at him, sort of confused, but then a smile crept onto his face that he couldn't keep down, “You're too weird.” He said walking over and slipping a hand into Axel's pocket, “Come on, let's go.” Demyx beckoned pulling out a fruit and heading off towards the mountains.
“Hey! Don't go reaching into my pockets like that; I thought you were going for something else.” Axel joked moving to follow.
It was nice to begin the day so light-heartedly. Demyx could play his sitar without Axel getting annoyed, and the walk seemed to go by a lot faster than the days before. Now that Demyx could play, he didn't talk or ask questions so much. All around it was good for the both of them, until they came across trouble.
“Axel!” Demyx exclaimed his voice suddenly filled with great excitement.
“What?” Asked Axel looking up from the ground to give Demyx his full attention.
“Look! There! That-That's a town! It is! Come on! There'll be people there!” Said Demyx excitedly before he took off. Axel didn't even have time to object, suddenly fear clouded his mind and he took off after Demyx calling to him.
“Demyx stop! Come back!” Axel barked fearfully, “That's the wrong way! You can't go there! Demyx! It's dangerous!” He yelled desperately trying to get his companion to return, or at least stop going there. There was no reason for him to feel this way, that it was dangerous or that he should protect Demyx. Physically, nothing was wrong with the situation, no shady figures, nothing. Still, inside Axel felt something was wrong with it, besides that it would have them veer off course to wherever it was that he needed to be.
Letting out a growl of frustration Axel skidded to a stop. A band of Nobodies had appeared in front of him, cutting him off. They were purposely blocking his path. There were three Dusks, two Creepers, and a single Dragoon.
“Get out of my way!” Axel snapped angrily taking a defensive position just in time to block an attack by the Dragoon. The staff's blade cut deep into his right arm and knocked him back a step. While the weapon was finishing the swing he used this to his advantage. Reaching forward he snatched the weapon from the steel grey and purple creature. Turning he made quick work of the other Nobodies before he dealt a fatal blow to the owner of the staff. At which point the weapon promptly disappeared.
Axel was running again, trying to make up for lost ground. Demyx had gotten dreadfully far. Before he could cover much ground three Dragoons blocked his path again.
“Shit! Demyx!” He screamed as a shadow loomed over him, heading directly towards the Melodious Nocturne. Aghast, Axel's jaw dropped and he stepped back. The shadow belonged to a great flying creature and it perched itself in front of Demyx, who slid to a stop more horrified than Axel.
The thing was twice the size of a dragoon, and twice as horned. Its scales were gunmetal gray fading to blood red at the tips. On all fours, it held no weapon but fire came from its jaw when it breathed. It had large towering black wings which shadowed everything around it. This allowed an unnatural blue glow to emit from its eyes and strange pink luminescences come from its chest. Large, red claws dug into the ground an it whipped its spade ended prickly tail to lash around and strike at Demyx. Demyx scarcely avoided the blow.
Shoving past the Dragoons Axel rushed to meet the danger, to put himself between Demyx and the raging beast. His feet carried him swiftly, faster than he'd thought he could run, but he was glad for it.
Head drawn back, craning its long neck the dragon-like creature made to strike. As its head came down, mouth wide to devour the Nobody before it, Axel leapt over the defenseless Organization member. Just in time, he caught its upper and lower jaw in each hand, gripping its teeth to keep the mouth gaping. Unable to close its jaws, fire erupted from the back of the reptile's throat.
Flames scorched Axel's face, licking his arms and chest. He closed his eyes, wincing as he bowed his head. His arms shook from the strain of keeping the mouth from closing over him. Turning his head, he forced his voice from his chest, “Demyx! Get out of here! Run!” He ordered.
Demyx did not move, he couldn't. The three Dragoons Axel had failed to take care of had come up from behind trapping him.
Suddenly Axel's wounded arm gave way and the head moved forward again. His left hand still on its bottom teeth, he threw his weight into a shove. The strength was enough to push the head away from his body, but the spines on the back of its head hit his right shoulder hard. Before he knew it he was on the ground and the beast was ready to strike again. He managed to roll out of the path of the deadly strike. Then he was on his feet again.
“Demyx, I don't care if you aren't strong! Try something!” Axel ordered generating flames to counter the dragon, the counter failed. The beast was immune to fire. In Demyx's hesitation Axel had no choice but to retreat. Turning his attacks towards the three Dragoons, he again managed to steal a blade. With it he mimicked their attacks and, once again, reduced the Nobodies to nothingness, save the owner. Catching a glimpse of the dragon's strike, he turned on a dime blocking it with the staff before jumping up onto its back and driving the staff blade into its neck. The scales were tough, the blow did little damage.
Gusts of wind from its flapping wings threw Axel from its back. He landed on the ground with the shattered staff in hand. Vulnerable the beast swatted at him with its claws and he was sent two yards away. Before he could stand, its long whip-like tail struck his back keeping him down.
At this point Demyx finally shook himself from his paralysis and attacked. Putting forth his energy into a single attack, thirteen pillars of water surrounded the reptile. They curved inward, so when the thing tried to fly its wings were torn into a thousand pieces by the force of the water. As the cage grew smaller, the fire creature struggled to free itself, battering the water bars, only succeeding in hurting itself more. When the pillars closed around it completely and water beat its body, it left out a roar before it burst into black shreds of pure darkness.
A single heart wafted up past the water. It was like the many hearts Sora had sent on their way, but unlike them this pink head was darkened with black streaks and patches. Then it faded away.
Demyx fell to his knees, staring up at where the heart had been. He seemed mesmerized by what had just happened. In this trance, he failed to notice the dark scraps pull together and form into a single Dragoon. Aided by the Dragoon Axel had stolen the weapon from, it ganged up on the now drained Demyx.
Luckily, before a claw or blade could touch Demyx's skin, Axel was up and fought them off with the broken staff. Using weak strokes and blazes of fire, Axel destroyed the two remaining Nobodies. Then, hurt and tired from the fight, he too collapsed. Closing his eyes he turned his head to Demyx so his soft voice could be heard.
“You… Should've listened...” He breathed quietly, “Next time… Come back.”
“I'm sorry.” Demyx murmured, looking at the ground as tears welled in his eyes, “I'll listen next time.” He added quietly, trying to keep his voice steady. Bringing his hand up, he wiped away the tears and sniffled.
Axel opened his eyes. Furrowing his brows, he tried to push himself up but found he could not. Still trouble he gazed at Demyx, “You're crying.” He whispered.
“I'm so sorry. I should have listened; I won't go if you think we shouldn't.” Said Demyx his voice tight, strangled by the tears. Getting to his hands and knees, he crawled to Axel's side, “It's my fault you're hurt… What should I do? How can I help you?” He asked as if now he were completely dependant on the pyro.
“Well… No use in worrying now… It's passed… Throw your coat on… We have to get something for these wounds.” Axel said closing his eyes again, “Pull your hood up… We can't have anyone seeing our faces.” Demyx nodded; quickly pulling on his clothes, he hid his face in the darkness of the robes. Stooping down, he pulled Axel up. The severely weakened Axel could not keep on his feet alone. Demyx had to pull his arm over his shoulders and carry all of Axel's weight, however little it was. When he'd gotten his bearings Demyx pulled Axel's hood over as well, and they slowly made their way to the town.
The World That Never Will Be-
Faceless Village
Upon entering the town, they both could tell something was very wrong. There were few figures out on the streets and those who were had their heads bowed down and they're faces shaded. They all wore white, they all had grey hair, they all were silent… They were all exactly the same. Each building was white with black frames; the black had neon colored strips in them. They too were all the same, none was taller than the last, none had fewer or more windows than the next, everything was exactly the same. Among these clones Axel and Demyx stuck out like blood on pale sheets, which is how they bother felt they'd end up - bloody splatters on their white clothes and the white walls.
“No matter how tired you get… You are not leaving me alone anywhere. Got it memorized?” Hissed Axel emphasizing his words so Demyx understood that he was not to leave his side for any reason. This place was strange and unstable; it hadn't been a good idea to come. Still, he needed something for the cuts. “Shit.” He seethed remembering the cuts. He was bleeding, in a place with pavement white as snow; he was staining the streets red. All he could do was hope these drones would not turn against him for it.
“How am I supposed to tell which one of these buildings has potions? They all look alike, and there aren't any signs.” Demyx muttered under his breath.
“That's not our main concern.” Axel growled.
“It's not? Then what is?” Questioned Demyx pausing by a building. Needing a break, he slipped out from under Axel's arm and lowered the injured man to a sitting position against the wall. Then he too took a seat beside him, breathing heavily his head bowed to cover his face in darkness.
“We have to figure out how to get it… I'm sure they won't give it to us without pay. We'll have to steal it or you're going to have to make money to buy it.” Axel said quietly, his voice sounded strained. He was urgently battling the fatigue that was coming over him. All he wanted to do now was close his eyes and sleep, but that wasn't a possibility, at least not until they were out of this place.
“Oh man, I'm the wrong guy for these kinds of things. I'm no good at it.” Demyx growled getting up, “I'm going to find out if I can find something to help you.”
“Wait! You're not leaving me are you?” Exclaimed Axel worriedly looking up only slightly to see Demyx running off down the street. `Fuck no. I can't believe he just did that! I told him not to leave me anywhere.' Axel thought angrily. This was not good. He glanced to his right, his worries grew more. The people here had noticed the blood, some where crouching down and examining it, other looked but passed, but worst of all others were beginning to follow the trail.
Burning up his last bit of strength, Axel got to his feet; it was amazing how much more energy you could muster when you felt your life was in danger.
Hand on the wall, he staggered into the nearest alleyway. Drawing back his hood he looked around for an escape route; this was his first mistake. The village was fairly large; he hoped he could give them the slip. Sadly, the alley was blocked by a wall. Turning his head, he looked to see how close he was being followed; his second mistake.
Glaring orange eyes, belonging to the creatures in white instantly locked onto him. Their faces were black and featureless, save those frightening eyes. They made no sound, but they lurched forward towards him their shoulders hunched in an animalistic way.
Unable to fight, all he could do was run. Jumping onto a trashcan, he scrambled up onto the wall, then the roof of the building. Unsure if they could follow, he didn't stop and ran on over the roof tops. He glanced back once, and they were following and catching up quick.
Disappearing down another alley, he pulled his hood back up and cut into the street, only to duck into the shadows of an alley three buildings down. The ones that had seen him were lost back somewhere. Pulse still racing, he hid inside a dumpster. He couldn't risk them finding him again. His body was shaking with strain and fear, and he felt as if there was no way he could run anymore. Placing a hand over his nose and mouth, he closed his eyes calming his internal beat. Now he had to figure out what he was going to do, Demyx was still out there.
The Melodious Nocturne had continued on his way, the incident too far behind him and too quiet to be heard. As he ran, he noticed he was catching quite a bit of attention, no doubt because he was wearing black. Still, his presence went undisturbed by the town's people.
He did not speak to any of them in his search, only looked for the vials and herbs associated with healing. He's already decided he was just going to snatch up the potions and run, he couldn't help that he was a juvenile delinquent. The only problem with that was he would have to fight and run. Still, that was something to be worried about later, once he had the objects in his possession.
Suddenly, he stopped. His eyes found what he'd been looking for. A quick glance around and he made a break for it. Leaping over the counter, he landed a solid kick at the clerk's chest. Before the clerk could react, he grabbed him, or her, by the shirt and threw them out into the street. Making quick work of the potions and herbs, he leapt over the counter and took off down the street. For a moment, the store owner and a few of the other town residents chased him, but after a few yards they simply gave up and returned to their routines.
Standing in the middle of the street, Demyx just stared back at them.
`That's weird… They're not chasing me.' He thought before turning and walking away. When he arrived back to where he'd left Axel, he found the pyro missing.
“Damn… What happened to him? Did they take him?” He wondered aloud looking from side to side. There was trail of blood droplets leading to the alley, so it appeared he'd not been drug or forced away. Unfortunately, the trail found its way up onto the wall; Demyx couldn't climb worth shit. Deciding to check the town alleys he began to make his way back up the streets.
A gust of wind whipped across his face and he raised an arm to block it. When he lowered his arm he realized something was dreadfully wrong. All the people in the streets had stopped and looked up at him. Seventeen sets of glowing orange eyes penetrated deep into his soul, taking in his face. The wind had blown his hood off his head, and left his face uncloaked.
NEW Journal-
The Burdened: powerful creatures that attack Axel and the Organization members relentlessly. When defeated a tainted heart springs from the body and a Nobody is formed.
Scaled Avengers: Large dragon-like Burdened with a nasty disposition. They seek the single thing they do not have, kindness and love. These Burdened do not wield weapons but, instead, use their massive claws, whip-like tail, powerful wings, fiery breath, and sharp teeth to defeat opponents. Harnessing the power of fire, it is immune to flame-based magic. They are twice the size of a Dragoon, and have a strong resemblance to the Nobody save its red, black, and gray coloring. Once defeated, a Scaled Avenger's dark pieces come together to form a Dragoon.
Faceless: Human shaped Burdened who mind their own business until they see the one thing they desire, a face. All Faceless appear exactly the same; all adorned in white clothes with grey hair and eerie orange eyes. Having no face, in its place is a black mask in which only its eyes can be seen. They wield no weapons, but are skilled at agility and hand attacks. (LOG INCOMPLETE)
Save Game: to be continued…