Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 8… Glad you guys are enjoying this.
After much thought and careful consideration- I have decided who will be Roxas' Disney traveling companion. Sora had Donald and Goofy, so I thought I'd give Roxas someone to lean on in hard times… Sadly, the character I have picked does not speak nor does he have any weapon to fight with. I have also decided to help out little Roxas with a `guide'.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Faceless Village
Axel jumped at Demyx's cry for help. Shoving the dumpster lid open he hauled himself out of the awful smelling container. He hadn't braced himself for a sudden surge of like and he hissed as it blinded him. Raising an arm he looked up. It was afternoon for sure now, hours since he'd last seen the light of day. The only solution to such a lapse in time was that he'd passed out, or fallen asleep. Either way, a lot more hours had been wasted and further more, Demyx was calling for him. Staggering into the street, his hood covering his face, he found that his strength was returning.
“Demyx!” He called out hoarsely, not looking up in fear of being found out. A strong call in return came from his right; at least Demyx was close. Turning towards the distraught voice, he slowly made his way to him until he met a throng of beings. Carefully, he raised his hood, giving the situation a quick look over. Demyx was fighting what appeared to be the entire town. Dusks and these strange faceless things surrounded him. The water mage's face was drenched in sweat and his chest was heaving. It looked like he'd been fighting them off for a long while, “Hey! Toss me a god damn potion will ya?” Axel barked holding up a hand.
“'Bout damn time you showed up!” Demyx snarled breathlessly tossing a potion to the redhead.
“I'm fashionably late!” Scoffed Axel, making light of the situation. Catching the potion in his hand, he jumped away from the crowd. Hood back, he gulped down the remedy and threw the glass to the ground. At the sound, all attention turned to him. The beings dressed in white with black holes for faces lurched towards him, “Demyx! Pull your hood down!” He barked. Demyx didn't hesitate, drawing down the cover he hid his face, “Good, now push pass them! Get over here!” He called, swiftly dodging a few quick footed attacks, countering them to slow the crowd.
“What, are you crazy?!” Yelled Demyx, cowering from the masses that were rushing pass him.
“Demyx! Please!” Axel begged as the throngs of faceless beings began to overtake him. Turning his attention to them, he began to fight them off. Aided by light flame attacks, he found the things easy to defeat. They caught fire and burst into flames, releasing captive hearts tainted by darkness. Still, there never seemed to be any less and the more he attack the more Dusks would appear in their place. The Dusks made the fight harder, he had difficulty taking down any and when he tried to fight them off the Faceless would rush in and attack, “Shit. Demyx! Hurry!” He called again before sending out a short wave of fire to put space between himself and the enemy. “Demyx! Trust me!”
Holding out his hand for the younger member, he silently urged him to come quickly. Finally, Demyx gave in. Keeping his head low, he shoved through the masses. As he broke out of the crowd, Axel took his hand, pulling him close. Putting a protective arm around the 9th member, he waved out his free arm, palm out, and released a large blast of fire. As the hearts drifted to the sky, and the fragments of the Faceless began to withdraw to form Dusks, Axel turned and ran with Demyx close on his heels.
Radiant Garden-
Merlin's House
Roxas sat squirming impatiently on Merlin's table. He'd wanted to leave first thing in the morning, but he'd had to wait so he could get some flying lessons. Now that he'd gone threw the drills, he was hoping that he wouldn't crash and die before he got to Axel. The fact was- he wasn't that great of a pilot. Cid said he was good enough, but Roxas didn't believe the scruffy mechanic.
“You listenin' ta me boy?” Came a gruff voice shaking Roxas from his thoughts about the currently missing redhead.
“I said ya need to head on over ta Twilight Town.” Cid repeated, “Ya know where it is?”
“Of course I know!” Roxas snapped before bowing head, “I mean yes. I know what it looks like at least.” He corrected himself sheepishly. It had been while… His home seemed so far away. Sora had gone there a couple of times, but it wasn't the same. Roxas wanted to talk to Hayner and his friends, wanted to win struggle matches, wanted to fool around like he used to. That was no longer possible. That life, that home, all of it was gone now.
“Well if you're not sure just ask, I know it well enough to map the way.” Cid told him. To this Roxas only nodded.
“So… After I get there, what do I do?”
“Don't know that, son. Ya'll have ta ask Merlin, he'll know.”
“Oh… I guess I should go look for him huh?” Roxas inquired getting to his feet; he just didn't want to sit around anymore. It was not the time or place to just sit around, Axel could be hurt. If he didn't hurry and didn't make it in time, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.
“Nah. He'll be in soon.” Just as Cid spoke the words the wizard walked into the house with a book under his arm.
“Merlin,” Roxas voiced grabbing the old man's attention as he jumped down off the upraised platform, “I need to get going. Please, tell me where I need to go after I get to Twilight Town. And who is this Yen Sid? What do I ask him?” He questioned urgently.
“One question at a time, my boy. Now, let's see. You'll need to catch a train to Yen Sid's Tower at Station Heights. Now keep in mind, it won't be you're normal train-“
“Yes! Yes! Not the usual train. Get beyond that, I've been there I know where things are!” Roxas said hurrying the magician along.
“Right, right. So you'll take the train and get off at the only stop. His tower will be there; then go up as far as you can. Yen Sid will tell you where to go after that.” Hummed Merlin happily.
“And he'll be there.” Roxas confirmed.
“To my knowledge. If he's not there, head over to Disney Castle, there you can talk to King Mickey. He'll be able to help you out in your quest as well. When you stop by, give Donald and Goofy my greetings.” Said Merlin. Roxas murmured some sort of incoherent reply before rushing over to Cid. Telling him he needed to leave that very instant, he found himself in the cockpit of a Gummi Ship and heading straight for his old home.
Twilight Town-
The Usual Spot
“Hey! Who are you? What're you doing here?” Demanded a kid in camouflage army pants and white tank. He was standing in the Usual Spot with a girl and fairly round boy. It was Hayner, Olette, and Pence; his three old friends. They hadn't changed a bit, but from the looks of the place there were back in school now; the summer was over, “This is our spot.” Continued Hayner defensively.
“Hayner, you should be nicer to guests. You're not from around here, are you?” Olette questioned pleasantly as she stood. There was a small smile on her lips.
“Actually I-“ Roxas stopped himself. Shoulders and head hung, he closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh. They didn't remember him, not even a little. He wasn't sure why but he'd sort of expected them to just snap out of it. That was just a lie to himself. He should've just told himself that they wouldn't remember from the very beginning and kept reminding himself of it because now he felt horrible, “Yeah… I'm just passing through.”
“Look what you did Hayner. You've made him feel bad.” Scolded the girl.
“Oh no, Olette! I'm fine, it's not Hayner's fault. I've got to be going now.” He said hastily before running out of the familiar place that made his chest ache. Scarcely, he could hear them questioning how he'd known Olette's name.
Twilight Town-
Back Alley
Out in the open he stopped and clutched his chest. Now was the first time he noticed he was wearing his old clothes. He'd missed them, those clothes reminded him of better days, and this place reminded him of painful ones. Turning in a circle the memories of Axel rushed back to him. There in the alley, as the distraught Axel tried remind him of a former life. That look of pain and sorrow on his face when he realized that Roxas could not remember him. Oh, how that look haunted Roxas now.
Again, he clutched the chakrams, pressing them against his body. Tears streamed down his face now, “Axel… You shouldn't have let me go… If you'd have held me, told me you cared sooner…” He whispered quietly, “I would've stayed for you.”
He looked up hearing his name being called, for an instant his mind tricked him into believing it to be Axel. Yet, when he looked, there was no one there. Only the ghosts of Axel's presence remained. Roxas smiled sadly at the look of joy on Axel's face, the excitement in his voice, when the pyro thought Roxas had remembered. He'd give everything to see that again. With that in mind, his feet carried him.
Twilight Town-
Central Station
When he stopped, he was at the ticket booth. Taking out whatever he had, he found that someone had given him munny before he's left the Radiant Garden. He had no idea who it was, but he promised to repay and thank them when he got back. Placing it on the counter, the ticket man exchanged the munny for a single ticket. The ticket was a strange color, with some words and a time on it. He didn't think to check what train the ticket was for, obviously it wasn't for the normal train that went to Sunset Terrace.
Walking up to the station platform, he noted that only the normal train was waiting. There was a separate set of tracks, which currently lay empty. Those, he assumed, were the tracks this special train took. Looking at the ticket he again noted the time. It looked like it might be a while before it got there. Still uneasy about sitting around and doing nothing, Roxas began to wander the station.
As he slunk by the normal train a flash of purple caught his eye. So surprised by something living, he actually stumbled back and fell to the ground. Quickly on his hands and knees, he peeked around the train; the chakrams clinked softly against the ground. Whatever it had been was small, like a dog but it appeared quite distinctly reptilian.
“Hello?” He called out meekly, why he should be frightened was beyond him. Still, being on his and very alone had him shaken up a bit. Getting to his feet he brushed the dirt off his knees and hindquarters. Right now he was feeling pretty foolish for jumping like that. It was probably just a lizard… A large lizard, but lizards weren't ever that aggressive so there was nothing to worry about. Again, he held the weapons close, looking for some comfort in them. Turning around he let out a yelp, nearly leaping out of his skin.
Not just one foot from his face, flew a dragon. Purple carp scales covered its back and limbs, while light pink snake belly scales lined its neck, chest, stomach, and under side of the tail. It sported a pair of wings on its back and some yellow-orange horns on its head. However, it had only startled Roxas. It was in no way menacing, and even if it snarled it could be no fiercer than a 4-week old kitten. This was due to the tiny stature of the creature, only standing a mere 2.5 ft tall.
Now he felt really dumb. He'd let a pipsqueak `fairy tale' lizard get the better of him. It wasn't like he'd ever seen one in person, but, honestly, if something so pathetic could scare him… How could he possibly find Axel?
Bowing his head and hanging his shoulders, he let out a sad sigh. Then, passing the reptile a skeptical look, he sulked pass it and plopped down next to the empty set of tracks. Chin in hand, he silently and bitterly cursed the dragon. If it hadn't been sneaking around like that-
“Leave me alone!” He hissed to the dragon which was hovering over his shoulder and giving him a concerned look, “What do you want from me? I don't have anything.” Growled Roxas hunching over, arms now wrapped around his stomach. He should have eaten something before he left; a growl was emitted from his abdomen in an intolerant objection to the neglect.
“I'm Figment.” Said the dragon with glee, swooping around to fly in front of Roxas.
“Y-You can talk?” Roxas questioned in astonishment, though it was a fairly stupid question to ask. Obviously it could talk, it just said something. To this, though, the dragon only nodded. After a moment of silence Roxas introduced himself, “I'm Roxas… Where did you come from?”
“I came from Dreamfinder's imagination. Where do you come from?”
“I… Come from Sora, I guess.” Roxas replied. The words came hard, but there was no other place he could have originated, no town or country. That's what being a Nobody meant, no home or family, absolutely nothing of your own. “Um… So what are you doing here? You don't live here do you?”
“No. I want to help.” Responded the dragon fluttering down to sit on Roxas' lap.
“Help? With what?”
“You're alone and looking for something. I'll help you find it.” Figment said.
“Oh… It might be a bit dangerous.” Roxas stated. This little dragon didn't look like it could do anything if it was attacked.
“Figment will help anyway.” Said the dragon before flying up again, “Your train is coming.” It commented landing on his shoulder. Roxas could have sworn the dragon was smaller now than before with how easily it perched up there.
Standing Roxas moved away from the tracks, as he did so the doors opened up and a deep purple and blue train pulled in. It certainly was not your typical train; it had to be the one he needed to take. So, quickly going to the train door he awaited for it to allow him inside. A shadowy, ghost of a figure opened the door and took his ticket before retreating into the bowels of the locomotive. Stepping inside, Roxas took as seat on the dark purple, cushioned seats; the chakrams lay carefully on his lap.
The World That Never Will Be-
Awakening Plains
“So the way I figure it, this is where all us Nobodies go when we die. I guess it's like limbo, because we're really not allowed anywhere else. Still, those strange things with those darkened hearts… I just can't figure where they came from. They turn into Nobodies when you destroy them… Maybe they're some sort of Heartless.” Demyx continued. Since they'd escaped the village Demyx had been talking non-stop about his theories. Axel just thought he was slow, he'd figured out that much days ago, “What I really want to know is where we're going.”
“Now what makes you say we're going anywhere in particular?” Asked Axel numbly, he really didn't care right now. His mind was fried with all this talk and the earlier fights.
“Well, you said that the town was the wrong way… To tell the truth, I knew it was the wrong way. I just wanted so badly to see if there were people there that I didn't care what the sensations told me.” Replied Demyx lightly.
“Sensations?” Axel stopped dead in his tracks, “What sensations?”
Demyx paused turning around to look at Axel, “It's not important.”
“It is to me.” Axel snapped, “Now, you tell me what it is you're feeling!” He demanded; could Demyx actually have the same calling in his chest? He's not thought any of the others could feel it. How could he have? Demyx didn't give any indication of following anything. If he wasn't the only one, then maybe he wasn't different from the others, maybe he was just the only one who accepted it. It may not mean much, but to have something in common with them made him feel like he wasn't so alone. Being alone wasn't easy.
“It's here.” Said the Melodious Nocturne raising his hands and placing them over a non-existent heart, “It's like music, a song luring me on. As we walk on, it gets stronger and clearer, like the notes of a melody becoming distinct so one can hear it for what it truly is… That's what it is. I want to get there, so I can listen to it and understand.”
“So you feel it too…” Axel smiled slightly bring his right hand to his chest as if to remind himself of the feeling. It was strong now, far stronger than it had been before. The other ache in his chest was also getting stronger, only because he'd been separated from Roxas far longer than he'd ever wished to know. Somehow, he felt it was all his fault for not trying harder. From time to time, the ache would subside and he often thought it was because Roxas was getting further away. When it was strong like it was now, almost overpowering everything else, he ventured that Roxas was missing him. That was a slim chance though. He knew the Roxas he felt for was gone; he was a part of Sora now.
“How did it happen?” Asked Demyx suddenly, prying Axel away from his thoughts.
“What happen?”
“How did you get here? What happened?” The younger member clarified.
“I was fighting with Sora…” Stated the redhead quietly.
“With Sora? I didn't think you'd actually fight him, since-“
“You don't understand. I was fighting with Sora, along-side him.” Axel corrected lightly, “We'd better get along. I don't know if those things are still following us.” He added, sensing he'd said something he shouldn't have.
“You helped him?” Demyx's voice was quiet and cautious. What ever security there had been in their relationship seemed to instantly be shattered.
“Is there a p-“ Before the words could leave his lips, Demyx took off. It would seem quite purposely, he ran away from the mountains, towards the town again, “Demyx! Don't be a fool! You're going to get yourself killed!” Axel yelled after, not moving to chase after the water sorcerer. For a long while he watched Demyx's receding back, and then he finally turned and headed on his way.
He kept his head down, his darkened mood hovering over him like a storm cloud. Part of him desperately sought to get Demyx back, but the other told him to move on. His drives were torn in two, and it was maddening. Demyx provided him company, someone to just be there and give him some sort of outlet. On the other hand, Demyx was also annoying and high-strung. Then there was the need to be away from the emptiness of this valley and be in those mountains. There was something there, he told himself, which would put his mind at ease and bring him some kind of peace. Along with that calling was the one he associated with Roxas, and the further he walked on the closer he felt to the other Nobody. How could he turn around and go after Demyx? Roxas was far more important than that crazy brat, wasn't he?
Still, Roxas, if he were still alive, could take care of himself. He could stand to wait a little longer. Demyx couldn't, the punk couldn't climb worth shit or defend himself. He was probably going to run into something nasty and get hurt. Then there was the slight chance he wouldn't run into anything and he'd just get lost and starve to death. Really, what could the musician do on his own besides play his damn sitar? Between the two boys, Demyx surely needed him more.
NEW Journal-
Character Links: Twilight Town
Figment: (Epcot's Journey Into Imagination) Met in Twilight Town's Central Station, this small dragon has made it his personal duty to help Roxas find Axel. Figment's petite size has made him an easy traveling companion requiring only a shoulder to rest on when his wings grow tired. He appears to have the ability to shift from his normal 2.5 ft form to smaller more easily carried sizes. (LOG INCOMPLETE)
The Burdened:
Burdened- (Update)
Faceless: Human shaped Burdened who mind their own business until they see the one thing they desire, a face. All Faceless appear exactly the same; all adorned in white clothes with grey hair and eerie orange eyes. Having no face, in its place is a black mask in which only its eyes can be seen. They wield no weapons, but are skilled at agility and hand attacks. When destroyed, the essence of a Faceless come together to form Dusks. They are susceptible to fire-based magic attacks
Save Game: to be continued…