Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 15
Last chapter we found out a few plans are to soon be set in motion, gotta wonder how things are gonna turn out. ALSO!!!! We are getting closer to the reunion! Should be within the next three chapters.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
Grecian Lands
Falling back down on his rump, Roxas released a heavy sigh. He and Figment had been running all over the grassy hills in search of this Yen Sid, and so far they'd had no luck. To make things ten times more difficult, it seemed an invasion of Heartless and Nobodies had begun. The enemy had frightened away all the residents of the Grecian Lands, making it impossible to ask about the wizard and draining Roxas's energy faster than he could recover it. However, the attacks had benefited him some as well. He'd grown a stronger and learned two new attack combinations that were pretty powerful. Not only that but since this time Figment was by his side he'd learned about a lot of the things the tiny dragon could do. Though he couldn't physically fight, he could create multiple distractions and blockades to give Roxas more time. Roxas was pretty sure the dragon could light them on fire but Figment was a tad too peaceful for such actions.
The sound of footfall made Roxas turn his head away from the vast scenery. His eyes met Aether, standing in all his glory behind him. The stallion had his head high and ears perked in a noble looking manner and his wings were lightly tucked on his back. Those mirror eyes were now a shade of emerald green and now looked down at him.
“Hey… What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be with your family or protecting something?” Asked Roxas, still a little sore about being so abruptly dumped and left. A loud thud beside him made Roxas jump and his eyes whirled around to find the source and he let out a tiny squeak of surprise and maybe a little of fear. Now with them was the large centaur from before.
“You are looking for someone, yes?” Inquired the centaur in his deep voice, which seemed to make the ground tremble a bit.
“Yes.” Roxas replied curtly, getting to his feet as quickly as possible.
“Aether tells me he wishes to help you.”
“Why'd he want to do tha-“ The said Pegasus cut him off, shoving his head between the two to break up the conversation. Aether passed Roxas an indignant look as if to say `I'm right here, it's rude to not speak with me directly' but Roxas didn't bother to ask the question again to someone he couldn't even understand.
“I wish to help you as well. These lands had dangers far greater then those things that rise from Hades.” Murmured the great centaur. “I am Bucephalus.” He stated pounding a fist to his chest, “Named after the Great Stallion.”
“It's… Nice to meet you, Bucephalus.” Roxas replied hoping he'd said the name right. It seemed he had because the centaur looked pleased, “I could use all the help I can get. I appreciate your assistance.” He added with a smile looking at his new companions. It wouldn't take nearly as long with two who were familiar with the territory.
Bucephalus stooped down snatching Roxas up into his arms making the Nobody cry out. For a moment Roxas thought he'd be crushed with how strong the centaurs grasp was but as he was set down on Aether's back and allowed to breathe the fear melted away, “You're legs are short and paces small. Our gates will make the journey faster.” Explained Bucephalus, “If we are swift we may find someone who has seen the man you seek.”
“I sure hope so. I don't have time to waste.” Said Roxas more to himself than anyone else. In his gut he felt time was running out and he was getting more worried by the second. He only wished he'd insisted on moving faster back at Disney Castle and the Radiant Garden. Surely by now if he had, Axel and he would be together. Something inside ached at the thought, `I miss you, Axel… I promise I'll make it.'
“I think we've got company.” Said Bucephalus in a low voice tearing a large branch down from the tree they were passing under.
Roxas searched the area with his eyes but saw nothing, “How can you tell?”
“I can hear them.” Snorted Bucephalus, “Let's get them.” Then, letting out something of a battle cry the beast thundered into the open swinging the branch above his head. Aether stood back only a few seconds longer before charging forward. Placing the Chakrams securely on his lap, Roxas summoned his keyblade to his right hand. It seemed the creatures responded to the blade as now Neo Shadows, Dusks, and a variety of common Heartless and Nobodies appeared in the open field.
“Keep your wings down.” Roxas called over Aether's shoulder, raising the blade to Aether's side allowing him to see why he must not raise his wings. In response the stallion snorted and dove into the throngs of enemy forces. Clutching the back of Aether's neck Roxas held fast to the steed and swung the blade at the Heartless which clawed at Aether's belly and legs. He had to hold on tighter when the Pegasus beneath him flew into a rage, like a real warhorse, and began rear, trample, and bite the Heartless and Nobodies at his heavy-hoofed feet.
Roxas lost track of how many they had destroyed and was surprised when the battle ended so quickly. It was a lot nicer to have someone on his side for once. He'd forgotten how much easier things were with a helping hand.
“Are you two all right.”
“Fine.” Replied Roxas to the centaur, “By the way, we're looking for a wizard. I'm assuming he'll be wearing robes of some sort and be pretty old. King Mickey said that he was doing research or something. Do you know of any place in particular he could be?”
“Research? Of course. The white city over there contains a library. Could he be there?” Asked the half horse.
“It's a good place to start looking.”
The World That Never Will Be-
Dawning Hills
“Now that you only mildly suck, I think we should find us something to fight. What do you think?” Asked Axel light heartedly. For a long while now, Axel couldn't even guess in numbers how long, Axel had been transforming Demyx's laughably horrible fighting techniques into something slightly more formidable. It turned out that Demyx wasn't all that weak, he was about as strong as any average man, the thing was he'd never been taught how to even deal a punch right. Axel could've killed himself laughing with how horrible Demyx was at punching, but he'd bit his tongue and swallowed the amusement so as not to upset the teenager. Now that Demyx knew how to punch right, Axel deemed him fit enough to fight. He hadn't needed to teach the boy about kicking, he did it fairly well, actually the Melodious Nocturne had given him a demonstration and wound up giving Axel quite the sore side.
“I don't know. I don't think I'm ready for this.” Demyx muttered meekly, “What if I screw up?”
“Don't worry. I've got you back, got it memorized? I wouldn't let you get hurt too much.” Said the cocky pyro, offering some reassurance to Demyx. “You trust me right?”
“Of course.” Demyx chimed eagerly.
“Good. Let's go.” Axel beckoned turning and heading off to find some easy game for his companion in the direction of the forest, which they were closing in on slowly. It was a pretty ominous looking forest. The trees were green and lush but the darkness they created had an eerie sense about them. Axel wasn't looking forward to going in there; he'd more than once pondered on looking for a new route or burning those wretched trees down. In the end he decided he'd just have to brave it; his other options just required too much energy.
A sudden dread fell over him and Axel instantly stopped jumping back. It was just in time. A large weapon, resembling a meat tenderizer, came crashing down crumbling the earth before him. The enormous war hammer was glossy steel and as his eyes wandered up the handle he found the owner wasn't so fortunate. A large soldier, nearly twice Axel's size, was adorned in spiny rusted armor. It looked like the owner to the suit of metal had bleed out inside and the crimson liquid was now seeping out through the seams. Axel almost mistook it for a Berserker Nobody, but the difference in weapons and the gruesome appearance of the spiked armor told him otherwise. The crested helmet allowed two hollow white eyes to peer out, dead and unseeing. On its breast a bleeding heart was carved in, the rust had nearly overtaken the depiction.
Turning he shoved Demyx back, “Get the hell away.” He snapped fiercely before jumping out of the path of another blow. Axel was at a loss at how such a massive thing had managed to sneak up on him, but as he was learning this thing wasn't slowed down at all by its size or the rusting protection covering it's body. Ducking down the large weapon took a swipe at his head, but brushing over him it instead tore a tree clean out of the ground, roots and all. Taking advantage of it being turned Axel unleashed a burst of flames at it's exposed body.
The hammer came around again, swift and deadly accurate. This time Axel just barely avoided a direct hit, and only his right arm was struck. The pain was searing, it felt like the limb had practically been torn out of its socket. Raising his uninjured arm in a counter attack, he again heated the tin man. To his surprise, when the metal turned red hot Demyx pushed him to the ground, saving him from another deadly strike. The Melodious Nocturne then rushed in to take Axel's place in the fight throwing forth a stream of icy water onto the creature.
The metal let out a sickening hiss before a loud crack ceased the sound. When the steam cleared the soldier stood heavily leaning on the war hammer, crippled by the breaks in its armor. Seeing the weakness, Demyx didn't hesitate to rush forward and he landed a firm blow onto the now brittle metal with the flat of his foot. The Burdened let out a loud groan lifting the hammer before its body suddenly starting to lurch forward from the damage. Flinching Demyx raised his hands to protect himself and ducked down.
“Demyx!” Axel cried out jumping to his feet, having recovered from the shock. Clouds of rust and dirt hid the scene from his eyes. When it cleared he was relieved to find Demyx in one piece, getting to his feet. He looked a little dazed as he looked around him. Then his gaze came up to Axel.
“Hey! I think I did it!” He called happily before his excitement drained from him and an ominous shadow loomed over his body. Like a whipped puppy, he cowered and turned to face what was to come. The figure before him now was a Berserker Nobody, wielding the strange jagged steel weapon instead of the one it normally held.
Too far to get to him in time, Axel cringed closing his eyes and turning his head away. He waited for the hollow sound of metal hitting flesh but when it didn't come, his eyes flashed open and turned towards the Nobodies. The Berserker was frozen in time, the war hammer just inches from Demyx's body.
Relief washing over him the strength left his legs and Demyx collapsed onto the ground. Placing a hand over his chest he tried to settled his ragged breathing and regain composure.
“Demyx,” Axel sighed in joy before rushing over to the Melodious Nocturne. Dropping to a knee he put his good arm around him, “You're all right.”
“Y-yeah.” Stuttered Demyx before laughing nervously, “I-I thought I was a goner.”
“Can you walk? Do you need my help?” Axel asked fully ready to pick up his friend and carry him again but Demyx shook his head. So standing again, Axel allowed him some breathing room, “Do you need a potion? Anything?”
“No, I'm fine… Just give me a second. I'm not as fragile as you think.” Demyx reassured casting Axel a smile as he pushed himself up and dusted off his clothes, “You need to start treating me like I'm grown up too. I'm not a child or anything.” He added with a sad sigh, “I don't like it when you mother me.”
“Hm. That's funny; I thought I wasn't smothering you enough with my paternal love.” Joked Axel with a laugh as he cradled his injured arm, “After all, it's got to be hard, being a Nobody at such a young age.”
“I don't really mind. And don't talk about paternal love; it creeps me out.”
“I'm hurt!” Sighed Axel feigning sorrow before pushing Demyx back onto the ground after he'd completely dusted himself off, “That's for pushing me earlier. Now hurry up, loser, before this thing becomes animate again.”
“Hey! I resent that label!” Demyx barked back scrambling to his feet and hurrying after Axel who'd started off again.
Letting out a sigh, he allowed his form to come back to him. The powers he had over time ceased and the Nobody finished its swing before walking off like the living dead. He hated getting directly involved like that. It made people suspicious. Later, he assured himself, he'd have to get back at that thick skulled pyro for not doing his job. Despite his dislike for the Flurry of Dancing Flames, he was depending on him to take care of Demyx until the boy was in his possession. If he had to rush in and save them like that anymore he might as well just forget his whole plan, not to mention now he'd waste a little more time because had to stop and suppress the urge to rush out and hug the Melodious Nocturne. Time was crucial; everything had been sped up because Luxord was a horrible actor. Now he had to go around and give everyone a jumpstart on their journeys so they'd all meet up in time. The tiny flaws that disrupted his plans were sorely pissing him off.
Slowly, after successfully smothering his urges, he got up from his position and stalked after them a little ways, just to be sure Demyx really was okay. Everything from then on had to go perfectly, or his plan would fall apart. Still he ventured he had enough time to watch over his little Demyx a little longer before heading out. He'd overheard them talking a little while before and he'd been pondering on it a while now. They'd said something about following a calling of some kind, it was discreet, like they'd talked about it before and both were familiar with it. He wondered if this `calling' was the same, what he called, `urge' that drove him. Upon being told of Xigbar's journey, he'd gone to the mountain and was overcome with a force that filled him with ideas and (dare he think it again?) emotions. Unable to control himself, he devised the plan he was carrying out now. It was all to steal away young Demyx, for it was that Nobody in particular all of these things told him he must have. He thought not of why he needed him, he just did. He scarcely recalled wanting him so bad before that point in time as well, save the slight interest and curiosity at Demyx's infatuation with music. So perhaps he had always wanted him a little, it didn't matter. He didn't like to dwell on it; anymore thought on the matter only confused him further and confusion was annoying and needed to be avoided at all costs.
A soft sigh slipped past his lips. It was time to be going again. Bidding them a silent farewell, he was gone.
The more they traveled the denser the trees seemed to get. Though they weren't in the forest yet, there certainly wasn't a lack of the large plants. It annoyed Axel. He liked being able to see the sky. The sky was one of the few things that remained constant from world to world. It was blue or black speckled with stars, and of course clouds could roll in, but for the most part each sky acted the same way. This constant object made him feel a tad closer to Roxas in a way, the younger member could look up and see a sky that was very similar to this one; he could in fact imagine he was looking at the very same sky just from a different place.
“Axel, why do you keep looking up?” Demyx spoke interrupting Axel's thoughts on the sky and Roxas.
“Making sure the sky doesn't fall down.” Scoffed Axel with a shrug still babying his injured arm. He'd decided not to use a potion on it. The wound wasn't that bad and they needed to save what potions they had left for serious injuries.
“Whatever.” Muttered Demyx in reply, “So I guess I'll be doing the fighting for a while now, huh?”
“It'd help.”
“Fine with me.” Demyx said happily. His confidence had grown since he'd gotten rid of the Burdened form of the Berserker, despite his almost death, “Do you ever get the feeling you're being watched?”
“Huh? Not really. Why?” Inquired Axel raising a brow at the peculiar question.
“I don't know. I just suddenly got Goosebumps all over my skin and the hair on the back on my neck is standing up. It's like something's breathing down my neck.” Admitted Demyx, “Maybe we should stop and look around.”
“Do you really think something's following us?” Axel asked, not convinced with Demyx's `feeling'.
“Yes.” Insisted the Melodious Nocturne.
“All right, fine. I'll sit down over there and you can go snooping. Call if you need me.” Axel said lightly sitting down on a large rock.
“I can take care of myself, you just watch yourself while I'm gone.” Demyx told him confidently before striding off in search of the thing which was causing him so much discomfort. He'd only gone a few yards when he spotted something. It was faint, a gleam off metal and a pale glow from two orbs off in the distance, hidden in a tree. No sooner had he spotted it did a soft hiss of metal sweeping against metal sounded. His body reacted instantly but his brain took a few seconds to recognize that he'd been shot by something. Doubled over he staggered back and hid behind a tree, which from the trajectory of the bullet would protect him from being shot again. The injury wasn't bad, it had only got the side of his stomach and it had made a clean hole.
Shaking his head, he forced himself to stay quiet. Surely he could take on a single opponent that had to use a gun to attack. If he could get to it, the thing was probably physically very weak. He'd show himself, and Axel, he could do this on his own.
On his hands and feet, he slunk about close to the ground, creeping towards the gleam from before. No more shots came so it was fair to figure whoever or whatever it was hadn't spotted him yet. As he rounded the tree next to the one he was sure the attacker was in, he paused. Standing up straight, he peeked around the trunk into the branches. Someone, yes it was more of a someone than a something, was sitting in the same branch. The glowing yellow eyes still looked out to where Demyx had been, one gazing through a sight on top of the weapon. It wore a black beanie, green camouflage clothes, black boots, and a brown strap that held ammunition. From the fairly plain features of the face Demyx could only guess it was still just one of the things he'd met before, a Burdened.
Lowering himself to the ground again, he picked up a stray rock and crept up behind the short man in the tree. Once there he hurled the stone as hard as he could at the sniper's head. Hit dead on, the things lost its balance and fell forward out of the tree. On its feet in no time it began to run, Demyx chased after it in pursuit. When the thing stopped and turned Demyx greeted the gunman with a boot to the face. It had been raising its gun to shoot him again. A few more kicks and a solid punch took care of the weak Burdened, disappearing in a poof of smoke letting the tainted heart free, a Sniper Nobody took its place. Almost as soon as it formed it began to shoot its light arrows, which would be the downfall of the Nobody. Using Warp, Demyx sent every one of the shots back at the offender. Demyx was surprised at how easily he'd accomplished his task. Feeling the weight of the eyes lifted, he headed back and met up with Axel once again.
“I suppose I'll have to believe more often from now on.” Said Axel, admitting he might have been a little too unconcerned after Demyx told him about what had happened.
“You'd better. That thing really could have hurt one of us if we'd gone to sleep.” Demyx told him, beaming with the pride of accomplishment. Most the time when he'd been given a mission he'd fail or the mission would be easy enough for a Dusk to do, there never was an in between so this was a step up for him; of course, not a very large one but still, “See. I'm not a lost cause; I can fight and win battle too.”
“I can see that.” Replied Axel laughing a little on the inside. It was obvious that this was quite the event for Demyx and Axel just couldn't spoil the teenager's good mood, “Well, I'm sure there will be plenty more times for you to show off. For now, let's get moving. I don't like being in between the forest and the hills, it's like the meeting place for everything that walks on land because we get enemies from both sides. I'd rather it just be one or the other.”
“You're right. I hope we'll be all right sleeping around here.” Demyx murmured aloud his eyes running over the light layer of trees around them.
“Tonight, since today's been a little rough. We'll camp out in a wide opening among these damn trees. I'll make a fire like before and we'll take turns on keeping watch. Got it memorized?” Questioned Axel as he stood and began once again through the trees.
“Sure thing.” Demyx voiced quietly ignoring the light pain in his side. The projectile used to make the wound was small, so the hole wasn't that big and the pain was dulling already. Axel hadn't even noticed it yet.
NEW Journal-
Cursed: This large soldier Burdened is controlled by a large war hammer, without it the large bulky being wanders aimlessly. The metal plated rusted body seeks a sense of self while the weapon that controls it seeks ultimate power. It largely resembles its Nobody form, but it has added points and spikes that harm an attacker. The hammer however is much more primal in appearance. At the end is a large triangular club with jagged flats that make it look like a meat tenderizer. The handle is steel and to even out the balance, thickens at the end and comes to a sharp point. When destroyed, this Burdened forms Berserker Nobodies.
Gunmen: A Burdened with a human, whose passion is to shoot down their opponents without even being seen thus preferring the cover of forest areas. Unlike other burdened they only seek to perfect their abilities and indulge in their wicked pleasures inside the barrel of a gun. The only weapon they carry is along gun, resembling a cut riffle which is silver and black. The clothes they adorn themselves in are camouflage green, to allow them to hunt unnoticed. In the darkness only the gleam off the shiny barrel and the glow of their yellow eyes gives them away. This Burdened is useless in close combat, so it will run away to gain distance so it can fire its weapon. Once the tainted heart leaves their body, the empty shells form Sniper Nobodies.
Save Game: to be continued…