Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 14 (I couldn't resist, I had to write some Zexion/Demyx in this chapter! I held out for so long! I'm a failure… FAILURE!!!)
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
Upper Air
Roxas gaped at the scene playing out before him. Rays of gentle light bathed on spacious oceans of natural billows. The dazzling display between the vaporous water and photon particles from the blazing star left the plains dancing light shades of purples, blues, and pinks. Above was an eternal blanket of midnight blue, splashed with cosmic flares and nebulas. So endless was the beauty before him, Roxas felt he could loose himself to its glory at any second. The sun Aether paced effortlessly towards wasn't glaring or sharp, but a soft hazy yellow as if a veil had been pulled over it to protect their eyes.
The steed carrying him, Roxas found, was no less glorious than the surrounding backdrop. It had been dusk when he'd gotten his first gotten a good look at Aether. Of course, the winged stallion had been stunning before but in the light he was even more enchanting. Instead of capturing color in his glossy fur and feathers, it flowed over him in dancing ribbon and streams in a vibrant and dazzling display. With each muscle movement the liquid spectrum would snake around his body. How breathtakingly the stallion could perform almost made Roxas envious.
As the journey continued, it had been in progress for at least a half hour now, the Nobody felt a tinge of familiarity. Now they could see green mountain tops around them, but still Roxas couldn't place it. Only when Aether's hooves clapped against metal and wood did Roxas realize were he was. On the railroad tracks, thundering down them as fast as or faster than the train he'd arrived on the first time, they were headed down the way towards the Sorcerer's Tower. However, that place sailed by in a flash and Aether barreled down the railway without a second thought.
Before much time passed, Roxas could hear low hums of some large unseen beasts. The hums together made a strange melody; apart they wouldn't have formed anything relatively close to music. Around them the air became heavy and wind raged like a hell storm. Grey and blue steel colored backs arched above the colorful clouds pushing them aside, condensing the vapor into dew on the flesh of the giant beasts. One turned on its side as it curved over the vast billows, revealing a white stomach and a large rough flipper. Then after it a bolder animal rushed above the orange and pink into the open. Roxas could keep his mouth from falling open. All around the tracks was an enormous pod of whales, humpback whales. They surfed through the sky like it was water.
Figment crawled out of the nook he'd hidden in to avoid the wind to speak, “Aether said it's their migration season.” Explained the dragon. Roxas had been unaware the winged horse had even tried to communicate with him, “We should be there soon.” Assured Figment before he let out a quiet `eep' as the steed suddenly pushed off the tracks, plunging them into the haze of color.
Grecian Lands
Bursting through the clouds, damp from the condensation, the trio was greeted by a vast land, bigger than any that Roxas had ever seen. Everywhere there was color, lush greens in the trees and grass, vibrant purples, reds, blues, any color that could be thought of painted flowers that flourished in the haven. White ruins disabled and constricted by veins dotted the land every now and then, while a white marble city could be seen in the far distance. Below, among the plant life, bustled animal hybrids happily. They looked to be without a care. Satyrs played on wooden flutes and piccolos, water nymphs tended waterside vegetation, small cherubs collected and played in flowers, hundreds of Pegasus flitted about in every pastel color, and, more to Roxas's interest, centaurs galloped the plains. As Aether soared down, spiraling lightly to the ground, many of the creatures stopped and turned giving them curious looks.
Roxas was happy to have his feet back on the ground, even if it was a foreign land. Only after getting off of Aether's back did Roxas realize how much it hurt to ride a horse, in fact his legs almost gave way because of it. Wincing, Roxas rubbed his sore thighs a soft hiss of pain accompanying him, “I never want to ride a horse again.”
Hearing the statement Aether snorted angrily before raising his head proudly and stomping off. Roxas let out a `hmph' and looked to Figment, “What'd he say?”
“That you're lucky to even be allowed on his back.” Figment chimed happily.
“Stuck up horse.” Roxas muttered as a shadow slowly enveloped him. Seeing a set of hooves at the base of the shadow he let out a timid squeak. Quickly straightening up and looking at the owner of the large horse feet he gulped.
A heavily built centaur had approached him. His fur was a deep violet; hooves, hair, and tail were dark blue. The human torso of him was a light blue color and his eyes were dark, black almost. His features were round, save his fairly broad jaw. Though his muscles weren't well defined, Roxas could tell there were a lot packed loosely under his skin. It was intimidating.
“Young man, you should be honored such a steed let you ride him. You know, a Pegasus is a very proud creature and rarely let anyone mount him, even the king or our gods, except of course Hercules.” Stated the half horse hybrid in a deep hearty voice. Despite his appearance, he seemed to be as gentle as a lamb.
“Oh…” Was all Roxas could utter after the scare. His crystal blue gaze averted, taking in the surroundings. It looked a lot bigger from down here. Everything was so high up, trees three stories high drowned out ruins and sloped hills cut him off from the things he'd seen earlier. At this, he felt a pang of dread. He could easily get lost here, or worse he could just upright die and disappear without anyone even noticing. Not only that, but his time was limited. Again he felt very alone and at once he wanted to just turn back and go home, be with Sora and his friends. He wanted to have Namine hold him and tell him it was all right. He wanted to forget all about this journey.
The World That Never Will Be-
Dawning Hills
Axel stopped walking and gently set Demyx down, the young Nobody had been sleeping since yesterday. However, the fact he had been carting a certain someone around or that he'd had to run and hide from Burdened almost constantly were not the reason he had come to cease his actions. Inside him, deep within the confines of the hollow space within, he felt rejected. It was as if something had left him and he had been tossed aside and forgotten. The feeling was frightening and painful; he'd feared he might drop Demyx if he held him any longer. Weakness crept over him and a sudden despair threatened to reopen old wounds. Then the threat was carried out.
Every memory, every thought, every feeling he could recall of Roxas flooded back to his present mind. The pain of loosing him was renewed again, a feeling he hoped he'd not have to face again. His body, trying to rid itself of the stress and emotional pain, shook violently.
“Roxas! Roxas, wait! I'm coming for you! Please don't give up, Roxas!” He screamed at the top of his lungs, hoping beyond hope that his words would reach his lost companion. If his words couldn't reach him, at least there was a chance that the feeling behind it would not be lost over the endless plains and mountains.
Grecian Lands
Gripping the chakrams tightly in his hand, he heard the metal clink and grind together. It stole his attention away from the dread. For an instant he could have sworn he'd heard Axel calling to him, but that wasn't possible. Even if it had just been his imagination, it had reminded him of why he was doing this.
Hand raised, the weapons cast a mystical shadow over Roxas as he gazed at the sun through the. The light reflecting off the chakrams, the way it danced on the red and silver gave the illusion of fire, Axel's fire. Leon's and Cloud's words rang through his head.
If you're already doubting yourself, you'll never make it. Be brave, have the courage to fight and make your life what you want it to be.
“You… I'm certain you will find what you desire most.”
“Right… I'll find him.” Roxas spoke telling himself it was so. `With the fire I can see now as my strength, I can find him.' “Thanks, Cloud… Leon.” He murmured before letting his hand drop back to his side, “I couldn't have done this without you.”
The World That Never Will Be-
Dawning Hills
Grey-blue eyes peered around a tree at the pair. Axel had stopped yelling for Roxas and Demyx had roused, but only slightly. There was still a cute little pout on the musician's lips and a daze look on his face. They talked a little, but he was too far to hear exactly what was said. It was probably about Roxas and perhaps Demyx was comforting Axel, which sparked a little resentment inside him. Now it wasn't as if he liked Demyx or anything, he just had fairly random powerful urges to hold or touch him. It was his still very child-like demeanor that did it, the way he would frown when he was upset the way he smiled when he was happy, it just seemed like hugging him would be the right thing to do.
The scowl on his face grew as Axel picked Demyx up again. The Melodious Nocturne was fine; he could certainly walk on his own. Sure, maybe he was a little tired, but then they should just stop. Stepping forward, he tried to get a closer look but a fallen branch snapped at his feet. Inhaling sharply he threw himself back behind the tree.
“Who's there?!” He heard Axel call. He didn't know why Axel tried; no one was stupid enough to actually reply if they were hiding. Their smell grew stronger as Axel backtracked to investigate, still holding Demyx.
“What's wrong Axel?” Came Demyx voice making him shudder. It was good how oblivious he was, it would make things so much easier when their role came.
“I thought I heard something, so shut up.” Axel hissed back. He really should speak nicer to Demyx; it was only a matter of time before the plan was set in motion. It was a waiting game until then, that was precisely his reason for being here. There was little more he could think of that was more gratifying than stalking after the rest of the members. These two were far too easy of targets to pass up.
Their scents were growing slightly weaker now; they'd given up and were moving on. Again he peeked around the tree. It was dangerous so close to the mountains as he'd learned. Axel would have to keep on his toes, actually since he'd started his devious little plot this morning at least Xemnas's gang would need a look out and maybe Axel. Axel's wellbeing sort of depended on whether or not Marluxia and Larxene decided to retaliate, he hoped they would. Axel was like a cockroach, foul and nearly immortal but more than anything he was something that needed to be crushed.
`I'd better see if Marluxia and Larxene need my `help'.' He thought lightly as he folded his arms over his chest. Slowly his eyes wandered back to the pair walking away. By the end of this, he hoped that there'd only be the one left. At that thought he felt a smile tug at his lips but he bit his tongue and forced it down. Even if no one was there, he wasn't about to smile, especially if it was at the strange thoughts his mind was currently tinkering with. Marluxia and Larxene could wait, he assured himself before he settled down next to the tree to let his thoughts come to an end before moving onto more serious matters. It wasn't a good idea to act with busy mind.
The World That Never Will Be-
Awakening Plains
“Hey! Saix!” Came the sharp voice jostling Saix out of a particularly pleasant dream. A loud aggressive growl erupted from his throat as he pushed himself off the hard and hot ground beneath him. As he did this, he placed a hand on a Shifters back shaking it into consciousness. Instantly the beast was up, throwing its head from the ground it snapped its jaws violently making the clicks of communication to the others, who too were soon up snapping their massive teeth together. The sound was intense adding to the already unstable state Saix had woken up in. Baring his teeth and still growling his eyes, consumed by the bright yellow of the iris, landed on a nearby form. It didn't matter who it was, the blame fell on him.
For a split second their target stood frozen, and then as Saix stepped towards him he flinched. The tiny movement triggered the pack of Shifters and they rushed forwards in frenzy, hoping that at least one of the times their teeth came down it would be on that man.
Xemnas came to a few seconds after the fight began. The sight that greeted him brought a scowl to his face. Saix with a pack of things at his side had gone berserk and was currently trying to rip Xaldin's throat out with his bare hands. For a moment Xemnas pondered on what had set the Luna Diviner off, but he soon dropped it, finding the subject very dull. Then he thought about why the monsters with Saix were only attacking Xaldin, which was a far more intriguing occurrence. Sadly, he didn't have much time by this point to do observations. Despite not liking Xaldin, it wasn't good to have him get killed because Saix decided he wanted him to die.
So standing up slowly he crossed his arms over his chest and walked forwards, just close enough to be heard without raising his voice, “Saix!”
Almost instantly Saix stopped, the Shifters by his side perfectly in tune with him. As Saix released Xaldin from his own hands the creatures opened their mouths spitting out the torn pieces of cloth and some releasing Xaldin's body. Though the attack had been swift, Xaldin was seriously injured now. Not twenty seconds after hearing his voice Saix had his eyes on Xemnas, completely in control of himself again. Seven sets of wild eyes followed his gaze simultaneously.
Then bowing his head Saix began to walk to his Superior, his arms were neatly folded over his chest. Depressed, the pack followed heads down ears back. When he was within Xemnas's cold reach he stopped and looked up again. His bright yellow eyes searched Xemnas's darker ones, reading the message waiting for him. A ball of lead fell in his stomach and he no longer wished to be so close to the leader. There was an unsettling feeling growing again, he'd done something wrong and gotten the Superior upset again. This was the second time in twelve hours but this time he wouldn't let his shame or despair cross into his eyes. Covering up and burying the shadows of emotion, he looked at Xemnas with a blank mask; his Superior did not do the same. Anger flashed across those eyes and Xemnas furrowed his brows, giving Saix a long hard look.
Turning his eyes from him, Saix continued past his leader feeling rather cold and empty inside. The Shifters around him whined lightly chattering their teeth in a strange manner. Each deliberately lowered its head as it slunk past Xemnas in pursuit of their newfound chief.
Xemnas let out an exasperated sigh, “Fuck. Whirlwind Lancer, can you get up?” Snarled the Superior disdainfully, nudging Xaldin with the sole of his foot. The wounded Nobody grunted quietly before getting to his feet. His posture was slouched and he cradled his right arm. “You'll have to deal with it; you can have your revenge on Saix after what needs to be done is done. We'll find something to heal you later. Number X!” Turning he looked to see what had happened to the Gambler of Fate, “Where the hell is he?”
“He was gone when I woke up, sir.” Xaldin said between clenched teeth, “That's why I woke Saix; I thought he might have heard or done something.”
Just as Xaldin finished speaking, Xemnas spotted the blonde they had been speaking of. He was far off pacing beneath a tree. Something was up and Xemnas knew. The bastard had figured out something or done something against them. This needed to be taken care of soon. He'd wanted to wait out here until the right time to reduce the chances of being found out, the element of surprise was always a welcome advantage. Sadly, it looked like he'd have to risk it because if they didn't move now, whatever Luxord had been up to that night was going to catch up to them.
“Tonight, we'll have to get rid of him tonight.” Xemnas murmured in a hushed tone to himself.
Save Game: to be continued…