Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 13 (was supposed to only be 13 chapters long, looks like that's not happening)
Seriously, this is AkuRoku… Though, I seem to be a natural at AkuDemy. There are different kinds of love you know… Axel and Demyx are sharing… Um… Some sort of close friendship bond, maybe brotherly love (not incest brotherly love either)
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Awakening Plains
Xaldin and Luxord had both been asleep for at least an hour, reassuring the two awake they were in deep slumber. Inside many questions had been burning stifling his thoughts, screaming to be let out. He'd held out for a while, keeping his cool exterior and hiding the turmoil within. As leader, he'd always been best at covering up anything that might resemble emotion or feeling. It was a sign of weakness, and he would never give in to it. `A Nobody can't feel', that's what he always told himself when an inkling of something flickered inside him. Still, that didn't mean he couldn't question things that perked his interest, Nobody's could be intrigued after all.
“Number VII…?” Xemnas voiced questioningly in a low tone.
“Yes, my Superior?” Responded Saix promptly opening his eyes and looking towards the higher ranking Nobody. Xemnas met the Luna Diviner's gaze with his own. It was heavy connection, like they could silently communicate with eyes alone. “This is about before? When the Organization was whole?”
“Yes.” Confirmed Xemnas lightly, “I heard you... It makes me wonder.”
“It's nothing to concern yourself with, my Superior.” Assured Saix with a light sigh, but Xemnas' hand came up touching Saix's jaw. Though the touch itself was gentle, the forceful meaning behind it was not. Saix knew it was a threat; Xemnas could speak volumes without words touching his lips. The only thing about Xemnas' language was that only Saix seemed to understand it, “My Superior… When I called out for my heart… It was you I thought of, my last breath for you… I am weak, my Superior. I failed you, I never wished for it and if a Nobody could feel sorrow I would feel it for you what I have not done for you… I am eternally loyal to you.”
Xemnas brushed Saix's hair, eyes still cold and focused keeping their gazes locked. Another threat, another demand for explanation.
“I dare not speak the words, my Superior… They were never meant to be spoken and what should never be done should not be forced, a Nobody is proof of that… You do not understand, I know. I also know that it angers you, but I ask for your patience.” Requested Saix quietly desperately wanting to break the link, Xemnas could surely see something beyond the mask. He had hidden it there for good reason. A soft motion came from Xemnas. Placing his fingertips on Saix's lips he ran his fingers down to his chin, motioning for silence. Saix was grateful, “Thank you, my Superior. When the time presents itself… I will tell you.”
The silent bond was broken, and Xemnas turned his gaze to the two members in front of him.
“I am ashamed of you.” Xemnas spoke turning his head to look further away from Saix. Folding his arms, he further presented his disapproval. It was a cold feeling, the way he rejected Saix's presence now. He repeated to further deepen the wound, “I am so ashamed of you, Saix. The look in your eyes, in darkens me. You should have been stronger. This weakness is unacceptable.”
Saix bowed his head closing his eyes. Xemnas rarely used his name; when he did it was usually to show his extreme displeasure with him. How Saix wished he was as strong as his Superior, then the pain of letting him down would not cut so deeply inside him. Though there was no heart within him, the empty void could be filled with various things. Saix had filled the chasm to the brink with devotion for Xemnas, respect and admiration for the Nobody. Therefore, whenever Xemnas scolded him it made this deference burn a hole into his existence causing him undo pain and irritation. Somehow, he couldn't help but think Xemnas knew this all too well.
“I deeply regret having caused you such displeasure. I will try harder.” Murmured Saix as he slowly stood. Putting distance between them, he alienated himself punishing his behavior. Xemnas made no objection, didn't even look his way. His Superior would never understand the ache Saix felt at doing this.
Before too long a soft growl came to his side. Eyes flashing up, Saix's met with the eyes of a wild beast. He was already very close to berserk. Up on his feet turned in place counting the things around him. The things only growled lightly breathing huskily. They were Shifter Burdened. Saix flashed his teeth at them, letting out something of a hiss. In return the creatures hissed back. Lowering his head Saix let his eyes run over them a second time, there were no physical signs of aggression. As he shifted to get another look at the whole of them, the creatures in turn moved mimicking his manners. A mad grin spread across Saix's face, these things were not here to harm him; they were interested in him.
“It seems I've found some friends.” Saix murmured to them, they chattered their teeth approaching him. Again the Luna Diviner settled onto the ground. The beasts curled up around him, as if seeking his approval. To reward their kind behavior towards him, Saix stroked their heads as they fell to sleep around him. They had met strange beasts like these before, but those had attacked. It was a mystery why these came to him now, but his insanity temporarily subdued, he didn't stop to think about it. All that mattered was these things provided a way to get back on his Superior's good side.
The World That Never Will Be-
Awakening Plains
Releasing wave after wave of fire, Axel was growing weak. No matter how many times he attacked, more soldiers and Assassin nobodies crawled up out of the ground to replace them. Demyx had done his best to put the Shifters to sleep, but as soon as Axel had turned about twenty into more harmless Creepers the things started to howl. The combined noise of their voices they'd drowned out Demyx's lullaby. They found this to be quite a problem. The animals attacked madly, killing anything in their path including their own. Many took shape of large bull-like animals or lions adding to the strength of their attacks.
The soldiers that came from the ground were frightening to look at. Over their black skin they wore silver armor. The armor was littered with sharp edges and spikes. Their helmets resembled snakes and they bit with them with large poisonous fangs. Hands composed of long claws, they pinned their victims in the shoulders and snapped at the face and neck. In a normal stance they stood hunched, glaring green eyes piercing the soul before it would suddenly attack. Many would disappear underground and come up from beneath them, gnawing on their legs before slashing at them with their claws. When Axel would finally rid himself on one of the Dark Soldiers, an Assassin Nobody, the very ones he used to have control over, would spring forth to attack.
With the Shifters immune to the lullaby, Axel and Demyx found them to be formidable opponents. Their attacks, though blindly put forth, were swift and powerful. Once their jaws locked onto flesh, they tore at it violently before throwing whatever it was over its shoulder. Those taking shape of a two legged animal often used an un-blockable slashing attack. Before they attacked they made awful clicking sounds by snapping their teeth and the fur on their back stood on end.
Demyx was heavily wounded by this time. He fought back only in defense and instantly would fall to a knee once completing an attack. If it were possible to heal himself he would have, but the attacks were so quick and frequent his attempts went interrupted and were unsuccessful.
With a final blaze towards the oncoming enemy, Axel retreated to Demyx's side, “I can't find anyway out of this.” He panted quietly, eyes running over the area around them. They'd been completely closed in; there wasn't a weak spot in sight, “Damn, I'd hoped we would have lived just a bit longer.” Axel laughed trying to make light of the situation, “Dying sucks.”
“I guess our time's up then?” Questioned Demyx quietly as he stood up. Axel quickly put an arm around Demyx, keeping him from falling.
“Looks that way… It was nice getting to know you.” Axel said giving Demyx a light smile, “Really would've liked to spend more time with you. I'll protect you with my body for as long as it will hold out.” He said quietly before wrapping both arms around the younger Nobody. Resting his chin on the musician's head, he braced himself for the pain he'd receive. If it were possible he would have sacrificed himself all over again, but it would have done nothing. These things were stronger than Nobodies and many could hide underground, there would be many left after the kamikaze attack. He wasn't about to let Demyx just die alone.
He could feel Demyx trembling against him. It was no use in covering up the fear, they would be dead soon anyway.
Pain shot through his shoulder and back as two of the Shifters latched onto him and began to tear. He cried out, holding onto Demyx tighter. His body screamed for him to turn and get rid of them, but he wouldn't. When the pain suddenly stopped growing his eyes flashed open.
“Xigbar!” He exclaimed almost in disbelief as the Freeshooter leapt out from the sky into battle. Two more gun-like crossbows in each hand he began to lay waste to the Burdened before him.
“Miss me?” Grinned Xigbar over his shoulder firing multiple rounds into the throngs of Dark Soldiers and Shifters. Many of the things went down with one shot. Jumping into the air, boots planting firmly on the sky, he shot down Burdened with ease. The Shifters took flight in pursuit. The dragonfly Shifters snapped at his guns, one successfully locking its jaws onto one of them. Crushed now, Xigbar let the creature have it, and an arrow to the head. Pushing himself back to the ground he slaughtered a few more of the Burdened, “They really like you two, you should be flattered.” Commented Xigbar before putting an arm around the two, “I can't take `em all on, let's get out of here.” He said before their forms disappeared from the scene.
The World That Never Will Be-
Dawning Hills
“There we go.” Xigbar voiced releasing the pair at the crest of a large hill. Instantly both Axel and Demyx collapsed. They were exhausted and injured from the short but violent fight, “Hopeless.” Sighed the Sharpshooter before his image flickered. When form solidified again he was holding some potions. Healing the two he planted himself beside them, sitting Indian style, “There, you should be fine now. Axel and Demyx, right?”
Ignoring Xigbar, Axel helped Demyx sit up. He looked the other Nobody up and down, making sure the potion had down its work. It had, Demyx was fine now though maybe a little weak, “Let's get out of here.” He whispered scooping up Demyx, “You should rest; I'll carry you.” He stated. The Melodious Nocturne hummed softly already halfway there.
“Don't trust me?” Asked Xigbar are Axel moved past him. Pausing, the pyro looked back over his shoulder at Xigbar.
“Never given me a reason to trust you, old man. Roxas may have trained and talked with you, may have even liked you a little, but he didn't trust you. I don't see any reason not to trust his judgment, got it memorized?” Then Axel turned and continued on his way.
“I saved your lives back there!” Xigbar called to them, turning halfway in his spot.
“We're Nobodies. We don't even exist. You can't save what was never there. Go play your games with someone else.” Axel replied with strong distaste, “We're not interested in your twisted help.” He added. Silently, he was grateful. Xigbar had transported them closer to the mountains. They were at the larges hills just before the mountains. There were more trees and rocks here, it was obstacle ridden. The time Xigbar had saved them would be eaten up traveling through here.
“Ungrateful delinquents.” Grumbled the old sharp shooter, “What were their names again?” He pondered lightly before getting up. Watching their backs recede his brows furrowed, “Ah right. They're from the Organization… Er. Axel and Demyx.” He told himself, “I can't help but think I was supposed to tell them something.”
NEW Journal-
Character Links-
Saix: Number VII's uncanny ability to understand subtle body language and his shaky take on sanity have proven useful. Sharing a common mental state with Shifter Burdened and able to communicate with the beasts, Saix has taken on the position as their `leader'. Saix's state of mind seems to affect the sanity of the Shifters around him.
Dark Soldiers: A humanoid Burdened, this type sprouts from the ground randomly. They seek purpose, attacking others in hope of gaining theirs. They wield no weapons; instead, they use their claws, helmet teeth, and armor spines to fight. Beneath the sleek white armor they are black and formless beings, save for the glowing green eyes, which blaze within the serpent helmet's mouth. Attacks come from ground level or below, having no purpose they often sleep within the earth. When defeated these Burdened form Assassin Nobodies.
Save Game: to be continued…