Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 12
So last chapter we got some explanation to what was going on.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Abandoned House
“Why are you telling us this? Why did you come here?” Questioned Zexion coldly. They'd been speaking with Xigbar about all the things he'd been doing since he'd gotten here but had yet to come up with an explanation of his presence. None of them had a close relationship with Xigbar so it was beyond them. Lexaeus had returned long ago and stood leaning in the doorway currently.
“Why? As soon as my heart has fully set in, I won't remember anything before the Organization. I've forgotten everything before we started studying the heart's secrets already. I suppose you might say I'm reminiscing.” Xigbar said, “I wanted to see my old comrades one last time before I forgot who you really are.”
“I suppose then you think we should go and see if our hearts are there as well?” Asked Lexaeus.
“That's completely up to you to decide.” Xigbar stated as he finally stood, “I'm sure Vexen is going to go even if you two don't. He's always had such an affinity for the heart. Just think of all the things he'd learn with actually owning one. I'll leave you to your thoughts then, but remember there is a risk.” Then he was gone.
For a long moment they were all silent, and then slowly Zexion stood. Without a word he left the room. Vexen and Lexaeus made no move to stop him.
“We'll wait until light out to go… It'll be easier after a night's rest.” Vexen explained lying back down in his bed, turning away from the door. Silently, Lexaeus nodded and promptly sat down to get some rest before the journey commenced in the morning.
The World That Never Will Be-
Awakening Plains
“So I was thinking, since we're going to be spending a lot of time with each other… Why don't I teach you some proper fighting techniques?” Asked Axel as they continued on their way. `God knows you sure as hell could use it.' He added silently making himself chuckle a little bit. Just as he'd said they'd started walking as soon as the rain had gone. They hadn't talked much since then, just about some past events at the Castle Oblivion and such. Still, since they'd started it had been eating away at him that they were wasting a lot of time. Sure they were headed towards the mountain, but certainly they could make more of the time it took to get there. This was his solution. It would give them something to do and it would help them get there faster. Every time they ran into an enemy it took twice as long to get by them because Demyx couldn't do anything. Actually, as they got closer to the mountain they seemed to encounter more Nobodies and the strange creatures with hearts.
“Seriously?! You'll teach me how to fight?!” Exclaimed Demyx excitedly as he bounded up to walk beside Axel. “That's great! I'd love to!”
“Whoa there. Don't get too excited.” Axel laughed giving Demyx a playful shove, succeeding in almost knocking the young punk down. “Just because I'll teach you something doesn't mean it's because I like you any better. Got it memorized? What you and me are right now is as good as it gets.”
“I know that!” Demyx snapped back with a smile stepping up to Axel's side again. The shorter Nobody had to walk pretty fast to keep up with Axel's long strides, “Besides, you've still got that thing for Roxas. Doubt we'll ever see him again anyway, don't see what the big deal it.” He added the last part under his breath and it sounded fairly sour.
“What was that?”
“Nothing!” Chimed Demyx reassuringly, “I'm just really glad that you've taken and interest in teaching me. No one's ever bothered to try since I first started in the Organization. I bet as you train me you'll see I'm not such a bad guy after all.”
“Doubt it. You're a loser.” Axel chuckled. Though he had little faith in Demyx's abilities it didn't mean he wouldn't give Demyx a chance to try. He was sure Demyx wouldn't be half bad at fighting if he just took the time to learn; they had all the time in the world to do it now. “So I suppose we should start off with hand-to-hand combat, seeing as how I have no weapons. We don't even use the same weap- er… Instrument anyway so it would be pointless. You seem to handle your element well enough so we'll skip it for now and get back to it later. Now don't mistake that for a compliment! You still can use work on just about everything; I'm just saying that we're going to work on your weak spots first.”
“Hey…” Demyx objected quietly, “I'm not that bad with water… Better than you are at least.”
“I can't use water so that doesn't count.” Informed Axel promptly before a gang of ominous creatures suddenly appeared in their path. There was a single Scaled Avenger, three swordsmen, and four boar-like animals. From Axel's knowledge, he'd guess they all had tainted hearts and were definitely looking for a fight.
Each swordsman wielded a long broadsword, the metal stained black. They stood slightly hunched over, the weight of the swords weighing them down a bit. Over the lower part of their faces was a half mask shaped like an animal's jaw, teeth and all. A hood was pulled up to hide the rest of the face. Under tattered cloaks, they wore slate blue clothes which cover every inch of their flesh. A black belt held a variety of knives, both large and small.
The four legged animals were roughly the size of a large dog but resembled something more porcine in nature. Large wedge shaped heads held large heavy fangs, weighing the skull down to the ground. So large were the yellow teeth that frothy saliva dribbled down its jaw, making it look rabid. Tiny, wild, yellow eyes stared out both sides of its head at nothing in particular. An equally tiny set of triangular ears were set on top its head. The heavy set body was covered in dark purple fur, which was black at the base. This fur was ragged and covered the creature unevenly giving it the appearance of having mange. A silvery mane sprout along the spine and ended at the non-existent tail.
“All right, watch and learn.” Axel called back to Demyx, “Just keep the large one away from me.” He added gesturing to the fire breathing dragon.
“I'll try.”
“Don't try, do. Got it memorized?” Demanded Axel, wishing it was daylight. Since it was night it would be harder to get a good grasp of the situation at any given time; he needed Demyx to do this for him. Then he rushed forward into battle with then swordsmen.
“Right.” Said Demyx with a nod, not that Axel could see, `I can do this. I'll show him what I can do, then he'll see that I'm not as bad as everyone says I am. Then he'll stop treating me like a kid.' Summoning his sitar his fingers fluttered to the strings instantly sounding a melody. Eyes closed, he sang to the lullaby,
“High above the beautiful sky
Listen to the whispering words of the wind, blessing on you
Gentle wind blows up on a hill
Sing a song of lightly birds of the charm, touching on you

It's calling your name, warming your heart
Darling, if you could be pleased to be here
It's calling my name, warming my heart
Praying for you to be happy and joy
Merciful days”
`Fuck, what the hell is he doing?' Axel thought harshly warding off another sword blow. Looking over his shoulder he saw Demyx just standing and singing, `Does he have a death wish?' Axel asked himself before letting out a yelp and jumping out of the way of another blade. Quickly, he rid Demyx from his mind turning his full attention to the blade wielders. They were quick on their feet and they dealt heavy blows that cuts half a foot into the ground when they missed. It gave Axel some time to get into a good kick or two before the blade swung back up at him. He was focusing on getting one of those swords because it was risky business attacking them unarmed.
One of the swordsmen raised his sword high for a strength blow, it was a slow attack. Axel rushed forward; grabbing the swordsman's hands he gave him a kick in the stomach. The grip loosened on the sword and Axel yanked it free.
“Axel! Look out!” Demyx yelled from behind him and Axel quickly jumped away from his spot. The Scaled Avenger let out a soft grumble falling like a dead insect to the ground with a loud `thud'. Before Axel could react further Demyx had come up from behind and yanked the sword free from Axel's hand. The blade came down over the beast's neck and the heart fluttered up from the cloud of darkness. Because the dragon had crushed the owner of the sword, it was quickly disappearing. Unwilling to give it up just yet Demyx thrust the dark blade into the forming Dragoon, killing it before it completely pulled itself together. Then just before the sword faded he ran it through the second patch of darkness.
Whirling around, he gave an oncoming blade holder a spinning kick, knocking loose the sword. His opponent leapt for it, but rolling for it Demyx snatched it up first. Wasting no time for a pause, he was on top of the four sleeping beasts, two of which now looking like napping cats. One swoop of the heavy broadsword and all four relinquished their tainted hearts.
While Demyx was slaying the animals Axel kept the swordsmen at bay again, destroying one he was faced with a familiar enemy. The Samurai Nobody thrust its sword at Axel's gut. Unable to dodge fast enough the light blade came across his cheek, slicing from the corner of his eye down to his chin. Recoiling, the Flurry of Dancing Flames retreated trying to wipe the blood from his eye.
“Axel!” Demyx cried out in alarm glancing over his shoulder. His gaze was there for only a second before he drew his stolen blade up to block an attack from a sword shaped Creeper. The boar-like things had formed Creeper in their place, and though weak, they were a nuisance. Pulling back he gave the sword some momentum and sliced it through his enemy before going to Axel's aid. He made short work of the two remaining enemies and was at Axel's side without skipping a beat.
“Are you all right Axel?” Demyx asked worriedly pulling out a potion.
“Fine, fine. Just a scrape.” Reassured Axel flashing the Melodious Nocturne a smile as he wiped the blood from his face again. He silently accepted the potion and healed the wound. Standing slowly he looked around. They were alone again, “Nice work.”
“Huh?” Demyx voiced dumbly as he too stood up.
“The fight.” Said Axel, “Nice work with the fight. So that song it did-?”
“It put them to sleep. It only works with animals though.” Demyx said shyly, “Did I really do okay?”
“Yeah, you're pretty bad ass when you've got an actual weapon in your hands. I change my mind, you're not completely hopeless. We have to get you something sharp, commit it to memory.” Axel laughed lightly placing his hand on Demyx's head giving his hair a ruffle, “Come on.” Letting his hand slip off the teen's head Axel turned back to the mountain, “You definitely deserve whatever the hell it is we're looking for.”
Grinning ear to ear like a Cheshire cat Demyx quickly moved to follow. However, something wiped the smile right off his face, stopping both him and Axel. A huge pack of the boar creatures had come and had surrounded them, about 20 in all. Along with the ferocious animals the ground began to sprout soldiers. They crawled from the ground like zombies, clawing at the ground as they pulled forth from the earth.
“This day just can't get any better.” Seethed Axel sarcastically shaking his head palms to the sky.
Disney Castle-
Guest Room
Roxas groaned and came to from his light sleep. He'd only been asleep a little while, but he kept waking up feeling worry churn in the pit of his stomach. Still, for the most part, he blamed his waking up every ten minutes on his sour body. Aether, at least Roxas thought, had purposely knocked him off several times. His butt, head, shoulders, knees, and back were all bruised and throbbed constantly to remind him of the stuck up animal. It wasn't his fault he wasn't good at riding; that Pegasus wouldn't hold still to let him get his bearings. He'd convinced himself that the animal enjoyed seeing Roxas on his ass and in pain.
Disgruntled, Roxas got out of bed and went to his dresser looking in the large mirror. Turning on the lamp on the dresser he gave himself a good look over. Shirt off, he checked on his bruises. It wasn't as bad as it felt. Setting his piece of clothing on the glossy wood he leaned heavily on the furniture. He frowned.
The face staring back at him was the one that had rejected Axel. His heart dropped. It was the face that Axel had wanted to see. How could he have been so stupid? This person in the mirror had turned away from Axel, when it really hadn't wanted to.
“What if he hates me now?” Roxas asked his reflection, “What if he can't stand to look at my face anymore…?” Pulling himself up he sat on the dresser. A heavy sigh slipped pass his lips. His mind reassured him with kind words and he again looked at his reflection over his shoulder. He mustered a small smile. A blush spread across his face, embarrassed by his only shy expression, “Right…” Looking down he stared at the book on his bed, “If he gets a heart… He'll love me.” He laughed softly, “Love…” The word felt nice on his tongue, made his chest ache in a comforting way, “I'll find his heart… I won't let him be without it if I can help it.” Creeping back to his bed he flipped open the book to read more about the hearts of Nobodies.
NEW Journal-
The Burdened: powerful creatures that attack Axel and the Organization members relentlessly. When defeated a tainted heart springs from the body and a Nobody is formed.
Black Blades: Human shaped Burdened whose stalking abilities make it seem as if they come out of the woodwork. They seek the one thing they do not have, self-control and mercy. Wielding long broadswords and equipped with blades of many sizes on their belts, they have the ability to exhibit long and close range attacks; they seem to favor using their swords. Over their head they wear a half mask which covers the lower jaw, resembling a bulldog mouth. Their hoods shade their skin and a dark cloak, torn at the knees, covers the blue-gray clothes it wears. Over their chest is the shape of a bleeding heart, colored red. After being forced to relinquish their tainted heart, its darkness comes back together to form Samurai Nobodies.
Shifters: A Burdened with no permanent shape, it dons a boar-like appearance originally. They seek the one thing they cannot possess, sanity. Walking on all fours for most of its battles, it wields no weapon of its own. Its color remains fairly constant throughout all transformations, dark violet with a silver streak down its spine; its wild yellow eyes are also eternal. A furless patch, the shape of a bleeding heart, remains clear in all forms. When disposed of their essence comes to form Creeper Nobodies.
Dark Soldiers: A humanoid Burdened, this type sprouts from the ground randomly. LOG INCOMPLETE
Save Game: to be continued…