Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 11
You guys have no idea how much I realize that there is no `action'. Sadly, there's not much that can be done about it… I really would like to have those types of scenes right now, but Roxas and Axel still are so far apart! Boo hoo. ;_; Also… I couldn't help myself at the end of this chapter, there are so many Author's Notes that I want to put it. I have refrained up till now… I did well.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Awakening Plains
“Superior, can't we make a move yet?” Asked Luxord irritably at the lack of action they were receiving. Nothing had come to bother them, the place was as empty as it was when they'd come. Xemnas, Saix, and Xaldin were a quiet bunch leaving all others to entertain themselves with thought. Unable to think of anything good in particular and not one to question things, Luxord was suffering from this silent treatment. He existed to fight and gamble and if there wasn't any of that then he really didn't see the point in existing.
“No.” The Superior said flatly, again shattering all hopes of anything happening and ending the conversation.
`Fuck.' Luxord snarled angrily to himself stopping and plopping soundly on the ground. This caused the others to stop and turn back to look at him. At the raise of a brow from his leader he let out a growl and flipped off at Number I. His leader merely watched for a moment before his eyes shifted to Xaldin. Lowering his head and sighing, Number III moved back and seated himself next to Luxord. Folding his arms the Whirlwind Lancer cast his superiors a light glance before bowing his head and closing his eyes.
For a long moment, Xemnas just stood looking at the two inferior Nobodies. Then slowly he lowered himself to the ground and sat. He faced them, back straight, arms crossed, and a stone calm expression. It was similar to how a military officer might sit, not allowed to completely relax. Right after he had settled, Saix closed his eyes and put a hand down on Xemnas's shoulder, using it for support as he too sat down. Saix sat Indian style next to Xemnas's mimicking the posture, but with a more bored expression. Their thighs touched but neither moved to separate.
Luxord quirked a brow at this but turned to Xaldin instead of looking further into the situation, “Hey, want to make a bet?”
A heavy sigh escaped Xaldin as he opened an eye to give Luxord a look, “About what... ?”
“Let's say about… Demyx. Yeah, him.” Luxord grinned.
“What are we betting on?” Asked Xaldin.
“How about how long it will take us to get him out of the way.” Luxord offered.
“What are we betting?”
“Hum… How about who has to fetch those wretched fruits from the trees?”
“Three attacks, five max.” Xaldin stated simply, “If I win it's your job from then on.”
“All right. I bet Xemnas can get rid of him in one attack, two max.” Said Luxord confidently, “Now… Let's try something that'll happen a bit sooner… How about… Which one of us can stay up longer than Saix- Wait no! Saix almost never sleeps, we'll see who can stay up longer than Xemnas.”
“Why not just bet on which one of us can stay up latest? Those two are like statues; I doubt you'd know if one was asleep or not.” Xaldin stated raising his head just slightly to cast a cautious glance at the two across from them. So far, neither of them seemed to be getting irritated with being ignored and betted on.
“Wait, I have something better!”
“Really now?” Xaldin fawned surprise best he could.
“Yes. Let's fight!”
“No.” Xaldin replied flatly, “Why don't you just go to sleep?”
“I can't, I'm too bored to sleep.” Luxord complained, “Come on let's fight.”
“There will be no fighting,” Came Xemnas's deep voice. A smirk tugged at Saix's lips, but his eyes remained closed. Luxord let out a whine but folded his arms anyways.
“Fine.” He grumbled leaning against Xaldin and making himself comfortable. If he bothered to look up at the Whirlwind Lancer, he would have found a grimace of disgust on his face at being touched. Still Number III endured and allowed it, if it would get Luxord to shut up.
`Maybe I should have followed someone else… Even if Axel is a traitor… He and I at least had something in common…' He thought lightly to himself.
Xemnas and Saix met eyes for a moment, exchanging silent words. The gazes flickered back to Luxord for a moment before returning to each other.
“When do we attack,” Breathed Xaldin.
“When Number VII sees our opening.” Xemnas whispered back turning his gaze from Saix as the yellow-eyed Nobody tipped his head back and gaze at the sky, “The Luna Diviner can see them, when they enter the forest near the mountains, we can have our revenge. Now hush. I will speak no more of this.”
“Yes, Superior.” Xaldin confirmed before tilting his head towards Luxord. He made sure to not let the Gambler of Fate feel him do so or feel it, “However, was that a threat?” Inquired Xaldin in a way that Luxord would not know they were speaking of him.
“I believe it was, and I'll carry out that threat once I have no use of you, unless you are quiet.” Xemnas replied using the same type of code back to Number III. The plan spoken they all fell into silence again. Luxord was unstable and was to be disposed of as soon as his purpose was fulfilled. The Gambler of Fate wouldn't know what hit him.
The World That Never Will Be-
Abandoned House
“Braig's here.” Zexion suddenly stated out of the blue as he looked up from the spot on the ground he'd been focusing on.
“Braig?” Questioned Vexen lightly, a little confused at the mention, “Isn't he dead?”
“Not anymore…” Said Zexion before looking at the doorway, “Don't stand out there all day; if you're going to sneak up on someone try a group that doesn't have me in it. You know I can smell you from a mile away.”
“Are you suggesting that I smell bad?” Asked Xigbar stepping into the room with a smile. There was something new in his voice, it held depth now, more than before. To Zexion, he smelt different and his presence felt different.
“Braig… What's that smell on you?” Questioned Zexion standing. His interest had been peeked and he stalked closer to Xigbar, inhaling through his nose deeply.
“Braig… Ah, that's a name I haven't heard in such a long time.” Smiled Xigbar, “I think I'm fonder of Xigbar, though; it brings back fond memories of the Organization.” Sighed Xigbar like a hopeless romantic, “But if you continue to call me Braig I suppose I should call you Ienzo.”
“Don't you dare.” Snarled Zexion before inhaling again, “What is that smell?”
“Can't you tell?” Xigbar laughed heartily a hand on his chest, “You've forgotten already? I may be old but if you can't remember what this smell is, I think I have a right to call you `senile'.” Said the cheery Xigbar, “And you're so young!” Xigbar laughed some more, “Maybe I should go until you sniff out some Burdened or perhaps the cities beyond the mountains.”
“What are you talking about Xigbar?” Vexen questioned, now interested in the conversation. Sitting up in his bed he gestured to the vacant chair Lexaeus usually sat in. The Silent Hero had left to fetch water and food.
“So you really want to hear?” Asked Xigbar accepting the offer and sitting down, “I suppose I'll tell you everything I know then.”
“Get on with it.” Muttered Zexion impatiently, taking his seat again.
“I'm telling it, don't rush me.” Xigbar huffed, “Now as you two know I'm blessed with space as my element and, therefore, use it as I wish. While you Nobodies were stuck walking this wretchedly Burdened inhabited valley, I teleported to a place that I was called to. In fact, this very place is where all of you should be going but have decided to ignore. Anyway, what was waiting for me was something beyond my wildest dreams. At the peak of the tallest summit I could gaze from the valley we woke up in and the other side of the mountain range. Beyond that mountain range I headed towards is a city as vast as `The World That Never Was'. However, our city was of darkness. The city I found is of light and purity. Though I felt that there was something that I must do on that mountain top I headed to that city. Do you know what I found? I found people, but not just any people. They were Nobodies, Nobodies that had gained hearts. Unable to return to the worlds they came from, they've created a place for all those like them to flourish. They referred to themselves as `Lost'. When I went to one of their schools I learned of this world. It is `The World That Never Will Be' and it is the place all Nobodies come to stop existing, if you disappear here you are truly gone. As it turns out, when the hearts were released from Kingdom Hearts, they came here to be reunited with their bodies. This is, of course, if they are not caught by heartless before they complete their journey.” Xigbar explained; he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying hearing his own voice.
Disney Castle-
Guest Room
“When a Nobody regains a heart it can become one of two things.” Roxas read aloud from the book he'd taken from the wizard's tower, “It can become what is known as a `Lost' or a `Burdened'… A Lost if a shadow of a Nobody's true self that exists without recollection of who it ever once was. A Burdened is a Nobody who, compelled by greed or malice, feels uncompleted even with a heart. These Burdened resemble slightly their former Nobody forms, but remember almost nothing of being a Nobody only knowing that it wants.” Roxas sighed. This reading was slightly depressing. He didn't like the fact that he could become a monster or he could forget all he knew about Sora. At a soft snoring he looked over at his small companion. Figment had fallen asleep in a bowl of nuts that sat on the dresser next to his bed. He smiled at the dragon before he went on, “For each type of Nobody there is a different Burdened, therefore when a Burdened is destroyed it loses its heart and is reverted back to its normal Nobody form. This rule applies to higher Nobodies that retain their human form. Burdened from the high ranking Nobodies vary greatly and-“
“Knock knock!” Called Goofy opening the door to Roxas's guest room.
“Oh, hello Goofy.” Greeted Roxas leaning to one side to look around the large book resting on his chest.
“Hey there, Roxas, watcha readin' there?” Asked the dog as he approached the bed the Nobody was laying on, “Some kind of magic book or somethin'?”
“Oh, it's just a book about Nobodies is all.” Roxas shrugged, “Donald's not still angry with me about that whole… Mix-up about me still being in the Organization, is he?”
“Shucks no! Donald's, er… Um. Well, Donald, he's... He's just bein' cautious is all!“
“Cautious? Well I guess I'll have you tell him `goodbye' for me when I go.” Roxas stated with a small smile, “I don't blame him… So what is it you came by for? I'm sure you didn't come all this way to see what I was reading, did you?”
“Nope! The King found someone to take ya to Fantasia!” Goofy exclaimed happily, “You'll be off tomorrow morning!”
“That's great! And I'll be able to find Yen Sid there?”
“Yup! That's where King Mickey said he was. Gee, you're real lucky to be going to Fantasia, Roxas. It's a beautiful place and with who you're gonna be sent with ya won't be bothered about stoppin' ta any other place but the Grecian Land part of it.” Goofy explained happily.
“Who am I going with?” Asked Roxas.
“Aether will be escortin' ya. It's awful nice of him since he only came down here at the King's request. He was gonna head home tonight, but since ya need your rest he's gonna stay the night and give you a ride back” Goofy told him, “Aether was a royal knight too, ya know? But he's retired now, gonna find himself a family.”
“That's nice. I guess I'll have to thank him for staying the extra while.” Roxas commented.
“Ya should probably go and meet with him before ya go to bed, Roxas.”
“Oh? Why?”
“Well, since Aether's takin' ya straight to Grecian Land ya'll be needin' ta know how to ride.” Goofy informed, “Aether's not too keen and riders fallin' off, but then again he ain't to keen on ridin' neither.”
“Riding?” Roxas repeated questioningly.
“Aether'll be out in the Courtyard.” Goofy added as he headed out the door, “I'll be seein' ya off tomorrow then!”
Disney Castle-
Too curious to let it be Roxas had headed straight out to the Courtyard. It was dusk now, and the sky was glowing soft fiery shades of orange and red. The green shrubbery reflected the sky with warm hues; many shadows were cast over the large figures of leaves. He spotted King Mickey and approached the mouse.
“I heard that Aether, the guy I'd be traveling to Fantasia with, was here.” Roxas stated to King Mickey as he looked about for this mysterious person or thing.
“He's up there, getting ready for the night's roost.” Mickey explained, “Want me to call him down?”
“Uh… Sure.” Replied Roxas wondering where Aether was coming down from. Mickey put his finger and thumb to his lips and let out a high whistle. It took not even a second after the sound rang out did the black Pegasus from before soar down from the clouds and land with a thundering boom before them. Roxas hadn't noticed much before but the flat of its head was white, like a blaze or partial mask. The rest of it was shimmering black, with light highlights which reflected the heavens. Its eyes were metallic silver and mirrored the surroundings.
“Roxas, this is Aether. Aether th-“
“That's not the stallion that nearly trampled my face in, is it?!” Roxas accused instantly.
“Oh, so you two have already met?” Mickey said sounding a little surprised. The stallion flapped his wings and stomped a hoof. He looked a little disgruntled by Roxas's outburst and snorted his displeasure, “Now Roxas. Aether may look like a normal horse, but he can understand all kinds of languages. You should speak nicely to him.”
“But he-“
“He was just a little startled.” Mickey cut him off, “You two will need to get along. Can you ride a Pegasus?”
“Erm… Well, I haven't really tried before.” Roxas admitted. Aether's ears flattened back and he cast an indignant look at Roxas before turning from him. The stallion kept his head high indicating he was a proud animal. For some reason, Roxas didn't think this was going to go well at all.
“Aether, he's just a boy. Give him a chance.” Mickey pleaded with the stallion.
With a whinny Aether turned his head and looked at Roxas. Lowering his head angrily, he turned back to them and stood in front of Roxas.
“What's he doing?” Asked Roxas, stepping over to look at Mickey.
“Well if you're going to learn to ride, you're going to have to get on him first.” Mickey explained as Aether stepped forward, square in front of Roxas again.
“Okay… I'll try.” Roxas muttered. Actually, he had no idea of how to even go about getting on a normal horse. This Pegasus didn't have anything on it to help him either. Grimacing he stepped forward placing a hand on the back of the stallion's neck and the other on the base of his wing. Not wanting to kick the Pegasus, he relied solely on his upper body strength to pull himself up. This seemed to go well for the first half. Sadly for him, once he'd pulled his torso over the Pegasus's back he found there wasn't anything to hold onto to prevent him from falling completely over.
When he fell with a `thump' to the ground, Aether tossed his head and let out a soft neigh. Then lowering his head, the stallion grabbed Roxas's shirt between his teeth and pulled the Nobody to his feet.
“He just laughed at me, I know it.” Grumbled Roxas brushing off the grass he'd collected in the fall.
“Perhaps you could bow down a bit for him?” Asked Mickey stifling a laugh.
Aether gave a nod. Folding a leg under himself he took a great bow. It was low enough that Roxas could simply step over Aether's back. Muttering something along the lines of `why didn't we do this in the first place' and got on Aether's back. As the stallion stood Roxas wrapped both his arms around his neck, to be sure he didn't fall off again.
“We won't worry about the trouble of getting on. You won't be doing much of that. Now flying can be a bit tricky, especially since Aether's mane is cut so short.” Mickey explained looking up at Roxas. Nodding Roxas tried to adjust himself, finding someway to hold on. The best he could do was use the slightly upraised muscle in Aether's neck, “Now don't grasp his ribs with your legs like that. Pull them up a bit and hold on more with your knees.” King Mickey directed. Once Roxas had assumed the `correct' sitting position King Mickey continued, “If you need to direct him, just lean in, he'll feel your weight shift. This means be careful about how you move up there. Landing is easy enough, Aether can do that himself, just don't let yourself keep going.”
“Right.” Roxas confirmed shakily.
(AN: Insert one of those damn mini-games, you know where you do nothing in particular and for no reason? -sorry couldn't restrain myself end AN)
Save Game: to be continued…