Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 30 ( Chapter 30 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 30
Sorry for the delay, this chapter was supposed to be a lot longer and I was going to get a lot more done in it, but Axel was being so god damn difficult! Shame on you Axel, shame on you! JK- We love Axel and he wasn't the only one causing me problems.
And holy crap, Luxord's so freakin' awesome… I think I'm beginning to fall in love with him. Uh oh… That can't be good.
Also, if you're still reading, I congratulate you. This story is the longest thing I've ever written, if I were one of you I would've given up long ago.
PS: So I really miss Saix so he'll be coming back soon. I wanted to ask if I should have a Xemnas/Saix lemon because I will definitely do it if you guys want me to. If not, no problem the story can continue without. So if you review, please note whether or not you'd like the lemon or not. Mmmm… Lemon…. Delicious lemon.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Forest of Antiquity
“Here, Roxas. Your clothes.” Murmured Axel under his breath holding out the clothes. He was trying to be discreet, after all Demyx wasn't too far away. Though… He was still crying so it wasn't like he would have heard anyway. Roxas looked up at him from the ground and grinned, it wasn't a good kind though. This was the kind of grin Roxas gave when he was being passively sadistic. He was going to make Axel do something he didn't want to do and the pyromaniac knew it.
“Axel, they're a bit dirty from the forest floor… Why don't you take them to Demyx? It is his job to do that sort of thing, now isn't it?” Damn it. Axel retracted his arm, clothes still in hand. It wasn't like he could refuse or anything, not to Roxas. Turning, he slowly made his way over to the others. However, when he heard his name he ducked down and hid behind one of the fallen trees.
“I don't know why you even put up with him, Demyx! He's a class A wanker!” Exclaimed Luxord, continuing his rant enthusiastically with flashy gestures. “If it were up to us we'd have kicked his ass in so hard already, he wouldn't have ever been able to sit down again! Hm! How `bout it Demyx? Want us to go teach that little git some manners the old English way?” He emphasized his point slamming his fist to his palm. “There's nothing a good old corporal punishment won't fix! Just like races horses! Give `em a swift kick and they'll put some heart into it!”
Demyx wiped the tears from his cheek, sniffling a bit as a small smile formed on his lips, “You'd really do that for me?” He asked meekly.
“Of course! You're my little babe, and he made my baby blue.” Luxord babied and cooed pinching Demyx on the cheek.
“Ah! Hey! Don't say that! I'm not a kid!” Fussed Demyx pawing the offending hand away, “And since when am I your `babe'? When did that happen?” The smile was growing on Demyx's face.
“Since I took you under my wing!” Luxord informed proudly wrapping an arm around Demyx's shoulders, “It's obvious Axel's too childish to make sure you don't fall down the wrong path. I mean look at the `wonderful' job he's done already? You've got me as your best friend and, well, just look at who you're stuck with in the other department.” Gesturing over at Zenith the wolf sneered, “Not much of a looker, what can I say?”
“Hey! He is beautiful just the way he is!” Demyx objected throwing a protective arm around the canine. What in the Kingdom Hearts were they talking about?! Had they gone mad from so much sun? And when had they gotten so friendly? How had Axel let this slip by his surveillance? It was unacceptable and his anger was building up quickly in the pit of his stomach, probably showing through a scowl on his face. He'd surely done well in protecting him and teaching him. Better than any of them could, they left him all alone! At least Axel had allowed him to tag along.
“Ha ha ha! Did you hear that?! You're BE~AY~OO~TEE~FUL!!!!” Mocked Luxord pointing an amused finger at Zenith. In a flash the silver wolf turned his head, chomping down on Luxord's hand. Ha! That stupid moron deserved to get bit! “Ah! D-Demyx! He bit me!!!” Yelped Luxord, shrinking back to hide behind the musician.
“Zex-“ The wolf barked loudly, blocking out Demyx's voice. This act only seemed to infuriate Demyx more. Raising his fist he smacked Zenith upside the head, “Stop being mean!” Demyx demanded. Lowering his head, Zenith lowered down to the ground and rested his head on his paws.
“Ha!” Luxord voiced in triumph before Demyx's wrath was brought down on his own head. Served that stupid old man right!
“And you stop teasing him!” Huffed Demyx, a playful smile returning to his face. Ah, a smile, a slim opening for Axel to get in a word. Now was a good a time as any. He was in good spirits at least and now instead of upsetting Demyx, maybe he could just get hit for saying something stupid. The slight pain would be far more welcomed than the musician's sad face.
Climbing out of his hiding spot, Axel called Demyx's name to catch his attention. Instantly the frown returned to his face and the boy's head dropped. Luxord was up to rescuing though, and stood up to stand between him and Demyx.
“Haven't you done enough damage? Scram! Go cowering back at Roxas's side where you belong, you interloper. You're tactless treachery's not welcome here. Now get going, get!” Barked Luxord, much like a dog as he stepped forward threateningly. His hands were already balled into fists.
“Roxas sent me to get his clothes cleaned.” Axel muttered weakly, lowering his head. Of course, he was raging inside, ready to explode, but he if he got on their case now, Roxas would scold him for sure and things would just get worse between him and Demyx.
“Oh, so you're here to order Demyx around is it? Well does that just change everything?! Now it's get the fuck out of my sight before my foot is so far up your ass you'll need surgery to remove my boot!” Snarled Luxord angrily giving Axel a hard shove. Oh, he was just asking for it now. If there was one thing he'd like to do right now it would have been to light that cocky bastard up in flames. Who was Luxord to tell him what to do?
“Luxord, that's enough.” Came Demyx's soft voice. He'd stood up now and had a hand on Luxord's arm, lightly holding him back, “It's all right. It's for Roxas anyway.”
“If you ask me, Axel should do it himself. They're so buddy, buddy. Makes me sick.” Luxord huffed angrily lowering his hands, “You don't have to talk to him if you don't want to Demyx, remember that. We're always here if you need something, since someone has become so great at ignoring you.”
“I know, and I appreciate it, but I'm fine, really.” Insisted Demyx pouting at the Gambler of Fate. A heavy sigh came from Luxord as he put his hand on top of Demyx's head.
“You're too soft on him. He won't ever learn to be good to you if you keep forgiving him like that.”
“I'm not forgiving him. It's his own dumb fault anyway.” Ah, hello? He was standing right there. They didn't have to talk about him like he simply didn't exist.
“Good for you, well go talk to the git if you must. Your right hand man and I will be right behind you if he causes anymore trouble.” Luxord stated before folding his arms and retreating behind Demyx, Zenith giving a soft snort of agreement in response. Then they fell silent, eyes locked on him like vultures, probably just waiting for Axel to screw up.
“Well if all you came to do was deliver, give me the clothes already.” Demyx demanded heatedly, folding his arms in an impatient gesture.
“Well, actually…” Began Axel, his voice low. The weight of eyes on him really wasn't helping the situation. It was bad enough he'd made the mistake to begin with but now everyone was on his case. He didn't mean it! It was just he was so worried, he really didn't know how else to react. That was also one of the reasons that were making him stall now, he was nervous. When he got nervous or concerned, he sort of just broke down or lit up with fury. The former being the case now.
Casting a glance back at Roxas, he received a dangerous look back. Right, right. Apologize, easy enough for Roxas to say; he didn't have the hellhound and damned sinner breathing down his neck, did he?
Another sigh and he ran his hand back through his hair, trying to calm down. It didn't help, Demyx was looking really pissed now and the long he hesitated the more upset the boy became. There was just no way he could do it now. It was just not possible! He'd rather face Roxas than the abuse he was being dealt right now!
“Here.” Shoving the clothes into Demyx's hand, Axel dashed away to put some space between him and the jury from hell. That didn't stop them from glaring at him though. Would they just give it a break? Wasn't it enough he felt horrible about it?! Their eyes were so accusing and cold, like they had any right to criticize him. They'd done their fair share of horrible deeds, he was sure of that. Axel leaned heavily against a tree, folding his arms over his chest. Well, looked like he would just have to try again later.
So maybe putting off the apology hadn't been such a great idea…
They were on the move again; Zenith leading them like the leader of the pack. Axel had gone without breakfast, choosing to instead spend a little alone time away from the others. He'd done this because Roxas had not been particularly pleased about him bailing out at the last second. So now, just about everyone was upset with him; even the stupid horse had decided Axel deserved a little more punishment. Of course he would, he was Roxas's `friend', who made friends with an animal anyway? Then again… Who were they to have friends, they were just Nobodies anyway.
This was getting more depressing by the moment. He was starting to think like Xemnas, with his pessimistic attitude about what they were. Perhaps the little dragon saw this because around noon, it came and sat on his shoulder.
“You look sad.” Frowned the dragon, Axel didn't remember its name.
“So?” Snorted Axel irritably. He didn't need anyone telling him that, he knew very well that he felt like crap.
“You should be happy! What makes you happy?” Inquired the dragon, now cheerful. This was sad; he was being consoled by a purple lizard with wings. Of all the things this had to be one of the lamest he'd encountered in his entire non-existence, no he would dare to say even his Somebody hadn't experienced something to this level of low. Still, there wasn't anything else to do and if this was all he was going to be offered in the form of company he'd take it. At least, he could humor the creature.
“What makes me happy…” He repeated as he thought. The only things he could really think of were Demyx and Roxas, but since they were punishing him now they didn't really count. He'd have to think of something else, “I suppose burning things makes me pretty happy.”
“That's awful!”
“You asked.”
“Hm! … What else makes you happy?”
“I'm being serious!” Squealed the dragon, obviously not pleased with Axel's response.
“So am I.” Replied Axel solemnly.
“Think of something nice!”
“All right, fine…” This stupid question was hard. Something that made him happy and had to be `nice' according to this bubble-of-joy's standards… “The sunrise.” Said Axel with a heavy sigh. Yeah, that was good. The sunrise was peaceful and colorful, very pleasant. Not to mention it began the long day of sunshine, and that was hot and heat always made Axel feel better.
“Aye! That's a very good thing!” Clapped the dragon excitedly. What was its name? Axel just couldn't remember for the life of him. But if he asked the thing would probably get upset with him, he was doing a very good job of that today, “What's another thing?”
“If I had had a home to go to, that would make me pretty happy.” Axel said after another paused.
“They say home is where the heart is!”
“They also say Nobodies don't have hearts and thus in lies the problem.”
“Ah ha! That's funny, you're funny!” Chirped the dragon, flopping down onto his stomach to lay sprawled over Axel's shoulder, “Everyone's got a heart!”
That's what he kept telling himself, “Yeah… What about you? Where's your home? I mean, you came here with Roxas but I'm sure you belong somewhere else and someone's waiting for you. Aren't you homesick?”
“Not really! I'm going home soon so I don't mind being away. Actually I live very far away with my friend Dreamfinder. He's the guy who made me! He said that anything can happen if you just use your imagination and that's how I came around! That's why he called me Figment, like the saying `A figment of your imagination'!” Ah ha! So that was his name. Figment, he needed to remember that.
“How soon is soon?” Asked Axel, despite all else he'd heard, that had caught his attention and not let go. After all, Roxas seemed very fond of the little guy; if he left, his lover would be upset.
“Soon, soon! Actually we should be leaving before the sun goes down tomorrow. It's not good for us to stay here.” Figment continued, his voice slowly growing sad, “Aether and me, we can't exist much longer. It makes us feel sick inside. Aether told me it's because this place is here for things that never should have existed… It makes me sad. Things here are scary; I don't want to leave Roxas here... And he's a good person. I don't think Roxas's existence is a mistake.”
“Sometimes things just aren't fair.” Voiced Axel, trying to express some sort of condolence. After all, Axel knew how it felt to want to be with someone but can't, “But… Don't worry about Roxas. He's tough, and I'll be here to protect him.”
“I know, but I'm gonna miss him!” Bawled Figment, suddenly bursting into tears.
“Ack! D-don't cry!” Axel exclaimed. Before he could put much thought into cover-ups, he grabbed the scaly thing from his shoulder and stuffed him away into his coat. This action muffled the cries, but it was too late. Roxas and the others stopped, turning in their tracks, to look at him, “Don't give me that look!” Axel snapped at them, “I didn't do anything to him, got it memorized? He just started crying on his own! It wasn't even my fault!” Axel defended, although he knew he'd already lost the battle. Hiding Figment hadn't been the brightest thing to do.
Bowing his head in defeat, he unzipped his coat a bit to reveal the sobbing creature.
Why did this today even have to begin? Or better yet, why couldn't it just be over with already?
A sigh escaping his lips, he extracted Figment from his garment and cupped him in his hands. For a moment he thought to just scream and get out all the frustration, but the sad look on the dragon's face stopped him. Instead his arms quickly withdrew and captured the animal in an embrace, “Stop crying, idiot.” He murmured under his breath, “Wasting the time you've got is a dumb thing to do. Get over there.” Releasing the dragon, he gave him a push in the right direction before turning on a heel, “I've gotta blow off some steam!” He yelled over his shoulder irritably before rushing off to deal with his growing frustration. It didn't cross his mind that splitting up was dangerous, or that he could get lost or into trouble, or even that the others couldn't go on without him. All he cared about right now was getting away from them.
When he came to a stop, it was nowhere in particular; just a bit of forest that looked like the rest. Summoning the chakrams to his hands, fire formed at the metal's surface dancing up his arms. He'd restrained successfully for a long while senseless acts to save his strength, but he didn't know or care anymore why he did. It seemed more important to burn things to the ground right now anyway.
Other than more and more trees, he lacked targets to destroy so in the end his attacks were just focused on completely leveling the ground of anything he could see. Running the sharp blades through bark and leaves, the surrounding vegetation quickly lit up in flames. The sound of crackling embers and crashing lumber filled his ears. His eyes were blinded from the smoke and ash and the heat rose quickly from the devastation; he was feeling better already.
“Axel, cool down!” The voice had almost been completely drowned out. He faltered in his motions and began to turn when icy water washed over him. Instantly, he was frozen in his tracks.
His breath turned ragged from the sudden chill and he stood absolutely paralyzed from shock. The earth around him hissed and steamed as it cooled.
Both his chakrams disappeared, when he finally regained enough sense to turn to the fits of laughter. Luxord was doubled over behind Demyx, Zenith wryly smiling silently beside him. Demyx himself wore a wide grin, mirroring the one on Figment's snout. The dragon was on Roxas's shoulder, the blonde bowing his head and trying to hide his own amusement with his hand.
Bringing a hand up and pointing a thumb at himself the musician laughed, “Duh! Don't ya know you can't have steam without water?” Exclaimed Demyx responding to Axel's baffled expression. Aether threw his head happily, trotting out from behind them to greet Axel. Bringing his head around Axel, he gave the pyro a good nudge making him step forward, encouraging him to go to the others.
“You-“ Axel couldn't find the words to express what he felt. He was angry at being soaked, happy to see them so cheerful, but, most of all, embarrassed and shameful of acting so stupid. They'd been worried about him and followed him, and he'd not noticed a thing. Unable to speak still, he brought a hand up to his forehead, half-heartedly hiding his face and the growing smile on his lips.
“Come on. You didn't think we wouldn't come after you, did you?” Roxas smiled, stepping forward to meet Axel half way.
“Thanks.” Axel replied softly letting his hand drop.
Demyx laughed, “No problem. After all, what are friends for?”
Shaking his head, Axel chuckled, “I don't know what I'd do without you,” He paused at he shifted and put his arm around Roxas, “All of you.”
“That's simple!” Demyx exclaimed as he quickly slipped over to Axel's side and pulled his arms around his shoulders, “You'd be lost.”
“Yeah, yeah. All right, break it up.” Luxord voiced waving a hand, “We've got things to do and places to go. Reunion time is officially over, Axel's sorry, Demyx understands, and everything's hunky dory so let's get a move on. Besides, someone's going to get jealous here if you guys keep hanging all over each other like that.” Zenith cast Luxord an unhappy look before padding over to them and tugging gently on Demyx's coat.
“I know.” Demyx sighed before ducking out from under Axel's arm, “Well, you guys coming or what?” Called Demyx over his shoulder happily.
“W… Wait!” Reaching out he snatched Demyx's coat, stopping him from going any further, “I- I have something to say, and if I don't say it now I probably never will.” Demyx turned and opened his mouth to speak but Axel quickly cut him off, “Don't say anything, just be quiet and let me get it out.” Unconsciously he held Roxas closer, and he forced his head down to avert his gaze so that he could continue to speak, “About earlier, I- I really didn't mean anything by it. You're a good kid and you don't suck at fighting, you just need some sort of weapon to be effective. And I… I promised you once that I'd teach you and I've been doing a horrible job at it lately with Roxas here and all... But I told you I would, and I will… So if you don't mind, I'd like to start teaching you how to fight again, but this time with Roxas… He's pretty useless without weapons too so I'm sure he could help.” Axel knew he was rambling now, but he'd finally gotten it out. It was the only solution he could think of that included both Roxas and Demyx. They both seemed to demand so much of him. The situation had been so stressful; he'd wanted to watch over Demyx and talk with him but at the same time, he also wanted to spend every second with Roxas, which couldn't be done with Demyx around. Not to mention Roxas seemed a little irked at having to fight for his attention. Everything just got so hectic; it shouldn't have been so hard to balance his time between the two.
“You know, that might not be such a bad idea.” Demyx's voice came cheerfully and Axel raised his gaze to meet the musician's happy smile, “The more the merrier right? And with more people teaching me, I'm sure I could definitely get better a lot faster and that's a good thing! It'll be fun.”
“Oh! Oh! I want to help too!” Chimed Figment, jumping from Roxas's shoulder to Axel's waving his arms frantically.
“All right, all right! You can help too.” Demyx agreed with a laugh, “Now come on, we've gotta get moving or we won't get anywhere today!”
Save Game: to be continued…