Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 33 ( Chapter 33 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 33
I'm really sorry for the delay; I had a hard time with the fight scene in this chapter. For how long I worked on this chapter, I'm not very pleased with it. This chapter was just being a bitch. X[
Next chapter will be better~ I promise!
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Forest of Antiquity
“You seem somewhat apprehensive, Superior.” Xaldin voiced, Xemnas looked up and shot him a fierce chilling look. The lancer stiffened and looked away quickly; Xemnas was in no mood for his pitiful attempts at conversation. Xemnas hadn't slept a wink since Saix had left. At first he was fine with Saix going out alone, but, when he and Xaldin were attacked by the Shifters, Xemnas became uneasy. The anxiety was minimal to say the least but when Saix didn't return when expect, the anxiety had turned into an agitated worry.
How could he have sent Saix when there was obviously something wrong with him? The Luna Diviner had needed him, his touch and presence. Something could have happened while he was away, his fragile sanity might have snapped or these strange inhabitants might have attacked him. There were so many things that could have gone wrong, and Saix could never return. The question was, when was it time to give up waiting? Perhaps it was time to move on.
“Number III…” Xaldin looked up to meet Xemnas's gaze, “It's high time we pay our friends a visit. Get up, we're leaving.” He ordered as he gracefully got to his feet. However, as he did the forest around them filled suddenly with a heavy air. The feeling of thousands of eyes weighed heavily on his shoulders and as Xaldin too stood, it was obvious he could feel it too.
Slowly, Xemnas combed the surroundings for any sign of life. As his gaze swept around a second time, the woods came to life with splashes of yellow glows from the eyes of the Shifters. They, however, were completely silent in their intense observation. They were watching, waiting for something.
“My Superior, why are you stalling? Weren't you heading off somewhere?” Came a voice. A smile touched Xemnas' lips as he turned to its owner. Saix smiled amiably as he picked his way through the trees to greet them, “I've… been so kind as to give Axel and his friends a warm welcoming. I'm sure they'll find the company of our allies most delightful. However, I think it would be wise to go around them, I wouldn't want to interrupt.” He stated wistfully, “If we get ahead of them now, we can meet them at the peak.”
“Good work, Seven. We were getting worried you weren't coming back.” Xemnas commented with a wry grin.
“You had doubts? Now that's hurtful, I'd never let you down again, my Superior.”
“I should hope not.” Something was different about Saix, the way he moved and talked. It was a significant difference but, Xemnas couldn't quite place what it was exactly. There seemed to be more life behind the action, more effervescence. The change wasn't exactly unwelcome, but it wasn't to be received with open arms either.
“Is something wrong, my Superior?” Inquired Saix, obviously picking up on the subtle cues that Xemnas was wary of him.
“No… Come.” Smothering the unease, Xemnas distanced himself from Saix. Until the change had been identified, this Saix could not be trusted.
The World That Never Will Be-
Valley of the Fallen
Pain shot up through both his legs as he fell back to the ground with a soft thump. The fight, though it had only just started, was proving to be difficult. This was mostly because Axel was on a mad rampage; everyone had to watch out for his reckless attacks and their consequences. He himself had to especially be careful, Axel was obviously out to get him and was deliberately making things more difficult than they had to be. If he was lucky, their new weapons would make this fight quick.
“Demyx! Start playing, I'll watch your back.” He shouted to his lover, spotting animal based Burdened start to rush into the fight. The musician fell back quickly and began to play. The act must have been difficult with such a new instrument, but his tune came out perfectly and the creatures began to fall into a peaceful sleep.
“Zexion, watch out!” Came Luxord's voice, as he was jerked forward out of the path of Black Blade's sword. The gambler's staff came down hard on the Burdened, crashing into it with a loud crack before it released its heart and disappeared.
Zexion let out a soft sigh, “Thanks.” He breathed gratefully before falling back further to Demyx's side, Luxord following suit. The situation was worsening. Black Blades poured out of the forest, Dark Soldiers erupted from the earth, and Undefined formed from the nothingness of the air. Burdened of all types seemed to have pinpointed them to this very spot and were gathering with massive numbers. The battle was looking more and more like a suicide mission, “Demyx! Luxord! We've got to break through them; do you think you can get me there safely? I need to get close enough to attack it. All you two need to do is give me an opening.”
There was a moment's hesitation. Both Demyx and Luxord looked at each other, neither quite sure they were up to the task. Then Demyx gave a nod, “Just an opening? Yeah, I can do that.” He confirmed, Luxord then gave his own nod of affirmation, “All right Luxord, let's get him over there.”
“Wait, let me help!” Roxas objected cutting his way through the masses and joining the group, “We'll create a chain.” He said before raising a blade and blocking a potentially dangerous blow and forcing the attacker back and knocking it into the crowd, “One of us will make the first one third of the path and as the next breaks further, the one before him will hold off attacks from the back. That way all you have to do is focus on what's ahead of you, Zexion.
Raising his heavy blade Zexion cut through another attack and gave a nod, “Hurry.”
Staff in hand, Luxord took the lead. Rushing ahead he gave a great sweep with the weighted blade, distancing himself from the enemy before thrusting the butt into the ground. Both his hands disappeared by his sides for an instant, then they came out with handful of the mini explosives. Releasing them into the throngs of Burdened, the ground lit up with fire tearing holes in the defenses. The opening given, he took the staff once more and gave a great swing, cutting down the forces and securing the way before the others came forth to lengthen the path.
Demyx was next up, and he took his place at the lead. Waving an arm out in a melodramatic gesture, he grinned, “Let's dance!” His fingers ran across the harp strings sharply, the instrument letting out an intense wave of sound. As the invisible wave washed over the army, those in its path trembled and froze. Then with the elegance of a siren in the sea, he ran his blades through them, summoning pillars and oceans of water as he went. The rage of the white water and its commander quickly broke the forces, and Roxas and Zexion rushed past.
Roxas skipped not a beat, diving head first into the battle. Both keyblades kept in constant fluid motion, a combination of counter attacks and dodging. The progress was quick and efficient, but, not as vast, only allowing Zexion seconds to pass through unhindered.
Then suddenly Roxas came to a stop, his eyes flashing up, “AXEL!!!” He cried out. Zexion responded immediately, both eyes on the towering Burdened. The pyro was torn from the creature's body right into its iron grip. His body let out a soft crunch from the blow. In triumph the Battler let out a sickening groan, raising Axel higher as he crushed him further.
A clatter to his side brought Zexion's eyes back down, “Roxas wait-“ It was too late, the youth was already gone, “Damn it!” Shoving a nearby Black Blade away, he took off after the reckless Nobody, “Roxas, stop!” He ordered, but his words fell on deaf ears and before he could catch him, his path was cut off and he was faced with about fifteen Burdened, 2 Dazers, 7 Black Blades, 3 Dark Soldiers, a Joker, an Undefined, and a newly arrived Scaled Avenger.
Light flashed off the Dazers and before he could react he was blinded. Unable to attack he stood frozen until a blade ran across his gut and a Dark Soldier knocked his legs out from under him. The attack jogged his body and his sight returned, but only a little too late. A heavy clawed hand slammed down over his chest and the mouth of the Scaled Avenger gaped open, light flickered in the back of its throat, then it flowed over and out as a fountain of fire. Zexion cringed and recoiled; when no burn came he opened his eyes.
“Demyx! Get Zexion out of here!” Luxord yelled, the fire licking his face as he held back the beast's head with the staff in its mouth.
“Got it!” Demyx skidded down to Zexion's side, chopping at the Scaled Avenger's arm until it withdrew. Then Demyx took Zexion's arm and hauled him to his feet, “Come on!” Pulling him aside, Demyx cut the way to the final segment that needed to be broken through. For a moment the musician turned and gazed at Zexion, “You've gotta save Axel for me.” And Zexion nodded. It was as simple as that, no matter what he thought of Axel if it was for Demyx, Zexion would go to the ends of the world to accomplish it.
As Demyx fought to break the path, Zexion looked back to the situation. Above, Axel was still in the Battler's grasp. However, Roxas was now beside him trying desperately to sever the hand from the body, trying to free his lover. So fervent were his efforts, he scarcely noticed the second hand come down on him and snatch him up in the very same manner that Axel had been. Silently he cursed to himself, those two were going to use up all the energy he'd hoped to use for taking down the Battler. When Demyx broke through, Zexion scarcely waited for the go ahead and dashed to their aid, scaling the monster in strong leaps. On the last jump, his body split and his double veered off to aid Roxas while the real him went to Axel's side.
“Keep your head back,” He voiced quietly as his blade came down on the hand that held the pyro. The said Nobody's green eyes flared up at him, a fierce scowl on his face. It didn't matter, even if Axel hated his guts and didn't want his help; he was going to get it for Demyx's sake.
The battler swung at him with its fist still closed around Roxas, and Zexion, maybe a little roughly, shoved Axel's head down and took cover.
“You fucking did that on purpose!” Snarled Axel angrily, hissing in pain. The hand closed tighter around him and he let out a soft squeak as the remaining air in him was forced back out. He would pass out any minute if he didn't get free. Thinking quickly, Zexion leapt back and held his large blade before him. Dark energy was flickering and jolting along the center of the blade. Beneath his finger he could feel a small switch, a trigger of sorts and he had his idea.
As his form split again, he encircled the Battler's wrists, four forms to each arm. Each had his blade drawn and aimed. In unison the shots fired and in a great explosion, the titan's arms burst into millions of shards of metal, raining down on the army of Burdened. Everything fell abruptly silent and still for a moment, Axel and Roxas crashing down into the arms of Zexion's duplicates. When they were set down safely, the illusion's disappeared and Zexion stood alone.
The scents of the Burdened were growing weaker. What remained of the army stood unmoving for another moment, and then they slunk back into the shadows.
“Hey, what's going on?” Demyx voiced the confusion that most of them probably felt. Zexion shook his head in defeat and slowly began to return to Demyx's side. The battle had taken a lot out of him; the physical requirements weren't something he was used to. After all, he'd only fought like this a handful of times, all other fights he used magic and others so his own hands wouldn't get dirty.
“Maybe… That was it.” Zexion glanced in Roxas' direction but didn't inquire further. Roxas continued anyway, “They were supposed to be testing us, maybe that was all they were allowed to do to us. It's not their intention to wipe us out if we're worthy-“ A clash of metal, and Roxas was silent. Zexion's blade hissed against Axel's.
“Ha ha ha! Oh, my. Isn't this rich?” Zexion's voice cut through the air crisp and cynical, “Not mere seconds ago your pitiful existence was in my talented hands, and now you've got your blade to mine, the intent of finishing me off. Is this the only way you can do it? When I'm weak from battle? When I don't care that you killed me, so my heart, ha, yes my heart isn't in it?” Shoving Axel back Zexion raised his blade in defense, “What's worse is that I've never committed a crime against you as great as the one you committed against me, murderer.”
“The whole thing is your fault! If not for you we wouldn't even be here! I'm a Nobody because of you, all of us are.” Axel defended angrily, fire was forming at his fists and growing every minute.
“Ouch, was that supposed to hurt my feelings? Good luck with that, I lost most of those a long time ago Axel, perhaps you should try it, become a real Nobody.” Zexion smirked; his words were getting under Axel's skin. If there was nothing he loved more was watching someone squirm.
“I'll never be like you. I have a heart, and feelings, and emotions too! You're the one fooling yourse-“
“NO AXEL! You're the fool! If I'd not caused this, you'd never have felt those feelings, you'd have never met Demyx, you'd have never met Roxas, you'd have never been as whole a creature than you are now! Somebodies, they're ignorant of what they have, they don't understand the meaning of having a heart! You can only understand that once you've lost it! In all my years as a scientist, that's what I've learned. You can't really know what you've got until it's gone! Desire is the purest emotion.” Zexion's eyes narrowed and he clutched his blade tighter, ready to attack, “The desire for revenge; the desire for love… the desire for a heart!” His heated words were the only warning he gave before thrusting himself at Axel in a full-fledged attack.
He only got in two slashed before Roxas cut in front of him.
“Stop this!” Roxas demanded.
“Get out of my way Roxas. He's a trickster, a good for nothing cheat, trying to lure us into one of his traps.”
“Oh yes, Roxas. Please, do let us commence. I'm dying to lead you to some preordained death I've stowed for you up the mountain. Be reasonable Axel. I've been here only as long as you and I've already gotten rid of have the Organization. Give me some credit, if I wanted you dead you would be.” Zexion sneered. A pair of arms came around his own right arm where he held his weapon.
“Zexion… Please don't say things like that... Just stop.” Came Demyx's feeble voice. Zexion's grip on his sword slackened.
“I wouldn't really harm him, he'd have been fine.” He voiced in exhaustion, dropping his weapon, “I sure wish that little dragon were hear, I'm half-starved from all this fighting.” He voiced wearily, looking over at Demyx who smiled up at him.
“I can't believe you all knew this and kept it all behind my back. He's lying to you all, he's brainwashed you into thinking that he's a good guy, but he's got a black hole in place of his heart and he's going to destroy us all.” Axel threatened. Zexion gave a shrug and turned from him.
“Well, if you want to kill me, I'll be sleeping with Demyx tonight, where I always sleep. Come get me and make it quick.” Those words made Axel snap. He shoved past Roxas and ran his blade hot against Zexion's back and then brought a fist down on the back of his head. Pain shot down his back and his vision blurred a moment as he fell to his knees. Bringing both hands up he clutched the back of his skull, which throbbed painfully.
“Zexion! Axel get away from him!” Demyx snarled in defense, both arms around Zexion as if it would protect him, “He saved you life; the least you can do is leave him alone! I know he's done some pretty bad stuff, but that doesn't mean he's like that anymore!” Then he added, quite weakly, “He loves me now…”
“He… What?” Axel furrowed his brows and Zexion looked up lazily, trying not to express how interested he was in Axel's reaction.
“He loves me, and I love him, so leave us alone!” Demyx voiced a little stronger but he flinched when Axel raised a chakram threateningly. The weapon never made it down though, Luxord finally decided to step in and stood between them.
“Don't you even think about hitting these two.” His voice was low, filled with warning. It was a rare thing for him to be so serious. Then with that, Luxord turned to them and reached down, “Are you two all right.”
“Fine Luxord.” Replied Zexion curtly, as he took Luxord's hand as was pulled to his feet. He wobbled a bit, his aching head bringing him dizziness, “Might be better had I not just been hit on the back of the head.” With a soft growl Zexion dusted himself off.
“I'm all right too.” Demyx smiled before attaching himself to Zexion once again, this time in a tight hug, “I was worried about you.” He mumbled burying his head against the crook of his neck. It made Zexion smile and he brought a hand up to stroke Demyx's hair tenderly.
“I don't plan on disappearing any time soon, so don't you worry.” He crooned, then unable to resist he looked over at Axel and made a face at him, mocking him. In response Axel threw down his chakrams and stampeded away. Roxas didn't even go after him this time; he deserved to be alone anyway.
“Well now what?” Luxord groaned, “I don't suppose we can just leave him.”
“Unfortunately.” Frowned Zexion as he parted with Demyx, “I think it would be best if we wait out his temper tantrums within the sparse trees. We don't really know if the Burdened will come back, and if they do I'd rather not be out in the open for and easy target…” Zexion glanced at Roxas and his frown grew deeper. He knew that look, the Superior used to give it to him sometimes. Roxas wanted him to go speak with Axel, but he didn't care for Roxas and whatever he wanted wasn't any of Zexion's concern, “How about a game of cards Luxord. I'd enjoy that, now that I can play freely.”
The World That Never Will Be-
Forest of Antiquity
“Superior.” Again with the talking. Xaldin seemed to be doing that a lot recently and for no particular reason. Still he responded with a vague arch of his brow, “Saix… Number Seven, he's been acting very peculiar.” This was not news in the least, but since they'd stopped to rest it seemed talking to Xaldin was really all he could do, “It doesn't seem to me that he's all right. These frequent breaks for him to rest are absurd. We've stopped nearly five times already.”
“And what do you suppose I do about it?”
“If it's not too much trouble, I'd appreciate it if you would follow him... If he needs rest, then he should be fine with your arrival. If not, you're more than capable of dealing with him.” Xaldin glanced around, “I don't trust him Superior. I think he's finally lost his mind… Those creatures follow him around like a pack of starved dogs and bend to his every will.”
A heavy sigh passed through Xemnas' lips as he stood, “If it will put your mind at ease, I will look for him. If I find him indeed resting, then you have nothing to worry about.”
“And if you don't?”
Xaldin paused before the woods, “Then I'll get rid of him myself.”
Save Game: to be continued…