Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 40 ( Chapter 40 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 40
Final chapter is just a wrap-up with Sora. Chapter 39 was technically `the end' for the scenes containing our favorite Nobodies. It's short, sweet, and simple!
Originally I was going to type up the ending sequence to KHII and put it in here as well, but I couldn't find the dialogue and didn't have time to replay the end of the game so yeah… Anyway. This chapter is the day before they receive the letter from the king. Yay.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
Sora's Bedroom
Sora groaned. Opening his deep blue eyes, he peered blearily at the room around him. His head felt like it had been run over by a truck and all his limbs fell heavy and stiff. From the orange light pouring in from his dusty window, it looked to be near sunset now, though he couldn't remember what time it was when he was last awake. As he scanned the rest of his room, objects scattered like it'd been hit by a hurricane, he spotted a subtle movement. Beside him, Riku sat up in a chair and smiled brightly at him.
“Well, good morning, Sleeping Beauty.” Grinned the aqua-eyed teenager.
“Riku?” Sora let out another groan and raised a hand to rub his face. Inhaling deeply, he arched his back and snuggled in under his blankets. Face half hidden, he smile dazedly at his companion, “Hey… What happened.”
Riku shook his head, still smiling, though now almost smugly. “You tripped and hit your head. I even told you this would happened and, yet, here you are.” He chuckled folding his arms over his chest as he slid down comfortably in the old wooden chair. He must have gotten it from the kitchen, “Kairi thought you'd died; we had to carry you all the way home.”
“Really.” Riku confirmed before adding, “You owe us big time, buddy.”
Sora offered him an apologetic smile before he closed his eyes again. Something in the back of his mind was telling him something, “Hey, Riku…” Sora paused, allowing his friend's attention to fully shift back to him, “I had the strangest dream.”
Leaning forward, Riku cocked his head to the side and smiled, “Really? What was it about?” He inquired resting his elbows on his knees.
“I…” His mind went blank. What had it been about? “Um… I don't remember.” Sora furrowed his brows trying to concentrate, but it was no use.
Riku sat up and laughed heartily, “How could it be strange if you don't even remember it Sora?”
Chuckling as well, Sora shook his head a little, “Yeah, guess you're right… Hey, how long have I been out?”
“Just a few hours.” Riku hummed happily getting to his feet. A little stiff, he arched his back and stretched a bit, “Kairi's downstairs. I told her to calm down and get something to eat.” Of course, Sora scarcely heard what Riku had said after `hours'. Had it really been such a short amount of time?
“A few hours…” He hummed questionably before rolling onto his back and bringing an arm up to rest on his forehead, “Feel like forever.” Weeks, months… Anything longer than hours.
“Well you're up now.” Riku leaned over him and tapped him between the eyes, “Be careful getting up now. We don't need you getting dizzy and passing out again on us like that. You're mom would be frantic.” He chuckled.
“Yeah.” Sora batted away his hand playfully, “What ever happened to watching over me to catch me when I fall, huh?” Riku gave him a puzzled look. Sitting up, Sora gave him a playful shove, “You're fired! Next time you better be there!”
Rubbing the back of his head, Riku shook his head again and just smiled, “You're such a goof.” Then he turned and headed for the door. He paused just before it though and looked back over his shoulder, “Get changed and come on downstairs, I'm sure everyone will be relieved to see that you're okay.”
“All right, be down in a sec.” Then Riku was gone out the door.
Slowly getting out of bed, Sora wobbled a bit. His head throbbed still and his vision went a little hazy but he'd be all right. Stumbling over to his closet, Sora dug through his clothes, throwing this and that all over the flow in search of something decent. It took about three drawers to gather the right attire. Then he lugged himself back to the bed, flopped down, and began to change.
Dressed and ready to go, Sora glanced around for his shoes. It wasn't that he needed them, but he wanted to make sure his trinkets were still there. After all, he didn't want to lose them.
Spotting the said pair of shoes near the door, he scooped them up with a hand and turned them in place. He frowned in bewilderment. Yes the little weapons were in place, and that was good, but there was now another set. Two teeny Keyblades rested beside each of Axel's miniature weapons. One Sora recognized as the Bond of Flame, and he smiled fondly at it. The other, however, Sora did not know of. It had a tiny castle at the tip, a road along the blade, and an M at the hilt. He wasn't sure exactly what it meant, or where the things had come from for that matter, but they made him smile. It was like being reunited with old friends, and he hoped they'd never be apart.
End Game
(Yay! Thank you all for reading it and I applaud you for having the patience to see it to the very end. May you find many other great fanfics and be happy. Peace out, y'all.)