Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 39 ( Chapter 39 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 39
FINAL BATTLE!!!! Ha-Zah!!! This time, I cut the fight scene a lot shorter, so just pretend that it was long and difficult. I'll admit it, I was freakin' lazy.
Theme song for Xemnas is `Night After Night' by The Rasmus…. Yeah, I listen to a lot of music.
The chorus goes well with Xemnas though:
`Time After Time, I lose again.
Night After Night, I wake up shaking `cause my world is breaking.
Fool enough to fail again.
Night After Night, I wake up crying `cause I feel like dying.'
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Goodbye Basin
For a long moment, as Axel gazed at it, the orb of darkness produced nothing from its depths but then suddenly something stirred within. The ball collapsed, allowing him to see a figure within struggling to free itself. It fell still once more before, in a sudden burst of energy, the dark womb was torn apart and thrust outwards.
A lone being stood covered sparsely from head to toe in the gunk. As the goo slid from his body in clumps, his features were revealed. The man stood as tall as Xemnas once had, but he seemed younger and wild with youthful bitterness and hate. Hair, cut in an a-line, was longer in the front and shortened near the back of his skull. Near his face the silvery hair was soft in texture and relatively flat, but as it grew shorter it took on a more jagged look. It was a silver color but had heavy blue hues in the shadowing. His eyes were brilliantly lit up; an intense yellow near the pupil and a sunset orange near the rim of the iris. The skin that could be seen a light tan and adorned with black tattooing from the previous infection that had taken his hand, arm, and neck.
All his clothes had holes and notched ends, including the tough leather boots which had once gone nearly up to his knees. The tattered organization coat was shredded up to his hips and was now a musty gray that faded into black tresses that mimicked smoke. The right arm of it had nearly been completely torn away to reveal the full extent of what had become of the arm he'd thrust into Saix's chest. It was metallic and plated, stained with black vines of darkness; his left hand and wrist were the same.
Unzipped down to the base of his ribcage, his chest was left bare for all to see. On it he bore a scar carved into the shape of a heart. This scar enclosed the burning symbol of the Burdened. Just hanging above it was a locket strung on a chain that was draped around his neck. The locket appeared to be gold but was rusted to the extent that the metal had lost its gleam.
Bringing his hands up before him, the Burdened gazed at his hands in wonder. Flexing his fingers and curling them into fists, he tested his dexterity assuring himself of coordination. A feral grin spread across his face and he stretched out his arms, extending one to the sky, “Ah… The darkness courses through my every fiber.” He breathed. The shadows stretched over the ground to meet his, making his silhouette grow, “The minor traces of tragedy feed it, only strengthened by this miserable landscape…” His smile faded as his arms came back down to his sides and his eyes rested on Axel and Roxas, “I can see inside you; a blinding light just waiting for me to smother it and nurture the gloom within your hearts.” Treading forward, he raised his palms to the sky, “Like kings of the finest blood that need to be stripped of their purity to walk among the Nobodies you rule. Are you too good for us?” Eyes narrowed, he drew his lips back in a sneer, “You've trespassed too far into the land of nightmares this time. As sovereign of this land of broken souls, I'll humble you and purge you of that hope. It's of no use to you here.”
“When you've got nothing else left, hope can be the only thing that keeps you going, but a creature like you devoid of all that's good wouldn't understand that. We'll show you just how powerful the promise of a new tomorrow can be.” Roxas voiced clutching his keyblades tightly as he poised to attack. Right beside him Axel did the same, lighting a flame in each of his fists against the metal.
“A promise?” The Burdened threw his head back and laughed.
“Looks like you're heart's not the only thing that's cracked.” Snorted Axel with a soft chuckle. The insult instantly had man's attention again.
“Promises were meant to be broken, just like your will.” Holding his hand out before himself, palm down, a strange sword materialized from the growing shadows. It was a strange black metal, rusted at nearly every joint and corner. The tip of the blade was weighted by an elaborate extension that appeared to be some type of padlock. The length of the blade was a series of bars and fastening latches with a large break in the center that was held by a set of adjoining pieces. The hilt was separate piece and had a hole in the very base of it, resembling that of a keyhole. A hand guard stretched over the wielder's knuckles looking like yet another securing device; the rest of the handle was covered by the man's hand. A single chain was welded to the blade, connecting once at the near-tip, again at the mid-point of the blade, and again at the base before dangling off unhindered. At the tip of the chain was a trinket molded in the shape of a tainted heart.
“What's that?” Voiced Axel under his breath in curiosity. It looked so much like a keyblade, but wasn't Roxas the only on who could wield one here?
“What is it?” Repeated the Burdened in mild amusement at Axel's surprise of being heard, “Why isn't it obvious? This blade I hold in my hand is just the opposite of what that child holds there, an anti form. And this, my foolish brethren, is what keeps all of you out of here.” The man tapped the locket that rested just over his heart, “It's called a Lockblade.” He smiled again grasping the sword with both hands, “It also keeps little boys from using Keyblades to their full potential.”
“Ha! Roxas won't need their full potential to beat you! Your ignorance will be your downfall, Xemnas.” Axel voiced with a grin, “Just like the first time, and the second, and the third. Though admittedly, one of those times you didn't exactly experience because it was your Heartless at fault… Maybe this time you'll finally learn.”
“You obviously don't know who you're talking about; all that hot air must have gotten to your brain, the poor thing.” He smirked, “Those nothings you speak of are not me. I am not this Nobody Xemnas. I've no need for a name therefore I do not have one. Only those too weak to stand on their own two feet require such a meaningless title. If you must call me something, to put a label on the one who will crush you, then you may call me Exonnam.” A wicked smile stretched across his face, “You're itching to test my affirmations; I can sense it from the blade I hold in my hands. Step forward, I'll show you a glimpse of the power you'll never have; maybe I'll make that light inside your chest flicker.” Shifting, the Burdened widened his stance and clasped the Lockblade in a single hand as he spread his arms out invitingly, “Come now, Roxas… Don't be frightened, after all: there's nothing to fear but fear itself. Right?”
“All right, a single blade crossing to see if that abomination is as good as you say it is.” Agreed Roxas. Holding a blade out he motioned for both Axel and Xigbar to stand back. Reluctantly, Axel obeyed stepping beside Xigbar to observe the first clashing of blades before the real fight began. This would be the battle to end all battles. He could feel it deep inside, and just as the last struggle had been difficult in a wholly unique way this one would be too.
“Then let's get to it- Oh! But two blades against one doesn't seem very fair.” Lowering his arms, he looked down at his reflection in the water, “Diviner, my beloved, hand me the other blade please.” In an overly flamboyant flick of his wrist he held out his palm to the side. Then, quite mechanically, he curled his fingers in and another Lockblade appeared in his fist. This one, though having the same lock base as the other, was different from the other. It was crisp and clean, with sharp dramatic images. Axel could tell instantly was the theme was: the moon. At the handle there was a full moon that overlapped the blade, behind it were wisps representing the gravitational pull to which Xemnas could hold onto. To balance it, at the opposite end was a strange black hole with a keyhole in the center that glowed about the edges; perhaps an eclipse. This was surrounded by two silvery crescents. The length of the blade was adorned by the phases of the moons, intertwined with chains, latches, and locks, forever bound together in the cycle. Dangling off the hilt, back to back crescents glowed ghostly white in the darkness.
Pleased with the result, Exonnam suddenly shifted into a dual stance. Axel watched as both Roxas and the Burdened stared each other down. Their eerie opponent was the one to initiate the run. Unexpectedly, he took forward, running as fast as starlings in the wind. Roxas followed a split second later. As they neared collision they brought their blades up in offense before their weapons were brought together in a wicked howling screech. The light from Roxas' blades flared brightly, but something stirred in the Lockblades; a sight that could not be described in words similar to how one can not explain a color to someone who's never seen it.
The color or maybe it was a substance, Axel could not tell what it was, started out as a sputter. But as light began to fall into its infinite abyss, it grew larger and darker. It was as if the light fed whatever it was, and it devoured the illumination with a ravenous hunger.
“Did I forget to mention, black is the color of your nightmares? Darkness is fear.” Exonnam grinned and laughed dryly before his blades overtook Roxas and sent the Nobody flying back. As Roxas hit the ground and rolled to a stop, his Keyblades scraping the ground beside him, Exonnam straightened his posture and moved forward. Axel flinched, backing down a bit at the advancement.
“Wha… What was that?” Roxas struggled to his feet taking hold of his Keyblades; Axel glanced his way but before he could answer Xigbar yanked him up into the air.
“No time for questions kiddies.” He exclaimed as he just barely pulled them out of the path of Exonnam's Lockblades. The Burdened below only smiled at them as he watched the pair soar over him and land lightly on the ground beside Roxas.
“Afraid of meeting the Iron Maiden and her companion?” Exonnam chuckled, “Don't fret; I won't let your fear be blind for long… You'll know your dread quite personally by the time I'm through with you.” Sliding his blades together, the metal let out an evil hiss, but the sound was not as chilling as the one following it, the one of the Lockblades cutting through air. Exonnam was before them in an instant, weapons searing through the wind as he brought them up for an attack.
Quick to act, Axel brought his chakrams up to deflect the attack. It didn't work. The Lockblades came across with too much force, knocking both chakrams into their holder, and forced the defender back. Wincing, Axel dug the toes of his boots to the ground to keep from being successfully knocked all the way back. Then in a fluid motion, he slipped out and under the rest of the attack, allowing both blades to then sweep cleanly over. Another stroke and he ran a chakram up to hit Exonnam, however Axel wasn't quick enough and the Burdened leapt back unscathed. Shaken, Axel stepped back, closer to Roxas; Exonnam only grinned.
Xigbar drew a pistol and fired a quick shot. Remarkably, Exonnam flashed a blade, easily deflecting the attack. Xigbar drew another gun, this time beginning to fire in intervals. However, each fire resulted the same: a lightning fast move repelled them and as the pace picked up in firing, so did Exonnam.
Gathering his courage, Axel stifled his reluctance and rushed into the fight. Fire, blazing hot on his skin, lit up as he neared Exonnam. His mind was reeling with ideas of how to throw off his opponent and just feet from him, Axel threw his chakrams to the ground. A glimpse of surprise on Exonnam's face was enough to boost his confidence. Dropping a leg, Axel skidded under a blade and grabbed Exonnam's leg. The momentum he'd picked up started him around and Axel used his free hand to spring himself, up and over Exonnam's head.
With a grin, he wrapped a leg around the Burdened's calves and shoved him back onto the ground. Exonnam rolled back, instantly on his feet again, but unprepared enough to block a side-kick from Axel. In a counter, a Lockblade nearly caught Axel in the face, but a quick defense with a chakram stopped the attack in its tracks.
A moment of opposition, then the blades hissed and caught against one another in a flurry of movements. The combination of attacks were too quick to accurately describe, the motions nearly washed out by the opposing forces of light and dark swallowing each other. Then it ended in one solid stroke from Exonnam and Axel was struck back.
When he looked up from his position, he found that Roxas had instantly jumped in to take his place. The Lockblades scraping against Keyblades was a strangely surreal sight to behold, such as the appeal of black and white complimenting each other. Their styles of fighting seemed to blend together to create mirroring moves that each were able to block and counter. A few times, one of them would step out of beat and catch the other off guard enough to land a solid hit.
Taking advantage of their distraction Xigbar took to the sky and lit up the scene with gunfire, careful to only shoot where Exonnam might be harmed and nowhere else. Xigbar's jobs was about to get ten times harder.
Fired up, Axel cut into the duet of swords and ran his own blades against Exonnam's back. Almost, immediately Exonnam ducked down and swept his leg out under them, sending both Roxas and Axel to the ground. Then the Burdened scurried out from between them.
Axel scrambled after him, nearly on all fours. Red clashed with rusty black and their own double act went into play. Exonnam grinned wildly swinging his blades with precision to wear down Axel's defenses. Unlike the meeting before, something had changed. Every stroke seemed to seep into Axel's core, causing his blood to run cold. Somehow, Axel got the feeling, Exonnam had just been playing with him and unfortunately for Axel this fact was quickly confirmed.
Two intersecting cuts ran across his chest, breaking through his attacks, and Exonnam forced Axel back. With each advancement came two unstoppable blows. Luckily for Axel, Roxas and Xigbar were there to come to his rescue. A stray bullet caught Exonnam's arm and he was force to back down from his assault, at which point Roxas met him with fervor.
Despite the sudden chills and weakened state, Axel rushed in behind Roxas to contribute to Roxas' progress. Exonnam easily dodged and blocked the attacks. When Exonnam matched another swipe from Axel, the grin on his face turned to a scowl. He'd had enough of playing. With a single slash from his rust and black Lockblade, both Axel and Roxas were beat back.
“Give up. This is embarrassing.” Snorted Exonnam.
“Never!” Axel yelled heatedly, Roxas was exhausted, had been since the end of the battle with Xaldin. He had to be full of retaliation, if only to keep Roxas from giving up completely.
“Be that way.” Raising his blade he threatened to bring it down over them, but Xigbar shot and caught him dead center in the back, “Augh! You little pest!” With a growl, Exonnam turned away from the pair and stormed away to attack the other Burdened.
Left alone, Axel quickly helped Roxas to his feet, “Never surrender Roxas. Remember our promise. We've got to keep fighting.” Weakly, Roxas nodded, “I know you're tired, but I know you can do this. Can you use any magic?” Roxas gave another weak nod, “Good, save it. Now watch and be amazed, because I'll need both of us to be in some high spirits to do what I have planned.” Giving his hands a good shake to warm his body again, fire lit up around his body again and he stormed after Exonnam in a blaze.
Coming up from behind him, Axel grabbed Exonnam by the scruff and pulled him around. With ease, he thrust Exonnam down and brought a knee up into the Burdened's gut. Exonnam blindly brought a blade up and hacked fiercely at Axel, but surprisingly didn't hit him. Stumbling back, Exonnam raised a hand over his eyes and slashed wildly at nothing.
Axel grinned, “What's wrong? A little too bright for you?” A yelp escaped him as Exonnam struck him with surprising accuracy, having followed his voice. Leaping back Axel used the space to expel a burst of fire. Exonnam writhed and cowered from the light, encouraging Axel to fire up even more.
Their exchanges followed a similar pattern for a time. Axel, using both chakrams and martial arts, lit the scene up in flames overwhelmed Exonnam with light. Every now and then, Axel would miss step and get slashed by a frantically swinging Lockblade, but nothing remarkably terrible. The weakened state also allowed for Xigbar to get in a few solid hits, though he seemed to be having troubles with the flames as well. Roxas stayed a fair distance away, the spurts a fire a little too dangerous for him to get by.
Once again Axel was caught under the Lockblades, this time caught between the two. The metal against his sides grew icy cold and Axel was brought down to his knees. He felt the fire going out.
Laughing Exonnam kicked Axel aside, “What's wrong? A little too dark for you? Getting a little to cold for fireflies to be out, don't you think?” Exonnam gave emphasis to the last word as be brought the Lockblade down hard on Axel.
Everything quickly grew black in Axel's eyes and he felt his head growing light. He felt the chill coiling around him but it hurt too much to stop it.
“Get off of h-!” Then silence.
When Axel finally regained his senses, he opened his eyes to the sight of Roxas, Luxord, and Xigbar valiantly fighting off Exonnam. Well almost, seconds after coming to Luxord was hit, and hard. The gambler came skidding to a stop beside him, “Luxord are you all right?” With a groan Luxord sat up and smiled.
“You're all right!”
“Of course, now get back to Demyx and Zexion. They need your protection more than I do.” Axel ordered. Luxord seemed more than happy to and Axel went back to reclaimed his place in the fight.
As it was, the battle progressed very similarly to the one Roxas had with Xigbar earlier. Exonnam became increasingly hard to hit, as he ducked in and out of battle with ease and blocked the most dangerous blows. However, Xigbar had gotten in a few good shots at him, and they seemed to be the most damage their side could do. And since his run-in with Exonnam's blade, Axel hadn't dared to flare up again. It seemed to do more harm than good on such a small scale, only infuriating Exonnam. However, Axel had seen the weakness there and he planned to use it as soon as he regained his energy and strength; from Roxas' eager fighting, Axel knew he was ready for it. Having witnessed Axel fall seemed to spark that dangerous side of the blonde beauty.
Finally the boiling point inside Axel struck and, quite suddenly, Axel dragged Roxas from the fight; Xigbar came down to hold him off. Finding a safe spot, Axel turned Roxas towards him and placed his hands on both Roxas' shoulder.
“All right, time to turn up the heat. I need to concentrate very hard, imagine that the feelings inside of you are flames. I want to feel the heat and smell the ash when you do, can you do that for me?”
“I don't understand.”
Axel took Roxas' hands, “I need your help. Summon the greatest fire you can, fuel it with your passion and desire. Make it so nothing can ever swallow it up, make it raging and relentless when something comes to destroy it. Do that for me. Just close your eyes.” Axel brushed his fingertips over Roxas' eyelids and gently coaxed them shut, “Think of everything that make you happy and let it burn away all the things that hurt you and make you sad. A fire fueled by love and the will to protect is stronger than one fueled by hate.”
“I'll try.” Roxas summoned his Keyblades, and despite their lack of energy, he sought strength from them. They reminded him of all the people who cared for him the most. Bringing them together, he held them forward.
Quickly, Axel slipped around to stand behind Roxas. Reaching in front of him, he placed his hands over his beloveds. A tiny flame appeared at the base of the Keyblades and as Roxas concentrated, the fire began to grow. Tenderly, nurturing it, Axel fed the flame with his own magic, quickly turning the blaze into a deadly inferno.
Summoning a separate scorching essence, he surrounded the arena in a wall of fire. Exonnam, who now had more problems to worry about than Xigbar, turned in place bringing both arms to shield his eyes. He could look for a way out but he wouldn't find one.
The ground hissed and steamed, the water from before instantly turning to vapor as the battle grounds heated up to extraordinary temperatures. Most of the stones were turning red and quaked with resistance, refraining from bursting or melting into puddles of red and yellow ooze.
“Good Roxas, you're doing so well.” Axel praised, watching the fire from Roxas grow in size and take shape around them. Both of the Keyblades were completely engulfed in flames, as was the air that surrounded Roxas' hands. The air was as hot as it could be now, everything was nearly to perfection. All they needed to do was attack. On that note, Axel looked back to Exonnam.
Xigbar had fled the inferno, leaving Exonnam to try to fend off the flames. It seemed futile. There were no shadows within this tiny pocket of the world now. The fire lit up every inch, every nook and cranny, nothing was left to darkness. However… One thing was amiss in the fiery realm. In Exonnam's hands, there was a strange poof of the dark unknown substance from before. Fire seemed to be drawn into it, but being infinite, the flames didn't die down as a result. Its presence was worrying none-the-less.
“All right, Roxas. Time to give it all you've got and attack. I'll be right here beside you.” Axel assured.
Roxas opened his eyes and gaped at the scene around him. Surely he'd seen something similar before, but this one was ten times greater and hotter than that one; the one back in Twilight Town. His eyes then settled on Exonnam.
Parting the blades, arcs of fire curled and flashed between them, “Right beside me?” He voiced questioningly.
Axel smiled, “Right beside you.” He confirmed summoning his own chakrams.
Reassured, Roxas dashed towards the strange black hole and the wielder of the Lockblades. On his heels, Axel allowed the circle of fire to shrink further and further, closing in behind them to intensify the heat. Then once their blades clashed with Exonnam and his weapons, the fire came crashing down.
Oddly, Roxas didn't seem to notice as he struggled against the dark aura forming about Exonnam's Lockblades. The Burdened himself was fighting back, more forcefully than Axel would have thought, but the reigning light soon began to conquer him.
There was a strange vacuum sound as Roxas drove his Keyblades against the Lockblades. Pure light was sapped from the Keyblades, but as it was, the light grew all the same and quite suddenly, the strange negative substance vanished. The battle was done and the fire went out.
Withdrawing from further attacks, Roxas staggered back suddenly very weak and tired. The heat had sucked out nearly all the energy he had left, Axel was in the same situation. He'd put his heart and soul into that attack.
The Lockblades slipped from Exonnam's hands, clattering painfully loud on the stone. His features contorted in pain as he reached up and clutched at his chest. Arching his back, he let out a choked cry before his legs collapsed beneath him. Like a fallen saint, he held his chest out and let his head fall back to face the heavens above. A soft glow under his white-knuckled grasp began to grow bringing Axel's tired gaze to it. There were two glowing orbs forming, one dark and the other light. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Exonnam was defeated and his body was expelling the captive hearts.
Axel stepped back and stooped down to pull Roxas' arm around his neck. His partner was exhausted, and for good reason. He'd had to fight all of the battles; it was time for him to rest his wary head. Almost as soon as Axel had his arm, Roxas collapsed making Axel hold up his entire weight. He didn't mind though, Roxas wasn't too heavy.
Finally the hearts broke the skin barrier, showering Exonnam in dark smoke. As it cleared away, Xemnas' formed relaxed. His arms fell limply to his side as he stared blankly upward. His hollow gaze followed the pair of hearts in their ascension. The broken and tainted heart wavered and drifted slowly to the clouds, the pure heart danced around it, escorting it protectively back to their home in the sky.
Rain fell again. This time, Axel and the others could enjoy it. Without the threat of attack they could raise their heads and meet it with warm welcoming. Even Axel smiled as the liquid ran over him, soaking him to the bone. It was warm, not cold like the air, and as it covered them it seemed to seep inside and warm their chilled bodies. Axel had to admit, it was exquisite.
His emerald eyes flashed to the hearts, almost out of sight. The taint on the freed heart was washing away, healing it back to perfection. Even as this happened the other heart did not speed ahead, only gleamed happily against the black clouds before they faded away.
“You lost your chance.” Xigbar voiced solemnly. Axel looked back down questioningly. The sharp shooter was standing before Xemnas, pistol drawn again.
Xemnas pulled his head forward and gazed emotionlessly down the barrel. His eyes seemed even emptier than they had been before, as if he'd been stripped of everything he'd once had. A strange smile appeared on his lips and he held out his arms, “It couldn't be helped… It's just who I am… If I could have ever been that is.” He explained quietly.
“Seems I won't even need to use a bullet.” Xigbar holstered his gun and stepped back, “If you don't have the will to exist and never did exist, then there's nothing to stop you from never being.” With a smile, Xigbar turned his back to Xemnas.
A strong gust of wind blew and Axel closed his eyes and flinched at the chill. When he opened his eyes again, Xemnas had nearly gone. His form was disappearing into darkness, being absorbed into the earth and air of the foreign world. Within seconds, there wasn't a trace of him left, only the rain.
“Well, I suppose it's time for me to get going. I've got other fish to fry, you know. Work's gonna be backed up because of you now.” Scolded Xigbar playfully before he started away.
“Wait!” Axel jumped in surprise and nearly fell over. Turning his head he looked down at Roxas, who'd been the one to speak out, “Why did you help us?”
Xigbar paused and turned, “Just doin' my job… After all, you only get one chance. If you waste it, someone's gotta clean you out. Anyway, next time you see me, you better watch out. After this, we're enemies. So be a good boy and I won't be needing to come around.”
“Right… Thanks for helping us, Xigbar.” Roxas breathed happily.
“Whatever. Later.” Xigbar turned to leave again.
“Wait! Take me with you!” Everyone turned to look at Luxord; some of them more horrified then others. He'd stood from his spot beside Zexion and Demyx.
“You're leaving?” Squeaked Demyx, “But… We're supposed to stick together. What about our promise?” Clutching Zexion's motionless form tightly, Demyx tried to hide the tears in his eyes. He wasn't very good at it, but Axel understood that he'd grown attached to the older man.
Luxord smiled fondly at the musician, “I didn't forget, but you don't need me anymore.” He told him, ruffling the teenager's hair, “Besides…” Luxord grabbed the collar of his clothes and pulled them down tightly, to reveal the symbol slowly burning onto his chest. Axel couldn't see all of it, but it was already distinguishable as the Burdened's sign, “Being good is too boring. I need something a little more thrilling, but you guys have had it rough; you deserve something nice.”
“But I'll miss you.” Demyx pleaded.
“I can't… Wherever you guys go isn't where I belong. Don't worry… You won't remember me anyway, right?”
“And you won't remember me. So why come?” Inquired Xigbar.
Luxord grinned, “Well, better to wake up beside a complete stranger than alone right?”
Shaking his head, Xigbar looked around at the group before giving a nod, “All right, come on then… I've got no reason to object.” Luxord's face lit up with excitement as he quickly rushed to join Xigbar, “Take care of yourselves.” Xigbar waved disinterestedly before he and Luxord disappeared back into the maze of stone.
A few moments passed before Axel noticed Demyx's choked sobs. Looking over at the musician, he suddenly recalled what happened to Zexion earlier. Demyx had pulled the other boy onto his lap and had buried his face against the fabric of Zexion's clothes; now he was crying as well. Hurriedly, Axel carted Roxas over to them and set him down before getting to a knee beside the two.
“Hand him to me.” Axel commanded gently. It took a moment but Demyx eventually relinquished the body and allowed Axel to hold him.
The illusionist was still in his arms, but Axel wasn't sure if that was a sign of anything. Shifting the boy to one arm, he brushed the hair out of the scientist's face and held a hand an inch over Zexion's mouth. Oh god, he hoped that the soft breathes weren't just his imagination. Laying him down on the ground, Axel placed a hand over Zexion's chest. He let out a happy breath, a smile touching his lips. A heartbeat… Not only was Zexion fine, but he had a heart as well.
Axel raised a hand to his own chest, and almost laughed with glee. He had a heart too, he could feel it inside warming him, beating rhythmically.
“Is he all right?” Voiced Roxas behind him.
“Yes… I think he's just passed out.” Demyx instantly flung his arms around him in relief, murmuring tear-filled `thank you's to Axel before he release the pyro and gathered Zexion back up into his arms. Burying his face against his beloved, Demyx cried some more. Though, Axel wasn't sure if they were of happiness or sorrow.
A soft squeal escaped Demyx when a hand came around and rested on the back of his neck. Axel grinned as Zexion opened his eyes and wriggled back a little bit, “Hey… What's all this fuss about?”
“Zexion! Oh, I'm never gonna let anything bad happen to you ever again. I promise. You'll never leave my sight.” Rambled the blonde frantically cuddling Zexion happily. The illusionist only smiled weakly, unable to do much more than that.
“Oh… Before I forget.” Demyx pulled back a moment and stopped his babbling, “I love you…”
A blush crept onto Demyx's cheeks and he dipped his head down a bit to rub their heads together coyly, “I know… I love you too.”
Axel smiled and let out a quiet sigh. This wasn't so, nope, not bad at all. Axel was kind of growing fond of the blue-haired pest. Pulling Roxas onto his lap, Axel gazed at the horizon and let out another happy sigh. Beyond the clouds, the skies were lighting up with the early rays of the sun, creating a warm orange wash over the surrounding scenery. It must have been just turning morning, though Axel hadn't realized that the night had come and passed. The cloud above, raining down on them, had cloaked the fact from him.
Roxas tipped his head back and Axel gave him a tender kiss, “So… Where to now, Axel?”
Closing his eyes, Axel rested his chin on Roxas' forehead. He wrapped his arms around Roxas' chest, feeling the boy's own heartbeat as well, and drew up his legs to further lock the boy in his grasp, “I don't know, Rox… I guess wherever our hearts lead us.”
NEW Journal-
Character Links-
Xemnas: Halving delved into the contaminated pit of Saix's being; he was stained with the mark of the pollutant and Saix's essence coursed within his body reaching through the chain connecting him and his follower. He held Saix's heart to keep the balance of their bond in his favor.
After the loss of Saix, once again Xemnas was thrown back into his own world of hate and misery. These emotions fueled by rain that filled the empty void within him combine to inflict further injury to his being to form a Burdened.
Taking up the name Exonnam (AN: Exonnam is an anagram of No Name with the added letter X, just as Xehanort was an anagram of No Heart with the added letter X), Xemnas' Burdened sought to destroy the light which caused him so much pain. Unable to contain light himself, for his shadowy nature would be washed out by it, he uses not only darkness but his newly gained power of an energy called `negative light'. Negative light is the non-existance of light and absorbs normal light within it to gain strength; it is one of the substances located in black holes.
Exonnam wields two blades which contain both darkness and negative light. These blades are called Lockblades and are equal to Keyblades; however, they do cancel out Keyblade power boosts. His first Lockblade, Iron Maiden, represents his own dark nature and the base of Lockblade powers. The second blade, Eclipse of Divinization, is a representation of Saix's being as his warped heart remembers it.
For such big talk, Exonnam was a fairly weak boss. Despite controlling limitless amounts of vast negative energy, he has nothing to fight for. The revenge he spoke of as a Nobody and the love he'd felt for Saix were instantly forgotten in becoming a Burdened. He became aimless, fighting only because it was the only thing he seemed to be meant for.
When Roxas and Axel combine their light in a dazzling display of passionate flames, their emotion and light overwhelmed Exonnam. All the shadows of the land were chased away and he became truly powerless and fell victim to the pair's unyielding determination.
Losing his heart, Xemnas became a Nobody once more. However, having been a Burdened, his mind had been nearly wiped clean. Losing his desire to exist, the Nobody faded into darkness upon his own accord and finally put an end to the obstacles that Axel and the others faced to receive their hearts.
Xigbar: Since last he was seen, Xigbar has been shrouded in darkness and become one of the Burdened; whether he did so willingly is unknown. With his new youthful look and increased strength, Xigbar is the epitome of Burdened and a formidable opponent to others of his kind. His power seems to far outweigh any Nobody's.
His motives behind aiding Roxas, Axel, and the others appear to be connected with the laws of the worlds, though his kind attitude might hint that perhaps he secretly remembered them a little from when they'd lived together in the Organization. Having completed his current task, however, Xigbar bade them farewell to attend to other matters, but not before agreeing to take the fledgling Burdened, Luxord, under his wing.
Save Game: to be continued…