Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts III: The Keyblade Wars ❯ Introduction ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Kingdom Hearts III: The Keyblade Wars
Author: the ultimate SoBe Master
Chapter 1: Introduction
Category: Kingdom Hearts
Six months have passed since the defeat of Xemnas and the return of peace to the worlds. Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, and I have been enjoying the peace and serenity of Destiny Islands since we've returned. All was good. This peacefulness could never end. Or could it?
“Sora, wake up! Come look what Kairi found!” A familiar voice called from the beach.
Sitting up and rubbing my eyes, I slowly placed my feet on the wood floor of my home and stood up. Heading downstairs, I opened the door and headed outside. The sun was already shining down upon the vast beach.
Looking around, I quickly spotted Riku, Goofy, Donald, and Kairi a ways down the beach. Kairi was holding a small glass bottle that was corked shut. “Whatcha got there, Kairi?” I asked.
“A message in a bottle,” Kairi replied. “It washed up on shore awhile ago,”
I rushed over to her. I saw the message in the bottle with a familiar emblem on. “It's from the king!” I exclaimed, taking the bottle and pulling the cork out of it. Taking the message from the bottle and tossing the bottle aside, I unrolled the parchment and began to read the message it held aloud:
Dear Sora, Donald, and Goofy,
Please come to Disney Castle at once! It is urgent that I see you three! Though peace has spread throughout the worlds, I am afraid that it has been short lived. War is inevitable. The past is set to repeat itself!
Get here as soon as you can! I'll explain the details once you arrive. Riku and Kairi are welcome to come, too. My apologies for summoning you this early, but I'm afraid it can't wait! I will await your arrival. Travel safely!
Sincerely yours,
Mickey Mouse
King of Disney Castle
“Well, we better get going then, shouldn't we?” I said.
“Yeah, we don't wanna keep the king waiting!” Donald replied.
“We'll be traveling by Gummi Ship, right?” said Kairi.
“You know about the Gummi Ship?!” Goofy asked.
“Yeah, Sora told me all about his adventures with you and Donald after we got back to the island,” Kairi replied.
“Gawrsh, Sora. That Gummi Ship is supposed to be a secret!” Goofy said.
I smiled and rubbed the back of my neck. “Well, you don't honestly expect me to keep every secret a secret from Kairi and Riku, do you?”
“No, I guess not!” said Goofy, grinning.
“Let's get going!” shouted Donald anxiously from the Gummi Ship which was parked about 20 feet down the beach.
“We're coming, Donald!” I called back. We all headed for the Gummi Ship and boarded it. Donald took the controls, Goofy at his side, and me and Kairi took a seat behind them. Riku simply leaned against one of the side walls of the Gummi Ship.
“Riku, you need to take a seat,” Goofy said, turning to face us.
“No, I'm better off standing,” Riku replied simply.
“But you'll get hurt!”
“Don't worry, I'll be fine,”
Sighing and turning around, Goofy started up the ship. I could see that he was shaking his head. We took off quickly, gaining speed. Riku was unfazed by this. There was a blinding white light, and then we were in the world of worlds. Next stop: Disney Castle!
A/N: What'd ya think? Not bad for a first time, huh? Well, please R&R! Later! Second chapter will be up soon.