Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts III: The Keyblade Wars ❯ A Meeting with the King ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Kingdom Hearts III: The Keyblade Wars
Author: the ultimate SoBe Master
Chapter 2: A Meeting with the King
Category: Kingdom Hearts
Soon after take off, a large castle quickly came into view. It was made of slate gray stone, and the tower roofs resembled wizards' hats. “There it is: Disney Castle!” I said.
“Yeah! I can't wait to see his Majesty again!” replied Donald excitedly.
“Whatever,” said Riku boredly. “I didn't even wanna come, yet Sora dragged me along anyway,”
“Come on, Riku. Cheer up!” I said with a smile.
“Remember what happened to me last time, Sora?! I got swallowed up by the darkness! You want that to happen again?! Do you, Sora?!”
“Don't worry, Riku. We won't let that happen,” I replied, “will we, guys?”
“No way!” said Donald.
“Gawrsh, Riku! Did you really doubt us that much?” asked Goofy.
“Sorry, guys. It's just, well, it could happen again, ya know?”
“Come on, Riku! We defeated Organization XIII!” I said. “There are no more Nobodies! No more…Heartless! Oh no!”
“What is it, Sora?” Kairi asked concernedly, taking my hand in hers and looking into my eyes.
“We completely forgot about Maleficent! Damnit! How could I let her just slip away!” I exclaimed, slamming my fist down on the armrest of my seat. “I have a feeling that the King called us because of the Heartless!”
“Calm down, Sora!” Kairi said soothingly, slightly squeezing my hand. “There's the possibility that the King called us because of the Heartless, but then again, it might not have anything to do with them,”
Taking a deep, refreshing breath, I then said calmly, “You're right, Kairi. The chance that it could have anything to do with the Heartless is slim to none! Besides, with there being little to no Heartless left, how's Maleficent gonna be able to rule?! She can't conquer every world with only Pete backing her!” We all laughed at this remark as Disney Castle drew ever closer. Even Riku, the most un-laughing person I've ever met, laughed along with us.
A few minutes passed before we arrived, finally, at Disney Castle. Landing within it, me and the rest of the group said our hellos to Chip and Dale and continued onward towards the throne room.
“I'm glad you have come,” said Mickey in a concerned tone when we had reached the throne room. “To start, how have you all been? Well, I take it?”
“Yeah, we've been enjoying our time together,” I said.
“Good, I'm glad to hear it,” Mickey replied. What appeared to be a faint smile spread across his face, but as suddenly as it had appeared, it was gone.
“As you may have guessed, the heartless have not yet been eliminated,” He continued. “On top of that, and this is the startling part, the nobodies haven't either,” I gasped when he said this. “It's surprising, I know. I too thought that they would seize to exist when Organization XIII had been defeated, not that they ever existed in the first place!
Now, onto the main reason why I brought you all here: yet another new enemy has presented itself. This new enemy is called a Keyblader! Here's the strange part about them: they are the combination of a Heartless and a Nobody! That may sound like they are being made whole again, yet a normal Heartless and Nobody can never be reunited! Someone is forcefully combining Heartless and Nobodies! Somehow, these Keybladers are able to wield Keyblades, hence the name. It sounds to me like whoever is creating these Keybladers wants to start another Keyblade war…”
“Keyblade war?” Kairi and I asked.
“Yes, Keyblade war. Many generations ago, a war, which came to be known as the Great Keyblade War, broke out. An evil menace named Sonzonor Donohue gathered up an army of Keyblade Wielders and waged war against the rest of the ones who had been chosen by the Keyblade.
The war lasted for almost seven years. It was long and grueling, and many lost their lives, but it all finally ended in a fierce battle between Sonzonor and the three legendary wielders of the Keyblade: Regulus, Genzor, and Lezora. The battle lasted for days without end, but, of course they came out on top. Oddly enough, they vanished without a trace five days later. Who knows, maybe they'll return one day to help us out once more. Ever since their disappearance though, the Keyblade has only chosen one wielder per generation!”
“Wow! Hold on, how come you can wield the Keyblade then, your Majesty?” I asked.
“I'm many generations before yours, Sora. I was one of the first to be chosen,”
“Oh, I see! Then that would make you an old geez -” Suddenly, two pairs of hands clasped over my mouth.
“Sorry about that, your Majesty,” said Goofy.
“Yeah, he didn't mean it,” Donald said.
The King laughed. “It's alright. I don't mind it,” He said. “Anyway, Sora, are you and the others up for one more journey?”
“Yeah, just find out who is creating these Keyblader things and defeat `em, right?” I said.
“Yeah, that's right,” After a moment, he then said, “Meet me at the Gummi Ship. There is something I want to give to each of you,” With that, the King headed off out of the throne room.
“You heard the King. Let's get to the Gummi Ship!” said Donald. That being said, we headed off towards the Gummi Bay. Surprisingly, the King was already there when we arrived back in the Gummi Bay.
“Good, you're here,” He said. “Now, to you, Sora, I present you with the Keyblade known as the Hidden Dragon - I had a feeling that you were getting tired of using the old Kingdom Key,” I suddenly materialized the Kingdom Key. Mickey materialized a red Keyblade that appeared to be emitting red and orange flames from the end of it, it's keychain resembling a chinese medallion. We both held out our Keyblade, Mickey taking the Kingdom Key and me taking the Hidden Dragon. I dematerialized my new Keyblade once I had it.
“Second, I present to you the Keyblade known as the Two Across, which I received from Roxas during my journey to stop Organization XIII,” He materialized a second Keyblade which appeared to be designed after a Dusk, the most common of Nobody, and handed it to Sora.
“Roxas gave you this?!” I asked, examining the Keyblade thoroughly. I dematerialized it moments later.
“Yes, Roxas was the original owner of that particular Keyblade. He seemed to own three others as well, though I don't know whether he still has them, in which case you would be able to use them. You might call on him sometime and ask him.
“Lastly, I present to you a cloak that will enhance your abilities and also has hidden abilities that you will have to discover on your own,” Mickey handed me a simple, crimson cloak complete with hood, which I immediately fastened around my neck.
“To you, Riku, I present a cloak that is similar to the one I gave Sora, only it has different abilities which you will have to discover on your own,” He handed Riku a cloak similar to mine, only black. He put it on as soon as it was handed to him.
“Kairi, I present you with a new Keyblade, as the one given to you by Riku in the World that Never Was was merely a temporary Keyblade, as it did not have a keychain.” He materialized a thin, long, dark gray Keyblade with what appeared to be a spiraling, orange cloud on the end. The keychain was a single, black angel wing. When Kairi took hold of the Keyblade, it dematerialized.
“It's gone!” She exclaimed.
“That's a good sign, Kairi. That means that the Keyblade has accepted you as a wielder!” The King said. Kairi smiled widely at this.
“To you, Donald, I present the Wisdom Wand,” Mickey materialized a long, blue staff with a gold, metal piece holding what appeared to be an open book with blank pages on the end of it.
Donald took the Wisdom Wand with greedy hands. “A new staff! Oh boy! Thanks, your Majesty!” Donald shouted gleefully.
“Your welcome, Donald. I trust you will use it well,”
“You bet I will!” Donald dematerialized his new staff and quieted at once.
“Goofy, to you I give the Dream Shield,” Mickey materialized an upside down pentagon-shaped, black and red shield with a red Disney symbol emblazoned upon the front of it and handed it to Goofy.
“Awe shucks, your Majesty! Thank you,” Goofy said as he dematerialized his new shield.
“Your welcome, Goofy. Now, board the Gummi Ship and make for Radiant Garden,” The King commanded.
“Yes, Sir!” We all said in unison, all except for Riku. We then started up the ramp into the Gummi Ship.
Donald and Goofy were about to board when the King said in a low voice, “Donald, Goofy, may I have a word?”
“Sure, your Majesty,” They replied.
Shortly after Riku, Kairi, and I had boarded, Riku once again standing, Donald and Goofy boarded and took the controls. We quickly took off and started for the nearby Radiant Garden.
A/N: Well, what do ya think so far? Don't worry, there'll be some action in the next chapter. I promise!