Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts III: The Keyblade Wars ❯ The Keybladers ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Kingdom Hearts III: The Keyblade Wars
Author: the ultimate SoBe Master
Chapter 3: The Keybladers
Category: Kingdom Hearts
As we neared Radiant Garden, I finally broke the silence. “I've been thinking,”
“Wow! That's a surprise,” Riku said sarcastically.
“Shut up, Riku!” I scowled. “Anyway, the King said that ever since those legendary Keyblade wielders had disappeared, the Keyblade had chosen only one wielder per generation, right? Then why can me, Riku, and Kairi wield it?” I pondered.
“I dunno,” said Kairi.
“I think we can answer that,” said Donald.
“Yeah,” Goofy said, “from what the king told us, you were never supposed to wield the Keyblade,”
“You mean…I was supposed to disappear along with Destiny Islands, instead of somehow getting Traverse Town?” I said softly, the truth of Goofy's words hitting me like a brick wall.
“Unfortunately, Sora, that's right,” He replied. “From what the King has told us, the one who was supposed to wield the legendary Keyblade…was Riku,” This caught Riku's attention. “However, when it was realized that Riku would dwell in darkness, his heart became vulnerable, and…”
“…the Keyblade turned to you, Sora,” finished Donald. “However, we don't yet have a clue as to why the Keyblade has chosen Kairi as well,”
“Personally, I believe it has something to do with you, Sora, having such feelings for her that you would travel across many worlds just to find her,” Goofy added. I blushed furiously. “Anyway, somehow, Riku has managed to wield a Keyblade again. That way is unknown to us,”
“I don't know either, by the way,” Riku added quickly as to avoid suspicion.
“I figured as much,” said Goofy.
We soon landed on the outskirts of the city formerly known as Hollow Bastion. We entered Radiant Garden and immediately found ourselves amidst a fierce battle. We could see Leon, Yuffie, Tifa, Aerith, Cloud, Merlin, Fairy Godmother, and even the treasure hunting trio Yuna, Rikku, and Payne battling against many small creatures that appeared to be wearing black cloaks. Their hoods were pulled up so we could not see their faces. The odd part was that they each wielded a Kingdom Key Keyblade. These must be a type of Keyblader that the King had talked about.
“Sora!” Leon called, running over to us, taking out two more of the Keybladers as he did. “Thank goodness you guys made it! We need some help with these Keybladers!”
“So you heard about them too, huh?” I said.
“Yeah! They're everywhere! We're not even sure how they're getting through to the worlds!” Leon explained. “From what we know, you sealed the keyholes in the many worlds out there! They must have found a loop hole somewhere!”
Man, we have a big journey on our hands, then!” I said, readying my weapon, as did the others.
“Sounds like it, Sora. By the way, we call these ones Shades because of their cloaks. They're pretty basic it seems like, so just attack `em until they die!” Leon fired a blast from his gun blade at one of the Shades. However, the Shade deflected it back at him. Thinking quickly, I desperately dove in front of Leon and deflected it back at the Keyblader, destroying it. “Thanks, Sora,”
“No problem, Leon. Now, let's get back in there and fight these things!” I said excitedly, adrenaline pumping through my veins.
“One thing before we do, Sora. We've noticed a different kind of Keyblader here as well. We call it a Knight!” Leon replied. “They're literally walking suits of armor carrying two pitch black Keyblades with it. We've only encountered two of them, but look out for `em, `cause they can pack a wallop! Now let's go!” We followed Leon into the raging battle.
I immediately felt the difference in the air. I hadn't felt this difference, the “heat of battle”, in what felt like ages. I can tell you one thing: it felt good to fight again.
“Take that,” I cut through two of the Shades and started for another with my Keyblade at my side, “and that,” I cut through a third and swiped to my side, taking out a fourth, “and that!” I leapt into the air, performing a spin slash and taking out another Shade, and struck forward with my landing, taking out two more Shades. I then turned to my left and began charging taking out Shade after Shade.
Meanwhile, Riku was enjoying himself as well, taking out multiple Shades per strike with his Dawn of the New Keyblade. I quickly met up with him and got back to back with him. “How you doin'?” He asked casually as the Shades surrounded us.
“I'm great, you?” I replied, also casually.
“I'm fine. These Keybladers are dropping like flies,” Riku chuckled.
I laughed slightly and jumped forward. Riku did as well. I stabbed forward. One Shade. I dove forward and slashed left. Two Shades. I slashed right. Three Shades. I slashed up, then down to my right. Seven Shades. I then jumped up into the air, preparing to use the new move I had created in the months since Xemnas's defeat: the Keyblade Wave. I aimed the Keyblade at the ground and came down, the Keyblade sticking partially in the ground. Twelve Shades. I then stared upward and shouted, “Keyblade, unleash your might!” Suddenly, a blinding, white barrier expanded outward from me and the Keyblade. Fifty-two Shades. When the light faded, only two of the Keybladers remained.
One of the two was near me. I struck it quickly, leaving only one. I then aimed at the other one and shouted, “Eat this!” A fireball shot out of my Hidden Dragon, yet the Shade deflected it back. I was caught off guard and braced for impact when a blur appeared in front of me. The fireball deflected back at the Shade via a huge sword, and it dissipated. “Cloud…!” I said.
“Hello, Sora,” He replied calmly.
I turned just in time to see Riku raise his Keyblade into the air and cast Thunder, raining down many lightning bolts and defeating the remaining several Shades on his side. Lowering his Dawn of the New to his side, he then said, “Sora, that attack of yours was amazing! When and where did you learn it?!” An excited expression was displayed on his face.
“Well,” I began, “I learned it on the island, and the move is mine!”
“No way! You're lying!”
“Nope, I'm not, Riku. It is mine! I started working, and eventually perfected, it once we got back to the islands,” I said.
“I never knew you had so much power!” Riku exclaimed. “Well, I knew you were strong, but not that strong!” He then turned to Cloud and greeted him.
“Hello, Riku,” Cloud greeted back.
We looked out onto the rest of the city. By now, the number of Shades was dwindling. It was down to no more than 20. Everyone ran over to us. “Riku, Sora, Cloud, what was that strange, white light?!” Leon asked.
“It was me defeated a whole bunch of Heartless!” I replied, grinning widely.
“Amazing display, Sora!” Tifa exclaimed.
Suddenly, about ten feet from us, a tall man in a suit of armor wielding two black Keyblades appeared. The strange thing was that it didn't have a body! It was a Keyblader! “A Knight!” Leon shouted. The Knight charged us. We prepared to defend ourselves, when the Knight suddenly vanished back into the darkness. Suddenly, a figure wearing a black cape tied so as to have a hood around the head to hide the face appeared. He was wearing a dark gray T-shirt, black pants, and Black boots. He held in his hand a Fatal Crescent Keyblade.
A/N: Well, what'd ya think of the new chapter? Sorry for being a little late. I would have typed it yesterday, but I got sidetracked. lol. Who is this mysterious figure? What are his intentions? You'll have to read the next chap. To find out! Anyway, please R&R, and later!