Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts III: The Keyblade Wars ❯ The Keyblade Clan ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Kingdom Hearts III: The Keyblade Wars Author: the ultimate SoBe Master Chapter 4: The Keyblade Clan Email:, Category: Kingdom Hearts     “Hello, wielder of the Keyblade, Sora,” The hooded figure said maliciously. “I also have knowledge that tells me that, somehow, two others from your generation can wield the Keyblade. It appears that is correct,” He eyed Riku, then Kairi. “Who are you? What business do you have with us?!” I asked angrily. “Why, I am Gilboerah! I am the ninth member of a group of 16 wielders of the Keyblade,” He replied. “I have come to take Hollow Bastion for the organization!” Aerith stepped forward in confidence. “This world no longer goes by that name!” She said. “It has gone back to its original name: Radiant Garden!” “Radiant Garden, Hollow Bastion, it does not matter. What matters is that this world will soon belong to the organization I belong to: the Keyblade Clan!” “If you want to claim this world, then you’ll have to go through me first!” I shouted, readying my Hidden Dragon Keyblade. “You are an idiot if you honestly want to challenge me! You are no match for me, Wielder! For god sakes, you just barely defeated Xemnas!” Gilboerah mocked. “You witnessed my fight with Xemnas?” “Yes, I did!” I was about to charge, when something seemed to click in Riku’s brain. “Hey, wait a minute! I know you!” He said. “You’re that mysterious man that I saw at the Fountain of Keys in the Realm of Darkness! I knew I recognized that voice. You had taken that Fatal Crest you wield now, as well as a Jungle Key Keyblade, a Decisive Pumpkin Keyblade, and a Keyblade I had never seen before!” “Ah, very good, boy,” Gilboerah said, lowering his hood. He had shoulder length, spiky, crimson hair with a bang hanging down the sides of his face and a shorter one in the middle of his forehead. He had pale blue eyes and a nose that resembled the beak of a hawk. His eyes were thin ovals that just defined even further his resemblance to a hawk. “By the way, hope you never run into the wielder of the last Keyblade I took – the one you hadn’t seen – Number Eleven, Ilitza! She is brutal in battle, and she is even stronger than me – second only to Numbers One and Fourteen.” “Stand down, Sora,” said Riku, readying his Keyblade. “But Riku –” “Sora, this is my fight now, so stand down!” Giving in to defeat, I went back to join the others, my head hanging and my Hidden Dragon dematerializing. Riku stepped forward. “You are my opponent now, not Sora!” He said, pointing his Dawn of the New at Gilboerah. “Fine, no matter my opponent, this world will be ours!” Gilboerah charged, as did Riku. Riku jumped high into the air, doing a back flip midair, spinning once, and bringing his Keyblade down upon Gilboerah, only to be blocked by his Keyblade. “…Showoff…” I muttered as Riku pushed off Gilboerah’s Fatal Crescent, landing a few feet away, and charging again. Riku and Gilboerah clashed again and again, matching every move, ringing steel filling the air. “You’re pretty good, Riku!” said Gilboerah with a grin, guarding against a high strike from Riku and pushing Riku back. “As are you, Gilboerah!” Riku replied, landing on his feet and charging in yet again. Again, and again, and yet again, Riku clashed his Keyblade against Gilboerah’s. However, he couldn’t land even a single hit on him. At the rate he was going, he was going to lose. “Riku, I thought you were better than this! Fight back like you mean it!” shouted Gilboerah. He landed three hard hit to Riku’s chest, sending flying back. “I’m finished playing around. It’s time to finish this!” He readied his Keyblade and charged. Riku grinned and moved to the side. “What the?!” “Fight back? My pleasure,” Riku said. He slammed his Keyblade into Gilboerah, sending him flying. Riku chased after him, landing four hit on him. He then sent him flying into the air and leapt after him. Gilboerah grinned, materializing a Decisive Pumpkin and guarding against Riku. Riku gasped. “What?!” Gilboerah laughed. “Did you really think that I would use my full power against an insect such as you?! I have underestimated you, Riku. Thus, I will no longer be holding back!” He pushed Riku back and charged, almost flew, at Riku with amazing speed. He started landing blow after blow after blow, Riku just barely able to block. “What happened, Riku?! I thought you were going to fight?” He laughed. Gilboerah used his fist to send Riku flying back several feet. He slowly got to his knees, only to be staring up at Gilboerah. “Any last words?!” “Yeah: you’re going to…PAY!” Riku stood up slowly. Suddenly his cape was glowing, as was his eyes, which had turned a deep shade of blue. His hair was now black, and was tied in a long ponytail. He had materialized a crimson Keyblade that resembled a Japanese katana with a star shaped piece on the end of the blade. “You want a fight? I’ll give you one you shall never forget, Gilboerah!” ‘What…what is this?’ I thought. This wasn’t the same Riku I knew. Who was this? Riku began a relentless assault against Gilboerah. Blow after blow after blow was dealt. He didn’t give Gilboerah a chance to defend. “Thunder!” Riku shouted. Several thunderbolts rained down upon Gilboerah. “Ice! Fire! Water!” ‘Water?’ I thought. A stream of ice-cold stars spewed out of Riku’s Keyblades towards Gilboerah, followed by a jet of flames, followed by a blast of pressurized water. Gilboerah dropped to his knees. “Damnit,” He muttered. “Any last words?” asked Riku coldly. “Yeah: eat this!” Gilboerah looked up at Riku, grinning and pointing his fingers at him. His claw-like fingernails suddenly shot out at Riku. They were like knives, piercing into Riku. Riku winced. Gilboerah got up and began walking towards Riku, his fingernails still lodged in Riku’s chest. “Well Riku, didn’t think I had any more tricks up my sleeves, did ya?!” “P-piss off, Gilboerah. Eat shit and die!” Riku spat. “Why you little, insignificant, insect!” Gilboerah forced his fingernails even further into Riku, causing blood to start seeping out. When Gilboerah had reached him, Gilboerah looked him in the eye and said, “Well, what can you do now, Riku?!” “Th-this,” Riku raised his Keyblades above his head and brought them down, hacking off Gilboerah’s fingers. Blood spurted from the stubs that were once his fingers. “What…what the hell have you done?!” Gilboerah cried. “You’ll pay for this!” Where he was looking, Riku was no longer there. “Where did he go?!” “Right here,” Riku was standing next to Gilboerah. He had now reverted to his original state. Not taking a second chance, he stabbed Gilboerah through the top of the head. As he dematerialized his Keyblade, Gilboerah dropped to the ground, dead. We all ran up to Riku, who was now gripping his chest. “Riku, that…that was amazing!” I said, grinning. “It…was nothing, really!” Riku replied. We all looked in the direction of the gorge. Many Shades and Knights were gathering. “Riku, you stay here and rest. You deserve it!” “No…no, I’m coming with you guys. No buts about it…” Riku argued. “Fine, but stay behind us, ok?” With that, we headed off towards the gorge. We had just about gotten there, when hundreds of Shadow Heartless began to appear.     A/N: Well, what’d ya think? Sorry for the long wait, but I got my wisdom teeth out on Monday, so since then I haven’t been doin to well, but I’m recoverin’, so don’t worry. Though, I start school on this coming Monday, so I might not get a chapter up everyday, alright? Well, later! ^^ Please R&R! ^^