Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts III: The Keyblade Wars ❯ Heartless Encounter ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Kingdom Hearts III: The Keyblade Wars
Author: the ultimate SoBe Master
Chapter 5: Heartless Encounter
Category: Kingdom Hearts
“Damn, it's been awhile since we've seen this many Heartless, hasn't it, guys?” I said.
“Yeah, but I say let's get `em!” Goofy said excitedly, materializing his shield and raising it in front of him.
“That's the spirit, Goofy!” I replied. I then charged a large pack of the Heartless, calling back to the others, “See you guys later! Wish me luck, and good luck yourselves!” I reached the swarm of Heartless a couple of seconds later. I struck forward with my Keyblade, taking out several of them. I then started cutting a path through the Heartless, having spotted a Large Body.
As I cut through the Heartless and continued towards the Large Body, knowing it was essential to take out any of the Large Bodies and Fat Bandits that appeared, the space behind me would be filled by more Shadows moments later. `Man, I hate these things!' I thought. When I reached the Large Body, I said, “Ok, you fat lard! Bring it!!” The large Heartless turned to me stupidly and grunted twice.
Suddenly, several of the Shadows around me lifted into the air. In a flash of black smoke, they transformed into three Large Bodies and Four Fat Bandits, floating back down to the ground and grunting in unison. “I did not know they could do that!” I muttered, taking a slight step back.
“Need a hand?” shouted a voice nearby. Suddenly, Goofy and Donald appeared next to me from the vast cloud of Shadows.
“Yeah, I need a hand! The fat idiots appeared out of nowhere!” I shouted.
“Let's go!” Donald said. We all charged forward without another word.
I ran toward one of the Large Bodies, pushing it back with my foot; it grunted when it hit the ground. I leapt into the air and, directing my Keyblade towards the ground, drove it into the Large Body. It disappeared in black smoke.
“Sora, duck!” I heard Donald shout. I turned just in time to see two of the Fat Bandits side by side sucking in air. Just as the one on the right thrust forward, I dropped down to the ground, dropping the Hidden Dragon in the process. Suddenly, two long jets of flame shot over my head, frying two of the Large Bodies. Including the Fat Bandit Donald and Goofy double-teamed, that only left one Large Body and three Fat Bandits.
Reaching over and gripping my Keyblade, I leapt to my feet and charged the two Fat Bandits that had breathed the fire. I leapt over one of them, it looking up stupidly at me. I landed behind it and, turning to face it, started hacking away at it. I finished my attack with a hard, horizontal blow to the back. It flew forward, slamming to the ground and disappearing.
I now turned to the other Fat Bandit, who was currently attempting to counter Goofy's attacks. I jumped up and sidekicked it in the side of the head. It started to topple sideways. “Eat freeze, Bandit!!!” I cried, hitting the Fat bandit with a spread of icy, blue stars. It disappeared on contact.
This only left a Fat Bandit, since Donald had destroyed the last Large Body with the Thunder spell a few seconds after I had destroyed the third Fat Bandit. Before neither me, Donald, nor Goofy could react, Riku came out of nowhere and thrust his sword-like Keyblade through the last Fat Bandit, it disappearing instantly. “How's it going, Sora?”
“Riku! Thanks for that!” I said.
“It wasn't any problem, Sora! Listen, we need to get through here and finish them quickly. The Shadows are beginning to be replaced with Neo Shadows! Plus, there are these large, monstrous Shadows we're calling Necon Shadows!” He paused for a moment, appearing as if he wanted to say something more. Then, he said, “Alright, let's go,”
“Yeah!” I replied excitedly. We then took off towards the enormous cloud of Neo Shadows.
Now that there were Neo Shadows instead of Shadows, things were beginning to get tougher. We could no longer just hack through the Heartless. Suddenly, Riku and I - Donald and Goofy had taken a different route than us - came to a large clearing. “I've a bad feeling about this!” I muttered, readying my Keyblade. Riku did the same.
All of a sudden, a large, black mass with long arms, stubby legs, and glowing, green eyes appeared from the Darkness. “I've got this one!” Riku said. He ran at the Necon Shadow, his Keyblade at the ready. He swung. However, the Necon Shadow caught the Keyblade with its bare hand and forced Riku back. Riku's eyes went wide. This thing had scales. It wasn't smooth, like it should have been. “That isn't a Necon Shadow! It isn't even a Heartless!!” He shouted, getting in a defensive stance.
Suddenly, the thing reached behind its waist and pulled out a Dawn of the New Keyblade. “A Keyblader!” Riku cried. Riku charged the Keyblader and swung, his Keyblade connecting with the Keyblader's.
A/N: Well, what'd ya think? I know, I've taken forever to update, but I just got a new girlfriend about a month ago, so I've spending most of the time with her ^///^ Anyway, I know it's short, and a cliffhanger, but I promise that the next chapter will be longer, and hopefully won't leave off on such a huge cliffhanger. I plan on ending this part of it within two to three chapters. Then it should be a new world. Anyways, R&R! C ya!