Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: Trinity ❯ And so it begins ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Sorry but I don't own Kingdom Hearts or any work by Disney. I am making no money off this and if the owners of disney have any questions regarding the fic they are more than welcome to contact me. However I will only speak to Walt.
Author's Notes: I decided to make an attempt at a Kingdom Hearts fic. I don't plan on it containing graphic scenes but all the same if you are younger than eighteen or do not like that kind of stuff you should not read this. Even if there aren't lemons Sora and Kairi are a bit older and certain actions and dialogue will be a tad risqué. As of right now I'm not completely sure on what worlds will appear but here is a list of what I'm considering. Definitely showing up: Great Mouse Detective, Pirates of the Caribean At Worlds End, Emperors New Groove (This will be a very crackish part of this fic). Strongly Considered: Treasure Planet, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, Black Cauldron, Rescuers (Down Under?), Atlantis, Robin Hood. If you have any suggestions by all means run them by me. I've also thought about pixar movies but am not sure. I will include some interactions with worlds from previous games if at all possible. On with the fic. Oh and Sora is seventeen now.
“Do you miss them? Donald, Goofy, and everyone?” Kairie asked as she and Sora sat in a small, secluded hut, watching the sun set through a window.
“Yeah. Been a long time hasn't it. But I know we'll see `em again. Besides as long as you're with me I'll never be lonely.” He said with a small smile.
`God he's such a dork sometimes. Sweet but a dork.' She smiled back and leaned forward with her lips parted slightly. Sora quickly followed suit. Just as her velvet lips met his…
“Sora! Kairi! You'll never guess what…” Riku came running into the hut.
“AHHH!!!!!” Sora and Kairi jumped only to trip over each other and land with Sora's head between Kairi's legs.
“I…uh…you…I didn't…why-why-why didn't you put a sign up or something. `Do not disturb' or `Don't interuptis the coitus' or something?” Riku sputtered turning away. “Guh…I'm gonna need to wash my eyes out in some nice soothing salt water after this.”
“It's not what it looks like!” Kairi said indignantly. “We were just…just…What is it anyway? I mean you come running in screaming like some psycho and Sora ended up…you can move anytime now Sora.” Sora got into sitting position and gave her his most innocent smile. “So?”
“Oh…right. We got a letter from Mickey…the king. Thought maybe it might be important which is why I ran in and saw Sora showing you what a cunning linguist he is.” He smiled as Kairi glared daggers at him. “Anyway…” Riku quickly popped open the bottle and dumped the scroll into his hand. “Sora, Riku, and Kairi. Yen Sid contacted me just a short time ago. Maleficent has started to interfere with other worlds. She's been making alliances left and right. There's something else that has me worried. Donald, Goofy, and me are going to look into it. I need all three of you…” Riku paused and exchanged looks with Sora before both glanced at Kairi. “Yes Kairi too. I need you all to go meet with Master Yen Sid. We'll be in touch. Mickey. P.S. Goofy says hi…Donald says something I assume means hi. Haha.”
“Well you heard the mouse.” Kairi said rising to her feet and marching to the door.
Cue exchange of terrified looks from the boys. “Wait!” They dashed around the red head and blocked the door.
“Kairi it's too dangerous.” Riku said firmly.
“We don't want you to get hurt.” Sora said trying to be slightly more tactful than his friend.
“We can handle this.”
“We took out Xenmas, right?”
“Yeah, all of Organization XIII. This is just Maleficent.”
“I beat her before.” Sora said sounding more confident.
“So did I.” Riku said with a smile.
“No…you turned her into a dragon.”
“Shut up!” Riku snapped clapping a hand over Sora's mouth.
“The King said he wants all of us.” Kairi said continuing to walk toward them. “Don't you think we should trust his judgement.
“Well…I spent a lot of time with him and I for one…”
“See the thing about that is….”
“I have a key blade don't I?”
“That's just…I only handed you that cause…”
“I'm going.”
“We forbid you!” The words were out of their mouths before they could stop themselves.
“Sora…Riku…” Kairi wrapped her arms around their necks and gave them each a peck on the cheek. “I know you worry about me and that's sweet of you. But…” She seized a handful of brown and silver hair. “Never even think about forbidding me from anything EVER again.” She brought the boys' heads together with a enough force to send them both to the ground. “You coming?”
Riku and Sora slowly rose to their feet as Kairi marched out to the beach as though someone was waiting impatiently for them. They clutched their heads and exchanged “OW!!!!!” expressions before following. The stood by the shore for a moment before a thought occurred to Sora. “How are we getting there again?”
“HIYAA!!! SSSSOOOORRRRAAAA!!!” Came a great cacophony behind the trio.
“Then why are you shouting Chipp?” Bonk! Bonk bonk bonk! Something told Sora Dale shouldn't have brought Chipp's shouting up.
“Chipp and Dale gummi airlines nonstop flight to master Yen Sid.” Chipp's voice called out as the bright red gummi ship landed on the beach. “All aboard!”
“Let's go.” Kairi said walking up to the ship.
“But…” Sora began.
“There's no danger in finding out what's going on is there?” Sora paused and shook his head. “Let's find out what's going on then we'll discuss it. Now let's go.”
“Alright.” Sora said nodding. He'd find out what was going on chloroform her and leave her somewhere safe.
“Yes sir miss scary ma'am sir.” Riku said snapping a salute.
“Get on the ship smart ass.”