Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: Trinity ❯ Radiant Gardens Full of Psycho Ninjas ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Direction: Don't own kingdom hearts, disney or Yen Sid. But I learned something cool this morning. Disney Yen Sid, Disney Yen Sid, DisneyYenSid, disneyyensid. Is that not trippy?
Author's Notes: I'm gonna start putting theses at the end of the chapter to avoid spoilers.
Kairi leaned back and stared out the window of the gummi ship as it flew through…she wasn't really sure but she decided to go with space. It was beautiful…of course it be better without.
“I should fly. I'm the expert.” Sora said trying to climb into the pilot's chair.
“I'm sure this guy doesn't want a ship permanently imbedded in his tower.” Riku said seizing his by the waist and dragging him back.
“I've flown this thing a thousand times.”
“Never too late to learn how to do it right.”
“You've never flown it.”
“All the more reason I should fly now.”
Since Riku had returned to the Islands and mostly gotten over what he had done in the past, the boys' rivalry had sparked right up again. They'd been at this for an hour.
“Here we are. Yen Sid's tower. Be careful retrieving your luggage as it may have shifted during…oh my gosh the ships not responding!” Chipp suddenly screamed rapidly taping buttons. “We're going down! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIIIEEE!!!!!!” The ship's nose tilted downward and lurched toward the ground.
“AHH!!!!” Sora jumped up and held Kairi, Riku ran to the controls and stared at the console as though a big red “Stop Crashing” button was going to present itself.
“Kairi, if we don't make I want you to know…”
“Gotcha!” Chipp and Dale shouted pulling the ship out of the nosedive and hovering up to a window.
“I want you to know I'm gonna beat you two within an inch of your…!”
“Ah, won't you come in Sora, Riku, Kairi.” Came a deep soothing voice.
“Uh…” Sora turned to see the ship had opened a hatch leading through a window into Yen Sid's study. He shot a warning glare at the hysterical chipmunks and hopped inside. Kairi and Riku soon followed.
“Welcome. Would you care to sit?” The sorcerer asked gesturing to three chairs in front of his desk. The three did so. Sora in the middle, Kairi to his left, Riku on the right. “I take it you did not find the prank as amusing as your friends.” He asked with a small twitch at the corner of his mouth.
“Not…exactly…” Sora said throwing a scowl in their direction.
“It was a good idea though. Did you see your face?” Riku grinned in admiration. He hadn't thought it all that funny at the time but it was pretty hilarious.
“…um.” Kairi was a little disappointed she hadn't heard what Sora was about to say. She knew how he felt but it would have been nice to hear “I love you” maybe what he regretted not getting the chance to do…
“I expect you're wondering what this is about. As my apprentice told you Maleficent is once again making an attempt at conquest over the worlds. But that is not why we contacted you. I believe he, Donald, and Goofy. Could handle this alone. No what troubles me is her newest ally.” He gestured at his desk and a figure appeared before them. He was young maybe twenty. Had short untidy black hair, green eyes, and smerked at some unknown person. Yen Sid gestured again and a Keyblade formed in his hand. Long black, with bat wings for the guard, Oblivion. “Since my apprentice saw this man in Hallow Bastion I've been researching him. I do not like what I have found.
“It seems that a very long time ago. Even before I was around there was a younger keyblade wielder named Michael. He was quite talented and held off many heartless invasions along with other's who possessed the keyblade. But in time he became corrupt by the power he possessed. He realized he possessed what is perhaps the most powerful object in existence. If he saw something he wanted he took it. Eventually he decided that those who possessed a keyblade ought to have dominion over the worlds. He claimed it would be in everyone's best interests but it was clear he held no delusion that what he was doing was right. He was simply power hungry.
“Finally when he made a bid to seize control over one world another wielder stepped in. It was a friend of Michael's a man he'd fought side by side with hundreds of times. Neither could defeat the other without deadly force. Neither was willing to resort to that. Michael however did forget that the keyblade is at heart a key. He was bound and sealed, locked away deep within the world.
“Well in all the recent turmoil the seal weakened and finally broke. What extent of his power remains I am unsure. Let us hope his power waned though his age has not changed.”
“So…all we gotta do is beat this guy and Malficent? Four plus Mighty Duck and Dyno Dog, against two. One whose had her ass handed to her on a silver platter multiple times. How hard can it be.” Riku said looking quite unconcerned.
“I think perhaps you ought to take a look at this.” Another wave and they were looking down on the same person surrounded by heartless. Dozens of Shadows were backing him into a corner in some alley. Several lunged at him and he quickly beat them back. They came again and he cleaved them in half with a final swing.
“Doesn't look too tough. I can do that…even Sora can do that.” Riku said watching the swordplay.
“Yeah even I can…what's that supposed to mean?”
“Keep watching.” Yen Sid said quietly. As they watched the figure shouted something and swung his keyblade in a wide arc. A wave of fire erupted from it and obliterated the remaining heartless. Yen Sid waved his hand once more and the scene dissolved. “Does this make you slightly more nervous? As you know the Keyblade is an immensely powerful tool. As a sword it can pierce nearly anything, block nearly anything. It's abilities as a magical conduit are equally immense. That was a sample of what he was capable of, and that is not the extent of his power. I estimate that wave could have destroyed fifty of such lesser heartless without difficulty.” The three teens stared where the image had been suspended, stunned. “I am not worried. However as I recall Sora has taken on an army of heartless and was capable of quite a bit of destruction as well. I know the three of are far more than a match for him in melee combat. I believe with some training the three of you together could surpass his magical prowess.”
“So we'll be training with you?” Sora asked snapping out of his stupor and looking terrifyingly perky all of the sudden.
“Well…No. I will be working with my hat thief of an apprentice to gather clues about this man and his partnership with Maleficent. You three will be training with Merlin in Radiant Garden.”
`HAT THIEF?!' Three pairs of eyes bugged as their minds came to a screeching halt trying to decided what to make of that.
“Yes, Merlin.” Yen Sid completely misinterpreted the shocked looks. “His magical knowledge is second to none.”
“Uh…so he's better than you?” Riku asked his eyebrows vanishing into his bangs. He'd never actually met Merlin but from descriptions this was hard to believe.
“Oh no not at all.” Yen Sid said dismissively. “My knowledge is also second to none.”
“Uh…” Sora, Kairi, and Riku looked a moment away from asking how that worked when Yen Sid stood and walked to a nearby door.
“I believe my good friends Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather are itching to give you some new clothes. Why don't you go in there now.” He offered opening the door.
They grudgingly rose to their feet when it was clear he was not going to explain what he meant. They marched through the door and were met with excited squeals. “They're here!” Each teen was quickly grabbed by a fairy and dragged into the room.
“Welcom back dear.” The red fairly, Flora, greeted Sora.
“Oh, yes. I think this will work quite nicely.” Fauna, the green fairy said flying around Kairi to get a three sixty view.
“We'll have you looking quite dashing when were done.” The stout blue fairy, Merryweather, said correcting Riku's posture.
“Ok. Sora first. If you dears would stand over there for a moment.” Flora said indicating the side of the room. Riku and Kairi quickly stepped back from the women and exchanged slightly scared glances.
“Uh…could you just…give me the same outfit as last time?” Sora already opened this can of worms once. No need to be a human stoplight again…wait, what turned red, blue, and green…anyway he didn't need it again.
“Oh, rats. I was afraid you'd say that.” Merryweather said looking sour.
“But we half expected you to.” Fauna said with a knowing smile.
“Alright girls one, two…” The fairies drew their wands and shot jet's of light at Sora. He was enveloped in smoke for a moment.
`Come on, frog, please let him be a frog.' Riku thought excitedly.
The smoke cleared and Sora (not a frog sorry Riku) stood there in the same clothes he'd worn all those years ago. Bigger yes, and now wearing pants rather than shorts, but pretty much the same. “Thank you ladies.” He said examining himself.
“Oh, out of the way spoil sport.” Merryweather said dragging him over to Kairi and seizing Riku by the arm. “Right this way sweetie.” Riku was dragged to the center of the room and found himself in the sights of three magic wands.
“Are you sure red wouldn't look…” Flora began before receiving a glare from the blue fairy.
“Now, now, we've already decided. No fighting now. One, two…” Poof. And Riku emerged from the cloud of smoke wearing a dark purple trenchcoat, black shirt and pants, and dark forest green fingerless gloves.
“Nice dress Riku.” Sora sniggered.
“Oh that does it!” Merry weather turned her wand on Sora and had to be restrained by the other fairies.
“So how do you like it?” Flora asked excitedly forcing her friends wand away from Sora.
“It fit's okay?” Fauna asked just as excited.
Riku just nodded dumbly staring down at the outfit. “Wow…”
“I think that's a yes.” Kairi said rolling her eyes and taking her place in the center of the room.
“Mines better.” Riku said simply leaning against the wall where he and Sora stood. “I got a trenchcoat and fingerless gloves, therefore I look badass.” Sora gave him an “oh really” look. “Don't believe me look it up.”
“Whatever you say.” Sora said turning to watch Kairi. Poof once again, and there stood Kairi in a blue blouse, red jacket, and green miniskirt.
Unfortunately for Kairi the blouse was very low cut and the skirt a tad too mini for her tastes. But she didn't want to offend the women who'd probably spent some time designing this. It was cute and it did enhance her feminine features. (See: Made her boobs look good)
“Wow…stripperific.” Riku said oogling her. Sora didn't seem to be able to form coherent words.
“I don't know what that means but I'm about to knee you so hard there will never be a Riku junior.” Kairi said marching over to him. “Thanks a lot I love it.” Kairi said smiling at the fairies. Merryweather was now taking aim at Sora and Riku.
“Ah, I see you're finished. There's one more thing I need you to do before you go.” Yen Sid said stopping the murderous women. Kairi gave Riku an “I won't forget this” glare and followed the sorcerer closely followed by the boys. They walked into the study to find Yen Sid standing by a chest. It popped open and a crystal ball hovered out of it and flew in front of the elderly magician. “Merlin? Can you here me?”
“What? Someone ther…oh yes right. I can hear you loud and clear Yen Sid. Is there some new development I should no about?” Merlin's face appeared in the bauble.
“No just demonstrating our communication methods to the young heroes here.”
“Young her…ah yes Sora, Katie, and Ricardo.” Cue “HE'S TRAINING US?!” looks. “Oh come now you two I was only joking. Kairi, Riku. You know where I'll be Sora. I'll just get things prepared.” He vanished from the crystal which had floated over to Sora.
“I'd like you to keep that in your gummi ship. Should you need to contact Merlin or myself just speak our names to the crystal ball. We'll use it to contact you while you're in other worlds so we Merlin does not have to hijack your ship again.” He gave Sora a little grin and gestured toward his window. “Well you'd better be on you're way. Try not to fight too much now.”
They mumbled agreement and climbed back into the ship. “Alright I'm not going to listen to you two fight. You'll alternate…I'm co pilot.” She said dropping into her seat. “Rock, paper, scissors to decide who goes first.”
“Question.” Sora said raising his hand. Kairi nodded. “Why are you co pilot?”
“I don't need you to contradicting eachother, I'm the girl so I know you'll do what I want, and if I sit behind you the second you turn around I know just where your eyes would go.” She said matter-of-factly.
“Alright.” Sora and Riku stood face to face staring eachother down like this was a duel to the death. “Rock, Paper, Scissors…” Sora picked scissors, Riku rock. “Damn.”
“Ha.” Riku plopped into the pilot's chair and stared down at the console with glee. “Now which one of these does a barrel roll?”
“AH!!!” Sora and Kairi clung to their seats in fear.
“Oh come on how do you think the King and I…how do you think we got around. I'm not the Beast I can't just grab the space time continuum and tear my way where I want to go.”
“The Beast?” Kairi asked raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah. You know, the guy with the talking candlestick. Lives in the enchanted castle.” Sora explained walking behind Kairi's chair and looking over her shoulder.
“I thought that was a prince.”
“Yeah he is.”
“I'm confused.”
“We'll visit him sometime.” Sora said suddenly inspired. The beast was a guy you had to see to believe.
“No. Nuh-uh. No got dang way!” Riku said turning and looking at Sora like he'd suggested trying to give Maleficent a hug.
“Why not? He's a nice guy…deep down.”
“I've met him before. He was a little pissed at me for stealing his girlfriend. Probably wanted to rip my lungs out and that's not likely to have changed. Not happening.”
“I want to meet him.” Kairi said simply looking up at Riku with a small pout.
“If we just explain what happened he'll understand.” Sora said matter-of-factly.
“Yeah and he'll be really sorry about tearing my head off before sitting down for story time.”
“He won't hurt you. You're my best friend.”
“Hah…y'all are gonna get me killed…alright but he comes at me your gonna be “Sora the amazing human shield.”
“Looks like we're coming up on Hallow…Radiant Garden.” Chipp said popping from behind an unoccupied chair. Sora through a glare at him and he dove behind the seat once more.
“Alright were right outside Merlins house.” Riku said as they landed. He stood and made for the exit.
Kairi tried to do the same but brought her head right into Sora's nose. “Ow!” Sora yelped and jumped back.
“Sorry I forgot you were standing back there. It's kinda your own fault looking at the gauges over my…” She paused and looked down, Sora hadn't been looking at gauges. “I…you…grrr…looking down my…” She growled threateningly at him. Of course from someone so small it just sounded cute to Sora.
“Something tells me you don't mind that much.” He said smirking. She glared at him as he stepped out of the ship. She followed in a bit of a huff…whether it was because he was ogling her or because he was right…let's be frank you already know.
She found that Riku had already went inside but Sora stood holding the door open for her. Trying to make nice by being a gentleman. And it did help a bit. It was hard to stay mad at him. “I'm still mad.” She said flatly.
“Ah, Kairi, Sora. Running a little late I see.” Merlin greeted them checking a grandfather clock in the corner of the cluttered room. “No, matter. If you will just follow me we can get started.” He said leading them to a door to a room that…well looked a little to large to be part of this building. Like miniature stadium, it had a dome ceiling, was completely round, and filled with furniture. Sora knew what they were for. “We'll start off easy. We're just going to test your proficiency with the most basic elemental spells. Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder, all staples in magical combat. Now then.” He drew his wand and motioned to a set of chairs and made them float in the center of the room. “Now I want you to try a basic fireball. Just aim at your targets and fire at will…haha!” Merlin chuckled at his own pun.
Sora took aim at the center chair. “Fire!” A fireball erupted from the end of his keyblade and the chair burst into flames.
Kairi swallowed, she hadn't had a lot of combat practice. “Ahem…Fire!” A jet of flame flew from her keyblade and hit the chair which didn't ignite quite as spectacularly as Sora's.
“Very good, and Ri…” Before Merlin could finish Riku thrust out his palm and a violet ball of fire shot from it. It reached the chair and…singed right through it hitting the back wall…well technically it's all one…you get the idea. Merlin quickly doused the flames with a jet of water. “Quite alright, quite alright. We are aiming for maximum power in the end. Shall we try Blizzard next?” Three paintings floated into the center of the room.
Each in turn fired blasts of ice from their weapons, tearing through canvas and frosting over the frames. “Excellent. Perfect spell when you want your enemies to cool off…wait I meant to say “chill” got to stay hip. Know what I'm saying dawg?” Dawg here referring to Riku who began laughing so hard he collapsed. Merlin assumed it was the joke. “Yes, old wizard's quite the comedian, eh? And finally thunder.”
The three did as he said and destroyed two tables and a comfy looking couch. He had them go to separate areas and continue these three spells for nearly three hours. Doling out Ether as needed. “Merlin whaddya say we take a break?” Sora called across the room.
“Yes I imagine that will do for now. I'll prepare some tea. Right this way.” Merlin said calling them back to the door. He held it open for Kairi who stepped through and…
“Sora!!!” Was knocked to the ground by a mysterious ceiling dwelling blurr. She found her self in a very tight hug with a short haired brunette. “Hey…your not Sora.” Yuffie said taking a good look at the red head. *gasp* “Your Kairi! Hi, I'm Yuffie. We're gonna be best friends.” Kairi just stared wide eyed at the kunoichi. Yuffie hopped to her feet and ran at the next figure in line, Riku. He didn't look like he'd mind a hug from the hyperactive girl. “Not Sora.” She said leapfrogging over Riku. And wearing shorts while doing this much to Riku's chagrin. “Sora!” She squealed hugging him. “You're here! I missed you. I've been stuck hanging out with Leon and Syd so long…if it weren't for Aerith I'd go nuts. Well and Tifa but all she ever talks about is Cloud this and Cloud that I mean do we really need two gloomy guys here you'd think one would cheer up but no…” Yuffie continued to prattle on for a full three minutes without pausing for breath. “…Kairi can I braid your hair?”
Kairi froze on her way to the table where a slightly put down Riku sat nibbling a cookie while Merlin poured tea. “Um…I…my hair doesn't look good braided.” She said nervously wishing she had cut it short again. Instead it hung to the small of her back.
“Darn. Oh well. Where are you three staying tonight?” She asked turning to Sora as the three of them sat down.
“I…uh…” Sora hadn't considered this. He didn't have much muni on him. He didn't want Kairi to have to sleep in some tiny motel room. She deserved somewhere nice. But he couldn't ask anyone here for muni. He'd have to sleep in a separate room (who knows how she'd react to him assuming sharing a bed would be okay), be nearby her, and away from Riku to avoid getting sowed to the bed or anything equally diabolical. If only he knew someone who had plenty of spare room…that lived in an enchanted castle and might owe him one. He did want to visit him…would it be asking too much…it was the Beast…but then there's Belle… “We're staying with a friend in another world.”
“Aww…that sucks. Oh well I'll steal Kairi next time.” She said with a sigh. “Thanks for the tea Merlin. I'm gonna go check on Leon.” She said standing and diving out the window…ninjas don't use doors.
“I'm gonna marry that girl.” Riku said in awe.
“…moving right along. Uh, Merlin? I know you're the…authority on magic here but…is just practicing spells over and over going to help us get any stronger.” Sora asked, that hadn't helped him any more than fighting a few dozen heartless.
“Hmm? Oh no I think you misunderstand the point of this training Sora. Today was just to confirm you were capable of using these spells. No, the idea of this training will be the three of you synchronizing your magic. Concentrating all that power on a single point. If we can do that I believe it will give you an edge in this upcoming battle. We will start with the real training soon enough.” Melin said sipping his tea. “Incidentally who is this friend you will be staying with?”
“The Beast.” Sora said shrugging.
“Pfft!” Riku spat tea clean across the room. “B-b-b-…are you insane?! I'm dead. I'm gonna die. Dead dead dead.” Riku said slumping over on the table.
“I see perhaps you should get going then. Might be more agreeable if you don't show up too late.” Merlin said glancing at his clock.
“Yeah, good point.” Sora said standing. “Ready Kairi?”
“Yep.” Kairi said bouncing to her feet. She seemed awfully excited about this. “Come on Riku.”
“Can't…dead.” Riku said not looking up. Kairi and Sora seized him under each arm and dragged him outside.
AN: Well there we go. It's not great but oh well it's a work in progress. I know someone wants to know why this guy has the oblivion keyblade. Well: 1: I like that keyblade 2: It embodies darkness I mean the teeth are the kanji for darkness 3: Sora used it in two separate games and Roxas used it so maybe any keyblade wielder can. 4: It easier than me going “picture is you will” It's my fic so…we're gonna roll with it.
Vospader21: Nice to see my fans haven't disserted me. Yeah it's not the most original idea in the world but with someone like me writing I doubt it will come out cliche. And yeah the first chapter wasn't real prologueish but I couldn't stretch it out as long as my chapters will end up. Also just for you I'm including a lemon next chapter…yes exactly where you think it'll happen.