Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts Truth Or Dare! ❯ Part One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Krow: Hiya, all you pretty people! This is Sasuke-chan, but I changed my name because it got annoying to type all the time. So now I shall be known as Krow, the Angel Slayer! *She takes a triumphant pose, and the trumpets start to go “Tah-tah!”, but end up faltering and doing a “Wah-wah-wah-waaaahhhh” kind of sound. Everything comes to an abrupt halt.*
Trumpeter #1: What's so special about that? I came here to play for the opening of the new Kingdom Hearts Truth or Dare fanfic, not some crazy psychopath who claims to be an angel slayer!
Trumpeter #2: Yeah, what's up with that?
*All of the trumpeters start to make an uproar, yelling and screaming at the authoress.*
Krow: … Then I have a great idea. Why don't you all GET LOST!!!
*The trumpeters scream in panic and scatter, leaving Krow all by herself.*
Krow: Well, now that that's been taken care of… we need the people who are SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!
*As she yells this, a moogle drops from the sky and bounces of Krow's head, stopping her from yelling any louder.*
Krow: …
Sora: Uh… whoops! I missed again.
Riku: Sora, you dolt!
Kairi: You should be a little more careful with those, Sora. Someone could end up getting hurt.
Krow: Yeah, like maybe when this moogle FELL on my HEAD!
Sora: ^^;;
Riku: See, what did we tell you, Sora? I apologize for my friend's poor actions, Krow-san. You called us, no?
Krow: Yes, I did…. Where's Donald and Goofy?
Riku: *He looks around* Well, they were with us just a moment ago…
Kairi: Oh no, I hope they didn't get lost.
Leon: Looking for these two?
*The others turn to look at Leon, who happens to have Donald and Goofy by the collars.*
Donald: Let us go, I command you! LET. US. GO.
Riku: And where were you guys?
Donald: Well, it's a long story. Goofy spotted a butterfly-
Goofy: It was green and blue. Very pretty, heyuck!
Donald: -and so he decided to chase it for a bit-
Goofy: It was moving.
Donald: -so I had to run after him so he wouldn't-
Goofy: Which I already had.
Donald: -get lost.
Goofy: Which we did.
Krow: Wow, that has got to be the longest story I have ever heard in my entire life.
Sora: I've got a better one! There was a boy and a girl. They ran away. Then they died. Cry, cry, cry. The End.
Riku: …
Kairi: oO
Leon: -.-;;;;
Donald: Wha?
Goofy: ^-^
Krow: Umm, Sora?
Sora: Yes?
Krow: You can… go sit in a corner for a bit, ok?
Sora: Alrighty. ^^
Krow: Right, now moving on. Is… where is Cloud? And Ansem? Where are they?
Ansem: I'm right here, my dear.
Cloud: …
Krow: Oh… don't scare me like that. And you, Cloud… you don't have to be so silent all the time.
Cloud: …
Naminé: I'm here, guys!
Sora: Hi Naminé!
Krow: Sora, you're supposed to be in time out!
Sora: Sorry..
Larxene: Ok, now we're here. What do you want, Krow?
Axel: This better be important.
Vexen: For once, I agree.
Marluxia: Is it just me, or did you guys just realize the four of us have an `x' in our name….?
Axel: Yes, very intriguing. *He rolls his eyes.*
Vexen: Yes! There are lots of interesting words with an `x' in them. For example… Ooooh! I just said one! Example! Example, example, exaaaaaample!
Larxene: Good job, Marluxia. Now he'll go on ranting for the next few hours.
Krow: Ok, this is stupid. Guys, get a hold of yourselves so we can start this.
Sora: Can I go first?
Krow: …Truth or Dare then, Sora.
Sora: Truth! ^^
Krow: Alright, who do you love more: Kairi or Naminé?
Sora: Ooooh, that's a toughie. Let's see… I don't think it's Naminé. And Kairi is such a pushover…. I want Riku!
Riku: Oo;;;
Krow: -.-;;;;;; No, Sora. I didn't say you could pick Riku. Kairi or Naminé?
Sora: Don't want Kairi, don't want Naminé… I want Riku!
Krow: NO! Kairi or Naminé?!?
Sora: RIKU!
Krow: Oh never mind. Go and sit in your corner. Riku, truth or dare?
Riku: Truth.
Krow: Who do you love more, Kairi or Naminé?
Riku: Hmm, I've gotten over Kairi. And Naminé really doesn't know me…. I choose Sora!
Krow: No! No, no, no, and a big fat NO! Do I need to say this in syllables?
Leon: For those two, plus the maniac over there… *He jerks his thumb at Vexen, who is still ranting* I say yes, you do.
Krow: Right…. Kai-ree-or-Nah-mih-neh?
Riku: Sora!
Sora: What?
Riku: I love ya, man!
Sora: You too, Ri-chan!
Krow: AHHH! Why can't you people act normal for once in your life?!? Can you NOT BE YOURSELVES FOR FIVE MINUTES?!?
Goofy: Gawrsh, that's a hard question. Do you think Sora can, Donald?
Donald: Sora maybe, but definitely not you.
Goofy: Awwww shucks.
Riku: Hey, is it just me or is it getting hot in here?
Kairi: Where IS here?
Krow: Umm…. I never thought about that.
Goofy: Disney World!
*As Goofy says this, all the characters, including Krow, appear in Disney World. Riku has to jump aside as a mass of teenage girls try to throw themselves at him.*
Riku: Ahhh! I'd rather be in Agrabah!
*All of a sudden, the scenery changes and they appear in the Agrabah streets.*
Krow: What the…
Riku: I didn't mean it literally…
Sora: Ooooh! I wanna try!
Krow: Sora, no!
Sora: To the top of Mount Everest!
*All of the characters' eyes widen as they suddenly appear on the top of a very snowy and VERY HIGH mountain. They almost die from the lack of air before Axel speaks up.*
Axel: Castle Oblivion! *Hack* *Wheeze*
*Yet again, the gang is moved from the mountain to the inside of a giant castle.*
Kairi: Hawaii!
*…You can probably guess what happened…*
Larxene: Sweden!
Naminé: The Moon!
*Poof… Almost die again…*
Sora: A boot!
*The characters have now been stuffed… somehow… into one boot.*
Leon: Traverse Town!
Marluxia: The Shadow Realm!
Vexen: Hamtaro!
*Little hamsters start falling from the sky and into a field of sunflowers. A gray and white one falls on Vexen.*
Vexen: Oxnard! Another beautiful name with the letter `x'! Oxnard! Ham-ham! Ham ham ham ham ham-
Riku: Zanarkand!
*One final poof.*
Vexen: Oxi? Oxi?!? Where did my ham-ham go?
Krow: Nobody cares, Vexen! Now one of you ask someone truth or dare. I don't feel like doing it.
Ansem: Alright then, Krow. Truth or dare?
Krow: No, not me! I'm not playing. I'm only here for the sole purpose of keeping you on track, which you guys are not cooperating the tiniest bit!
Sora: Boy, we must stink at this game…
Vexen: It's all how you look at it.
Sora: So if I looked at it as if it were an apple, would it make me hungry?
Krow: …You know, I'm splitting us up into two groups: The sane people, and the mental people. Riku, Sora, Vexen, Naminé, Goofy, Donald, Marluxia, and Kairi can go sit somewhere else. The rest remain with me…
Sora: Which group are we?
Krow: Mental.
*The people Krow said leave and find somewhere else to sit.*
Krow: Right, now the people that should still be here are Cloud, Leon, Ansem, Larxene, and Axel. Am I right?
Axel: Yes, we're all here.
Krow: Good. Leon, truth or dare?
Leon: Dare, please.
Krow: Hn, a brave one. I dare you, Leon, to go and call the police.
Leon: Sure, anyone have a phone I can use?
Krow: *She hands over her family's cell phone.*
Leon: *The brown-haired man punches in the 911 number and holds the tiny phone to his ear, waiting as he listens to the dial tone. A man answers the phone at the police department.*
Man: Hi, what's your favorite color? How are you?
*All the cast sitting near starts to blink, as well as Leon.*
Leon: Umm, I'm fine. You?
Man: I'm just peachy! Do you like plants?
Leon: Do I what?
Man: You heard me! Plants! You like them too?
Leon: …Who exactly am I speaking to?
Man: They call me Lieutenant Colonel Hughes. What's your name?
Krow: Ho-woah woah, wait a minutes. Hughes? Hughes as in Maes Hughes from Full Metal Alchemist?
Hughes: That's me! ^^
Krow: What are you doing? I never knew you were a police officer!
Hughes: I'm not. Well, kind of. I'm from the military.
Krow: Yeah, I know that. Why are you in the emergency police department?
Hughes: I wanted to spread the wonders of plants!
Cloud: …Plants?
Hughes: Oh yes, most plants are very healthy, and the dirt is so…. Yummy! I love plants! I think hemlock is my favorite, but the fox gloves are pretty good too.
Larxene: Can we hang up now? This is pathetic, and I know I didn't come here for this.
Axel: Me too…
Krow: Ok, bye! We're going to hang up now, Colonel.
Hughes: Buh-bye! ^^
Krow: Wheeee…. Now wasn't that fun?
Leon: Not exactly…
Ansem: Let's move on, shall we? Leon needs to do his stuff.
Sora: Ok, now that we've found a nice metal cage to sit in, let's play! Can I go first?
Riku: But you went first the very first time she asked!
Sora: Soooo?
Kairi: Sora, you should let someone else go first. You and Riku both were asked questions at the beginning.
Sora: But I was to ask the question, not answer it!
Riku: Oh, I guess that's fine with me then…
Sora: Righto, now. Ooooh, Veeeeexeeen!
Vexen: *His eyes light up.* Yes?
Sora: Truth or dare?
Vexen: Ah-ha! This is my moment to shine! I pick dare!
Sora: I dare you… to go and catch a wild rhino! You have to bring it back and show us, of course.
Vexen: Right away, sir! *He salutes and quickly dashes off.*
Riku: Sora, there aren't any rhino's here on Destiny Islands, you know that!
Sora: Of course. This way, we won't have him singing and ranting about how cute the fuzzy little hamsters are.
Naminé: Ah, I see now. The only problem with that is one, he may come back without one, or two, we'll never get to continue, because Vexen has to ask the next person truth or dare.
Riku: Let's just have Sora do it again. Maybe he can get rid of some other people too. *He eyes Donald and Goofy at this remark.*
Donald: Hey, watch it, bud. I have Firaga and I know how to use it!
Riku: Oh yeah? And I have a dark Keyblade that can make you kiss your heart goodbye!
Donald: I have Curaga!
Riku: Ooooh, I'm scared…
Goofy: Gawrsh, can't we just play the game?
Sora: Right, moving on. I want Donald to pick truth or dare!
Donald: Whaaaat?
Riku: Awwww, is the goosie scared?
Donald: I'm not a goose! I'm a duck, you idiot!
Riku: Duck, goose, same difference. I bet you're so scared that you couldn't choose dare even if your life depended on it, let alone pick a truth!
Donald: WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!
Riku: Do I need to repeat it for you, goose?
Donald: I already told you, I'm not a GOOSE! I'M A DUCK!
Riku: How about a swan then?
Donald: NO!
Sora: Riku, be nice to Donald. He's my friend!
Riku: Then what am I, chopped liver?
Sora: No, you're my friend too!
Riku: You would choose that goose over me? What of all the things we went through together?
Sora: Riku, you're different. I… I love you!
*There is complete silence as Riku looks at Sora, who has tears in the corners of his eyes. Riku finally nods after a good few silent minutes.*
Riku: Alright… shall we see if you speak the truth?
Sora: *He nods somewhat.*
*The other characters present stare as Riku stands, making his way over to the slightly younger male. In a few moments, he had Sora caught in a brutal yet passionate kiss, the younger boy leaning up into him. The two become entwined in each other's arms and the others stare blankly.*
Kairi: Ummm…
Naminé: I think we should find another cage, guys. This could get a little… overwhelming.
Goofy: They probably need some room.
*They remaining characters stand up and exit, walking away and over to another place along the beach.*
Goofy: Gawrsh, now what?
Donald: I don't know, Goofy… Should we continue the game without them?
Marluxia: What choice do we have? That bird lady might show up any minute to make sure we're doing what we're supposed to.
Kairi: Bird lady?
Marluxia: I forgot her name… something like a bird…
Goofy: Pigeon?
Marluxia: No…
Kairi: Flamingo?
Marluxia: *Shakes his head.* No… that's not it either.
Naminé: Hawk?
Marluxia: Somewhat close… but not quite it…
Kairi: Goose?
Donald: ……..
Marluxia: No…
Donald: …duck?
Marluxia: No, none of those sound right…
Naminé: How about Raven?
Marluxia: Oooh, that…. Krow! That's her name! Ravens and crows are very similar…