Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts Truth Or Dare! ❯ Bonus Chapter 1 ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Krow: Ok, I must explain a few things before we continue. This is a bonus chapter that I am currently being FORCED to write due to my soul sister being a screaming, yelling, whining yaoi lover. One, this is a SoraxRiku bonus chapter. If you don't want to see yaoi/shounen-ai, then move on to Part Two. Second, this will, at parts, be in a story-like format… but still similar to the one I use for these Truth or Dare stories. This bonus chapter is to show you what happens with Sora and Riku after the others leave the cage. Don't ask me why all of them were in there… they're just mental. And Riku isn't really mental, but he's crazy enough. Here we go…
*As the others leave the cage, the two boys remain attached. Sora has his arms looped around Riku's neck, and Riku finds his around the younger brunette's middle. A few minutes pass before they break apart, staring at each other in a strange sort of way.*
Sora: R-Riku… *Their arms are still around each other as Sora looks up into the deep pools of blue-green above him.*
Riku: You know… *The older boy smirks to some degree as he caresses Sora's cheek.* you're awfully cute when it's written on your face that you're in love.
Sora: Y-you really believe me?
Riku: C'mon, Sora. You know me by now. I can tell by your scent that every moment that passes, your heart beats faster, pounding, threatening to burst out of your chest. Watch, if I touch you right here… *He puts his left hand on Sora's groin, rubbing softly through the bulky red pants.*
Sora: *He arches his back into the soft touch, gritting his teeth as he tries his best to hold back the moan that fights to escape his lips.*
Riku: … see? You like that, don't you? What if I did… this? *He now reaches up and under Sora's shirt, stroking one of the hardened nipples with his thumb.*
Sora: *He moans quite loudly, grasping Riku's shoulders and showing with his body that he begged for more.*
Riku: *He smirks.* Nuh-uh-uh, naughty Sora. This is my turn to play with you. From this point forward… you're mine. *The silver-haired teen undoes one of the belts from around his ankles, using it to bind Sora's grasping hands behind his back.*
Sora: Riku! *Whimpering, Sora struggles to get his hands free from their binds, but soon gasps as Riku unzips his shirt and begins to trail down from his neck, licking every inch of bare skin that his tongue can reach. This sudden course of action starts to drive the younger male over the edge, his body writhing with pleasure as he no longer holds back the moaning that escapes his mouth.*
Riku: What's that? Do I hear someone telling me to stop? *An obvious grin marks Riku's face as he looks up briefly to look into Sora's eyes.*
Sora: N-no! Please, don't stop!
Riku: Stop?
Sora: No, I love you! Please, do whatever you want to me!
Riku: I can't hear yoooooouuuu…
Sora: Ri-Riku! Please, make love to me right now! Please, I'm begging you!
Riku: *The last comment catches him off guard, his turquoise eyes widening as he turns to stare back at Sora.* W-what?
Sora: Please, Riku! I've waited so long for this, to have you do what you're doing right now. You don't know how hurt I was when you went to Maleficent and became one of them… I felt like I had lost the only thing I owned… you're everything to me, Riku! Everything! Every night, I'd have the same dream that you would show up before my eyes, take me to your room… and make love to me. It was… the most wonderful dream… and it felt so real. Please… tell me that this isn't another nightmare that when I wake up, this is another figment that I can only dream of! Prove to me that… that this is no dream!
Riku: *He stares, his pupils quavering as he blinks only once.* You… all this time, you loved me? This isn't just something you realized recently?
Sora: No, no! I've loved you for a long time, Riku, and I've never had the chance to tell you! When you were helping me close the giant door, I tried to tell you then to come with me, that I wanted you with me forever… but I couldn't find my voice. I had the words in my mouth, and my tongue just couldn't pronounce them. I had frozen in time… I-
Riku: *He cuts the young keyblade master off, a powerful and hungry kiss claiming Sora's lips. A soft velvet tongue brushes across the brown-haired brunette's lips, demanding entrance to the cavern it had yet to explore. Sora submits without hesitation, letting Riku's tongue glide in and dominating him, moaning as his tongue is caressed by the other male's. Riku moans as well when Sora's tongue moves back and forth, stroking his with a loving nature. So, Sora wasn't about to completely submit to him yet? Did Sora really want him to make love? Well, he was about to find out. Riku pulls back after his inner dialog with himself, caressing Sora's cheek again.* Sora, are you sure about this?
Sora: *The teen nods, a dark blush spreading across his cheeks.* Riku, I want to make sure that you know I'm yours. I am yours to taste, to feel, to explore… and no one else is allowed to keep us apart. I swear to you that no one will come between you and I. Not Kairi, not Naminé, not Ansem… not even Krow.
Riku: Then let this be our vow… *He undoes Sora's hand binds and pulls his jacket off and the top half of his red suit down to his waist. Sora obeys without question as Riku strips the rest of the suit over and off his legs, taking the giant shoes off as he goes. As soon as this is done, Riku uses the discarded clothes to prop Sora up enough to make a somewhat sitting position, making it easier to take off Sora's nylon black boxers. The younger teen is now fully undressed, blushing as Riku looks him over in awe.*
Sora: May I…? *He reaches up, undoing the buckles on Riku's yellow and black shirt, casting them aside as he takes the clothing off. This process proceeds as Sora relieves Riku of his bulky pants and shoes. As Riku had done to him, Sora pushes down Riku's boxers, taking them off and chucking them with the rest of the clothes. He stares at Riku… almost slipping into his dream-like fantasy, drooling slightly at the sight of the naked silver-haired boy.* My god, Riku. You're… so beautiful. It's like my dream has come true…
Riku: Well, as I recall, your dream won't come true until we make love… right?
Sora: True…
Riku: By the way, you're pretty sexy yourself! *He grins.*
Sora: *Blushing madly, Sora shakes his head back and forth.* Compared to you, Riku, I'm pathetic. Your abs are so muscular.. they radiate such heat and beauty. And your… my god, your length is bigger than I dreamed of!
Riku: *He major sweatdrops.* Sora…
Sora: It's like something off those superhero movies that we used to watch!
Riku: Sora! x-x;;;
Sora: Yeah?
Riku: *He sighs, shaking his head back and forth.* Sora-kun, sukidesu…
Sora: Eh? *His eyes widen a bit before they relax; Sora leans forward to embrace the older male.* Sukidesu…
Riku: … Are you ready?
Sora: *He nods, gulping at the pressure that's to come.*
Riku: Alright, if you're sure… By the way, if this hurts… don't hesitate to tell me to stop. I would hate to hurt you…
Sora: Ha, don't sweat it. I'm the master of the keyblade, right? I've endured worse pain then what we're going to do, plus, this will feel good in the end! ^-^
Riku: *He rolls his eyes, his right hand reaching down and slipping one slender digit into Sora's opening, causing the keyblade master to call out his name, grasping Riku's shoulders and digging his nails into the soft toned flesh. Riku winced… but still proceeded, slipping a second finger in, closely followed by a third. He stretched them a bit from side to side, widening the slick opening for his length to fit through and pleasuring Sora while he was at it.*
Sora: Oh my god, Riku… T-that feels so nice… *He shudders as Riku pulls the fingers out and pushes the younger male's thighs apart, preparing to enter him slowly and carefully.*
Riku: Here we go, Sora-kun… *He lowers himself, burying into Sora slowly. The two boys both moan at the prickling sensation that shows itself, pointing out that their erections were rapidly coming to life. It wouldn't be two long before both had exhausted themselves.*
Sora: *The keyblade master winces at the sharp bolt of pain that charges through his body. This was his first time that a boy, let alone anyone, had proceeded to have sex with him. He often thought about doing it with Kairi years and years before… but that had changed. He wanted Riku now, and he didn't give a damn if he was gay.*
Riku: *As soon as he was all the way buried in, he pulls back out and thrusts, causing the two of them to gasp as the nerves inside both of them twitch.*
Sora: Ahh…
Riku: *Sora's desperate moans motivate him to go faster, pulling out and thrusting in, repeating this over and over, faster with each time. He held tight to Sora's hips, thrusting harder and harder. His eyes were closed shut as he arched his back, the organ inside Sora starting to create a spas attack. It was close… he could feel it.*
Sora: Faster… Riku, please! *He cried out as the one spot inside him was hit over and over again… A giant wave of pleasure washes over them as Riku releases his seed into Sora, and Sora releasing onto Riku's chest. The boys gasp as Riku sinks onto Sora's chest, listening to the younger male's beating heart, closing his eyes and loving every minute of it.*
Riku: *He pants heavily as he speaks between breaths.* I *pant* hope *pant* that *pant* your *pant* dream didn't *pant* include us *pant* making out *pant* on the cage floor.
Sora: Nnnnhg… Man, I feel sore…
Riku: That's… to be expected. This was your first time, right?
Sora: Yeah. *He strokes Riku's hair, running his hands through the silvery locks and letting the strands slip between his fingers.* Ri-chan, sukidesu…
Riku: I love you too, Sora-kun.
Sora: Should we go find the others? We kinda scarred them away and… yeah.
Riku: Yes, you're probably right…
*The two of them put their clothing back on, Riku pausing once to loop the long belt around Sora's waist and connect the two ends. He smiled, kissing Sora gently on the cheek as he returned to pulling up his pants and fastening the small belts around his slender ankles. As soon as the two were dressed, they crawled out of the cage, hand in hand, and went in search of the others…*
~End of Bonus Chapter 1~
Krow: … There, all done…. That wasn't TOO horrible… was it?
Trumpeter #1: That was the saddest story I have ever seen!
Trumpeter #2: You idiot, you don't see stories… you listen to them!
Trumpeter #1: But it's so saaaaad…
Krow: -.-;;;;;;