Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Tart ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The wall of the cubicle rattled with a loud bang as Jessie slammed Roxas’ back against it. A grunt of pain barely escaped him, for it was captured by the hot, eager lips of the tall, beautiful woman whose eyes were ablaze with sexual desire. The wild tongue she desperately wanted to get into his mouth couldn’t gain access past his teeth, not until she pulled away to elbow his stomach with a great amount of force, and then pushed forward again and shoved her tongue as far in as possible.

Roxas held a look of panic the whole time, except for the parts when his face scrunched up in pain, and failed to keep a straight thought all the while the accessory shop lady kissed him with unkempt passion.

Pinned against the wall by a single hand on his collar, he struggled and tried to shift as the other hand roamed around his hip and stomach. Her fingernails, which were unclipped, scraped across the ribbed surface of his abdomen. Sometimes they dug in and pinched him, other times she flattened her hand and groped the area, and then finally she pushed her hand further up his shirt and laid her palm on his pectoral.

He felt her smile against his mouth. Obviously, she approved of his slim, athletic build. From the way she seemed to ‘test’ him, he wondered if she was checking to see how much punishment he could take.

If that was the case, what in God’s name did she have in store for him?

A long, painful growl on his part was muffled by her smirking mouth. To reach his belt buckle, she scraped her nails down his front. The repeated tugs against the buckle yanked his hips back and forth, until she gave it a tight twist, and then the belt came loose.

Jessie paused to create a gap between their lips so they could take a quick breath, but kept her tongue active by lashing it around his. She moaned into his mouth the strict instruction for him to hold her, saliva dripping down her chin. Only after she pulled him back an inch from the wall and slammed him against it did he correspond to her wish.

Roxas hugged her, as she demanded, by slipping one arm across her back to the opposite shoulder and cupped her buttocks with his other hand. He would have done so sooner, but she just scared the heck out of him.

Thanks to the fact she wore thin jeans, his firm hands felt great on her fantastic, well-pronounced butt. A great squeal of delight pierced the air as her lips ripped from his, for his touch sent an electric streak upward from her tailbone to the base of her neck. Copious amounts of mixed saliva dribbled down her chin when her head flung back and her spine arced, the same time her big, plump breasts pushed into his face.

It was unfortunate for him that her reflexive action also caused her knee to rise up and strike him between the legs.

“Oh, sorry,” She laughed with a jogged breath when he choked in pain. “That was an accident... we wouldn’t want to damage your goods now, would we? Well, not before we get to play around with them, at least.”

“Wh-what do you mean by-?”

Jessie cut him off with a hush.

“Don’t you worry; I’m going to take good care of you. So long as you take very good care of me, too,” She made sure she heavily emphasised the last portion both vocally and with a harsh stare. It was only natural, seeing as she’d soon have his vitals in her hands, that he gulped his nerves down and nodded to what seemed to be a threat.

“Good boy,” She smirked.

Jessie kept the collar of his shirt gripped in a fist, which she also used to keep him against the wall, and whipped out his belt with the other. She watched his trousers crumple to his ankles, and then noticed the enormous tent in his boxers.

‘Wow’ was what he heard her mutter, but he grew increasingly nervous from the look of demonic pleasure in her eyes. Roxas set both of his hands flat on the wall panel with all his fingers fanned, and shut both his eyes tight.

“Let’s have a look-see, shall we?” She knelt down, hooked all of her fingers over the waistband on either side of his hips, and yanked down his boxers.

If her reflexes weren’t up to scratch, she would’ve received a smack in the face from the huge, raging hard on as it sprung out in freedom.

“Oh my,” She gasped, her reaction almost over exaggerated, and then she burst out into a cackle. “Aren’t you a big one? Yes... no wonder why your girlfriend sounded so fulfilled over there. I bet you can do some amazing things with this, can’t you?”

She observed his thick erection from a side angle, and used only the tips of her fingers to stroke down the opposite side from the head to the base. Her eyes caught his pained expression, and her lips curled up at the edges to create a look so sinister it would give the creature from the black lagoon the shakes.

“You’d really like me to stroke this harder, wouldn’t you?”

As she said that, in the voice a person would use with a baby or a pampered dog, she stroked his shaft with a firmer press with her fingertips.

“And to jerk it for you, right?”

Her fingers curled around the shaft, tight, and she pumped his trembling organ many a forceful time. Each yank earned a strenuous groan.

“How about licking it?”

Along with the jerks, she used the full surface of her tongue to rub on the tip of his bulging head. Her eyes watered in great pleasure at the taste of his precum.

“Or even nibbling it? Would that please you?”

She shifted his penis upright like it were a joystick control, scraped her teeth barely over the flesh from the head until the midpoint, and then ducked to his balls where she took a naughty light nip on the skin. With a bit of tongue, she flapped his testicles and cupped his balls with her free hand. Like a pair of ripe fruit, she gave them a fresh squeeze.

“Wo-ah, be careful, th-that’s a t-tender area!”

“Mmm, I bet,” She chuckled and continued with her rough play. “Still, if you don’t like it, you could always ask me to stop.”

Jessie received no objection after a silent moment, so she chuckled again.

“As I thought, you’re enjoying this more than you’re letting on. Now, let me,” She left it at that, tilted her head to one side, and squeezed his shaft. At the same time, she opened her gob wide and poked her tongue out to guide as much of his balls she could get into her mouth.

“Gy-ach, damn,” He groaned and choked quietly as if he’d received a kick to the gut. “Damn, damn, damn.”

Whilst she suckled on his balls, she jerked his hot member at a slow but harsh pace. Each time she reached the big head, her thumb swiped over the tip to collect some of the fluid and draw a line of it down the underside of his penis. After a couple of minutes, she let his testicles go and trailed her tongue upward the underside. All that she spread she licked up, and once she reached the head she went around in a full circle.

“So delicious,” She hummed to herself after she pulled her tongue back into her mouth, glanced up to him, and kissed the tip of his head whilst she maintained eye contact. “You’d really like me to take this into my mouth, for me to suck on it, and for me to swallow all that you have to give, wouldn’t you? Yes, I knew you would. I’d like to, as well. But, seeing as you’re my most favourite customer, Roxas, I’m going to give you something extra special.”

Both her hands cupped and pushed up her own breasts. She wore her regular tank top, and he could see quite well down her cleavage. She smiled in a way that made his hairs stand on end.

“I’m going to implement these, just for you, Roxas. Wouldn’t you just love that?”

When she received nothing but a stutter and a bemused stare as a response, she placed her hand on his left thigh and scratched her unclipped nails deep into his flesh to leave a graze. At that point, he nodded like crazy until she stopped and bared her perfect white teeth in a grin.

“That’s more like it. Now,” She pulled him off the wall and shoved him down onto the toilet seat. She used a great amount of force, and he hunched forward with a hand behind to rub his back. “Let’s get things rolling, shall we?”

Before she knelt down in front of him, she removed her tank top and dropped it on the bag she had down the side of the toilet. She unclipped her black laced bra, chucked that too, and then her bare breasts bounced nicely.

Her size was about one up from Fuu’s, but the roundness of the mounds was equally perfect.

“Here, go ahead and give them a nice squeeze,” She offered, even though she took his hands and set them upon her bosoms herself. “What do you think?”

They were very soft and warm. Bouncy, too. As he fondled them like a prisoner under the forceful scope of his captor’s rifle, he managed a smile and gave her a wonderful compliment. She blushed for the first time, and giggled in a more sensitive manner than she did before.

“Hmm, thank you,” she hummed. “Would you like to feel them around that big piece of yours?”

She didn’t leave him any time to answer that one. Jessie knelt down, holding her breasts, and pushed her chest forward to bring his penis in between them. Oh boy, did the heat of her flesh send one heck of a shiver up that boy’s spine.

“There you are,” She whispered, glad to see him quiver. “Just to let you know, you’re the first one to ever have these. All my former boyfriends wanted me to use them when I sucked them off, but I never did. I bet you feel privileged that I’m doing it for you, don’t you?”

“Y-yeah,” He answered in all honesty. “I really do.”

“Good. And because you acknowledged that, I’m also going to do something for you that I never did for my boyfriends; I’m going to swallow rather than spit.”

With a big smile on her face, she flicked her tongue over his tip. She built up a small amount of spit before she kissed and suckled on the very end, and proceeded to make a various amount of moans and indecent noises. As if to say she found him mouth watering and wanted to show him that she felt so, she opened her mouth wide so a heavier wave of saliva could roll off her tongue and chin and splash down all over his shaft.

This woman was such a messy pup, but Roxas didn’t bring up any complaints. This was probably the most normal she’d been so far, and certainly it had been the most gentle. From the way that they’d started, he’d half expected her to be excruciatingly rough with him...

Again and again, she used a wide circle with her tongue to go around his head, and all the while she kept her eyes locked with his. That was until she snapped her eyes shut and engulfed the head and extra two inches that protruded the warm squeeze of her cleavage.

Both Roxas’ hands shot out to either side, and slapped hard against the panels. She continually twisted her head from left to right and bobbed her head in unison, and managed to suck him with such an incredible force that it was unbelievable. She had some top class skills.

Her experience certainly showed in her extraordinary tongue work and in the teasing manner when she paused up at the head to smack her lips and squelch her spit around his tip to create so many coarse, gut-fizzing noises. The warm, soft mounds that encased his long, trembling member and the fingertips that tickled his balls worked a treat, too.

‘Tasty’, ‘delicious’ and ‘oh so good’ were but a few of the continuous, breathless moans that he could make out. His hips bucked into action with a yelp of sudden despair the instant she forced two fingers into his anus. A little voice would have said to him that her being nice and gentle with him for this was too good to be true, but his lax in concentration blocked it out.

Jessie kept up the thrust of her fingers so he’d continue to jerk his hips, which was a benefit to the both of them. His shaft created a great friction within her crevice that further enhanced the stimulation for both parties.

Minutes of this passed. In his mind, it was an eternity of personal regret that he wasn’t a regular premature ejaculator so that this may end sooner. Luck played into his hands as he soon managed to release not too long afterward.

“Mmm,” The accessory shop woman’s eyes rolled back in heavenly delight as his thick load exploded into her mouth. As she promised, though it was quite tough due to the amount, she swallowed his seed with numerous throaty gulps. “Ahhh...”

She sighed; her lips gummed up with thick, sticky goo, and licked around his head. She was astounded by the amount he’d released.

“I’ve never tasted any... quite like yours... so hot, so thick... so scrumptious.”

Jessie stood up, her stance unsteady like she’d just stepped off a terrifying rollercoaster, and placed a hand to the wall. A short amount of time passed where she recuperated and straightened up, which was something she never ever had to do before after giving head to a guy. What was it about Roxas that made her, and many others, so light-headed and dizzy?

Well, she could think about it at some other point in time. What she wanted to do now, was get down to the real business.

She unbuttoned her jeans and dropped them down her long, sexy legs, and kicked them to her bag. Roxas gulped when he saw she was a commando, and that made her grin like a malicious crime lord. She took a slow, seductive step forward, leant down to take his hands and placed them on her hips.

“I think that now’s about the time,” She left his hands on her hips, placed one of hers on his shoulder and bent her knees. Once she’d squatted far enough, she gripped his penis with her other hand and guided the head to her slick crack. “We got right to it, yes?”

When she lined herself up all careful and let the tip just press against her moist opening, he didn’t quite expect her to suddenly plunge down the entire length in a single drop. He didn’t expect her to be the one to start bucking her hips like a crazed cowgirl riding an untamed stallion, either. She gripped his shoulders with both hands now, all her fingers clawed, and dug her nails right in. As her feet were flat on the floor, she used the power rooted from there to ride him dry.

Roxas growled and groaned, and clung to her tight. Even though she was taller she was very light, however, her rigorous movements started to take their toll on his thighs. It felt as if she were crushing his legs and mashing his body into the loo. To make things even more difficult in his attempt to make her aware of his discomfort, her plump breasts smothered his face and completely distracted him.

Well, at least she seemed to enjoy herself.

To try and counteract the pressure and hopefully get the feeling back to his legs, Roxas bucked his hips against her. It did work at first, but the impact from the fall had doubled.

“Ah, you-you’re...!”

Jessie panted and cried as his shaft throbbed within her. When she tightened, his sudden ejaculation made her squeal and shudder as the liquidised warmth spread into her body. This may have been the reason why she halted, raised her feet off the floor and set her soles against the back wall, and hugged his head against her chest in a hug of bone-crushing proportions.

“More,” She moaned into his ear, her breath jagged. “I must have more.”

Roxas grunted. When she released him from the hug, he twisted his body slightly to stretch his muscles, and every slight movement earned a dull ‘crack’ of from bones.

Jessie, at a quick pace, stepped up off of him and turned away. It was easy for him to guess that she wanted to go from behind, seeing as she looked back over her shoulder and shuffled to realign herself with his member once more. Again, as she did on first entry, she dropped down and took him in with a single drop. They both felt the extra depth, and that had caught her off balance for a second.

She straightened her hunched shoulders and chuckled. He could really reach a lot further than anyone she’d had before. With a long breath, once she got her head back around, she leant back against his chest.

“Be a good boy and work really hard for me, okay?”

There was no other way he could have answered, so he had to nod. He crossed his arms in front of her chest, cupped her impressive mounds in preparation to fondle during the next round, and pressed his lips to her shoulder blade.

“Oh, I’ve just thought of something. Wait one second,” She said, and leant to the left to where her bag was. She shook to clothes off, brought it up on to her lap, and opened it.

Roxas couldn’t see over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of what was contained within that bag. That was probably for the best, really. If he’d had seen the contents, his balls would’ve shrunk to the size of raisins.

She dropped the bag down the side and made sure he couldn’t see what she’d taken out. With an evil grin, she glanced back over her shoulder and told him to hold on to her tight.

It was understandable that her words made his skin crawl. When she hunched forward, however, his painful reaction was then the result of her actions. Roxas still held her as before, only now his body was racked with muscular spasms and an arced spine.

“This should liven things up a bit,” She cackled as she sat back up, with her right hand in a fist as it held a particular device. “Come on, let’s ride!”

What she held was a cabled remote, which led from the underneath to the base of the gadget she’d just implemented into this session. With a flick of her thumb, a great electronic buzz whined in the air like an annoying bluebottle.

“Gah, jeez! Whoa, wha...!?”

All kinds of different gasps, grunts and shrieks escaped Roxas’ mouth. His hips kicked up and bucked in an uncontrolled manner, or at least in a manner that he had no control over.

Jessie cackled manically at the rate of his sharp, harsh thrusts, although they soon turned to simple, excited moans. She yearned for more, so she flicked the setting on the remote to its optimum.

The heavy vibrations of that object she’d rammed up his jacksy drove him mad. All the muscles in his body kicked off violently, almost as if the device coursed the electricity straight through his nerves. If this was to be the death of him, then he’d most certainly come back to haunt Fuu for chucking him into this mess.


Later in the night on the same day, Roxas sat cross-legged on the end of his bed in a sulky mood. In fact, he hadn’t stopped complaining about the situation back at the stalls since he got home with his girlfriend, whose emotional state was the complete opposite. She sat next to him with her feet tucked underneath her butt, giggling her little arse off to a funny side that was entirely oblivious to him, while he spent the time moaning and groaning about his aching muscles.

“It wasn’t funny, Fuu,” He glared at her. “You shoved me into that mess without my consent, and for that, I was treated like a sack of meat.”

“Sourpuss,” She replied in a manner that was far more jovial than her usual way.

“You can’t call me a sourpuss for getting beaten up, mishandled and scratched to pieces by a deranged lunatic. She was stark raving mad, that woman,” His eyebrows knitted. “Look, just look at the bruises and cuts she gave me. I’ve been completely tenderised. Not only that, she shoved a bunch of ‘experimental new products’ up where the sun don’t shine, and that’s made it so damn awkward for me to sit comfortably. Anyway, where did you run off to? What were you doing at the time while I was at the whim of that fruit and nut?”


“Oh, were you now... hey, now that you’ve reminded me, I wanted to ask you something. You know about them, don’t you? About those ‘under the counter’ goods she carries at her accessory shop,” He stared hard at her. “That must be where you bought yours, right?”

“Per-haps,” She chanted and poked the tip of Roxas’ nose.

The store that Jessie runs had, apparently, been selling items for ‘customers with particular interests’ for many years. It was a spot of bad luck for Roxas that she happened to be on her way back from her wholesaler with a bunch of new trial items, all of which needed to be tested before they went on for sale for the public.

In a huff, he turned away.

“Argh!” Having forgotten about the painful bruise on his flank as he twisted his trunk, he hunched forward and clutched his side after a sudden cry.

Fuu laughter had stopped dead at this point.

“Ah... these bruises sting like the worst kind of sunburn. I’ll have to be careful when I stretch.”

“Dearest apologies,” Fuu whispered and placed a hand on his thigh. She eased off the pressure and weight she placed on the area the instant she caught the wince. “Discomforting?”

The anxious way her eye seemed to focus upon the hand he kept on his side completely threw his complaints off. When he realised the deep concern in her normally monotonous voice, he bit the bullet and gave her an assuring look. While he wasn’t glad she’d thrown him to the sharks, the last thing he wanted was for her to actually feel bad about it.

“No, it’s not excruciating. You know me; I’m just being melodramatic over something so minor. Although, saying that, if it’s possible I’d like it if you could avoid leaning on my left thigh, my right side below the ribs or my neck. Those really do hurt. Well, only a bit more than anyplace else.”

He smiled, but she didn’t. Usually, he wouldn’t have given her lack of emotion a second thought. This time, however, Roxas felt a terrible ping of guilt in his heart.

“Fuu, I didn’t mean to make you-” A pair of soft lips set upon his bare left thigh as he was about to place a hand on her shoulder. His teeth clamped together with a click, and he drew in a sharp breath.

Fuu hunched forward, hands on Roxas’ calf and knee, so she could tenderly kiss every bare inch of his thigh at a gentle pace. All along his inner and outer thigh she kissed and blew, softly like she was cooling piping hot soup, and kissed the areas again. Any time her ears picked up a short, sudden intake of breath to indicate a sore spot, she focused purely on that region. When she raised her head and her hands some minutes later, she was set to move on to his next point.

In knowledge of her heart-warming efforts, he rolled up his shirt for her to display the right side of his body where his second most complained about injury resided. She waited for him, setting her hands down on his right thigh and around past his left flank as if she were prepared to charge her shoulder into his stomach, and tilted her head to view the area.

Roxas couldn’t hold back an adoring smile as he looked down upon her determined, beautiful profile. He shut his eyes and kept the inflation and deflation of his chest in control, all to make it easier for her.

Fuu’s little pink tongue drew a line upside his external oblique to his serratus. Suckling as well as kissing, she followed the way back down to his hip. Then, a long pausing kiss at a time, stepped up to his ribs. Again, as with his thigh, the area causing the greatest discomfort became the point of concentration.

The arm he kept up lowered half an inch. His shoulder ached, but he didn’t want to rest his elbow down on her head. Almost as if she had sensed this problem, she brought her head back. The position of her hands remained the same, while she leant forward enough to keep the tip of her nose within half an inch of his right pectoral.

Relieved, he lowered his arm. Fuu stopped him halfway by taking a hold of his shirt sleeve and tugging on it as a way of telling him to remove it. Giving it merely a second’s thought, noticing her concentrated yet doleful gaze, he completely removed it.

Pleased by the growing smile on her lips, Roxas run two fingers along the strands of hair that tucked behind her right ear. She withdrew her gaze from the point on his shoulder momentarily, and her cheeks tinted a lovely roseate to compliment her cute countenance. He’d started to tickle and rub her earlobe and, as he fondly expected, her eye drooped half-closed as she began to shiver and make a cat-like purr.

There was something about her that always reminded him of a feline, and he’d felt that way long before they’d gotten together. At first, it was just a thing about her piercing eye and aloofness. Now that he’s gotten to know her intimately, he’s discovered she also shares their wonderful behaviours of affection and companionship and, on occasion, the display of contentedness through ‘purring’.

Whether it was a true reaction of hers or she put it on deliberately to make Roxas’ heart leap, he neither cared nor wanted to question. As long as she kept on doing it, he was happy.

Fuu closed her one visible red eye and placed a kiss on his shoulder, which turned into a light suckle within seconds. When he started to shiver, she trailed all along his trapezius to reach his neck and burrowed into the crook. In a motionless minute, her lips settled on his jugular.

He stroked her silver hair all the while, and drew his other hand around her slim waist. Slowly, he lay on his back and she followed after without taking her lips off that spot on his neck. Exhaling heavily in a pleasant manner, he squeezed the girl in his arms.

The hard lump that rose up in his boxer shorts pushed up against Fuu’s wet crotch, and drove a cold shiver of delight upward from her tailbone. Contrast to the cold, her bare flesh was baking.

Fuu lifted her head out from the crook of his neck as his hand continued to stroke her short hair. Roxas groaned when she slid up to meet his lips, for she kept her hips pressed to his and rubbed herself on his hardness in the process.

The lovable twinkle in her ruby eye indirectly let slip a comment on his part about how cute she was. Bashful, Fuu smiled. She closed her eyes and kissed him again with a hint more passion, trembling delectably the moment he slipped his tongue between her lips. If her knees weren’t on the outside of his thighs, she may have closed them in reaction to her increased dampness.

Roxas withdrew both his hands from their respective locations, upon her head and hip, tilted his pelvis and got his thumbs to draw his boxers down to the knees. From there on, he pedalled his legs to kick them off and placed his hands on her soft, peachy backside.

Fuu whimpered into the kiss, and a line of drool rolled from the corner of Roxas’ mouth. It was actually her saliva, flowing messily from her tongue and lips, which he loved to receive.

One of the major purposes behind her whimper, rather than his firm hands on her butt, was the incredible solid shaft that she could feel rubbing beside the crack of her buttocks. Her rectal muscles clenched in great anticipation. It had been a while since they last had a bit of rough anal...

She slinked back to sit upright on his stomach, treated him to a delicious smile as she reached behind her back, and cooed playfully when she pressed his penis into her crevice and sensually rubbed the head with her palm. The fingers on her buttocks, in turn, gave a few tender squeezes. At the time, his eyes were closed and his moans were deep and hearty.

They all ended and his eyes opened into slits upon the feeling of a weight shift on his stomach. Expression unchanged, he picked up on what Fuu was trying to achieve.

“Let me help you with it,” he whispered and prepared to move his hands.

Stopped by the determined shake of her head, midway through the effort of raising her butt and guiding the hard length from behind to line up with the small hole of her rear, Roxas relaxed his hands to where they were.

“Manageable,” She assured him in a sweet voice as the domed head of his penis pressured against the small hole.

On the first half she lowered herself down at a slow pace, and her bottom lip trembled terribly as her breath shuddered out. Fuu snapped her eyes shut as she braced herself for the second. From there on, she had made the snap decision to withdraw all the energy from the muscles in her legs and use the weight of her body to force the rest inside with a simple, sharp drop.

Simultaneously, both Fuu and Roxas’ backs arched to a degree, the former more so than the latter. Roxas’ breath whistled spitefully between the gaps of his teeth during the intake, and bellowed out as a deep moan. He racked through the cluttered broom cupboard that was his brain, certain that without a doubt this part of her body had a greater feel to it now than when he had last entered her some time ago.

The only factor that stopped her from awkwardly flopping too far backward was the hand Roxas slid off her buttock to press against the small of her back. The other hand came off her butt and rooted the palm heel into the mattress where his shoulder was before he pushed himself up, grimacing in the slightest as an amount of pain burned across his shoulder blade and latissimus dorsi.

Any regular partner would’ve taken the light, effortful grunt as part of his struggle in sitting up. Fuu, on the other hand, knew it was linked to the muscular aches and pains he suffered from. Straightening her back and slipping her arms over his shoulders, she hugged him affectionately and gave him a sweet kiss on the forehead. In her raised position, his mouth and chin were smothered between her soft mounds.

Roxas didn’t mind with Fuu. He could spend all day nestled in her cleavage, with both warm mounds cushioned against his hot cheeks. It was a good thing his eyes rolled up after he licked her flesh, otherwise he would’ve missed her cherry-red blush and cute little smile of adoration.

“Roxas,” She whimpered his name in a soft tone that made his erection throb within her body, and set off a series of tiny sparks along her spinal nerves.

The three second clench of her rectal muscles drew another sharp whistle on his part until she tilted her head and pressed her lips to his, and set his hips into a gentle, rolling motion. As there was a slight gap between his teeth, she slipped her tongue in partway to entice his out.

It worked, and his retaliation caused her to moan and her shoulders to shudder in delight. Each little shift of his hips nudged his penis into and out of her only a few centimetres at a time, but the heat and the way it pulsated made up for the lack of spirit in the movement. The both of them, if they wanted to, could have kept this tantalising motion up for hours.

“You’re... really wet,” He said as they apart broke for some air, commenting on the slick fluids he could feel soaking his stomach.

‘It’s because of you,’ her gorgeously endearing countenance seemed to say as her eye glimmered with love.

Wincing on account of the way her expression made both his heart and his member pulsate like a boiler on the verge of exploding, Roxas slid his fingers beneath the veil of silver hair covering her left side and cupped her warm cheek with his right palm. Feeling the groove of her scar with the print of his thumb and stroking it, he kissed her firmly and circulated his tongue around her mouth.

Roxas rolled to his left so he could be on top. In the instant, Fuu’s knees rose up and she rested the heels of her pointed feet on the back of his pelvis. He, in turn, cupped her soft buttock with his left hand to assist in the rising angle of their hips, to allow a better, deeper penetration, and brushed and tangled the fingers of his right hand through her silver hair.

The tight tract started to clench even further around his penis. Rather than it being the result of the position switch and deeper, harder strokes, the constriction occurred just after he pecked the tip of her nose and swept away the veil that concealed her other eye. With Roxas, Fuu found it overwhelmingly exhilarating when he looked upon the left eye she kept hidden from all others, and even more so when he kissed her eyelid and run his tongue along the line of her scar.

He did do just that. She placed her hands on the nape of his neck, her fingers rubbing into his messy hair, and exhaled pleasantly. It wasn’t too long before the mixture of his deep strokes and the application of his tongue upon her face hit her target. Her ankles moved from his pelvis to cross behind his back, and her hands came off his neck and into the ‘I surrender’ signal up by her shoulders, with as much of the bed sheets she clutch in her pale, clasping fingers.


Fuu’s shoulders pulled and her head tilted back, pushing up her chest, and the long, strained whine she tried to hold back by setting her teeth on her lower lip accompanied the harsh constriction of her anal canal. The heavy flow of her sweet fluids flowed down past their joining, splashed against his abdomen, and stained the sheets beneath as they either dripped from the underside of Roxas’ thick organic cylinder or rolled to the small of her back and fell from there.

“Just... a bit further,” He whispered and kissed her brow before her quivering peach lips.

To change position, Roxas slid both his elbows up beside her shoulders and shuffled forward on his knees. He pushed himself up, and while she laid back still, her legs remained crossed around his waist. It was because of that her butt raised high up off the bed and angled her body at almost thirty degrees, and he now had a better view of her precious area as he looked down.

With a slight grin, Roxas flicked the tip of his thumb across his lips to draw some saliva. Teasingly, he brushed her swollen clitoris and grazed the knuckle of his opposite hand’s index finger up and down the crack of her slick lower lips. By a way of reaction, her ankles dug into his back and she pulled her hips closer toward him, which made her spine arc further.

He stopped, suddenly, and suckled on his wet knuckle to clear the delicious juice away. Afterward, Roxas held onto her lower back with his right hand, and held the underneath of her right thigh with his left.

Though her mind was in a bit of a haze, as was evident from her dreamy expression, she understood what he wanted to do. Relaxing onto the hands beneath their respective locations, her legs lost their power around his waist.

Roxas eased her right knee towards her chest, and then crossed it over to her left so she lay on her side. A pause every few seconds occurred, for the sensation caused by the twist of his penis inside her butt was a spine-tingling experience for the both of them. He leaned forward to shift his knees more across to his left, and then slid his hands beneath her waist.

When he pulled her over and brought her into the doggy position, Fuu laid her cheek down on the mattress and remained in a similar deep angle as she was before.

Roxas hunched forward, hands on her raised derrière, and picked up where he left off with his thrusts. Each stroke kept their depth and strength; however they were more up tempo.

Embarrassed by her own odd variety of moans and squeaks, Fuu turned her mouth to the sheets in an attempt to muffle the noises. Not long after she did, a wet stain created by her drool spread out to a large, circular patch. Her right hand remained by her shoulder, clutching at the sheet, while her left hand reached for her soaked crotch.

A little out of time with his thrusts, Fuu used all four fingers to further stimulate her senses through penetration, and rubbed her hard, pink pebble with the print of her thumb.

“I’m... almost...” He groaned into her right ear just after he loomed over her entirely with both hands by her shoulders to support his weight, and his hips driving down with the source of all his power surging up from the balls of his planted feet.

As soon as she learnt that his mouth was right by her ear, she wanted to get a kiss to him. Fuu twisted her shoulder back and turned her head, mouth open and her saliva-dripping tongue flapping out, and caught his lips in a hot, wet lock. Her hand moved on top of his as their tongue twirled and drool trailed down their chins, and her pale fingers clutched it tighter than she did the sheets.

Soon after, her other hand trembled as his left reached down and joined hers. The support of all his weight was dependant on his right arm, which was no trouble, while he cupped and massaged her saturated precious area.

He reached his limit. Roxas rammed his hips down hard and locked his shaft inside her to the hilt and, much like the girl beneath him, shuddered as he ejaculated a heavy load into her body. Almost at the same time, both Roxas’ and Fuu’s left hands received a spillage of her warm fluids from the opening they pressed their palms against.

They remained locked in position for some time after the release, until they finally flopped down to the right in a tangle of sweaty limbs. After all that it’d been through throughout the day, his member softened after her removed himself from the sticky, gooey hole of her raw arse.

Roxas’ left hand held hers, brought them up together to their head level, and from their dripping wet fingers shared Fuu’s release between them.

After a short rest, a change of sheets and a trip to the bathroom to wash up, they cuddled up together on the bed. The blanket only drew up to their waists, for it was to be a warm night.

“Regrettable action,” Fuu apologised to him again for the incident earlier in the day as she laid her cheek down on his chest, staring down at the fingers she soothingly brushed over his grazed abdomen.

“Don’t have worry about it anymore,” He replied after some time staring silently up at the ceiling. “Not now the whole scenario’s opened up a world of ideas for me and what I could do to you... uh, I mean, what we could do together. There are a lot of experimentations to be had.”

Fuu smiled as his chest jogged with his chuckle, and placed her palm flat over his bellybutton. Her fingers rhythmically drummed on his skin.

“Devious schemes?”

“Oh, you bet I’ve got some,” Roxas hooked his arm further around her hip and reached his other hand over to cup her shoulder. “Now that I know about Jessie’s secret stock, I think I might do a bit of shopping there the next time I go to town. And you can bet that I’ll be sure to buy you something nice.”

Goosebumps arose on her arms as she quivered at his promise.


A couple of days later, Roxas stood before the cooker as he made himself and his girlfriend some lemon sole and chips. It’d just passed nine in the evening, which was a later time to eat than normal, so he wanted to prepare something quick and easy.

The day gone by was eventful, to say the least. He and Fuu went off to the beach, got some sun and sea... and met some friends. Despite the goings on, he couldn’t stop smiling to himself. He had to carry Fuu home on his back, and then he left her upstairs to have a rest while he rustled up some grub.

Roxas looked back over his shoulder nonchalantly after he heard the doorbell ring. He left everything as it was, turned away and walked through the hall to the front door.

“Oh, hey there, Olette,” Roxas managed to put on a smile for his good friend, all the while concealing a nervous concern.

Fuu was upstairs, and he was strutting around his house flesh naked. If Fuu was to make an untimely appearance, then putting two and two together would give away their game and pit the both of these ‘rival gang’ members into a world of trouble.

‘Wait,’ He picked up on an important piece of information from his qualms. He looked down, cringingly, at his lower half. ‘Whoops...’

He was in the nip. He’d answered the door to a lady friend, ‘tackle out’, in a most mindlessly daft manner. No wonder she’d cast her eyes aside with that embarrassed pink glow to her cheeks.

Roxas couldn’t mask his embarrassment, either. Looking like he’d just run a marathon, he coughed and attempted to act as casual as possible whilst combating the stutter in his voice. A jacket that hung from the hook on the back of the door was now in his right hand and held before his lower half like a curtain.

“Sorry about my appearance, Olette, but I’ve been trying to do so many things all at once. I’ve only just finished drying off after my shower, but didn’t have time to get changed because I’m also in the middle of making dinner. It’s a guy thing; we can’t multitask,” He’d stuttered that half-baked jumble of an excuse so fast, he wasn’t entirely sure she’d understood him. Hell, he hoped she did, because he didn’t think he could remember enough to repeat it again.

“You like to cook butt naked, do you?” Olette asked in jest, her heart thumping like a pummelled punch bag, trying to slice away the apparent awkwardness of the situation by making light of it all.

She had inkling as to why he was naked, and that was backed up by the fact he looked too sweaty and didn’t smell clean enough to have taken a shower recently. She wouldn’t say anything though, and played along with what he said. Making dinner was true, for she could smell the waft of lemon sole and chips in the air.

“A hobby of mine while the folks are away,” He chuckled slightly, feeling his cheeks heat up, but his form now more relaxed. “And it’s not just limited to cooking, either. I feel that most of the housework, even the gardening, has a better flare to it when done au naturale.”

“Mmm, I’d love to see you work your hosepipe in the garden. I bet that’s a great scene,” That statement was very true, but she made the sexual undertone seem like nothing more than a simple, friendly joke.

He laughed nervously.

“Um, yeah, so,” Roxas swiftly directed back to the original topic “Isn’t it a bit late for you to be hanging around the neighbourhood when there’s still a forty minute or so ride back to your house? You won’t get back until gone ten. Not to mention how worried your parents will be.”

“Always fretting over my well-being, aren’t ‘cha?” She said silently to herself, smiling. She loved the way all of her friends treated her as well as they would a little sister, but hoped there was something a bit more meaningful in the way Roxas did.

Olette joined both her hands together by her waist and turned her feet inward. She had the look of a troubled youngster about her, like she’d just gotten into trouble for breaking a neighbours window with a football or something.

“But you’re right, it is late. And I should have left for home ages ago.”

“Well, why didn’t you?”

“Occupied with a few highly important tasks, is all. Lost track of time.”

“A few highly important tasks,” Roxas looked sceptically at a couple of bulging plastic bags behind her feet.

“Last minute shopping spree,” She sheepishly smiled. “All of them essentials, I can assure you.”

“Sure they are, Olette. Anyway, why did you ring? Did you want me to hang on to these for the night, for you to pick up tomorrow when maybe Hayner or Pence could give you a hand carrying them back on the train?”

“Well, not exactly,” She said hesitantly. “I was hoping, maybe, you could hang on to me for the night... um, I mean, if you could set me up with a bed for the night. Or a sofa, or a chair, whatever’s easiest for you because I’m not picky.”

The request caught him off guard. Fuu was upstairs, and his close friend was now down here seeking sanctuary for the night. He knew that she knew he damn well couldn’t turn her away, no matter what the circumstances may be. After all, this wasn’t the first time she had to stay over at his house because she’d missed the last train home, or the weather was too bad to her venture out in alone.

“That’s... not a problem, I can do that.” He said awkwardly. “I will have to start dinner over, mind you. That is, unless you’ve already eaten something on the way.”

“I picked up a bite to eat from a food cart, so there’s no need to go to any unnecessary lengths if it’s an inconvenience.”

“It’s no hassle. There’s plenty in the fridge, so you could still have a snack if you’re feeling peckish.”

‘You have no idea, Roxas,’ she looked at him wistfully, but then put on a smile. “Okay, thanks.”

“Right,” He nodded. “Listen, would you excuse me while I pop upstairs for a second? Just need to quickly throw on a shirt and some shorts.”

“Aw, you don’t have to stop with your nudie housework on my account,” She whined, supposedly mockingly. She really did want him to continue...

“You should be so lucky,” He chuckled, backing away from the door to let her in with the bags and then pushing it shut with his foot. “Anyway, go and call your parents. Let them know where you are.”

“Fine. I’ll wait down in the living room for you, make myself at home.”

“You do that. Back in a tick,” With that parting note, he dashed upstairs with a minor shadow of despair looming over his head.

Olette watched him, or to be more precise his great bare arse, vanish up the stairs. She let out a deep ‘whew’ as her shoulders sunk and her face grew hotter.

“Huge,” She spoke aloud the very word that swum around her head the first time she caught a glimpse of him when opening the door.

With a few more quick breaths to help calm herself down and a mumble of self-assurance, Olette picked up her bags and carried them into the living room. Roxas had gone upstairs to get changed, just as she was going to with an item from one of her bags.

In his room, a bare-fleshed Fuu had curled up for a ‘catnap’ on his bed. She looked so peaceful and sweet until Roxas had to shake her awake.

“Fuu,” He whispered. “Fuu, come on, wake up.”

Holding her shoulder gently, he gave her a light shake until she began to stir.

“Listen, we’ve hit a bit of a snag. Olette’s downstairs in the front room, and she’s going to be spending the night here. We need to be extra careful so she doesn’t find out that you’re here, otherwise who knows what might happen.”

Not that he imagined her to react in a distressed manner; Fuu quite calmly sat up and stretched her back. Upon relaxing, Fuu leant against Roxas with her head on his shoulder.

“Problematic situation,” She remarked tiredly, her eye closing again.

“It is. What I’m afraid we’ll have to do, is for you to stay in here and keep out of sight until I’ve set up a room for her to sleep in.”

She opened her eye and tilted her head up. Her expression was unsurprisingly plain, though her eye glimmered expectantly.


“I can’t think of any others. It’s the best I can come up with for now.”

“Seduction attempt?”

Roxas stiffened at her humoured suggestion.

“I... I’m not so sure. She’s my best friend. She’s not interested in me.”


“Very. The whole thing would fall flat on its face if I tried,” Roxas put his lips to her forehead. “I couldn’t do such a thing to her. I don’t want her running out of here, screaming to the world that I’m some kind of sleazy, rapist pervert. Okay, that’s probably worst case, but I still wouldn’t like to lose my friend.”

‘Clueless,’ she giggled in her mind at his apparent knowledge of his friend’s attraction.

When he returned to the lower level of the house, dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, Roxas went straight into the kitchen to check up on dinner. Everything seemed to be in order and more or less complete, so he switched everything off.

“Check on Olette,” He informed himself.

There was more than a single portion of fish and chips, and serving them up would arouse suspicion if she saw them. He could just say that he made an extra batch because he felt extra hungry tonight, but he felt that that excuse might not hold water.

“Roxas,” Olette’s voice called from the other room, the tone more timid than he’d ever heard from her before.

“Yup,” He called back.

“Cou-could you come in here for a moment, please? I need your help with something.”

“Alright, I’ll be there in just a second,” Checking to make sure everything was covered so it didn’t go cold, he then washed his hands and went off to see what it was Olette wanted him to help her with. “Right, so what’s the prob...”

In a click, his question cut dead and he froze in his tracks. The purpose was wholly justified.

His friend stood in the living room, feet pointing inwards and hands joined behind her back like a shy child. Her eyes were downcast, cheeks flaming red like a traffic light, and she trembled either out of nerves or the cold. The latter wouldn’t be an idea to sweep under the rug, for the clothes she arrived in weren’t the ones she was wearing this moment in time.

“I... I wanted to get your opinion on my new swimsuit,” She said without looking at him.

If he had the ability to give an immediate opinion, he would have. Right now, he’d be lucky if he could string together a coherent sentence.

It wasn’t any ordinary one-piece swimsuit. Shaded a deep scarlet with black outlining, the bottoms tied at the hips with string and looked so tight, so small, they hugged the crotch to display camel toes. The ‘top portion’ consisted of two wide strips, barely enough to properly cover the full amount of her well supported, wonderfully round C-cup breasts, that crossed over her front and tied with more string around the back of her neck. Her bellybutton peeked naughtily through the diamond shaped hole of the cross, her cleavage was greatly pronounced and her nipples jutted so obviously through the fabric.

This was a swimsuit really meant to catch someone’s attention more so than usual.

Roxas closed his eyes briefly to sort his thoughts. He had to say something, anything, and then get out of the room quick enough without looking back so she could get changed again. Otherwise, who knows what he might do to show himself up. Frightfully, he may end up doing something rash that could cost him his best friend.

“Olette,” He winced, looking up. “You look absolutely stun-”

The second time in a space of two minutes saw him left incapacitated and speechless. Fearful, too. Who should he spot wandering in through the door behind Olette but his girlfriend, wearing one of his t-shirts, with an unusual, enticing sway in her walk, and an expression that was utterly devoid of any emotion. As was quite often the case.

All of his senses incorrectly assumed a damning scenario. He imagined that Fuu might seize the girl and force her into the ‘alternative plan b’ that was mentioned upstairs, and that Olette might start kicking and screaming out of pure terror. Rather, it played out to the least of his expectations.

“Awaiting approval,” Fuu directed that at Roxas in a tone that was quite innocent despite the deviant gleam in her red eye. She challenged his hesitation just after she rested her chin on Olette’s shoulder and slipped her hands around the brunette’s waist from behind.

The fact that Olette didn’t panic but instead placed her right hand on top of Fuu’s gave Roxas the feeling that there was a plan somewhere behind this.

“O-Olette, Fuu, what’s going on...?”

“F-F-Fuu, she told me,” Olette struggled with her explanation thanks to Fuu, as the silver haired girl had turned her lips on her ear to suckle and chew on the lobe. “She told me that it was okay... for the three of us...”

The rest was left for Roxas to piece together, and it wasn’t hard. Not like the growing tent in his shorts.

“Are you... sure?”

His question was directed at Olette. He really wanted to know if this was of her free will, or if Fuu had pressured her into doing so.

Olette nodded and shuddered as the shorter girl’s hand slipped down and cupped her precious area, rubbing it through the tight material.

“Roxas, I... for a long time, I’ve... liked you,” She broke off, squealing and trembling and Fuu’s fingers applied more pressure and as her tongue licked her ear.

Roxas looked to Fuu, who gave him a feisty look before it transformed into a rather loving smile.

Oh, this should be interesting.

Okay, so I lied. While this should be part two of three, I’ve split it again so this is actually part two of four. Trust me, it’s for the best.

One night on a sleepover at Roxas’ house, many months prior to the summer events that brought Roxas and Fuu together, when she found it difficult to get some sleep, Olette discovered something about the young man she adored that really made her head spin in an inebriated effect, and simultaneously discovered she had a nasty new turn on. His smell had an overwhelming hold on her, and she really got off on it.

The scent of his clean body, the musky smell of his messy hair and the sweat stained clothes he’d discarded in the laundry basket at the end of his bed to be later taken to be washed... all those different aromas boiled the desire within her body like a kettle prepped for making tea, and the region between her legs grew so damp she had no choice but to duck into the small adjoined bathroom with her hand cupped over her crotch through fear of wetting herself.

Sweat glistened on her red-hot forehead under the white light. Breath ragged and raspy, her head fell back and her shoulders quaked with an ashamed yet delighted shiver. She sat on the toilet, lid up, with her legs up and apart, the soles of her bare feet resting on the rim of the sink just opposite and her toes curled, and her pelvis tilted back. The hand that she pressed to her loins had gone on to apply the fingers in a spur of the moment bout of self pleasure, no matter how many times her brain ordered them not to.

It didn’t help the fact she held onto a pair of Roxas’ underpants in the clenched fist of her free hand and smothered them over her mouth and under her nose.

With continual deep inhalations and an array of odd noises she tried to stifle by chewing the hem of the orange tank top she pulled up to bare her slim belly and get a better view of her lower region, Olette’s fingers plunged, twisted, pinched and stroked between and over her soaked vaginal lips in a manner as wild as the intoxicated ideals that swirled about in her head. At times she hooked her fingers inside and stimulated her clitoris with some rough application by use of her thumbprint, and the outflow of her bodily fluids poured down her perineum and partway between the crevice of her butt, where it finally stopped and dripped into the loo.

“I’m... so disgusting,” She whimpered in a pathetic and pitiful voice. “I’m really wet... from a few whiffs... of Roxas’...”

A few tears rolled down her toasty red cheeks. Masturbating in Roxas’ house with Roxas’ dirty clothes felt so damn good, so much more exhilarating than doing it at her own home with just his photograph, it was almost painfully overwhelming for her senses.

“He wore these today... the odour is so strong, and it tastes... so strange...” She sucked on the material of his pants, whereabouts his crotch would be. “Is this... what it would taste like? I... want to know...”

Copious amounts of her juices poured into her palm for the fifth time that night. She really had to put an end to this soon. She really had no idea if she would be able to stop, or what the consequences would be if she were discovered. The chances of the latter were slim, as it was late in the night and Roxas was a heavy sleeper.

“So... disgusting...”

After one final release, Olette was able to say to herself ‘enough’s enough’ and dropped her arm. The crumpled article that belonged to Roxas fell from her limp fingers to the floor down beside the loo. Red cheeked and both mentally and physically exhausted, she remained in place until she relaxed back to normal. Once achieved, though her stance wobbled a bit, she cleaned herself up and pulled back on her Capri three-quarters, and returned to the bedroom on tip-toes.

In the morning, Olette acted casual and Roxas was none the wiser to what happened in his bathroom in the night... although, he did wonder how the pair of dirty underpants he wore the previous day found their way from his laundry basket to down beside the toilet.


A few days later, while at school, Olette found herself at the mercy of Roxas’ body odour once again after gym class. Though the boy’s and girl’s activities were separated, they had to pass by each other in order to reach their respective locker rooms, and that’s when she picked up on his scent.

It’s amazing how much effort he put into his role as a striker in football to cause him to sweat so much. As she walked past and he patted her shoulder in his friendly manner, she mustered all the strength of her will to stop herself from pouncing onto him and licking the moisture from his forehead there and then in front of everyone. Lord, did she want to, and regretted the fact she didn’t as she watched his back disappear behind the blue door.

A palm pressed to her forehead from aside, which snapped her from that hopeless gaze of longing and made her heart skip a beat from the sudden shock.


The question that was asked in a tone that matched an aloof expression came from Fuu, who’d noticed the overbearing ruddiness of the brunette’s face, and stopped to check up on her. Olette stuttered and fumbled her response, as her mind was currently in a state like the contents of a bowl of mixed punch, and shook her head as if she was ready to deny an accusation before it had been flung.

“Oh, oh no, no... I’m just worn out after playing all that netball and running the track, that’s all. I’m okay otherwise, but thank you anyway for checking on me, Fuu.”

It was left at that, and Fuu brought her hand back to her side.

A line of guys passed by, and they all took a discreet glance at the aloof beauty with silver hair in her gym clothes. The tight white shirt that pronounced her marvellous D-cup bust and the skin-tight navy blue Lycra shorts were a sweet treat for the eyes and the mind, and an image that they should cling to when they go home at night to ‘strangle the rabbit’.

With a toss of her chin towards the girl’s lockers, Fuu tapped Olette’s side to make her get a move on as they still had a class to get to afterwards. When the brunette complied and went on her way with an unusual sensation stuck in her brain, Fuu placed a hand to her chin. She happened to know who caused Olette to blush so profusely, but wasn’t sure why she sniffed the air after him.

After some consideration, she thought she may have found the answer.


Four other girls brushed past Fuu as she stood there in thought, which wasn’t readable through her blank expression, and her one visible eye tracked the last two before they disappeared along with Olette. Those two were the new students in their class as of a month ago, and both had evident interest in Roxas, whom they befriended the very day they arrived, the same as herself and Olette.

Fuu winced. Her plans were in dire need of a revamp now the competition had raised a few bars...


Ten minutes into the geography class, Olette’s mind wandered away from the apparent importance of tectonic plates and pondered on Roxas’ smell once again. It was difficult not to think about it since the scent had coiled around her, but she did attempt to put up a mental block to halt the filthy ideals once or twice. Obviously, because they were only ‘attempts’, the efforts failed and those thoughts floated about inside her head like a small fish tank overloaded with carp.

Pink-cheeked, she chewed the end of her pen and jogged her knees with a bounce from the balls of either foot as she increasingly grew nervous. That was because she had also grown increasingly damp, and could feel the moisture seep through her panties and stain the inside of her thighs. Not only that, but the seat as well.

It drove her crazy, and it didn’t help much when she looked one seat forward to the right and focused on Roxas’ back. With shaky hands, she put the pen down and gripped the edges of her desk.

“Ohhh,” Olette sighed in a high tone with pursed lips, which, luckily, wasn’t loud enough to draw attention, and pressed her thighs together. Her core was now heavily soaked, so much so a warm puddle formed on the seat, and traces of drool started to roll down her chin from the corners of her mouth. Her entire countenance flushed a deep vermillion, her eyes drooped half-closed as she were slowly succumbing to sleep, and her head told her to do something that wasn’t suitable for this time or place based on many social and moral issues.

‘You can get away with it,’ the voice in her head purred in a seductive whisper. ‘Look around you. No one’s even paying any attention. No one can see you here at the back...’

Olette didn’t have to look around, because she already knew the voice was right. Fuu sat at the desk to her right and couldn’t see to her left side because of the way her hair was styled, and would be too engrossed in the school subject to notice anyway. To her left, the new student sat straight with her eyes either to the front or on Roxas. It was hard to tell which one, but in any case she wouldn’t get distracted and look to her right.

‘Don’t,’ she whimpered in her mind. ‘Don’t, don’t, don’t, not in here, not right now, please don’t do this to yourself…’

She was too late, and far beyond her own ability to stop. With discretion, her right hand slid down her stomach and ducked up her short school skirt. One finger at a time, they hooked over the elastic banding of her panties and pressed flat against her wet opening.

‘No, no, no, no… someone will see me…’

Her index finger eased the tip between her soggy lower lips, and slipped partway inside. The other fingers rubbed their prints on her flesh, and her thumb stroked the tuff of hair just above the opening.


Her thumb and ring finger slid down and parted the wet labias to open up more, and allowed more of her fluids to flow out. The tip of her index finger poked her clitoris three times before it began a slow, sensual rub. Olette shuddered as she hunched forward and clutched the furthest edge of the desk in a tight, creaky grip. Her eyes rolled back, saliva rolled down her chin and splashed upon her notebook, and her nipples had stiffened.

She had to open her legs wider. She did so with each knee against the outside of the cold table legs, and resolved to play with harder herself. Her teeth clicked together as she forced her middle finger inside herself and began to thrust.

‘If Roxas were to look back and see me like this… would he be disgusted?’

Her middle finger wildly jabbed into her tight hole. The indecent squelches reached her ears, yet didn‘t take heed to the fact that other people might hear them too.

‘All the boys would see me in this degrading state… start to talk about me, and make nasty comments… probably about me being so dirty and up for it with anyone… yes, he would be disgusted… he wouldn’t want to be seen with me ever again… not this repulsive, perverted girl…’

Now her thumb added a harsh, pressured multitude of strokes to go with the penetration, and her index finger rubbed along her labia.

‘I must… stop… I have to if I… don’t want to lose Roxas as my friend…’

She couldn’t stop herself. As much as she didn’t want to lose his companionship, which would count for Hayner and Pence, too, she just as much wanted Roxas to look back on her and think ’wow, Olette, you’re so naughty! It’s just how I imagined you to be each night I spent masturbating to you! Come back to my house after school, and we can get naughty together for the whole night!’

Olette pulled her finger out and focused on her swollen clitoris. She pinched and massaged the hard pink pebble with her thumb, index and middle fingers at various rates and pressures. Boy, did she hope this would end soon…

‘I… I’m close! I’m nearly there! Thank heavens, I’m almost done!’

A heat wave blasted from her core, and she managed to release into her palm. Hot juices poured into her hand and onto the seat, dripped to the floor and stained the inside of her thighs.


Olette’s body slumped forward, and the side of her face hit the desk with a thump. The climax, fuelled by dirty thoughts about Roxas and the thrilling possibility of getting caught, felt so darn good. Perhaps she should try this again in another class sometime…


She froze upon hearing the concerned voice that belonged to the one she just touched herself over in class. By the sounds of things, he was right in front of her.

Scared, she raised her head in a slow and wary manner. Quite so, because she just discovered that he was indeed before her, crouched down to get to her slumped eye level, with a look of concern about him. That wasn’t the only thing; the whole class was dead silent, and the eyes of absolutely everyone peered in her direction.

‘Oh Gummi Blocks,’ she cringed. That loud noise she made during the climax really drew some attention…

“Where are we heading? The nurses’ office is down the hall back there,” Olette pointed out in a quiet voice that was laden with guilt and shame, even though she wasn’t really in any need to see a nurse. Though, if a psychiatrist had recently set up practice next to the office, she’d be glad to pay them a visit at least to try and find out the cause behind this sudden obsessive ‘problem’ she suffered from.

The observation went ignored, and Fuu continued to lead Olette down the opposite direction of the deserted hallway despite being the one who claimed her friend’s ‘bad stomach’ required the nurse. Their arms were linked, and the shorter girl pretty much dragged the brunette along at a fair pace. She may or may not be aware that the taller girl had trouble keeping the pace due to the soggy patch between her legs that made the chafe of her moist thighs so awkward in both the irritated and erotic sense.

After less than a few minutes, Olette realised where she‘d been taken to. Why, she was fairly certain she knew from the way Fuu shot a glance at her, but how the other girl knew the link was what left her stumped.

“I-into there? But we can’t, that’s the boys changing rooms! We’ll get into a lot of trouble…!”

Again, the questions went ignored and Fuu continued forward regardless of the protests.

Several aisles divided each long row of lockers, with a combined bench and coat rack running down between each one. A few bags and jackets littered the racks untidily, left behind by the owners to be collected later, and some of the locker doors were ajar. Mixed in with the strong, odorous waft of teenage boy sweat that bore a resemblance to malt vinegar, this place was a horrid bombsite in comparison to the relatively well-kept rooms used by the girls.

They’d halted a few feet away from the door while the lead girl mused over the way the lockers were sorted. Like in their changing rooms, these should be alphabetised to the student‘s names. While she done so, Olette frightfully glanced around as if they’d wandered into a haunted house and hugged the arm that linked with hers.

Though no one was likely to walk in at this time, it could still happen. If they got caught sneaking around the boys locker room, they’d either be branded perverts or thieves. Either label would be bad enough, or the even the possibility of a black mark on her otherwise clean permanent record would haunt her for the rest of her life. Those thoughts pent up the worry inside and made her tremble.

Fuu seemed sure to head down the third aisle and along the right side, so she took them down there. About two-thirds of the way to the end, and she stopped by one particular locker and lightly rapped the knuckle of her index finger on the door.

‘Found it’, her slight smile seemed to say.

On a thin bronze strip beneath the grill, a name was engraved to identify the owner. When she read the clear title, Roxas, Olette’s heart picked up the pace in its thumps and she started to feel that hot, bubbly sensation in the pit of her stomach once again.

As a member of the school’s football team, or ‘soccer’ as some other regions may call it, Roxas had the privilege to own a locker rather than sharing it like the rest. That would mean that the clothes he wore for the previous lesson wouldn’t get tainted by the less appeasing smells of the others.

Certain that she heard Fuu’s breath shudder out in a manner similar way to her own, which would indicate her nerves were mutual, she shyly tilted her head.

“What are you going to do?”

After a moments pause, Fuu flashed Olette a look that seemed to say ’we’re about to play a little game’, and then slipped her fingers into the notch. Before Olette could find her voice and stop Fuu from opening it out of respect for Roxas’ privacy, also for her own sake in relevance to her ’problem’ due to the familiar smell she managed to pick out amongst the other unpleasant ones, the locker opened wide with a metallic squeal.

‘Oh no,’ Olette’s eyes snapped shut and her flushed features twisted as if she were under an enormous amount of physical stress. Her free hand shot up and pressed on Fuu’s upper arm, her knees knocked together and her upper body and shoulders bunched in. ‘It’s happening again!’

Moisture formed upon her hot brow. To her, the heavy stench of Roxas’ sweat produced the same reaction to any other type of regular aphrodisiac.

The silver haired girl reached up top and grabbed a messy clothes bundle. She knew from the design that it was the same one Roxas wore earlier, and she could feel a few clammy perspiration patches on her fingertips. Awe paid a brief visit to Fuu’s otherwise aloof expression, which Olette missed on account of her eyes being shut and the fact that most of her face was concealed by a veil of hair.

Fuu passed the bundle by her own nose to take a whiff and realised there was something there that defined his scent from the others, something that couldn’t be described as anything else but erotically pleasant, and then moved on to wave it underneath the other girl’s nostrils.

Olette let out an outstretched wail and trembled terribly as her back reflexively arched. If it wasn’t for Fuu, who shifted her foot to adjust to the sudden weight shift from the taller girl, she would’ve collapsed on the floor in a fit of muscle spasms. Although, saying that, Fuu didn’t help much by holding the sweat-soaked item of clothing to Olette’s face like she were trying to apply a dose of chloroform on a rag to render her unconscious.

“Uhhh… wahhhh…”

The squeaky whine that erupted from the brunette’s throat was muffled by the article that covered her face. Having opened her mouth, her tongue touched the fabric and came into contact with a particularly strong patch. In the instant, her core flared up at ten times the magnitude from when she simply stared across the class in the imagining of such a situation, and her already drenched panties soaked up a portion of the sudden explosion of her sweet bodily fluids.

With incredible strength that was cleverly concealed by a lithe figure and short stature, Fuu brought the clothes away from Olette’s face and scooped her hand behind her back to pull the girl up straight again, and followed that up by guiding her back towards the wooden bench/coat rack behind them. She stopped once the brunette’s calves bumped the rim of the bench, set her back to rest against the midway post, and then applied the clothes to her forehead. Sweaty portions of cloth hung across her eyes and barred her vision, and the scent could still reach her nostrils with the utmost clarity.

“Obscure fetish,” Fuu noted, and to that the other girl whimpered cutely like a pathetic little puppy. She eyed Olette’s wobbly lips and smiled at the orchestra of gasps, until she decided to make them end for now.

Fuu pursed and blew onto Olette’s damp lips, licked a bit of dribble from her chin, and then pressed hers against them.

Olette was in no way taken aback by the kiss, nor did she struggle to break from the lip lock she shared with another girl. On the contrary, in tears, she wailed and begged into Fuu’s mouth for her to kiss harder. That’s because this wasn’t the first time she and Fuu had kissed, and certainly not the first time been touched by her.

Some time ago, during a sleepover at Olette’s, Fuu insisted they watched a copy of that particularly dirty video that’s circulated its way around the classroom and came into her possession. They both agreed that the feature was an eye-popping exhilaration and, in few words as possible, the red-eyed devil coaxed her friend into the idea that there wasn’t anything wrong with two girl-friends sitting side by side, touching themselves as well as each other during the film. Olette made no secret of about whom she fantasised but Fuu, being an enigma with an emotional pattern that was too hard to read, did. Seifer, Olette imagined, but then again she had inkling that someone else may have caught her attention…

Tongues whirled in a messy tango, wet lips smacked together in a ferociously heated assault, and the knee of the shorter girl raised to set foot on the bench, bumped the other’s burning loins and acted as a support to prevent her wobbly legs from caving inwards. The way Olette’s precious area leaked a hefty flow of hot juices upon Fuu’s thigh and spilled across her pale skin was enough to send the chills of delight up both their spines.

A heavy sigh shared between them as their lips briefly parted for much needed air, and then their mouths crashed back together. Fuu slipped the Roxas-scented garment down and pressed it to Olette’s cheek, and pushed her chest further against her to squash their soft, plump breasts together firmly.

None of the muscles in either of Olette’s legs had any energy left within them to help her stand, and her weight came down upon Fuu’s thigh. That wasn’t a problem for the ruby eyed beauty, who could support her friend for a good long while in this position, however she conceded that it was the best time to sit her down. In a smooth, swift movement, Fuu hugged Olette and lowered her down until her butt touched the bench.

“Huahhh,” Olette whimpered in shame, stared dazedly up at the aloof girl with an expression contorted with overheated embarrassment, and opened her legs to display the soggy panties that covered her precious area. Fluids stained the inside of her thighs, seeped out in a small puddle upon the bench, and dripped from the edge.

Even though her expression didn’t show, Fuu was incredibly surprised to see her in a higher aroused state than normal from a simple bit of teasing with a pair of Roxas’ sweaty gym clothes. She was quite damp herself, but Olette was several hurdles ahead.

Tears were in the brunette’s eyes, and fogged her vision in the same way the powerful odour clouded her mind. That being the case, she was now well aware of the reason for Fuu bringing her here.

“N-no, Fuu… please don’t do this to me… not in here…”

“Relief necessary,” She responded in a soft tone to make it understandable that this course of action was for her own good, and that she should accept it rather than turn away. Of course, as always, she knew she would eventually.

Truth be told, she didn’t dislike being kissed or touched by Fuu, because she did feel that her touch served her better than her own. It was purely the times and locations she seemed to pick that made her so reluctant to participate. Most often they’d be someplace public, someplace buzzing with people living their everyday lives, someplace where people couldn’t, but at the same time could, see them. It’s just a wonder that they’d never actually been caught in the act.

Fuu placed her fingertips underneath Olette’s chin and smeared the lines of mixed saliva upward across her lower lip with her thumb in a gentle, wavy manner, as if she were trying to tempt her into sucking on it. No surprise registered on the aloof girl’s face when Olette took that as the true purpose and fell to the lure whilst she kept her pitiful gaze up in a manner that begged forgiveness should she fail to perform this to her satisfaction. She looked up like that regardless of the fact that she knew Fuu cared for her and would never display any acts of anger or violence towards her in any form despite holding a reputation as a humourless, forever-miserable lass with a glare that could cut through an acre of bamboo trees.

Also, she did actually find the taste and texture of Fuu’s flesh to be of the utmost sublime quality, with a taste that clung to the buds on her tongue like any of the worlds most delicious and characteristic flavours.

Gently she suckled on the tip, and the soft, moist squelches of lips on skin rung clearly in her ears as it was the only noise other than the electrical buzz of the overhead lights in this empty room. With a light sigh, she dared to take in the whole digit to the knuckle and sucked on it with longer, firmer pulses and added a bit of tongue to rub the print. Olette didn’t want to look to see whether or not this action was desired, but continued to do so anyway in hope that she would be appreciated for the effort.

A disagreeable whine and a silent, wet ‘pop’ accompanied the withdrawal of the thumb, as Olette had started to get into the mood. Still standing, Fuu licked the thumb herself just once, then drew a wet line down Olette’s forehead, the bridge of her cute nose and stopped at the centre of her pursed lips. At the very same time when this action was performed, the other hand she had with the smelly bundle of Roxas’ clothes pressed to the side of the brunette’s head like she were applying a pack of ice to a swollen purple bruise.

“Ahhh,” Olette gasped, her eyes murky as they glanced aside to try and catch a glimpse of the reeking article whilst she kept her face pointed in the direction of her friend. “His smell, it’s swirling around inside my head and permeating my brain like a toxic cloud... I-I don’t want to, but I feel that I must touch myself silly or else it’ll simply push me to the brink of insanity... heh, perhaps it already has...”

Standing with her upper body bent and her butt protruded towards the row of lockers, Fuu’s lips hovered and wavered within an inch of Olette’s, brushing by on occasion for a mere half second each time, as she listened to the absent-minded mumble. When she decided that it was time for Olette to stop and relax while she ‘relieved her’, she slowly drew the full surface of her tongue upward across her cheek and nose and softly hushed her into silence.

Weakly blubbering with tears rolling down her cheeks slower than the wet trails creating puddles between her legs, Olette closed her eyes, tilted her head further back and received the kiss with a muffed, long-drawn moan of acceptance. Her fingers clutched Fuu’s bare shoulders tight, and tried to pull her closer if not on top of her. It pretty much worked, as the silver haired vixen pushed her busty chest forward and raised one knee at a time upon the bench to straddle her lap.

Roxas’ clothes drew further away as both Fuu’s hands grabbed a couple of coat hooks above, arms up like she were a bodybuilder showing off her fantastic biceps, but the aroma still wafted around Olette’s nostrils as if they were right under her. The pretty brunette slipped her hands down her friend’s back and stopped at her tailbone, one on top of the other, and clung on as Fuu started to slowly and rhythmically grind her hips to drive her crotch into Olette’s stomach. Through the thin layer of her blouse, she could feel the damp growth between Fuu’s legs as it smeared up and down over her belly. That, alongside the continual pressure changes related to the firmness of Fuu’s tender D-cup breasts against her collar and throat and her own impressive mounds against Fuu’s stomach, made this movement a spine-tingling extravaganza.

Their moist lips ripped apart noisily, and each let out a grand, pleasant sigh of contentment. Olette’s head still hung back, her jaws apart as if she awaited someone to plop a fresh grape into her mouth, and Fuu set her lips on the girl’s sweat-laden brow for a second before she released another long breath. Her hips hadn’t stopped, even though she intended to, and she came to realise why.

That scent that’d gotten to Olette had gotten to her, too, yet she was lucky that it wasn’t on the same level otherwise they’d both be a numbed, drooling couple lying half-unconscious on the floor when all the boys return from class. Lord, if they found these two sexy minx’s in here, doing naughty things to each other in ways they only imagined in their wild, hormone-driven minds when they sat at home with their lad’s in their hands, beating out to fantasy that also included themselves in some way, who knows what kind of nasty deeds they might perform given the opportunity.

Would these two girls resist, or succumb?

Fuu glanced up to the clothes that hung from her hand, and decided to inhale an amount for herself. She took a whiff, decided that there was something fairly indescribable that made his musk stand out from the others, and then dropped the half that was his shirt. For now, she planned on making use of the interesting flavours of his shorts.

By great strength of will, Fuu reined back control of her own mind and stopped her hips from moving. Olette seemed to be disappointed that it should end, but then the compensation cast that aside like an old, unwanted toy. She snatched the offered shorts from Fuu’s hands like she were a starved peasant being offered a loaf of bread, and covered the nasty article over her mouth and nose with a deep breath.

“Kyahh, this stinks...” She moaned in delight.

Fuu slipped off Olette’s lap, slowly knelt down in front of her, placed her hands on either knee and opened Olette’s legs. She reached in with one hand and used her index finger and thumb to pinch the juicy lower lips of her panty covered crotch together like a wet sponge. The coarse squelches made by her damp flesh as it was squeezed were loud enough for both of them to hear.

“Squishy,” She said with a hint of humour in her low voice.

“Ah... I’m such a freak, aren’t I?” Gasped Olette as she seemed to suck on the region of the shorts that would cover Roxas’ groin, slid her butt forward to sink down, tilted her pelvis and tucked her knees up to her own shoulders like she were performing a somersault. This position was set so that Fuu could reach her damp place with ease, and her voice quietened down into a muffled whimper. “No one who’s normal gets turned on so much when they stick someone’s smelly, rotten pants under their nose. Look, I’m so wet that anyone would think that I peed myself. What do you think? Do you think this thing I’m into is... gross?”

Olette was unsure whether or not the overpowering flavours from Roxas’ shorts meddled with her brain and the reaction she thought Fuu gave her was a mere hallucination, so she asked again in hope of a more verbal response. Then again, she didn’t know if her ears played tricks on her, too.

“Contagiously sexy,” Fuu smiled, and used the hand that previously rested upon her knee to pull up the hem of her short skirt and flash her own knickers. She, too, was very wet indeed, and she seemed to suggest that Olette and her new dirty habit brought it on.

After a few seconds of silence, Fuu dropped her skirt and went back to what she had in mind beforehand. Her tongue flicked across her lips in anticipation for the sweetness she knew was delicious from memory, and her warm breath tickled the area which drove a light shiver throughout Olette’s entire body. The full surface of her tongue slowly dragged upward over the soggy material and sunk a portion of the fabric between the lips, creating a gorgeously erotic set of cameltoes.

Again, she dragged her tongue up, and then used the tip to swipe down through the crevice. Throughout this repeated action of varied speed and force, Olette inhaled Roxas’ smell and massaged Fuu’s scalp with her free hand as if to say ‘good girl, you’re doing wonderful’ to her like she were an obedient pet. Give her a collar and a leash; perhaps the silver haired vixen would like to play a nice little game of ‘animal obedience’...

Olette’s slim, moist thighs sometimes received a kiss or a lick, and she sighed pleasantly. Until the devil sparkled in Fuu’s one visible eye and she opened her mouth wide to completely cover the brunette’s opening and gently sunk her teeth into the soft, spongy flesh like she were taking a big bite out of a delicious peach.

“Ku-ahhh! Fuu!”

The sharp spasm at the base of her spine curved her back, and an eardrum-rumbling howl echoed through the empty locker room. Both Fuu’s hands clasped the underneath of Olette’s thighs, just an inch from her buttocks, and her clawed fingers squeezed the tender area meanly. She sucked the juices that seeped through her panties with harsh conviction, and used her tongue like a spear to force the material further in between the labias in order to make the underwear seem tighter. When she found the hard and particularly sensitive pebble through the fabric, she dabbed and nipped at it in a full-on assault.

A sudden heavy spurt of warm bodily fluids dashed her chin and spilled down Olette’s perineum to her butt, and made a whole new wet stain at the rear of her knickers. Fuu pulled back and smacked her lips before she kissed the inside of either thigh.

“Overflowing,” She commented as she swiped her fingers between the labias and dug in further on the second go. They may have only been the sixth or seventh time they’d done this, but again, she’d never been this wet nor released this much before.

Fuu’s tongue swung across her own chin to collect the honeysweet release that stained there, stood up and gently tapped Olette’s raised knees in a way to tell her to drop them. Both feet came down together with a light thump on the solid floor when she complied without question.

Olette’s skin had turned pink from the heat, and a thin sheet of perspiration that covered her made her exposed flesh glisten in the light like a beautiful figurine made from crystal. Without a word between either of them, she shifted and sat forward when Fuu’s hand touched her quivering shoulder and she gave a slight gesture with only a tilt of her head. The other girl raised her leg, slipped in behind and pulled her back into a tight hug, and they both shivered once again on account of her breasts being squashed against her.

A puddle had formed where Fuu sat, yet the sensation of a wet arse didn’t at all bother her. She did shift and squirm a bit as the moisture soaked through her skirt, through her knickers and crept up into her crack, but that was only natural.

One at a time, Fuu hooked a hand beneath either thigh to open Olette’s legs and hang her knees over and on the outside of her own. The brunette closed her eyes and let her head fall back on Fuu’s left shoulder with a light moan, and continued to smother herself silly with the shorts. The mysteriously stimulating reek reached Fuu’s nostrils, and her nose scrunched cutely; more so to try and blockade the alluring scent from flooding to her brain and taking control of her again as it did earlier than out of repugnance.

To get started, Fuu simply kissed Olette’s hot cheek and then set her hand upon her friend’s pubis with her fingers ready to gently rub the sodden, panty-covered lips. Her middle finger hooked and found the stiff, receptive little nub once again, rubbed it a few times with her print, and then added her thumb to give it a pinch. The arm she crossed over Olette’s body hugged her tighter when she trembled, loosened in the slightest when she seemed to calm, and then tangled with each button on Olette’s standard, school-issued sleeveless blouse until she stopped a notch down from the solar plexus.
The half of the blouse on the side where Fuu peeked over opened when she bit the hard collar and tugged on it with her teeth like a playful puppy with her chew toy, and her other half was brushed open by her hand after she slipped her fingers beneath the material.

Pale digits dug beneath the right bra cup, and pushed it up to uncover and grant the fleshy mound of perfect shape and softness freedom with a light bounce. The cool palm that then scooped beneath the warm, moist breast drew a sharp, whistled breath and a shiver on Olette’s part due to the temperate contrast. With another teasing coo, Fuu’s index, middle finger and thumb plucked the hardened nipple.

“Oh… oh that feels good,” Olette’s breathless compliments cut through the rank air as her tender C-cup breast was squeezed and juggled by the fingers. Fuu cooed and teased into her ear about her no longer objecting to this action compared to when they started, batted her lobe with her tongue, and latched on with her teeth.

Fuu’s hand snuck into Olette’s saturated panties, brushed through the material that’d ridden up into the soggy crack, and rubbed along the wet lips with her fingers. The tips of her ring and middle fingers dipped in to nail depth, and the thumb pressed over the stiff clitoris. In time with Olette’s whine, she harshly hooked the two fingers in further to their second knuckles whilst she simultaneously pinched the outside of the soft, squidgy labias together with her thumb and little finger.

The heavy outflow of fluids was ludicrously more so than the previous encounters, Fuu noted with great interest, and put it down to the mix of the excitingly risky location and use of Roxas’ dirty shorts. There were also the photographs on the inside of Roxas’ locker door, which they could both see from their seat, to add to the feast.

Either full-framed or cut to make a collage, numerous group and portrait photos plastered the metal panel. Many were of the usual bunch, Olette, Hayner and Pence, either all together or alone with Roxas in a whole variety of cool or funny poses, and amongst an interesting array of backgrounds from beach trips to snow days to regular snaps at the usual hangout. A few consisted of himself with a family member on holiday and, surprisingly, standing alongside Seifer and Rai in a fairly relaxed manner in their football jerseys, and there was even one of him and Fuu sitting beside one another beneath the shade of a tree. A couple of new ones were there towards the top, which depicted him as being fairly nervous from his lopsided smile and red cheeks, with the two new students in their class pressed in close to his sides and clinging tight to either arm like they’d claimed him as their possession.

“Hnhhhh,” Olette gasped and turned her head away shyly. She knew they were just pictures, but for a reason that could possibly be contributed to the way the odd aromas of Roxas’ clothes played haphazard tricks with her mind, it almost felt as if all those eyes were upon her dirty body right now. The thought of that, alongside the teasing of her nipple and precious area and the warm breath upon her moist neck sent a tremendous shudder across her shoulders.

What if Roxas was really there? If he stood there, smirking at the sight of her ashamed countenance, piercing through her partially bare chest with his smouldering blue eyes in a successful bid to will her heart into a faster paced beat, trailing down her smooth, peachy stomach and then concentrating on her naughty, drenched loins with a hard gaze that could burn and melt them further like a sunbeam through a looking glass... and noticed the way she got off on the rank stench of his gym shorts.

Almost as if she read her mind, Fuu whispered seductively into the brunette’s ear to place the images deeper inside her head.

“Lustfully leering,” She started in the way Olette first imagined, and the added twist of her fingers gave Olette a sudden, gasping start.

“Stripping attire,” She persuaded her with the idea that he’d started to undress, and heavily emphasised the thoughts of him naked. “Gleaming skin.”

There was a short pause between the suggestions, but her fingers continued to work away on Olette’s regions with all their pinches, jabs, plucks and twists.

“Heroic build,” All of her words started to slow in their pace, almost as if Fuu were gradually starting to fall asleep. “Hardened member.”

Everything, including the ministrations, stopped for twelve racy heartbeats for the both of them. That image Fuu brought up left them both in a wondrous, red-cheeked daze.

“Vigorously beating,” She suddenly squeaked in a higher tone, and continued on with her work. “Moaning gruffly.”

Oh God, the wild imaginings she depicted of Roxas standing there before them, tossing off over these two dirty girls while they moaned and writhed got to Fuu as much as it did to Olette.

“Erection... pulsating,” Fuu tried so hard to tame the pitch in her voice, however her failure to do so lead her to burrow into Olette’s sweaty neck. “Edging... closer.”

Even in her crazed, racy state of mind, Olette managed to pick out the way Fuu seemed to choke and squeal in the same wanting excitement she did. The way she also picked up in speed and applied more and more pressure into her teases seemed to nod towards there being a far deeper meaning to the way she reacted to her own descriptions of Roxas. Was it possible, perhaps, that the person Fuu liked was none other than...

“Spurting,” Fuu’s squeaky growl sliced through Olette’s thoughts and dashed away the final pieces of the puzzle before they could connect and make the big final picture, and drew her back into the fantasy of the young man and his throbbing manhood looming over them. “Ejaculation!”

That word alongside the mental image of Roxas releasing a thick load that’d cover them from head to toe, moaned straight into her ear, hit her mark. Olette’s inner walls enclosed around Fuu’s two fingers with enough force to make the penetrator fear their bones may snap, and prevented them from withdrawal. Hot juices poured out over Fuu’s other fingers and palm in a cast amount that quickly overflowed and spilled onto the seat.

Olette felt a wave of warm liquid gush on her lower back at the very same time as her own climax. Was that Fuu’s...?

Once it all stopped, Fuu twisted her fingers slowly and hastily kept on going to drive Olette over the edge again. Her teeth clutched the collar of the brunette’s shirt and acted as either a pain reliever of a voice muffler.

Five or maybe six times later, Olette was but a tired, red-faced and breathless wreck slumped on the bench in dishevelled clothing and with a hefty, dripping puddle spilling off the bench from between her legs. She tried hard to raise her head to see what it was Fuu was doing over at Roxas’ locker after she’d taken back his shorts, but she couldn’t focus on anything. She was just too exhausted, and felt the need to sleep.

Fuu closed Roxas’ locker when she put some things back and took some out, otherwise leaving all else as it was so he’d be none the wiser. She did intend to return the bits she borrowed, of course, once she’d finished with them. She turned away, knelt down before Olette, cupped her leaning cheek and brushed her fingertips across her fringe with the other hand.


The brunette’s watery, half-closed eyes darted in all angles, and the inflations of her chest began to ease down. In the time it took for Fuu to lean forward, slip her arms around her neck and cuddle her friend whilst she licked away the crystalline tears that still rolled down her cheeks, Olette managed to build up the will to respond.

“I’m… I’m fine now, but I still…” Olette closed her legs, tilted her hips and chafed her moist inner thighs together. “I still need… more… later…”

With that, Olette finally passed out into a peaceful sleep. Fuu’s expression changed in the slightest from neutral to slight sorrow. So slight being that no one could really tell unless they caught the tone in her voice.

“Overexcitement unintentional,” She looked back at the locker. While she knew she really shouldn’t have pushed Olette so far over the edge with this, she deemed the whole thing necessary. If things were to ever get intense, she needed to be prepared for it. Fuu was.

A good amount of time was left before the last class finished, but even so it was a good idea to use the remainder to carry Olette out of the room before they both got caught and landed into some serious trouble. There wasn’t much she could do about the messy stains upon the bench and floor, though.

With a shrug of her shoulders, Fuu decided to ignore it. It’d make an interesting surprise for the guys.