Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the Organization ❯ Room 8.. Got it Memorized? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

-Cough, Cough- So this didn't turn out how I planned here's some smut it sorta has a point, and it might have more chapters, but likely it'll be some ind of angst smut fest enjoy either way..
So I decideded to dedicte this to my poor little Nymph since everyone was being cruel to her yesterday and her and she said she was so horny she could screw a lamp post... Her words not not min o-o;; Either way on with it.. Love you Nymph!!
The Organization.....
Roxas woke up surprised not really knowing where he was and not really knowing where he had been. He looked around for a familiar face but found nothing. Then a man aproached him a man in a cape claming to be the leader of some organization of Nobodies..He was a Nobody? What ever that was supposed to mean. Feeling completely lost and alone he decided to follow this man where ever it was they were going as a dark portal opened. The man had explained that they would be going to meet the other members of the Organization. He didn't mind really, it felt like he was missing something maybe friends or what ever the organization offered was just what he needed.
As he arrived in a strange place he looked around seeing many others in the same cape the man was wearing, they all looked the same. It was kind of creepy, but after hearing the goals of the organization and realizing that they were probably right, he decided it would be a good idea to join, aside from the fact he probably didn't have a choice secretly. He accepted the cape even though he thought matching was creepy and put it on over his clothes not putting on the hood. He looked around at all the members as their leader went off to talk to another caped man. He felt and most likely looked utterly lost. He looked around the room, how the heck was he supposed to tell these people apart? Then he heard them talking they all had pretty distinct voices maybe that would help. He shrugged wondering exacty what he was going to have to do. He'd been promised a room which seemed reasonable since the place was huge and had been promised powers beyond his imagination.. not that he thought he needed it, but a little power never hurt anybody.
Roxas leaned up against the wall taking in the scene of the weird building it was so white.. It creeped him out too. 'What's with these people?' he asked himself smiling thinking about it. He was sure he'd get used to it. He pulled the hood up over his head trying to blend in though he was much shorter and likely younger than all the other members. He looked up at the heart shaped moon fascinated wondering why he was so drawn to it.
Though the hood easily hid it, Axel was bored out of his mind. This meeting was getting super lame, super fast and the red head couldn't take it. "Yawn. I got the point, guys. We need hearts...blah blah...Kingdom Hearts this and that. Fine. I had to go on the last mission so it's...umm....Demyx's turn... or the new kid. Whenever you guys want to talk about something interesting, I'll be in my room." he said, finally pulling back his hood to reveal a boy, not too much older than Roxas.
His distinguishing attribute stood out immediately, his long fiery red hair that spiked up on his head. Upon closer inspection, his green eyes stood out next along with the mark under each of his eyes. He had a natural ease about him, like he didn't really care about much but there had to be more to him if he was with these guys. He moved to exit before he looked to Roxas, "Hey. New Kid. Come on. I'll show you to your room. C'mon." he said, motioning for Roxas to follow him. The blonde's room wasn't too far from his so there was no big deal...and he felt like he wanted to get to know this kid...and he was kinda cute. "Comin' or not? Last chance." he said, holding the door for the other.
Roxas looked around realizing someone was talking to him. Then he saw the red haired teen standing in the door way. "Huh.. Oh I'll come!" he said walking quickly over to the other. He had no desire to stay in that room any longer and was relieved to be asked to leave. He thought it might be rude to just go, being new and all. But if whoever this stranger was, wanted to drag him along he was willing to go. "Thanks.." he said looking around trying to seem cool, though he was really anxious to see what was going to happen after he joined up. He hoped it wouldn't be anything to dramatic, but by the sound of the leaders speech this was going to be way to much work for his liking.
Axel waited for Roxas to walk over to the door. If there was one person the Organization didn't want Roxas to be hanging out with, it was probably Axel. No one was ever sure of his alliance and his attitude problem didn't help. He still got the job done so they couldn't really argue. He led Roxas down a long, white hallway until he reached the bedrooms. Each had numbers on the door indicate who lived where. "Here's your room, new kid. 13. I'm over there." he said pointing to the door with 8 on it. "So...What's your story? Got a name?" he asked, leaning against the wall. He was curious about this kid. "By the way, the name's Axel. Got it memorized? A-X-E-L." he stated as he would with most people.
Roxas smiled as the other boy introduced himself.. It was kind of cute.. "Axel.... okay, I got it.. I'm Roxas." he said shrugging happily leaning against the wall across from Axel. "I don't really have a story.. I think.. I have amnesia or something" he said nodding "I can't rememeber anything before this morning when that Xemnas guy came along and brought me here." he frowned trying to remember anything, but nothing was coming to him.
Axel smiled, "Roxas huh? Well Roxas, welcome to the Organization. Be prepared for boring meetings and long missions with a lot of fighting." the red head commented, crossing his arms over his chest. "Amnesia? That's pretty weird. Well, I could use some company...wanna hang out in my room for a bit?'' he asked, pushing against the wall to stand up. For some reason, Roxas made him feel better about being here. He didn't mind being in the organization so much. "I have a few video games and stuff in there." he said, walking to his room.
Axel's room had gone through a lot of remodeling on his part. The eighth member couldn't repaint the walls but everything else fit him perfectly. He had several posters up on the wall to combat the painfully white walls. He had his entertainment set-up in the corner. His carpet and bed sheets both were a matching red. "Make yourself at home. Chairs over there. Mini-fridge there." Axel hopped on his bed and turned on the tv. "You play any games? I can beat everyone here so maybe you're better than them."
Roxas frowned a bit hearing the other talk about meetings and missions, but nodded as he was asked to join the redhead in his room. He barely wanted to be in this place, let alone in this place alone. He still thought it was kind of creepy.
"I love video games.." he said following the other boy in the room. He felt a lot more at ease in the others room where the white wasn't so overwhelming. "I like basically all games.." he said nodding "Just so you know I pretty much rock so I'm going to beat you.." he said grinning and nodding as he slumped down in a chair.
Axel grinned. Finally, some competition. He just hoped Roxas wasn't like Demyx. All talk with no talent. That challenge definitely got the red head's attention and he hopped over to the television. He pointed to his games, "I guess the amnesia thing doesn't really let you know what you wanna play so we can just play a little fighting game." he said, handing Roxas a controller. He gave the blonde a brief explanation of the controls before the match began. "Let's see what you got, blondie." he commented, attacking a bit just too see what kind of moves Roxas had. It would take a lot to beat a master.
Roxas, played the same way a manic little kid would moving the controller hitting all the buttons. It always seemed to work better that way rather than trying to actually figure out any real moves. It seemed to be working he at least hit him.
Axel was definitely taking Roxas too lightly. He looked at the screen, completely dumbfounded. "You little cheater." he muttered, though he was still smiling. Atleast he managed that much, others weren't that accomplished. Sitting up, staring intently at the screen, "C'mon. One more game." he said, his grip tight on the control. No way he was losing this one. Blondie was going down. "You got lucky, blondie. You just wait..."
"Ahh." Roxas fake screamed through a laugh. "No fair!" he whinned still flailing the controller looking really serious, so the other would think he was using some serious strategy.. even though he was using nothing close to strategy. "You weren't lieing you're pretty good at this!" he cheered managing to keep his lifeline close to Axel's even though Axel was still beating him. He smiled looking over at the red head almost distracting himself.. He felt, well a lot better about being here if was going to able to play video games with such a cool guy and have something to do when they weren't in those meetings. He looked back in time to see his person knocked across the screen he almost lost! He started hitting buttons more franticly now.
Axel chuckled at Roxas' screaming and whining but his eyes never left the screen. They continued to fight until Roxas complimented Axel's ability and broke his concentration. "Yep. I'm skilled with a controller in this...HEY!" he had taken his hand off his controller briefly to fully respond to the flattery. "No flattery! Cheater." he said, quickly going back to gamer mode. Conveniently, the game ended in a double KO...basically making it a draw. The red head frowned, "Well Roxas, not bad." he said, looking over at the blonde. From his distance, he could easily get a good look at the new organization member. He had a cute little haircut and some of the most beautiful eyes he'd ever seen. "You good at shooting games? I really need a partner for this one." he said, holding up a case.
Roxas laughed bowing his head as they both managed to get KO'd at the same time. He looked up at the game then nodded lacing his hands behind his head "Well.. I'm pretty great at everything so.." he trailed off shrugging. He smiled to show he was kind of kidding.. He figured it would have to be easy to fake like the fighting game was. "I guess I could help you out.." he said looking up at the ceiling.
Axel changed games, "I'm glad I'm in the room with such greatness. You better make sure your ego doesn't make your shot bad." he said as the game began. The red head moved over next to Roxas, and showed him the buttons. This time, he made sure to touch Roxas a bit more than last time. He showed the basics then a few veteran tricks. "Now don't get your head blown off on the first level." he said as the level started. It was a breeze. Axel could have completed it by himself with ease but Roxas made it that much easier...and more fun. He enjoyed this partnership. As the levels got more challenging, Axel got more vocal, warning Roxas when he was getting shot at and telling the game just where to shove things whenever he got shot.
Roxas played the game looking very serious, he didn't want to let Axel see he had no idea what he was doing, but competent or not he was sure getting into it. Yelling things like "GOGOGOGOGO" closing one eye twisting the controller trying to out manuver the bad guys. He was having way to much fun trying to play this game with Axel, and surprisingly to himself at least, he didn't really suck. At first he thought he might be to into it, but then he heard the other boy sounding pretty enthusiastic. He was basically glued to the game not taking his eyes off it except for the occasion glance to Axel when he would start yelling things.
Axel didn't notice Roxas's lack of competence at all but he really wouldn't have cared. He had a cute blonde teen in his room, playing video games and he wasn't insane like these other guys. He would take Roxas anyday over that. Besides, he wasn't that bad. He did enough to where Axel wasn't doing all the work. After hours of playing, Axel grinned, "We did it! Beat the whole thing." he said, yawning. It was really late. Guess nothing good happened in that meeting. He looked to Roxas, "Want me to walk you to your room?" he said since it was his first night and all. And he had to admit, his room was pretty creepy to sleep in that first night. No decorations or anything.
Roxas cheered as they beat the game. Then yawned looking up at the clock. It was that late? He'd lost track of time, he had been having so much fun he hadn't even realized how tired he was. He rubbed his eyes looking over to Axel. "Sure, If you don't mind." He was still creeped out by the excessive amount of white and crazy people he might run into out there. He stood up straightening out his clothes rubbing his eyes again walking over to the door.
Axel led Roxas to the room marked '13'. "This is your place." he said, unsure if the blonde's room was unlocked or not. The redhead started to back away, "If ya need me, I'm in room '8'. Got it memorized? 8. See ya." he said, heading back to his room with every intention of sleeping. He stripped down to his flame decorated boxers once he made it to his room and went to bed. Axel even left his door unlocked just in case the blonde was having a rough adjustment period. He knew he hated his room when he first got there.
Roxas smiled "8, I got it" he said nodding before making his way into the room, Alright if the rest of the castle was creepy than his room must have been plain horrifying who decorated this place... Roxas looked around shaking his head, of all the colors, why white? It was so overpowering. He could handle it, besides he couldn't go bugging Axel on his first night, he wouldn't want the red head to get sick of him so soon. He sighed striping down to his checkered boxers and crawling into bed. He tapped his fingers on the bed next to him trying to think about anything but where he was. He closed his eyes trying to fall asleep, but it was no use, even in the dark it was to bright in there. He stared out the window trying to figure out why no one bothered to put blinds in the room, but decided it was pointless he'd never know. He got up draping one of the blankets from his bed over the curtain rod. He got back in bed thinking he'd solved the problem, but he hadn't he still couldn't sleep.
He growled getting out of bed, ok maybe he would bug Axel, but if he was lucky the older teen was already asleep and wouldn't mind him crashing on his floor for his first night. He rubbed his eyes wrapping up in a blanket and walking out into the hall. He sighed wondering if he should knock, but decided he was probably asleep. He turned the knob slowly but it still creaked a little he flinched at the noise. He shut the door behind him as he walked in "Pssst.. Axel.. Are you awake?" he whispered hoping the other boy wasn't "I'm crashing on your floor kay?" he asked barely above a whisper sitting on the ground quietly laying down yawning.
Axel didn't hear the door open but Roxas's words woke him a bit. "Huh?...yeah..." he muttered, sleepily as he looked to Roxas in the dark. "The floor?...You can have the other side of my bed if you want." he muttered, laying his head back down on the pillow.
Roxas sat up looking over towards the bed still huddled in the blanket rubbing his eye "Really? Sweet!" he beamed pushing himself up off the ground and walking to the end of the bed crawling up onto the side Axel was using.. "Thanks.." he said yawning before snuggling into the bed comfortably trying to keep his distance from the red head next to him. It was pretty nice of him to let him share the bed and he didn't want to be a bed hog, luckily he had his own blanket, because he was pretty bad about being a cover theif sometimes.
Axel grumbled something in reply to Roxas when the blonde got into bed. As soon as the red head fell asleep, he started to kick of his covers, displaying his chest. He was quite hot-natured after all. In his sleep, Axel absently hunted for spare pillow but he couldn't seem to find it. Instead, he found the next best thing. He grabbed Roxas and brought him into a slight embrace. He easily fell into a perfect rest with the blonde in his arms, though he was wrapped up in a blanket.
Roxas sighed happily in his half asleep state as he felt himself being pulled into strong arms. It didn't really occur to him what was going on, but he wrapped his arms around Axel's out of instinct and the comfort of the other teen gave him that last inscentive to fall asleep. He was so warm, feeling the body heat radiating from Axel so he slipped mostly out of the blanket he was wrapped up in feeling Axel's chest on his bare back he turned facing the other boy nuzzling into him still sleeping.
Axel didn't mind the snuggling since he didn't even stir. He continued on sleeping throughout the night. That morning, the red head's alarm went off. Green eyes opened and he was greeted to quite sight. He had Roxas in his arm. He vaguely remembered inviting the other into his bed but didn't remember this. Not that he was surprised. He tended to cuddle with things in his sleep...and it just so happened to be the blonde this time. Instead of waking the other, the red head wanted to see Roxas' reaction so he pretended to be asleep, waiting for the other to wake up.
Roxas growled some kind of pitiful moan of annoyance at the alarm. He yawned snuggling back into Axel comfortably before actually taking into acount the fact that there shouldn't be someone there to snuggle into. He jumped back a little surprised it hitting him where he actually was. He pulled his blanket up around his shoulders again frowning before slumping back down he hated mornings it was to early to deal with this.. "Sorry" he sighed turning his head towards Axel laying on his back rubbing his eye
Axel saw the other did snuggle back into him before he moved away. An emerald eye opened up to look at Roxas, "It's fine. I would have pushed you away if I cared." he said, sitting up. Axel wandered about his room, scratching himself inappropriately. The redhead had a meeting with Xemnas this morning about some damn mission he was being put on. He gathered up some clothes and started the water in his bathroom for his shower, "Room to creepy? Happen to me too. Too damn bright for me...not to mention no curtains." he muttered, rubbing his eyes. "Anytime you don't wanna sleep in there, you can come in here. I'll leave my door unlocked." he said, checking the water temperature. "Don't burn my room down while I'm in the shower." he said, stripping out of his boxers near Roxas's line of sight before he disappeared into the bathroom.
Roxas watched Axel get up intently listening to him but fully because he was still half asleep. He layed on his side watching the red head. His eyes went wide and he was blushing bright trying to look away as the other boy dropped his boxers. He hid his face in the pillow growling as the other boy disapeared into the bathroom. He shook head his face still in the pillow before sitting up scratching his head the blanket draped around his shoulders. He sighed bowing his head. He had to pee.. bad.. He jumped out of the bed leaving his blanket on the bed and running across the roomto the bathroom bouncing before covering his eyes and walking in the bathroom.
"I'm not looking!" Roxas chirped.. "I just really have to pee!" he whinned sounding pitiful. Axel was already in the shower safely behind a curtain, but Roxas hadn't noticed since he was doing an effective job not looking.
"Hey Blondie... I'd rather you looked so you didn't piss all over my bathroom, besides I'm already in the shower so feel free to pee to your hearts content." Axel smirked sticking his head out from behind the shower curtain. Roxas looked over at him laughing and finding that not so good for his straining bladder.
"Shut up, and don't look.. would ya.. I really have to go" the blonde pouted looking up at Axel dancing around jumping up and down.
Axel shook his head laughing pulling his head back in the shower allowing Roxas to relieve himself in peace. Roxas took the opportunity to pee sighing when he was done looking over at the shower pouting because he couldn't wash his hands and he was slightly obsessive about that.
"Axel..." he whined again walking up closer to the shower looking up at the ceiling shyly. Axel stuck his head out of the shower raising an eyebrow suspiciously, what the hell did the kid want to shower with him or something? Not that he would have minded that or anything.
"Hmmm?" he asked hopeful that the blonde was trying to hint he wanted to shower with him, but he was disappointed to find Roxas didn't answer him and was still staring off to the side blushing. Maybe that was what he was going to ask..."You want something?" he asked scratching his head. Roxas looked up at him pouting holding out his hands like he was covered in mud.Axel looked down at the out stretched hands questioningly about to pull him in the shower with him, but but deciding he better ask to be sure that was his problem. "What you want in here with me or something.?" he asked shrugging like it was no big deal. Roxas's eyes went wide looking at him like he'd just told him he ran over his dog and shook his head turning as red as a tomato again.
"Nooooo, I just..." he shook his head at his ridiculous need to wash his hands.."Can.. I wash my hands? I won't.. I won't look, but please?" Roxas closed his eyes not wanting to hear the other boy's answer. Axel stared at him like he was crazy, but decided he better help the blonde out. He pulled his hands into the shower with him washing them for him. Roxas obviously not paying attenion snapped his eyes open not wanting to be pulled into the shower. He tried pulling away but only managed to get his head stuck under the spraying water and snapped his eyes closed. What was Axel trying to pull?
Axel was cracking up by this time, what the hell did the kid think he was trying to do? He went about washing the other boys hands under the shower faucett. He shook his head as he finished suding up the boy's hands. "It's alright Rox." he said sighing rinsing the soap off his hands before actually loosening his death grip on the boy's hands and smiling over at him "Better?"
Roxas smiled up at him even more embarrassed now by the fact that he'd been assuming the worst of the red head. "Thanks." the blonde said still not letting go of Axel's hands even though he could have at anytime. He really was greatful that he'd been nice enough to wash his hands for him, even if he'd freaked him out. He smiled up at Axel trying to show he was sorry, but Axel hadn't minded in the first place. He could see how the boy could make the mistake. Axel sighed still hanging onto Roxas's hands not wanting to let go of it he could help it.
Roxas's mouth was gaping open and he was staring without noticing at Axel's naked upper body, why the hell was he having this affect on him. He figured he'd never know, and was greatful he was able to catch his wondering eyes before his gaze made it's way further south. He looked up to Axel's face blushing brighter again.
Axel smirked down at him laughing some before pulling letting go of Roxas's hand only one of them though, he had something new planned. he was going to go mad standing there staring at the blushing blonde if he didn't get to touch him. He took the bottle of shampoo and squirted some into Roxas's hair very unexpectedly since Roxas was still to busy gauking at Axel to notice what was going on.
When Roxas felt something cold dripping in his hair a drastic change from the steam of the shower he shuddered tensing up squeezing onto the hand he was holding of Axel's wondering when he stopped holding the other hand. That was important though he was leaning into the hand that had been MIA for awhile. He was..washing his hair? He nuzzled back into the hand involuntarily, before he realized what in the world was going on. "What are you doing?" he asked laughing his eyes closed tight trying to avoid what he believed to be inevidable in this sort of situation..getting soap in his eyes.
"Well, you were already wet so I thought I'd wash you're hair while you were standing there so blantently staring at my chest." Axel shrugged as he continued massaging the blonde's scalp. His hair felt so nice and Axel was starting to feel a little lost in the moment.
That's when Roxas began to gain control over the moment. He climbed in the shower in one swift move still wearing his boxers, why he hadn't thought to take them off is anyones guess. Apparently he was to caught up in his fool proof plan and had only gotten into the planning stages before he decided it was time to put it into action. he picked up the shampoo letting go of Axel's hand finally and lathering it up in his hands before reaching up to return the favor by washing Axel's hair.
Axel inhaled deeply remembering what was going on only when he felt Roxas's hands running through his thick hair. What the heck was that kid thinking he was in the shower. Roxas, was in the shower with him. He took a minute to glance down the boy expecting to get a free show, but there they were those cute checkered boxers, or they would have been cute had they not been obstructing his view. "R..Rox?" did he just stutter.. that was definatly unusual.
Roxas looked up at the red head smiling coking his head still washing Axel's hair even though Axels hands had stopped moving and he looked kind of shocked. "What is it?" he asked going about scrubbing the other boy's hair like it was no big deal.
Axel's brain caught up with the situation, or the part of his brain that wanted to ravish the younger blonde. "These need to go!" he said slipping Roxas's soaked boxers if one quick movement letting them pool at his feet chuckling lightly at the priceless look on his face. He would not of climbed up into that shower with him if he hadn't been feeling what Axel was feeling.
A light bulb went off in Roxas's head, he was naked in the shower, with another guy, a really hot guy, really really hot naked.... "Axel.." Roxas whispered his name and tensed up trying not to think about that. What in the world had possessed him to climb into that shower? It was hard to say, but right now he was cursing his brain for it's mistake, and what a mistake it was. "I'm sorry" Roxas chocked out nervously moving to make beeline out of that bathroom.
"For?" Axel asked grabbing his arm pulling him closer to him. Had the blonde missed the fact that he had just relieved him of his boxers, or what the hell did he think he was doing. "If I wanted you out.." he said trailing him off pulling him closer to his warm wet body whispering close to the blonde's ear "I wouldn't have taken your boxers off first" he said before nipping lightly at the spot right below his ear.
Roxas whimpered feeling himself going limp in Axel's arms. his bottom lip was quivering when he cocked his head giving the other boy better access to the soft wet flesh. He could feel his body reacting to all of the older boys kisses and touches. He whimpered "Axel.." softly under his breath still quivering.
"Roxx" Axel sighed deeply with a light chuckle kissing his way down the other boy's chest as he leaned him up against the wall gently. He carressed his slick nipples giving them each a light squeeze while his tounge teased at his dripping collar bone. He let one hand sneak exploring Roxas's lower back as his mouth made it's way to the abandoned nipple.
Roxas let out a whimper letting head thrash back his eyes closed tightly since in his current position he tilted his head back directly into the spray of the shower head. His erection was painfully obvious by now it was poking Axel in his thigh, but Roxas hadn't noticed. His attention was fully on the boy's gifted mouth teasing his nipple.
Axel let the cute pink nub slip out of his mouth before moving onto the other one he wouldn't one to feel neglected, besides prolonging this would only make it better. It always did. He finished his talented minstrations on the once neglected nipple leaving Roxas panting and looking dow at him questioningly at the loss of contact.
Roxas soon found out there was no need for questioning. Axel gave him a quick smirk before turning his attention back to his wet body. Roxas swallowed a lump he hadn't noticed had formed in his throat as he watched the other boy kissing his way nipping and licking down further and further. It was to much! Roxas had never been in this kind of situation, and well the red head that was know kneeling in front of him was only further helping his legs give out on him.
Axel sensed the boy becoming wobbly and forced his hands to quit wandering placing them on Roxas's hips pinning him to the slick shower wall, to keep him from melting into the tub. He decided to play with him a little bit more before giving the blonde what he could tell he needed so desperatly. He ran his tongue along the boy's slick inner thigh slowly, teasingly prying a whimper from the blonde as he reached down to deal with his own erection. Axel smirked against his thigh slapping the hand away almost causing the boy to fall over by moving his hand as he continued teasing him nipping his way up to his balls and the base of his dripping cock.
Roxas fisted his hand in the unruly soaking red locks moaning as his head thrashed back into the shower spray again. His other hand flipped the wet blonde hair out of his face before returning to Axel's shoulder for support. Roxas was tryng to buck his hips into Axel as he took the tip of his erect member in his mouth his tongue sliding in the tip teasingly. The only problem with that was he was to weak from all the pleasure coarsing through him, and well Axel had a pretty good grip on his hips since it was the only thing keeping him from falling over.
Axel could tell the younger boy was struggling and that was just the way he liked it. He teased him a bit longer until he couldn't take it any longer. The warm young body infron t of him panting thrashing for more. he knew he was being cruel, but even he had a limit you could only play with someone for long before you wanted to just ravish them and well he needed to deal with the boy before he could help Roxas to deal with his own painfully hard erection. He took the boy in hi mouth deep throating him, which he actually happened to be pretty good at. It was one of his many talents, but that wasn't any concern at the moment his only concern was the blonde that he was actually starting to have trouble holding up even though he was so little. He sucked harder and moved faster wanting to use a hand to help out his mouth, but his hands were busy at the moment so he went at it as best he could.
Roxas felt a burning heat in his stomach it was such a pleasurable discomfort, but had no idea what was going on, considering he could only remeber the last 24 hoursor so of his existance. "Axel..." he called out loudly sounding alarmed not know what he should expect. "I'm gonna, I'm gonna...." well he wasn't sure what he was going to do, but Axel sure was and gods did he want it. Then it came the white hot pleasure coarsing through Roxas as he filled Axels mouth.
Axel swallowed it all, or almost all a little seeped out of the corner of his mouth and licked it off staring straight up at the panting Roxas... His Roxas. He could feel the boy had collapsed completely into his supporting arms, and stood up careful to keep the boy from falling. He picked him up still soaked, he'd deal with his own problem in a minute right now he needed to get the boy out of the warm shower, the hot mist radiating through the small tub and the baracade the shower curtain provided was probably why he was feeling weaker than he would have expected, but then again, maybe it was Roxas's first time, Axel hadn't thought to ask.
Roxas wrapped his arms around his soon to be lovers neck nuzzling into the crook of his neck sighing contently. The air was a lot thinner than the musty steam ridden air of the bathroom and he could feel himself perking up rather quickly against Axel's wet toned chest. It was cold, really cold compared to the intense heat he'd just exprianced. Roxas whimpered cuddleing closer to him as best he could.
Axel kissed Roxas's cheek though it was a funny angle before he reached his bed and laid him out on the sheets before crawling in bed with him, it was pretty cold out there even for him after the heat they'd both just felt. His erection was straining poking Roxas in the side as he pulled the boy closer.
Roxas looked at him biting his lip apologetically for feeling so spent after the fun they had in the shower his eyes still half lidded with lust, but Axel didn't mind, obviously, he would have just as much fun in bed as he would have in the shower, and anything to make his pretty blonde boy more comfortable was perfect with him. He pulled the boy in for a sweet kiss that surprisingly Roxas deepened tracing his tongue along Axel's lip longing for more passion.
Axel gasped a little surprised at the bold move letting the blonde explore his mouth for a brief moment before his tongue joined in the battle for dominance. Axel's talented mouth had Roxas's tongue submitting to him with in a matter of seconds, but Roxas hadn't given up in the slightest.
Roxas may haven given up on his mouth, but he'd just have to find another way to make the other teen moan and writhe for him. he ran his fingernails lightly down the other boys bare chest lightly, causing him to squirm. Why it felt so nice to have someone else reacting in such a positive way it was hard to say, but it was nice. In fact it was nice it hard Roxas hard again with the first light frustrated growl that escaped Axel as his hand ghosted over his erection. roxas rather like that reaction, and continued to tease him letting his fingers trace his inner thigh lightly. It was mean, but hey he deserved after what he put him through in the shower..
Axel growled he didn't like being the one being toyed with.. He flipped the blonde over on his back pinning his hands above his head. "I advise you not to do that or I'm going to fuck you into this matress right now..." Axel said smirking evily. Roxas looked up smirking back but he didn't pull off the whole evil thing to well and Axel's smirk turned into a real smile. "I guess it doesn't matter though, because being a fuckin' adorable as you are I'm going to have to before to long here."
Roxas blushed brightly at his bluntness his mouth slightly agape.
Axel growled still holding the boy's hands above his head but shifted so he was holding both wrists in one hand as he nipped at the boys earlobe "Seee. There you go again, lookin so innocent.. If you keep giving me looks like that I can't be held responsible for my actions" he hissed in a lust filled whisper.
Roxas whimpered only blushing brighter. He didn't think he'd mind what ever the other boy had in mind he just wanted him so bad. "Axel..." he whinned thrashing under him wanting to wrap his arms around the warm body above him. It was to much to not be able to use his hands at a time like this.
"Hmmm?" Axel asked still kissing the boys neck knowing full well what he was whinning about.
"I... I need.. I need you.. Soo bad!" Roxas whimpered still whispring thrashing up against the body on top of him. Axel couldn't take much more of this he had to get to get this over with before he came without ever getting to claim Roxas.. Speaking of claiming Roxas, he could spare a few more minutes.
"You need me??" He asked suductivly smirking against Roxas's collarbone. Roxas moaned nodding weakly. "You want to be mine?" he asked breathing hard against Roxas's soft skin. He recieved another low moan and a nodd. Axel smirked again pulling away slightly "I want to hear you say it!" he cooed in Roxas's ear his toungue ghosting over the shell playfully.
"I want.. to be.. yours... completely.. please?..." Roxas pleaded in a barely audiable tone, but Axel heard it and that was all he needed he bit and sucked on Roxas's collarbone licking and then kissing the newly bruised skin, he wanted everyone to see Roxas was taken.. He reached over with his free hand [still holding the squirming boys wrists in one hand] and grabbed a bottle out of the nightstand.
"Roxas?" he asked sucking on the boy's ear lobe softly as he coated his finger with the lube. Roxas gave a moan that sounded like a cue to continue so he did. "Have you ever done this before?" he asked in a husky deep whisper as he rubbed Roxas's entrance with the tip of a lubed finger wait for a response before he'd continue.
Roxas wasn't really sure since he didn't remember anything, but it all felt entirely new and he liked to think he'd remember something like this it was to..great.. He shook his hea no with a low "Nuhuh" that sounded more like a moan than an answer, but Axel knew what he was trying to say with out even seeing him shake his head.. It's funny how lover's always know what he other one is saying even when no one else understands.
Axel like that answer the boy really would be his and his alone. The keyblade wielder... 'My keyblade wielder' Axel thought possessively before letting a finger slide into Roxas who inturned tightened up. He didn't know what he had been expecting, but this pain, this wasn't it. He cletched his eyes closed with a long strangled whimper. Axel started to move the finger in and out and Roxas decided it wasn't so bad he was thrashing under Axel's touches all over again. Axel thought that would be a good time to insert another finger.
Roxas mewed as the other boy started scissoring the fingers stretching him out. It sent odd burst of pleasure through his body. then the finger's hit something and Roxas saw fireworks. it felt "Gooood" Roxas panted.
Axel smiled hitting that spot inside of him a few more times recieving thankful moans from the blonde as he let go of his hands allowing him to grasp onto his lover agian and he did. his hands explored the red heads back ran through his hair up and down his arms everywhere, until they finally stoppedon his shoulders as he repositioned himself behind the blonde coating his shaft in the lube.
Roxas let Axel move his legs so they were wrapped around his waist. He figure the guy seemed to know what he was doing so he had complete faith in him. Axel decided not to tell him it would hurt a litle, or a lot, He was so relaxed he didn't want him to tense upon him. He slowly slipped inside the blonde recieve stranggled moans of pain tinged with pleasure. His eyes shot closed and a stray tear ran down his cheek. Axel licked the tear away and Roxas smiled a pain ridded smile.
"Relax.. I promise, it'll get better.." he whispered in his ear allowing the blonde time to readjust to him. Roxas wasn't very good with the whole patience thing. He just wanted to get to the..better, besides it wasn't so bad. He forced himself to relax completely before bucking aganst Axel impatiently.
Axel wasn't one to deny a request like that so he quickly pulled out of the blonde almost completely before slamming back into him. he kept changing angles watching the younger boys face for some sign he had found the right spot.
"AAAhhxxl" Roxas screamed out incoherntly obviously going for his lovers name, but it didn't come out how he would have planned. Axel liked the sound whether it was his name or not. He just wanted to keep him screaming. The blonde was thrashing under him his wet hair sticking to his forehead and his clentched tightly closed as he tried to keep his mouth shut.
Axel didn't like that plan he started pumping into the boy harder he want to hear him scream. He got his wish in fact once he got Roxas started the blonde couldn't shut up. It was likely everyone in the castle could hear the incoherent one syllable screams of the newest memeber of the organization. Axel couldn't take it any longer. At some point he had reached down pumping Roxas's arousal in time with his thrusting, and he could tell the blonde was close.. he was close too, he could feel the heat pooling inside of him. How he had managed to last that long was beyond his comprehension at the moment since he was on the ede before the even got to this step.
Roxas came in his hand thrashing violently and screaming Axel's name this time pretty clearly. Feeling Roxas's tightening passage and hearing his name on the boys lips in such a passionate tone was enough to make Axel spill his seed coating the boys insides as he thrust in and out a few more times riding out the orgasm. Axel rolled off of Roxas laying next to him. Roxas shivered at the loss of body heat and Axel pulled him closer wiping his wet hair off his face before kissing his forehead. Roxas fell asleep cuddling into Axel.
Axel looked over at the clock. he was late again, He was supposed to be at that meeting with Xemnas almost an hour ago, but the fun he had was worth it. He got up wrapping the blankets around Roxas tucking him in tight to be sure he'd be warm before planting a sweet kiss on his lips before walking to the bathroom to clean up again. He was going to get in a lot of trouble for this, but as long as Roxas was okay it'd be worth it. he never cared much about anyone but himself, but today, something changed, not just because of the sex.. He had plenty of sex.. There was something different about the blue eyed cutie sleeping in his bed. He hated to leave him alone, there was something so.. so good about him, how did the kid end up on this side? Axel was dressed now and headed out to go to his meeting with Xemnas, but much to his dismay the man was there standing in the door way looking at 'his' Roxas very disturbingly with a raised eyebrow. This couldn't be good....
So this is supposed to be over, but I might continue it even though it was just going to be smut.. I think I can't write without some kind of plot it drives me nuts.. that's why this ended up like so it's pointless, but not. ya know? Anways Review! Please??
I love everybody who reviewed and since everyone seems to think it shouldn't be over it isn't! On with Chapter II, you guys or going to be surprised... Once again, I'm thinking there will be plenty of smut... Sorry for anyone who is offended by this, I'm still not sure what I'm going to write so don't kill me if something really bad happens I tend to be really sappy with a little angst or really angsty, with a little sap. This looks like it will likely be really angsty, but I could be wrong. At this point you're guess is as good as mine.... I guess you're reviews really matter a lot to me so I'll let you decide... Let's take a vote.. In a review reply to me happy or sad?
Chapter II: Quite the Welcoming Committee...
"What is it Xemnas?" Axel asked trying to pretend it was normal to have someone who wasn't him sleeping in his bed who was at least half naked since Roxas's bare chest was exposed. Roxas felt eyes on him and started to stir uncomfortably in his sleep. The unpeaceful look only mad Xemnas smirk before turning to face Axel.
"You were supposed to be at the meeting quite sometime ago so, I was obviously upset when you still hadn't showed. I was just heading down here to give you a serious talking to when I heard something.. rather odd.." Xemnas said looking at Axel as if to say he obviously knew what had been going on. He walked over to the bed and Axel involunitarily tensed up when he wiped Roxas's hair out of his eyes before turning back to Axel.
Xemnas never really freaked Axel out all that much despite him being quite a sadistic nut job. He always respected him because he knew the other man was crazy, but he never actually feared him until he saw him touching Roxas. Until that moment the creepy leader of the organization never had anything that could be held over Axel, but Roxas was something that the redhead knew he didn't want to loose. Just the thought of Xemnas touching him made him cringe. Axel stared at him a little dumbfounded that he'd heard what they'd been doing and knew this whole situation was going to end badly. "Something... odd?" he asked swallowing hard.
"Very..." Xemnas said nodding obviously amused sensing fear in Axel's voice. He sat down on the bed next to the sleeping blonde and letting his hand rest on Roxas's shoulder as he looked down at the exhausted boy. "Sounded like little Roxas was enjoying himself though..." he smirked looking up at Axel thinking about the blonde screaming his name instead of Axel's.
Axel wanted to run over and smack Xemnas's hand off his Roxas and gather him up in his arms like a possessive mother, but he knew that would only make the situation worse. So calmly he walked over leaning against the wall by the bed. he smirked at Roxas pulling away from Xemnas, apparently even in his sleep the boy must have thought he was creepy, but this just pissed Xemnas off and he tightened his grip on Roxas shoulder causeing him to quit moving with a whimper even though he still hadn't woke up. Axel wanted to speak up telling him to get the fuck off but continued to cringe silently.
Xemnas pulled the sleeping blonde's head into his lap knowing it would piss Axel off and because he wanted to hold him the boy just looked so corruptable and peaceful. he needed to change that. Xemnas was still slightly disappointed though, because he had planned for the keyblade wielder to be his little play toy, but