Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the Organization ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Whoot! Chapter 6, I'm surprised more people didn't want to kill me after chapter 5 x3 I had the hardest time writing that. I know what you're thinking.. You keep saying that, so why in the world did you write it??? Honestly.. I have no idea xD;;;;;
This chapter starts off wrapping up chain of memories kind of, except I screw everything up a little for my own twisted amusement. You guys are going to be so sad! I know I was T-T
Now to thank my reviewers....
Myoko- Hah, I love you xD;; Don't worry things will work out for the best in the end, Everyone will be happy even if it takes forever for them to actually find this happiness. Sorry again about updating when you had to study x3 Don't worry about Dem.. It all works out for him in the end!! Xemnas is a dirty bastard, but what can you do.. I know what you're thinking that -I- could do something about it, but sadly he only partially gets what's coming to him.
Blazing Fire- Hmmm, I'm glad you like it, as for what's going to happen.. I think you'll all be surprised. You're in luck I update A LOT as for hating Xemnas.. I understand I wrote it and I just want to strangle him so I could see how you would feel having no control over what is happening to Roxas.
NashvilleDreamer- Dude! That is totally my theory too! I love it, I swear it works, but then, then I don't know.. I swear it should work out like that in the end xD;; So Roxas can have Axel and Sora can have Riku and everyone can be happy!!! Now you get to know what happens in CoM! I ended it in this chapter...
KindlyDevoted- I HATE Xemnas's voice, it's so creepy poor Roxas.. Ain't that the truth though poor new kid!
Rai- T-T;; -dies- [Seriously though the actual CoM game is lame I just started playing it today xD;; I'm about to give up since well I already know what happens...]
Anon- I was contemplating that whole Sora Axel action thing, but well... It wouldn't fit with the story I wrote this story for xD;; since in that one Sora is very naive to everything. Secretly yes, because I'd love it too.. but you didn't hear that x3 Oh yeah, thatnks for the crack -_-;;
DarkLight- Aww sad, I'm sorry you were sick or are, but I doubt you're still sick right? If you are I'm even more sorry, since you are one of my favorite reviewers. Very sad chappy, to bad you had to read it while you were ill. I hope my updates are quick enough, thank you!!!!
MissMurder111- I'm sorry you will continue to be curious about what happens to Zexion since I barely wrapped up what happened to him. I did however put in exactly what happened in the game and ended the organizations role in CoM.
rox--something- i'm glad I can be one of your favorites x3
quail- I know, I'm completely aware of the fact I need to re-read stuff before I post it, but thanks anyways x3, Hah, I saw that Loose loose thing after I posted xD;; I was going to change it, but I haven't really bothered yet, I figure I'll go through and fix it when I'm bored... I love that thing at the end of the game.
losthimagain- EMO MAN, that's a good one! Don't worry about Zexion he gets what he wanted in the end.
Naomi- Aww that's so freakin' nice of you, just for that review, I love you!!!!!! Really, Really, Really, Really love you!! x3 You're in luck because you reviewed while I was half way through the 6th chapter so you get a really really really really quick update! As for a real novel... xD;; I did write a story about nonfanfiction but I bet my gay trailor park lovers will never really be published ;__; Oh well... I'll stick to fanfiction!
Chapter 6: I'm Gonna Kill Him!
Riku enters basement floor three. The room suddenly shakes. "Huh? The air has changed... One of the scents has died--a really strong one."
Zexion appears before Riku. "That was Marluxia, keeper of this castle. Ex-keeper, I should say. The Keyblade master just finished him off."
"Keyblade master... You mean Sora! Sora is here?!"
"Would you like to see him? Or should I say, can you face him?"
"What does THAT mean?"
"Darkness and Ansem's shadow nest within your heart. Aren't you ashamed to face Sora in that state?"
"What--" Riku was abruptly cut off as Zexion started to speak again
"Sora's fate is to battle the darkness. As the hero of light, he must oppose hosts of the dark--in other words, you. If you don't believe me..." Zexion tosses Riku a card. "...then you had best see the truth for yourself."
Riku looks at the card. "This card! This is our--" Zexion cut Riku off again.
"Yes, your home." Zexion vanishes as Riku stares at the card.
Riku enters the Destiny Islands and walked to the seashore.
"I never thought I'd miss the island winds so much..." Riku takes a few steps forward. "Funny--there was a time I couldn't wait to get off this rock. And now I'm acting all relieved." He takes more steps forward and stops suddenly. "Is that...? Hey!" He runs up to Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie, who say nothing. "What's wrong with you guys? I don't think I've ever seen the three of you so quiet." They continue to remain silent. "What, is there something on my face?" The trio still say nothing, then disappear, leaving Riku completely stunned. "Guys?!" Riku looks to the ground.
He runs to the small sandbar and sees Kairi on the bridge. "Kairi..." Riku walks over to her, she also doesn't acknowledge him. "Hey, Kairi. Don't tell me you--" Kairi fades away. "Ah..." He looks to the ground again. "No, no, NO!"
"Surely you knew this would happen." Zexion appears behind Riku, who looks up and turns around.
"Why would I know that?!"
"You've been to a number of worlds in your memory before this one. And in those worlds, you met only dark beings. That's all that's left in your heart: dark memories. Your memories of home are gone--each and every one."
"That's a lie! I remember everyone from the islands! Tidus and Selphie and Wakka...Kairi and Sora, too! They're" He looks back to the ground. "They're my friends..."
"And who threw away those friends? Maybe it's your own actions that you forgot. You destroyed your home!" Zexion holds his hand out and the two are enveloped in darkness. The light returns and Riku and Zexion stand atop a ruined Destiny Islands.
Riku looks around. "This is...that night!"
"The islands you grew up on were sundered, scattered... Many hearts were lost to the darkness. Because of what YOU did!" Zexion holds his hand out again, this time away from Riku as another Riku appears at the other edge of the small island.
"You hated being an islander, cut off from other worlds. So you opened the door to darkness and destroyed the islands. YOU did that! And now you belong to the darkness. Look at what you are!" The other Riku's form grows dark and becomes Darkside.
"This...this can't be ME?!" Riku defeats Darkside. Suddenly, Sora strikes at Riku, who blocks with his blade. "Sora?!" Sora tries to strike again. "Stop it, Sora! Don't you recognize me?
"Yeah, I recognize you. I can see exactly what you've become!" Sora strikes Riku from the top, down. Riku is thrown to the edge of the island.
"Look at you, shrinking away from the light... You're not Riku anymore... You're just a pawn of the darkness." Riku continues to lie on the broken ground.
"So be it. It's time for you to face the light!" Light envelops everything. Riku floats in an abyss of light, his existence flickering.
"I'm...fading... Consumed by the light..." Riku vanishes into the light.
"You won't fade." Kairi appears in the white abyss. "You can't fade. No power can defeat you--not the light, not the dark. So don't run from the light--and don't fear the darkness. Both will make you stronger."
"Darkness, too?"
"Especially darkness. Because that power is yours alone. The darkness is your heart is vast and deep, but if you can stare into it unflinching, you'll never know fear again."
"All this time I've been pushing the darkness away..."
"Just be brave. Know that the darkness is there and don't give in. Do that, and you'll gain strength unlike any other. You'll be able to escape the deepest darkness--"
"--and I'll be able to see through the brightest light..."
"Follow the darkness, Riku. It'll show you the way to the friends you miss."
"But can I face them..."
Kairi holds her hands together behind her back. "You don't want to?"
"You know I do." Kairi fades from the abyss of light, replaced by the dark silhouette of Riku. "And I will! The darkness--MY darkness--will show me the way!" Riku returns in his full form. "Darkness, awaken!" Riku appears back on Destiny Islands, facing Sora, in his Heartless clothing with the Soul Eater out and ready.
"Im...Impossible!" Sora's form becomes blinding white and vanishes, revealing Zexion kneeling on the ground.
"How did you find me in the light!"
"You reek of the dark. Even the light can't block out the smell. I followed the darkness right to you."
Zexion stands up. "Heh... After all your protest you're still just another darkling.
"I know who I am."
"Since when? You were terrified of the dark before--"
"I'm not now!" Riku strikes Zexion hard.
"Ngaah..." Zexion vanishes. Riku puts away his weapon.
"He got away." Riku leaves the Destiny Islands.
Zexion appears back in the blue room, kneeling weakly on the floor. "What, what IS he?! No one's ever worn the darkness the way he does. It's NOT POSSIBLE!"
Axel and the replica of Riku stand at the end of the room. Zexion stands up and faces them.
"Waaah! Riku?!" The replica says nothing. "Oh...Oh, yes, of course. Vexen's replica. Good thinking. We can use this Riku to defeat the real one." Nothing is said by anyone. "Axel?"
"Say, Riku. It must be hard now that you know you're not real." Axel said ignoring Zexion. The replica remained silent. "I bet you'd LIKE to be real."
"Well, you can. All you need is strength that the real Riku doesn't have. Get that, and you can be a new person, your OWN person. Not Riku, not anybody else. You won't be someone else's copy. You'll be you."
"Axel! What are you telling him?!"
"You know, I bet he's as good a place to start as any." Axel chimes holding out his hand toward Zexion as if offering him.
Zexion stands stunned."Have you lost your mind?!"
"Sorry, Zexy. Saving you doesn't seem half as entertaining as observing Sora and Riku." The replica moves closer to Zexion." Everything goes black, but Axel can still hear Zexion "No...STOP!!!" A slashing sound is heard.
Roxas had finished cleaning himself up and laid back against the cold porceiln back of the tub as he filled it up with clean water. "Hey Dem?" he asked looking down at the water swirling it around a bit with his hand. "You remember earlier when you read that this from the file?"
"Yeah, What about it?" Demyx asked cocking his head smiling seeing Roxas didn't seem so shaken up.
"Do you think that if we really are just partially existant-- Do you think we could ever really become whole again? And if we do become whole again-- Will we remember any of this half-life? Will we be able able to put it behind us and play it off like a bad dream,or will it haunt us forever?" Roxas really didn't sound like himself when he asked this.
"I don't know if we'll ever really be whole, but I'm happy the way things are if I never get the rest of my heart back, I still feel whole. I wouldn't want to forget-- Do you really want to forget EVERYTHING? Do you really want to forget the new friends you made like me and Axel?"
"No, I wouldn't want to forget either of you.. or Zexion.." Roxas forced hismelf to smile up at Demyx.
"Don't worry Roxas, I'm sure Xemnas will leave you alone now right? If I can do anything to stop him I will, and I'm sure Axel and Zexy, will help you too!" he chimed messing up Roxas's now wet hair.
"Thanks.. I just hope Axel won't do anything stupid, he kind of has a bad temper,I just hope he doesn't hate me.."
"Don't be mad Roxas! Axel could never hate you for this, it wasn't even your fault..." he shook his head frowning wondering how Roxas could even think like that.
"I guess you're right, but Dem-- Maybe, maybe you could not tell him, I'm not sure I want him to know, and--" Roxas was cut off from his rambling by Demyx.
"Don't worry Roxas, I won't say anything, but I do think you should tell him-- When you're ready of course...."
Roxas nodded playing with the water again. "I guess you're right... Demyx could you... get me a towel?" He was kind of going to ask something else but changed his mind.
Demyx stood up and smiled grabbing a towel off rack and handed it to him. He knew Roxas was going to ask something else, but he decided not to push it. He helped Roxas out of the bathroom even though he was pretty sure he could have made it himself.
Roxas put on clean boxers and stripped his bed before changing his sheets with the spare ones in his closet. He didn't want to sleep in his bed at all, but he definatly wasn't going to sleep in in with out changing his bedding.
Once the bed was Demyx tucked Roxas in sitting on the bed for a minute or so before standing up. "Hey Rox, I'll let you sleep.. I'll see you in the morning right?"
"Please don't go!" Roxas whined grabbing Demyx's sleeve. "I REALLY don't ant to be alone right now.."
Demyx smiled and crawled in the bed next to Roxas "Alright, I guess I could stay." in his head he add 'for awhile' he couldn't stay the night here, because he knew if he thought he'd get in trouble for sleeping in Zexions room, it'd be like a hundred times worse to get caught in Roxas's room all night.
Demyx was half sitting up against the headboard still even though he was under the blankets and Roxas laid his head in his friends lap closing his eyes as Demyx ran his fingers through his hair. Neither of them noticed but Roxas was crying silently as he fell asleep.
Axel searched this mock Castle Oblivion for any sign of Sora, but he was gone and so was everyone else. He was still kind of worn out from his battle with Sora and considering he'd already dealt with the traitors, and there was no one there to deal with anymore he called up a portal and headed home.
He expected Roxas to be sleeping in his room again since it was kind of late, but the boy wasn't so he frowned and decided he probably get yelled and had to sleep in his own room. At least that's what he was hoping happened, much worse things were running through his mind. he walked down the hallway to Roxas's room deciding he wanted to see his lover before he had to deal with reporting to Xemnas.
It was eerily quiet on his walk to Roxas's room, there was no one hanging out in the hallway for once, it kind of had Axel worried. He opened the door to Roxas's room half expecting Xemnas to be in there.
He was surprised and about to be pissed when he saw Demyx siting in there, but then Demyx brought his finger to his mouth shushing the red head. Axel smiled assuming Roxas just got freaked out being alone since well he'd be freaked out to if he had to deal with Xemnas.
When Axel sat down next to Roxas he saw he was crying and looked up at Demyx for some kind of explanation, but Demyx just smiled a smile that seemed to say he had no idea, even though really he just couldn't break his promise.
It was about this time Demyx put the pieces togther Axel was back so that meant Zexion should be back too. Demyx moved Roxas into Axel's lap before abruptly hopping out of bed. "I think you can handle Roxas right? I'm gonna go find Zexy!" he chimed happily.
Axel's 'heart' sank hearing that and watching Demyx leaving so cheerfully as he thought about Zexion. Axel wasn't sure whether his plan had worked or not considering that in all actuality he'd left him alone with that Riku clone.
Zexion was supposed to get out of the way and disappear to somewhere he could lay low for awhile, then he would come back and find Axel and they would take Roxas and Demyx and find a way to get either defeat the organization or just get away, but from the sounds of it.. It didn't seem like he made it out.
Axel closed his eyes hoping Zexion was okay right now, because if he was responsible for leaving one of his only friends to die, he'd feel terrible. He looked down at Roxas as the blonde started stirring and was immediatly distracted from his thoughts.
Roxas was having a terrible nightmare reliving the days earlier events and started to whimper a little as he winced pulling away from Axel.
Axel looked down at him really worried and pulled him up into his arms embracing him even though he was trying to get away. "Roxas... Roxas... ROXAS!!"
Roxas finally woke up panting a little then looked up and saw it was only Axel. He closed hi eyes trying not to start crying again. "Ax--" he couldn't finish his sentence he was crying. Then he remembered what Xemnas had been telling him earlier since it was he'd been telling him in the dream right before he woke up. "You're okay! Is.. Zexion okay??" he asked looking up at him pleading that he would be.
Axel looked down at him utterly confused and felt bad again. "Why wouldn't Zexion be okay?" he asked cocking his head.
Roxas kind of felt relieved assuming that meant the other boy was alright. "That jerk Xemnas told me only one of the members of the organization he sent on the mission you went on would come back.." Roxas said looking up assuming that meant Xemnas had been lieing.
"He knew-- He knew they'd all die and he sent us anyways?!" Axel was rather pissed hearing this and momentarily forgot to ask Roxas why he'd been crying.
"They all--" Roxas couldn't finish that "Poor Dem-- Did you tell him??" Roxas hid his face in Axel's shoulder trying not to cry.
Axel froze he could feel vomit rising his throat. "Dem--" he might as well have killed Zexion himself. How was he going to tell Demyx what happened?
Demyx opened the door to Zexion's bedroom and saw he wasn't in there so he assumed he must be in the bathroom or the shower or something so he sneakily tiptoed into the attatched bathroom trying to surprise him. He pushed the door open hastily. "I found you!" he beamed before looking around and realizing he hadn't found him.
He decided if Zexion wasn't in his own room then he must be in his room. So he quickly walked across the hall laughing about to tell Zexion what he just did. he opened the door to his room. "Zexy, you're never gonna believe what I just did.." he looked around frowning. Zexion wasn't in there either.
Demyx walked into the bathroom, maybe Zexion decided to use his bathroom intsead of his own. "Zexy?" he asked looking around. he couldn't think of anywhere else Zexion could be so Demyx decided to go ask Axel if he knew where he was hiding.
He walked ou the door to his room then remembered something.. Zexion was probably reporting to Xemnas, and Axel just didn't bother. With this in mind he went back to Zexion's room to wait for him. He laid down in the bed and yawned slightly he took off his boots before crawling up in the bed. he was pretty tired, so he figured a little nap couldn't hurt. Zexion would wake him up when he came in, or at least that was Demyx's logic so he willed himself to sleep.
Xemnas, meanwhile, was sitting in his study watching Castle oblivion. He couldn't see anybody there anymore and didn't sense anybody there he tuned in just in time to see Zexion fade into the darkness, he almost felt bad he always had a soft spot for Ienzo when they had been Ansem's apprentances and even after they started the organization, Zexion had been like a little brother to him.
Considering this I guess it was a good thing he missed Axel's speach an only saw the exact moment when Riku, or apparently a clone of Riku destroyed him. Xemnas closed his eyes no longer wanting to see what was going on. He wondered one which of them actually made it back since so far he'd seen none. Maybe his vision was wrong, maybe none of them made it back alive.
Xemnas stood up and turned off the light before leaving the study. he needed to sleep in the morning he'd deal with what he was going to tell the remaining seven members of Organization XIII. On his way out the door he bumped into somebody who growled at him before turning around. He raised an amused eyebrow wondering who had the nerve to growl at him.
Saix dropped his hood and Xemnas shook his head he should have known. "Sorry, I didn't think it was you.." Saix said bowing slightly.
"I forgive you, now why don't you come join me in my room, I have something to discuss with you." Xemnas said walking down the hall toward his room knowing that Saix would follow since he was his most loyal follower after all.
Roxas sniffed a couple times feeling very sad, before Axel kssed the top of his head. "Don't worry Rox, I'm sure Dem will be okay, and maybe Zexion is okay I didn't actually see him fading..."
"I don't want to stay here anymore....."
"They wouldn't let you leave, you kind of have no choice.."
"I know but I could run.. You could come with me, and we'd take Demyx and--"
Axel smiled "Roxas.. you know that wouldn't work," he interupted. "it'd be like suicide unless we planned it all out."
"I know, but someday we'll leave right, and be together away from the organization?"
Axel frowned looking down. He really wanted to get away too, but the more he thought about the more he knew it'd never work. "Where'd this sudden intrest in getting away come from, just because of Zexion, or did something happen."
"Something happened...."
"Care to elaborate?"
"I'd rather not talk about it..."
"Roxas..." he said in a demanding yet comforting tone.
"Xemnas...." Roxas choked a little not wanting to finish what he was starting.
"What did that dick bag do now?" Axel asked sounding rather pissed already as he petted Roxas comfortingly.
"He...... Axel--" Roxas hid his face in Axel's shoulder as he started crying and shaking trying to stop himself from crying.
"Did he hit you again?" Axel fumed kissing the top of Roxas's head holding him closer to keep from getting to mad and to try to get Roxas to calm down and tell him what happened.
Roxas just shook his head "It's worse than that...." Roxas whimpered muffled a bit by Axel's shoulder.
Axel froze Roxas didn't have to say anymore and Axel knew what had happened, exactly what Axel thougt was going to happen. "Did he hurt you.." he asked softly liffting Roxas's chin up to face him. He wasn't mad anymore he was full of regret for not protecting Roxas.
Roxas just trembled averting his eyes from Axel's face trying to hide his face back in the comfort of Axel's chest. Axel looked down seeing Roxas like this made him feel terrible. He kissed Roxas's forehead then his cheek. "I'm sorry Roxas, I won't ever leave you alone like that again!"
Roxas laughed slightly because he knew that wasn't true, but it was nice to hear anyways he tilted his head and kissed Axel's lips. "It's not your fault, and you know you can't promise that, but thanks anyways..."
Axel frowned pulling Roxas closer, he knew Roxas was right, but he wished that he could never leave Roxas alone again... He didn't know how he was going to do it, but he had to get rid of Xemnas otherwise Roxas would never get a moments peace from the creepo. He knew he shouldn't stay, but he couldn't just leave Roxas alone and let Xemnas come back. He shifted so they were both laying down and kicked his boots off before getting comfortable. He laid on his back with Roxas half on his chest.
Roxas unzipped Axel's jacket tossing it aside before nuzzling into his chest and kissing his shoulder a couple times. Axel sighed happily running his fingers through Roxas's hair. Roxas smiled nuzzling into Axel closing his eyes.
Axel kissed the top of Roxas's head again as he felt Roxas smiling against his skin. He still felt pretty bad, but roxas seemed to be happy at the moment so he'd let it slide for now. He closed his eyes and fell asleep since he was still tired after taking a serious beating from the keyblade master.
Roxas thought he felt Axel's breathing even out and sure enough when he looked up to check that had been exactly what had ahppened. Axel was sleeping peacefully. Roxas smiled tracing a heart around Axels nipple lightly he was still a bit to shaken up to actually fall asleep just yet, but he was content to lay there and let Axel hold him until he was really tired.
Meanwhile a hooded figure stumbled it's way into the castle at Hollow Bastian barely walking. Lucky for him Ansem's computer room still had yet to be discovered so he took refuge inside. Looking around the room where he once spent most his time. He remembered the experiments that they foolishly conducted in the basement of the castle.
Zexion dropped his hood slumping to the ground inside the secret room. It was late and he was exhausted, he couldn't go back to Castle Oblivion not even just to tell Demyx he was okay.. It was to soon, and they might be looking for him.
Aside from hurting physically he was kind of hurting on the inside too, not only because he knew Demyx was going to be sad and it would be his fault, but because he wasn't sure Axel was still up for their little deal. After the way he acted with the Riku clone, it kind of sounded like he'd changed his mind, maybe it was just for show, but it still hurt...
He curled up in a ball like position trying to get comfortable, but he couldn't. He unzipped his jacket and pulled it off spreading it out on the cold floor. Later, he'd find a way to make this place into a better place to live, but at this point, he just wanted to sleep, sleep and see Demyx, but since sleep was really his only option he closed his eyes pretending the cold wall behind him was Demyx nestled behind him.
Closing his eyes all he could see was a very sad Demyx. He had to know how Demyx was really doing so with what little strength he had left he used his powers to spy on his room, but Demyx wasn't in his own room so he knew he had to be in room 6 waiting for him he cringed at the thought of that, but when he switched veiws he saw Demyx peacefully sleeping in his bed still clothed obviously waiting, obviously no one informed him that Zexion wasn't comeing back, unless he just didn't care.. No even Zexion knew that couldn't be possible he closed his eyes, glad that Demyx was still happy even if there was pain waiting or him when he woke up.
Much to his protest his powers wore thin and he couldn't see Demyx anymore he closed his eyes and a stray tear fell down his cheek. his eyes snapped open and he looked around almost thinking something had dripped on him. He touched his cheek and smiled through the sad expression plastered on his face. It was the first time since the experiments he'd ever cried...
Whoot! Zexion's alive!!!! Now what to do with him...... -slaps self- Hmm welll I kind of got my way, now I have to figure out something so Demyx knows Zexion is still alive!
No smut in this chappie since I guess everyones in to much pain and to sad or to alone... Either way, I was thinking...
If Kairi was a princess in Hollow Bastian and Ansem was the Lord of Radiant Garden and they are the same place, does that mean that DiZ or the real Ansem is Kairi's dad???????? I don't know, but it seems to me that's how it is whether anyone's ever going to admit it in the game or not...
I have no idea, my brain hurts... Sorry this chapter is kind of short, but that's only because the last chapter was 22 pages so I think I'm aloud to have this one only 11 rather than like the usual 15....
-subliminal message-REVIEW ME-end subliminal Messgae-