Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the Organization ❯ A dream of you in a world without you ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

So, I didn't mean anything dirty by Roxas and Demyx leaving with Xemnas... Just so you guys know, and I guess I'll just use my original plan, Which I guess is a lot better than what people thought it was... LMAO. You guys kill me... Yeah, I didn't wait.. I'm just going to update now.....
Oh goodness I wasn't expecting that many reviews in one day looks like I didn't really have to wait to long to get the reviews I wanted anyways, I love you guys.. x3 Hmm, no one seems to know what to do about chain of memories, but most seem to have played it at one time or another so I'm just going to use the script and basically play out the whole game from the organization members side.
rox--something- I'm glad you like it so much, I still feel bad because this is review 42 I feel slow, Here's an update and thanks for reviewing!
losthimagain- baking cookies.. that would have been cute and I might have stolen, but I went went my original idea kinda, I'm not really sure what that original idea was, but I like how it turned out, what's with all of you I was trying to get it up fast and you guys already threw me over my 40 reviews thing now I feel bad x3
hana-sana- I'm glad you think so, and you get your wish Xemnas finally blows his top in this chapter ;_; Poor Roxas.....
Draechaeli- Well you kind of half get your way, nothing happens to Demyx since secretly I wasn't ever plotting that, it just really sounded like I was -_-; I never meant for it to, hmm you can kill me after this chapter though I know Axel's going to.. It's to bad he doesn't have stomach twisting lovers senses.. I'd way rather have those than spiddy senses
Myoko- I love you! Hah, I'm sorry Axel had to stop.. I guess he'll have to pick up where he left off when he gets back, which is really the next morning because they are way quicker than you may have expected... Hmm, I just might have to write a Demyx Zexion fic since I've managed to get myself obsessed with that couple to and in all actuality, it was just a fluke when I was writing this sorry, because I wanted them to both be there x3 What it will be about.. I'll have to think on it...
Dark Light-I love you too! You kill me, thanks for helping me get to 40 I apologize in advanced for what's going to happen in this chapter.. -cries- I'm sad and I wrote this...
Lynne- Aww thank you! I think slowly Axel Roxas is starting to be my favorite, but I can't pick a favorite I like to many couples in that game Riku Sora's still probably my first though... I hate Xemnas, but I'm glad you think he fits x3
Anon- I know, but it sounds so cruel.. He's not going to die, because I'm to in love with him and Demyx being in love so he has to live even though I'm not going to tell you guys how that works yet..
Rai- Yes, Xemnas is going to force himself on Roxas.. I hate me for writing it so you can too!
MissMurder111- Oh yes I love that 'Shattered Heart' story, and this update is for you since you updated! Well, and for myself since I want to know what happens too, but that isn't the point. I love Zexion and Demyx and the stupid boxer thing.. I wasn't going to make Xemnas do anything to both of them x3. Sorry if I ruin anything in CoM for you 'cause there are serious spoilers.....
Oh yes.. um I got 42 reviews.. Whoot! I wasn't really making you guys wait, I started writing this right after I posted chapter 4, but thanks for your effort anyways, looks like I can't use that ten reviews thing because I'd be updating constantly.. let me think of a new rule in the mean time I love you all and the more reviews the faster I'll update..
Chapter 5: In a world without you.
Axel walked out of the portal and into a very strange part of the castle he'd never seen before, "This is- Were still in Castle Oblivion?" Axel asked looking around confused.
"Not really, this isn't the 'real' castle, it's a fake created by Namine to help us persuade the keyblade master, It seems he's already passed through our doors..." Zexion said looking around the blue room. "Maybe you should go check on the others be sure they're not doing anything stupid?"
"Yeah, yeah, sure I'll go, but promise you'll be careful? It's hard to say who can and can't be trusted so watch your back right?" Axel said calling upon a portal.
"Hey Axel.." Zexion asked turning towards the red head.
"You be careful too.."
Axel smirked, "Ahh, trust me kid, there's no need to worry about me, I'll come back as soon as I figure out what's going on with the others alright?" with that he disappeared through the portal.
Zexion could already tell this was the beginning of the end for the organization of nobodies, now to let it play out and see what fate had in store for these half beings.
Back in the real Castle Oblivion...
Demyx and Roxas were sitting on the floor in front of a giant box of files, all of which seemed to be research of some kind with strict orders to organize them, but not to look in them. Xemnas had left them sometime ago and they were both working in silence until Demyx opened one of the folders and started reading the last page in the folder labeled "Ansem Reports"
"When the heart casts off the flesh, where does the body go? Heart and soul are separate, and the spirit remains in the body. But can we assume that the leftover body and soul perish. Certainly when the heart changes into a Heartless the body disappears."
"Demyx don't read that! you're going to get us in trouble!" Roxas spat reaching to pull the folder away from the older boy. But Demyx just stood up and held it above Roxas's head as he continued to read.
"However, that is only this world's story; in another world, mightn't they change forms like the Heartless and exist there? If we take that to be the case, there must be a you other than yourself existing somewhere."
"A you, other than you?" Roxas asked a little surprised by what the folder was saying he quit trying to take it away and let Demyx finish reading.
"An existence neither of darkness nor of light. An in-between existence. Cast off by the heart, a mere shell, one who begrudges both the darkness and the light. This mystery cannot be easily resolved. The relationship between the heart and the flesh is a complex one. But since we exist here, they cannot be termed as existent. Therefore I shall call them... The non-existent ones."
"Demyx? Is that what we are.. Nobodies, 'The non- existent ones?' We exist don't we?"
"I like to think so..." Demyx sighed slumping back to the ground fixing the folder before sticking it where it went in the file cabinet.
Roxas pulled the file out. "Then you don't believe we don't exist? Could there really be a you, other than the one you know?"
"There is, I remember before I lost my heart. I can still remember everything.. Sometimes I wish I couldn't, but it's because I can that I know without a doubt I exist, and no matter what Xemnas tries to say.. I have a heart, it may not be a whole heart, but there is something there... Don't you remember your former self Roxas?"
Roxas frowned as he put the folder back kind of afraid to read anymore. "I don't remember anything.. Somehow, I seem to remember an island, but who was on that island or what I was doing there, it's all a blank. When I first met Xemnas he said something about a keyblade.." Roxas called upon his oblivion and oathkeeper twirling the oathkeeper around a bit looking at it. "I think these are what he was talking about..."
"So those are keyblades?" Demyx asked reaching out and examining the oblivion as he trailed his finger down the blade.
"I guess, I'm not sure what they are, I was using them to fight some shadow creature when Xemnas showed up. He called the creatures heartless, I guess, I'm supposed to liberate as many hearts as I can, if I liberate enough, we can be whole again right?"
"That's what Xemnas is always ranting and raving about, We need the keyblade wielder on our side, blah, blah, blah.. I guess we finally got you though, who knew nobodies could wield the keyblade, I'm pretty sure it only picks a master who's strong of heart, so how could it pick you if you don't have a heart?"
"That's a good question, maybe they were wrong all along, maybe we can exist as half beings in the real world, I honestly don't see why not, sometimes I think that I can't feel when I'm alone, but no matter who I'm around I swear I feel something. Xemnas scares the hell out of me, You.. you make me feel content, like we've been friends forever, I feel like I can tell you anything, that's why I'm going to tell you something that you'll probably think I'm crazy for even thinking about, but when I'm around Axel, I swear.. that I feel love.. I know, I'm probably nuts.."
Roxas gave a slight laugh, but Demyx didn't laugh because he was just glad he had someone who he could talk to about his crazy beliefs and not get shut down.
"I believe you Roxas, I'm sure if you think you're in love with Axel, you probably are, but I wouldn't say that to anyone but me, everyone else around here really frowns upon the whole. 'I have feelings' idea. Besides that Xemnas would probably be pissed if he found out about it. Sure he's not dumb and knows you guys are screwing around, but love is a whole nother story right?"
"Heh, I guess you're right.. Hey Dem?"
"Yeah Rox?"
"Thanks..." Roxas got back to putting things away trying not to let his curiosity get the better of him.
Demyx just smiled a silent 'you're welcome' and went back to sorting files.
Axel watched 'Sora' that was his name from behind a building in the traverse town made from his memories.
"Boo." Axel chimed in popping in out of seemingly nowhere.
"What do you want?" Marluxia chimed obviously annoyed with being interrupted.
"I got bored, what with you hogging the hero." Axel smirked catching the cards Marluxia
threw at him.
"Perhaps YOU'D like to test him."
"Perhaps I would." with Axel's answer Marluxia disappeared and Axel turned to face the group.
"Looks like it's my show now, Keyblade master. My name is Axel. Commit it to memory."
"Um…sure." the Sora kid replied, he looked so much like Roxas, it was hard to not think of the blonde as he went up against him.
"Good, you learn quick. So, Sora, now that we're on a first-name basis…" He summons up a pair of chakram. "…don't go dying on me!" They fought and after a bit Axel decided the kid could handle what ever they were going to try so he let Sora obtain the cards."
Sora, Donald and Goofy were discussing what they were assuming they would have to do with the cards and since they were right Axel decided to chime in again.
"Correct!" he appeared behind them in front a few flights of stairs."After an introduction like that, you don't think I'd just give up the ghost?"
"So you were just testing our strength."
"Congratulations, Sora. You passed! You're ready to take on Castle Oblivion. Follow your memories. Trust what you remember, seek what you forget, and you will find someone very special."
"You mean Riku and the King?" Goofy chimed in.
"Well, I don't know. You'll just have to give some more thought to who's most important to you. Our most precious memories lie deep in our hearts, out of reach. But you can find yours, Sora."
"Where? How?"
"The light within the darkness. You've lost sight of it, Sora. You've forgotten forgetting."
"Light, I don't understand…"
Axel holds out his hand. "Would you like a hint?"
"No, I want to figure it out for myself." Sora brandished his Keyblade at Axel "And if you get in my way-"
"He won't! We won't let him!" Donald spat.
"That's my kind of answer. Just what I'd expect from the Keyblade master. But be forewarned... When your sleeping memories awaken, you may no longer be you." with that Axel disappeared.
Zexion was still standing alone in the blue room, when someone, not Axel showed up.
"Don't I even get a hello, Lexaeus?" he asked turning to the man as he dropped his hood.
Vexen suddenly appears as well and walks over to them. "What's going on, Zexion? I demand an explanation."
"Nice to see you too," Zexion chimed obviously annoyed by his fellow organization members.
"You know, it's deplorable-" Vexen spat.
"The Organization used to be the rope that binds us. And now it's full of kinks." Zexion interrupted him.
"How dare you!" Vexen spat rather venomously
"Let it go, Vexen. Zexion, tell us. What did you detect?" Lexaeus stood between them.
"Visitors. I picked up two scents in the castle's lowest basement. One of them was Maleficent, but-"
Vexen interrupted Zexion "Absurd. The witch is gone. She cannot return from the realm of darkness of her own volition."
"If you'd let me finish… The scent belonged to a very convincing double. But I can't say much beyond that, since the would-be Maleficent is no more. Our other visitor saw to that
Lexaeus raised an eyebrow "Who is it?"
"I don't know… But the scent was very similar to the Superior's. Exactly similar, if I may say."
Rubbish!" Vexen chimed in again.
"Fact, Vexen. Now, what shall we do?"
Lexaeus crossed his arms, "Let us bide our time and see what develops."
After Demyx and Roxas finished sorting the files they were just about to get up and leave when Xemnas came in looking mad as usual.
"What is it Boss?" Demyx asked leaning back against the wall.
"Nothing concerning you water boy.."
Demyx shrugged standing up straight. "I can leave then?"
"Feel free..." Xemnas spat glaring at Demyx not in the mood to put up with his cheery attitude.
"Sweet! Come on Roxas lets go!" he grabbed Roxas by the arm intent on dragging him out of there before the kid could get himself in trouble again, but Xemnas just grabbed Roxas's other arm.
"Not Roxas, I need him for something else still I'll send him to find you when I'm done.. Now go before I find something else for you to do."
"I'm going, Sorry, Rox see ya.." Demyx left the room feeling rather bad since it already seemed Roxas was in for it, and there was nothing he could do.
Xemnas locked the door behind Demyx and Roxas tensed up backing himself into a wall unconsciously trying to get away from the other man.
"What are you doing?" Xemnas spat glaring at Roxas even though he was smirking he could tell he was scared. "Come sit down.." he said shaking his head.
Roxas did as he was told sitting in a chair across from Xemnas's desk. Xemnas sat down in his desk chair leaning forward smirking. "Alright then Roxas, if you'll calm down and quite being a Pansy.. I have a mission for you.. Well not so much a mission, and more I'm going to train you alright? Let's head out of the castle and I'll call up some heartless."
"Training?" Roxas was very surprised by this kind of, but glad none the less, "Then you're not mad at me anymore?"
"I told you I forgave you.. Now, come on.." Xemnas got up calling up a portal and walking through completely confident Roxas would follow.
Axel stands in a white room with Larxene, facing away from her.
"Wow, Axel, you seem pretty intrigued by this Sora kid."
"And you're not?"
"I haven't made up my mind...but I'd like to know what's on yours."
"He became a Heartless, Larxene--and you know what happens to people who do.
"People who lose their hearts also lose their minds, their feelings... They're consumed by
the darkness."
"Right. But that didn't happen to Sora. He held on to his feelings, even as a Heartless." Axel faces Larxene."
"Only one other man ever managed to do that."
"So it's the strength of his heart that intrigues you--the heart chosen by the Keyblade."
"What makes his heart shine like that? What sleeps in its most secret depths?"
"The heart is a mysterious thing, Axel."
"Maybe so. But unlocking its secrets is the whole reason we, the Organization, exist."
"That's true, but Axel, Are you sure your interest with Sora, isn't really from your infatuation with his nobody?"
"Leave Roxas out of this..."
Meanwhile, Zexion and Vexen meet in a blue room.
"I've identified the scent. It's Riku."
"Riku? But Riku is gone! He and that king were lost when they ventured beyond the door
to darkness. How could he have escaped?"
"Riku once shouldered the darkness. Perhaps that made him half-dark."
"And that's why you mistook him for the Superior. Fascinating... The dark power given to Riku facilitated his escape from the realm of darkness. One with ties to both the Keyblade and the powers of darkness... This merits further research."
"What I want to know is why Riku appeared here in Castle Oblivion."
"Ha! That's simple. His existence resonates with that of another hero. Sora came, so Riku followed."
"Sora's in the castle?"
"Yes, he and his companions arrived earlier. By now that dog Marluxia is already using Naminé to meddle with Sora's heart."
"Interesting. I had no idea."
"I don't think Marluxia plans to hand Sora over, but...he can play his little game. If he gets Sora, then we need only acquire Riku. If he truly is like the Superior, then we will be untouchable!"
Roxas as expected walked through the portal. It was the first time he'd actually left the castle and seen anywhere else in the world that never was. He looked around at the seemingly deserted city then realized the shadows were coming to life. "More heartless? This should be simple enough." he chimed summoning his oblivion and oathkeeper keyblades.
Xemnas stood by watching Roxas, the kid didn't seem to need training the way he wielded the weapons. Xemnas smiled an eerie smile as he watched Roxas destroy heartless after heartless freeing more and more hearts, sending them into Kingdom Hearts.
Roxas was panting leaning forward looking around. The heartless just kept coming no matter how many he destroyed, but he wouldn't give up. He wanted to help he wanted make his friends whole again and if completing kingdom hearts is what it would take to do that than he'd do his best to complete it.
"Roxas, is that the best you can do? I'd expect more from the keyblade master."
"Shut up, I'm not done!" Roxas spat not liking being patronized. He took out a few more heartless before he closed his eyes thinking this would be a lot easier if he had some help, but he knew that he had to do it on his own with the keyblade to unlock the hearts so he kept going. In fact he kept going until Xemnas called off the heartless.
"Is it over already?" Roxas asked panting leaning forward with his hands on his knees.
"That's enough Roxas, I wouldn't want you to get to tired. I'm proud of you pet, I didn't think you'd last so long.." Xemnas chimed walking forward putting his hand on Roxas's chin.
Roxas was to tired from all the fighting to try to pull away and just let his eyes close as his keyblades dropped to the ground with a clang.
"You look exhausted, come on you can rest and I'll get us some lunch." Xemnas helped Roxas stand up straight then kept his arm around the boys waist as he called up another portal and walked through.
Larxene and Axel are having another meeting.
"It looks like Sora's memories have taken root, just as we planned."
"Let's see how far our boy will go, then. Think it's time for another round?" Axel faced away from her.
"Only if it's my turn to play. You had your fun on the first floor". Axel turned around and tossed Larxene a card.
"Remember, Larxene. Our job is to deliver him in one piece."
"Fine. But who says I can't have my way with him first?"
"Don't break him."
"Do I detect a soft spot?" Axel turned away.
"He's partly one of us."
"I'm not going to break the toy, Axel-just play with it. I'm not dumb."
"Then you won't mind the warning. Remember, Sora is the key. We need him if we're going to take the Organization."
"So you're in on it, too? Well, keep it under your hood until the time is right? Larxene vanishes.
"You would have been wise to do the same, Larxene."
Meanwhile, Lexaeus approaches Zexion.
"Where did Vexen go?"
"He's off using Riku's data to create some kind of replica."
"And what of Sora?"
"Naminé is shuffling his memories even as we speak. Marluxia may well get his puppet.
He's a danger to us all. Larxene's not to be trusted, either."
"Nor is Axel. Who knows what that one is thinking..."
"...... Let's observe a little longer, then speak with Vexen."
"But Vexen despises Marluxia. Think of the mess it would create..."
"That's why Vexen must be told. Better he clean up the mess than us."
Xemnas took Roxas back to his room letting him sit down on the bed. He bent down kissing the top of Roxas's head. "You wait here, I'll be right back with some food and we can discuss further training, not that you seem to need much."
Roxas just nodded letting himself fall back with a heavy sigh.
Xemnas smirked shaking his head as he walked out of the room.
A few seconds later Xemnas came back, but he didn't have food.
"I thought you were bringing me food?!" Roxas pouted sitting up straight. Somehow he felt very brave, fighting those heartless must have woken something up inside of him.
"Patience little one!" Xemnas chimed sitting down next to Roxas messing up his hair.
"Someone will be up with lunch shortly alright.."
"Fine... In the meantime, why don't you tell me about this 'further training'"
"Alright, alright. I was just thinking you might want your own nobody army since all my other members seem too, I was just going to tell you, the Samurai nobodies are yours if you choose to use them..."
"My own army huh?" Roxas was obviously thinking that he could use this army to hid from Xemnas and Xemnas smirked somehow knowing exactly what he was thinking.
"Of course I still have have control over all the nobodies, but they'd listen to you in battle."
Roxas pouted a bit, then brightened up as he heard a knock on the door. Luxord came in mumbling something about not being a slave, bitterly he handed the tray to Xemnas and left.
"Food!" he beamed taking the food Xemnas handed him and started eating "Oh yeah, thanks.." he said with his mouth half full of food.
Xemnas just smirked and nodded a bit, that normally would have been gross, but when Roxas did it it was surprisingly cute.
Larxene meets with Axel after her battle with Sora.
"Whew… Throwing the battle back there really wore me out."
"Throwing the battle? Looks to me like you plain old lost the battle."
"H-How dare you! You just don't appreciate the finer nuances of-" Vexen appears
"Axel is right. That was an ungainly performance, Larxene."
"Humbled by someone of such limited significance. You shame yourself and the Organization.
"Can we help you, Vexen? It's not very often we see you topside." Axel asked frowning at the two.
"I came to lend a hand. I remain unconvinced of any potential in this “hero” you've been coddling. Perhaps an experiment would put my doubts to rest."
"I knew this would happen. Every thing's an experiment with you." Larxene spat.
"I'm a scientist. Experimentation is what I do."
"Whatever, Vexen. Do what you want. But cut the act. Testing Sora is just an excuse to test your little follower."
"Follower? I'll have you know he's the product of much research."
"What he is, is a toy."
"Hmph. I see I'm wasting my time."
"Have your fun. But take this with you. A wild card to keep the game fresh." Axel tosses a card to Vexen. "Now don't tell me I don't respect my elders."
Roxas smiled and set the empty plate down with a heavy sigh. He fell back on the bed with his hands behind his head momentarily forgetting how much Xemnas freaked him out.
Xemnas smirked a little setting his half eaten lunch aside before crawling on top of Roxas.
"What the hell are you doing?" Roxas spat, most defiantly not going to put up with this,
Xemnas's little training reminded him just what he could do with his keyblades. He slipped out from under Xemnas getting up and standing next to the bed.
"You're not afraid anymore?" Xemnas frowned a bit standing up some how disappointed by that.
"No, I won't let you touch me! I like Axel.. I only want him to touch me."
Xemnas growled a bit, he didn't like the idea of them together especially not when Roxas was willingly admitting it. He stood up a few feet away from Roxas.
Roxas summoned the oblivion and oathkeeper keyblades taking a step back. "D-Don't come any closer" he spat posing with the keyblades although he was obviously nervous
Xemnas could feel the fear radiating off of Roxas although he was trying to be tough. He smirked taking a few steps towards Roxas. He was towering over him now.
Roxas took a step back holding the key blades up like a shield as he continued to back away. What the hell was he going to do now, he had to fight back or he was really screwed. "I warned you Xemnas!" Roxas posed with the keyblades moving to attack Xemnas. He hit him, but nothing happened. Xemnas just laughed manically.
Roxas swallowed hard dropping the keyblades backing up a bit more.
"Roxas, did you really think you could hurt me?" Xemnas cooed backing the smaller boy into a wall.
"I'm sorry, please just leave me alone..."
"I may have considered that before you brandished your keyblades at me, but now I think
I'll have to punish you.."
"What?!" Roxas tensed up backing up the last few steps into the wall.
"Oh please Roxas, don't tell me you didn't see this coming?" Xemnas spat pinning the other boy to the wall.
Axel walks into Naminé's room, where she sits, thinking.
"Heh heh… I know exactly how you feel."
Naminé looks up at him.
"Don't get your hopes up. Nobodies can't be somebodies."
Naminé puts her head down again.
"But think, Naminé. I'm sure there's SOMETHING you could do…"
Axel and Larxene meet with Vexen.
"Now what, Vexen? Looks like your little toy isn't taking orders anymore."
"Now Larxene… Shouldn't we give Vexen the benefit of the doubt? Riku could be hiding as part of some elaborate plan to lure Sora deeper into the castle."
"Oh, of course! Why didn't I see it before? Terribly sorry, Vexie. I guess I'm just used to you and your research being more funny than formidable."
"Hold your tongue! Larxene: Aww. Are you sulking? Ha ha, you are so half-baked.
"You're hardly one to talk, you conniving little-"
Marluxia comes in out of no where. "That will do".
"Your project has failed, Vexen. Do not disappoint us again."
"Disappoint YOU? You presume too much, No. 11. I am No. 4, and I will not stand for your snide remarks!"
"Yes, you will. This castle and the girl Naminé have been entrusted to ME. Defy me, and you defy the Organization. Unless I'm mistaken, treason is a CAPITAL crime…"
"This is absurd!"
"In this name of the Organization, I pronounce your project a failure. This lapse must be reported to the Superior."
"No… Please, don't! I beg of you! Leave him out of this!"
"I will, under one condition."
"What condition?"
"You must eliminate Sora personally."
"Eliminate him?!"
"You refuse?"
"No…I mean…but… Why would you want that?"
"Just do it."
Vexen vanishes. "He'll really do it, you know. He's got no choice."
"Neither do we. Marluxia walks over to Naminé, who's sitting in a chair in the corner, head down. "What to do? Your hero is soon to be wiped from existence. But he made a promise to you, didn't he?" Naminé looks up at him "Isn't that right, Naminé?"
Roxas winced trying to get away, but all he could do was back further into the wall. "No, Xemnas.. I'll be good! Don't.." He tried to push Xemnas away but Xemnas didn't budge he was way stronger than him. "Really, I don't need to be punished."
"Nice try, but begging won't stop me, you might as well save yourself the trouble we both knew this would happen eventually. Sure I'd rather you wanted me back, but obviously you don't respond to friendliness and I'm going to have to try another approach." Xemnas was whispering in Roxas's ear as he tried to squirm away.
Roxas swallowed hard trying to get away still even though he knew it was no use. He told Axel he'd wait for him, and he didn't want to be a liar, but he knew he didn't have a choice. Axel promised he wouldn't hate him, but would he be able to keep that promise after something like this.
Once again it was like Xemnas could read Roxas's mind, but this time instead of trying to soothe his inward dilemma he wanted to help egg on his fears. "Are you still thinking about Axel little one? You might as well forget about him, I'm going to make you mine and Axel is as good as dead anyways."
"W-What do you mean?" Roxas still had his hands up trying to push Xemnas away not that he thought it'd help but he wasn't going to just submit to him. "Somehow hearing that about Axel he managed to pull away from Xemnas and quickly walked to the other side of the room calling his keyblades back.
Xemnas laughed again shaking his head. "I thought we already established it was pointless to try and fight me.
"Shut up!" Roxas spat posing with the keyblades again. "What did you do to Axel?"
"What did I do? Nothing, I personally didn't touch him, but I know that only one of of my organization members will come back from this mission, which one. It's hard to say, but I doubt that Axel would be the only one to live when Vexen and Lexaeus are there." Xemnas chimed very uncaring as to what became of any of them really, as long as Axel wasn't the one who made it back he'd be happy enough.
"Only.. one.." Roxas's eyes got wide thinking of Demyx, Zexion was there too, even if Axel did come back that meant his other friend wouldn't it was a very loose loose situation. He was about to drop the keyblades, but then something came to him "You're lying!" he spat standing his ground with the keyblades in an attacking stance as Xemnas approached him again.
"You wish dear boy.. I'm afraid you'll never see either of your little friends again.." Xemnas sounded eerily calm as he announced this and Roxas didn't like it so he turned to run, he had to go find Demyx he had to get away from there, but it was no use Xemnas used his powers of darkness to shield the door there was no way out.
Roxas readied his keyblades and decided to fight, he was still kind of tired from the heartless training, but he had to do something, he couldn't just stand there, he had to go warn Demyx.
Roxas lunged forward attacking Xemnas, it still didn't do anything, but he kept attacking anyways landing hit after hit, all invisibly blocked by a dark shield. He didn't care he kept attacking until he couldn't fight anymore. With every hit more tears started pouring out of his eyes. 'Stupid Xemnas what makes him think he has any right to do this he doesn't care about any of us... All he cares about is getting more powerful now
"That's no way to greet a stranger, Sora. I am Vexen. I've come to collect your debt.
Goofy scratched his head "Do you owe him something?"
Sora glared at the blonde man "Of course not!"
"Oh, but you do. You owe me for reuniting you with your former friend."
"You don't mean-"
"Yes. I am the one who brought Riku to you."
"So…you're the one… You're the one who's been controlling him! What have you done with him?"
"I see no need to tell you. Why trouble you in your final moments?"
Sora fights Vexen.
"Splendid! As expected, you don't die so easily."
"As if I'd ever lose to you!"
"You'll yet have your chance. As we fought, I delved deep into your memory…and look what I found." he held out a card. This is a card crafted from memories locked in the other side of your heart. If you want to fight me for real, then step into the world within this card!" he tosses the card to Sora and disappears.
"Come back!" Sora runs to where Vexen was, but is too late to catch him. He looks at the card in his hand. "Other side? What's he talking about?"
Marluxia meets with Larxene and Axel
"Is it just me, or has Vexen finally lost it? Now he's done something REALLY rash… What now, Axel? The shows over if Sora finds out about the other side." Larxene turned to Axel.
"If he just passes through without catching on, we can patch things up later. But if not…" Axel cut himself off.
"Let Naminé handle this. In the meantime, Axel, you know what to do." Marluxia said looking evil.
"No, I don't. Maybe you could spell it out for me."
"Rid us of our traitor."
"Done. There's no taking that order back later." Axel walks out to go follow through with his order.
Roxas collapsed to his knees panting after using up all his strength to try and defeat Xemnas. Xemnas is almost completely unharmed thanks to the dark energy that was shielding him. Roxas looks up at him still panting with a permanent glare plastered on his face.
Xemnas walked forward putting his hand on the boys chin, "Oh Roxas, you went and tired yourself out, what ever am I going to do with you.." he chimed being much to nice after what Roxas just did and the blonde knew this was not a good sign. He yanked his face away from Xemnas's hand.
"Come now Pet, I'll help you forget about Axel.." Xemnas purred picking Roxas up and carrying him over to the bed laying him down. Of course Roxas was still struggling to get away when Xemnas picked him up, but he was to tired to do anything that could have helped him. Xemnas unzipped Roxas coat letting it slip off his shoulders.
"I-I don't want to forget about Axel.." Roxas whined doing his best to scoot away from Xemnas, but the older man pinned his hands above his head holding him to the bed.
"But eventually you will, you still think he'll be here to save you, don't you? Even if he somehow manages to come back.. Trust me.. He won't want you anymore, you'll be mine and mine alone, like you always should have been, and you'll be much happier than Axel could ever make you." Xemnas chimed removing his jacket.
"This is supposed to make me happy?!" Roxas spat struggling against Xemnas as he felt the older man shift so he was holding both of his wrists with one hand. It didn't matter he still couldn't get away.
"Well, it's really supposed to make me happy, but eventually you'll learn to live with it I'm sure, and you'll be an obedient pet and I won't have to worry about sharing, I never did play well with others."
Roxas remained silent and choked a little the tears becoming less silent tears and more real.
"Don't cry pet, " Xemnas chimed even though he didn't mean it he kind of liked Roxas crying. He leaned in biting his neck again much harder this time almost hard enough to break skin.
Sora runs at Vexen enraged. Sora battles Vexen and receives a Vexen enemy card. Vexen crouches on the ground very weak.
"Urrgh… Such strength, even at the mercy of your memory… You ARE dangerous! You must be exterminated!"
"Fine, whatever! Just put Riku back the way he was!"
"Put him back? Fool of a boy! Even now you understand nothing. The Riku you speak of
has but one fate-to sink into the emptiness of darkness. And you will share that fate, Sora!" Vexen stands up. "If you continue to seek the girl Naminé, the shackles will tighten… You'll lose your heart and become Marluxia's pawn!
"Marluxia? Who's that, and what do they have to do with Nami-" Sora's cut off as a wind and fire wheel whips from out of nowhere and impales Vexen.
"Gaah?!" Axel appears and Vexen falls to his knees.
"Hey, Sora. Sorry to cut in right when he was getting to the juicy bits."
"Unnngh… Axel, wh…why…?"
"You sure love to talk. It's about time you shut up-forever."
"No… Don't do it…!"
"We're nobodies, Vexen. We've got no one to be-but we still “are.” So look on the bright side. You're off the hook. Now you can be nothing instead of just being nobody.
"M-Mercy, Axel! I don't want to…go yet…"Vexen was begging now.
"NOW you can tell me I don't respect my elders." Axel slices at Vexen, who collapses to the ground in a slump and vanishes.
"What the…" Sora runs up to Axel. "What ARE you people?"
"Wish I knew the answer to that myself." Axel disappears.
Axel appears in a room with Namine.
"You're all he's got left."
Naminé says nothing.
"If you don't stop this, no one will."
"But…it's too late now."
"Oh, I don't think you should give up just yet." he turns around. "By the way, Naminé. I don't see Marluxia around. Do you?"
"What are you trying to say?"
"There's no one here to stop you." Axel crosses his arms and Naminé stands up from her chair. "Do it right."
Naminé runs from the room.
"Hm hmm…" He strikes a maniacal pose. "Ha ha haaa! Now THIS should be good. All the actors are in place. Now, Sora! Naminé! Riku! Marluxia! Larxene! It's about time you gave me one hell of a show!"
Roxas whimpered doing his best to pull away but the more he pulled the harder Xemnas's bites would get. "Stop, Gahh.. it hurts..please.."
Xemnas smirked against Roxas's skin and stopped biting he'd really only been doing it to make him beg so he moved on. He kissed his way down Roxas's chest nipping at him every now and again just because he liked the way it made him jump. Xemnas stopped at Roxas's pant line tracing his finger along his waistband making him squirm some more trying to get away.
"Don't touch me!" Roxas spat closing his eyes tight trying to jerk out of Xemnas's grasp.
"You'll like it...." Xemnas cooed undoing Roxas's pants with his free hand and slipping them off.
Roxas winced trying to get away still he didn't like it, he really didn't but his body seemed to be ignoring what his mind was thinking because he was really hard after having Xemnas kissing and nipping around on his body. "No, I'd like it if you'd stop.." he whined
"It seems to me you already like it.." Xemnas chimed pulling Roxas's erection out of his boxers and teasing it with his fingers.
Roxas started shaking slightly and pulled away as best he could. "Don't touch me!! Stop it, I don't-" he was abruptly cut off as Xemnas slammed his lips into his to shut him up.
Roxas bit him, but it only made Xemnas smirk and pull away a little. "If you don't stop being bad, I'm really going to have to punish you.." Xemnas cooed tightening his grip on Roxas's wrist.
After that Roxas decided to remain silent for a moment and see what he was going to do to if this wasn't punishing him. Then Xemnas slipped Roxas's boxers off
"Whoa there.. Enough, I think you're going to want to go now.." Roxas spat without really thinking trying to cross his legs to hide the fact that he was naked.
"But, I'm not done yet little one, don't worry it'll only hurt for a minute." Xemnas smirked looking Roxas in the eye as his hand trailed down to prepare him.
"Stop don't touch me.. STOP!!" Roxas somehow managed to knee Xemnas in the stomach.
"Oof Fuck.. Alright Pet if you really want me to stop, I guess I'll stop, if that's what you really want?" Xemnas asked obviously pissed even though he still sounded calm.
"Yes, stop, please.. It's what I want..." Roxas sighed a little relieved when Xemnas pulled away.
"Just remember Little One, you asked for this, I was going to be gentle with you, but..." Xemnas undid his pants pushing them down along with his boxers
"W-Wait, hold on, I thought you were stopping?!?" Roxas squirmed as much as he could trying harder than ever to get away.
"I did stop, I'm not going to touch you.. I'm just going to make you mine, I'm not going to hold back it'll be over soon.." Xemnas chimed still much to calm for a man in his position. He positioned himself at the blonde's entrance a creepy smirk plastered on his face.
"No.. Don't, please--" Roxas couldn't find anymore words to complain. All he could was try his best not to cry as Xemnas slammed into him giving him no preparation or time to adjust before he started pounding into him.
Roxas tried to ignore the intense pain coming from what Xemnas was doing. it didn't just hurt physically though, he couldn't stop thinking about what Axel would do, or if he would ever see Axel again. No matter what Xemnas did he wouldn't be his pet and he'd never forget Axel he made that promise to himself.
He tried to push Xemnas away but even after he let go of his hands all he could do was sit there and stare at Xemnas. His eyes were filled with tears, but he wouldn't let them fall, he knew Xemnas liked it when he cried despite all his 'don't cry pet' statements. Roxas cringed thinking about it.
Xemnas was highly amused by Roxas trying to stay strong, but he didn't like it he liked the more emotional Roxas, if he couldn't have an in love Roxas he wanted a very resentful begging Roxas, and what Roxas was doing just wouldn't do. With that in mind he started pumping in and out of Roxas as fast as he could.
Roxas started screaming rather loudly and the tears he'd been trying to hold back finally streamed down his face while he gripped the bed sheets tight not wanting to wanting to hold onto Xemnas like he usually held on to Axel.
Xemnas didn't last long at the pace he was going and released into Roxas with in a few minutes. His release mixed with blood and stung Roxas's insides, but he was to busy crying and thinking about Axel to notice.
Xemnas looked down at the crying Roxas and almost felt bad, but he pushed i to the back of his mind. he was a nobody he shouldn't be able to feel. He smirked deviously.. He felt something, maybe he'd have to play with the boy more often. He always knew that kid would be the one to draw out his emotions.
"I'll leave you to you're thoughts Pet.. That is unless you want me to stay?" he raised a hopeful eyebrow at the last part.
"Go!" Roxas spat rolling over on his side wincing at the slight pain.
Xemnas smirked shaking his head and getting up there was something pulling at his chest, maybe emotions were the key to getting his heart back? he decided it could warrant further research, and who better to help him out than Roxas. "I'll check on you later alright little one?" Xemnas asked standing up getting dressed
"Please don't..." Roxas closed his eyes hearing the door slam shut behind Xemnas. he was partially asleep before he heard the door creak open again.
Axel walks in where Marluxia stands.
"You're a fool among fools to show your face here, traitor!"
"Traitor? I don't know what you're talking about."
"Why did you let her go? You and your cursed meddling! He was ours! The Keyblade master could've been our slave!"
"Right, your big plan. You use Naminé to rewrite Sora's memory piece by piece. He becomes her puppet. Then, using Naminé and Sora, you and Larxene overthrow the Organization. Did I get it right? `Cause that would make YOU the traitor, Marluxia. Not me."
"But you eliminated Vexen!"
"Yeah, come to think of it. So what? All I did was weed the garden. And I had to be sure you two trusted me."
"I see…a double agent. You've been investigating our conspiracy from the start".
"Moving on… I believe you ordered me to “rid us of our traitors.” Axel throws his arms outwards and his chakram appear in his hands. "I always follow orders, Marluxia. Larxene paid the price for disloyalty. You're next, Marluxia. In the name of the Organization you betrayed, I will annihilate you!"
"Go ahead, then-strike!" Naminé appears between them.
"What kind of game is this? You think cowering behind Naminé will stop me? Think again. Your little mascot can keep you company in the void." Axel throws his hands outward at his sides, holding the chakrams. "Farewell, Marluxia."
"Oh, I think not. Are you listening, Sora?" Axel lowers his weapons and Sora and company run in. "Axel is willing to harm Naminé just to get at me! Destroy him!" The trio ready their weapons and Marluxia vanishes with Naminé.
"Well, well, Sora. Marluxia made you his puppet after all."
"Never. After I finish you, he's next."
"Hmm… Listen, Sora. We've got more in common than you think. I'd rather not fight you…" he strikes out his weapons in a pose. "…but I do have a reputation to think of!"
Sora fights Axel and receives an Axel enemy card. Axel stood wavering in front of Sora.
"You're not half bad. Looks like it was worth saving your hide after all."
"Saving me? What do you mean?"
"Sorry… I'd hate to kill the surprise." Axel disappears.
"Roxas?" came a familiar meek voice from the door frame.
"Hmm?" was Roxas's only reply as he tried to choke back tears.
"Roxas...." Demyx shut the door behind him locking it and walking over to him sitting on the bed.
"Dem?" Roxas sniffed looking back at his friend at some point he ended up under the blankets, he didn't remember doing it, but right now he was happy he did. He didn't want Demyx to see him like this.
"It's me, are you alright? I heard you screaming, and I saw Xemnas leave, did you get in trouble for something?"
"I didn't do anything!" Roxas started crying hard and hid his face in Demyx's leg.
Demyx didn't really understand what was going on, but he pulled Roxas up into his lap to comfort him anyways. When he pulled him up into his lap the blanket slipped back and Demyx caught a glimpse of the blood n his thighs.
"Roxas, you're bleeding what hap-" Demyx abruptly cut himself off realizing what happened. "He- Roxas, I'm so sorry! I don't know what to say, let me help you get cleaned up at least?" Demyx chimed wiping Roxas's hair out of his face before picking him up and carrying him to the bathroom. He laid him down in the tub gently before turning on the water and letting the tub fill up.
Roxas smiled up at Demyx, the best smile he could manage at the moment. He started to wash himself feeling a little better even though the bath watter kind of stung. "Thanks Demyx.. I really apre-"
"You don't have to thank me Roxas, were friends, this is what friends do!" he chimed sitting on the edge of the bathtub. He frowned a little, "Really friends shouldn't ever have to do this, but I'm always here for you alright?"
"Right, maybe it was just a one time thing, and now Xemnas is over his little obsession with me?"
"Maybe you're right, I know Xemnas is a fuckin' jerk, but this is ow even for him, what are you going to tell Axel, he's gonna be pissed.."
Meanwhile, Zexion stands alone in the blue room.
"First Vexen, and now Lexaeus is gone as well... What's to become of the Organization?"
Axel walks in. "Larxene's out of the picture, too. Naminé turned on her. Gee, I wonder who's next?"
"Maybe you."
"Me? Naah. I already took my pounding from Sora. He thinks I'm done for good. I don't plan on doing a repeat performance anytime soon. No, I think Marluxia's next in line to go."
"You think Sora will win. Because anyone who beats you is unbeatable--is that it?" Zexion was starting to doubt where his friends loyalties truly lie.
"That's the idea. Marluxia plotted to use Sora against the Organization so it's fitting Sora should be his downfall."
"Then...we won't be needing Riku anymore."
"Good luck disposing of him. You want to take on someone who wasted Lexaeus?"
"That's not how I do things. Tell me, did you get the data on Riku's home?"
"Yeah, yeah, I got it, but you look troubled, is there something else bothering you?"
"I'm just starting to wonder if I'll make it out of this false castle oblivion, and even more bothersome I'm starting to wonder if I really want to.."
"Don't say that, Ze.. Dem would die if you didn't come back.."
"You're probably right, but I wouldn't mind really I'm done living a none existent life with the organization, I wish, I wish I could just disappear, not for good, just away from the organization."
"Maybe I could help you?" Axel smirked a bit leaning in tell Zexion his master plan. "If I help you though, you swear you'll help me out later?"
"I swear, I'll help you any way I can if you can pull this off."
"Good." with that Axel disappeared.