Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the Organization ❯ Did I say speak?? ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hmm, so tell me why, I'm an idiot?? I never noticed that Roxas was an anagram for Sora with an X in it I was always like, why in the world is his name Roxas?? Same with Xemnas.. Why Xemnas?? Because it's an anagram for Ansem with an x in it... that is so weird people were being way trickier than I thought, but I'm thinking I'll use something about it somewhere... -slaps self- I'm dumb...
Oh yeah, no one gave me this idea, but for some reason I was reading the script to Chain of memories and well it gave me a devious idea, so either in this chapter or the next I'm going to use that game, or Xemnas is going to use that game to keep Axel away, that's my explanation for why he's such dick bag in that game... Axel's cruel in there, I almost cried only because I beacme attached to the characters long before I knew what happened to them, but still.....
Onto the reviewers!
Lovergirl- Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I'm glad you like it, here's chapter 4
Myoko- I forgive you for not reviewing the first two at least you reviewed at all right! Your review made me so happy! I'm glad you like my story enough to review! I guess I better keep posting though, 'cause I don't wanna die!! -squeezes- Thank you for reviewing even though you never do, makes me feel special x3
... ((or kitkattcassy))- So, I love you... I love really long random reviews!! Zexion/Demyx? I was thinking I'd put in something citrus about them lemon or lime I've yet to decide, but defiantly a bit more action and they're going to have a bigger role in the story! I really like that whole Roxas giving Axel head for the first time so cute! I'm gonna use it x3. I hate Xemnas too, but King Mickey?!? Ewwww do you know what kind of scary images that put in my mind???? As for Kairi, she's not invited in my story, 'cause I like her and Sora together I just like him and Riku better so I like to pretend she doesn't exist so I don't feel bad when she doesn't get Sora in the end..
Dark Light-Aww, I'm sorry Xemnas is a jerk, but yes, yes I think there will be a very sad addition this chapter I hate Xemnas, I don't want to write this, but I'm going to, 'cause I think it's needed for the story.
Matt- First off, I was dieing when I read your comment so thank you for making me laugh so hard and on my birthday no less! I'm so glad you like it, and Riku as a play toy, that might be interesting .:Contemplates it:. I might use that, who knows thanks for the idea either way, and I'm thinking Saix might try to kill Roxas, but I don't know... x3
mewangel- I think Saix will pull something. I'm not sure what yet, but thanks, and I'm glad you like it. I hope the update is soon enough!
elizabeth- You giggle and get happier? My friend wants to beat me up everytime I update since she wants Xemnas to leave Roxas alone, but shoot thanks anyways I love this story, I'm glad you do too!
Vertigo- I guess I better update, wouldn't want to get stalked xD;; Actually I wouldn't care, but I'll update anyways, glad you like it!
MissMurder111- I'm glad you love it, I seem to remember loving something you wrote because I know your pen name, but I can't remember what that story was.. Either way thank you I'm updating!!
Oh yeah, I was waiting for 30 reviews to update since I've decided every ten reviews deserves an update since I still have a couple other updates to make besides this, so I think everyone should thank Matt for reviewing me three times so you guys wouldn't have to wait so long, even if he had no idea he was being helpful and it was aff's fault since it cut off his review... If you guys want a quick update, get me to 40 reviews xD;;
Chapter 4: Did I say speak??
Saix watched Axel pull Roxas into the bedroom and being the very loyal organization member he is he decided to make sure Xemnas knew what was going on. Sure their leader was out until sometime the next day, but as soon as he got back he was going to be sure Roxas would pay for try to take Xemnas then sleeping with Axel, 'What a caniving little whore..' Saix spat leaning against Axel's door to see if he could hear anything incriminating, but all he heard was a muffled conversation
"Night Blondie.." then a pause "Hey Roxas?"
"Hmmm?" came was the only muffled answer he could hear
"Don't ever change..." that sounded like Axel was very close to falling asleep.
Saix growled to himself shaking his head, 'What the hell?' yeah the more he thought about Roxas the madder the older man got, he wanted to walk in there and scream at him for trying to hurt Xemnas, Xemnas was his, not the stupid kids. "I fuckin' hate kids" Saix growled walking down the hall bumping into a cloaked figure that had another member of the organization pinned to a wall.
"Do you mind??" Zexion spat flipping his hood back without using his hands as he continued to hold Demyx to the wall. He tensed up a bit when Saix growled at him and shot him a look that said 'I'll kill you'. "Oh, I didn't know it was you Saix sorry!" he said trying to sound innocent before he leaned in kissing the still hooded Demyx.
"Yeah, sure, now why don't you two get a room before I have to see any more of your teenage hormones" Saix growled a bit walking off down the hallway shaking his head. 'Why did Xemnas let all these horny teenagers join the organization anyways.. None of them are really useful anyways... Except maybe Axel, but he obviously has no respect screwing around with the bosses new 'pet'..' He cringed thinking about Roxas as a pet and went into his room ignoring that Demyx and Zexion were still making out in the hallway.
Zexion watched Saix slam his door shut the shook his a bit. "I wonder what's got his panties in a twist?" he spat nuzzling into Demyx knocking his hood back but it didn't fall off because he was pinned to a wall.
Demyx laughed leaning forward letting the hood fall off completely. "Seems it's Roxas considering his 'Fuckin' Roxas' outburst from earlier." Demyx chimed doing an impression of Saix when he said 'Fuckin' Roxas.'
They both laughed a little, "I wonder what the hell the he did now, he doesn't have to try and he pisses people off, doesn't make sense either, the kid seems nice!" Demyx chimed before leaning in licking up the underside of Zexion's chin.
Zexion snickered a bit before leaning in kissing the top of Demyx's head. "Saix and Xemnas had a thing?" Zexion asked thinking about what had just happened. "That's..." he was about to cringe about how gross it was, but really neither of them were that bad looking or that much older than they were, it was just creepy to think about it. "Hey Dem?"
"Hmm?" Demyx asked nuzzling into his lover.
Zexion smiled nuzzling him back. "You want to spend the night in my room tonight?"
Demyx looked up at him and smiled a confused smile. "Don't I always stay the night in your room?"
Zexion shrugged scratching the back of his neck, "Yeah, I know, but I want you to stay all night for once. So I can wake up with you in my arms the way you were when I fell asleep."
Demyx frowned sure that's what he wanted too, but "But.. I don't want to get in trouble! I'd really love to stay the night, all night.. you understand don't you?" he asked his trademark smile wiped off his lips completely.
"No, I'm sure it'll be okay, if it's just for tonight, Xemnas is gone and Saix, the one other person who'd say anything is busy hating Roxas and looking for ways to get him in trouble, come on please Dem? If you say no, I'm just going to have to stay the night in your room. Since in all actuality I'm number 6 right, if Saix can manipulate his power and he's number 7 I think I can have this one night right?"
"Fine, fine, but only because your bed's more comfortable anyways, and I guess you're right they're to busy to notice us and Roxas has been in Axel's room the last two nights hasn't he?"
"I'm pretty sure he's yet to actually sleep in his own room.." Zexion said shrugging. "Come on let's go to bed?" he suggested letting Demyx off of the wall and opening his door. He walked inside followed by his lover and sat on the bed only to have Demyx come up and straddle him. "You're so cute.." he chimed nuzzling into the brunette's cheek.
Demyx blushed a little, compliments always made him blush. He leaned in kissing Zexion on the lips and just like the first thousand kisses his heart started racing and he smiled into the kiss 'I know I have a heart, maybe not a whole one, but I obviously have one, or what the hell is beating so fast in my chest a lung? No, it's a heart, will anyone believe me? No, 'cause they're jerks, besides.. Without a heart I could love Zexion and I know I love him..' Demyx's mind was reeling, but as soon as he felt his lover chewing on his bottom lip he was back in the moment and granted the boy access to his warm mouth.
Zexion was having his own inner dilemma, sure he was there when the first experiments had happened, in fact he was the first one they experimented on, that's what happens when you're the youngest.. So he should know better than anyone else he was not a complete being, but being with Demyx made him feel, not just different since when Demyx wasn't around the organization's number six was like all the other members of the organization, but when Demyx was around he felt everything, he felt the joys of being happy, the pains of being sad, and even the bitter pangs of jealousy, but most of all he felt love, he swore he did, sure he wouldn't say it because he was sure he was mad for even thinking such a thing, but he knew it was true and was starting to doubt Xemnas and the others.
Demyx slipped his hand between them reaching up and unzipping Zexion's jacket before pushing it off his shoulder's this snapped him out of his thoughts it didn't matter anyways as long he knew he was in love, that's what was important, even if they didn't say it they both knew the other felt the same. When your in love you always know, even if neither of you admit it.
Zexion returned the favor unzipping Demyx's jacket then slipping it off to the floor. After the pesky coats were removed he frowned a bit kicking his boots off since they were to big anyways. Then he went to work removing Demyx's which took a bit of hassle but soon the were rid of them. Zexion pulled Demyx back on the bed with him laying on their sides facing each other. Zexion kissed his lovers nose before smirking at him.
Demyx giggled a bit before undoing Zexion's pants and pushing them off the bed with his legs leaving him in a pair of blue boxers that matched his eyes and Demyx smiled those were his favorite of Zexion's boxers.
Zexion shook his head noticing the smile on the boys lips as he looked down at his boxers the ones he wore for him,knowing he was going to make him stay all night tonight, it was a special night to him, not that he was going to admit it. He reached over undoing Demyx's pants and pushing them off leaving him in just his boxers to, he bit his lip so he wouldn't laugh. Demyx was so cute in his bright green boxers with ridiculous bright yellow smiley faces on them, what a shame he was about to take them off.
Demyx blushed a bit before nuzzling into him. "Hey Ze?"
"What is it?" he asked cocking his head to the side petting Demyx's hair.
Demyx swallowed hard since he was about to ask something rather odd. "Do you think tonight we could just stay like this and not---" he cut himself off not wanting to think about what he was asking. "Maybe we could just stay like this?"
Zexion smiled a bit he didn't really want to do that anyways he just wanted Demyx to stay and they'd never really spent anytime together when they weren't screwing around. "Well, yeah.. I just like being with you Dem, it doesn't matter what we do.." he chimed pulling the other boy closer with a happy sigh.
Demyx closed his eyes smiling bright. "Zexion?"
"Hmm?" Zexion stroked Demyx's hair a bit more.
"I'm so comfy..Would you be mad if I fell asleep?"
"Nope, go for it, I'll wake you up in the morning. Night.." he was about to say sweet dreams but nobodies shouldn't be able to dream without a heart.
"Night..." Demyx sighed snuggling up closer to Zexion before closing eyes. Feeling Zexion's arms tighten around him he fell asleep rather quickly.
Zexion wasn't tired at all, but he was content to lay there holding Demyx until he was, he could hold his lover forever. Hearing Demyx's breathing even out and for once being able to hold the boy while he was sleeping he sighed happily smiling a real smile. "You have to know how much I love you.. Don't you? I don't know what I'd do with out you Dem, I think- No I know, you complete me, thanks for always being there..." He whispered more talking to himself as he kissed Demyx on the top of the head playing with his hair a bit.
Demyx smiled into Zexion's chest he wasn't really asleep yet when his lover had said that, but he'd pretend he was. Now, he knew it had to be true, he had a heart he was sure of it. To many emotions were running through him right now to even consider that he may be a heartless being. Some how he willed himself to sleep excited for the morning even though there was no reason to be.
Zexion closed his eyes feeling like a heavy burden had been lifted off his chest and fell asleep soon after he'd admitted what'd been bottled up for so long.
For once Roxas woke up exceptionally early on his own then nuzzled back into Axel, who was also already awake and had been for sometime. Roxas smiled into Axel's chest before placing a kiss where his lips were sitting.
Axel kissed the top of Roxas's head before slipping his hands around a bit. Roxas gave a slight giggle. 'Someones ticklish..' he though deviously before preceding to tickle the blonde until he was straddling him and Roxas was laying under him panting with a bright smile on his face.
"I don't think I've ever woken up this early and been this awake before.." Roxas beamed before propping himself up on his elbows.
"That's 'cause all you ever do is sleep." Axel chimed tickling him again so he'd fall back on the bed.
"Not true!" Roxas pouted a bit "I eat and complain a lot too!"
"You willingly admit to that?" Axel asked raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, yes I do.. It's the truth right!?" Roxas beamed trying to tickle Axel.
"Unfortunately for you kid, I'm not ticklish.." Axel cooed kissing Roxas on the forehead.
"Weak!" Roxas spat pouting a little again.
"Hey Roxas, since your up.. You might want to get dressed so when Xemnas comes looking for you, you won't have to lie since I bet your a horrible liar."
"I guess you're right.." Roxas pouted a bit more standing up and reclothing himself in the clothes from last night since he wore them for a total of ten minutes. After he was dressed he sat on top of the blankets next to Axel who was still laying in bed 'cause he was to lazy to get, up.. As long as one of them was clothed right?
The door slammed open.
"I found you..." cooed a very familiar voice even though he sounded pissed, it was very obvious he was trying to hide it.
"Me?" Roxas asked turning back towards the door and a very pissed looking Xemnas.
"Yes you, why weren't you in your room, and.. isn't it very early for you to be up bugging Axel? He's still in bed.." Xemnas demanded walking closer to the boys.
"Yeah, I guess you're right, but I woke up awhile ago.. Couldn't sleep I guess.. Sorry if I made you worry..." Roxas said trying to stay out of trouble.
Xemnas shook his head at the scared look on Roxas's face, he liked it, he smirked a bit. "That's alright pet... Come on, let's let Axel sleep, I wanna talk to you."
Roxas looked down at Axel for some answer as to what he should do, but Axel just looked over at Xemnas not sure as to what he should do. "Hey no worries Xemnas, I was just getting up anyways.. Rox could stay here, really it's fine!"
"Axel, you should know I could care less about you sleeping, I just wanted to talk to Roxas..." Xemnas gave Axel a look that said 'Nice try.' before grabbing Roxas by the arm. "Come on little one, I have something very important to discuss with you.."
"Coming.."Roxas said blankly following Xemnas out of the room but was looking back at Axel obviously worried until the door slammed shut.
Axel smothered himself with a pillow screaming into about how much he hated Xemnas before pulling the pillow away and getting up to get dressed. He was going to have to keep an eye on that Xemnas.
Roxas allowed himself to be pulled almost painfully down the hallway without so much as a frown. "What did you want to discuss with me exactly?" he asked his voice sounding a bit nervous even if his face didn't show it.
"Be patient little Roxas, I'll tell you in a minute.. Some where more private.."
Roxas didn't like the sound of that and liked it even less when he got pushed into what looked like a library and the door was locked behind them. Roxas was still doing his best to keep his expression blank, but it was slowly slipping as he felt himself backed into a bookshelf. "S-So, what were you going to tell me?" he asked turning his head a bit so he wasn't staring into Xemnas's creepy eyes.
"I'll ask the questions, if you don't mind..." Xemnas said putting his hands on either side of Roxas's head. Roxas just nodded, it wasn't looking good for the blonde. "Saix told me you spent the night in Axel's room again, but I thought you were only sleeping in there because you were scared? You're room isn't scary anymore, so why were you in there?" he asked in a very freaky calm tone.
Roxas looked down at the ground trying to remember what he was supposed to say to that, but Xemnas really freaked him out. "M-my room, it was.. it smelt like paint and, it made me.. kinda, dizzy?" Roxas didn't sound very sure of himself and Xemnas wasn't buying it.
"Oh really? Then there's nothing going on between you and Axel?" Xemnas asked suspiciously leaning in closer to Roxas making him look him in the eye.
"N-no, there's nothing going on between us.. Were just friends, I swear.." Roxas's fear was written all over his face.
Xemnas slapped him across the face. "Don't lie to me..."
Roxas looked at him a bit shocked backing further into the book shelf to get away, his cheek was bright red so he brought his hand up, but it hurt to touch it. "I-I'm sorry.." Roxas looked down still holding his cheek.
"I forgive you Pet, however, I don't forgive Axel, and for this he's gonna be sorry.. I hope you won't mind, but I'm going to send Axel on a little mission very soon. He'll be in the castle, but no where near you...
Roxas closed his eyes feeling really bad all of the sudden, he didn't want Axel to get in trouble. "But-"
"Roxas.." Xemnas spat in a tone that commanded silence. He finally snapped, Roxas obviously didn't respond so well to friendliness, so he'd try another approach.
Roxas bowed his head all his tension disappearing, everything was disappearing he just wanted to crawl in a hole and die. "I'm sorry.. Can I go now?" Roxas asked still holding his red cheek.
"Sure, I'll come find you soon, why don't you be a dear and send Axel in on your way out?"
Roxas just nodded walking out opening the door. He opened the door and turned the corner jumping back a bit when he saw someone standing there with their hood up. "Oh sorry, excuse me.." he said letting his hand drop from his injured cheek.
"Roxas..." came a sad voice from under the hood.
"Axel?" he asked swallowing hard flipping Axel's hood down. "I'm sorry, I got you in trouble.. Xemnas, he wants to talk to you...."
"Roxas, I don't care about that right now.. What happened to you?" Axel chimed reaching out and lightly grazing the offended cheek.
Roxas just looked at him a look that had 'Xemnas' written all over it.
Axel growled a bit clenching his fist, "I'm gonna kill him.."
"Axel.. be reasonable..." Roxas chimed trying to smile.
"I am being reasonable!" he spat pushing his way into the Xemnas's study.
"Axel-" Roxas was abruptly cut off by the door closing.
"Axel, you look, angry.." Xemnas chimed obviously amused with the enraged red head.
"Aren't we observant today.." Axel spat taking a few steps towards the older man.
"Don't be rash Axel, you wouldn't want anything to happen to Roxas, now would you.."
"Exactly that's why I'm going to be rash, you're the one hurting him."
"ENOUGH!" Xemnas spat walking closer to Axel causing Axel to take a step back. "You don't really think a peon like you could defeat me do you?" Xemnas took another step backing Axel across the room "Hah, don't make me laugh what would you do burn me to the ground for touching your your little fuck-toy?"
"It's.. It's not like that.. Roxas isn't a-"
"I'm pretty sure I told you to shut your mouth..." Xemnas smirked a bit, "Heh, that's what I thought, be a good little boy and listen to what I have to say.." By this point Xemnas had Axel backed into a wall. "I have a mission for you, and you can't come back until it's complete... I know you hate me, but as long as I have Roxas, I know where your loyalties lie. I can't trust Marluxia and Larxene they're plotting to overthrow the organization, but I'm sending you to keep an eye on them along with Zexion, Vexen, and Lexaeus. I'm sure the three of them could handle it alone, but since I want you out of my hair, and it may prove to be a fatal mission, I'm sending you." Xemnas took a step back giving the red head a minute or so to compose himself.
"Remember to be good, or you'll pay, well you won't pay, but Roxas will, I know how much it kills you to see the kid upset.
"Xe-" Axel was abruptly cut off before he could object.
"Yeah, you're going to need to go now, get your things, I don't want to see you back here until the keyblade wielder is secured.
"Isn't Roxas the keyblade wielder?" Axel asked a bit confused.
"Oh yeah, I didn't tell you what you guys are going to do."
"Namine is going to help us gain control over the real keyblade wielder, Roxas's other half, Sora. then we can use them both to liberate enough hearts to finally reach Kingdom Hearts. The other's can explain it to you better, right now, you need to go, the boy should be arriving soon.
Axel was going to ask exactly how Roxas had another half that was still living and not as a heartless, but he decided he'd better go before Xemnas decided to punish Roxas or something. Silently he walked out into the hallway.
Roxas was still in the hallway standing next to the door waiting to see what Xemnas was going to do to Axel. "Axel? You're alright!" he beamed hugging the taller boy around the neck.
"I'm fine, but Roxas.. I have to go away for awhile, Don't worry though, whatever happens... I won't hate you.. Can you promise the same?"
"Of course Axel, I could never hate you.." he cocked his head a bit surprised at the question.
"I hope that's true, Roxas.. I better go" he smirked a little pinning Roxas to a wall looking around. "Maybe I could give you something to remember me by first though?"
Roxas blushed a little looking around "Right here?!?" he spat not really liking that idea.
"You're no fun Roxas.. Come on" Axel grabbed him by the arm running off a little ways down the hallway and slipping out a door onto an outside ledge area. "Better?" he asked pinning Roxas against the door, it's not like anyone ever came out there anyways.
Roxas sighed still unimpressed with Axel's idea, but their bedrooms were far and Axel was nibbling on his ear so he submitted. "Better.." he whimpered a bit trying to pull away even though he didn't want to get away.
Axel smirked against the shell of Roxas's ear giving it a silent kiss before pulling the zipper down on Roxas's coat. Roxas let his coat fall to the ground and Axel went to kissing his shoulder blades licking his neck anything that would make his lover moan or whimper. He was just slipping down to his knee's with his hand on Roxas's zipper when they heard laughing and froze turning to someone coming around the corner.
"Oh god Dem, I'm going to miss you.." Zexion cooed walking around the corner with Demyx sucking on his ear giggling softly. Zexion stopped walking looking at Axel and Roxas frozen in very compromising position. He burst out laughing. "Fuck Axel! Are you trying to get your dick cut off? Xemnas is going to kill you y'know.. That's why he wants you to come with us, in fact I was just on my way to find you.."
Axel growled standing up with Roxas's coat in his hand before kissing Roxas on the lips and putting the coat in his hand. "Alright, alright, let's go.." Axel frowned messing up Roxas's hair before leaning in whispering in his ear. "You'll wait for me won't you?" he asked even though he already knew the answer.
Roxas pouted but forced himself to smile and nodded a bit. "I guess, I can wait.." he whispered against Axel's neck as he hugged him.
Axel just squeezed him tighter before shaking his head. "I'll miss you Rox, see you in a few days or something, I'm not sure how long I'm supposed to be gone.."
Zexion shook his head still smirking before leaning in kissing Demyx on the lips hard. "See you later, I'll miss you, I don't want to go, but orders are orders." he kissed him on the lips again before turning to Axel. "Alright come on Axe, we better go before we both get in trouble." Zexion chimed calling up a portal.
"Yeah yeah..." Axel sighed kissing Roxas one more time before walking through the portal.
As soon as they were gone Demyx turned to Roxas who was blushing kind of bright scratching the back of his neck trying to look at anything but Demyx. "Sorry, we interrupted you guys.." Demyx chimed trying to break the awkward silence.
"Um..." Roxas blushed brighter. "That's alright I guess.." he closed his eyes really embarrassed and pulled on his coat zipping it up just in time for Xemnas to come slamming through the door he and Axel had come in earlier.
"Where's Axel?" he spat venomously.
"He just left with Zexion!" Demyx chimed since Roxas looked to petrified to answer.
Xemnas smirked, "Good, I figured he tried to pull something before left looks like he's learning."
Roxas bit his lip and looked down at the ground trying to ignore the fact that Axel had been doing exactly what Xemnas thought he would. "Anyways boys, why don't you guys come with me. I think have something to keep you two busy while those two are gone."
They both looked at him like he was crazy, neither of them having any idea what he was plotting, but they knew it probably wasn't good and gave each other twin confused looks of horror.
Xemnas smirked trying not to snicker at their reactions he loved his youngest organization members, they were always so much fun to mess around with, they had so much bottled up emotion that shouldn't be there, he loved it. "Come on boy's I don't have all day." he snapped walking back out the door knowing they'd follow.
As expected they both followed him in silence.
So I haven't decided what's going to happen to Demyx and Roxas, but I think you guys are going to kill me if I have to do what my original idea was so any suggestions?
This is really short, but because I really want to know how many of you know what happened in chain of memories so I know how much detail I need to go into... I could put up a link to the script too, if anyone wants, because, personally, I have never played it, but I needed to know how the first 5 organization members meet their doom... I don't want Zexion to die, but I guess in the end everyone does, but y'know in my end I don't think that they do.... Hah, you'll have to wait and find out what I mean..
REVIEW ME!!!! I'll listen to you and respond most likely......
Maybe I won't wait for 40 reviews I just need to know about the whole chain of memories thing before I can update... I'll probably go into way to much detail anyways and just start writing it now... I'm lame and have no life so why not right?