Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the wonderful world of puberty ❯ Whispers and lovebites ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
NINE : Whispers and lovebites

"What do you think about making Kairi experience that scene from the porn movie tomorrow?"

Finally stepping out of the bathroom with his hair fixed, Sora gaped at his best friend, "Why tomorrow? Why so soon?" he then asked suspiciously before sitting down on his bed.

Pushing himself from the wall he had been leaning on, Riku chuckled and walked over to him, sitting himself on the fresh covers of Sora's bed. He just gazed at his lover without saying anything for a while, making the younger one slightly blush. Riku smiled again and raised a hand to touch the boy's left cheek with the back of his hand before sliding his fingers through his thick mass of soft chocolate brown hair. His smile widened itself as he did this, thinking that Sora's hair looked just as untamed and unordered as always. It always looked like he had just had wild, rough, steamy sex…

Gods… Riku let out a breath he hadn't even realised he had been holding in.

Sora patiently waited for an answer from his partner, not feeling at ease with his announcement. Why would Riku want to have sex with Kairi so soon? Was there something he needed to know? "Riku?" He heard himself whisper, his voice slightly shaking with contained fear and worry. He was probably blowing things up… Riku didn't even say anything.

Riku knew that what he had said would worry the young boy, maybe even make him think that he was holding something back from him. So when he heard the soft whisper of his name, he could only smile reassuringly at his cherub.

"I know what you're thinking. But it's not what it seems, really." Riku whispered, his hand that had been playing in Sora's hair now moving to cup his cheek and run a thumb over his lips.

A small sigh of relief escaped Sora, but he quickly looked as worried as he had been looking a few seconds before, "Then why?"

Riku merrily chuckled again, his eyes detaching themselves from the brunette's inviting lips and moving to rest on his sapphire orbs.

"Because I want to keep you for myself, now that I finally have you."

Sora blinked a few times, expressing his confusion at the elder's words. Riku sighed at this and let go of his lover's face.

"I should have got told you this so much sooner." He whispered, standing up and facing away from him.

The brunette looked up at him, his worry increasing in depth as his heart started to race in his chest. "Tell me what?"

Closing his eyes and tilting his head up to the ceiling, Riku sighed again, "About Kairi and me."

"K-Kairi a-and you?"Sora almost choked out, feeling that familiar pressure of tears behind his eyes. He probably didn't hear it correctly, right? Riku didn't mean it in the way he thought he did, did he? "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Kairi and me," Riku repeated, turning himself around and seeing the hurt on Sora's face. Shaking his head softly and kneeling in front of him, Riku took the younger teen's hands in his, "We made… a deal."

Sora slowly removed his hands from Riku's, trying with all his might to hold back the tears that were now quivering on the edge of his eyes, "A- a deal?" he quietly said, turning his head away from the blonde. He just knew that that just couldn't be anything good. He already did not like the sound of it.

"Sora please," Riku begged, seeing the first signals of tears on him and needing to tell the brunette how it all really was, "Kairi and me made a deal so we would both get what we wanted, meaning…"

"Oh, I get it," Sora suddenly whispered viciously, "You just wanted me as fuck toy, is that it? And Kairi… Kairi probably wanted you for herself!" The pain in his voice reflected itself in his eyes as he angrily looked at him, tears welling up in their sapphire pools.

"No!" Riku said, trying to explain while attempting to take one of Sora's hands to calm him, "No, Sora. Let me finish, please!"

Sora just shook his head and let the first tear escape, "I don't want to know it if you're going to break up with me anyway…" he whimpered, weakly wiping the tear away as he bent his head in defeat, "All the things you said to me… the way you made me feel…"

Riku had been shaking his head in disbelieve at his last words. Oh Sora please let me explain it fully to you! Don't do this to yourself, it's not what it seems!

"It was true and I meant it!" Riku desperately said, grabbing Sora's hand in his tighter, "I still mean it! I always will, Sora!"

By now the younger boy was crying openly, his shoulders shaking with sorrow. That last sentence came out as if he was trying to say goodbye to him and it felt like his heart was about to tear itself in two. "I love you Riku, please don't do this to me…" he whimpered out, raising his watered ocean-blue eyes in a plea to him."Don't leave me…"

Riku shook his head again and couldn't stand seeing him like this. He understood that everything he said seemed to come out wrong, so he tried a different approach. "The first time we had sex with each other, I knew I loved you Sora. I knew that I always had. But you didn't return my feelings," he then sat himself next to the brunette on the bed again, making him look at him with a finger on his chin. "At first."

Sora averted his gaze from Riku's, but didn't say anything. Raising a hesitant hand to his lover's cheek, Riku wiped away a tear tenderly.

"When we met Kairi at the mall on Monday, she said something that caught my interest. She felt uneasy with all of her friends having boyfriends, do you remember?" He then softly whispered.

The boy had closed his eyes now and Riku didn't know if he was even listening. But he had to say it to him; it needed to get off his heart.

"When you left for the store, I proposed to pretend to be her boyfriend so she wouldn't feel uneasy anymore."

A soft sigh came from the brunette and he pushed the blonde's hand away from him, but Riku continued, "But I didn't just do it for that. I did it, so I could have you."

Sora now looked at him and frowned, "I… don't understand…"

Lifting a hand so the young boy fell silent, Riku proceeded, "I wanted to make you jealous. But it didn't work."

The confused look of the brunette dissipated itself and he gave a small smile, "Because I came to you on my own," he sadly whispered, more tears escaping his eyes.

Riku wanted to smile, but couldn't as he heard the regretful undertone of his voice, "Yes you did, so why…?"

So that was it. Riku had tried to lure him into having sex with him so he could satisfy his own selfish desires, but Sora had been stupid enough to fall for him. And in reality Riku wanted Kairi. Sora had been nothing else than a fuck toy, he believed that now, more than he did before no matter what the elder boy said. He didn't return his feelings… hah! What feelings?

"If only I had known…" standing up, Sora took a few steps away from the elder teen, "How fucked up you are Riku. You used me! Made me your whore!" he venomously whispered turning around to face him, the tears still flowing down his cheeks. "I… I trusted you! Gave you my heart, my body!"

"Sora, no! No!" Riku stood up in turn and stepped up to the emotional brunette who looked up at him defiantly as he stopped in front of him. "Why can't you understand, that I've done it just to have you! God," he threw his hands up in the air, "You have it all wrong when you think that I wanted to use you! I would never do that! I'd rather die before I hurt you!" He then sighed heavily to calm down and closed his eyes, "I don't love Kairi. I don't even like her that much. But I thought that the sooner we did what she wanted from us, the sooner she'd be off our backs!" He whispered and put his hands on Sora's shoulders, "Everything I said and every thing, every little thing we did together was true. I would never want to share this experience with anyone else but you."

Sora was looking down so his face went hidden by his mass of hair and didn't say anything.

Riku didn't know what else to say for the moment so he just sighed and went to sit down on the bed with his head in his hands.

"Are you telling me the absolute truth?"

His head shot up and he saw that Sora was now standing in front of him, his eyes still holding the hurt he had felt before.

"Please believe it, Sora," Riku implored, staring into those eyes, wanting to see him smile again, "You're the only one for me."

"Riku…" Sora felt a lump in his throat and he knew that he was starting to get all emotional again. He took a shaky breath as the blonde grabbed one of his hands and held it close to his lips, kissing it repetitively. He was rocking himself slowly and it was then that Sora understood how scared Riku was. How terrified, terrified to lose him.

"I understand why you didn't tell me, but Riku?"

Aqua eyes looked up at him with painful sorrow and the young teen smiled warmly at him.

"No more secrets between us, okay?"

Riku threw his arms around Sora and nodded against his stomach, "No more secrets."

Looking down at the silver hair pressed up against him, Sora couldn't help but wonder if Riku was crying against him now and if he did, that he just couldn't have that.

"Shh… it's okay. I would never leave you, Riku. Never. I promised you that, remember?"

Gazing up to face him, Riku smiled softly, his aqua depths shimmering with unshed tears, before pressing his head into the petite boy's stomach again. "You're the best thing in my life, Sora."

"Of course I am," the brunette softly whispered, climbing on him so he was straddling him, "Everyone knows you're worthless without me," he then giggled, nuzzling the blonde's throat.

"So you forgive me?" Riku chuckled, lying himself down as the brunette's hands pushed against his chest.

"Could I never?" he responded back, watching with growing fascination at the elder teen's lips. "Besides, the sex is too good to just walk away from."

"You have no idea how much I love you," Riku chuckled, sliding his arms around the petite boy in a close embrace, "I will never love someone as much as I love you."

Sora giggled with a veil of soft pink spreading over his cheeks, "You've already said that."

"And I will keep saying that to you to prove how much I mean it. No one will ever make me feel like you do."

Resting his head against his chest, Sora sighed contently, "When we'll be… with Kairi tomorrow, I'll only be looking at you. Imagine that it is you loving me… Imagine us doing the things we do…" he hoarsely whispered, pressing a kiss into the blonde's throat.

Catching his lower lip in between his teeth, Riku closed his eyes and ran one hand through Sora's hair, "If you don't stop talking and acting like that, we'll soon be doing those things we do…"

Sitting up on him, the brunette looked upon him and giggled, "Just to show you how much I want to be with you," he then bent over to hover just above his lover's lips, "And not Kairi. Never Kairi."

"So what do you suggest we say to her tomorrow?"

"Nothing. Any chance I get to see you naked, I take. Even if she will be there to admire you too."

"Sounds like you don't mind sharing me, baby." Riku whispered, sounding a little disappointed.

Sora giggled again, "I'll probably be too drunk to know what I'm doing anyways."

"Hm. Good idea."


"To get drunk. With a little bit of luck we won't even remember what happened afterwards."

This sent Sora into a fit of laughter and Riku softly laughed with him, endlessly grateful that everything was going to be alright between them.

"Come here," he then softly whispered, pulling the younger one's head down for a kiss. "Hmm… you're really getting good at this, you know…"he mumbled as the younger teen slowly worked his way down his chin and onto the sensitive skin of his throat.

"Yeah?" Sora huskily whispered back, licking his lips, "Tell me how good."

Softly brushing his lips against Riku's, Sora looked into his aqua depths before nipping at his slightly parted lips. He then shifted so he was straddling the blonde more successfully and rubbed himself against him seductively, smiling when he felt a pair of hands crawling under the hem of his shirt on his back and holding his hips. As he saw the half-lidded eyes of his lover staring at him, Sora lifted a hand to brush a few silver strands out of his beautiful face and then lowered himself on his lips again.

At first it was an innocent kiss, their lips moving against each other sensually while Sora caressed Riku's face softly. With the first stroke of tongue against trembling lips, the kiss deepened and the touching got more intimate.


His hips were being coaxed into grinding motions, while his own hands disappeared underneath the fabric of his lover to tease his nipples.

"Tell me how good."

"Nnhh… exquisite, Sora…"

With a smile he was about to return to Riku's lips when there was a sudden knock on the door.

In the second that it started to open, the two boys had jumped off each other and were already sitting on the opposite sides of the bed.

Not really convincible.

"Hey, you guys ready to go…?"

Especially when it came to Cloud.

A large smile appeared on his face as he saw the messed up hair and crinkled pieces of clothing and their flushed faces matching their swollen lips.

"Did I interrupt something?" he chuckled softly, "If I did I'm sorry and I would let you continue your passionate 'conversation', but we need to go. Kairi and me are waiting outside."

Without another word he closed the door and left, leaving Sora and Riku with their blushes on their faces.

Closing his eyes and enjoying the warm caress of the passing wind on his skin, Sora leaned back in his seat in the back of Cloud's convertible and breathed in the summer-scented air. He was in love and had everything he wanted right next to him. There were no more secrets between them, no parents for another four days, no annoying and slightly demented grandmother anymore and enough money to throw himself the best party ever. Life couldn't get any better.

He hummed with the music on the radio that was playing a nice tune and that had Kairi, who was sitting next to her brother in the passenger's seat, suddenly squealing in delight.

"Oh! I love this song!" she said, raising the volume.

The first beats started to play and Sora's smile grew wider and he sighed out softly, "It's beautiful," he whispered. It had an erotic mood to it, making him wish that it was only Riku and him in the car so he could continue to do the naughty things he had wanted to do earlier.

Riku raised his head from where it had been resting on his arm against the car's door and looked at the other end of the backseat and his heart started to melt all over again.

Sora sat there with his lower lip caught in between his teeth and eyes closed, hair swaying in the wind. The blush on his face didn't go unnoticed by the elder teen either. Slowly, he laid his right hand on the one Sora had lain next to him.

"Someone is thinking naughty…" he whispered so softly as he could, smirking.

Ocean blue eyes met aqua ones and the younger one smiled shyly, the cute pink of his cheeks spreading itself to the rest of his face.

Cloud was looking at the two lovebirds in his driving mirror and smiled softly to himself before focussing back on the road. Young love always made him think about the time he and Leon first met and how, for the first time, he had experienced the true meaning of love. Seeing the two boys that he had witnessed growing up discovering it's beauty this way just warmed his heart, reinforcing his believe that Riku and Sora were meant to be more than just friends…

Intertwining their fingers, eyes still locked together, the lovers had attention for nothing else than for each other, their hearts beating as one and beating only for the other.
"I love you so much, Riku," Sora softly whispered, squeezing their hands briefly, "So much."

The blonde smiled gently, staring at his love and his beauty before closing his eyes and whispering, "You're what keeps me going, Sora… You're a part of me, never forget that."

"We're almost there you guys," Cloud said, knowing that it would be an appropriate warning sign for Riku and Sora. Glancing towards his sister, he saw her nodding her head to the music with her eyes closed and resting against her seat. He then dared a look in his driving mirror again and what he saw made him wish he had his own lover by his side.

"Kiss me, please," Sora inaudibly whispered, his heart burning with desire and knowing that Kairi was so much into the music that she wouldn't notice.

Riku scooted closer to him, raising a hand toward his right cheek and pulling him closer. He heard the brunette sigh contently as he rubbed their noses together tenderly.

A first soft kiss was shared between them and Riku strained his half lidded eyes to keep looking at Sora's wanting features, "I'll be by your side forever," he then brushed his lips against his and let the tip of his tongue briefly flicker out, making Sora grab the back of his tank top closer, inviting him to give him more. The younger teen temporarily didn't care that anyone was looking at them, he needed to express what he felt in his heart, what he truly felt for his best friend.

Their lips melted together as the elder captured his plump lower lip with his own. A brief dance of tongues had place, before Riku's lips slid away from his mouth and towards the tanned flesh of his throat.

Biting his lips to prevent any sound from escaping, Sora threw his head back slowly and let his head fall to the side, opening his eyes to find Cloud softly smiling and nodding at him in the driving mirror. There was no fear or shame whatsoever when Sora smiled thankfully at him, knowing that their secret would be safe with him.

The song ended, replaced by the overexcited babble of the radio dj.

"I just love this song so much, the beat makes you want to cuddle up close to someone…" Kairi sighed, opening her eyes and smiling at her brother, who was now searching for a parking spot on the immense parking lot in front of the mall.

"Don't you think so, you guys?" the redhead then asked, turning herself around in her seat to face them.

Riku smiled at her from his spot at the far left side of the backseat while Sora was lying back with his eyes closed.

"It's a real beautiful song, Kairi," He softly whispered, trying to sound not too breathy, still not looking at her. And you have no idea how right you are…

She smiled and turned herself around again as Cloud stopped the car.

The younger girl was the first one to step out of the vehicle and bounced towards the imposing building. "Come on you lazy bums!" she giggled before running inside of the mall, her brother following her close behind.

"You know, this is our first time out. Together…" Sora whispered, blushing slightly as Riku turned around to look at him, "As a couple I mean," he then quickly said, "You have no idea how much I want to walk around with you while you're holding me close."

The blonde tenderly ran a finger on his tanned left cheek, "I want to hold you close to me too…" He then smiled wickedly like he always did when he had an idea. And Sora knew that he had to be prepared for whatever the boy had on his mind.

"Why do I feel like you're going to do something to me again?" he asked playfully, looking at him suspiciously and biting his lower lip in curiosity.

Riku chuckled, "Because you know me enough to know that you're right," he coyly tapped his right index finger on Sora's nose, "And because you know me enough to also know that you're going to like it," he then said in a lower tone, leaning in closer to him before entering through the glass doors of the establishment.

He didn't know if he was supposed to laugh or be worried, so Sora just followed his friend inside.

How many hours had passed since they got here? When would they be leaving?

His feet hurt. His arms hurt. And he wanted to go home.


"Just a minute, Sora, we need this too. Otherwise no one is going to come to your party. Oooh, and those too!"

She had been saying that for the past half hour.

They were standing in a grocery store and Kairi was picking out the snacks. Why didn't he simply say no before? Oh right. Because strangely, when it comes to Kairi, I just can't say no! He sighed heavily, his famous pout on his lips and staring at her back with a scowl. Cloud and Riku had been quick to turn Kairi's offer down and left him with no other option but to accompany her to store number 106589 and something something…

"But Kairi, people are not coming to my party for the snacks! We don't need that much of food!" He protested as she checked the items on her little list and scrapped some things here and there.

"Would you prefer having them starve, then? If they're going to dance, they will get hungry and thirsty, you need to provide something to eat and drink!"

Good point.

"Yeah, okay. But not in those large quantities!" Sora argued back, adjusting his hold on the basket full of food he already was holding. "What are you planning to do? Make them eat to death!"

Giving him a glare, she responded; "Fine! But don't say I didn't try to help you when they start digging into your fridge!"

Rolling his eyes in annoyance as she started to sulk, Sora stepped up to her, "I'm sorry, but it's just that I'm tired, okay? We've been walking around for almost four hours and I would like to just go sit somewhere and just relax. Even if it is just for a few minutes."

Her amethyst eyes were directed to the floor in an offended way.

"Look, Kairi, I know you mean well." Sora took her by her shoulders and made her look at him, "But I think that we've shopped enough for the day. We have everything already and Cloud said that he has a friend who wouldn't mind taking care of the music. What do you say we go home, okay?"

One moment she had been looking at him almost pleadingly and the next her lips were pressed against his.

"K-Kairi! No!"

He hadn't meant to be so loud, but hadn't they discussed all of this?

She averted her gaze in shame and closed her eyes, sighing softly. "I just thought that you'd like that."

The brunette resisted the urge to shake his head violently and wipe her taste off his lips, but he sighed mentally and stepped up to her again. "K-Kairi, maybe we shouldn't…" he was searching for words so not to hurt her, "we shouldn't go through with our plans for tomorrow. I mean those involving only you, Riku and me."

"Why?" she suspiciously asked, her eyes trying to find the underlying meaning of his words.

"Well, uhm… it's not that I don't want to do… that with you, but it's just that the three of us… well, it could have some serious repercussions." He whispered, looking at her with an honest expression. Believe me, I know all of that…

"What kind of repercussions?" she asked, and in a split second he knew that she wasn't oblivious to the consequences of what they were going to do.

By having sex with both boys, she hoped that one of them would fall in love with her. And because she loves us both…

He frowned and stepped away from her slowly, "What do you mean what kind of repercussions? I think you very well know them, Kairi. I thought we discussed this already." He just couldn't believe that she would stoop herself so low as to use the both of them to satisfy her own desires… How you've changed Kairi…

She merrily giggled and waved his words away, "Yeah I know, but it's just for the pleasure remember?"

"Like a little experiment of yours?" Sora then said, deciding to play along with her lie. As she gave a quick nod, he smiled, "And what about the feelings?"

"What feelings?"

"When you have sex, some of us develop feelings. Positive or negative ones. What if, after the sex, I… oh I don't know, started to avoid you?" he said, raising his shoulders innocently.

"Why would you do that?" she then asked and he heard a worried tone in her voice.

"Sex is not something you just do because you feel like it. You need to think about the consequences." Sora whispered, thinking about what Riku once said to him in a store not so far away from the one they were in now.

"How'd you know all of that, Sora? How come you're suddenly like a master in this subject while a year ago you didn't even know sex was more than making babies?" Kairi looked curiously at him with her hands on her back and her head tilted to the side.

Knowing that he was starting to blush furiously, Sora averted his gaze and suddenly found his interest in a pack of jellybeans. "Oh, you know."

"Uhm… no I don't. What are you hiding? You never were a good liar, so tell me. Is there someone special you have feelings for? Who?"

Not responding but holding the pack of beans closer to his face, Sora felt he was going to sink into the ground.

"Ah. So there is someone?" She teased, sliding a hand around his shoulder, "Do I know her?"

He put the candy back to it's place and sighed, "I don't want to talk about it now."

"You don't want to or you can't? Is it a secret?" she continued, walking around him smiling devilishly, "What, she ugly?"

Despite himself he had to chuckle at that and shook his head. "I'm not telling you, Kairi. Let's leave it at that."

"Okay then. And I guess there's no one because you're still going to join Riku and me tomorrow, right?" she said, picking some more items off the ranks, "And it's not like you and Riku have something together." She laughed and walked towards the exit of the store to have their groceries paid.

Plopping down with all of the groceries he had been carrying on the couch, Sora let out a long and heavy sigh and closed his eyes.

"This was the worst day of my life!" he dramatically exclaimed, kicking off his shoes.

"I thought it wasn't that bad." Riku said, coming to sit next to the brunette, putting his bags next to them on the floor.

Sora gave him a yeah-but-you-didn't-have-to-get-kissed-by-Kairi look and received a soft chuckle from the blonde.

"Yeah, it wasn't that bad. I actually had fun with my lil' sis." Cloud said, coming back from the kitchen where he had dropped the drinks. He took his car keys out of his pocket and smiled. "I've put most of the pop sodas in the fridge, Sora. The rest you can put in the basement or anywhere else you like."

"Hey!" Kairi said, coming out of the kitchen as well, "See, I told you it was going to be fun!"

The tall blonde merrily chuckled, "I'm still stunned by that realisation."

She scowled at him and swatted his arm before turning around to look at the chuckling boys on the couch, "Well, we'll be leaving now, Sora. Riku do you need a lift back home?"

"Nah, I'll just stay around to see that Sora here doesn't start eating all of the snacks," as he said that he was petting the brunette's cute little tummy, "we all know he's capable of doing so."

"Hey!" Sora protested, pushing Riku's hand off his tummy, "That's mean!" he then pouted.

"Ohh, look at them bickering." Kairi said, chuckling softly, "You'd almost think that they're married."

Cloud softly laughed, "Let's give them some room then. We don't want to bother the newly weds."

Brother and sister laughed amusedly before saying their goodbye to the two boys.

"The deejay said she'd be here around seven so she can install her material." Cloud informed them before stepping out of the door.

Kairi then suddenly grabbed his arm and whispered something in his ear and he seemed to remember an important fact, "Ah, yeah. Right. We will be here around seven too, to help out a little. See you tomorrow!"

And with that they both left, secretly chuckling before closing the door behind them.

Sora raised a suspicious eyebrow at the strange behaviour of his friends. "Is there something you guys are not telling me?"

Riku innocently raised his shoulders, "No. It's all in your head."

"Are you calling me crazy?"

"No, but very tempting…" he hoarsely whispered, a strange look taking over in his eyes. "I thought we'd never have the chance to be alone." Riku suddenly whispered, pushing the bags away that were obstructing his way between him and Sora.

Sora smiled impishly, "Riku wants to play?" he teased, backing away from Riku, who had now gotten this predatory gleam in his eyes. He then bit his lower lip and smiled, "Should I surrender or fight back?"

"Fighting back will only arouse me further, are you sure you want to tease me more?" the blonde whispered back, his voice dangerously low, sending the usual shivers down Sora's back.

Sora giggled and backed up further, his eyes never leaving his lover's. "Is that a threat?" he whispered, his back abruptly bumping against the arm of the sofa. "Should I be scared?"

Riku shook his head and darkly smiled, "Not scared, terrified."

And with that he closed the distance between him and Sora in one second flat, attacking the boy's throat.

Eyes fluttering shut at the sensation of hungry love bites and licks, Sora was only partially aware of the hands working on the buttons of his jeans. "Nnhh…"

"When we passed that jeans store earlier, I had to hold myself to not drag you into it and into a dressing room," the elder teen hissed, planting his teeth into his lover's tanned skin, "And take you the way I wanted to so badly…"

Gasping loudly at the sudden attack on the sensitive flesh of his throat, Sora dug the nails of his right hand into Riku's left arm. "Then show me how badly you want me now…"

In response, Riku hissed his name and ventured lower on him, now paying attention to his collarbone. "I could eat you alive."

A small smile tugged at the younger one's lips, "Please don't, mister. My mommy would miss me and my daddy too."

Riku chuckled at this while he passed a hand underneath the hem of Sora's blue shirt. "Then I have no choice but to rape you until you scream for more." He delivered Sora's torso of it's clothing and continued his attack with an assault on the younger boy's swollen nipples.

"Oh, but mister…" Sora moaned at the first contact of lips with his erected flesh, "I'm just an innocent, defenceless boy…"

Moaning at that and raising the hand that had been unbuttoning Sora's pants to play with his other nipple, Riku bit down softly before lapping his tongue over the small bud.

"Ah! Mhhm…" Sora put his hands on the blonde hair, arching his back, encouraging him to continue his pleasurable ministrations. "Oh yes…"

Riku then traced a maddeningly slow path from Sora's chest to his bellybutton, dipping his tongue into the small recess before travelling further towards his final destination.

As Riku's hand entered his pants, Sora moaned in anticipation, bucking his hips slightly.

"Is it this you want, little boy? Should I touch it?" Riku teased, his face inches away from the peeking tip of Sora's arousal, "Or do you wish me to do something else to it?"

"Please…" Sora whimpered softly, his hands clenching the blonde strands a little more desperately, "Give it to me…"

Riku chuckled again, and removed all the rest of Sora's clothing, leaving him panting and wanting naked.

"Like this?" He licked the now throbbing member once leisurely, from the bottom to the very tip, closing his eyes to savour the taste that was Sora.

A choked breath was his answer and he continued, "Or like this?"

Now caressing the tip with his lips, Riku then slowly parted them, taking Sora's length deeply into his mouth.

"Oh… shit, Riku…" the boy moaned, holding on to Riku's head as his mouth enveloped him completely.

Sliding back up at an agonising slow pace, the elder teen then pressed a kiss on his tip before directing his lips to Sora's balls. One hand was still pumping him and the other kept the brunette's wild hips on the couch.

"Mister that feels so good…"

"It does? Then what about this?"

One finger prodded at his entrance and Sora let out a soft whimper, unconsciously thrusting forward and making Riku's other hand slide down his length.

"Please put it in me…"

"How many?"

Sora gasped at that and then moaned again as Riku's tongue flickered on his tip. "R-Riku… please…" he whimpered, closing his eyes tightly shut.

"How many, babe?"

Sora suddenly grabbed Riku's hand prodding him and pulled it towards him, making three fingers slide inside of him.


Following the pulling motion of Sora's hand with his own, Riku couldn't help but smile with growing lust at the increasing speed of Sora's pulls and the rising volume of his whimpers and moans. He bent over again and started to bob his head while repeating the motions of pressure and release on Sora's shaft.

"Deeper… Riku… oh yes…" the brunette now almost whined, moving his head from side to side.

Groaning in response, Riku then stopped all his actions and took his own clothing off; the sexual tension was becoming too much.

"Hurry…" Sora pleaded, his hand now stroking his member slowly, while his other teased his own nipples and his half lidded sapphire orbs clouded by deep desire.

Positioning himself at his entrance, Riku then thrust inside of his lover, both of them emitting a low groan at the overwhelming feeling of completion.

Sora pulled him on top of him, their bodies gliding over each other with the tin veil of sweat that covered them. "Rape me." He then lustfully whispered into Riku's left ear and licking his lobe.

Riku groaned his name at that and took both of Sora's hands in one of his, pinning them above the brunette's head, while the other slid downwards to grab hold of the smaller boy's right thigh. Without another word he thrust forward hard, pulling Sora's thigh closer to him, increasing the depth of his stroke.

Back arching, eyes tightly shut and mouth opened in a silent scream, Sora loved the feeling of forced pleasure and helplessness that came with this stance. But he hadn't thought that it would make Riku hit his soft spot more efficiently. "Oh ba-by…" he leisurely moaned.

Driving inside of his lover once more, Riku groaned at the expression of lust and pleasure on his boyfriend's face. He had given him total control now and the blonde loved it beyond words. Another quick and hard thrust and he heard the boy cry out.

"Oh please, Riku…" Sora breathed, still arching his back, "So…good…!"

Looking at his face while he kept moving in and out of him with increasing virtue, admiring his beauty while they were expressing their deepest feelings for each other and thinking of the fact that Sora trusted him so much to let him 'rape' him, Riku smiled. A smile that expressed his undying love for him. No matter what was in store for them, he would protect Sora. Protect the world that was their own.

Burying his face into the crook of the brunette's right shoulder, Riku ardently thrust harder.

"I love you, Sora."

Tears were now escaping the younger teen's eyes, a smile appearing on his flushed face. "I know. I love you too."

Riku then let go of his hands as he felt his orgasm come on and put his own elbows on either side of Sora's head so he their faces were inches apart.

"I- I'm almost there…" Sora whimpered, looking at him with what was almost a look of guilt.

"It's okay," Riku said, lowering his face, "Just let it go," and kissed him gently, brushing the wet brown bangs out of the boy's face while rocking his hips continuously against his petite body.

"Oh god…"Sora whined, closing his eyes as the first orgasmic wave rippled through him.

Riku bit his lip at this, knowing that Sora had wanted them to climax together. But feeling and watching him tense underneath him was just as satisfying. Before the last tremor hit the brunette, Riku quickly caught his lips in a searing kiss, muffling the brunette's moans and cries with his own passionate replies.

It didn't take him long to reach his own edge and a couple of minutes later they were lying silently next to each other, staring at one and other.

"Nothing will ever come between us." Riku whispered as he raised their intertwined hands to kiss their knuckles.

Sora tiredly smiled, satisfied, and cuddled up close to him, his head resting against his shoulder. "You know, about Kairi and tomorrow…" He hesitantly started, wanting to start talking about his conversation with the redhead in the grocery store.

"I'll fuck you soon after that, I promise." Riku replied, quickly, not wanting to start talking about what was to happen tomorrow. "Just to, let's say, fuck away the bad taste." He did wonder why the younger teen started to talk about her again, but he didn't ask.

Sora started to laugh and closed his eyes. His worries about what was to happen tomorrow would have to wait.

Nothing was worth spoiling the moment.

To be continued... -Blackdiamond Princess-