Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the wonderful world of puberty ❯ B-day party (part 1) ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


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ELEVEN: B-day party (part 1)




"So when did you find out that you liked each other in that way?"


All three boys where now sitting on the beach, watching the calm waves play with the shoreline and their bare feet as they waited for the time to pass them by. There hadn't been that much to do around the island, since it had only been the three of them for the past two hours. And the weather had grown into a rather canicular one, making it almost impossible to do any other activity besides sleeping or lying around lazily. The latter had been opted by all three teens.

Sora laid himself on his back and covered his eyes with one arm against the acute sun and smiled at the memory of their first time together. He had maybe been in denial back then, but he now knew that it had been after that his feeling had started to become clear and that in someway he had always loved his best friend.

"I guess… it's always been there…" he gazed up into the questioning face of Wakka and then up to the blue sky, "The attraction I mean. But I think the realisation came after our first… eh…" he let his voice trail off and shifted his now reddened face away from the prying faces of his friends.

"Right," Tidus grinned and stood up, took off his shirt and laid it next to his sandals, preparing himself to take a swim in the ocean, "Well, as said before, I have no prob with it. As long as I don't catch you staring at my ass or anything of that sort."

Sora snickered, "Would you like it if it was Riku who did the staring?" he then teased, "Your condition only implied me, while Riku is as gay as I am."

Wakka smirked, "Good point, ya?" the redhead then looked up at his friend, "Is there something you want to share with us, honey?"

The blonde laughed at that and ran a hand down his tanned and lean torso, "I know he's going to have a hard time trying to ignore this, so who am I to deprive him of it?" he seductively whispered, casually stretching while running another hand through his blonde locks.

The brunette's smile disappeared at that and his expression turned into a worried one. He knew that he didn't need to, but he just couldn't help it.

"Hey Sora, stop looking like I stole him away from you or something." Tidus then snickered, seeing the other teen's face, "I'm far from even interested in him and I don't think I'm his type anyway."

Wakka gave Sora a playful punch on his shoulder, "You should trust him, man. Give Riku a little bit more credit, ya? I'm sure he does the same for you."

Sora scratched the back of his head sheepishly and smiled, "You guys are right… I'm acting stupid."

Tidus smiled, "And if it'll make you feel better; I'm taking a girl to the party tonight."

"How do we now that you didn't pay her to come with you?" Wakka commented before ducking out of the way of one of Tidus' sandals that suddenly came flying in his direction.

Sora laughed at the scene and felt lucky to have friends as understanding as these two. He didn't want to think about what would've got happened if they hadn't taken the news the way they had.

He didn't know what to think of Kairi now that he had found out that she had lied to him and technically abused him. A lot of things had happened between them and he felt mad and sad, but he refused to let the friendship that he had with her end because of that. It wouldn't be the same, he knew that, but he just hoped that she would want to be his friend after he'd tell her about his relationship with Riku.

"Hey, you guys. I think I'll be heading back now, it's too hot out here." Sora spoke, standing up and beating the sand off his jeans and shirt, "What time is it?"

Wakka glanced at his watch, "A quarter to one. You need to go prepare the house?" he then asked, standing up as well and starting to take off his own shirt and sandals.

The brunette ran a hand through his hair and smiled. He actually just wanted to go home to wait for Riku there.

"I still need to clean the house a little bit." He said instead, which was actually true; the packs of drinks Cloud came in with yesterday were still lying on the kitchen table and if he didn't put them in the cave, the guests would all be drinking warm liquids tonight.

"Alright," Tidus said, starting to wade into the water, "Then we'll see you later, Sora."

Sora waved at him and was about to turn himself around to start walking towards the small wooden dock, when Wakka held him back.

"Hey, do you think Kairi's still in love with Riku?" he asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

The younger teen turned around and smiled at him, an idea popping inside of head, "Keep her company tonight, Wakka. I think… I think she'll need it."

"Yeah, I think she will," The redhead responded, putting a hand on Sora's shoulder. "Good luck with Riku, man. You guys are great together."

"Wakka! Are we still gonna train or what?" Tidus yelled from the water.

"Thanks, Wakka." Sora whispered as Wakka gave him a last squeeze on his shoulder before turning around and retrieving the blitz ball from the beach and diving in the sea.

It really had surprised him that Wakka had been so okay with him coming out of the closet, and now he valued him even more as a friend. He really wished that he and Kairi would work, not only because the Wakka has been longing for her for like forever, but also because Kairi needed someone to love her right and take care of her like only a great guy like Wakka could.


Stepping inside the coolness of his house, Sora let out a heavy sigh, wiping off the drops of sweat that were rolling down his temples before closing the door. Someone could get killed out there! The idea of taking a nice refreshing shower became more appealing with each passing second, but he needed to take care of the drinks first.

He made his way to the kitchen thinking to see all the bottles of pop sodas and other alcoholic drinks lying on the table, but found the rectangular surface empty.

But…I saw them lying on the table before I left! Where did they…

"Miss me?"

Sora gasped in surprise as he recognised the voice and turned around, "Riku!"

The next thing the platinum haired adolescent knew was that Sora had jumped him and clamped his arms around his neck and legs around his waist, "I'll take that as a 'yes'?" He chuckled at the grinning face of his boyfriend in front of his.

They shared their first kiss of that day and then parted, Riku then moving his head to kiss the front of Sora's head, "Will you get off me now?"

Sora giggled and shook his head against the marine fabric of his wife beater on his chest, "No, not before you tell me what you've been planning and what you've done with the drinks."

Riku chuckled, "If I told you about what I've been planning I would be forced to kill you afterwards."

"It would be your loss," Sora grinned, fastening his grip on him, "You'd be forced to play with yourself…"

"I swear," he walked over to the wall opposite to the kitchen door and pushed Sora gently against it, "You've turned into a completely different Sora ever since…"

"But you like it so much," The petite boy whispered against his lips, interrupting him, "You love it because it turns you on and I must admit, it turns me on too."

"You're evil," Was all the elder teen said, staring at his lips.

"Tell me," Sora whispered, brushing his lips against his sensually.

"The drinks are in the back yard, in the freezer we took out of the cave."

"Who's 'we'?" He immediately asked, making Riku smirk.

"Leon helped me earlier."

"Okay, what are you planning?"

"It's a surprise. You know you almost sound like your grandmother, interrogating me like that."

Sora pouted for a second, ignoring his last remark, but then smiled mischievously, "I'll have a surprise for you if you tell me?"

"If it involves having hot, steamy sex with you right now, I will have to decline that offer, no matter how tempting it sounds," Riku apologetically whispered, rubbing his nose against the boy's as he started to whine in discontent, "Your body needs to rest, baby. I don't want to mark it's beauty for eternity by abusing it to my heart's content."

Another pout appeared on Sora's face as he looked away, "I know you only want what's best for me, but it still feels like you're rejecting me. Besides I was thinking on taking a shower," he sulked. "Maybe I'll just take it on my own, see how you'll react."

Riku chuckled, "Why must you be so tempting? Here's what I'll promise you," he nuzzled the brunette's right cheek so he'd look at him, which Sora did and continued, "I'll make love to you…"

Sora moaned at that, smiling and biting his lips while pressing himself closer to his lover.

"But," Riku continued and bit his lip; trying to fight the growing temptation, his forehead resting against the blue eyed teen's, "We'll go somewhere where no one can hear or disturb us."

The brunette started to laugh at that, remembering his morning with Tidus and Wakka, "That's a little too late." He then said, releasing his lover's body.

Riku raised an eyebrow at that, "What's too late?"

"Someone heard us." Sora giggled, a hand covering his mouth as he looked up at him.

"Who?" the blonde asked, not understanding why his blue eyed cherub was so amused by this.

"Tidus and Wakka."The brunette responded, sliding his hands down Riku's bare muscular arms and kissing his chin.

"And you're so happy about it, because…"

"Because when I told them about us, they were totally okay with it. Wakka even gave us his blessing." The boy said, looking up at him with a smile as he intertwined their hands.


"Uh-huh." Sora mumbled, kissing Riku's throat leisurely, moving to wrap his arms around him, "He might even help us with Kairi."

Riku made a low sound in his throat, "Oh really?"

The younger teen nodded, cooing at the hands that slid down his sides, "He's in love with her…" He then shifted his own hands so they rested on Riku's broad shoulders, "I told him to keep her company tonight."

"You did?" The blonde murmured, rubbing the right side of his head against Sora's left one and closing his eyes while pressing a kiss in the crook of his lover's right shoulder. "She will need someone to spend the evening with, because I certainly have no intention to keep her company."

"Riku…" Sora whispered, his eyes fluttering shut at the sensation of lips and tongue on his skin, "I know that she hoped for one of us to fall in love with her and that she made up reasons to get us to that, but even after what she's done to me I wouldn't want to lose her as a friend."

Riku frowned, "What did she do to you?" he asked, moving his head to face him.

Blue eyes looked down in sadness as he softly spoke, "On Tuesday she tricked me into having sex with her."

"I thought you had wanted it as well?" Riku whispered, not understanding and touching Sora's throat absently with a few fingers.

"That's what I thought at first, but that's not the point right now," Sora spoke, looking into his azure eyes with his clear ocean blue orbs. "She was begging me to do it, telling me that she had done it with Tidus at your party last year and that she wanted to do it again with me." His tone became a little desperate after that sentence; he was afraid of what Riku would say now, "I-I was confused and depressed after our argument, I guess..."

"Don't worry, it didn't mean anything, I heard you say that yourself and I have no doubt in my heart about your sincerity," Riku whispered, taking him into a close embrace.

"She lied to me, Riku. Tidus and she never had sex…" Sora then whispered, looking back down, "I'm disappointed in her, but I just can't end our relationship because of that."

"She's such a whore, why do you still want to keep contact with her?" Riku grumbled, looking at him now and holding him by his shoulders. "She's changed, Sora."

Sora sighed and gave him a semi-nod, "All relationships are bound to change at some point, Riku. Look at you and me!" He put his hands on the ones on his shoulders, "But that doesn't mean that they have to end?"

Riku stared at him in disbelieve, "She'll only end up hurting you, Sora! Why can't you see that?"

"She's still a friend, Riku!" The younger teen argued, "She just needs someone to love her. She's still my friend!"

"You're so naïve, Sora." the elder whispered, letting go of him and taking a step back while shaking his head at the other boy's stubbornness. "But if you truly believe that, then you're really stupid."

"Just because I want to give the friendship between Kairi and me another chance it makes me stupid?!" Sora yelled and pushed Riku out of his way. "Then fine!"

Riku groaned and reached out for the brunette as he stepped into the kitchen and tried to hold him back, but Sora squirmed his hand out of his grip and gave him a heated glare, "Thank YOU for enlightening me on that!"

"Sora! Stop!" Riku tried to call him back, but Sora had already stepped through the backdoor leading to the backyard.


"What the…?"

Sora thought for a second that he had stepped into another one's garden as he saw what had been done to it.

A small podium was set up in the back of the garden against the wall there and grand sound boxes were set in each corner of the yard. Different strings of wired multicoloured lights, attached to metallic bars that stood 2 meters above him and were relied to six poles that stood aligned by three the long of the yard, came from the rooftop of his house en joined above the stage. Light orbs where standing in each angle of the podium, sending flashes of multicoloured light on the white painted wall behind the platform. The stone walls that enclosed the garden had been decorated with light curtains. The freezer was standing left from the backdoor and behind a small wooden bar.

Walking on their tiled terrace and on to the grass, spreading his arms in amazement, Sora looked around with his mouth slightly ajar.

As he spun himself around, he saw Riku leaning against the bar with a gloomy look on his face and his arms crossed over his chest, his right leg crossed over his left one.

Guilt seeped into the younger boy's heart and he bit his lips while attempting to give his lover a sheepish look. He slowly started to walk back over to him, with his hands in his back pockets.

"So, you like it?" Riku whispered coldly, his eyes averting themselves from Sora's and resting on one of the stone walls decorated with lights.

Sora cringed slightly at the tone of his voice, but nonetheless stepped up to him and took his face in his hands to make him look at him and kiss him with all his heart.

Soon he could feel Riku's arms wrap themselves around him as he returned the kiss with fervour.

"Thank you… Thank you so much," Sora whispered in between butterfly kisses on Riku's lips. "I'm so sorry. I was being stupid. Again."

"I was being a jerk," Riku whispered back, running a hand through Sora's tresses. "I shouldn't have got said those things."

"That was our third argument in four days," Sora commented, rubbing the tip of his nose against Riku's and licking his upper lip hungrily.

"I like our reconciliations better, don't you?" Riku smirked, pulling Sora's legs up his sides.

Sora nodded, pulling himself up by the blonde's shoulders while biting his lips and while Riku walked them to the wall of the house right from the backdoor before pushing him against it.

In a matter of moments Sora felt the zipper of his pants being zipped open and his erection being taken out while ravenous lips explored every sensitive spot on his throat.

"Nnngh… Riku…"

Nimble fingers caressed his aroused length while his lover's body rocked against his, the confined evidence of Riku's arousal pressing sensually against his clothed buttocks.

The motions of pressure and release were being applied on his aching flesh, his cries of ecstasy muffled against the skin of Riku's bare right shoulder.

Riku bit his lips at how sexy his little lover could be when they had sex, the little sounds he made driving him mad with want. He had no intention on penetrating him though, he had found out that Sora's pleasure added to his own in more ways than one.

He quickened the pace he had set on the brunette's manhood and got rewarded with a deep groan from Sora and a passionate roll of his hips against his own. Riku had to admit to himself that his cherub was making it really hard for him to not lay him down on the floor and start plunging into that tight body of his…

"A-ah… No teasing, please…" Came the throaty moan of his lover as he teased the slit on his head with his thumb.

"Tell me you need it," Riku groaned against his ear, never stopping his rocking motions against Sora's body, but now slowing his jerking motions, "Tell me you need to come…"

"So bad… I need it so bad…"Sora almost cried at the sudden switch of pace that brought his body even closer to that point of no return, his body moving up and down the wall faster with every contact between Riku's bulge in his pants and his butt cheeks.

"Then come for me, baby… come for me…" the elder then whispered, licking Sora's earlobe, sending more electricity through the petite boy's body.

"Yeah…" Sora gripped his back tighter, the tips of his fingers digging into Riku's skin, making him hiss in pleasure and pain. "I…I… So close…"

"Come on, Sora… give it to me…" Riku murmured now, speeding up his movements on his lover's aching flesh again. "I want to feel you come in my hand…"

Sora was about to let out a loud cry as he felt his release barely seconds away when his mouth was seized into a mind-numbing kiss.

"Hmm- mmhh…!!"

Riku smiled against his lips as he felt the sticky juices coat his hand and pushed his tongue into the brunette's mouth, giving him something to distract himself with while his body slowly started to grow numb in his arms.

He brought his hand up to his mouth as Sora released his lips and put each semen-coated finger in his mouth leisurely.

Lazy lids opened themselves and the boy almost grew another hard-on right then and there as he saw what Riku was doing.

"How do I taste?" he smirked tiredly, climbing off of him again and pulling his soiled shirt over his head as Riku let go of him. He also made sure that his pants looked presentable again.

"Want to try?" he answered, approaching his fingers to Sora's face and cupping his face so his thumb, that was the only finger still covered with seed, brushed over his plump lips.

Sora engulfed the finger and suckled it, while his eyes were still fixed with his lover's azure ones.

"How do you like it?" Riku whispered, licking his lips at the seductive sounds Sora was making.

"I like your taste better," The brunette smiled as Riku chuckled and removed his thumb and pulled him to him for a soft kiss. "I love you, Riku."

"I love you too, babe," Riku whispered back, running with one hand through Sora's hair again.

"Hmm…" Sora mumbled against his chest, "Say Riku."


"Where were you planning on taking me to?"


"Well, before you said you'd make love to me, but that you were going to take me to some place where no one could hear nor disturb us."

"What did we just do now, then?" Riku smirked.

"Yeah, but we're still in a place where someone could've got disturbed and heard us." The younger one pointed out.

"Damn, I was kind of hoping that you had forgotten about that," The older teen admitted, earning a muffled giggle from Sora. "But since you saw what we did to the yard already I suppose I can tell you." he smirked, before taking out two ferry-tickets out of his back pocket, "I was planning on taking you to the main island tomorrow and stay there until Saturday evening."

Sora just gaped at him and then to the tickets for a while, the words he wanted to say not finding their way out, "You… you serious?!"

The blonde laughed, "We'll be staying at my older brother's hotel. He arranged it so we could stay one night and enjoy all services for free." 

"Oh my god…" Sora whispered, his voice starting to grow unsteady, "J-just the two of us?" he then asked, biting his lower lip to prevent it from quivering from the emotion.

Riku nodded, "Yeah, just you and me… and the big city."

Sora chuckled briefly, trying to hold back his tears and to keep his voice from breaking into sobs as he looked at him, "Oh Riku… you shouldn't have…"

"You don't turn 17 everyday…" the silver haired teen whispered against his lover's crown as he held him in a tight embrace.

"My birthday isn't until next week, but you're the greatest present I've ever received…" Sora now whimpered against his chest, "Thank you so much."

Riku smiled in his hair, pressing a kiss on his head, "I'm glad you're happy, babe."

The brunette sniffled and pushed himself away from his boyfriend, "But those tickets must've cost you a fortune!"

"Well, it's not like I can't afford it." Riku smiled back. It was true; Riku came from an affluent family. In contrast with Sora, who's parents didn't often leave him with money or didn't even just gave him money without him asking, Riku received each month a fairly amount of money in his bank account. Another thing they differed in was in the fact that Riku was a smart spender while Sora often gave money to everything and nothing.

"But really… you shouldn't have, I mean you shouldn't have got gone through all the trouble just for me…" Sora wiped a few tears away, blushing slightly. "First my party and now this… it's too much!"

"I wanted to go through it, because you're worth it, babe," Riku smiled at him, taking his face in his hands, "Don't you realise that yet?"

"Riku…" Sora closed his eyes and lowered his head a little, "I can't express how happy I am to have you… I love you so much!"

Laughing while rocking his petite body against his in a tight embrace, Riku closed his eyes.

I hope you will accept the next thing I will offer you, Sora… Hope you'll want to share it with me…  

The entire day had seemed to pass by in a haze for Sora since the arrival of Riku, and soon the clock indicated 7 pm.

He had just taken a shower to wash off the sweat he had accumulated on his body during the day when he heard the doorbell ring.

"Riku, will you please get that?" he yelled as he stepped out of his bathroom, in nothing but a towel hanging over his slim hips and the excess water from his hair dripping down his body. He knew he should've got taken that shower sooner, but he had had to be present as Leon and Cloud had arrived two hours ago wanting to move some of the furniture downstairs so they could've got closed off the living room and second floor area. And then there had been a small issue with the electricity and the neighbours who were already complaining about the noise. It had been stupid to not think about them, but Cloud had been able to make a compromise with them which had resulted in them leaving with content faces. He suspected Cloud from having promised them something that had to do with their interior, but he wasn't sure. Anyhow, all small problem had been solved around 1 hour ago, which led to why Sora had not been able to take his shower until now.

But the young teen was now confronted with another, rather personal, problem, which consisted in picking out his clothes for the evening.

"Hey, babe? There's the DJ downstairs and… what are you doing?" Riku peeked inside Sora's small room to find it even more messed up than usual.

"Trying to figure out what to wear?" the brunette whispered from his spot in the middle of tons of clothes, not even bothering to look up at him.

Riku chuckled and entered, "What about this?"

He held up a red wife beater to his chest that had white inscriptions on the bottom left from some kind of brand.

"I wouldn't look good in it with my arms," Sora said after he had briefly looked up, "Unlike you."

The blonde laughed, "If I'm not mistaking here, you just gave me a compliment and for that I thank you."

The other boy just snickered at that before holding up black faded jeans, "What do you think of this?"

"Only if you wear them with this." Riku answered, holding up a white sleeveless shirt with a hood. There were thick black inscriptions running diagonally on the fabric, repeating the same phrase: "Hardcore all the way"

"I don't remember buying that." Sora whispered, taking the shirt from Riku with an examinating gaze, "It's pretty cool."

"Try it on, then. Yuffie's waiting downstairs."

"Okay, I'll be right there." The younger teen then directed himself to one of his draws next to his bed and started to take out more clothes.

"What are you doing now? Come on, get dressed already!" Riku chuckled as he saw Sora take out some boxers and lying them on his bed, "I really don't think people will care what you'll be wearing underneath."

"I need to feel comfy tonight! Underwear plays a great role when it comes to that!" the brunette said, waving Riku out of the door, "Just go, I'll be there in a minute!"

Riku rolled his eyes at that and just exited the room, barely seeing where to put his feet with all the clothes lying around.

I knew that he lacked orderly sense, but I just hoped that he'd grow out of it with his age… Man I hope that he says yes to my proposition… it might be the last chance I'll get…


To be continued…

  -Backdiamond Princess-