Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the wonderful world of puberty ❯ B-day party (part 2) ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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TWELVE: B-day party (Part2)


Heavy bass-beats were vibrating throughout the entire house as he hopped excitedly down the stairs, the chains he had attached to his pants making soft clicking sounds. He jumped over the dresser Leon had placed in front of the stairs to keep people from going upstairs and followed the sound of the music all the way into the backyard.

"Riku was right about the shirt after all."

Smiling blue eyes directed themselves to the man standing left from the back door as he stepped out of the kitchen.

"I knew I hadn't seen it before," Sora giggled, touching the soft fabric of his shirt.

"You look good in it," Leon then spoke with a microscopic smile on his face. "Excited?"

Sora took a breath and exhaled while nodding, "Yeah, it's going to be great!"

The older brunette chuckled and nodded, "Have fun, Sora. Riku really did his best to put all of it together."

Sora smiled at him, knowing that Leon meant to say that Riku really did his best to please him. "I have the fullest intention of enjoying myself tonight," he whispered, turning his head in the direction of the stage, where Riku and Yuffie were testing her installation and playing some random tracks.

Leon followed his gaze and then watched him with a soft expression. The love he saw in this young boy's eyes was endearing and he knew that Sora was ready to do anything for Riku as Riku was ready to do anything for Sora. He also knew that they would have it rough though. He and Cloud had it rough all the time; people not accepting the fact that two men could love each other or just acting like hypocrites around them to go tell all kind of stuff behind their backs. It was just because of the fact that they were perseverant and loyal to each other that their relationship still stood strong after 5 years, even though 3 years of it had been in secrecy.

Since his job as a model for an internationally renowned house of haute-couture had it's main building on the largest island of the Destiny Islands Archipelago and that it often implied him making long-distance travels and returning after a considerate lapse of time, he had decided to move away and to the city, but Cloud had wanted to stay here for his job and his family. No need to tell that it was difficult at times, not only for him but for his Cloud too, not only regarding the distances and the moments of emotional loneliness, but also the moments of reunion and the shared time. When they were together, they had to cramp all the emotions and longing into an often too short period of time and take in account that they would get separated again.

Leon sighed and averted his eyes from Sora, who was still looking at Riku.

He'd be leaving tomorrow again… And Cloud didn't know it yet. Each time it got harder to tell him when he'd be going. Each time it got harder to say goodbye. And this time… this time it was going to be even more so.

He might not be able to come back.

"I'm going over to Riku," the brunette standing next to him suddenly whispered.

Leon gave a smile while Sora walked over the grass with slight hops in his step.

 "Lost in your own thoughts again?"

Soft hands slid up his shoulders, "I swear sometimes I think you should've got become a rocket scientist with all the thinking you do. What was it this time? Trying to figure out the meaning of life?"

All the tension he had felt in his body seemed to melt away under his touch; Cloud had always known how to make him feel less stressed.

"I already figured that one out." The brunette spoke, his eyes resting on the stage. "At least the meaning of mine."

Cloud knew his lover enough to know that he wouldn't tell him about it unless he asked, so he wrapped his arms around him and rested his head against his back; "Enlighten me."

The brunette smiled softly and closed his eyes, "I thought I showed you last night?" He whispered, taking one of Cloud's hands holding him and bringing it to his lips to press a soft kiss on it's back.

"Yeah, you did…" Cloud murmured, pressing a kiss in his lover's neck. "I wish you could show me again…"

"Then come back to Destiny City with me tomorrow."

The blonde tensed up and let go of him. Leon turned around to face him and brought a hand to Cloud's left cheek, "Cloud."

"You're supposed to leave tomorrow?" Cloud whispered, pulling Leon's hand off his face. "And you tell me only now?"

"Cloud," Leon sighed, putting his hands on his hips and slightly bending over, knowing that his lover was going to react like this.

"No, Leon. Don't," The blonde held up his index finger to him. "You're not being fair," he whispered, then turned around and re-entered the house.

 "How can you ask me to go with you just like that?"

As Leon entered the hall through the kitchen's entrance, he found Cloud bent over the dresser obstructing the way up the stairs, his back to him and leaning with his hands on the smooth wooden surface. The taller brunette closed his eyes at the dismayed tone of his lover's voice and leant against the doorpost with his right shoulder, arms crossed in annoyance. Sometimes Cloud really over-dramatised things, but he knew that he had all rights this time.

"I thought you were going to be around for so much longer, Leon…" Cloud then whispered, still bent over the piece of furniture. "Why didn't you tell me you were leaving so soon?"

"Because," Leon pushed himself from the doorpost and approached the blonde, who turned around to face him, "I would have to tell you that I might not come back."

The silence that followed these words was heavy, Cloud bending his head and closing his eyes while he sat himself on the dresser. Leon watched him with pained eyes before facing away, "Cloud," he then softly muttered; the offer he had made him still stood on the table and he hoped that Cloud would still accept. Yes, the chance existed that everything could stop right here and now, but he knew that if he didn't make a move to change, and maybe improve their common lives, Cloud certainly wouldn't. And to him, it just couldn't go on like this any longer; the distances were wearing him out and he was sure that Cloud felt the same way. So why not work out this issue right now? Cloud was the only reason he returned to this damn island with it's cramped up population every time.

"You're the most selfish man I've ever met," Cloud's lips trembled as he spoke those words, hands balled up on each side of his thighs on the dresser. "It's always about you, isn't it?"

Leon narrowed his eyelids at that as he looked at him from the corners of his eyes. Not that he hadn't expected that remark, but just that it made him realise how much Cloud seemed to be hurt by this.

"What am I supposed to do? Leave everything I've worked hard for just like that?" The blonde snapped his fingers to stress out his words and then shook his head, now looking at the brunette standing a few meters from him. He could feel a lump starting to form itself in his throat and he bent his head again trying to hold his tears back. "Damn you, Squall," He then whispered, giving in, like he always did, and using his lover's birth name to indicate that he was very much displeased, "Damn you."

Knowing that Cloud had just made the biggest sacrifice in his life, Leon approached him, tilted his chin with a finger and kissed him longingly, silencing his soft mumbling.

Passionate lips massaged against yielding ones, half-lidded eyes silently watched closed ones while fingers tenderly wiped away tears from the corners of a shut eyelid. A demanding tongue made it's entrance through welcoming lips and the kiss deepened, adding more need and want to their current state of arousal.

They parted, Cloud now clinging to Leon's broad shoulders and leaning into him.

"I'd never be able to live without you… you know that…" he whispered, tilting his head back and biting back a moan as teeth grazed the sensitive skin of his throat.

"Move your work along to the city …" Leon murmured back, his lips distracting the blonde from what was happening to his clothing. "You don't have to give it up. There are enough opportunities there."

Bringing his head back to rest in the crook of his lover's left shoulder, Cloud then nodded and ran a hand underneath the black fabric of Leon's tight t-shirt.

A few moments later, the soft sound of pants touching the floor sounded in the abandoned hall, followed by a series of breathy gasps, muffled groans and footsteps climbing up the stairs.  

 "So here's the birthday boy!"

 Sora smiled sheepishly at the sudden exclamation of the young girl with short black hair standing behind the turning tables as he halted in front of the platform.

"I see why you fell for him, Riku." She then said loudly behind her hand, trying to over top the loud music, which caused Sora to hear every word she was saying. He could feel himself grow beet-red as she continued, "He's so yummy and totally cute! Can't believe that he's only sixteen…"

Riku smiled proudly at his lover and jumped off the stage, right in front of the small brunette.

"You look great," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss on a reddened cheek.

"Thanks," Sora whispered, wrapping his arms around his neck and smiling. "For everything."

Riku loosened his grip and tapped the brunette's nose, "We're far from done here."

"There's more?" Soft blue eyes widened in amazement and curiosity, which caused the elder boy to chuckle in delight. "What else are you planning, Riku?"

"Ah no, no. This time I'm keeping the secret until it's time for you to know."

With a discontent pout Sora pressed himself against his chest and held him close, "That's no fun."

Riku only chuckled again and embraced him, pressing a light kiss on his forehead.

"You know, I see a lot of gay couples when I play in clubs and I just want to say that you two are the cutest one I've seen so far." Yuffie spoke, once again very loudly and of course ruining the moment between the two young lovers.

"Eh-heh-he…" Sora scratched the back of his head, smiling in discomfort and averting his eyes in embarrassment. Riku smirked and shook his head.


 "Yo, where the party at?!"

 Sora swirled around at the sound of the voice to find a small group of young people starting to seep into the yard through the small gate that led to the street in front of the house.

"Wakka, my man!"Riku shouted, walking up to the redhead and exchanging a handshake that only the both of them knew how to do, since they had both been in the blitz ball team of their now ancient high school.

"Was'up, Riku! Haven't seen you since graduation, man! What've you been up to these last few weeks?" Wakka gave Riku a last brotherly hug and then let go of him with a smile.

"You know, visiting universities and exploring the main island and shit like that. But I came back a week ago though, so where have you been?"

"Visiting relatives on the surrounding islands and shit like that." Wakka laughed. "But you sure the big city is the only thing you explored in the last few weeks?"

Riku smirked and glanced at Sora who was now talking to Tidus and a girl with wispy brown hair that was standing beside them, "I really appreciate the way you took the news, Wakka."

"Hey, it's cool. Like I told Sora before, you two look good together and in a way it's kind of a natural course of things, ya? But I still must admit that it took me by surprise; you being the ladies' man and all…" The redhead spoke, winking at him, making Riku chuckle.

"Must say that it was quite of a surprise for me as well," The blonde smiled softly and rested his eyes on his boyfriend again. "But a real pleasant one…"

"I'm glad about that," Wakka grinned.

"Don't you mean to say that you're glad that Kairi didn't end up with one of us?" The platinum blonde spoke smugly, giving his friend a calm look.

Wakka snickered at that and nodded, "Ok, I'm glad THAT didn't happen."

"What didn't happen?" Kairi suddenly popped up, embracing Riku from behind and giggling. "Hey Riku," She then kissed him in the crook of his shoulder and smiled at Wakka. "Hi Wakka."

Their conversation had fallen still when she showed up, Riku rolling his eyes and clenching his teeth together while Wakka just smiled in embarrassment and scratched the back of his head.

"So what were you two talking about?" The little redhead inquired, looking up at Riku with an impish smile.

"You do know that it is impolite to interrupt a conversation like that, do you?" The blonde calmly said, taking hold of her arms encircling him and slowly removed them with a look of annoyance on his face that she couldn't see.

"Oh, woops, I'm sorry," She then giggled and let go of him before stepping around him and pressing a kiss on his cheek. "Then I will leave you two men discuss the important matters of the world in peace." And with that she left, spotting a few of her girlfriends.

"Tell me you're not still together?" Wakka asked softly, his eyes following Kairi with secret longing in them.

"She's the one who thinks that we are," Riku said in an annoyed manner, putting a hand on his friends' shoulder. "I was planning on telling her about Sora and me tonight. And that's where we need you to come in, Wakka."

"Ah, I see," The other teen whispered a, sad look coming over his face. "You think she'll want me to?"

"You'll never know unless you try," Riku whispered, giving him an encouraging squeeze on his shoulder. As he said that, he saw Sora walk into the house. "I'll be right back."

On his way to the house he noticed that neither Cloud nor Leon was anywhere in sight. He raised a suspicious eyebrow at this realisation and was about to step through the back door when a soft voice held him back.

"Hey, Riku."

He recognised that voice and with it came all the memories of a rather painful period in his life. He turned himself around and saw her standing behind him, one hand on her right hip and her long brown hair flowing behind her in the soft breeze that just happened to pass by. Her amethyst and amber eyes were resting on his azure ones and her purple glossed lips curled themselves into a friendly smile.

"I didn't know you were going to be here, Lenne," He whispered, his mouth suddenly feeling dry and old feelings starting to come back with painful realisation. The teen kept his cool though; his ex-girlfriend didn't need to know what went through him at this moment.

She laughed softly, her small white teeth almost reflecting the dying sunlight as she opened her mouth, "I'm staying at my boyfriend's place, you know, Tidus' brother? I only arrived today and I heard of this party."

"Oh, like that," Riku smiled, not really caring. "Well, I hope you'll enjoy yourself…I need to go get someone inside, so if you'll excuse me…"

"Uhm… Riku?" She whispered, hesitantly putting a hand on his shoulder as he turned around again. He faced her again, sighing softly.

"I hope you're not still mad about…?" She spoke, giving him an apologetic look, "I hope you understand?"

Riku closed his eyes and looked to his side, "Look, I've left that all behind me now; I've left you behind me. Let bygones, be bygones, alright?"

She let go of his shoulder and nodded sadly, "I just hope you've found someone else."

"I have, and I need to go see him now. So if you'll excuse me again…" Riku whispered and this time turned around without looking back. He could hear her gasp behind him and he couldn't help but let a smirk form on his lips. That must've been a shock to her system…

A year ago, Lenne and he had been a couple. They hooked up at his birthday party last year and went out for about 6months. She had been in her senior year, while he had been in the 11th grade. But a month before her graduation she suddenly broke up with him, saying that she didn't see a future for their relationship if she was to go over sea, to her college. Riku had been particularly crushed by this, because they had promised each other to stay together, no matter what and now she was breaking it just like that. Later on he found out that she had been playing him for the last two weeks…with Tidus' older brother, Shuyin.

Strangely, after that, he had never gotten himself into a serious relationship, even though he had been elected as most eligible bachelor in his final year.

But all of that didn't matter anymore to him, because he had his Sora now, and soon he'd be leaving all of those memories behind him and start over. Hopefully with him.


As he entered the hall, he saw Sora descending the stairs and jumping over the dresser, or at least making an attempt to jump over it and landing with his derriere on the smooth wooden surface.

"Oww!" the petite boy moaned, standing up and rubbing his bump with one hand.

Riku kept looking at him with an amused grin on his face and his arms crossed on his chest. "Do try and explain to me what the hell you were attempting to do?"

Raising an embarrassed face up to look at him, Sora then gave him a scowl and stood up slowly, "Do you have to make fun of me even in times like this?"

Riku softly laughed and approached him to assist him, "You know I just couldn't help it. Why did you come back inside the house anyway?"

Sora took out his digital camera from his pocket, "At first it was to go get my camera, but then I realised that both Cloud and Leon had disappeared, so I went to look for them. Maybe I shouldn't have got done that." He spoke that last sentence with a small blush on his face.

The blonde smirked at that, he knew what Sora had meant, but he still asked; "Why?"

"They were… umm… doing it… in my parents' bed." The brunette stuttered, blushing even more.

Riku suppressed a snicker, "Was it good?"

"Riku! Why do you have to be so obnoxious?! Cloud is like a brother! You just don't…"

"Stop blushing and just admit that it turned you on," The blonde teased, letting the tip of his tongue flicker on Sora's left cheek.

The younger teen sighed exasperatingly and pushed his grinning boyfriend out of his way and walked to the kitchen.

"It's okay you know," Riku said after him, chuckling. "It'll only make you more willing for tomorrow night…"

Sora halted in his steps and gave him a grin, "Don't you ever think of anything else besides sex?"

"Yeah, when you're not around to get me horny…" He whispered back, embracing his lover from behind and pressing a kiss in the crook of his shoulder.

Sora giggled at the ticklish sensation of his soft lips on his skin and swayed his body to the music playing outside, "Remind me to change the covers of my parents' bed before we leave tomorrow."

Riku laughed at that and nodded, "I almost can't wait."

"Me neither," Sora whispered back, resting the back of his head against his lover's right shoulder.  

"Now I need all lovers to get up on the dance floor, we're going to slow it down like that!"


The entire crowd cheered at the starting beats of L.O Squad's "No more lies" and the dance floor immediately filled up again with couples showing of their dancing skills or grinding against each other sensually, making it look like one massive dance orgy.


 Oh-ooh, yeah-hey...

Nanana, nah, nah, nah, nanah... Nanana, nah, nah, nah, nanah...  


 The night was warm and loaded with sexual tension, the kind that was present at a party where you knew half of the guest would end up fucking each other in your toilet or in their car.

Sora was now sitting on the cane bench that they had taken out earlier, next to the long table with the snacks against the right white wall. His eyes were closed and his clothes were slightly damped from the many hours of dancing. A smile crossed his features as he saw Riku walk up to him to the beat of the slow song, his hips moving seductively in his way. Sora knew that Riku was good in a lot of things, but what he hadn't known was that he was such a good dancer. Techno, Rock, R 'n' B, Pop… he knew how to move to all of the music genres.

And now he was moving towards him, inviting him to go dance with him. On the first slow of the night.

He knew of course that it meant that it was finally time to reveal to those who hadn't picked up the clues yet, that they were a couple.



No more lies (No more lies), no more cries (no more cries)

I've been above the line and even higher, so right don't lie girl, right don't lie girl

No more lies (No more lies), no more cries (no more cries)

I've been above the line and even higher, so right don't lie girl, right don't lie girl


 Riku held out his hand towards his lover and pulled him up against him, pressing their bodies together and leading them to the dance floor.


"That. Is. So. Hot!"

Kairi looked into the direction her friend Selphie was staring and almost dropped her glass of Bacardi.

"Eh, Kairi, isn't that your boyfriend over there?" Another girl pointed out, raising a questioning eyebrow at the scene.

Sora pressed his left cheek against Riku's chest and whispered the lyrics to him with his eyes closed and a smile on his lips.


Act one; I hope you will be there for me

Act two; lovin' me and respectin' me

Act three; I wish you'd never cheat on me (huh)

You know my boy what I got from you…

All the good things we do and the lovin' today, my excuses for the pain I caused babe,

You know my boy I love you so and I'm thanking you for the things you do

Like lovin' me, takin' care and respectin' me

I need you in my lonely dayz

I need you every night and day

And I will pray for our love to stay


 "I had no idea Sora was gay…" Selphie squeaked, a minim drop of drool threatening to fall from her parted lips as she kept looking at the dancing couple. "I mean Riku is no surprise, but Sora…?"

A couple of girls giggled and one of them commented, "In a way it was kind of expected, don't you agree? I mean those two hotties have been friends for like for ever."

Kairi didn't say a word, but just kept looking at the two with a closed expression on her face. Had she been the only one to not see it coming? Did she not mean anything to Sora or Riku after all?


No more lies (No more lies), no more cries (no more cries)

I've been above the line and even higher, so right don't lie girl, right don't lie girl

No more lies (No more lies), no more cries (no more cries)

I've been above the line and even higher, so right don't lie girl, right don't lie girl


 "Check it out," Wakka whispered, pointing with his bottle of Bacardi Breezer Watermelon into the direction of the two boys seductively dancing with each other.

Tidus smirked and took a swig of his own bottle of alcopop while watching. "Reminds me to go find Yuna," he then said, putting his bottle down on the bar and making his way through the dancing crowd.

Wakka snickered and sipped from his own drink when he spotted Kairi still sitting down on one of the cane benches with two of her girlfriends, moving to the music.

Biting his lips nervously and putting his drink down, he made the decision to ask her for a dance. He cleared his throat and started to walk over to her when she suddenly stood up and rushed passed him.

(Can we do this?)

Yeah, can we do this?

Can we hold this thought of a new line?

(Can we keep it real?)

Yeah, can we keep it real?

Bad memories left them at the finish line?

(Let the past to the past, left completely

Let's start a chap with no limits)


 Riku mouthed the chorus lyrics to Sora, who smiled up at him and responded to him while singing a few verses back.

More and more people started to stop dancing to look at the couple, but for the two boys nothing else but the two of them mattered.

Sora slid his arms around Riku's neck and pulled him closer, biting his lower lip at the growing sensual tension between them and closed his eyes as he felt Riku's lips on his forehead, telling him sweet promises.


 'Cause I care about the things that we used to have, 'cause I know when you're with me nothing makes me mad

Don't you know that you mean a lot?

Don't you know we'll be so hot?

 Make a promise and hold me tight

Like; no tears girl, no more lies girl

No fights in the middle of the night, girl

(Uh-huh, that's all I need)


Feeling his heart break at Kairi's reaction to what she saw, Wakka soon followed her inside the house, where he found her crying on the dresser in the hall.

 "Kairi…" he softly whispered, approaching her slowly.

She briefly looked up and then sobbed harder, "Please, Wakka. Go away."

"No, I won't." Wakka whispered in a determined manner, now kneeling in front of her and brushing a few of her tears away with the back of his right hand. "Don't do this to yourself…"

The redheaded girl merrily sniffled and turned her head to face him, "I really thought… I wanted…" Her voice completely broke before she could finish her sentence and Wakka took her in his arms.

"Kairi… You're such a beautiful child… you shouldn't even be going through so much just to make a guy fall for you," Wakka whispered, holding her close. "You… you have everything you need right here with you, all you got to do is reach out for it."

Kairi gasped at that and pushed herself away from him, "Wakka…" she whispered, the tears still flowing down her cheeks, "I just want someone who understands me, someone who can love me… but no matter how hard I try…"

"We all need someone like that and sometimes…" Wakka tilted her chin up with a finger so she'd look at him. "Sometimes the answers we search for are right underneath our nose…"

She gave him a confused look and wanted to ask him what he meant, when he suddenly kissed her on her slightly parted lips. The elder teen had used all of his courage to make this move and now he hoped that she wouldn't push him away, which, by a miracle, she didn't. He released her lips and opened his eyes, finding her violet ones still closed.

"Wakka," She then whispered, raising a hand to touch her lips that had just been kissed so gently. "You…?"

"Stop trying so hard, Kairi… You're perfect just the way you are… I love you just the way you are…"

Her eyes flew open at this and she looked at him with pure astonishment written on her face.


 No more lies (No more lies), no more cries (no more cries)

I've been above the line and even higher, so right don't lie girl, right don't lie girl

No more lies (No more lies), no more cries (no more cries)

I've been above the line and even higher, so right don't lie girl, right don't lie girl



"W-Wakka…" Kairi whispered again, now giving him a confused look while another tear found it's way down her right cheek.

The elder teen shook his head, "If… if you don't want this, then I understand and it's alright." He stood back up and held out a hand to her, "But know that I'll always be here for you… as a friend."

She took his hand, watching how it enclosed hers before shifting her gaze up to his face again and standing up.

"I want go home…" Kairi whispered, wiping away another tear with her free hand.

Wakka nodded, "Alright, I'll drive you."

Kairi sniffled and smiled, "Thank you, Wakka. I-I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome, Kairi," He said softly smiling as she moved in to hug him.

"I'm going to say goodbye to Sora first…"

Wakka simply nodded his head again and let go of her.  

As the last notes of the song played, most lovers on the dance floor were involved in heavy make out sessions and Riku and Sora were no exception in this.

After the surprise, and perhaps, shock of the guests, most of them didn't really make a big deal out of it and those who did, found the decency to mind their own business.  

Now sitting on the bench Sora had used earlier, the young couple silently expressed their love in sweet, chaste kisses on the lips or on the cheeks.

"You think they'll stop staring at us if we just do nothing?" Sora whispered against Riku's lips, commenting on the girls that had been staring at them since they came to rest on the bench.

"Why deprive them of a good show?" Riku responded, pulling the younger boy closer to him by his hips and then kissing him lovingly on his right cheek. "I'm going to get us something to drink."

Sora giggled slightly at that and let his eyes rest on the still crowded dance floor after Riku had left.

The party was a success, everyone was enjoying himself and no major accidents had taken place. Last time he had checked the house everything had seemed to be in order, Cloud and Leon had made sure that no one got passed the hall and up the stairs or into the living room.

And most of all, his relationship with Riku was officially out in the open and it felt good. Riku had been right; nothing else mattered but the two of them and no one else was to judge them about what they did.

It felt good… but strangely, he still felt like he needed to talk to Kairi. She certainly saw what happened, so where was she?

Sora looked around for Wakka too, and didn't see him anywhere either. Cloud and Leon were talking to Riku now near the bar and Tidus was making out with his girlfriend on the dance floor. Selphie was ogling him like he was the strangest object she had ever seen and her girlfriends did the same. With a little bit of luck they knew where Kairi and Wakka had gone, that is if their eyes didn't grow stuck into their current staring position.

"Eh…?" Sora started, feeling unbelievably awkward talking to someone who was following his every move.


Kairi was standing behind him with a small smile and sat herself next to him on the bench as he greeted her cheerfully.

"So, do you think there's enough food left for our guests to eat?" Sora snickered, taking a comfortable position on the bench.

She chuckled briefly and nodded. Sora noted that she had been crying and immediately felt bad.

"Kairi," he started, raising a hand up to her cheek to wipe away starters of tears in the corner of her left eye. She pushed him away however and shook her head, "Don't worry… I'm okay."

Sora frowned slightly and let his hand fall in his lap, "You sure?"


Both of them looked up and saw Riku standing in front of them with a Breezer and a Smirnoff Ice bottle in one hand.

"Riku," she coldly spoke, averting her eyes from him as he sat himself behind Sora.

Sora bit his lips nervously; he knew that Kairi was angry at Riku for leading her on like he did and that Riku… well, that Riku tried his best to put up with her presence and that like before, his poor self was caught in the middle of it.

"I just came to say that I was leaving, you guys," Kairi said, standing back up. "Wakka is taking me home."

Sora stood up with her, "You don't have to go, Kairi. Please don't? It's only 1.30."

"It's okay, Sora. Really, your party is great, but I just don't feel like partying anymore," She whispered and moved in to hug him. Sora returned the hug and soothingly rubbed a hand over her back.

"I hope you make each other happy," she kissed him softly on his cheek and then let go of him.

"Thanks, Kai," The brunette whispered, softly smiling, "It means a lot hearing that from you."

Kairi smiled and then turned to Riku reluctantly. The blonde just gave her an indifferent look before stepping up to her as she decided to leave.

"We've both fucked up big time," Riku said, holding her back. Kairi turned and looked up at him with fresh tears in her eyes.

"Things that shouldn't have been said were voiced out, stupid actions carried out," The elder teen continued pulling her close to him and hugging her. "I'm sorry, Kai."

Kairi gasped and held him tight to her, "I'm sorry too, Riku."

Sora looked at both his lifelong friends and grinned widely, happy that things finely were settled between them.

"Group hug!" the brunette exclaimed and walked up to Riku and Kairi with spread arms.


"Do you think Kairi fucks both of them and Riku and Sora each other?" A girl sitting next to Selphie gasped.

"That would be so hot…" The brunette moaned, biting her lips, "I so need to fuck someone right now."


"Friends no matter what?" Sora asked to both his friends while still hugging.

Riku smiled at Kairi and she nodded, "Let's leave the fuckbuddies idea behind us, alright?"

Both boys looked at each other and exchanged a knowing look for a second and then both nodded; "Yeah, definitely."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" The girl exclaimed, chuckling as they all let go of each other.

Riku snickered, grabbing Sora's waist and moving his hips to the playing dance track, "I have my boyfriend, whom I love very, very much," he kissed Sora briefly on his lips and then looked at her again. "And for whom I'd die."

Sora smiled up at him tenderly, "Don't talk like that."

The blonde just snickered again, "But it's true, my sweet cherry pie."

"Okay, stop that!" Sora said, letting go of him and covering his eyes in embarrassment. "You're so not the 'corny-name-calling-type'."

Kairi laughed heartedly at that and shook her head, "You guys are totally cute together…" she commented, sighing in endearment.

"You know what other couple is cute?" Sora said, throwing his arms around Riku's neck again and letting him kiss his cheek while he looked at her. "You and Wakka."

The auburn haired girl crimsoned a little and bit her rosy lips nervously, and then accusingly pointed at them with a finger, "Why do I have the feeling that you guys set this up?"

Both boys made an indignant sound at her remark and shook their heads in denial.

"We. Would. Never." Riku spoke, making his voice sound like a female and mimicking her finger movements.

Kairi laughed again and rolled her eyes, "I need to go get him anyway."

"Hey, you're not still leaving, are you?" Sora protested.

The young girl scratched the back of her head thoughtfully and then shook her head, "Nah!"

Sora laughed and then turned his face back to his lover's as she had disappeared in the crowd again. "Thank you."

Riku smiled, "I know my presence is enough to receive gratitude for. You're welcome."

The brunette gave him a sceptic look that made the other boy chuckle. "Whatever. I just wanted to thank you for making up with Kairi. I know you've had to set aside your huge ego for that."

"Ouch, now you hurt me, babe," Riku chuckled, holding Sora closer. "But you're welcome."

Sora sighed contently, "You've been such a good boy tonight, and you deserve a big reward for your good behaviour." He then took the bottle of Orange Breezer Riku was still holding in his hands and took a sip.

"You're going to strip?"

The brunette raised his shoulders innocently, "You'll only find that out if you agree to meet me in my bathroom in 10minutes..."

Riku chuckled, "I was only joking, Sora. You know that you're not fully recovered yet."

"Maybe, but I can't deny the fact that you've gotten me really horny after our dance and that I want to feel you inside of me so badly…" the little brunette throatily whispered in his ear.

"Are you drunk?"

Sora chuckled and pressed himself up to him, "If I was, wouldn't it be fortunate for you? I can feel you through my pants you know…"

"Need. To. Fight. These. Urges." Riku breathed, watching as Sora let go of him and put down his Breezer on the nearby snack table and started to walk away from him with an impish smile.

"10 minutes." Sora mouthed, holding his ten fingers up to him and making sure that his hips swayed to the music as he walked.

So seductive… damn it, he's driving me crazy!

Riku put down his Smirnoff Ice and then made his way through the crowd to the stage where Yuffie was still playing. He held up a thumb to her and she smiled to him, nodding. She then reached under her table and took out a small rectangular black box that she gave to him. "Good luck."

"Thanks," Riku responded, turning around and getting off the stage.

"Good luck, Riku." Leon and Cloud said to him as he passed the bar and entered the house. He nodded and smiled to them and continued into the house, halting before the dresser in the hall and taking a deep breath.

He opened the small box and revealed a silver wristchain lying on a white velvet tissue. It had oval shaped silver chains with little silver crowns holding the links together.

With his free right hand he took out a key from his pocket and looked at it.

Please say yes, Sora… I don't ever want to be apart from you again…



To be continued…      -Backdiamond Princess-