Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the wonderful world of puberty ❯ Love, sex and a dildo ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
FOURTEEN : Love, sex and a dildo


With the sound of climbing footsteps, Sora slowly woke up from his slumber, opening his eyes to see the bright blue sky outside his window. Stretching out lazily and slightly wondering why he miraculously didn't feel sore after a night filled with sex, the young teen then watched as the door to his room opened to reveal the one and only person he loved to see so soon after waking up.

"Good afternoon," Riku whispered walking over to him with a grant smile and a tray with lunch.

"Hmm… Good morning," Sora lazily answered back, not realising Riku's words and stretching some more. He then sat up with a smile, "Say, that sure smells good, what do you have there?"

"Well," The blonde smiled and sat himself next to Sora on the bed and moved the tray in between them, "I have eggs, toast, strawberry jam, thee, a few pieces of bacon but for starters…" He stood up and gave him a soft kiss on his lips, smiling as he saw Sora bite his lower lip in appreciation, "The so eagerly wanted first kiss of the day…"

"The most perfect way to start a new day," The young boy whispered, opening his eyes and grinning at him, "But the rest is good too."

Riku smirked at that and watched him start his lunch for a moment, "How do you feel?"

Sora gave him a smile while chewing on his eggs before swallowing, "Blessed with you here with me and spoiled."

Riku snickered at that while he smeared a toast with jam, "What's wrong with being spoiled by the one you love?"

Sora took the toast Riku offered him and smiled, "Nothing, I guess… but I would watch out if I were you."

The elder teen smirked, pouring the water for the thee out of the can and into a cup.

"Just what I'm talking about, Riku," Sora giggled, putting down his toast and taking the can out of his boyfriend's hands to put it on the tray, "You're making me lazy by doing everything for me."

"I can't help it, babe," Riku then sighed and moved himself on the bed carefully to lie on his side next to Sora, "I love doing things for you…" With one finger he caressed the other boy's left arm, "Because I love you so much…"

"And I love that you do them for me, but baby, too much is too much," The younger boy whispered, "Leave some for me to do too."

Riku smiled, "Are you still feeling guilty about the party?"

"Not only for that," Sora spoke, "You arranged our trip, gave me this bracelet," He laid his clean left hand on Riku's right cheek, "And made me breakfast…"

"Oh, forgot to tell you," Riku interrupted him with a smug smile, "There's a cleaning team downstairs cleaning the entire house."

Sora closed his eyes and chuckled softly in himself before looking back at the grinning blonde with a hand on his mouth and an expression of amazement on his face, "I ought to chain you up so you stop doing things for me… Baby you're amazing…" He then whispered leaning into Riku for a kiss.

The elder teen shook his head after the brief contact of their lips and moved to sit on his knees so he could take hold of Sora's head with both hands, "No, I'm not… these are just material things; the bracelet, the trip, party…" He tenderly brushed the tip of his nose against Sora's, "I had never the intention to make you feel like you needed to give me something back…" His right hand then touched the two dog tags hanging around his neck absentmindedly, "Don't feel like you need to do something back for me every time, you give me enough… all I need is you."

"I gave you do that necklace as a lover's gift, it was not a counter gift…" Sora smiled and put his arms around Riku's neck, "I don't need you to be doing all of those things for me, Riku…" He took hold of the blonde's right hand and kissed his palm, looking up at him with a giggle, "It's not necessary because all I want and need is you. Believe me; I will chain you up if you don't stop," He then chuckled and rolled his eyes consentingly, "But alright, I will admit that the cleaning help is very welcome, but you know what I mean."

"I do," Riku whispered, moving in to kiss Sora's lips softly, "Chain me, huh?"

"Don't get any ideas," Sora said in between butterfly kisses.

Riku chuckled, "You brought it up, babe… Of course you gave me ideas. You're my source of inspiration…" His lips now wandered to the petite boy's left ear and soon he could hear a soft moan escape his lover's lips.

"Hmm… Riku…?"

"Yes, babe?"

"I'm really hungry…"

The blonde smirked impishly, now kissing Sora's jaw line, "Oh really?"


Like on cue, the younger teen's stomach suddenly growled, "Very hungry…"

"Oh," Riku chuckled and let go of him, "Right."

Sora looked up at him apologetically, "Sowwy sweetie?"

"You're so cute, don't be sorry," He whispered back, kissing him one last time, "Ok, you eat this up and then get dressed. I'll meet you downstairs." And with that he got off the bed.

"What time is it?" Sora then asked with his mouth filled with bacon and eggs.

"12.47." Riku answered looking at his watch and grinning.

"It's passed noon already?!" Sora exclaimed, taking his cup of thee in his hands and drinking it empty in two gulps, "Why did you let me sleep for so long?!"

The elder boy smirked, "Because after last night, you needed the time to recover so I let you sleep."

"But it's embarrassing to sleep passed noon like that!" The petite brunette whined, taking the tray off of him and moving out of his bed. "At what time is the ferry?"

Riku watched him get out of his bed wearing nothing but the blue bathrobe he went to sleep with and followed him to his bathroom to lean against the doorframe, "5.30, we still have the entire day, babe."

The teen moaned in annoyance and opened the cupboard opposite the mirror and the sink to take out his toothpaste and cinnamon scented shower gel, "There's still so much I wan to get done before leaving, I wanted to ask…Uhmm…" Sora spoke and then hesitated, closing the cupboard and avoiding Riku's gaze, "Never mind…"

Raising an eyebrow at that, Riku smirked, "You might as well finish that sentence..."

Sora chuckled, placing his shower gel in the shower and then letting the water run before turning around and looking at his lover with a playful glare and a sigh, "Do you always have to be so persistent?" He then let his robe fall around his ankles, watching how the fabric slid down his body before looking up at his boyfriend sensually, "I've learned how to persuade you to do things my way by now…"

"What?" Riku absentmindedly whispered, too busy staring at his lover's young body.

"Let me shower?" Sora innocently whispered, giving him a questioning look. He laughed silently in himself though; this trick seemed to work every time.

"On your own?" The blonde asked, his eyes still not moving from the object being observed.

The brunette stepped out of the pile of fabric around his ankles and walked over to the young adult standing in the doorway. He had a little plan for today and it was time to put it in action…

"Or maybe you can help me," Sora whispered, now standing in front of him, "If I asked you to, would you fuck me right now?"

Riku smirked, "After last night you still want more...?"

Sora gave him a smirk back and then took the blonde's right hand in his, guiding his index finger to his mouth. Fixing his sapphire depths with Riku's azure ones, the young adolescent slowly slid the digit into his mouth, his tongue procuring a gentle massage against it and his stretched out moans sending shivers down the elder's spine. Pulling the finger back out, Sora then leisurely licked it's surface up and down, his eyes still locked with Riku's.

"And if I said that I can't have enough of your hard, long cock pumping in and out of me…?" The brunette bluntly breathed, his tongue and lips still working on the finger. "Would that be an answer to your question?

Riku could feel a rush of arousal racing through him at the dirty, voiced out words of his lover. He had learned a while ago that his body could never be left unaffected in Sora's presence and now his jeans were getting almost painfully tight.

"Definitely," He groaned out, now watching as Sora slid both of their hands down his naked body.

"But… ever since we fucked each other for the first time, I've always wanted to do this," The brunette whispered, licking his lips hungrily and letting go of Riku's right hand, "I know I don't need to touch myself anymore, since you satisfy my every urge, but…" He bit his lower lip and closed his eyes as his own hands played with his nipples, "It doesn't seem to be enough… I keep touching myself in the shower…" The tone of his voice got higher as he started to breath out every word. "I wonder how it would be like… To have you here… watching me… touching myself…" One of his hands wandered lower on himself and he let out a small whimper at the first contact with his now erected manhood. "Would you mind?" he then moaned out, opening his eyes slowly to find Riku almost drooling all over himself, "Watching me, I mean."

Moving his head in a dull manner from side to side, Riku then took a deep breath so he could maintain the control over his body, "I know what you're doing, babe."

Sora giggled and stepped up to him, caressing with a hand over the bulge in the older teen's jeans, "What am I doing, cutie baby?"

"You're trying to make me forget something…" Riku murmured, rubbing his cheek against Sora's crown while his hands ran down the boy's bare arms.

"Oh really?" Sora cooed, pressing himself against his lover, hooking his right leg over Riku's left one, "Making you forget what?"

"Something…" Riku whispered back, briefly licking the skin of Sora's left shoulder, making the petite boy giggle in delight at the success of his little plan, "But if I forgot then it mustn't have got been of importance…"

Sora smiled mischievously over the elder's shoulder and then let go of him, "Good," And with that he turned and stepped into his shower, "Now go check out those people downstairs, I'll be there in 10."

"Sora, you manipulative, sexy little brat!" Riku mumbled as he stood there in the entrance all worked up but not getting any.

"What baby? I couldn't hear you, I had water in my ears," The brunette innocently inquired, turning his head to look at his boyfriend questioningly.

Riku just grunted and shook his head before turning around and exiting the small room, mumbling in himself, "I've said it before and I'll say it again, you're evil! Evil I say!"

"Oh, baby?" Sora called out after Riku left, oppressing a giggle, "Don't forget to take the tray with you! Thank you for breakfast, it was delicious!" He could hear the blonde's mumbles and complains and had a hard time trying to not laugh out loud. After he heard the door of his room being shut, he let his laugh out and started to soap himself with the cinnamon scented shower gel.

"Oh sweet Riku… I'll have you begging for release by tonight and then…" He whispered as he moved himself into the spray of water and rinsed his body from the soap. Sora then took his shampoo from the shelf underneath the showerhead and put a deliberate amount in his right hand palm before smearing it out on his now wet mass of hair.

"And then we're going to play a little game…"


"I need to ask you for something."


Plopping down on Kairi's bed and watching her enter her room; Sora then bit his lip nervously.

"Yeah?" The redhead suspiciously said, turning her head to the side and watching him from the corners of her eyes.

"Ok, Riku and me are to go to the main island tonight and will be back tomorrow," The brunette whispered, watching his friend leaning against a dresser next to her bed.

"Oh that's so cute…" Kairi sighed, endeared, "Like a honeymoon?"

Sora raised an eyebrow at that and then chuckled, "It's not like we got married or anything…"

"Yeah, but you guys act like a newlyweds; arguing, exchanging gifts, doing things for one and other, all the fluffiness… giving a party so shortly after you got together, making it look like you wanted to share your happiness with all of your friends, and the day after you guys leave for a special trip with only the two of you…" The redhead put a finger on her chin and made a thoughtful look, "Hmmm… Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't it all resemble to what a newly wedded couple would do?"

Sora blushed, "Did I forget to mention to you that we're planning on moving to the city?"

"What?" Kairi exclaimed, sitting next to him on the bed, "Are you serious? You're leaving? With Riku?"

The brunette directed his blue eyes to his lifelong female friend and bit his lips in regret as he saw her confused face, "Riku asked me to go live with him when he'll start his academic year at DCU… I said yes."

"You guys are really serious about each other, huh?" The girl questioned, smiling at him and taking his right hand in hers, "But your parents…?"

"I know… And frankly, it won't matter what they'll say because I've made up my mind about it," The boy said, smiling up the ceiling and closing his eyes at the thought of his Riku, "I really, really love him, Kai. It's so crazy when you think about all the years we've known each other…"

"I'm happy for the both of you, I really am," Kairi whispered, squeezing Sora's hand softly, "But what am I supposed to do without the both of you around next year?"

"You still got Wakka?" Sora whispered, winking.

"Yeah, Wakka…" Kairi said with a contented sigh.

"Yeah, Wakka…" Sora mimicked her, making the girl giggle, "Spill it, girlfriend!" He said, snapping his fingers.

"There's nothing to say!" Kairi protested all the while grinning and standing up, "We just got close last night and had a good time together."

"Yeah, yeah… but that's not what I want to know! Is he boyfriend material yes or no?" Sora said, waving her excuses away.

"It's nothing like that, Sora!" The redhead now embarrassingly whispered, covering her face with her hands.

"Yes…or… No?" Sora insisted, moving his head in a bored manner from one side to the other.

"Well okay," She then said exasperatingly, facing the brunette on the bed, "If you put it like that, then YES he is boyfriend material."

"Yes! I knew it!" Sora exclaimed clapping his hands happily and bouncing up and down the bed, "That's so sweet! Did you guys kiss already?"

At that Kairi grew even redder and covered her face with both her hands again, "Ask Riku about that, he knows what happened."

"Oh my god," Sora gasped, "That cheeky bastard! He caught you!"

"Argh, crap," She groaned in embarrassment.

"Kairi!" The brunette said in amazement, "I am profoundly shocked; you let him kiss you on the first date?"

"Hey! Who are you to judge me?" Kairi chuckled, coming back to sit on the bed, "Who knows what you and Blondielocks did BEFORE even going on a date?"

Sora laughed, "You'd get your panties all wet if I told you."

She stuck out her tongue to him, "Don't get too full of yourself."

"What's wrong with knowing that you're sexy?" The brunette giggled hugging a teddy bear that had been lying on the bedcovers.

Kairi smirked and shook her head, "He's changed you…"

"Cloud said it too… I've never felt something like this before, something this real, you know…" He whispered back, looking at the teddy in his lap lovingly.

"I like it," The redhead admitted, "You're much more open and bolder…He's set you free…"

"You really think so?"

She nodded, "If there's only one person on earth that can give you the love you deserve, then I believe that that person is Riku."

Sora smiled at her tenderly, "I've always loved talking to you, Kai," He then softly whispered, "And I will admit, I always thought that you'd be the one I'd end up with," He took her hand in his, "But I'm happy that even though things didn't go like we expected them to go, I still can talk to you like this, without feeling ashamed or judged."

"I feel the same way, Sora," She whispered back patting his hand on hers with her other one, "I'm happy you guys forgave my stupidity and that you still wanted to be my friends…"

Sora moved in to hug her, "Our friendship is forever, Kai. I promise, even after I've left this island, that we'll keep in touch no matter what."

"You better, or I'll come after you guys!" She said, and he could hear her oppressed tears in her voice.

"Eh… that won't be necessary…?" The brunette laughed back, tightening his grip on her and rocking their bodies back and forth softly.

"Alright, enough with the mellow stuff," The redhead moved out of the embrace and sniffled, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear, "You told me you wanted to ask me for something?"

"Ah, yeah," Sora then chuckled hesitantly, "Right."

"Well, what is it you want? I don't think it's clothing, at least I surely don't hope so… So what is it?"

Sora stuck out his tongue out to her and then shook his head, "No… I need a… uhmm… I was, eh… wondering if you had… a… eh…"

"I guess that when it'll come to certain things, you'll always be good old shy Sora… Just ask me; what could I possibly have that you want, besides clothing?" Kairi chuckled before seeing Sora's embarrassed face again and then realising something, "Nooo… You wouldn't, I mean; why?"

Sora shrugged uncomfortably, "I just want to try something else, that's all."

"You make it sound like you guys already tried anything…" The girl giggled, standing up and walking towards her dresser. Her giggle then abruptly stopped and she turned her head back to him, "Did you?" She then asked sceptically.

Sora chuckled timidly and shook his head, "I don't think so, but I like to keep it exciting…"

Kairi raised an eyebrow in amazement, opening the third drawer and searching through it, "I never thought you were the kinky type, Sora."

"And I never thought you'd have something like that," He answered back, watching as she took out the object.

"Selphie gave it to me for my sixteenth birthday," Kairi snickered, plopping down on the bed next to Sora again, "She said that if no one fucked me soon, I could use this. I never did though… thought it'd be weird."

Sora looked at the pink sex toy she held out to him, "Does it vibrate?" He asked, touching the button on the underside of the dildo and instantly feeling it's tip moving in slow circling motions, "Oh yeah, definitely what I'm looking for."

"I'm sure you guys are going to have fun with it…" Kairi chuckled, "And I don't want to know how…"

"Afraid you'll wet your panties?" Sora whispered, still looking at the vibrating dildo in his hands that was now vibrating with short intervals, "I love this!" He then giggled.

"Ack! Could you stop playing with that thing?" The redhead exclaimed, beet red.

"Admit it; you'd like to see us going at it, huh?" The brunette lustfully said, shifting his eyes to hers slowly with a mischievous grin, "You like hot, wild gay sex, don't you?"

"Oh my god!" The young girl cried out, hiding her face in her covers, "Just go already, I don't need to hear it!"

"Thanks, Kai," Sora chuckled, kissing one reddened cheek of hers hidden in the covers, "Just one question; does Wakka know that you have a dildo in the third drawer of your dresser?"

"Get the fuck out!" Kairi chuckled, tossing him a pillow.


His room looked, once again, as if a tornado had passed by.


Sora looked up from his piles of clothes at the peeking head of his boyfriend in the door opening, "Yes, sweety?"

"We'll only be gone for one day, why are all of these clothes lying on the floor again?" Riku asked, stepping inside, "And why are you wearing nothing but your shorts?"

The brunette sheepishly smiled up at him from the floor, "I wanted to change before we left?"

Riku gulped and shook his head at the upcoming feelings of lust that had been present all day in him, "Couldn't you have got put on something less revealing?"

"How was I supposed to know that you were going to come in and find me like this?" Sora responded back, standing up and walking to his bathroom, giving his lover a full view of his figure. Looking at himself in the mirror, Sora quietly giggled before taking his tooth brush from the shelf, "And besides, since when do you have a problem with me walking around you like this?"

Riku watched him come back into the room, his hips swaying gently to a tune he was humming before bending over to put his toothbrush in the travelling bag on his bed, making the thin fabric of his boxers hug the perfect rounding of his buttocks tightly… Sweet heaven…!

"…together. Are you even listening to me, Riku?"

Sora was now standing next to his bed with his hands on his hips, a questioning look on his face as he looked at him.

"What?" The blonde whispered, shaken out of his thoughts, "I'm sorry could you repeat, babe?"

"You've been acting weird this afternoon; that's the second time today I've caught you not listening to me…" Sora worriedly whispered, frowning; "Is there something bothering you?" Are your pants getting too tight again?

Riku shook his head; he didn't want to impose himself on his lover after last night. He wanted to wait for tonight, but once again he had to admit that that resolve was becoming harder and harder to hold with every innocent gaze of his adorable cherub.

"It's just that I can't stop fantasizing about tonight…I so want to make love to you right now…" The blonde approached him, pulling the young boy closer by his waist and burying his face in the crook of his right shoulder.

"Riku…" Sora groaned, biting his lips as his lover's hand slid down his hips and moved to grab his butt cheeks. He could feel the elder boy's erection press against his thigh and the arousing caresses of tongue and lips on his bare skin. "Baby… It's no good… I still need to get dressed and Cloud and Leon are going to be here in 10minutes," His blue eyes rested on the red clock digits on his desk, "It's ten to five already…"

"I don't need 10minutes…" Riku whispered against Sora's tanned skin, "I've wanted to touch you like this all day…"

"No… baby…" Sora protested, moving his head away as his lover came to claim his lips, "Then wait for tonight… I'll be all yours then…"

"Why not give it to me now?" The elder murmured in a low sultry tone, the one that made the young boy feel all weak and deliciously numb.

Oh sweet fuck…He's making my resolve crumble into pieces…

"I know you want to… your body tells me so…" Riku continued, his lips now sliding down up Sora's neck while he grinded his hips against his.

Oh…no fair...! "Ah… ah!"

"See? Now your lips are agreeing with me too…" He said, suddenly turning Sora around so his back was to him, and so he could whisper in his left ear; "You know, for some unknown reason, I've had the feeling that you've been planning something…"

"W-what makes you say…" The brunette started before Riku's right hand disappeared in his boxers and he couldn't help but let out a loud moan.

Riku chuckled briefly in his ear, "You've never been too good at hiding something… especially not from me…"

Did it show that much…?

"B-baby…" Sora moaned, his manhood enduring the sweetest of all tortures with Riku's hand on him, "I'll make you a deal…"

"A deal?" Riku whispered, now nipping at the boy's neck, "What kind of deal?" He coaxed Sora on his hands and knees in front of the bed.

"You do whatever you want with me right now and let me do whatever I want with you tonight in the hotel room…" Sora breathed, his face now pressed into the soft fabric of his bedcovers and his knees on the floor.

"Whatever I want?"

The petite boy nodded, feeling his boxers being removed, "Whatever you… want…"

"Then come here…" Riku pulled him down on the floor with him so he lay behind him. "Spread your legs…"

Moving his face away as he could feel Riku penetrate him, Sora bit his lips to hold his moans back and then threw his head back on Riku's right shoulder behind him, "This position makes me feel like a porn star…"

Riku chuckled and kissed the crook of Sora's left shoulder in front of him, "It's inspired from a porn movie I saw once…"

"Ouch… ah!" The younger one then whimpered as one powerful stroke made his whole body shiver. With the hand that wasn't supporting his body he then reached behind the both of them, grabbing Riku's left butt cheek pulling him to him.

"I love those sexy sounds you make…" Riku breathed, his one hand that had been holding Sora's left hip now crawling to his pelvis, taking hold of his manhood.

With a begging moan Sora turned his head to him, his breathing even with the rate of the slow, but hard thrusts inside of him, his lips trembling against the smirking one's of the blonde before they got captured into a furious kiss.

Breathing growing raged with every hard and long stroke, Sora could feel fresh tears escape his eyes while his lips were mercilessly molested over and over again.

This is so rough… It feels so good…so good…!

"God yeah…!" The younger teen weakly whispered after his lips were released and his left leg was being lifted up for better access, making the thrusts deeper.

"You like it this rough?" Riku groaned, reaching with his right underarm underneath Sora's chest and teasing the brunette's right nipple.

"Oh yeah baby I like it…" Sora whimpered, lowering his head at the almost unbearable quantity of pleasure, "Oh Riku… s-so good…a-ah!"

"I won't ever want anybody as much as I want you…" Riku whispered into Sora's ear, all the while savouring his cries of pleasure and his facial expression of ecstasy, "You have given me so much, shown me so much in such a short time … I never want to part from you again. Be mine forever Sora… I want you so much…"

Now almost uncontrollably sobbing from the pleasure, the brunette cried out at the quickening pace, the distance to his point of no return considerably shortened. "I'm yours…"




"Yes&# 8230;!"


"R-Riku… oh!"


"Ah… Ahh!!"


Brushing a strand of his hair behind his right ear as a chilly sea breeze came by, Sora kept his eyes on the fast approaching city lights while the warmth of Riku's sweater surrounded him. Both of them were standing next to the reeling on the ferry, holding each other close, whispering sweet promises.

"It's so beautiful…" The brunette whispered, embracing his taller lover again and snuggling up to him a little bit more. "I really can't wait to get there!"

"Me neither, you promised me something remember?" Riku chuckled, looking down at him.

"How can I forget? I've been planning it all day," Sora smiled, turning himself around and leaning on the reeling to look at the view ahead.

"Come to think of it, I still don't know what you made me promise you," Riku said, moving to stand next to him and leaning with one arm on the reeling.

"As I said it before, you'll find that out tonight," Sora stubbornly spoke with a small smile.

"It must be something good if you've been planning it all day… And I reckon that it's the reason why you left the house this afternoon…?"

"I'm not telling you, babe," The brunette giggled sticking his tongue out before running away from his discontented lover.

"You will tell me, Sora! How am I supposed to know if I'm going to like it or not? You know I don't like surprises!"

"You don't? Since when?" Sora giggled, now backing away from him slowly.

"Just get back here and tell me!"

"What's the matter, Riku? Did your legs turn into jelly because of too much sex?"

"What?! You brat!"

"Catch me if you can!"  

Meanwhile, back on Destiny Island…


"Hello you've reached the Nagakawa residence, there's no one at home for the moment, but please leave a message after the beep and we'll call you back.





Argh! Sora! You can't trick people like that, how are they going to know…"


"Honey he's not home…I don't know probably at the smaller island…Sora, sweetheart it's me, your father and I just called to know how you were doing and to tell you that we'll be coming back home tomorrow afternoon. I hope you are alright, darling; I can't wait to see you. Bye bye."




To be continued…

  -Backdiamond Princess-