Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Watch out for the Green Eyes ❯ Part 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Newdkidt: thanks for the review!
Whitelilacs: well, for some reason I just see Murata that way :D There will be more Yuuri-Wolfram goodness, but not too much. The next chapter is the turning point in the story. You'll understand what I mean as soon as you read that chapter.
Arachi isn't going to figure that much, so you don't need to worry that much. Well he will but he's not very important to the story. I just took him to introduce the characters for those who haven't read my first fic. There will be more OCs further into the fic, but I doubt you need to worry - so far the ones who read everything I have written down gave me thumbs up, so I hope you'll also like the progress.
Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou! I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male), Yuuri x Wolfram. Some other pairings.
Summary: The action takes place six years after Yuuri and Wolfram got together/six years after the events in “Working out the Paradox”. Yuuri and Wolfram have been married for four years.
A/N 1: Age: Yuuri - 22, Wolfram - who the heck knows?!
A/N 2: I hate Greta; she is nonexistent in this story, and Yuuri has never adopted her.
Watch out for the Green Eyes
by chayron (, beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 3
Kyota perfectly knew what to expect while following Wolfram and Asami in the baths but he got none of it. The prince took his towel and clean clothes with him and moved to the other side of the pool, ordering the two of them to stay at this one. Well, to tell the truth, Wolfram had also expected him to expect it.
Asami watched Kyota's hungry eyes following the blond to the other side, the blue-haired man not looking very pleased when Wolfram's figure disappeared into the thick vapor. He hated Wolfram, true, but Wolfram was his best friend's husband after all and to have Kyota stare like that got on his nerves, too.
Asami and Kyota hadn't interacted much earlier. He found Kyota annoying, but not that much as the blonde. He knew the whole background story between Kyota and Wolfram and it only made his opinion about Kyota deteriorate - no sane man would chase this worthless blonde for more than ten years. Currently he was waiting for Yuuri to come to his senses and see what a nuisance he had married. Yuuri's blindness was really lasting too long.
“You are not right about him, you know…”
Asami blinked at Kyota's blue eyes; he had been staring and daydreaming. He turned away from Kyota. “I didn't ask for your opinion.”
“You know,” Kyota started to unbutton his brown jacket, “you are not depressed, as Wolfram says. You're simply churlish. Having manners haven't hurt anyone so far.” He shrugged his jacket off his shoulders and went to the wall to hang it on a hook there. After turning back, his eyes met with a dark glare. Kyota just grinned at him while pulling a band off his hair, the blue river streaming over his shoulders and past them.
Asami lowered his eyes. “Show-off,” he muttered.
Kyota smirked. He chuckled, shaking his head. “A weirdo,” he countered, grinning widely.
Kyota finished undressing himself and slipped into the blissfully warm water. Asami soon followed him. He put his glasses on the side of the pool. He squinted to see some contours on the other side of the pool that reminded of something washing his hair.
“Hey, Wolfram, don't be shy; come over here,” Kyota shouted. “You are in the water anyway.”
A snicker came from the other side but soon the water rippled, Wolfram swimming towards them.
“Do you know that public baths can be a perfect place for trading diseases?” Asami asked.
Wolfram cocked his head to the side while blinking the water out of his eyes. “And just how many do you carry?”
Kyota groaned. “Will you stop, you two?! Like damn children!”
Wolfram dunked his head into the water again to wash the rest of the shampoo off. It had probably been a simple observance from Asami's side, but the guy just got on his nerves with his comments. And recently he wasn't good at dealing with it.
“You're really snappish lately,” Kyota said as soon as Wolfram's head emerged. “Does it have something to do with Yuuri?” He sighed at the reddish glare Wolfram gave him.
Wolfram started rubbing the shampoo out of his eyes. “Yuuri's and my relationship is none of your concern,” he muttered.
“You know that I care about you and…”
“Will you fucking quit it?!” Wolfram growled at him, his head snapping up to the older male. “Get a life, Kyota!” His hand froze on his eye at the hurt he saw on his friend's face. “I… I'm sorry,” he muttered ashamed, lowering his hand back into the water.
Asami snickered. The blonde was showing his true colors; the ungrateful bastard.
“You are all stringed up lately,” Kyota shook his head. He reached out to brush the blond curl out of the reddish eyes. He knew that there was something up - Wolfram's was out of balance, one moment calm, another shouting and then apologizing in a blink of an eye.
After catching a revealing expression on the blonde's face after his touch, he'd have embraced him if not for the fact that they were completely naked. Wolfram didn't react well to that level of intimacy between them. Neither did the king. Yuuri would simply crush him after witnessing something like that. So he simply rubbed the pale shoulders to at least get rid of some stress. Maybe Wolfram would have talked if not for Asami with them.
“Well, who will wash my back?” he asked after letting go of the blond.
“Only if later you wash mine,” Asami declared to Kyota's surprise.
“Fine with me,” Kyota tossed the sponge to him. Asami caught it and walked over to Kyota who turned his back to him. Taking a bottle of shower gel from the side of the pool, he poured some of it and started rubbing Kyota's back. Interested, he noticed several scars running down the blue-haired man's shoulders and back. He wondered where Kyota had gotten them but didn't ask. The man would probably let it slide smoothly or simply lie, anyway.
Wolfram took another sponge and started cleaning himself. After rubbing the gel into his skin, he walked to the edge of the pool to climb up. Before doing that, he turned around to see Kyota's eyes locked on him. Without any command, Kyota turned his head to the other side. Climbing up onto the edge, Wolfram continued washing himself.
Accidentally catching the sight of Wolfram outside the pool, Asami's hand faltered. Damn…
“Fascinating, isn't he?”
Asami turned to glare at Kyota's shoulders in front of him.
“Why are you so overprotective over Yuuri? It isn't as if you are in love with him, is it?” Kyota muttered only for Asami to hear.
Asami startled in surprise. “Of course, it isn't!”
“Then what is going on in that dark head of yours?”
Asami frowned at the tanned shoulders in front of him. He blinked as Kyota turned his head to look at him. The two sea-blue eyes watched him curiously.
“I… I just don't like him.”
The blue in those eyes dimmed in disappointment. “You're only hurting them both. You're hurting Yuuri by not accepting the way he chose to lead his life. And Wolfram…it bothers him too. If you weren't Yuuri's best friend, he'd have sent you to hell long ago.”
“He already sent me long ago,” Asami muttered after a pause. He glared at Kyota after he laughed at his words.
“Oh, sweetheart… You'll know the very second he'll send you,” Kyota chuckled, clapping him on his arm, the loud slaps echoing in the baths, making Wolfram turn his head to their side. “Believe me, our prince is not for you to handle. Lately the only thing Wolfram seems to care about is Yuuri… He doesn't see you as a serious threat, but if you become one and if you lose Yuuri's favor, Wolfram will get rid of you instantly, not leaving you any chance to fix your relationship with Yuuri. He'll do anything to keep Yuuri by his side.”
Asami stared at Kyota's smiling face. The man's blue eyes were deadly serious. “What about you, then?”
“Me?” Kyota looked a bit surprised. “I have nothing to do with it.”
“But you…”
“Feelings are one thing and reality is another,” Kyota shrugged. “And reality is that Wolfram loves Yuuri.”
Seeing the men converse peacefully, Wolfram finished his bath and went to one of the cupboards where he had left his clean clothes. Once dressed, he turned to the exit. Wanting to simply rest, he went to his and Yuuri's chambers. The rooms were empty, the dark windows throwing dark shadows on his just lighted candelabra. Carrying the candelabra with him, he approached the bed. After putting the chandelier on the nearby bedside-cabinet, he tugged his boots off and lay down on Yuuri's side of the bed.
The linen was fresh, without a trace of his or Yuuri's scents, the maids having taken care of the mess the two of them created in the morning. Hugging a pillow, looking for the familiar scent, Wolfram inhaled deeply, Yuuri's scent reaching his senses from deep within the pillow. Closing his eyes, he turned over onto his stomach and slept.
Kyota knocked on the door softly. It was dinner time and everyone had gathered except Wolfram, and Yuuri who had gone to the baths before eating.
As no one answered his knocks, Kyota pushed the door open. There were no guards at the chambers and he became uneasy.
“Wolfram? Are you here?”
He was met by a feeble light inside, the candles on the candelabrum almost burnt out. Looking around in the half-light, he spotted a figure on the bed, a fair mop of hair sticking out.
“Wolfram?” He went the bed when there was no answer. Rounding the bed, he approached Wolfram from the other side. The blond was asleep, his face all but buried in the pillow, the blond hair hiding everything that wasn't covered by the pillow. The white shirt was unbuttoned and rumpled up, one leg of the gray sweatpants rolled up to his knee.
“C'mon, it can't be comfortable to sleep like that,” Kyota sighed. “Dinner is ready.” He shook Wolfram by his shoulder gently. “Wolfram?” He shook again.
Kyota only managed to grunt as he was suddenly thrown to the floor, Wolfram grabbing him by his neck. He was just in time to block Wolfram's left fist directed in his face. He wheezed as Wolfram's fingers started crushing his windpipe. But suddenly the pressure was gone.
Disoriented, Wolfram stared at Kyota on the carpet. “-the fuck?” Wolfram muttered, falling back onto his hunches. He brushed his hand over his forehead then raised his eyes at Kyota who was rubbing his neck and coughing. “Why didn't you say anything?” Wolfram muttered. Kyota was lucky it was Yuuri's side he had been lying on - he had a dagger stashed under his own pillow. Any different scent than Yuuri's in their bedroom always made him alert.
“How do you expect me to do that while chocking me?!” Kyota glared at him, still rubbing at his throat, his eyes reddish. He suddenly froze. “Wolfram, have you been crying?!”
“Huh?” Wolfram blinked at him. Then he raised his hand to brush over his eyes. Indeed, they were wet. “Must have been dreaming something.” Frowning, he wiped his hand onto his sweatpants.
“Wolfram, what the hell is going on between you and Yuuri? I have never seen you so…distracted.” Kyota moved closer to Wolfram to look at his face.
Wolfram lowered his eyes, ashamed. “Yeah. I'm sorry for snapping at you in the baths. It has nothing to do with you and…”
Kyota shook his head. “It's okay. But there's really something going on, Wolfram, and I want to know it.”
“No, it's nothing,” Wolfram shook his head. “Really.”
“Hell, Wolfram, since when did you start lying to me?”
Wolfram flushed red. “S-ssory.” He couldn't stop wondering how Kyota managed to reduce him to that boy Kyota had been growing up with. “I… I'm afraid that…”
Kyota watched Wolfram fumble with his hair nervously and biting on his lower lip. “Hell, sweetheart, come here.” He reached for the blond. Wolfram moved to him instantly, burying his face in his shoulder. For fuck's sake, what did Yuuri do?!
Stroking the soft hair to calm the agitated prince down, he laid his head on Wolfram's shoulder. Wolfram wasn't crying, but he was able to feel some nervous tick coursing through his body. He was almost regretting having woken the blond up. Sighing, he inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. That pale neck, the warm scent that he knew so well. He could hardly keep himself from tasting that satin skin. His desire for the blond hadn't lessened a bit during those years, making him live in a shameful and bittersweet hope that Wolfram and Yuuri will part.
Until now, Yuuri seemed to have treated Wolfram well, the blond usually happy and smiling. Of course, like any other couples, they had had their spats and even fights. He had heard that once Wolfram set their bedroom on fire, Yuuri having to quench the flames with his water element. He had simply laughed at that then and even teased them about it during his next visit.
Wolfram had never been the one easy to handle. From the first sight one could never tell that the prince was such an emotional creature, his emotions flaring up and going down just in a blink of an eye, usually giving the wrong impression that Wolfram lacked control over himself. Oh, Wolfram had enough of it, had even more of it than any normal person, but he simply had the tendency to let it all out instead of carrying it inside. He reacted sensitively to most things, especially the ones concerning Yuuri, Yuuri being the center of his world. He knew all that because he knew Wolfram just as he knew himself, the prince having become the center of HIS world.
Kyota soon felt a slight push at his chest. After raising his head, Kyota saw a faint blush covering Wolfram's cheeks. Then the prince's palms pushed at his chest again indicating for him to let go. Of course Wolfram was able to feel that he was hard.
“Just let me hold you for a little longer…” Kyota murmured.
His face falling, Wolfram closed his eyes. He had not many friends, in fact only one. Probably it was because of the lack of social contact. He was traveling a lot, true, but the contact outside the castle was limited only to either people wanting to get him into their beds or hating him. Even Kyota.
He didn't show it, but all that distress accumulated heavily in his stomach. He used to feel much better while with Yuuri, Yuuri being the one who seemed to love him simply for who he was, but several years later the contradictive feeling returned and didn't stop following him, lately even muddling his senses.
He could feel Kyota's hot breath washing over his neck and nape, the man still hard at his thigh. The repulsion that he suddenly felt was overwhelming.
Feeling a shiver pass over Wolfram's body, Kyota pulled away to look at the prince. He was besides himself with shame after seeing the look of utter disgust on the blond's face. Wolfram tried to hide it quickly, but it didn't come off right away and he turned his head to the side to hide it.
Immediately letting go of the blond, Kyota scrambled aside. He waited for Wolfram to say anything but the prince was silent, his head still turned, his gaze cast towards the carpet, his shoulders shaking slightly.
“I'm sorry,” Kyota apologized, his voice thick with shame. “I crossed the line.”
With the back of his hand, Wolfram brushed over his forehead and stayed silent. They both perfectly knew that Kyota crossed it long ago.
“What did Yuuri do? Did something happen during the sex or…?”
The side of Wolfram's face that was turned to Kyota flushed red but Kyota could see that he was not far from the truth.
“I… We'll solve it between us,” Wolfram muttered, getting up from the floor.
“Did he force you to have sex with him?”
Angered Wolfram's eyes snapped to Kyota. “What shit are you spewing? You know that Yuuri isn't capable of that!” His anger faltered when he saw a relieved face expression on Kyota. Frustrated, Wolfram rubbed his forehead. “Listen, Kyota, I appreciate your worry, but there's nothing you can do about it. And never ever touch me again like that!” he snapped. “And if you do, it will be the last time you are here, got it?”
Wordlessly, Kyota nodded.
Silence reigned at the dinner table. That wasn't so strange because usually Yuuri and Wolfram enjoyed calm and silent meals. Of course, except when Cecilie was present. They rarely ate alone, the dining-room being the place for everyone staying at a castle to gather. But Murata's family usually ate separate in their chambers, Cecilie was mostly absent - staying with some new lover of hers, Conrad had bought a house and moved in with Yozak farther in the city - and Gunter with Gwendal were quite silent. Gunter not so, but there was nothing Wolfram's glare or Yuuri's raised brow couldn't fix.
But the silence that hovered in the dining-room today was quite different from the usual one. Yuuri was quick to notice everyone's dark moods at the table, especially Wolfram's and Kyota's. Others were quick to catch it from them and the uneasy cloud hung over the table.
The distressed vibes that Docharo was emanating were simply choking. As usual, there was a barrier between them, but this time it was something else. Docharo didn't interfere between him and Wolfram, he had never heard Kyota comment on anything concerning him and Wolfram, but the looks Docharo was giving him right now were filled with something akin to accusations. Wolfram had said something to Kyota.
He trusted Wolfram, but it still always aroused a spark of jealousy, Kyota's presence near his husband. He didn't restrict Wolfram and Kyota's interaction but recently it was becoming too much. When he came back from his baths, he noticed that there were no guards at their chamber's door. Someone had dismissed them. Still quite jumpy after the last attempt on their lives, Wolfram didn't ever do that without a good reason.
Just as suspected, after entering the chambers, he found Kyota there. They were simply sitting, seemingly even in an uncomfortable silence just like now, but it still got on his nerves. As usual, he couldn't wait for Docharo to leave.
Asami was also silent, his usual melancholy mood bordering on a depressed one. The man was picking his salad with a spork absentmindedly. Yuuri hoped that tomorrow the things would go smoother - he had much work but there were no meetings tomorrow and he hoped he'd spend some quality time with Asami.
Arachi knew he had made a very serious mistake by taking orders from an outsider. He also got to know another serious thing too: never ever mess with Wolfram von Bielefeld. That became much clear for Arachi after Wolfram scolded him for obeying Kyota and leaving the chamber's door. The talk was short but after it Arachi's heart didn't stop thumping for half an hour after it. He had never imagined that the prince could be so intimidating, those emerald eyes burning with anger. It was clear that the king's husband was not the one to forgive any of the tiniest mistakes.
Yuuri blinked his sleepy eyes open at the sound of someone pounding loudly on his chamber's door. He felt the bed shift, indicating that his husband was also awake. Yuuri saw Wolfram turn his head in the direction of the door.
“Your Majesty! Your Majesty!” In times with his pounding, Gunter's voice wafted from the other side of the door.
“What is it, Gunter?” Yuuri yawned loudly.
“There's someone waiting to see you, Your Majesty!”
“His Majesty will have a day off today!” Wolfram shouted back. “Gods, it's so early…” he groaned after looking at the still dark windows.
“The King can't have a day off!” Gunter yelled, aghast.
Wolfram only snickered.
“Quit it, Wolfram,” Yuuri sighed. “Who is it?”
Silence settled behind the door. “I can't say that. His Majesty has to see that for Himself,” Gunter said in a much softer voice.
A frown set on Wolfram's face.
“Gunter, you know I have no secrets from my husband,” Yuuri sighed. “Spit it out!”
“Well…” Gunter swallowed loudly. “A girl came from Hinatra village. She claims that His Majesty is the father of the child she's carrying…”
Yuuri stared at the door, his eyes wild. Then a deep frown set on his face. This was not the first time when people claimed he had scattered his children all over Shin Makoku. “I have never been to that damn village…” he muttered. Then Yuuri's eyes snapped to Wolfram at his side. His husband was hissing softly.
Yuuri reared back when the emerald in Wolfram's eyes seemed to overflow the pupils. “For fuck's sake, Wolfram! I don't even know her!”
“You… You… Cheater!” Wolfram yelled. “Goddamn you!” He reached to grab Yuuri by his throat but his husband rolled off the bed into the opposite side from him.
“Wolfram, I swear!” Yuuri waved his hands in front of him as to ward Wolfram off. “I don't know her and have never been to that Hinatra! Wolfram! Calm the fuck down!”
“So it's not enough of me!? Yuuri! You go off to some fucked up village to look for someone else to fuck!? You disgraceful wimp!” Wolfram screamed. “You're so fucking dead!” he roared, drawing his majutsu all around him, the fire springing up in his both palms. “Such a disgrace!”
Yuuri ducked the first blast. It sped past his head and burst onto a wall, catching up the expensive wallpaper immediately and flaring up to the ceiling. Yuuri jumped out of the way of another shot. He called on his water element and the water sloshed all over the room to put out the fire tongues.
All drenched, Wolfram stood in the middle of the room, his eyes turned to slits in that fury. A fire lion started forming over Wolfram's head. Automatically, the water rushed forward to Wolfram to quench the fire. Wolfram hissed as he was hit by a powerful stream of water. He was thrown back into the bed, hitting his head on the headboard painfully.
Yuuri approached a dizzy Wolfram. “C'mon, sweetheart...” With a loud splash, Yuuri sat down onto the completely drenched bed next to Wolfram. “Do you really think that I…?” He fell silent when Wolfram's emerald eyes flashed up at him. Yes, even if Wolfram didn't really think he had gone and got someone pregnant, he still believed that such rumors and things had a base. Wolfram had never reacted well to any of rumors about him having a lover or anything of that matter. In addition to that, all tries to argue and prove his innocence were futile - they just led to them screaming at each other or even fights like now. Long ago he had learned that it was much wiser to skip that “yelling-phase” and go directly to sex which was way more effective.
“You…! Mphh!” Wolfram gasped, not finishing. “Yuuri!” he turned his head away from the fierce kiss. “Don't change the topic! You…!” He tried to push Yuuri away, but despite six years ago he way stronger than Yuuri, it had somewhat changed Yuuri growing much more muscle than him. “Get off, Yuuri! I'm in no mood for that! First explain how y…! Mphhh! Ahh! Yuu…! Mnnnhhh!”
After finally breaking the door down, Gunter rushed into the room. “Your Maj…!” Gunter stopped in his way. He shielded his eyes against Yuuri's naked backside. “Is everything okay, Your Majesty…?” Through the gaps between his fingers he watched Yuuri pull Wolfram's pajama pants down.
“Gunter!” Yuuri turned to snap at the peeking man.
“Get the hell out of here, you pervert!” Wolfram yelled from under Yuuri at the lavender-haired man.
Gunter's eyes widened at a huge fire lion that was coming for him. “B-but the woman…” He moved back towards the broken door.
“Can't you see that I have no time for that now?!” Yuuri yelled at him. “Throw her into a cell! I'll take care of that lying bitch later!” Yuuri growled, lowering his head back to Wolfram's neck to suck and bite on the pale skin.
“I can't believe that!” Yuuri panted out amongst their grunts and moans and skin slapping against skin several minutes later. “It's eight years now you know me. Four of them we have been married, mind you, and you still don't trust me a bit!”
“I would, but…ohhh…you're only thinking…ah…ah…about how to get laid! Goddamit, it hurts! Use the fucking lube next time!”
Yuuri shifted his hips to change the angle. “Yes! But…ughh…only with you!”
“Ha! Haaaa…” Wolfram groaned incoherently when Yuuri struck that spot deep inside him head-on. “And you want meeeehhh to believe that?!”
“Yes! I want you to trust me!” Yuuri wanted to pound in earnest but knew he'd only hurt Wolfram and he had no idea where the lube was stashed; usually Wolfram took care of those things.
“Then…then…ummh!” Wolfram gasped, his body writhing. “Then… prove it to…oh, god!” Wolfram tossed his head back, his back arching. “Yuu-Yuuri!” His sharp nails dug into Yuuri's skin piercing it. Wolfram felt hot liquid rush inside him and the world around him exploded.
They lay panting on the soaking wet bed next to each other, Yuuri's right leg thrown over Wolfram's. “So did I prove it to you?” grinning, Yuuri asked after several seconds. Usually after sex Wolfram was much more amenable, as most men.
“Asshole,” Wolfram smacked Yuuri on his grinning head. “For now,” Wolfram panted out, sated and relented. “It's wet and getting cold,” he complained then.
“And whose fault is that?” Yuuri shook his head, climbing off the drenched bed. “It's already the fourth scorched and flooded room …” He held out his hand for Wolfram to help him off.
Wolfram stood up on the ground and sneezed violently. “Yes, and whose fault is that?!” He turned to Yuuri. “Who the heck is that pregnant woman?!”
Yuuri regretted saying anything and just pressed his lips tightly while pulling his pants back on and went to look for someone to take care of the mess they had caused and find a new room to stay for the night in.
“I heard someone had flooded one of the rooms tonight…” Asami started innocently when they all were sitting in the dining room and having their breakfast.
“It was me,” Yuuri muttered resigned.
“Because I set it on fire,” Wolfram mumbled while reaching for a pear. He knew he had a serious attitude problem in that department and he wasn't going to let Yuuri take the blame for his jealousy fits.
Several minutes of silent eating passed.
“Why?” Kyota interested finally.
“Some bitch claimed that Yuuri got her pregnant.”
“Ah.” Kyota went back to calmly eating his sandwich. This happened at least one time a year, someone announcing that the king had gotten them pregnant. It wasn't even funny anymore.
“Say what?!” Asami turned to stare at Yuuri.
Yuuri just shrugged, praying that Asami wouldn't ask if the woman was telling the truth - no one knew what Wolfram might do then. The blond was really short-tempered and snappish lately. He heard Wolfram talk to Arachi yesterday and was sure that now Arachi would never make a step without Wolfram's approval, the prince's authority exceeding implicitly that of the king's. Arachi had made a mistake, true, but Wolfram's reaction was too much. He had no idea what was going on with the blond lately.
But Asami stayed silent and Yuuri thoughts slowly went away to the stacks of papers that were awaiting him on his worktable. He hoped he would deal fast and then would have plenty of time to share it with Asami.
Wolfram watched Yuuri who hadn't raised his head from the papers. He had really become invisible to Yuuri.
“Remember we had been thinking about whom to send to Cirihan to take care of the situation there?” The prince made a pause but as Yuuri was just leafing through the papers waiting for him to continue, he went on, “I thought about going there myself. You can send Murata somewhere else.”
“Umm? What are you talking about? I need you here to help me deal with that Horan issue. What do you think I'll do if I send you both off?”
Wolfram leaned heavily on the wall. “Yuuri, I want to go there.”
“Why are you so obsessed with it? Stop kidding, Wolfram, it would take about a year to deal with that.”
“I know.”
As Wolfram didn't say anything else, Yuuri finally pushed the papers aside. Discontent, he looked at Wolfram who now was gazing out of the window, the blond's face melancholic. “What is wrong with you lately?” Yuuri asked. “You just seem withdrawn. And what is that nonsense about Cirihan?”
Wolfram shrugged. He walked over to the chair that stood at the wall and sat down.
“I was thinking a lot. I think it would be the best if we spent some time separate. I think it will help us both to come in terms with…” he faltered, “…with this relationship.”
Yuuri stared at Wolfram, stunned. He hadn't really managed to grasp what was happening yet.
“And…” Wolfram fumbled with his shirt then just sighed, closing his eyes. “Well, in case you already thought…well about divorce, I wouldn't mind it that much.”
Yuuri felt like Wolfram had just kicked him in the balls. Something in his chest constricted painfully.
“Divorce…?” he stuttered finally, gob-smacked by the word. “Wolfram… No… What are you talking about, Wolfram?” He shook his head, hoping that Wolfram was just joking. Nonetheless, Wolfram's face was serious, the blond was avoiding his eyes, but he could see the emerald eyes watering.
“Jesus, Wolfram, if it's because of that stupid girl… I have never seen her in my life! Wolfram, seriously… The same repeats each year but…” He fell silent as Wolfram just shook his head.
Wolfram startled as Yuuri suddenly was against him, squatting down to look at his face. Still avoiding meeting Yuuri's eyes, he turned his face to the window. “It appears it has been a mistake after all, hasn't it?” he muttered.
A loud yelp echoed in the room as Yuuri slapped Wolfram across the face. Holding his right cheek, he stared at Yuuri. Yuuri had never ever…
Furious, Yuuri stared right back at those emerald eyes. “Quit it, Wolfram!” he hissed. “What mistake?! What mistake, Wolfram?!” He shook his husband by his shoulders violently. “How dare you call all these six years a mistake?! Are you fucking insane?! What do you think you are doing?!” he screamed at the prince's face. “What are you doing to us?! What do you think by just declaring that you want a divorce?! Wolfram! What… Wolfram! I don't… Wolfram!”
Wolfram watched his agitated husband who wasn't really managing to string a coherent thought except continuing to shake him violently. He pushed Yuuri's hands off his shoulders and rubbed his cheek that was blooming red, feeling his eyes water again. “Yuuri… It's… I don't think I can go on like that… I'm tired of being your accessory. I… Yuuri, I want to walk away with my head raised, instead of waiting for you to finally realize that there's not much left between us except sex and finding someone else.”
Shakily, Yuuri sat down on the rim of the armchair. His thoughts reeling, with the back of his hand he brushed his hair off his damp forehead. “Do…do you really feel that way? Wolfram …do you really..?” He fell silent when Wolfram nodded. “Why didn't you tell me anything? I could have…I would have…”
Wolfram gave Yuuri's side a sad smile. “You didn't listen to me once, brushing it all off. I'm tired of it, Yuuri. I became one of your things here, in the castle. Just…something convenient to have. It hurts me. I tried to fix it, to…” he sighed, shaking his head. “You started shouting at me after I suggested going away together for awhile. I think it's all said by that.”
Yuuri stared at one spot just right in front of him on the carpet. Then he muttered, “I didn't think it was…that serious…” He rubbed at his eyes, his thoughts reeling desperately. “You think I don't want to be with you anymore? But it's…” He fell silent as Wolfram shook his head in denial.
“No, it's not that. But it's rather the affection that one feels to his dog. I can't and I won't accept that, Yuuri. I'm not a dog and I want a normal relationship.”
“Wolfram… I… I'm not sure why you think all that but…it's nonsense, Wolfram. I love you… If you leave me… I just…”
“I don't think it's love, Yuuri,” he muttered softly. “Keeping someone around because you are used to it, isn't love. Love is long gone, Yuuri. Now it's just a habit. Sex is great, but I need more than that.”
It felt as if Wolfram was tearing his heart out and trampling on it. Yes, he felt something dark accumulating over them for a while, but he hadn't thought that it was that bad. He would have never thought he might hear such words from Wolfram's mouth. The seriousness of the situation was making his hands shake. It was his fault it seemed, simply taking Wolfram for granted. The blond had always been the one chasing after him, and it seemed he had forgotten that Wolfram… Yes, it was just as Wolfram had said - he got used to that, made a habit out of it.
Yuuri inhaled deeply, his breath sounding sharp in the long lasting silence. He slid off the armchair and squatted next to Wolfram again. “Look at me, Wolfram. Most of what you said is true,” Yuuri told him after Wolfram's emerald eyes concentrated on him. “But I really love you, Wolfram. I just… It's the routine probably… I… It's that I was sure that everything was okay… I like spending my time with you, either when we work or are together. I know I got used too easily that you are by my side. But it's… It's just the way I imagined it all…us being like one unit. If you had just said what's wrong… I…
“Wolfram,” Yuuri leaned forward, reaching out to stroke the blond locks at Wolfram's nape, “I promise I'll do something about this,” he pulled Wolfram closer to him. “If only you gave me…another chance… Sweetheart, I promise it will all be okay.” He was relieved when Wolfram let himself be embraced. It meant that not everything was lost yet. Wolfram was just…lost and reminding him and…
Suddenly, the realization hit Yuuri. It was unbelievably relieving but shocking and painful at the same time and he could hardly suppress the urge to punch Wolfram a few times. Wolfram had taken him by surprise. The insensibility that Wolfram sometimes showed was infuriating. Sometimes he was afraid to even think what it would be like to have Wolfram as his enemy - his husband was a power to recon with, his mind sharp and cunning.
“Jesus, what affright you gave me…” Yuuri chuckled bitterly, ruffling through the blond hair. “I thought my heart will jump out of my throat. But I suppose I deserved most of it…even if you are a manipulating bastard… I'll be sure to make that you would be requited like for like…” He promised seriously. He felt Wolfram shrink in his embrace then the prince nuzzled his shoulder - Wolfram knew his threats were never empty. It was Wolfram's turn to apologize.
“I'm sorry for pulling a stunt like this… I… I'm really sorry… I didn't think you would...” He wrapped his arms around Yuuri's neck, pressing his head into Yuuri's shoulder and inhaling deeply. “Yuuri, you don't see anything anymore except work, work and work.” Wolfram exhaled in his king's neck then kissed the shoulder lightly. “I just wish to spice it up, to do something together. To…simply appreciate each other and what we have, not to let it disappear. It hurts and scares me to see that we became stagnate, somehow everything disappearing... We have to do something about it or I'm afraid that we might end up just like I said or even worse.”
Yuuri continued to play with the soft locks between his fingers. “I'm sorry,” he apologized. “I'm really sorry for making you worry and that you had to resort to such measures…”
“You didn't pay me attention any other way… I… I didn't even know what to do. I was afraid, Yuuri. This time I was really afraid.”
“I'm sorry.” Yuuri pulled away then leaned to Wolfram's face to plant a kiss on his lips. He leaned away, smiling. “Sometimes you scare me, after all… I'm afraid to think what might happen if we turn into enemies one day.”
“That will never happen,” Wolfram promised while nuzzling Yuuri's neck. “Are you in a hurry?” he asked then.
“I'm always in a hurry,” Yuuri chuckled, “but I could spare an hour or two to mend my marriage…”
“Good…” Wolfram purred while tumbling with Yuuri's zipper. “Take your pants off.”
“Always straightforward…” Yuuri chuckled.
His hungry eyes watching Yuuri slipping his pants off, Wolfram freed himself too. His palms molding around Yuuri's firm and naked globes, he tugged his husband forward and onto his lap with Yuuri's legs spread.
“I'm going to fuck you good, Yuuri.”
Muffling his laugh at the dirty wording, Yuuri pressed his mouth to his husband's. “I sure expect that from you, Wolfram,” he said after letting go of Wolfram's swollen lips after several seconds.