Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Watch out for the Green Eyes ❯ Part 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou! I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male), Yuuri x Wolfram. Some other pairings.
Summary: The action takes place six years after Yuuri and Wolfram got together/six years after the events in “Working out the Paradox”. Yuuri and Wolfram have been married for four years.
A/N 1: Age: Yuuri - 22, Wolfram - who the heck knows?!
A/N 2: I hate Greta; she is nonexistent in this story, and Yuuri has never adopted her.
Watch out for the Green Eyes
by chayron (, beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 5
The end of the battle was decided. As much as they were able to see through the curtain of dust, the count of men who were standing was lessening and Wolfram thought that it was about time to assure that the ones who were left standing were manageable. The riders that had attacked them earlier had been wearing blue bands on their arms but that most likely had been a misunderstanding, they thinking that they were siding with other men. Either way, Wolfram didn't want to rush.
“Let's move,” Kyota ordered when it was over and the winner's side started taking care of their wounded, finishing off the dying ones and tying up the enemy.
“Off the horse,” Wolfram ordered Arachi who had been watching the battle astride. “You'll ride with Docharo. Asami, come here,” he motioned with his head after the elite guard slid off the horse and handed him the reins.
Still feeling a little dizzy, Asami didn't have enough strength left to protest and obeyed wordlessly. He approached the prince who had already saddled the horse and held out his hand for him. The pale hand pulled him up with a surprising strength and he found himself straddling the horse behind the blond's back.
“Hold onto me,” Wolfram said already urging the horse and Asami was just in time to wrap his arms around the blond's waist before the horse sprung forward. “Have you ever ridden before?” Wolfram asked after Asami nearly fell off.
“A few times.”
“Make sure to have a sure hold on me.”
Pressing himself to Wolfram's back, Asami stayed silent. Over the prince's shoulder he watched the mob that they were quickly approaching. To his immense relief he saw that those were the ones without the blue bands. Wolfram didn't draw his sword or falter. The prince held his horse before the crowd of armed soldiers. His fire lion stepped forward, in front of the horse, its head lowered threateningly and growling softly. The startled horse reared back, but Wolfram's firm tug on the rein gave him no chance in retreat. Wolfram cast his eyes over the cautious men that were watching him in return then his eyes set on the man who was standing in front of the crowd.
“Are you in charge here?”
“Yes,” the man nodded, his eyes taking Wolfram's with soot smeared face in with an unconcealed interest and even admiration.
“We come with peace. I'm Wolfram von Bielefeld. This is my comrade-in-arms, Kyota Docharo,” he motioned at the blue-haired man, “and these two are my servants. We got lost. Could anyone show us the way to the nearest settlement?”
The commander gave him another long searching look. “I'm Nahi Reden.” He was considering Wolfram's words for a short pause then nodded. “Alright. Even though it's an obvious lie.” He let his eyes drift demonstratively over the four men and the flaming lion at the horse's feet. “We will spend the night here then head back.” His dark observing eyes came back to the lion. “I have seen what this creature is capable of; it's quite an interesting species you have here…? We would not only show the settlement but also welcome you in our ranks.”
“The suggestion is tempting, but I'm afraid that I must decline it. This is not my war.”
The commander's face hardened. “Then you are with Faraya?”
“With what?”
The commander gave Wolfram a disbelieving stare. “Faraya is the self-proclaimed king of these lands.”
“Wolfram, what are you talking about with them?”
Wolfram turned to Kyota. “What do you mean what?”
“I don't understand the language you are talking in.”
Wolfram stared at Kyota for some time then the confusion in his eyes started to clear. “You'll have to bear with it for a little longer,” he said then. He turned back to the commander who meanwhile had dispatched his soldiers back to take care of the wounded and dead. “So Faraya is the king? Is he able to wield fire element?”
“A what? Oh, fire? Yes, he can summon fire. I have seen with my own eyes how he set the entire village on fire with only a snap of his fingers!”
There were heard affirmative murmurs from the crowd.
“He has burnt the entire village down? Might it by any chance have happened today?” Wolfram questioned after his blind shot was into the bull's eye, even though the answer he got was a little weird.
“No, no,” the commander shook his head. “It was…what? -About five years ago?”
Wolfram didn't say anything to that. Once again he observed the hustling men. All of them had black hair and dark eyes. Their skin was also much darker than theirs. Already while approaching the crowd he knew that the men wouldn't believe a thing he would say - they were too distinctive to be from somewhere around here. Unless Asami, but Asami's skin was much fairer than theirs. Besides, Asami was wearing glasses.
“So that self-proclaimed king, as you said, is trying to take over these lands?” Wolfram decided to keep his thoughts to himself about him not seeing that as such a bad thing - a sword was an alternative way to Yuuri's to unite a country and make it capable to stand up against other nations' incursions.
The commander withheld any comments he wanted to make after Wolfram's words and nodded simply. He could have refused to answer all of the blond man's questions but he expected to be well rewarded after getting these half-witted concubines to their owner, whoever it was and didn't want the blond to have any complaints.
“And you are?”
“We live in this territory.”
“I know that. Who unites you?”
The commander looked at the unbelievably green eyes. “There are several men from different villages who… We also get support from neighbor kingdoms.”
Wolfram could perfectly understand the commander's reluctance to share the information with a complete stranger; he couldn't be trusted yet. He nodded. “Then we'll wait for you to lead us to the village.”
The commander nodded and vanished out of his sight quickly. The fire lion yawned loudly then wrapped up at the horse's legs startling the horse again.
“It doesn't seem that your lion is very bright…” Kyota sighed at the sight of Wolfram wrestling with his horse. Asami was hanging on the prince for dear life.
“We need to talk,” Wolfram said. He sent the fire lion farther away from the horse and it finally calmed down.
“Yeah, I'd like to know what you have been talking about with that man,” Kyota nodded. He slid off his horse, leaving the reins for the elite guard.
“Let go of me,” Wolfram said after he tried to climb off and Asami didn't seem to want to let go of him. “Asami! Let go!” He tried to pry Asami's hands off his clothes but without much luck.
“I'm sick…” Asami groaned, nuzzling his face on Wolfram's back.
“Then let go of me, for god's sake!”
“Arachi, take care of Asami,” Wolfram said after he finally managed to peel Asami's arms off his waist. He jumped off the horse and walked over to Kyota while Arachi went to Asami. “Take the horse,” Wolfram motioned with his head at the horse whose reins were in the elite guard's hand.
“Don't question me, Kyota.”
Kyota rolled his eyes but took the horse by the reins and led it after them while they distanced themselves a little. Wolfram motioned for Kyota to come behind the horse where they wouldn't be seen by others.
“He's scared out of his mind,” Kyota said after looking at Asami's figure on the horse then at the lion a bit farther from him.
“He'll get over it,” Wolfram sighed. “He's alive, that's what counts.”
“Let's hope he'll stay that way,” Kyota said. “Now, what information do you have on the situation?”
“They live somewhere near and united several villages to fight a new king, someone named Faraya. I heard he is able to wield fire element. Although, the answer was rather…strange…” Wolfram filled him in then he also informed Kyota about the arrangements he had agreed with the commander on.
“Kyota?” Wolfram turned to the other man after he had finished relating.
“Close your eyes for a moment.”
“You heard.”
“Umm… You aren't going to hit me, are you?”
Wolfram rolled his eyes. “If I wanted to hit you, I would like to do that with your eyes open.”
“Logical. So why do I have to keep my eyes closed, again?”
“We are going to kiss. Sorta.”
Kyota stared at Wolfram stunned. “W-why?” He managed after a minute.
“Because I'd rather it make similar to a kiss than make you drink my spit otherwise.”
Kyota stared at his with soot smeared face for another minute. “I don't get it,” he said finally. “It's a dream, right? Uhhh…” He swallowed involuntary after Wolfram stepped closer.
“You can think that if it makes you more comfortable. I'll just ask you not to ever mention this to Yuuri.”
“Umm… No problem. But…but I'd really, really like to know the reason behind this. It's not that I'm complaining, I just don't want to…” Kyota wasn't that sure if he wanted to move towards Wolfram or backwards.
“Power-swapping. Such thing as understanding the language doesn't require the king's permission, only a slight push, so if you get some Yuuri's power through me, you'll be able to understand the language too.”
Kyota stared at him for a second, the realization lighting his face. He frowned then. “Ewww… It's sorta like kissing your husband, then…”
“Well, you can't deny that Yuuri is attractive,” Wolfram chuckled, glad that Kyota wasn't making a fuss but rather making it easy for them both; he didn't want Kyota have any wrong ideas.
“I'm not denying that, but I rarely kiss my rivals. Ewww…” Kyota chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. “Gods, I have never thought we might come to this...” He made the last step to cross the distance between them. “It's awkward and I feel stupid,” he said. “I am starting to blush like an idiot…” he added.
“Stop fooling around, Docharo, and suck,” Wolfram said, tiptoeing to press his mouth to the taller man's.
“Gods, your words sure make a man's imagination run wild…” Kyota couldn't help grinning at up close Wolfram's offered glare then lowered his head to meet the readied lips.
It did feel like a real kiss, Wolfram realized after a second when his and Kyota's tongues met. He felt himself blush brightly and regret not having simply spitting into his palm or somewhere and making Kyota drink it. The bastard was really enjoying that!
“Are you sure that it's enough…?” Kyota grinned down at Wolfram after they parted. He knew that the prince would know that he was only teasing.
Trying to appear as much nonchalant as possible, Wolfram wiped his lips and tugged a loose blond lock behind his ear. “We are done. I leave Asami and the guard to you,” he said while turning away and starting to walk back to the men. On his way he took the horse by the reins.
“To me…?” Kyota repeated, confused. His eyes widened then. “No way…” He groaned. “Arachi is fine, but Asami will kick me in the balls and then report me to your husband as the most perverted creep in Shin Makoku's history!”
Wolfram turned around to smirk at him. “Hn. Then make it more pleasant for him…”
“Bastard,” Kyota muttered. He sighed and went after Wolfram.
The soldiers were finishing gathering their wounded and burying the dead. After about half an hour they all moved a kilometer away from the battlefield and started setting a camp for the night. Wolfram and Kyota had taken one of the big tents that was offered to them by the commander and started setting it up. They could feel soldiers' curious gazes on them and knew that tomorrow it would be even worse. Right now the men were tired out by the recent battle and their only thought was to rest. Later they would face a rather different treatment - already the looks that the soldiers were giving Wolfram and Kyota were disturbing, and the blue-haired man was worried that they were in for much bigger trouble that they were able to handle.
Soon the tent was done and Asami was first to accommodate there. The man simply dropped onto the sleeping-bag as soon as Arachi had finished laying them out in one row at the end of the tent. He felt feverish and after snuggling into it was soon asleep. Wolfram's green eyes swept over him then he motioned with his head for the guard to stay with Asami.
“We need to ask for some food,” Wolfram said to Kyota. The two of them were standing outside the tent, the fire lion a bit farther, guarding the entrance into the tent. It was almost dark.
“I'll go. You shouldn't show your face around the camp too much,” Kyota said. “There's a weird atmosphere around. And the commander…the way he talks to us... I don't know what but there's something wrong.”
Wolfram nodded. “Yes, I have noticed it. And before you go - isn't there anything that you have forgotten to do?”
With a loud sigh, Kyota nodded and vanished from his sight quickly to get back into the tent while the prince was left standing near it; Arachi and Asami still needed a short lesson to learn the new language.
Once he was outside again, Kyota gave Wolfram a meaningful look after which the prince slapped his forehead but didn't comment. Motioning for Kyota to proceed with his second task, he went back into the tent to see what was up.
Kyota noticed that it had become even cooler. After making several steps away from the tent he became aware of the lion following him in a light trot. Kyota wrapped his cloak tighter around him. Fires were lit here and there, the soldiers still hustling around but the life in the camp was already sleepy. Some groans of the wounded were heard in the cool air. The darkening sky was starred but he couldn't spot any of the constellations that he was used to see. They really were on some other planet.
Kyota turned around to whistle as the animal started lagging behind. The farther it was from Wolfram the less influence Wolfram had on his summoned fire element. He hoped that the animal wouldn't start behaving strangely.
The commander's tent was empty. After circling the camp Kyota found the man wandering around and checking over his men. Loud groans of the wounded were heard near where Kyota found the man. He took a slow walk with the commander back into his tent. On his way he laid out his request and it was met with a nod.
“Yes, of course. You don't need to worry about that - I'll provide you with everything you need. But I'd like to talk about a different matter,” the commander said while brushing the material aside and entering the tent. He started looking around for a candle.
“Oh?” Kyota took his sword off and sat down onto the offered bundle of a spare sleeping-bag. “And what would that be, commander?”
“You can call me Nahi,” the older man said. He had finally found a candle and was trying to light it. He put it onto the ground then sat down himself. “I'd like to ask you whom the three of you belong to.”
“I beg your pardon?” Kyota frowned, confused.
“Oh, don't play with me, kid,” the commander gave a serious look to the blue-haired male. “Did you really think that after running off, the three of you would manage on your own? It's a damn war going on and you took only a servant with you…” he shook his head in disbelief. “And this masquerade,” he pointed at Kyota's sword lying at his side. “You are asking for a serious trouble. You are lucky enough that we will simply return you to the owner. But you should be careful around the camp, especially the blonde, - the soldiers always thirst for…well…”
Kyota stared at the man for several long seconds. He started getting the picture. He smiled then. “I think I need to discuss this with my superior,” Kyota said still smiling, simply being not able to suppress it; he could already see Wolfram's facial expression after he told him.
“I have noticed that the blonde is as stubborn as a mule. I think it would be better to simply solve this here and now,” Nahi said.
“I must recline.”
Nahi gave an insistent look to the blue-haired man but it was obvious that the man wasn't going to agree. “Very well. Here, take what you wish,” the commander stood up and showed at the box in the corner of the tent. After opening it Kyota found several stacks of dried meat, several loafs of bread and some vegetables. He looked around, found a rag that was lying around and, while the commander stared wide-eyed, put everything into it, knotted then threw it over his shoulder, said his thanks and marched out of the tent. Kyota noticed that the commander didn't reply anything. Shrugging that off, the blue-haired man turned towards his tent; he was hungry as hell.
Once in the tent, he untied the knots of the cloth and spread the goods out. From the other side of the room Wolfram took several water-skins that they had gotten from the commander earlier then sat down next to Kyota to browse through the food.
“Well?” the prince interested after taking a loaf of bread into his hands. He turned to the corner were Asami was soundly asleep. “Arachi, wake Asami and bring him over here.”
“Maybe we should let him sleep…?” Kyota wondered.
“He needs to regain his strength,” Wolfram said. “Already he is half delirious and we don't know how the situation will turn out.” Waiting for report, he turned back to Kyota.
“You won't believe this,” the blue-haired man grinned at him. “They think the three of us are concubines or something like that and that Asami is our servant. The commander actually said that you should be careful with your face in the camp… ”
Wolfram stared at him, not really comprehending that. “I don't really get it,” he said finally.
“Neither do I, but the commander said he was going to bring us back to our owner. I presume he expects a reward for that. He also asked me where we are from and tried to negotiate with me.”
“I'll gut him,” Wolfram snickered. He turned to the left corner of the tent where it suddenly became overly noisy. “Quit fooling around and come here!”
Ignoring Asami's protests, the guard used more force and dragged him to the “table”. Asami was half-asleep, his face turgid and flushed, eyes reddish.
“Give me your dagger,” Wolfram held out his hand.
“Yes, Sir,” Arachi nodded and got his dagger from under his belt.
Wolfram started slicing the bread then the reached for dried meat. He held out the food for Asami but the man shook his head for no.
“Take it, Asami, and eat. You are not sick. It's rather a psychological thing and the more strength you will have, the better it will be,” Wolfram said. “Now, take it or I'll force-feed you.”
“You are a creep,” Asami said, reaching his hand out for the food. “I can't even start understanding how Yuuri married you!”
“You will ask that after we find him,” Wolfram said calmly. “Now eat.”
With his numb jaws Asami chewed on the dried meat. It wasn't good, all he could feel was salt and musty taste. From the corner of his eye he watched the other three men eating with appetite. Kyota was telling something and the blond frowning the entire time at his words. After finishing the slice and the crust of bread Wolfram had given to him he ate a fruit that was similar to an apple and crawled back to his sleeping-bag. To his relief the blond didn't try to stop him. He buried his head into the rough material and tried to disconnect from the absurd world surrounding him.
“Give me that mug,” Wolfram pointed at the mug behind Kyota. He took the mug that Kyota held out for him, spat into it several times then reached for water-skin and started filling it with water.
“You can't be serious…”
Wolfram raised his head to look at Kyota who was frowning in distaste. “He's my responsibility. I can't have him walk around without understanding what's said.”
Kyota sighed. He drew his knees up and put his chin on them. “You are right of course but… It just…seems kinda wrong… And not even esthetical…or ethical…”
The prince snorted, “Then will you try one more time?”
Kyota fell silent and shook his head in distress. “He probably thought that I was sexually harassing him… I have never seen anyone freak out so much… It was close that he would start screaming…”
Wolfram motioned for Arachi to take the mug then showed with his head at Asami in the corner. The guard nodded and took the mug over there. The sleeping-bag rustled, Asami muttering something, but then he sat up and took the mug between is palms. After drinking he turned back to the corner and slept further.
Kyota shook his head. He turned to the side and, leaning back on his hands, stretched his legs contently. “What are we going to do?”
The prince chewed on a hard piece of meat for some time then shrugged. “We will go with them and then we'll see. I'm not sure but for now we should simply pretend to be what they want us to be.”
Kyota reclined his head to look at the top of the tent. He wondered how those two mosquitoes managed to get here. “Yeah… It's our best choice for now.” He got up and clapped several times. Frowning, he wiped his hands into his trousers then turned to his sleeping-bag. Pulling the band out of his hair, he kicked his boots off and soon was inside it.
A couple of minutes later Wolfram joined him. While Arachi was putting the food away, the prince snuggled into his sleeping bag then sighed heavily. He could hear Arachi hustling with food then the light went off and the elite guard took his sleeping-bag next to him and went to sleep, too. Outside the tent people were talking, some groans were heard then someone went past the tent. A second later he heard a loud growl and a yelp then the steps turned into a quick run. The lion was made of fire element and it didn't require for him to sustain it anymore. It was taking orders and responding quickly but its awareness lessened as soon the lion went farther from him.
Wolfram turned on his other side. It was absolutely dark in the tent. He could hear Asami's breathing - it seemed that the man still was somewhat feverish. The guard was already fast asleep and Kyota…
“We'll find him, Wolfram, really. What do you think could have happened to him with a power like this? You summoned only a fire lion and look… It's…”
Wolfram turned around to face Kyota. He wanted to tell Kyota to shut up and go to sleep but just sighed instead. He freed his hand out of the sleeping-bag then reached out to smack Kyota lightly on where he supposed his head was. “Of course he's okay. Now let me sleep.” He heard Kyota chuckle.
“Rest, Wolfram. Our Majesty is not a baby any longer. - He will take care of Himself.”
Wolfram sighed again and closed his eyes.
Asami was woken up by his bursting bladder. Silently, he climbed out of his sleeping bag and went outside. The lion was sitting calmly at the entrance of the tent and didn't follow him or showed him any other attention. Several meters away from the tent Asami relieved himself. After tucking himself back in he intended to go back but then heard someone shout.
“Hey, it's one of those whores!”
Asami turned around to see a pair of drunken soldiers staggering to him. They had probably somehow gotten to the wine supplies and decided to celebrate their victory. Asami wasn't sure what they were talking about and what they wanted with him but when they began approaching him, he started to walk away. When the two went after him, he increased his pace. Some of the soldiers were patrolling in the camp but nobody paid any attention to them. What was worse, he suddenly bumped into someone who had just appeared from a tent and got in his way. Asami skidded back and plopped onto his ass ungracefully, pain shooting up his spine. Someone grabbed him by his arms and pulled him back up. Asami paled as he was met by two dark eyes. It was the same drunken man that had chased after him. He turned his head to the side where another man stood.
Asami jerked his arm. “Let go!” He felt panic engulf him when the man only squeezed his arm tighter and several soldiers that were around didn't even think about doing anything to help him. Asami grabbed the dagger that was still hanging at his thigh and brandished it at the man's face. “Let go of me!” he threatened.
“Put it away; someone might get hurt.”
Asami's head snapped to the side and saw Wolfram walking over to their cluster. The blond took the dagger from Asami and seized his arm. “And why do you wander in the middle of the night?” he asked loudly. He tugged Asami to him but the man who was holding Asami didn't let go.
The other man shoved Wolfram away, making him stumble. “Go back to sleep, blonde, nobody is touching you. We are not greedy - we'll settle for this one; I doubt your owner would mind to pay such a tiny sum as this one for returning you to him,” he winked at Wolfram.
“Or maybe we are jealous of the friend here…?” purred the other. “You must be missing a cock…”
Wolfram stared at him for a second. Then he turned to the one who was holding Asami. “Let go of him or I'll kick your teeth out,” he said then.
“An insolent one, aren't you…?” the man chuckled. He suddenly grabbed Wolfram by his chin, tilting his head up. “Such a beautiful face and such a bad character…”
“Get your hands off me,” Wolfram demanded.
“Or what? You will scream, cry?” the man laughed.
“You must have confused me with someone else,” Wolfram smiled before punching him in the gut, making him drop to the ground with his hands wrapped around his waist. Before the soldier who was holding Asami could reach the sword hanging at his side, a dagger was already at his neck. “Just move it and I'll slit your fucking throat open,” Wolfram hissed. “Kyota, bring Asami back into the tent.”
Kyota appeared from a shadow, the lion trotting lightly after him. He walked over to the men, motioned with his head for Asami to follow him and the two of them disappeared into the night, the flaming lion following them.
With Asami's dagger still at the drunken soldier's neck, Wolfram's eyes set on the men who were still lingering around him. Some of them muttered something, others shifted from one foot to another then they started to disperse in all directions.
“You are going to regret this, blonde!” the soldier who was still on the ground with his arms wrapped around his stomach spat.
Wolfram's calm emerald eyes concentrated on him. “Raise your head,” he said. He kicked the man directly in the face, tossing him about a meter away where his back hit the sand. “The ones like you should eat sand and stay quiet,” Wolfram spat. “It's you who is going to regret ever meeting me.” From the coughing, blood and teeth spitting man the prince turned his attention at the one he had under his dagger. “I hope in future, when you have such itches, you'll settle on your right hand instead of chasing my friends all over the camp. If not, I'll make sure you won't have what to scratch anymore, got it?”
The soldier nodded slowly. Wolfram removed the blade, the heel of his boot connecting with the man's jaw. Muttering under his breath, he went back to look for his tent. He was going to teach Asami a lesson for wandering through the camp alone. If not for the lion which had noticed Asami wandering away, the man would have ended up raped or killed or both. The damn idiot.
Wolfram entered the tent to find Asami and Kyota seated in the middle of it, at the candle, Arachi farther from them, fidgeting with his hair and yawning.
`”Go to sleep, Arachi. This has nothing to do with you.”
“Yes, Sir.” The elite guard was immediately back in his sleeping-bag.
Wolfram turned to Asami, his eyes burning with anger. “How in the hell did you get the idea to walk around in the camp at this hour?! Alone?! You are damn lucky the lion saw you traipsing about! You are not to leave alone! From now on you will report your every step to me!”
Asami glared right back at him. “Even if I want to pee?” he snickered.
“Even if you want to masturbate!” Wolfram spat.
Asami stared up at him, blushing lightly. Suddenly he became aware that he was probably the only one straight guy in this group. Wolfram was absolutely gay - he had never seen the guy look at a woman in the way a man looks at a woman. Kyota had been chasing after Wolfram over a decade and yesterday tried to kiss him motivating with something about some languages. Arachi was always staring at Wolfram, his face all dreamy.
“I think he took it the wrong way…” Kyota drawled, grinning across the tent at the prince. He didn't know how Asami hadn't so far noticed that he started to understand what was said around him in the camp, but it was probably a good thing.
Wolfram frowned at Asami. He couldn't see the man blushing in that half-darkness but his silence was a proof enough.
The prince walked over and sat down opposite Asami. “Asami,” he started, “I'm sorry that you got involved into this mess - I wish it didn't happen. But it did, and you are with us. I am responsible for you, Asami, so don't make my job more difficult than it already is. The four of us are a team. I can't assure your safety if you just walk off without telling us where. We have to trust each other or we won't survive here. Do you understand that?”
Asami nodded. “I got it,” he sighed. “I'm sorry for causing trouble.”
Wolfram rubbed his forehead. “If those morons try something again, tell me or Kyota. Never ever wander here alone. The dagger is all good and well,” he reached into his boot to get it then held it out for Asami who took it, “but there's a certain responsibility after using it. That man would have broken any of your bones or killed you. If you pull your dagger out, it should be only with intention to kill. You won't scare the guys like them with only brandishing it at their faces.” Wolfram stood up then. “We are done. Let's go to sleep.”
Asami stared up at Wolfram's receding back and started to understand why Yuuri married this man.
When Asami woke up he found himself alone in the tent. He wasn't sure what had him woken up but there was some hustle outside the tent. He was sleepy and wouldn't have minded to nap for longer but grew alarmed. He climbed out of the sleeping bag and went outside. It was still dark but the soldiers were already taking their tents off and saddling the horses.
Startled, Asami turned to the side where he was met by two cerulean eyes. Kyota grinned at him and waved his hand. From Kyota's head where he was tying a ponytail from the man's long hair, Wolfram raised his eyes to look at him. Asami noticed that the prince had finally washed the soot off his face.
“You look better,” the prince said and started plaiting a braid. He held his hand out and Kyota gave him the second band. Wolfram tugged Kyota's head back and started tying the black band at the end of the braid.
“Morning,” Asami muttered. This was really surreal. He was still here, in the middle of a camp, in the middle of soldiers, yesterday he saw a battle, people died, he got harassed, today Wolfram was plaiting Kyota's hair.
“Thanks,” Kyota nodded after Wolfram was done. “You okay?” he asked Asami as the younger male seemed to be daydreaming.
“Not really,” Asami shrugged. “Actually I wanted to apologize for yesterday. It was rather…”
“That's fine, Asami,” Wolfram cut him off. “There's still some food left in the tent. Have your breakfast and soon we'll move out. I'm not that sure how it will be with you riding a horse - you said you aren't used to that. It's a long distance we are going to travel and I thought about letting you ride first and then you'll have to walk anyway. This will be problematic.”
Asami wasn't sure what Wolfram wanted him to say or maybe he didn't want him to say anything, so he simply nodded and went back into the tent.
“Well, he definitely looks better,” Kyota said after Asami was away. “I was afraid he might have some mental breakdown or something…”
Wolfram snickered. “Asami? If anything, he might become less depressed after this. It might do him good, this change. If he stays alive, that is.”
“You are being nasty,” Kyota chuckled. “But I know that you'll watch over him like a mother after her newly born babe…”
Wolfram rolled his eyes. “I expect exactly the same from you.”
“Yes, Sir,” Kyota grinned.
Wolfram tugged him on the braid lightly. “No flirting while on duty.”
Kyota laughed then disappeared back into the tent after Asami. Wolfram whistled loudly to call the lion to him; he hadn't seen the animal after getting up, but could still feel its faint presence somewhere in the camp. A few minutes later, the fire lion trotted to him. The lion was smaller now, its mane and fur much lighter and almost transparent. Already it was hardly responding to Wolfram's orders and the prince was thinking about dispersing it before the lion did something unpredicted. With a light flick of his wrist Wolfram dissolved the fire element.
“A mage?”
Wolfram turned around to see the commander behind him. He frowned not really understanding what the commander had meant by that. The man had a very strange expression on his face. It even seemed rather fearful.
“I'm sorry; I didn't know you were a mage,” the commander apologized bowing his head.
Wolfram gave him an intent look then shrugged. He had no idea what the man was talking about but didn't feel like explaining. It was the best to leave the man thinking what he wanted. The prince was just surprised that the man seemed to really think that the animal had been real. This implied that there might be some similar species on this planet. The thought of flaming lions or any other kind of predator wasn't very comforting.
About half an hour later all the tents were packed and put into several carts, the horses tackled and they set off. The wounded were being driven in the carts together with the tents and pots, some of them being dragged on stretchers made of several sticks and a solid fabric extended on them. Their occasional groans and moans accompanied higher bumps in the small army's way.
For about five hours they walked non-stop then stopped to have a break and to eat. After that they continued their journey. The soldiers were tired and wanted nothing more than to reach the settlement as soon as possible. The beasts were also tired, sweat running down their backs, their heavy and loud breathing stirring the stuffy air. The worst it was for the wounded - several of them were silently buried during their previous stop.
Asami had ridden for two hours but his backside felt as if someone had given him a thorough lashing with a stake and he had to continue the journey on foot. Wolfram and Kyota took the horses, leaving Asami and Arachi to walk in front of them.
“It seems that there are no element wielders on this planet,” Wolfram said an hour later. “Look at their wounded - they have been dying like flies and nobody has ever used the healing majutsu on them.”
“Then what about that man, Faraya?” Kyota wondered.
Wolfram told him about his short conversation with the commander. “It seems that they are not used to that. I remember that after getting to Shin Makoku Yuuri reacted to it exactly the same. He had called it “magic”. So this is the same as on Earth - people can't use any of the elements here.”
“Then who has summoned the fire element? The one who set the house in Shin Makoku on fire and “probably”,” he stressed the word, “took Yuuri here?”
“And this is the part we have to figure out…” Wolfram muttered. “Somewhere, on this accursed planet there has to be the representative, the king. Maybe it's that Faraya - the commander said he had set a village on fire only with a snap of his fingers after all. Maybe it's him. On Earth, there are also several people who are able to use some of the elements. But all those people are originally from Shin Makoku or have a mixed Mazoku's blood in them. You see, I have a theory - all of the representatives, or the kings, probably are originally from our world, Mearan. What if nobody except Mazokus is able to use elements?” Wolfram faltered. “Although, I'm not sure about the last world. But so far it seems like this.”
Kyota contemplated the prince's words for some time then shrugged finally. “The only thing we can do now is to get to that village and then we will see.”
Four hours later they finally saw sparse vegetation, several gnawed bushes and yellowish half dried plants. In the evening, when the sun started setting and the air grew cooler they finally reached the village.