Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Watch out for the Green Eyes ❯ Part 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou! I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male), Yuuri x Wolfram. Some other pairings.
Summary: The action takes place six years after Yuuri and Wolfram got together/six years after the events in “Working out the Paradox”. Yuuri and Wolfram have been married for four years.
A/N 1: Age: Yuuri - 22, Wolfram - who the heck knows?!
A/N 2: I hate Greta; she is nonexistent in this story, and Yuuri has never adopted her.
Watch out for the Green Eyes
by chayron (, beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 11
After bringing the blond back into the room, Lasami went to take his blue jacket that was still lying on the carpet. After dressing he approached the blond. He decided he had had enough for one day. If the blond continued to act up, he would have to simply drug him.
“You will stay here and wait for the King,” Lasami instructed Wolfram who frowned at that. “If Kohar comes to you intending to beat you up, run to the guards, I'll warn them to bring you to Hitori for `inspection'. But keep in mind that if that happens, Kohar will be punished for not managing to deal with a concubine and you'll be punished for being unbearable, and I can't really tell what the King might think of to punish you, but that won't be anything pleasant and will be really worse than Kohar hitting you a few times, so choose wisely.”
“Got it,” Wolfram muttered. He seated himself at the table while Lasami turned to the bed to look for Wolfram's sandals; he doubted that the blond had already learned how to put them on. Wolfram watched the servant fishing the sandals from under the bed then taking the brush from the dressing-table at the other end of the room. The man approached him, brushed over his locks with it a few times then put the sandals down onto the red and black colored carpet.
Wolfram set his right foot into the sandal. “I would like to know more about the castle and all the people here,” Wolfram said while the servant was tying the laces around his shin. He set another foot down as Lasami was finished with the first one.
“Wolfram, I don't have time to chat, and even if I had, you know that I can't tell you the information you want. I have already told you the most important things you needed to know. Don't think that we, the servants, haven't been warned against telling you such things - you are one of them, the enemy, after all and we were ordered to be cautious near you.
“Frankly, I don't care about the rebels, armies and all that other stuff - I just look after concubines - it's the only thing I'm able to do, so don't pester me about such things, for I will be not much help anyway and overall I don't think that anyone will ever have enough power to move the King out of his throne, so you should rethink your actions a bit or you will end up dead sooner than you expect.” Lasami sighed when after finishing tying the laces and raising his head, he caught the blond giving him a rather unfriendly look. “Think what you wish of me, but I prefer staying alive than getting myself pointlessly killed in an unequal fight. If you had more brain, you would probably also think the same,” Lasami shrugged, pushing the tunic back to cover Wolfram's legs. When he raised his head again he was met by a grinning blond's face. Quite disturbed at the unusual smile and not understanding what it meant, Lasami leaned away to study it better.
“I think we will get along,” was all that the blond said before turning away to the window.
A little weirded out, Lasami waited for the blond to say anything more but nothing came and he left the room, leaving Wolfram alone.
Wolfram stared through the window at the still light sky, the view of the city that he was able to see, then got up and walked over to look at the palace yard. It was busy, soldiers honing their fighting skills, training the horses, the shouts and sword clashes being carried to the second floor. After opening the window, Wolfram ascertained that it was still warm outside. Gazing through the bars, his thoughts flew to his white pedigree horse that he had gotten quite a while ago. The horse died a year ago, after having served him faithfully for a long time. Already before that he had chosen a black one, just as Yuuri's first horse had been. It took some time for him and the horse to understand each other from a slight motion and become one, the black one having a bit more of a temper than his previous horse had.
“Hey, look, one of the concubines! Hey, it is the one with blond hair!”
Startled out of his thoughts, Wolfram's eyes found a soldier who was pointing his hand up at him. First Wolfram's instinct at catcalls, whistles and insults was to close the window, but then Wolfram reconsidered - the more people saw him, the bigger was the possibility that his description would reach Kyota's or maybe even Yuuri's ears, so he stayed at the window. Trying to ignore the entire commotion, he sat at the window, his unresponsive face directed anywhere but at the men staring at him. Soon the interest in him dimmed and he continued to watch the training. He wondered how his own men were doing.
Wolfram's head snapped back to look at the door that had opened with a soft click. As his eyes set on Faraya, Wolfram immediately stood up, his eyes narrowing at the very sight of the man. The king's look fell behind Wolfram's shoulders to look at the open window. Without a word, he passed Wolfram and closed it shut.
“It seems you like being under the spotlight…” the king said after turning around.
Wolfram didn't say anything to that, his emerald eyes locked on the older man and studying him. Faraya had the same dark looks like all local people he had seen around - dark-shaded skin, black hair and eyes. His hair was cut in a similar manner as his, only Faraya's was a little shorter. Besides having a big-boned build, the man was built heavily, his powerful body made of sheer muscle. Wolfram shortly wondered what the man was doing to grow that amount of muscle and to keep the form.
Faraya had big eyes whose dark penetrating look Wolfram found disturbingly alluring. The man's face had regular features, some of the black hair covering his high forehead, his quite full lips pressed together in a content smile. As most men on this planet, Faraya didn't wear moustache either.
Faraya stepped forward to Wolfram and the blond took one step backwards, his legs touching the chair behind him. Faraya chuckled and after circling the blond sat down at the table, motioning with his hand for Wolfram to take the place near him.
“The clothes suit you tremendously,” the king said after the younger male sat down.
“Thanks a lot,” the blond mumbled in a tone that indicated only sarcasm.
He was glad that he had ordered not to retouch the blond's face - Wolfram was a natural beauty, the peculiar blond hair, his pale skin, dark and lush eyelashes framing the unbelievably green eyes that shone intelligence, full and red lips needing for no highlighting. Content with his choice, Faraya reached his hands over the table to take the blond's hands quickly into his.
Alarmed, Wolfram kept his eyes on Faraya who was studying his hands. In turn he noticed that the king's skin was tough and pebbled, the king obviously being a lot working man. The silence was stretching while Faraya's callused palms were sliding over his skin smoothly.
“Where do you come from? Such bad manners… I see Kohar had taken some measures… Should I punish him for marring your skin?” Faraya asked while lightly brushing with his thumb over the bruises on Wolfram's wrists and then knuckles, making Wolfram squirm at the unpleasant sensation and it was obvious that the king had intended that.
“It's for His Majesty to decide,” Wolfram mumbled. He had made a mistake by giving himself out - it seemed that here, any boy, who had a bit prettier face than average, simply became someone's possession, being pampered and raised to be a weak and brainless property. Waving his fists about hadn't been a good idea. He had to maintain his loudmouthed and fiery but otherwise innocent boy's image.
Wolfram put his hands aside as soon as Faraya let go of them. Lowering them to his lap, he raised his head back to the king.
“That blue-haired one wasn't a good keeper, was he? He even let you use a sword… And your arms are quite toned…you don't seem the type to play harp or calmly read a book…”
Wolfram kept silent. He wondered how bad it was that Faraya knew about Kyota and that he was able to wield a sword. He decided that it was really bad.
“You should be more entertaining if you want me to keep you,” Faraya chuckled. “It's either that or you'll lose your head.”
Wolfram gave him an apathetic look. “And what does His Majesty expects me to do?”
“I know that you hate me, Wolfram, but be a little more…accessible,” Faraya grinned at the display.
“Accessible for your dick, you mean?” Wolfram grinned back at him, his eyes anything but amused.
“Whoa,” Faraya laughed in unexpectedness; it was long ago anyone dared speak to him like that. “That foul mouth of yours only adds to your ill manners...”
“I have noticed that this is exactly why it makes men like you so randy. That and the knowledge that I'm not swooning after you like your little sluts are.”
“You are quite discerning, I see,” the king said, his interest in the blond only heightening.
“Yes, and this only makes your dick ache, doesn't it?” Wolfram's lips quirked up.
“That blue-haired one must have had much fun with you…” the king chuckled, his right hand ruffling the dark locks absentmindedly.
“Yeah, something you won't have.”
“You'd better not provoke me...” Faraya smirked at him.
“A rape?” Wolfram's brow cocked at him. “Would you stoop so low?”
Faraya laughed, amused. He liked the blond's sense of pride but it didn't work for him. “You seem not to understand the rules of this little game.” He leaned over the table, his dark eyes burning dangerously. “You belong to me, blonde. -I'll do everything I want with you. And you know that I want to do much…” Content to notice the quickly masked alarm in the green eyes, he leaned back.
Wolfram watched Faraya, silent. The other man's big dark eyes were fixed on him giving a searching look. Frowning and anxious, Wolfram turned away. He heard Faraya laugh.
“I also like that childish stubbornness in you…” Faraya chuckled.
Wolfram heard the chair being pushed away and his head snapped back to the king. Faraya walked over to him. The man's dark eyes shone with amusement when Wolfram stood up too to level their positions. It was an instinct developed in dangerous surroundings. Faraya grinned when the blond's head came only to his chest; the man wasn't someone one would call tall. The blond's eyes narrowed at him.
The way Faraya was looking at him now was not that rare. He had seen that randy look directed at himself more than he could count. Yuuri had also looked at him like that more than once, the look that was saying that soon he'd be lying flat on his back with his legs spread and screaming his name.
Now they stood right in front of each other. The blond visibly tensed as he reached his hand out. Slipping his hand behind the Wolfram's nape, with a strong tug the king drew the man closer, their chests coming flush, his other hand snaking up around the blond's narrow waist. The emerald eyes sparkling dangerously, he lowered his head and pressed his mouth to those full lips. The blond squirmed and turned his head to the side. There was something akin to a discontent growl coming from the blond's throat.
Resisting the urge to taste the pale skin, Faraya raised his head. He grinned. “Animalistic, aren't we?” He squeezed the blond's waist playfully then his hand slid down, his palm finding and cupping the supple flesh underneath the white tunic.
“Let go of me.”
Faraya grinned at those green eyes again. “Oh, c'mon. When was the last time you had any sexual contact? -You have to admit that I'm not the ugliest man you've ever seen…”
Wolfram held the dark gaze unwavering. He had no problems with admitting that Faraya had good looks. He had no problems with admitting that Faraya was his type. But he didn't have problems with controlling his libido either.
Amused, Faraya tugged Wolfram to him to press their bodies together even closer, his palm squeezing the round buttock to feel more of the flesh. He leaned in, the blond turning his head to the side again. This time Faraya didn't falter and pressed his mouth to the column of the pale neck. The younger male gasped and stiffened even more. He could feel the blond's quickened pulse underneath his tongue. The man squirmed in his grasp trying to push him away, but instead of letting him go he started maneuvering them towards the bed. The blond's resistance grew, and he just ignored it, grabbing and tearing at the tunic to reveal more of the pale skin; they all resisted only for raising their price and his interest.
But the blond continued to fight him silently, the green eyes blazing with anger and disgust. That enticed him even more. Grabbing one wrist, he tugged it aside intending to truss the blond's arm behind his back. But the younger male sensed this immediately, twisting his wrist around and getting it free in no time. Just as expected, besides being able to wield a sword the blond was also skilled in hand-to-hand combat; it seemed that the blue-haired leader liked his lays being capable of taking care of themselves.
Wolfram finally managed to push Faraya away. His wary eyes were fixed on the dark-haired man who was watching him in turn. Seizing and measuring each other up, they stood like this for several long seconds.
Wolfram was not one of those pansies who were even afraid to look him in the eye. The blond obviously had never experienced a whore's life. The man who was standing before him knew his worth, was intelligent, fiery, loudmouthed and aggressive; the blue-haired leader chose his companions wisely. Last time he felt such attraction and was so excited was when he found Amae. The blue-eyed male was still providing much fun. It seemed that taming Wolfram would be no less or even more fun. He could only thank the blue-haired one for presenting him Wolfram.
Wolfram didn't like the smile that was playing on Faraya's lips. He didn't know to be relieved or concerned when the king sized him up with his big dark eyes again then simply turned around and left. Still shaking in just experienced harassment he sat down onto the chair and tried to calm down.
Despite his worries, Faraya didn't come back that day. After getting dressed for the night and going to bed, Wolfram was already much calmer, his mental defenses back up. But when he snuggled into the covers, his hands pressed to his chest, Faraya's touch was still burning his skin like acrid acid, the faint smell of the older male on his skin disturbing his senses. His breath quickened as the images of the enraged and aroused man's face flashed through his mind. During the incident he didn't let himself fluster, but the entire occurrence had scared him, shaking him deeply. He was a soldier, an experienced one, true, but the possibility for him to lose his pride, to lose to a man like that… The thought of being raped was sickening. He had never had sexual contact with another man except for Yuuri and it only added to his disgust at the feel of Faraya's hands on him.
He was hurting in several places and he knew that he'd be covered in varicolored bruises tomorrow. Under the covers, he rubbed his wrist; Faraya had strained something there. Sighing deeply and squeezing his eyes shut, he wished for Yuuri's strong arms wrap around his waist and pull him back to the muscled chest. Strong and trustful, warm and loving, Yuuri was all of that. Even if sometimes lacking artifice or still too naïve Yuuri was an unbendable wall of bricks, behind which he was always safe. Even if sometimes too kind, Yuuri had an iron core that had always attracted him. He missed Yuuri so much. Missed his voice, his kisses, his caresses, the feeling of their bodies pressed together, Yuuri sliding between his legs or he between Yuuri's…gentle, attentive and rough, lustful and lost in desire, all of that… What if…what if Yuuri was close to death? Or dead and those were only distant memories now? Memories that would haunt him for the rest of his life…
Angry with himself for thinking that, Wolfram turned to his other side, Faraya's scent coming with a whiff from under the rustling covers. Throwing the covers off angrily, he sat up then dropped his legs over the side. Not bothering to put on the annoying sandals, he threw the cover over his shoulders and tapped out of the room. It was dark in the lounge, only several candles lightening the guards at the other end of the room. The two sets of dark eyes following him, Wolfram made his way to the bathroom. But before reaching for the door, he changed his mind and turned back. He passed his doors and went to the guards who watched him, interested.
“Can I borrow this?” Wolfram asked pointing at the candle. He took it as the guards nodded.
Holding the candlestick in one hand, his other holding the ends of the varicolored cover, he made his way back into the bathroom. After putting the candlestick onto the cabinet, he looked around. There was the same basin on the ground and several buckets with water near the window. After ransacking through the cupboard, he found several sponges and towels that seemed to be unused.
He poured some water into the basin then took a bar of soap that was lying on the cabinet. Stepping into the cold water, he gritted his teeth. Not wasting time, he started washing himself with quick strokes in attempt to wash all of those unpleasant and perfumed scents off himself. After he was finally content and sure that there was nothing of that disturbing smell left, he dried himself with a towel and poured the water down the drain.
Still wrapped into a towel, Wolfram brought the candlestick back to the guards who gave him several amused grins and shrugs.
“I'd like to see what you would wear if you had only a fucked up dress…” Wolfram muttered. “Which is torn in addition, mind you.”
“I think he'd prefer you running around naked. So would I...”
The three of them startled at the unexpected voice behind their backs. Wolfram turned around to see Amae in the doorway. The concubine was wearing something akin to a long white nightgown that was almost reaching to his feet. His long dark hair was spread over the gown, contrasting with it. The concubine yawned then looked past Wolfram at the guards who tensed up noticeably.
“What's going on here?” Amae's voice rose. His blue eyes came back to Wolfram who didn't like how the candle was flickering and reflecting in those deep pools. “Why are you in a towel? Did they try anything?” “Did you?” The concubine's eyes snapped back to the guards who drew up nervously. They became even more anxious when Amae made several steps into the lounge.
“All they did was lend me a candle,” Wolfram motioned at the candle on the windowsill. “I wanted to take a bath.”
Amae's eyes scrutinized the blond for several seconds. “For fuck's sake…at this hour…?” he sighed, ruffling through his long hair, messing it. He yawned again then pointed his chin at Wolfram's arm. “These seem fresh.”
Wolfram turned his head to look at the bruises on his arm. Despite it was half-light, there were colorful spots strewn all over the pale skin.
“Do you have any balm to rub into? Don't forget to go to Hitori tomorrow,” Amae said after Wolfram nodded. The concubine went back into his room and shut the door, leaving Wolfram and the guards alone.
“Pfew,” one of the guards exhaled softly and Wolfram turned around to see that for some reason the guards seemed to be relieved. There had to be a good reason why the two muscled men would be afraid of a much younger one with a much slender body.
Wolfram turned around to go back into his room.
“Make sure you see Hitori tomorrow,” one of the guards said.
Wolfram waved that off with his hand dismissively; there was no difference whether the doctor would look at the bruises or not - looking at wouldn't make them heal faster. He turned back to the guards as the silence followed his motion. He suddenly realized that the guards were considering Amae's words an order and it came to them as a surprise that he brushed it off so lightly.
Shrugging, Wolfram turned around and tapped over the soft carpet toward his door. He slid underneath the covers and was content to notice that this time there was no smell. Closing his eyes, he sighed. If only he were at home with Yuuri, lying in their chambers, in their bed. Listening to Yuuri's calm breathing behind him that would also lull him to sleep. But that was a rare occasion, most of the nights he didn't even feel how he would fall asleep, his body spent but sated. Yuuri loved sex. And he also loved seeing Yuuri writhing underneath him, panting and sweating when he drove in and out of Yuuri's body. However, he ended up on his back much more often than Yuuri did and not only because of power-swapping. As Yuuri usually was the one to initiate sex, he was also the one to pleasure him. Although, he hadn't ever thought about this as something negative - he loved being on the receiving end just as much he loved being the giving one.
Wolfram woke with a soft moan frozen on his lips. Still in a heavy daze, he opened his eyes. Disoriented, he stared at the space before him then, in dismay, his head fell back onto the pillow - he still was here, in Faraya's palace; it was morning already. Cursing himself for having indecent thoughts about Yuuri before going to sleep, he shifted underneath the covers to get more comfortable and decided to wait it out. His frustration only grew as his erection didn't even think about going away. Then he tried to count the flowers on the expensive tapestry and when this didn't work he used his trump card that he used in cases he needed to sober up fast - thought about Conrad and Yozak having sex. That usually helped.
Yawning loudly, Wolfram turned to the suddenly open door that revealed Kohar; morning blanched. The prince frowned after noticing that the male's eyes immediately traveled to the tent that he was currently sprouting underneath the covers.
“Do you even know what `sexual harassment' is?” Wolfram muttered under his breath when Kohar raised his head to grin at him with a most perverted grin possible. He seems unbelievably happy that I had gotten an erection, Wolfram thought snickering mentally.
“A what?” the superintendent asked, throwing a bundle of clothes on the blond's bed.
As soon as he got back to Shin Makoku he would make Yuuri legislate against such kinds of things. That had never bothered him earlier, at least never that much, but this was really bad and overstepped all boundaries long ago.
“Sexual harassment,” Wolfram repeated.
Despite his purple and plastered face, Kohar seemed to be in a good mood and Wolfram thought he knew why, but Kohar's further words proved him wrong.
“Pft,” Kohar chuckled mockingly. “I doubt you know what it is yourself - I heard the King spurned you…”
At first Wolfram blinked at him then ruffled through his blond hair. “Seriously?” he laughed softly. “Thanks for informing me - I was a bit busy trying to prevent him from getting in between my legs to notice that he was spurning me.” He flushed brightly after realizing that his words implied that he showed pride in Faraya taking interest in him. There was no way he enjoyed that but he simply loved that pissed off look on Kohar's face.
“You are lucky that I have no time for you today or…”
“That's strange - the first thing I see in the morning as I wake up is your ugly face and you say you don't have time for me…”
The supervisor offered Wolfram a glare that could shatter glasses if given it substance then marched out of the room. Rolling his eyes at his own childish actions, Wolfram fell back into the bed. He wouldn't get any food anywhere near this century. Was he stupid or something? Well, if he was going to get raped, he would at least get as much kicks he was able to before he went mad in this place or they killed him. Although, he wondered how long it would take for Kohar to think of a serious way to kick his ass… Was he really stupid? Yuuri would probably laugh his head off hearing that he had been taken into the palace as a concubine… Would laugh and then level the damn building with the ground while asking why he didn't do that himself. Yuuri…
Humpfing, Wolfram turned to look at the window. The sun was coming up from behind the turret. This day was obviously going to be just as hot as the previous one. Was there any point in getting up at all?
Groaning, Wolfram slipped from under the covers and went to a bowl with some water in it that yesterday by Lasami's order was brought by one of other servants. After having washed his face and wetted his skin for a bit, he looked at the clothes Kohar had brought and found a green tunic with yellow rim and long sleeves that was almost identical to the one he had been wearing on the first day of his stay here. Someone had probably decided that it had suited him after all and ordered to make a new one to replace the one Kohar had torn up.
After fumbling with the sandal straps for about ten minutes, he had them wrapped around his shins. But after he took several steps forward they slid down to pool on his feet. Having had enough of them, Wolfram kicked the sandals off and went into the empty lounge barefooted.
After visiting the bathroom and having his bare feet frozen, Wolfram went back into lounge. Knowing very well that Lasami would probably throw him out of the dining-room, Wolfram seated himself onto the couch near the door that led into his room. The big window on his side let in a just right amount of sunrays, the morning being still somewhat cold and he stretched on the sofa comfortably. From the dining-room that was several doors away he could smell warm food scents and hear voices and sometimes laughter wafting.
Involuntary swallowing, Wolfram turned to look through the window. Through this he could see almost the same view as he was able to see from his room. The kingdom had fully woken up and was busying itself, the dots that were people moving backwards and forwards in the streets. Smoke was coming from some of the houses to heat the water or to prepare food for the ones who had slept in. He couldn't see the yard from his position and was too comfortable to get up, so simply stared at the houses further away, his rumbling stomach interrupting the scenery from time to time.
He heard the sound of a door opening and turned around to see Asoka, the young concubine who had caviled at him earlier. After noticing him, Asoka's brown eyes slightly widened then he lowered them and quickly went to the room that was at the other end of the lounge. The other two men to appear from the dining room were Yasai and Amae. The two of them were talking about something until Amae's blue eyes caught a sight of him from behind Yasai's shoulder. The blue eyes gave Wolfram an observant look, not missing the bruises that were still covering his arms and his bare feet. An amused facial expression appeared on Amae, and Wolfram tensed involuntary as the man started walking towards him. His eyes slid to Yasai who was walking at Amae's side. Yasai had told him not to trust Amae, but he wondered what Amae's thoughts were on Yasai.
“Good morning, Wolfram,” Amae nodded, helping himself onto the couch.
“Morning,” Wolfram answered. He nodded to acknowledge Yasai who leaned on the end of the couch near Amae.
“It's quite impressive what you did to Kohar's face,” Amae said in a soft voice, “I always thought that he needed some redecorating… But actually I didn't have the guts to stay hungry for the next century.”
Wolfram wondered if he should say something but it didn't seem that Amae was waiting for him to comment. Again he could not ignore Amae's looks. Straight long hair this time was tied into a loose knot behind his back. He had a face with regular features, a small pointy nose, full lips, dark eyelashes and thin brows that were exclusively curved to highlight the intently blue eyes. His skin was very similar to his own - pale, which, as far as he had seen, was a rarity on this planet and if not for his handsomeness, then it might have been because of the skin color why Faraya took interest in Amae. The dark-haired man was dressed in a similar outfit as his own, only his was dark blue and without sleeves. The man had a slender build and seemed not to have much muscle. Amae really reminded him of someone but he still couldn't put his finger on it.
“Do you like playing cards?” Amae asked after a minute.
Wolfram gave him a blank stare because of the sudden change of the topic but then nodded. He didn't like playing cards and had played only several times but it seemed that it would be a good way to socialize with more of the concubines. He couldn't pass this opportunity Amae presented him. It was useful to them both.
“Then we'll come to your room in five minutes,” Amae said. “Yasai,” he turned to the male next to him, “announce that for the rest and get some drinks from the dining-room.”
Yasai nodded and wordlessly went back into the dining-room, leaving a wide-eyed Wolfram behind. Wolfram's senses alert, he turned back to Amae. That had been fast and why was everyone going to gather in his room? After all the warnings that he had heard, right now it had sounded as a perfect trap - they all would corner him in his room and Amae would… Several images of himself tied up and naked flashed in Wolfram's head and he struggled to keep his face neutral while he was facing Amae.
“So it seems you are having problems with adaptation here…” Amae noted with his eyes downcast to his lap, while his fingers trailed down the armrest of the couch slowly.
Wolfram shrugged. It was just as he had presumed - Amae was trying him out.
“You seemed to be much more vocal while Kohar was dragging you around…” Amae commented.
“I'm sorry for not feeling up to shouting.”
Amae lifted his head and flashed a bright smile at him. Wolfram tried to guess the man's age but couldn't tell much except that he was young, like all the concubines here. But the man undoubtedly had authority here, Yasai and several others listening to everything he said. Up until now Amae had been the king's favorite. Did Amae feel that he was losing his position to him?
“Umm…” Wolfram stood up. “Then I'll go clean up in my room a bit.”
Amae gave him a bright smile that almost dazzled Wolfram; the man had really nice and white teeth. “I'll help you.”
That was not a question and all that was left for Wolfram was to nod. Behind his back he heard the man stand up then the soft steps followed him to his room.
Amae looked at the golden sandals scattered on the red and black patterns colored carpet. His fine brow arched and he walked over to pick them. Raising them into the air he looked at the laces then at Wolfram and with a soft smile put them near the armchair that stood near the entrance.
“I don't think that you'll be much of a competition…”
Wolfram's head snapped in the direction where Amae was squatting. “He's all yours for all I care. Please, keep him occupied that he wouldn't come to me ever again,” he bit out. Wolfram wasn't sure how else he should react to the challenge but, after Amae burst out laughing at his frowning face, realized that the man had been teasing him.
“C'mon,” Amae motioned, plopping down onto the huge divan, bouncing up and down several times, his hair streaming down his back in a black river. He patted the place near him fully expecting Wolfram to join him.
Wolfram crossed his arms and didn't move out of his place near the table. To tell the truth he was reluctant not because it felt like the man was trying to order him around and secure his position, but rather because he was cautious. The prince turned to the door that opened to reveal Yasai and three other concubines who went in after him. Yasai was carrying cards, others some drinks and snacks. The other concubines were also something to look at: one of them had long red haired pulled up into a high ponytail and black eyes. The man's hair was so bright and different from local people that every time Wolfram saw him, he felt the urge to rub his eyes to be sure he was not hallucinating. The second concubine had short brown hair and brown eyes and was quite muscled. The last one was a typical one who only had a face of a child and innocent eyes that for some reason disturbed Wolfram.
“Put everything onto the dressing table,” Amae motioned at the piece of furniture that was standing between the divan and bed.
A few seconds later Wolfram's dilemma was solved because two of the concubines, namely the red-haired one and the one with innocent face, sat down at both Amae's sides, others coming into the circle on the divan. Wolfram had seen all of them near Amae earlier. This seemed to be the constant five that kept together, the other five in the opposite `team'. They have such a nice balance here, Wolfram thought.
Wolfram circled the divan and climbed to sit up between a brown-haired concubine and Yasai, strategically opposite Amae. He wondered whether Amae had purposely ordered to bring food and taunt his stomach or it had been decided by the other concubines.
“Do you know how to play Dashu?” Amae asked Wolfram while Yasai was mixing the cards, the small pieces of paper flying skillfully in his hands.
Wolfram shook his head.
“Two Heads?”
Wolfram shook his head again.
“A Clot?”
Wolfram's brow cocked, but as no one was snickering he decided that it was really a name of a card game. He shook his head again.
Wolfram shook his head once again.
“Riiiight…” Amae drawled. “You have never played cards before, have you?”
“No.” Wolfram felt as if he had said some sacrilege because all of the concubines were looking at him wide-eyed. He concluded that in all probability the concubines didn't have that many things to be occupied with. Yuuri was the one to bring cards from Earth. Yuuri had taught him several games but he had never heard of the game names that Amae had listed for him. It would be about ten times when he played cards if anyone counted and he had expected that he would at least know one of them, but this wasn't Shin Makoku or Earth after all.
Amae sighed. He looked at the red-haired concubine who was sitting beside him. “Well, Torani? Do you know any simple games we could teach him?”
The red-haired man who had been called Torani shrugged. “`A Donkey' would be just fine,” he said.
Wolfram looked at the man quizzically. Again, he could not help noticing that the red-haired one was the most conspicuous out of all concubines, his red hair tied into a high ponytail but still seen from any corner as soon as he entered a room. Torani was slim and had sharp features that gave him a tough image. He didn't seem the type to be pushed around easily.
“I think you are insulting Wolfram's intelligence,” Amae chuckled. Then he waved it off with his hand dismissively. “Okay, then let's start from it.”
“Why do you say so?” Another male with short brown hair who was sitting next to Wolfram looked at Amae. “It's a good game to start with,” he shrugged his broad shoulders. “The rules are simple,” he turned to explain them to Wolfram. “All the cards are dealt to all players equally. You have to collect four cards that belong to the same group. Well, let's say four jacks or four nines and so on. Now, how one collects them? -So you get your cards dealt. Don't show them to anyone and check how many of which cards you have. Then, from the one who has dealt, choose one card. Just draw a random one while looking at the backs. Then the one who is sitting next to you draws one card from you. When you have finally gathered four cards, put your hand in the middle when it's your turn. The one to be the last to put the hand onto yours, gets the first letter of a donkey - “D”. The one to be the first to gather the entire word… Well, he's a donkey.”
Wolfram stared at the large man who had just finished talking. “It's a game for kids,” he said finally.
The man cleared his throat. “Well, you don't look that much older…”
Wolfram glared at him and, even if the brown-haired man wasn't that much older than him, decided not to bother because he knew that he really looked younger to them. The age of a full-blooded Mazoku had always confused others.
“So, are you playing?” Amae said, ignoring the not very friendly atmosphere between the two.
Wolfram nodded and Yasai started dealing. Wolfram checked his cards then asked, “What should I do in case I already have four of them?'
“Well, you can put your hand down now or you can strategically pass several circles until the one of us whom you don't like the most would look as if he was sleeping and then put your hand down,” Amae grinned at him.
“Ah. Okay,” Wolfram nodded.
As Yasai was the one to deal, Wolfram chose one card from him then mixed something in his hands up then held up the cards for the brown-haired one to choose.
“What is actually your name?” Wolfram asked him.
“Lokhan,” the large man said.
“I'm Ashiba,” the man with a youngster's face who was sitting next to Lokhan waved his hand, introducing.
Wolfram blinked as Lokhan put his hand in the middle of their circle. The blond was in time to slam his hand down just as Ashiba's slapped over his.
“Goddamn!” Amae cursed, pulling his hand out of the pile. He shook his red hand and looked at Wolfram. “Are you planning on leaving me crippled or something?! You have to just put your hand down, not to try to kill!”
“Uhhh… Sorry. It was just a reflex…” Wolfram apologized.
“Tell your reflexes to be more careful,” Amae said, taking one card that was given to him by Lokhan.
“Ah, so the same cards circulate again?” Wolfram asked after taking his.
“Yeah,” Ashiba nodded. As for the one who has just gotten the first letter, he looks absolutely unfazed, Wolfram noted for himself.
“What?” Wolfram asked when his turn came and he saw everyone staring at him and following his every smallest motion. “Oh, if it's about those four cards I asked when we started playing, then it was just a question…”
Amae grinned at him. “I see you get the picture…” He nudged the red-haired one in the side playfully. “We might get some use out of him after all,” he chuckled.
“Mhm,” Torani muttered, seemingly a man of a few words. “I bet you're worried that he'll leave you knocked on your ass. You are not that good at cards…”
“I have Ashiba to protect me from becoming a loser,” Amae said. He pulled on the red ponytail. “He really sucks at cards…”
“Ouch!” Torani yelped. “You really can't accept any criticism, can you?” he snorted.
“Hey! I do not suck in cards!” Ashiba protested. “It's only this stupid game!”
“Yeah, you have no reaction whatsoever,” Torani said, sighing.
“I bet you count until five before slapping your hand down,” Amae winked at Ashiba.
“Stop harassing him,” Yasai said, ruffling through his longish hair, seemingly annoyed. “It just pisses me off all this...”
“Who the hell is harassing him?” Amae rolled his eyes. “I'm very glad we have him in this game. Whose turn is it?” he looked around in the circle. “Who has fallen asleep here?”
“Lockhan,” Wolfram answered. He held up his hands for his brown-haired neighbor. “Choose a card.”
Twelve more slaps later Ashiba became a `donkey'. He shrugged, gathered all the cards and started mixing them.
“Okay, so now you know the rules, don't you?” Torani asked Wolfram.
Wolfram nodded.
“Then let's start a serious game,” the red-haired man said.
“A serious game…?” Wolfram repeated, drawling the words, unsure.
Torani nodded. “It's the same only instead a letter you take one piece of clothing off. One loses when he is completely naked.”
Wolfram stared at him trying to comprehend whether the man was serious or it was only a joke. He looked around. Everyone was watching him with unreadable eyes. Stunned, Wolfram looked around again. There was nothing left from that cheerful and mellow atmosphere now. Those were eyes of wolves all around him. The game was fine - he was sure that he wouldn't lose, but the thing was that he was absolutely positive that it wouldn't matter if he won or not - he would end up naked anyway. And he had a good imagination as to what might happen then…
The deadly silence shattered in the room when Amae burst laughing. “A good joke, Torani,” he smacked the red-haired concubine on his back. He sighed. “I think we have already bothered Wolfram enough. Let's get our stuff and move to the lounge.”
Torani's dark eyes set on Amae's. “It was no joke.”
Amae's brow rose, the blue eyes countering those dark ones. “It was,” he said giving Torani a smile that could freeze the sun. He turned to wink at Wolfram who was following everyone's movements, alarmed. “One has to love him for his sense of humor,” he chuckled, motioning for Torani to get off the divan. Frowning, the red-haired man obeyed and slid off the divan.
After gathering their goods, the concubines went away, leaving an uneasy Wolfram to think all of it over. He wasn't that sure what to make of it. Puzzling his head he also left the divan and went to the window. Next to the window, just behind the curtain, he noticed a small dish with a chicken leg. Yasai. Chuckling to himself, Wolfram took the leg and sunk his teeth in.
The door behind him screeched.
“Wolfram, I…” Amae cocked his head to the side at the sight. “Yasai, wasn't it…?”
Wolfram almost choked when his eyes met two blue orbs. This felt much worse than as if he was a kid and was caught with his hand in a cookie jar. Fighting the urge to hide the chicken leg behind his back, Wolfram stared back at Amae. Just like that he was left staring at the door when Amae shut it with a soft click behind himself. But not before Wolfram caught something akin to a smile pass the dark-haired man's face. The prince couldn't tell if the smile was malevolent or natural, but it really disturbed him.