Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Watch out for the Green Eyes ❯ Part 19 ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou! I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male), Yuuri x Wolfram. Some other pairings.
Summary: The action takes place six years after Yuuri and Wolfram got together/six years after the events in “Working out the Paradox”. Yuuri and Wolfram have been married for four years.
A/N 1: Age: Yuuri - 22, Wolfram - who the heck knows?!
A/N 2: I hate Greta; she is nonexistent in this story, and Yuuri has never adopted her.
Watch out for the Green Eyes
by chayron (, beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 19
To Wolfram's relief, Amae was brought back just shortly after he had decided to go to sleep - after leaving the bathroom, he spotted Amae in the lounge talking with Yasai. Amae noticed him and motioned for him to come closer.
“Do you know what happened to that drawing?” Amae asked after having sent Yasai away. “I can't find it.”
“I burnt it,” Wolfram said, sitting down next to the younger male.
Amae was looking at him, frowning. “Why?” he asked, confused but anger already showing up in his voice. “Was it really that bad?”
Wolfram felt uncomfortable. “Well, no, really no. I thought that you or I might get into trouble for it…”
“Oh.” Instead of anger, Amae's face was suddenly lit up by a friendly smile. “You tried to save me from trouble.” He shook his head then. “Actually, I have drawn pictures of every concubine. It's nothing unusual; Faraya knows about my hobby.”
Wolfram felt like a fool for burning the picture. “Well,” he ruffled through his hair, “I thought…”
The younger male laughed softly at the flustered blond. “It doesn't matter. But you owe me a drawing now.”
“I hope that you're not serious,” Wolfram muttered. “My husband had once warned me that if I take a brush in my hand again, he'd apply for a divorce.”
“Hell, you have one rigorous husband,” Amae commented, not being sure if Wolfram was joking or serious.
Wolfram chuckled, shaking his head. “He wasn't serious, but his words express my real abilities at drawing - I am awful.” His face got more serious then. “So how did it end?” he asked.
Amae shrugged. “Torani is in the med bay. I just came from there - Faraya had ordered me to heal him. But he's quite badly burnt. Well, I got scolded then fucked and now I will have to sleep in my wet bed.”
Wolfram was frowning in distaste at the bluntness. There was a lot of bitterness heard in Amae's voice, but he still couldn't quite understand how Amae could so casually speak about this to him.
“You can use the divan in my room. I never sleep on it anyway,” Wolfram suggested.
“Thanks, but it's supposed to be a part of punishment,” Amae sighed. “I'd better obey or we'll be both in trouble. But don't worry,” he gave Wolfram a wink, “I'll just ask Lasami to bring some towels or something.”
Wolfram fidgeted with his fingers while the two of them were sitting in silence. In spite of his exaggeration, it was obvious that Amae was pleased by his concern. He hoped that Amae didn't expect too much of him.
“Want to see the other drawings?” Amae asked to breach the uncomfortable silence.
Wolfram nodded. “Sure.”
“There also are some of the concubines that aren't here anymore,” Amae related to him while they were walking to his room. Once inside, he went to the same cupboard where he kept his ink and pens. He brushed some stuff aside, took some small boxes of jewelry out, arranged on the carpet and dug deeper.
Wolfram watched the younger male kneeling on the carpet and fussing about. It seemed that Amae was really excited about the opportunity to show him those drawings. Despite he was ashamed of himself, Wolfram had to admit that he was glad that even if Faraya had intended it as a punishment, it hadn't been one-sided pleasure, and right now, as his libido was sated, Amae's flirting mode was off. Many people liked showing their hobbies or works that they were proud of or wanted to ask how they looked, but the excitement that now was wafting from Amae was overwhelming, making him smile at the younger man's back.
Finally Amae had his drawings out. As he didn't seem to think about moving anywhere, Wolfram joined him on the soft carpet. He took the pile into his hands and turned towards the window to get more light and see them better. True, Amae had everyone's portraits, even Faraya's. Some faces he didn't know. There also were some scenery drawings.
The drawings were nice, although he didn't trust his opinion and wasn't sure what people dealing with art would say. Some of them were only portraits, others included pieces of furniture and/or backgrounds.
He didn't ask if Torani freaked out like this often or what he was going to do with those jealousy bouts. From Torani's constant glares and reaction to him, he knew that it was frequent enough and he doubted that Amae could do anything with those jealousy bouts. Besides, Amae seemed to be simply content to sit on the carpet and watch him looking through his drawings. It was such a comfortable silence only with several comments on the drawings from Amae that he didn't want to spoil it.
“Oh,” Wolfram reached out for a small piece of paper that had slid out from the middle of the pile in his hands and landed onto the carpet. “What's that?”
While raising the paper, Wolfram was surprised to see Amae blush. The younger male rarely blushed; Wolfram doubted that there were things at which Amae still would blush. Intrigued, he turned the paper around to see a neat drawing on it. His face heated up.
“You draw pornographic pictures?”
Amae cleared his throat. He snatched the drawing of Torani and Asoka in a compromising position from the blond's hand. “It's one of my pastimes. Plus, they are quite popular here.”
Wolfram's eyes followed the piece of paper that disappeared back in the cupboard. He blinked at Amae's back of the head when a very weird thought occurred to him. “Don't tell me that you distribute them behind the walls of the harem…?”
Amae turned around, giving him a wide grin. “A man has to live somehow. This season, due to the improbability, Asoka and Torani's pairing is very popular.”
“Oh my god.”
“I think you'd be very popular too,” Amae laughed at Wolfram's facial expression. “What about me making a drawing of the two of us?” He threw his hands about, chuckling as Wolfram's eyes first became saucer-sized then flashed. “Kidding.”
Wolfram watched Amae who was just looking at him, his deep blue eyes grinning. Had Lasami really called this man a child? That child must be lurking somewhere deep inside Amae. Very, very deep, buried under a ton of bricks.
“Does Lasami know about your small `industrial business'”? Wolfram asked, continuing to leaf through the drawings.
Amae shrugged at him, smiling. “And who do you think distributes them? Oh, c'mon - it's not that big a deal. Just several naughty pictures.”
Wolfram shook his head at the words in disbelief. He finished browsing through the drawings then gave the pile back to Amae who put it back into the cupboard and then started taking the rest of the things off the carpet and stuffing back into it.
The night slipped past calmly and once again Wolfram found himself in the dining-room together with the other concubines. He ate his breakfast, chatted with some of them then went to the lounge and settled onto the couch next to the window to watch the training grounds outside. As the rainy season ended, it was filled with the soldiers and horses again.
Three hours later he finally saw Amae entering the lounge. The blue eyes found him and Amae nodded in greeting while motioning for the blond to follow him into his room.
There was no written answer from Kyota, only the verbal confirmation that he had understood the orders.
Next five days went past in a bored slowness but Wolfram was glad that the king was quite busy and showed no interest in him. He had called for Amae twice and once for Yasai, otherwise he didn't even show up in the harem. Wolfram had a bad foreboding feeling about this, as if he could feel the grand finale approaching.
Then the news about Faraya going away to the front spread. After being assured in information, Wolfram wrote a letter to Kyota telling to wait for him five days later in the oasis which was far away from the city. He knew that Kyota expected to offer his help for escape but, if something went wrong, he couldn't risk Kyota being captured together with him.
It didn't exactly go as planned, though.
“We have a problem,” Amae said after entering Wolfram's room without knocking. He shut the door behind him tightly and went to the table where the blond was sitting at. Wolfram's shoulders tensed, his back going straight at the edge that was heard in Amae's voice.
“What happened?”
“Yasai saw the letter.” Amae seated himself opposite Wolfram.
Wolfram cursed softly. “Did he ask any questions?” he asked then.
“Not yet.”
“Are you really sure that he saw the letter?”
“Of course I am!” Amae snapped at him. He groaned, putting his elbows onto the table and leaning his face into his hands. “What do we do now?”
Wolfram pushed his chair away and stood up. “We tell the truth to him. A part of it,” he added after Amae's face acquired expression that was saying that the younger man thought that he was not right in the head. “But Lasami will be in trouble…”
“Don't worry about him,” Amae interrupted him. “We have already made a deal - he will be away from the palace even before we are. Half of my jewelry will help him disappear.”
“Good then,” Wolfram nodded. “Call in Yasai now and keep your mouth shut while I'll be talking to him.”
Amae frowned at him but swallowed any words that he wanted to say; he had made a mistake and it was no wonder that Wolfram was angry with him.
Two days later after the prince had written the letter, at dawn, Faraya, with over two hundred men, left for the front. The king was going to use his power to push the opposing army back. Even if Wolfram knew that Faraya didn't have as much power as his husband, the king would destroy it. If his mind were on that, that is.
More than twelve hour later, as Wolfram watched the darkening sky and the castle surroundings, he was sure that Faraya's mind wasn't on that. Maybe Yasai seeing that letter wasn't a bad thing after all…
For half an hour he had been watching the darkness spreading throughout the entire city and then decided that it was time. There was no reason to stall any further. Their escape was officially planned to happen in two days but he had never intended to wait that long. This had to be done now.
From the dark window Wolfram turned to Amae who was looking at him, probably musing why he was brought here at such a later hour and even less knowing why he was asked to bring a knife for fruits.
“Get that candle and light it,” Wolfram said, motioning at the bedside cabinet where the yellow candlestick stood.
Amae gave him a confused look but nodded. Wolfram took the candle from him and put it in the middle on the carpet. He held out his hand for the knife.
Amae's eyes suddenly grew large, his mouth hanging open as Wolfram, not saying a word, grabbed his long black hair and slashed a lock of it off. He was so stunned that didn't even protest, just stood there while Wolfram was laying the hair next to the candle. And when Amae finally opened his mouth to let his outrage be known, it hung open without sound because Wolfram did the same with his own hair.
“What the hell are you doing?” Amae finally asked when Wolfram put the blond lock next to the black one.
“It's offering for the God of War. Normally it would require a fireplace, but as we don't have it, this should do just fine; the God of War is known for not being picky. I'll ask for courage, strength and luck,” Wolfram explained. “I'll also need a drop of your blood.”
Amae moved away from him instinctively. “What?!” Wide-eyed he watched as the blond dabbed lightly at his arm. Several red droplets ran down Wolfram's arm and the blond squatted down to let them fall onto the previously cut hair lock.
“Is it really necessary?” Amae frowned at the sight from afar. “I understand that it's supposed to help us, but don't know your god anyway. I'd rather pray to the local Goddess of Beauty and Art hoping that my dazzling beauty would knock everyone out senseless…”
Wolfram shrugged. “You can pray for her help too, but I'm not taking you before you finish my ritual.”
His face being one big frown, Amae took the knife, mumbling something under his breath. “I don't even believe in gods,” he complained while poising the blade to his forearm.
“As long as you give the offering nobody cares. It's just the insurance in case the god really exists. I'm not much of a believer myself,” Wolfram said impatiently.
“Gee, it seems you are a man of convenience, Wolfram,” Amae snorted at him. “Ouch! This hurts!” he yelped.
“Now let it fall on your hair.”
“Now what?” Amae asked after he was done. He looked around then went to the bed and dragged the cover off it to dab at the small wound then he cleaned the knife and put it onto the table.
“Now ask what you wish for your offering.”
“Okay,” Amae nodded. As the wound didn't bleed anymore, he offered the cover to Wolfram and when he didn't take it, he threw the cover to the floor. “I want to tear that fucker apart and then…” he started.
Wolfram's right eyelid twitched. “Silently. In your head and without curse-words; gods don't like them.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“Are you done?” Wolfram asked him after three minutes.
Amae shook his head. “Not quite. Enumerating the servants. The one with a large nose. Can't remember the stupid name, but he was a bitch to me. And…”
“Amae, you are wasting our time.” Wolfram rolled his eyes, huffing loudly. He went to the table to get a bottle of liquor. Amae was clearly misunderstanding the entire concept of prayer. Ah well, it probably couldn't hurt any.
Amae threw his hands in defeat. “Okay, okay, done. What's the rush anyway?”
“We are getting away. Now,” Wolfram said. He finished pouring the liquor into the glass and took it into his left hand.
Amae frowned at the blond trying to understand what he was talking about. “But it's still one day and Yasai…”
Wolfram shrugged. “Well, as I didn't trust neither of you, I promised to you that we would run away tomorrow, to Yasai I said that it would be two days later. Originally, it was planned today,” the blond said, grabbing one of the bottles from the table. “Faraya is away, it's dark, Yasai and everyone think we'll do it later. The security is slack. And a day won't make a difference. You ready?”
Amae stared at him as if he had grown two heads. “A… U…” Then he got a grip on himself and nodded. “I have most of the food ready. But it's… Where will we go? - We are meeting with your friend only a day later and... Hell, what about Yasai?” He jerked as the blond smashed the bottle into the corner of the table, the splinters falling to the ground.
From the sharp fragment he was holding in his hand Wolfram raised his eyes to Amae. “Yasai?” he asked, giving him a short grin. “Oh, the bitch is definitely going with us.”
Amae's brows crossed in confusion. He shook his head in disagreement. “But…”
“Now, hold that knife close to you,” Wolfram motioned at the knife for fruits that was still on the table. It's not very sharp but at least something. Let's go get the food,” Wolfram said turning towards the door.
“What about Yasai and the guards…?” Amae shook his head following Wolfram. “What the hell are you doing?! Where will we stay?! And we don't have enough food yet and…!” He fell silent as the fierce emerald eyes descended on him.
“From now on you are to obey me,” Wolfram informed him. “I won't tolerate any disobedience. Any wrong move and I'll leave you behind.”
Amae gaped at him. He ran after Wolfram when the blond simply marched out from the room, not waiting for him. “Hey! You…!” He fell quiet as they entered the empty and silent lounge. Most concubines probably were sleeping or getting ready to sleep.
“Stop wasting your breath and get the food,” Wolfram ordered. “Get Yasai here.”
Amae resigned to the current flow. He nodded and scurried to his door. His step faltered when he saw Wolfram walking over to the guards at the door. He knew the blond was strong but… They had planned to put the guards to sleep with dergen powder but now… How the hell were they going to get out from here?! Lasami was sleeping too, so no help from him… Lasami…was still in the palace. He might get caught and… Wolfram was mad thinking he could pull this off.
Churning the alcohol in the glass, his other hand behind his back, the thumb visibly pushed up behind the belt, so it wouldn't seem that he was holding something behind his back, Wolfram approached the guards. As Wolfram stood with his back to him, Amae didn't even manage to catch the movements, but as one of the guards suddenly grabbed at his eyes, it was clear that the blond had just emptied the glass right into his face. The other guard's head hit the wall behind him as Wolfram's heel rammed into his chin. He slid down the wall, leaving a trail of blood. In a second his sword was in the blond's hand. As not to let the second guard get his vision and bearings back, Wolfram turned the sword over in his hand and struck him with the handle in the back of his neck. Like a felled tree, the guard fell to the ground unconscious. The blond tossed the piece of the broken bottle onto the floor where it lay unneeded.
Wolfram swished the sword around in his hand. It was much bigger and more massive than he was used to, the handle also thicker but it had a nice security feeling to it. “Will have to do,” he muttered then leaned down to unclasp the sheath from the unconscious guard. Grabbing him by his bloodied hair he raised his head. Wolfram let the head drop back to his chest and wiped his hands on his tunic. The guard was still alive, it seemed. Wolfram muttered under his breath but decided to leave him be. Instead, he squatted down to ransack through his pockets for the keys. He pulled the bundle of clinking keys from the front pocket of the jacket.
The blond's eyes then caught Amae who was still standing behind him, his feet rooted into the carpet.
“What the hell are you waiting for?! Get moving!” he hissed at the man.
Amae shot to the door and was gone behind it immediately. Wolfram quickly undressed the guard he had struck with the sword handle. After finding a knife in the guard's boot, he moved the blade behind the front of his tunic at his neck and dragged it all way down to his waist, the cloth separating under the sharp blade easily. Stepping out of the shredded cloth, he grabbed and pulled the trousers on then flung on the jacket. The trousers and the sleeves of the jacket were a little too long, so he rolled them up slightly.
He was done just in time when Amae appeared from Yasai's room with the said man in tow. Taking the second sword with the scabbard off the other guard Wolfram hid the dagger he had found earlier in his borrowed boot. They were also a little too big, but would have to do for now; they were undoubtedly much better than those high-heeled sandals he hardly could walk in.
Yasai and Amae froze at the sight of Wolfram in the uniform, their eyes catching two bodies behind him and the splash of blood on the wall. Instinctively, Amae caught the massive sword that Wolfram had thrown at him. He staggered under the weight then raised his head to stare at the blond who had flung it with one hand at him effortlessly.
“Change of plans?” Yasai managed finally.
Wolfram nodded. “Yeah. Help me,” he said motioning at the couch. “Now listen, the two of you, carefully,” he started, already walking over to the couch. “If any of you try to summon your elements, I'll kill you at once. Clear?”
Confused, Yasai nodded while staring at the couch but when the blond started pushing it towards the door where he knew Asoka was, he understood. He walked over quickly to help push the couch to the door to block it. The soft carpet absorbed almost all the noise and nobody disturbed them until they were done.
“Now the next one. To Torani's door.”
After having pushed the second couch over, Yasai leaned on it to gather his breath back. He turned his head to the blond who didn't seem in need of rest.
“Well, it isn't much but those two are the most annoying,” Wolfram muttered. “Let's go,” he motioned for Amae, not even thinking of waiting for Yasai to catch his breath. “Take the food from Amae,” he motioned with his head at the younger male who had trouble holding the sack and the sword at the same time. The small knife for fruit was pushed behind Amae's belt.
For some reason Yasai found himself flinching at the look the blond gave him when he took the food from Amae.
Wolfram pointed at the sword Amae was still holding in his hands pressed to his chest like a baby. He couldn't believe he was taking these men with him. He simply couldn't believe he had subscribed himself for being the nanny of the two.
“Amae,” Wolfram said, “if you want to use it, you'll have to unsheathe it first. And please, look more threatening. At least growl or something,” he added with a light chuckle, presuming that teasing on a confused Amae must work much better than any reprimands or orders.
Amae swallowed loudly then blushed thickly. “Right,” he said, seeming to finally come over his stupor. He unsheathed the sword and threw the sheath to the floor.
Wolfram unlocked the door and led them downstairs. The sun set quite some time ago and in was dark in the corridor only some of muddy moonlight falling from two small windows. The feeble light from one oil lamp that hung on the wall was hardly helping to enlighten the way. It was good because the two guards who were standing at the door at the end of the stairs didn't see much either. They didn't have time to react when it appeared that the one wearing the uniform didn't belong to the castle guards. The first guard didn't manage to do anything before Wolfram's dagger crossed those several meters that separated them and stuck in his throat. Gargling, the man grabbed at the knife sticking out from his throat. The second guard drew his sword but Wolfram's own sword stuck through his stomach, nailing him right to the wooden door behind him.
“What's the noise?!” came the shout from the other side of the door.
“My pants came down while I was wanking off; I stumbled and fell,” Wolfram shouted back in a pretended raspy voice, kicking the still gargling soldier in the temple to shut him up once and for all. The laughter came from the other side of the door.
Sweating lightly, Wolfram pulled the dagger out of the guard's throat and wiped at his clothes, once it was clean, he hid it back inside his boot. He grabbed his sword by the handle and ripped it out of the thick door and the guard's chest, letting him fall down.
“Sorry,” he shouted towards the door, “it's me again. It's getting pretty exciting just right now.” While the laughter that followed his words echoed behind the door, he fumbled in his pocket for the keys then inserted them into the lock.
“The guy is fucked up in the head!” Wolfram shouted again in a changed voice. “I'll just go to the bathroom until he finishes milking his dick!”
“But you have just been recently,” came the voice thick with laughter from the other side.
“Oh c'mon!” Wolfram turned the key. With the sword readied in his right hand, he pushed the heavy door open with his left and entered the corridor.
The grin was still present on the guard's who stood the closest to the door when Wolfram's blade got him in the stomach. The second guard opened his mouth to shout and grabbed at the handle of his sword but it was too late, Wolfram turning to the side, his booted foot smashing in the guard's throat. The impact snapped the man's head back and tossed him onto the carpet.
The blond lowered his right leg back to the floor, removed his sword from the first guard's stomach then walked over to the unmoving body that he had kicked away. He frowned at the sight of the torn throat, torn tissue and blood that was now spreading around the unfortunate guard's head. That wouldn't have happened if the man had been at least half-Mazoku.
“Get the sword, Yasai,” Wolfram ordered, turning back to the concubines. His brows crossed when he saw Amae leaning on the wall, his face ashen. As expected, Yasai was already drawing the sword from the dead guard's sheath. The blond's look came back to Amae.
“I'm okay,” the panting male waved with his left hand. “It's nothing. I'm perfectly okay.” He breathed in deeply for a few times. He had no time for this - Wolfram would simply leave him if he didn't get a grip on himself now. He turned to look at Yasai who had already gotten the sword and held it in his palm with a practiced ease.
“You are about to faint,” Wolfram remarked. “I'll just leave you.”
“I'm absolutely okay. Just give me a minute to process all this,” Amae said, trying to fight the rising nausea.
Wolfram turned away and proceeded down the corridor. He could hear that the two concubines were following him. Even if Amae's steps were shaky behind his back, he knew he would watch out for Yasai. Amae just needed a few minutes to adjust. Sadly, they didn't have those minutes.
After reaching the end of the corridor where it was splitting into two ways, Wolfram searched his memory and then turned into one he thought was needed. Quietly, they snuck through the half-lit corridor and closed doors then approached the stairs again. Wolfram peered downstairs but wasn't able to see much except the dancing shadows that fell from the oil-lamps.
“Wait here,” Wolfram instructed. “Come down after I will have whistled.”
With his sword ready, Wolfram climbed down the wooden stairs creaking softly. In the ringing silence the two stood and waited for any sign. Amae's heart was thumping so madly in his chest that he was afraid that everyone within ten meter radius could hear it. He didn't understand what Wolfram was doing. They had to wait for outside help but they didn't and…
He had never been so afraid in his life. There was that time, long ago when he stood in the doorway watching his parents being killed. But then he didn't really sense anything, was detached, it just had seemed like a morbid dream, as if he were watching himself and it all happening from aside. He didn't even understand what he was seeing then.
His brain caught up with what happened and freed itself from shock only a week later. Then came tears, anger, shouts and later the feeling of helplessness. He hadn't been able to change anything then, was too young, too weak, too shattered, too stupid. If he…if he managed to finally get away from here with Wolfram, if he finally managed… He was unbelievably afraid and eager at the same time at the thought. Would he be able to breathe freely finally? He would not survive this failure.
The pulse was beating loudly in Amae's throat and ears and he was faint with relief when a soft, hardly heard whistle came from downstairs.
With shaky legs Amae and Yasai climbed down silently to find Wolfram waiting for them. They crossed the empty room together. Amae tried not to stare at the dead guard at the end of it. The guy was unnaturally sagged in the chair. He must have fallen asleep there before Wolfram… Amae shook his head to get rid of that particular thought. Enemies. They all were enemies to him now. He had chosen this when he decided to side with the blond, there was no way back now. Even if they had slid past the guard unnoticed, after waking up at the alarm, the guy might have been the one to run after them. All of them were threats.
Amae inhaled deeply to regulate his erratic breathing. To his relief, even if some people were heard talking, there was no one in the next hall and after passing several doors they eased slowly towards the next set of stairs. Wolfram reached the end of the staircase then motioned for the other two men to follow. Just as Amae set his foot onto the first step, the door in the corridor just behind him creaked.
Paralyzed, Amae stared at the opening door then dashed to hide behind it. Someone was laughing and wishing good night and stepping outside. The door started closing to reveal a dark silhouette. Panic that crept over Amae was overwhelming, now he could understand how people could piss themselves. But like in a dream, he saw his leg kick out. The silhouette yelped loudly, turned to him while at the same time trying to grasp the railing, missed and then rolled down the stairs with sounds of loud crashes.
The door that flew open almost smashed in Amae's face, only the last second he getting enough sense and holding up his palm to hold it up.
“You okay there?!” the new silhouette shouted.
A loud curse came from downstairs then some mumbling followed. “Yeah. Sorta,” the grumbling voice wafted up.
The silhouette relaxed then laughed. “Moron! I said not to drink that much! Each time you drink, you fall down that stupid staircase! Really, what a moron,” the silhouette shook its head, closing the door.
When the door closed with a light thud, all Amae wished was to slide down the wall and turn into a soft puddle. He inhaled several times deeply to try and regulate his breathing. His heart was beating way too fast, but death of heart-attack was his least concern.
Soon the soft voice calling his name wafted from downstairs and Amae pushed himself off the wall. Holding onto the rail with his shaky hands, he climbed down. Wolfram and Yasai were waiting for him, the corpse already hidden behind the stairs. Yasai was giving him a weird look, but he just ignored him. Wordlessly, he followed Wolfram.
Behind this hall was the main one with the main entrance that led to the huge garden. The hall was always heavily guarded.
Amae saw the blond falter then he looked around. Wolfram's gaze slid over the curtains that were covering three big windows then the carpet under their feet and then came back to curtains.
“We will climb down. It's not high, only one storey. One could simply jump, but I won't risk someone hearing or you two breaking your legs.”
Amae stared at him for several long seconds then nodded. “Okay.” He went to pull the curtains down while Wolfram was fumbling with the window that was the farthest from the well-lit yard. He had it open at the same time when Amae was scurrying back to him with the curtains.
They tied the curtains together. One end they fastened to the huge statue then lowered the other through the window and down. After casting the look out of the window, Wolfram decided that it was more than enough. After raising his eyes back, he caught Amae's uneasy look.
“What? Afraid of heights?” he asked already turning away, taking the supplies from Yasai. He tossed the bag over his shoulder.
Amae shook his head. “More of falling off them. There was that time when I was trying to run away from the brothel through the window. I slipped and fell. Luckily I only sprained my ankle then…”
From the corner of his eyes Wolfram looked at Amae then started climbing off the window. He had to agree that the younger male was taking this quite well. If at first Amae was paralyzed, now he seemed to have regained his presence of mind.
“Give me your sword, Yasai,” Wolfram held out his hand after he was already on the opposite side of the window. He took the sword then let it fall the tip down to the ground where it stuck into the soft soil. He did the same with Amae's then started climbing down. Even if their belts were sufficient not only for decorating and the concubines could have used them to fasten their swords on the back just as he did, but he didn't want to leave Yasai armed where he could not watch the man.
Amae was the last to climb down. As soon as his feet were in the safety of the ground, the blond held out him his sword. Amae took the sword and observed the surroundings. The night was quite dark, the sky cloudy, hardly letting any of the light reflecting from the moon pass. As the clouds swam, lighter patches could be seen here or there, but it was dark enough.
Amae turned to watch the well-lit yard. There were patrolling guards seen. He knew that about ten guards were stationed near the entrance and behind the door. Across the yard there was a huge garden behind which there was a gate with even more guards. Originally, they had planed to leave the palace with Lasami's help dressed as servants. Now, he couldn't even start comprehending how they would escape.
“Any plans on how we get to the garden?” Yasai asked softly.
Wolfram took in the yard. He had planned this earlier and hoped that it would work. “Use the walls for the cover. We'll retreat farther then watch it carefully that no one would notice you running over the yard and to the garden.”
Amae looked at him as if he were mad. “You need to somehow distract them for that,” the younger male hissed hoping that Wolfram didn't intend using him as a bait.
“I don't think it will be a problem,” Wolfram muttered. “Now let's go back.”
Hunching and keeping close to the wall they slid to the farthest corner. Across it, behind the yard there were high bushy plants that Amae remembered to be jihi. It was their blooming season and just an hour ago he had the window in his room open to enjoy the aroma.
“So what about that distraction?” Amae asked.
Wolfram motioned at the other side of the yard. At first Amae couldn't see anything but then something sparkled there. Squinting his eyes further, he noticed the shining dot grow and then it launched itself past the main entrance and further around the palace. There was a stunned silence for a moment, during which every cricket was heard and then the shouts echoed. Most of the guards chased the shining thing, the ones who were left stared at their backs, following them and the quickly moving creature.
Amae hadn't seen anything apart from the moment the creature appeared. Wolfram had grabbed him by his hand and simply dragged after himself, instructing to duck and follow his movements. They sped across the yard, the noise on their left rising, but not directed towards them.
Several seconds later the three of them were already behind the lush bushes and fighting their way through the various plants further toward the gate. His heart trying to jump out of his chest while drumming madly, Amae was beside himself with anger.
“What the hell do you think you are doing?!” he hissed at the blonds back. “Now Faraya knows that we are on the run! He'll turn the entire city over in a minute! Or maybe we'll already meet him at the gate! We won't be able to…” He had to stop shortly as not to collide with Wolfram's back who had suddenly stopped.
“It wasn't my element,” the blond whispered softly while straightening the sack with food on his shoulder. He tiptoed to take a look around the dark and quiet garden. “Faraya has to be near me to feel me using it.”
“I see two guards patrolling farther,” Wolfram whispered again. “Quiet now, and follow me silently.”
Amae closed his mouth. His eyes followed the blond's back which had already vanished into the shadowy lane. Yasai sped past him and disappeared after the blond. Well…after they got caught, maybe he would manage to convince Faraya that Wolfram and Yasai had kidnapped him…
Listening carefully to the sounds around him, Amae followed the two men. The faint sound of glass shattering was heard somewhere far away behind them. He couldn't see anything through all that greenery, but he didn't even need to see to know that Wolfram had commanded that creature into one of the palace's windows. Shouts and screams wafted toward them and from their hiding place Amae could see some of the guards leaving the gate and running to the palace.
As the echoes of feet running lessened, Wolfram led them further until they reached the closest bushes to closed gate. About ten meters separated them from the five guards at the well-lit gate and the road.
“Too difficult. Follow me back into the garden,” Wolfram said suddenly. “We'll come back here if the idea doesn't work.”
Amae didn't even ask what idea he had in mind. Resigned to his fate, he followed the blond back into the bushes.
They crossed the right wing of the garden and approached the wall. It was quite dark, the torches on the wall of bricks arranged so that there was distance of about ten meters between each of them. There was one guard patrolling across the high wall seen. Wolfram tugged Amae's knife from under his belt. After waiting until the guard had approached the poorly lit area, he threw the knife. Soundlessly, the guard sank to the ground. It was silent all around, and Wolfram thanked his luck; throwing weapons had never been his first priority.
“How the hell do you intend to climb over it?!” Amae reclined his head back to take in the height in the darkness. It was impossible. They needed a ladder, a high one at that.
Wolfram held out his hand for Yasai, ignoring Amae. “Give me your sword.” Then he took the sword from Amae. “Now, don't you freak out or scream or I promise you'll end up badly,” he said to the two men.
“What…?” Amae's eyes widened and he stumbled as he was suddenly pushed over to Yasai who caught him to prevent him from falling.
“Hold on onto each other.”
“What do you…?” Yasai's words stuck in his throat as suddenly there was a swish of air and then his feet didn't touch the ground anymore. Instinctively, he grabbed onto the first thing that was the closest to him, which appeared to be Amae.
After the two concubines disappeared behind the wall, Wolfram exhaled the breath he had been holding. He hadn't been all that sure if it would work - air element wasn't something he was very good at. Summoning it once again, he also carried himself over the wall.
After landing in the dark alley and taking a quick look around, he understood that it was going to be quite difficult to maneuver through the streets. Several glimmers were seen here and there, but mostly it was quiet only random noises heard like someone's booted footfalls or voice echoing somewhere farther or dogs barking.
Wolfram had crossed the city only once while with his hands bound behind his back and it had been the main street and during the day. He had also asked Lasami to draw a preliminary map, so he knew the streets that were adjacent the palace, but it was going to take some time until he recovered it all in his head in this darkness.
Amae pointed his hand to his right after noticing that Wolfram was scanning the surroundings with a quite lost look on his face. “The market is that way. Once behind the market there's the main street leading to the gate,” he whispered. “I know this damn city well enough to get us to the gate.”
Wolfram nodded. “Good.” He held out the sword for Amae to take. “We need to avoid people. Choose the best suited streets you can.”
“Then we will bypass the market and continue through several alleys until we get to the gate,” Amae said while taking the sword. The adrenaline was still coursing through his body, but now he was starting to shiver both at the nervousness and cool midnight air.
“Sounds fine to me,” Wolfram nodded. “Lead the way.”