Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Watch out for the Green Eyes ❯ Part 20 ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou! I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male), Yuuri x Wolfram. Some other pairings.
Summary: The action takes place six years after Yuuri and Wolfram got together/six years after the events in “Working out the Paradox”. Yuuri and Wolfram have been married for four years.
A/N 1: Age: Yuuri - 22, Wolfram - who the heck knows?!
A/N 2: I hate Greta; she is nonexistent in this story, and Yuuri has never adopted her.
Watch out for the Green Eyes
by chayron (, beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 20
The shadowy clouds were flowing over the midnight sky. Now and then the moon would find an opening to reflect the light and cast it over three hunched figures that were quickly covering the ground, turning from one dark alley to another. The three men seemed to be in a hurry, their steps shaky, hearts pounding.
The city was still sleeping, houses around them dark, only a rare candle or oil lamp seen in a window. The men were trying to avoid the lighted windows and snuck past them as noiselessly as they could.
Once they got farther away from the palace and higher onto the hill, Yasai turned to look behind him. Through the space among the houses he saw some light on the palace. Involuntary, he gasped at the sight. Wolfram had set in on fire. He had set it on fire after he and Amae had already been behind the wall and he had been alone in the garden. He wasn't able to comprehend what was happening and why Faraya hadn't forbidden the blond to use his power. Where the hell was the king? He didn't quite understand what was happening.
“Wait,” Yasai said quietly as he saw the stables on their way. “The stables. We need to get horses.”
Quickly walking past the stables, Wolfram shook his head. “No time for that. We need to get out and quickly; we'll get them from the guards at the gate,” he said, shifting the sack with food on his back so that the thin strap would stop cutting into his shoulder.
The blond wanted to curse his head off at himself. That kind of majutsu was very difficult to control once further away. He had made a mistake by not having dispersed it just before they had left the palace territory. In no time Faraya would be informed about the fire in the palace and from there the things were going to start deteriorating at an unbelievable speed. They had to get out from the city as fast as they could.
“The main street is at the end of this alley,” with several harsh pants Amae interrupted his thoughts. He wasn't used to so much running, especially under so much stress. The uncomfortable sandals that he was wearing were galling his feet, and his light tunic was hardly defending him from night coolness. “If I remember well, it's just about five meters to the gate. Usually there are about ten men at it,” Amae added. He had expected that the blond would have made some plans upon meeting his comrades in the city and they would have helped them to get past the guards, but now he had no idea on what Wolfram was planning.
“I'll need to clear it off fast, then,” Wolfram muttered. “You two will stay back and wait.” He gave a warning look at Amae who nodded lightly but his facial expression was telling that he considered the blond a madman.
They covered the alley then Wolfram peered from behind the last house. True, the gate was just in front of him, across the wide street, lightened with torches that hung on the high wall. The huge gate was bolted for the night not letting anyone enter or leave. There were two turrets above it, but they were empty.
Overall he counted seven guards at the gate. Two of them were immersed into a discussion about something on which their opinion obviously didn't match. The other two were standing at the gate seemingly bored out of their mind. Three other guards were sitting on hay spread for two horses which were traipsing near them. The three of them were leaning with their backs on the gate and laughing at something loudly.
Wolfram's attention first went to the arguing men. Their alertness was the least, but he would deal with them later. His interest came back to the three huddled men on the hay. Already decided on the action plan, Wolfram summoned his husband's fire element and sent it towards the unsuspecting trio. The men didn't even notice when a long, similar to a rope fire string crossed the dark night air. Its temperature was higher than anything they had ever known, and it cut them in half cleanly, setting the hay on fire.
Not waiting for the other guards to raise alarm, Wolfram jumped from behind the corner. He stretched his arm out in an abrupt motion. The air force slammed the two who had been arguing into the wall behind them with such force that there were sounds of bones breaking heard.
It all happened so fast that the two guards at the gate were momentarily stunned. Meanwhile Wolfram had summoned fire element again.
After having dealt with the guards, Wolfram ran to the horses that were trampling and kicking near the burning hay. Yasai and Amae were beside him in a second, grabbing the reins of one horse, leading it away from the fire.
Wolfram was in time to follow Amae's arm that was pointing to the gate and see one of the turrets explode. Wolfram's head snapped to Amae who stood wide-eyed with his hand still raised. It seemed that the concubine couldn't believe what he had done either.
“Take down the fucking gate now!” Wolfram yelled at him, fury clear in his voice. “Take it down before Faraya blocks you, you…fucking…grr…!” He hardly managed to control himself as not to launch on Amae and beat the shit out of the stupid concubine.
There was the noise heard from the other side of the gate but then it was overwhelmed by the soaring fireball. The impact tossed the gate forward, knocking down the guards that were gathered behind it and it simply dissolved before their eyes at the temperature. The next second water sloshed all over the gate to put the flames out and let them pass.
In two strides Wolfram was next to Amae, grabbing the concubine who had sunk to the ground. It was obvious that his body wasn't used to such a strain. Beside himself with anger, Wolfram swore to leave the damn concubine lying on the road if he fainted. He lifted Amae by his upper arm easily and tugged him to his horse just as people started bursting from the sleepy houses.
“He cut it off,” Amae muttered, his feet stumbling on the cobbled surface. “I can no longer summon the elements.”
Wolfram gritted his teeth. It was only natural. “Get on the horse!” he hissed.
“There was an archer,” Amae muttered. “If not…”
“Shut the fuck up!” Wolfram growled. Seeing that there was no way that the exhausted man would manage to get into the saddle, he jumped onto the horse first then grabbed the concubine by his arm and tugged him onto the horse, behind himself. Arms wrapped around his waist firmly and Wolfram urged the horse through the gate. Wolfram didn't need to see if Yasai was following him, he knew that the man would. To his surprise no one of gathered people tried to stop them from leaving.
They would have at least half an hour ahead of them until the dead guards were found and Faraya figured out where and how Amae used his element. If Lasami were clever enough - and he knew the man was - he would use the turmoil and get the hell out of the palace before Faraya hung him as an example for all servants.
From his experience with Yuuri, he knew that it was practically impossible to tell where the power was used. The original contractor was only able to feel it being used and block the stream but wasn't able to tell by whom or the distance or place where it was used.
The three of them disappeared into the night. When the lights on the turrets vanished into the darkness behind them, Wolfram turned off the beaten track and headed towards the dunes. Nobody would manage to find them in the darkness, but they had to be careful.
After riding for about ten minutes, the prince summoned his husband's wind element again and sent a whirl to sweep the dunes cleanly as not to leave any dints. It would be enough for the night, but he hoped that nature with its hot breezes would help them and cover their tracks more naturally by the time the morning came. Later, after getting farther, he had repeatedly summoned the wind element a few times more to be sure that it was not so easy to track them down.
They had been riding for five hours straight then, already quite some time after dawn, reached the small oasis Wolfram had chosen as the meeting point. Kyota wasn't there yet. Wolfram urged his horse to cross the oasis then dismounted. He was just in time to grab Amae who swayed dangerously and threatened to fall off the horse. He helped the man down then lowered the sack with food next to him and left the exhausted Amae sitting on the grassy ground while he went to water the horse. Yasai followed his example and took his own horse.
The horses were thirsty and tired and not only them, but Wolfram was reluctant to drink the water from the puddle. From his own painful experience he learned long ago that one shouldn't drink from unknown sources if he didn't want to get some disease or vermin. He waited until the horse was full then led it back to Amae where several humble trees were growing. He tied the horse to one of them then sat down near Amae who was already nodding, his long hair spread in a fan and dangling all over his lowered face.
Wolfram was pretty sure that Faraya wouldn't manage to find them so fast - small oases were strewn all over the desert and with their tracks wiped clean it would take quite some time to find them.
“Are you hungry?” Wolfram asked the younger male while reaching out for the sack with food that was at Amae's side. “Do you want to drink?”
Amae opened his eyes then brushed the hair off his face. He nodded. “Some water.” He shook his head. “I… I'm very tired.”
From the corner of his eye watching Yasai fetching his horse to tie next to his, Wolfram dug deeper into the sack then found one of three water-skins and held it out for Amae to take. “You can have a nap; I won't leave you sleeping out here, I promise,” he chuckled at the exhausted male's face which now had an unusual tint of ghostly white.
Amae took a few long gulps then gave the water-skin back to Wolfram with a grateful nod. As soon as the water-skin left his hands, he lay down onto the grass. After a few moments Yasai sat down near Amae.
“Why didn't you take anything warmer?” Wolfram asked after noticing Amae shiver in the cool morning air. The silken tunic that he was wearing was of no use in this kind of situation. He knew that Amae must have been even colder before the sun came up.
“You can call me stupid but I just forgot. This sudden departure threw me out of balance. I just…panicked, probably,” Amae admitted after a pause.
Wolfram shrugged. “Well, at least Yasai didn't forget anything,” he reached out to clap the man on his back.
Since the blond usually avoided any physical contact unless it was a necessity, Yasai grunted in surprise. Then he yelped as he was suddenly smashed into the ground facedown, the jacket he had taken from one of the guards being pulled off. His arms entangled in the sleeves of the uniform and Wolfram's knee pressed into his back painfully. He could also feel Wolfram doing something with his arms. Wait…was that a rope?!
“What are you doing?! Wolfram!” Yasai demanded when the blond didn't answer. He turned his head to the side where Amae was still lying but the blue-eyed man was only watching him being manhandled, his face telling that he wasn't going to lift a finger to help him. Yasai tried to buck Wolfram off but that earned him only a hit on the back of his neck at which he didn't even have time to cry out or protest in any other way and was swallowed by darkness.
“Aren't you a bit too hard on him?” Amae asked Wolfram in a sleepy voice. He shifted on the ground to get more comfortable. His eyes shot open when something landed on him. It was Yasai's jacket. “Well, thanks,” he muttered, shrouding himself into it.
“He's Faraya's informer and he had obviously been a soldier earlier; he's quite good. He had been lying to you day in and out. Why that bout of compassion?” Wolfram wondered while finishing tying Yasai's ankles.
Amae shrugged. His eyes slid off Yasai and his eyelids closed again. “What now?” he muttered.
“You will sleep now, and I'll wait for my friend.”
“Thank gods,” Amae sighed in relief and was out almost instantly.
Yasai shifted on the ground. A painful groan left his mouth when his head announced about his unwilling decision to go to sleep. His body was stiff and the back of his head hurt terribly. He opened his eyes to see Wolfram sitting further down and leaning on one of the trees. Horses were grazing near him. Wolfram was sitting with his side to him, the blond's thoughtful look cast somewhere far to the sandy slopes. After he heard him move, the set of emerald eyes concentrated on him but then shifted back to the distance.
“Wolfram,” Yasai tugged at his bound wrists, “what's the meaning of this?!” he couldn't help a fearful note from slipping into his voice after noticing that his legs were also bound. With a lot of effort he finally managed to sit down.
The unbelievably green eyes came back to him again. Yasai felt a weird feeling accumulate in the pit of his stomach - those eyes… He had never seen that fire in them and suddenly he was able to see those eyes, to see through that mask the blond used to wear from the very point they had met. He had been had.
Wolfram graced Yasai's realization lit face with a short smile. “I'm sorry, Yasai, or whatever the hell your real name is, but you'll be able to meet my friends much faster than you and Faraya wanted.”
Yasai paled when the soft smile was gone and the blond's face turned icy. “How did you know?” Yasai stammered.
Wolfram shook his head. “Well, you've always been too nosy. In addition, after returning from your `calls' you did smell of sex, but it never was Faraya…” He shrugged nonchalantly. “It's the main strategy: to get one to trust and then con the information out of him. I suppose Faraya expected to kill two birds with one stone: to annihilate the leaders of the rebels and to break me after I'd realize I was the one to bring him to them.” Wolfram shrugged again. “I'd do the same if I were in his position.”
Yasai stared at the blond. He had been shocked to see the blond do all those things while they had been escaping. Wolfram was not that who everyone thought him to be. The blond was far from that nonplussed incarnation of beauty he was used to see. A slow realization hit him - the blond was just exactly that what some sources claimed him to be before he had been caught - a leader, the one who could gather people around him, the one whom people followed. The man he was seeing in front of him was firm like a rock and as cunning as a serpent. The beauty he was seeing now was deceiving and as cold as ice.
“Aww… Don't look at me like that,” Wolfram chuckled. “It was either you two or I.”
Yasai frowned at the ground next to his legs. There was nothing he could add.
Yasai's head shot up at the soft sound of sand being disturbed somewhere. Wolfram stood up. Covering his eyes from the bright sun, he looked into the distance. Four, no, two riders with two free horses were descending down a slope farther away. After a few minutes the riders came up right to them. One of them approached first and jumped off the horse.
“Your Highness!”
Yasai could not see much against the bright sun falling onto Wolfram's figure but soon his eyes could make out a man squatting on one knee against the blond. Wolfram motioned for him to stand up.
Another rider approached the blond. He dismounted the horse and grabbed Wolfram in a tight hug, wrapping him firmly in his arms.
“Hey, hey,” Wolfram chuckled, pushing Kyota away as he ruffled his hair.
“Hell, you can't imagine how happy I am to see you!” Kyota grinned, giving him a last hug before letting him go.
Kyota motioned with his head at Yasai whose face was dark with apprehension as his suspicions were confirmed. “Who's that?” Kyota asked.
“A small catch. I think we'll be able to get hold of some information through him,” Wolfram said. “There are also several things I got to know about Faraya that will be useful.” Wolfram squatted down and started gathering the food, putting it back into the sack. He raised his head a few seconds later. “Any news about Yuuri?”
Kyota shook his head. “I'm sorry, but nobody has heard anything about your husband.”
“I see…” Wolfram rubbed his forehead tiredly. “How is Asami?” After getting to know that he was okay, Wolfram brushed a lock of blond hair off his face and tied the sack as he was done with collecting the food. “Anyways, we'll deal with the situation here. Yuuri will either show up or…” He just shook his head not finishing.
Kyota didn't say anything then his eyes darted behind Yasai where, in a shadow that was cast by a grazing horse, a man's silhouette materialized as if from nowhere. He grabbed at the sword that was hanging at his side. Wolfram's hand fell on Kyota's not letting him draw the weapon.
“Don't be so hasty. He's a friend of mine,” Wolfram said. “Amae Sederu,” he introduced the black-haired man to Kyota after Amae had come closer. “Kyota Docharo.” Amae, who had just woken up and stood up, nodded at the blue-eyed man sleepily. “And this is my bodyguard, Arachi. Well, originally he was my husband's, but…” he shrugged, not finishing.
After rubbing his eyes, Amae yawned then looked at Wolfram's friends closer. The said Arachi was now busy dragging a resisting Yasai up. Amae's eyes shifted back to Docharo. The man was very handsome. Doubtless, he was also intrigued by those blue eyes of his that were so similar to his own. In addition, the roots of that long and plaited dark hair were obviously bluish, exactly the same as his father's used to be after starting to re-grow after dyeing them; his father used to dye his hair to avoid unnecessary attention in the village he lived.
Wolfram motioned at Yasai whose eyes now were going from him to Kyota and back. “Get him onto one of the rested horse, Arachi. Ah, I'm sorry for confusion,” Wolfram said after having noticed the disbelieving stare directed at him. He laughed. “I really hope you'll have an opportunity to meet my husband.”
Yasai grunted in alarm as Arachi brandished a knife but the elite guard only cut the rope that was tying his ankles. He was almost thrown onto the horse, Arachi mounting the horse behind him.
“Any wrong move and you will find that knife between your ribs,” the guard informed him.
From the uncomfortable position Yasai could see the blond and his friend mounting the newly brought horses. Now they had six horses, two tired ones, two rested after a long ride, and two brought by Kyota. Three horses were tied to the ones they were going to ride by the reins and the preparations were done.
Wolfram had tricked him and badly. In addition to all lies, it appeared that this blue-eyed man wasn't Wolfram's lover and that Wolfram was married to someone named Yuuri. Besides, it seemed that the blond was in charge here… Faraya would go mental if he knew.
Sitting on the horse, Wolfram extended his hand down for Amae. He knew that black-haired male was a lost cause concerning horseback riding and it would be a nuisance to let him ride alone. But Amae seemed to falter. “What is it, Amae? Hurry up, we don't have much time.”
Amae shifted from one to another foot uncomfortably. “I… Actually I have never ridden a horse before this… I'm really sore from last night…”
Wolfram cursed softly. Kyota's brows furrowed.
“We can't change anything now,” Wolfram said. “C'mon, give me your hand or I'll just throw you onto the horse crosswise.”
“You are a very annoying man, Wolfram,” Amae muttered, extending his hand for the blond and setting his foot into a stirrup.
“Oh, you don't even know the half of it,” Kyota chuckled, turning his horse to Wolfram. “Need help?”
“No, he's really light,” Wolfram said, taking Amae firmly by his hand then in one smooth motion tugging him up, Amae, with disbelief written all over his face, appearing behind Wolfram. He had forgotten how strong the blond was.
The horse shifted discontent with the increasing weight and Amae grabbed at Wolfram's waist, closing his eyes.
“Can it be that you are afraid of horses, Amae?” Kyota asked while they were turning around.
Slipping his arms as far as they would go, Amae all but wrapped around the blond's midsection. “Not really,” he shook his head. “More of falling off them… And of sore butts later.”
Kyota chuckled. His eyes slid over Amae's long black hair that was spread all over his back. His eyes wandered down to where they reached the man's said backside. The younger man was wearing the upper half of some uniform, but the tunic underneath it was with deep slits at the sides and while sitting on the horse, Amae had his pale legs and thighs completely bare.
When Kyota's eyes finally rose, they were met by the same colored ones and a raised brow.
“Admiring the scenery?” Amae asked.
Kyota laughed and urged his horse forward. He smirked. “What makes you think so? I'm just thinking what color they'll be after we have ridden for five hours in the sizzling sun…”
Holding onto Wolfram firmly when the prince urged the horse faster, Amae watched Kyota's retreating back. “And he's right, you know…” he muttered into Wolfram's shoulder. “My skin can't handle too much sun. I turn red instantly…”
“He's only teasing you,” Wolfram smiled. “I bet he has some clothes stashed away in those bags,” with his head he motioned at the bags tied up on the horse that was tied up to the one Kyota was mounting. Wolfram was getting the impression that outside the castle - the world of concubine intrigues and lives that he knew so well - Amae was turning back into a young half-Mazoku that he really was - only a bit over twenty; just as Lasami had told him. Amae knew nothing or only the basics about the world he had escaped to. Suddenly realizing what Amae's reluctance was about, Wolfram slid his right hand down to his waist to squeeze Amae's tightly wrapped hand reassuringly.
“You have nothing to worry about - I'll keep my promise,” he said. “You'll get used to the world around you. And you sure have made right friends for that,” he finished with a light chuckle.
Amae's arms squeezed at Wolfram's waist tighter. “Thank you.”
During first fifteen minutes of journey Wolfram noticed Kyota's curious eyes linger on Amae. Kyota was interested. He knew his friend well enough to know that. Kyota had always liked pretty things, especially if they had a tongue to match his own. Amae didn't return the glances, but Wolfram was sure that he must have noticed the curiosity the older male had been eyeing him with.
Just as Wolfram had predicted, after half an hour, Kyota loudly announced that he had some clothes if anyone wished. Feeling cold vibes being emitted from behind him and knowing that Amae would not speak up, Wolfram motioned for Kyota to approach. He helped Amae off the horse.
“Five hours to that camp…?” Amae shook his head, groaning, stretching his hands up until there was a crack in his back heard. He rubbed his backside. “I'm not going to last that long…”
“No whining,” Wolfram said, taking the bag from Kyota. He opened and started ransacking through it then pulled out a pair of breeches. “Just put them on underneath your tunic.”
Amae took the clothes. “Thanks.”
“Hey, shouldn't you be thanking me?” Kyota winked at him.
“Yeah, thank you for letting me fry for half an hour,” Amae said, pulling the breeches on.
“I hoped you'd get a nice tan…” Kyota chuckled. “You are way too white.”
Amae finished buckling the belt then raised his head. He smiled. “You know, sweetheart, in that case I know your taste better than you,” he said pointing his thumb at Wolfram behind him. “And I don't think that my skin is any whiter than his.”
Speechless, Kyota stared at Amae for several seconds.
“Yes, he's quite observant,” Wolfram confirmed with a light smile on his lips after seeing Kyota's reaction. He extended his hand for Amae to help him back onto the horse.
Kyota gave Amae an unfriendly look. It was okay when Wolfram knew his attraction, but he guessed that Amae hadn't known that and wanted for him to embarrass himself in front of the prince. He felt his dislike rise for the man.
“He's really useless, isn't he?” Kyota said two hours later when they had to stop for a break and water the horses. Kyota's eyes were set on Amae who was standing next to Arachi, nursing his backside with his hand and talking about something with the guard. It was obvious that the man was having serious difficulties with riding a horse.
“I'll try seating him in front of me. Maybe that way he will be more comfortable. It would be better if he rode separately, but he knows no shit about riding a horse,” Wolfram said while grimacing at his own curse. But it was only true. He took another gulp from the water-skin. After a short debate with himself he opened his mouth again. “He's a former concubine. He has been living in closed spaces since he was eleven years old, you can't expect him learn everything in one day.”
Wolfram took another gulp then held out the water-skin for Kyota who now was looking at him, interested. “He had changed hands of many until Faraya took hold of him. Amae is half-Mazoku, his father coming from Shin Makoku. Amae said he was wounded. My guess is that he came by using that taboo method. Someone must have used him and others as the pass to open the gate between the worlds. I wonder who is responsible for that.”
Kyota cursed softly. “He must have been caught by someone and used for the gate together with others. It's a wonder that he survived. Even a bigger wonder is that he was thrown into this world.”
Wolfram shook his head. “Not really. My guess is that someone wanted to open the gate somewhere in Shin Makoku or maybe they wanted to go back to their country but they simply screwed up by not killing him. He was just half-dead and they probably didn't have enough souls to manage to normally maintain the gate. Something must have gone wrong and they didn't manage to use it with not enough souls. Amae's half-dead father was somehow sucked in and thrown into Ekara. Usually one, having no control over the gate would simply die, but as he was already half-dead, his soul probably on the verge of leaving his body, it didn't make much difference.” Wolfram shrugged, not being sure what to add.
Kyota's eyes narrowed at the sight of Amae and Arachi laughing at something. “Half-Mazoku, you say…? What element does he control?”
“That of water, just as his father used to. A pretty rare one, mm?” A playful smile appeared on Wolfram's lips. “As a half-Mazoku, he's quite good at it. He's also used to absorbing fire element. And a lot of it… I have promised him to take him to Shin Makoku anyway.”
Kyota rolled his eyes at the shameless innuendo. “Fucking some nameless concubine is the last thing on my mind right now. I don't think you even have enough power to summon the gate, do you?” he muttered, changing the subject.
Wolfram frowned. “I have enough power only to create a fireball or two…”
“So unless we find Yuuri, we are stuck here?”
Wolfram nodded. “Yes, and we have to watch out for Faraya. The fucker is powerful enough to turn us into barbeque without exerting himself any.”
“Fine, just fine,” Kyota sighed. His eyes went back to Amae. “Fire, you say? Yours or Faraya's?”
Wolfram exhaled a shaky breath in unexpectedness then shook his head in disbelief. “Do you really expect me to simply admit it in case I do sleep with him?” He wondered if it - his and Amae's relationship - really looked like it from aside.
“Not really,” Kyota shrugged. “That would cost you your status and reputation. Not to mention that to you Yuuri's trust is probably the most important thing in the world. But yes, I suppose that in that case you wouldn't have mentioned that at all. You are too smart for making such stupid mistakes.”
Wolfram chuckled. “Kissing my ass won't get you far.”
Kyota didn't say anything to that. He just looked at the scorching sun above their heads and sighed. “Well, at least Asami will have someone to play with. The two of them can specialize further in being useless,” he muttered.
Wolfram turned around and went to his horse. For some reason it felt as if that he had made an additional mistake by telling Kyota everything about Amae - he could almost physically feel his friend's hostility rise against Amae. He wasn't sure why it was. Amae had pissed Kyota off with that remark of his, but it might be that Kyota was really convinced that he was sleeping with Amae, in which case it was only Kyota's problem, for he wasn't going to justify himself against him in such a matter. Or maybe it was because Amae really had no experience in outer world and his friend saw him as a hindrance. On the other hand, it might have something to do with Amae having lead a concubine's life. Although, Wolfram doubted that - he knew his friend well enough and prejudice was not listed among Kyota's character traits, especially with Docharo leading a quite loose life himself.
Kyota watched Amae who was almost lying on Wolfram. Two hours passed after they had made a stop and it was obvious that Wolfram's idea of letting him sit in front didn't serve its purpose that well. As he was riding farther from them, he couldn't make out what they were talking about but he could imagine that the black-haired man was constantly dinning his complaints into Wolfram's head.
“I need to get a dagger or something that would be more efficient than my nails or tongue,” Amae said, shifting in front of Wolfram again.
“Dammit, Amae, if you move once again, I'll behead you for indecent assault!” Wolfram hissed, his face flushing red.
Amae chuckled then winced again at the higher bump. “So what about a weapon?” he asked then. “And I don't mean the one poking me in the…”
“Shut up.”
Amae laughed softly. “So shy… One would never guess that you have been married for four years…”
Unseen to the younger male, Wolfram rolled his eyes. “Well, I really can't remember that Yuuri and I would have ever done something like this while riding a horse.”
Amae chuckled. “I can't wait to meet your husband. He really must be something…”
“Oh, he is, but you are going to keep within a kilometer radius away from him,” Wolfram snorted. “If I see you trying something funny I'll chop everything that is hanging on you off.”
“Whoooo… Possessive, aren't we?”
Behind Amae's head Wolfram's lips pressed into a tiny dash. “I'd do anything for Yuuri and remove anyone who dares meddle with us,” he said in a serious tone. He felt the man in front of him tense. “I can give you a weapon if you wish,” he continued in a smooth voice, “but are you sure you'll be able to use it?”
Amae smiled to himself softly at Wolfram's threat then nodded. “I think I'd be able to use one if the need arose. Someone could teach me…”
“Mmm… Not a bad idea,” Wolfram nodded. “You need to know at least some simple moves.” He leaned forward and squinted his eyes to see better. At first Amae protested at the weight that fell on him then also looked forward.
“Is that the village we are heading for?” he asked.
Wolfram nodded. “Yes. I see your eyesight is even better than mine. How come?”
Amae shrugged. “I don't know much about that stuff. I was still too young when my father was killed, remember?”
Wolfram thought a moment then decided to introduce Amae to real Mazoku life. In some sense, after taking Amae away from his usual life, he was responsible for him now; that made two of them now, Asami and Amae. Wolfram sighed.
“Well, as you have already noticed,” he started, “the biggest difference is in physical abilities. Full-blooded Mazoku, because of the structure of their muscle, are stronger, faster and more powerful than the rest. Generally, when blood waters down due to interbreeding, those abilities also lessen. There are exceptions of course. Training helps a great deal, especially if it's in controlling one's element.
“My husband, despite being half-Mazoku, is the most powerful Mazoku on the entire planet. One would think that he shouldn't be able to rival a full-blooded Mazoku in physical strength either, but his muscle mass is quite big which puts him in the same place as any of other full-blooded Mazoku. He is also very good at martial arts… I can no longer win against him,” Wolfram chuckled with a fond note in his voice. Yuuri learnt martial arts on Earth; his husband had explained that by mentioning some after-school activities. Actually it was Yuuri who later used to teach him some really incredible moves that were very useful in hand-to-hand combat.
“Mmm?” Wolfram wondered as Amae stayed silent for quite long, only grunting at the rougher bumps heard.
“It's really nice…”
“What's `nice'?”
“How you talk about your husband,” Amae purred, trying to turn his head around to look at the prince and when he succeeded he saw a light blush covering the blond's face. “Even your voice grows soft and sweet…” he couldn't help teasing. Then he turned away, his face becoming serious. “It must be wonderful to have someone to cherish so much…”
Wolfram stayed silent in embarrassment. Then the remembrance of Amae asking him to kiss him just to… Wolfram's blush deepened but he nodded. “We have been married for four years,” he said after a pause. “Overall I have known him for eight years.”
“Hmmm…” Amae drawled. “And how did it happen? Who made the first move?”
Wolfram laughed softly, embarrassed again. “Our engagement was a huge misunderstanding but… Me. It was always me who was running after him…”
“Seriously?” Amae wanted to turn around to be sure that Wolfram wasn't joking but had to refuse the thought as his neck already hurt. “You don't look the type to be chasing someone… Actually…I always presumed that everybody was chasing you…”
Wolfram chuckled, his blush deepening. “Not Yuuri. I've been trying to win him over for two years until he finally gave in. Gods, the things I used to do to only get at least a drop of his attention…” he shook his head. “When I think of it now, it was as if someone had hit me with something hard over my head and I suffered brain damage. It was just…” he shook his head again, chuckling. “I was crazy about him.”
Amae couldn't help smiling. “Well, this is the first time I hear love called as brain damage, but I think it's precise enough.”
They were silent for some time then Amae wondered, “The blue-haired one seems to also have suffered some serious brain damage… Will you manage to stand your ground?”
As he didn't hear any mocking or insulting tones in the younger male's voice, Wolfram considered whether he should answer the question or talk about Kyota at all. Finally he decided that it would do no harm - Kyota seemed to already dislike Amae anyway. “He lost his chance long ago. I'm glad for it. He isn't.” He decided not to say anything more.
“Soo…” Amae drawled. “Then it has already been lasting for at least over six years… Poor thing.”
Wolfram didn't comment. Just as expected, Amae was quite sharp at figuring out the rest on his own.
Silently, they covered the rest of the way to the camp. Kyota was first to ride through the heavily guarded gate and lead the rest of them in. Followed by curious gazes they crossed the village and left it through the back gate. Just outside the village an army was stationed, hundreds of tents covering a huge area not that far from the river.
Kyota being recognized by afar, nobody stopped or questioned them, letting them roam around in the camp freely. Arachi was presented with the task of getting Yasai into the tent where all prisoners were held. Kyota led Wolfram farther, to the side of the camp and pointed at one of the tents telling him to use it.
As soon as Wolfram stopped the horse, Amae squirmed, wanting to leave the beast's back as fast as he could. Wolfram helped the younger male to slide off the horse. His hand squeezed the thin wrist firmer to keep Amae up as it appeared that he couldn't stand straight on his shaky legs.
“Kyota, come here!” Wolfram called for his friend who had already climbed off the horse.
“It's already embarrassing enough as it is!” Amae hissed. He twisted his arm to get it out the blond's grasp. As soon as he lost any support, he fell to his knees, holding up his palms to prevent himself from smashing face down.
“I don't think you did better,” Wolfram muttered, getting off the horse. But before he could do anything, Kyota was already at their side. He took Amae by his right arm and pulled him up.
“Anyone, get a carriage for the lady!” The older male snickered, dusting Amae's clothes off with his hand then tugging the younger male after himself, making him stumble at the jerky movement.
“Let me guess,” Amae purred behind Kyota's back after his numb feet tripped again and he almost fell down, “you didn't get any recently, did you?” He tugged at Kyota's hand, an evil grin spreading all over his face when Kyota's head snapped to look at him.
Kyota glared at the younger male. They were almost the same height - the other man also being tall - but their builds were quite different, Amae's limbs slimmer, his body with less muscle and much lighter than his which combined with his inborn Mazoku ability let him keep Amae up almost effortlessly. Kyota snarled at Amae's overly happy face.
“Listen, you…”
“Enough, Kyota. Just take him someplace where he can rest,” Wolfram sighed at the ordeal. He knew that once angered, Kyota might start spouting such insults that would make one want to curl up and cry. But the problem wasn't that, the problem was that he suspected that if retaliating, Amae could do the same in which case there would be no end for their spat. Another problem was that he hadn't given Amae any status yet. So far Kyota had been treating him just for who he was - a nameless concubine that he had picked up somewhere on his way. If Amae resisted him or his order, Kyota would not hesitate to use his higher rank thus Amae would be punished just like any common soldier Kyota had authority over. He had to talk about this to Kyota.
“What goes around, comes around, don't you know this?” Wolfram added, meaning it for them both.
Kyota's face turned sour, but he didn't say anything. Amae just glared at his back letting himself be dragged to one of the tents Kyota had pointed at earlier. Once inside, the older male let go of his arm and, with still shaky legs, Amae walked over to the extended sleeping bag at the end of the tent. Groaning in relief, he dropped onto it then turned over onto his stomach, preserving his tender backside and stretching his sore limbs.
“That's it. I'm never moving from here,” he exhaled contently.
Kyota rolled his eyes at the display then turned his head to where Wolfram appeared. The blond chuckled at the sight of sprawled Amae.
“I see you have already gotten comfortable. Do you want anything to eat?” he asked.
Amae shook his head. “But something to drink would be nice.”
“I'll tell someone to get something for you,” Wolfram nodded. He looked around. “Is this your tent, Kyota? I saw the guards stationed at the entrance. Do you mind if we settle here?” he asked after his friend nodded.
“Be my guest - it's plenty of space here,” Kyota shrugged, motioning at Amae who didn't even think about moving somewhere else. “I'll just get more sleeping bags.”
After Amae got his water, he took his jacket off, lay back down onto the sleeping bag and except for waking and falling asleep several times didn't show many signs of life until the late evening.
Kyota and Wolfram went outside to see the troops.