Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Watch out for the Green Eyes ❯ Part 21 ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou! I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male), Yuuri x Wolfram. Some other pairings.
Summary: The action takes place six years after Yuuri and Wolfram got together/six years after the events in “Working out the Paradox”. Yuuri and Wolfram have been married for four years.
A/N 1: Age: Yuuri - 22, Wolfram - who the heck knows?!
A/N 2: I hate Greta; she is nonexistent in this story, and Yuuri has never adopted her.
Watch out for the Green Eyes
by chayron (, beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 21
The camp was stationed right outside the village. It was a huge settlement of tents with uniformed men moving among and inside them. The horses were hoppled and grazed on the grass that had been provided by the nearby river. The streamlet was thin and after it crossed the village it became even slighter as the most of its shy resources were used for irrigation and housing. Now, as there were about two hundred additional men and fifty horses, the leaving murky current was only pitiful.
It was evening already, the sun rolling downwards into the farther lying dunes. There were a few springs scattered among the rocks but they didn't maintain much life. The army that came here was a natural disaster, the village surroundings not being able to support so many mouths.
Kyota had to move his army either forward or back. They still had enough supplies for a week but delaying it any further would have disastrous results. But now, as he had his prince and very likely the eventual king back, he could finally take a decision.
As they left Amae sleeping in the tent, Kyota showed Wolfram around and related to him the rest of the information about their position, introduced him to the commanders and their underlings. The men didn't accept Wolfram's authority easily. Some of them had fought beside Wolfram earlier thus it didn't appear to disturb them, but the majority of others were unsure, but Kyota's orders were non-negotiable.
It was already dark outside when they came back into the tent to have their late dinner and discuss their further plans. The two of them sat down in the middle of the tent next to the candle. Amae was still out it seemed, the body unmoving, long black hair spread all around his head and shoulders, his breathing deep and even. Kyota thought about waking him up but as Wolfram didn't seem to pay the younger male any attention, he decided not to interfere and leave him be. After all, Amae was the prince's responsibility, not his.
Kyota chopped a chunk of summer sausage into pieces while the blond sliced some bread. Then he found a bag he had carried together with him when he went to meet Wolfram and shook out several vegetables. The round oblong green vegetables mostly reminded of cucumber and during his stay on Ekara he had found himself liking them.
“You say that you haven't heard anything about Yuuri in Bianlu?” Kyota asked Wolfram cautiously after getting comfortable on one of the sleeping bags and taking a good bite of his sausage then bread. “It seems he isn't here,” he continued munching away after the blond nodded. “Shouldn't we just quit this war, then? It seems pointless to me.”
Wolfram's face turned sour. He sank his teeth into the green vegetable. “I would have done that,” he said after a created pause that was due to him chewing and swallowing. “But now I have a personal issue with Faraya and I won't rest until he's dead.”
Kyota forgot his food for a few moments and studied Wolfram's profile in the half-light of the tent. The blond didn't meet his eyes. “What happened?” He grew worried when his friend kept silent. “Wolfram?” Kyota felt his throat constrict. “Wolfram, what did he do?”
Wolfram shook his head, refusing to talk but then Kyota suddenly was near him, worry and rising anger clear in his face. “Wolfram, what did the fucker do to you?” Kyota hissed, grabbing him by his shoulders and giving him a good shake.
Wolfram couldn't look at him. He didn't need to answer that question - Kyota knew already. The man let out an angry sob soaked in disbelief. The fingers on his shoulders dug in painfully, the grip bruising the skin. When Wolfram finally steeled himself and raised his eyes to meet those blue pools, disbelief, anger, helplessness, pity, guilt, all of that was mixing in those blue eyes and face that he had known for so long.
“Don't look at me like that!” Wolfram snapped. “I said don't look at me like that!” he yelled. He felt Kyota's arms let go of their death grip and slide around him, down to his back. He tried to push the other man away but Kyota held on until he was pressed tightly to Kyota's chest, his arms rendered helpless.
“I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm sorry I failed you.”
Wolfram closed his eyes. “Kyota, don't…” he gritted out through his teeth when he felt a hand press his head to the warm chest in front of him. “Kyota, no!” he yelled in desperation as he felt that hand thread through his hair softly. At that moment he didn't care if anyone would hear him and came to check. “You don't understand anything! Let go of me!” he struggled against the other male. “I don't need your fucking pity! Kyota, let…”
“Shhh…” Kyota shushed him, stroking his head. “I'm sorry…”
“Will you stop repeating that?!” the prince shouted, his body shaking in agitation. He couldn't stand this. This was just too much. He struggled again but Kyota didn't let go. Tired and defeated he finally slumped at the other man's chest, his head falling forward, the blonde hair covering his face.
“Kyota, let go of me,” he muttered, overcome. “It wasn't bad,” as he mumbled this he could feel the other tense against him. “I don't even remember it. I was drugged. For some reason all I remember is just random flashes of myself and Yuuri.” He could feel Kyota's grip on him relax. He could tell that his friend was relieved.
For a few moments Kyota stayed silent, holding the blond against his chest then lowered his arms letting go completely.
“It's not a big deal,” Wolfram muttered. But whether big deal or not, he found himself being not able to meet his friend's eyes. He had been violated without being able to defend his honor and that was… That was really unpleasant no matter how hard he tried to tell himself that it was no big deal. He knew Kyota would understand him, but the older male needed a few moments to catch up with all that.
Kyota nodded only, staying silent. He shifted back into his place and took a piece of sausage again. Continuing to eat, he watched the blond from the corner of his eye.
“You know, Wolfram,” Kyota breached the silence finally, “I understand that you are mad with him, but I request that you'd refuse the idea of revenge. You can't selfishly risk being caught again or killed. Your duty is to find Yuuri or come back to Shin Makoku and overtake the throne. My duty is to keep you safe. And I still have to say some things to you about you foolishly chasing those men into the forest! What the fuck have you been thinking?!”
Wolfram stared at him for a few seconds, his lips locked around his sandwich then he took a bite and started chewing. He wanted to shout at Kyota, to scream that he didn't give a fuck about his requests or anger, and he would have if he didn't know that Kyota was absolutely right. Still, his friend's words left such a ball of bitterness and anger in his chest that he felt like choking.
“I'm not saying that you need to forget that but there surely will be a better time for…”
“Cut it out!” Wolfram snapped, not letting him finish. “I got it the first time!” He took a good bite of his summer sausage, started chewing and choked on it.
Watching the blond turning red and fighting for air, Kyota nodded silently. He knew he had to keep his mouth shut but the anger that suddenly boiled inside him while watching Wolfram's red face puffing out at the lack of air was overwhelming. “If the fucker gets into my hands, I…!”
“Kyota!” Wolfram managed as soon as he was able to breathe again. “Don't ever mention it again!”
Kyota closed his mouth. His blazing eyes dimmed and he gave a meek nod. After his agitation lessened, he continued eating. As a sudden thought occurred to him, he asked, “Do you intend to tell about it to Yuuri?”
From the slice of vegetable which he had been rolling around between his fingers, the blond raised his eyes. “Of course not. And you keep your mouth shut, too.”
Kyota chewed for several seconds then motioned with his head at Amae who he knew for sure wasn't sleeping anymore; even if he doubted that despite his father coming from Shin Makoku Amae could understand the foreign language, the two of them had been too loud. “And what about him? Does he know?”
“He will keep silent.”
“Fine, then,” Kyota said, sighing.
After finishing their meal, they went outside again, Kyota to check on his men, Wolfram to relieve himself. When the blond came back into the tent, he found Amae standing in the middle of it. The younger man was pushing his trousers down from underneath his tunic.
“Nights are really cold,” Wolfram said while passing him and going to his sleeping bag. “You...” Then he stopped on his way as his eyes caught unusual color. He turned back to Amae who startled as the blond pressed his right palm to his flaming thigh.
“Gods, you are all burning up,” Wolfram said.
Amae pushed Wolfram's hand away but the blond raised the front of the tunic unceremoniously to inspect the sunburnt legs. The skin was red everywhere, the thighs, legs and even feet bright in color. Wolfram leaned lower to observe the feet that were sunburnt in stripes because of Amae's sandal straps. “Your feet are swollen.”
Amae smacked the blond's hand away. “Tell me something I don't know,” he snapped.
“That idiot Kyota!” Wolfram snorted. “You should have told me about this,” he said to Amae. “You won't be able to normally walk for several days now. It always swells and hurts badly when you burn your feet here…” he pointed at the puffed out joints. Then he straightened, flung his jacket back on and turned back to the exit. “I'll look around. Maybe someone has some oil or fat.”
When Kyota came back from inspecting the camp, he was greeted by the sight of Amae rubbing something slick into his skin. He rolled his eyes. “Ah, sure, beauty procedures before going to sleep…”
From his legs Amae raised his eyes to Kyota. “No, seriously,” the black-haired male chuckled. “I wouldn't even mind if you started wanking off right now, just, please, somehow get rid of that unfulfilled frustration, so that you could finally start behaving civilly…”
From Kyota's angered face, Wolfram turned away to hide his smile. To tell the truth, he had no idea why Kyota was taking this to extremes with the younger male. Usually his friend tended to be polite and compassionate and yet somehow Amae managed to draw his bad side out. By this time he should have already learned that any unnecessary comment would be returned tenfold. Even if insecure in his new surroundings, Amae wasn't someone to step down easily.
After lying down, Wolfram could hear Amae tossing to and fro on the sleeping bag to try and find a comfortable pose to sleep in. His legs were sunburnt, so it hurt to lie on the stomach or on any side, his backside also hurt, so to lie on his back wasn't comfortable either. A few moments later Amae settled and it became silent in the tent.
“I wanted to do the same.”
“Mmm? What do you mean?” Wolfram asked. There was a long pause. As Kyota spoke in Shin Makoku tongue Wolfram knew that the words were intended for him but the meaning eluded him.
“What the bastard did to you. To drug you to get what I wanted. I thought about it countless times. It even kinda pisses me off that he was able to and I wasn't.”
Wolfram stared at the top of the tent in total darkness. It was silent, only occasional voices, sleepy chirrups coming from the field farther or steps heard.
“Well, aren't you going to punch me?” Kyota asked after the silence had lasted way longer than he thought it was normal under these circumstances.
“It's too dark, Kyota. I won't even see where your head is,” Wolfram muttered turning to his other side and slipping deeper into his sleeping-bag.
Silence sank everywhere once more. Wolfram's sleeping-bag shifted again. “I thought only teenagers believed that they are exceptional and nobody else experience what they do,” Wolfram muttered then. “Kyota, at the time when I was chasing Yuuri's acceptance I considered using my mother's perfume at least two hundred times.” He sighed softly in the darkness. “It's not about having those thoughts, it's about acting upon them.”
Kyota laughed softly, but to Wolfram his laugh appeared close to a sob. Sighing, he closed his eyes and just wished that when he opened them, he'd find Yuuri next to him.
When Wolfram woke up, Yuuri wasn't in the tent and in addition to that Amae was also missing. After asking the soldiers at the tent, he was told that the black-haired male went to the river to bathe.
Kyota woke up at the noise of Wolfram moving to and fro in the tent. “What's the commotion?” Kyota yawned sleepily, watching Wolfram pull his trousers up then flinging on the jacket. “It's still very early.”
“Amae went to the river.”
Kyota turned to his side and yawned again. “So…?”
“Your guards said that he had gone alone.”
Kyota groaned in disbelief. “You mean that long-haired, fair-skinned, curvy and having no sense of self-preservation beauty went to the river alone?” He rubbed at his eyes, sighing. “He'll end up raped.” He sighed again. “Wait up. I'll go with you. Want to go for a swim anyway.”
“Hurry up, then.”
It was obvious that Amae must have gone ahead of the village - despite he had no experience with those things, Amae had enough sense as not to wash himself in the slop that the river turned into just outside the village, Wolfram was sure of that. They had to browse through the bank until they finally saw Amae washing himself. Even though the deepest spot in the streamlet reached only to a man's waist, it still seemed that Amae wasn't in a hurry and was enjoying himself a lot.
The dark-haired man turned around at the call. “Yo! Wolfram!” he waved, smiling brightly.
Wolfram urged his horse forward. “Don't `yo' me!” he said angrily after approaching Amae who had wobbled out of water and now stood on the bank. “What the hell have you been thinking when you went to the river alone?!”
Surprised to see Wolfram angry, Amae blinked up at him then ruffled through his wet hair. “I've been thinking that since all soldiers have seen me together with you and Kyota, no one of them would have guts to challenge your claim, especially not after I slept in the same tent as you two,” he explained. “I thought you purposely let me sleep there…” He scratched his head. “Do you have some shampoo or something?” he asked Wolfram who didn't even know what to answer to this seemingly sensible tirade. “I'm itchy everywhere.”
Kyota's eyes rose from Amae's brightly red legs to his face. “I think I have some,” he said. He got off the horse. “We can share.” He ransacked in his backpack then tossed a bottle for Amae who caught it.
“Thanks,” he waved the bottle in the hand and waded back into the river being careful not to overstrain his backside and legs.
“It was only half an hour,” Kyota muttered after Amae was back in the river. “I really didn't think he would sunburn so easily…”
Wolfram glanced at him sideways then hopped off the horse and started undressing himself. “Half of his life he was locked up indoors and with skin like this... I sunburn badly even if I'm more used to the sun, and he…” he shrugged not finishing.
Kyota silently watched Amae washing his hair. “Yesterday he was rubbing the oil into his sunburnt skin, wasn't he? Why didn't he say anything?”
“Oh, c'mon, Kyota,” Wolfram snapped. He pushed his trousers down. “You have already made him look like a whining child; do you think he would start complaining to you now? You should know one thing about Amae - he knows all about who he is without people rubbing it into his face thus he doesn't defend himself - he attacks.”
Kyota sighed. He started unbuttoning his jacket. “Yeah, I have already noticed. That mouth of his…” he shook his head in disbelief.
“Yeah, it reminds me of someone,” Wolfram winked at him. Kyota couldn't help answering the grin.
Already with only his underwear, Wolfram went towards the river. Several minutes later, after tying the horses and undressing, Kyota also followed his prince. A dark circle of dye spread around him where he had leaned down to wash his hair. The dye didn't stick to the hair that well and usually after a few washings had to be used again. This time Kyota had no intentions of re-dying his hair again.
After the three of them had had their fill, they finally left the river and went to lie down under the nearest tree shade. They spread their jackets onto the ground to lie simply and dry up. Kyota watched Amae curl up beside Wolfram and several minutes later due to his lack of sleep during the night, the dark-haired man was out.
By all Shin Makoku standards Amae was a rare gem - a dark-haired man with an angelic face and a beautiful slender and lithe body. He also seemed to have a sharp mind which sometimes was much better than muscle. Kyota's eyes left the steady falling and rising chest. He ignored Wolfram's questioning green ones that met his. Humpfing, he turned onto his back to look at the bright sky. He had to have a talk with Wolfram before this went too far.
“I don't know what about you, but I'm hungry,” Kyota said some time later. The sun had climbed quite high, the air warming up considerably. The three of them had dried off, Kyota's hair now giving a weird impression of mixing dirty blue and black colors, but now the blue one was clearly wining.
Wolfram turned his head to him then without a word nudged Amae in the side to wake him up. The younger male startled, his alert eyes focusing on the blond's face.
“We are going back to the camp,” Wolfram informed him. “You are going with us,” he added when the dark-haired man yawned and threatened to fall asleep again. Amae frowned at him but didn't protest.
“Take the horses, Kyota, and go ahead,” Wolfram said after Amae gingerly got on his four and only then got up on his brightly colored legs. “Eat and get something for all of us. Be sure to get plenty of liquids for him,” he pointed his chin at Amae who was dressing. “Also check if they have some clabber in the village - it really helps when you rub it into the sunburnt places. We could buy some.” Waiting for Amae, he rolled up his trousers and went to wade in the streamlet to feel some coolness before leaving.
Trying not to irritate his hurting skin, Amae shook his head while pulling his trousers up. “I'm allergic to milk.” His face was split by a huge yawn. He shook his head again. “I get red dots all over my body. It will only make things worse.”
“Oh my, so delicate - almost like a damn porcelain doll,” Kyota muttered.
“Whoa,” Amae covered his mouth with his hand, looking surprised. “You do know what a porcelain doll is! And all this time I thought that the only things you knew were horseback riding and skewering people with your sword…”
Kyota looked as if he could strangle Amae at any given moment while the other man was giving him a challenging glare. Watching the scene from the streamlet, Wolfram smacked himself on his forehead. He would have to keep the two apart. What the hell was wrong with Kyota?!
“Are you done, Amae?” Wolfram asked while still washing his legs.
Amae nodded. Kyota turned away making a snide comment on something about Amae's heritage. His head snapped to the side suddenly. Kyota turned to Amae who had just punched him in the back of head. Wide-eyed and red-faced in anger at the younger male's insolence, he stared at Amae.
“Say it again,” Amae hissed, shaking his fist at the blue-haired man's face.
“You bitch!” Kyota yelled. “What the fuck do you think you…?!”
“Enough, Kyota! Enough of this stupid quarrelling!” Wolfram shouted at them, beside himself with fury. In two strides he was next to them. “You,” he yelled as he jabbed his finger in Kyota's chest, making the older male step back, “shut the fuck up and go to the fucking camp and get me some food! You,” he turned to Amae, “keep your mouth shut and if you ever raise your hand against my friends again, I'll show you what a real fight is! And I promise that after I'm finished with you, you'll need someone to scrape you off the ground! Got that, both of you?!”
“Yes, Sir!” Kyota saluted.
Worried, Amae blinked at Wolfram's angry face. “Yes. Sir,” he also added just in case. He wasn't sure how he should address the blond since he didn't belong to the military and wasn't that sure of his status.
“Dismissed!” Wolfram yelled at Kyota who then jumped onto his horse. “Goddammit, how I hate this,” Wolfram hissed under his breath after Kyota left. “Why the heck did you hit him?!” Wolfram turned to Amae.
“What do you mean `why'?!” Amae bristled up. “He said I must have taken after my mom! My mom…!”
“Shut up. Shut up, for god's sake,” Wolfram groaned although he wanted to laugh at the absurdity of this. He shook his head then motioned for Amae to start walking in the direction Kyota disappeared.
“Your friend is an asshole,” Amae said ten minutes later as they were walking back into the camp.
“Cut it, Amae, you haven't been the incarnation of politeness either,” rubbing his forehead, Wolfram sighed. “To tell the truth, I don't understand what the hell is wrong with him. Something must have happened while I was absent. It's not really normal behavior for him.”
Amae shrugged. “Well, it's not that surprising. He seems not to like the fact that I am a concubine. He has made that quite clear.”
Wolfram only shook his head. He doubted that.
“Since yesterday I wanted to ask you something,” Amae changed the topic. “Are you the King of your world? The things you did then… I don't quite…”
Wolfram laughed softly. “No, I am not.” He laughed again as Amae gave him a mistrustful look. “No, I didn't lie to you. I came here looking for my husband. It's my husband who is the King, not me.”
“Oh.” Amae stared at him then nodded. “So that's how you were able to use those elements without Faraya's permission… “
Wolfram gave a nod. “Yes, Yuuri has contracts with all four elements, so as a result I am able to use all of them, too.”
“All four of them?!”
“Yes, but now all I have left is some fire and wind elements. He's somewhere here; he must be because I still need his permission to use those elements. I doubt if otherwise I would be able to manipulate them.”
“You don't know for sure, do you?” Amae asked.
Wolfram shrugged. “Well, I really hope so.”
“So that's why you were so sure that this other King would help us out…” Amae muttered. “Your own husband. Figures…”
They entered the camp a few minutes later and turned to Kyota's tent. Wolfram's eyes went wide as he saw Asami appearing from it.
“Hey, Wolfram!” Asami grinned, walking over to him quickly. “I'd have come to see you earlier but that stupid Kyota didn't say anything about you coming back!”
“You were away in the village gathering food,” Kyota muttered to remind him while appearing behind Asami.
Wolfram nodded at Asami for greeting then his eyes snapped to Kyota behind Asami's back. “Explain yourself!” he ordered.
Kyota rubbed his forehead tiredly. Exactly the reaction he had been expecting. “I left him in the castle. The next thing I know, the moron shows up here. I figured it would be safer for him to stay here than send him back with a few men again,” he explained.
Wolfram's head snapped back to Asami who stepped back subconsciously at that green glare. “What the fuck do you think you are you doing?!”
Asami frowned back at the glaring blond. “Well, I thought I could be more useful here than sitting on my ass and being pampered in that castle.” He snorted then at Wolfram. “Thanks to you announcing that I'm a prophet, every single person I meet requests me to predict something. I thought I'd go mad there!”
Wolfram didn't say a thing to that only let out a row of colorful curses and pushed through him and Kyota into the tent. Kyota followed him. Left alone with the stranger, Amae stared at the frowning Asami then nodded.
“Hello, I am Amae Sederu. Are you from the same world as those two?” he asked. Despite his black hair and dark eyes, Asami had pale skin and features that were absolutely different than those of locals' and in addition he was wearing seemly very expensive glasses. “You are very young. Are you really a prophet? You sure don't look like one…” he mused.
In return, Asami stared at Amae. He only now noticed the younger male who had previously been behind the blond's back. “Hello,” he answered the greeting, still staring at the longhaired man dressed in a fancy tunic with military trousers underneath it which made a quite weird combination. It was obvious that Sederu wasn't one of locals either. The handsome young man's looks were too different. “I'm Asami Rivu,” he nodded, holding out his hand. He retracted it as Amae only looked at him, confused; he still couldn't shake off this habit while introducing himself. “Yes, I came together with them, but I am as much a prophet as that horse,” he motioned at Kyota's horse next to the tent. “Wolfram said that only to make me look more important.”
A wide grin spread on Amae's face as felt himself liking the honest man. “You sure look important to me,” Amae winked at him. “Especially holding all that knowledge about that other world. Why don't you tell me everything you know about that world, for Wolfram talks only about his precious husband who doesn't really interest me..?”
Asami stared at him with his brow raised then chuckled. “Sure. But let's go have breakfast with His Grumpiness first.”
Amae grinned again. Despite he could tell right away that Asami didn't feel a grain of sexual attraction to him, he liked the man. Or maybe it was exactly the reason.
Kyota watched Amae and Asami sitting almost side to side, chatting away and fixing the fishnet that they had gotten from the villagers. Asami wasn't really good at it, but it seemed that Amae knew perfectly how it was done, his nimble fingers working swiftly over the torn lines; Kyota guessed that as a child he had been growing up in a village near a sea or lake. The two of them were enthusiastic about going fishing. Amae had heard from the villagers that it was the very season and that there was a quite good place for fishing a few kilometers away from the village and then he didn't stop pestering Wolfram about it until the blond let him do as he wished.
Amae and Asami hit it on immediately - only a few hours had passed as they met, but it seemed that the two had known each other for an eternity. Being new to the world surrounding them, the two of them found it only natural to seek out each other's company. Wolfram found it relieving not needing to deal with Asami anymore. Kyota could tell that the blond quite liked Amae but now, as they were waiting for the enemy to show up at any given hour, the prince had no time to spare for the younger male either.
For some reason, he found their friendship not as relieving as Wolfram. Casting the last glance over the two, his eyes narrowing at Amae's sonorous laugh, he urged them to fix the net faster and marched over to one of his men to order to prepare a few horses.
In the evening, Amae, Asami and a few soldiers that had been accompanying them came back with a full net of fish. Proudly, the two crossed the village then turned into the camp. They found several wooden planks and set on dressing the fish.
The three soldiers that had accompanied them to the river kept close to them, one of them also helping to clean the fish, the other two searching for wood, salt and utensils and returning the fishnet to the villagers.
While studying the maps together with Wolfram and a few high ranking soldiers, already from afar Kyota could hear the cluster chatting away, gales of laughter picking up from time to time. Soon he saw a handful of soldiers joining them, sitting down on the grass around them, some taking up the task of cleaning the fish too, others just listening to the flowing conversation and feasting their eyes. Amae was the center of attention it seemed. He couldn't hear what the conversations were about, but there were light flirting notes heard from both sides.
Soon the fire was started, the fish being skewered on thin branches and hung over it. As Kyota went to the circle, the soldiers hushed at the sight of him.
“Not giving you any,” Asami said as soon as Kyota approached to see what they were up to.
Kyota shook his head in disbelief. Ignoring Asami, he watched the concubine work. Amae's hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and, even if flirting back to the two soldiers who were sitting on the grass in front of him, he was taking his task very seriously. First few fish had been messy, scales and innards spraying up everywhere, the slick fish sliding from his hands and ending up on the grass, but Amae soon remembered how it was done. The pile of cleaned fish next to him grew quickly.
“Your knife is a disaster,” Kyota said.
Asami raised his head from the mutilated fish, but Kyota was looking at the concubine. Amae gave him a look but didn't say anything. Kyota reached into his boot.
“Here,” Kyota held out his dagger.
Amae looked at him again then reached out for it. True, his fruit knife was blunt. He hadn't used it much after taking it from the palace but it had never been sharp in first place.
“Thanks,” he said while the soldiers around them still were hushed. Interested, he wondered what Kyota was going to do.
Watching the gutting process going much smoother, Kyota nodded.
Amae smiled to himself. “I guess we'll have to give some fish to him, hmm, Asami?”
The other male chuckled. “Sure, if there's anything left from your bunch of admirers,” he grinned.
The soldiers around them and Amae laughed. “I don't remember promising anything,” Amae winked. “Watch but don't touch, ne?”
“Aww…not fair,” someone was heard complaining.
“Well, I'd have given you three fish,” Amae said to Kyota. “But one is eliminated for calling me `bitch' another for mentioning my mother, so you get only one for the dagger.”
Kyota stared down at Amae cutting the fish then removing the entrails. The soldiers around them were completely silent now. Amae raised his head and the two sets of sapphire eyes locked. Kyota felt a smile tugging at his lips at the man's stubbornness.
Without thinking, Kyota opened his mouth, grinning. “I'm sorry for calling you a bitch, you're rather closer to a…” automatically, `slut' was the word that flashed neon in Kyota's head. While he was thinking about another word to choose, from the blaze in the blue eyes in front of him, he knew that Amae understood what his hesitation was about. The younger male opened his mouth to retaliate but then his eyes caught something behind Kyota's back and it fell shut again. After turning around, Kyota saw Wolfram approaching them.
“Oh, you'd rather caught a lot,” the blond said after looking around.
“Yeah, but your friend isn't getting any,” Amae said, tossing the dagger at Kyota's feet. To his own surprise, the dagger stuck into the grass, the hilt vibrating. He took his blunt fruit knife back into his palm.
From Amae, Wolfram's eyes went to Kyota. His friend shrugged and leaned down to take his dagger. Wolfram observed the blunt knife in Amae's hand. Not really understanding what it was about, he chose not to offer his dagger to the younger male.
Amae and Asami started to distribute first fried fish half an hour later. Moods were high, conversations and laughter filled the air again and didn't cease until the late evening.
Kyota didn't get fish.
Kyota was rounding up the camp for the last inspection before going to sleep when he heard some noise somewhere farther behind the tents in front of him, then a shout followed. Quickly, he turned to check on it. It was quite dark but he caught a glimpse of four men behind the tent. One of them was trying to pull his hand away from another's grasp.
“What is going on here?”
The voice was low but clear and smooth, its commanding tone getting through to the two soldiers. One of them let go the man he had been holding. Recognizing the voice instantly, they turned around to pay respect quickly, their faces pale.
Kyota looked past the soldiers' figures. He made out Amae and Asami in the darkness.
“You two?” he wondered. Motioning for the soldiers to stand aside, he approached them. Asami looked faint with relief. Amae was holding up his torn tunic with his hands at his chest and glaring angrily at the soldiers. It was pretty clear what had occurred here.
Kyota turned back to look at the soldiers. After scrutinizing them better he saw that one had his face racked with nails. He sighed. “Come here,” he motioned for them to come closer. “You do know that these two belong to Wolfram von Bielefeld, don't you?” he asked.
The men swallowed nervously, nodding.
“Then you'll be happy to receive your punishment, won't you?” Kyota grinned at them. “I think it was long ago when this army had some concubines of its own…”
The men paled visibly. “But, Sir…”
“No buts, sweethearts… You'll get the bracelets tomorrow. And after a month I'll come to see if you're still alive,” Kyota said, still with a wide grin on his face. “And…” he grinned even wider. “…if you run, I'll personally find and kill you. Slowly and painfully,” he winked at the men who were staring at him in disbelief. “Dismissed.” He turned away from them and motioned for Amae and Asami to follow him.
“And you are really useless, aren't you?” Kyota said to Amae, pointing at his chest where he was holding the torn fabric together.
Amae kept silent. Any other time he would have shoved the words back but he was still shivering after the onslaught and witnessing the blue-haired male deal with his men without any scruples and mercy, giving them the worst punishment possible, he was afraid to open his mouth. To tell the truth, he didn't know the man could be so cruel.
“You are like a damn baby, needing a baby-sitter the entire time! I can't stop wondering why Wolfram took you with him,” Kyota shook his head in irritation.
“You know,” Amae muttered, “I suppose this is where the difference between you and Wolfram is - he knows to be compassionate. You'd have probably not only left me there, but also tried to sell me, wouldn't you?” he said. “If not for Wolfram, you would have left us there,” with his head he motioned back at the place they had just left, “or maybe even joined them, wouldn't you?”
Amae yelped as Kyota's fist connected with his jaw, sending him to the ground.
“Jesus, are you fucking insane?!” Asami yelled at Kyota. He leaned down to look at Amae's face. “You okay there?” He tried to help Amae back to his feet.
Kyota stood over the hunching male. “You're quite bold to be accusing me of rape,” he spat. “You whine and talk shit! Look at yourself! All you know is how to flaunt your ass about! No wonder you get into situations like this all the time!”
Amae burst out laughing, the loud and harsh laugh echoing all around. His body shaking with laughter, he flopped ungracefully back onto the ground. He didn't stop laughing even after Asami shook him and said to quit that. Gradually the laugh had turned into soft hysterical sobs.
“Oh, for fuck's sake…” Kyota sighed. “And in addition a crybaby…”
“Go fuck yourself, you fucked up bastard!” Amae yelled up at him, choking on his sobs. “As if I care what you think of me! You are not the center of the world, you know!”
Kyota frowned at the tear stained face “Neither are you. And to tell the truth I doubt you know how the world around you works anyway.”
“Shut the fuck up, you asshole!” Amae screamed, hiccupping. “Just shut the fuck up!”
Asami stopped uselessly trying to calm Amae down and glared at Kyota. “Seriously, can you just shut up? All you do is wave your tongue about. And what the hell did you do to help him to get used to the world surrounding him? You just look for any opportunity push him deeper into the hole! What the hell is wrong with you?!” Asami yelled at him. “It's not his fucking fault he had to live his entire life as he did! And as if he needs someone like you to rub this into his face! You are so quick to discard and accuse everybody who is just a tad weaker than you, but you never lift a finger to change it! So fucking what that he can't protect himself yet, so fucking what that he doesn't really know many things?! -He can learn all of that! But if all you can do is only yell and do nothing then just shut the fuck up!”
Kyota stared at Asami, silent.
“Shut up! Both of you shut up!” Amae screamed, trying to push Asami away from him.
Kyota ignored the hysterics. “So do you want me to treat him like a baby? If I do, he'll never… ”
The soft voice that came from behind Kyota finally brought silence.
“If you try to teach your men discipline, I don't mind. But I have never approved of you teaching my friends, especially Amae and especially bringing him to hysterics and making the entire camp echo. If I hear you talking to him like you did now again, I'll seriously reconsider your status.”
“Yes, Your Highness,” Kyota bowed.
“I don't need your pity!” Amae screamed, all the sobs and tears renewing again. “I don't need your fucking pity, Wolfram!”
The blond quickly walked over and grabbed Amae by his arm, lifting the sobbing man off the ground easily. “You don't need pity, but you are hysterical,” Wolfram spat, dragging Amae after him. “Now try to calm down and quit with this. You'll get some sleep and everything will seem different tomorrow.”
Amae hiccupped loudly, but let Wolfram drag him towards their tent. He also didn't protest when Wolfram took off his tattered tunic and put him to sleep into an empty sleeping-bag next to his. For some time Wolfram could hear soft hiccups but then they faded into silence. Wolfram hoped that Amae had fallen asleep. It was the first time he had seen Amae hysterical. The stress had resurfaced finally and taken over the usually composed man. It had been scary.