Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Chance... ❯ "Saving You By Breakin' You...?" ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I know it'sbeen a while... sorry if I kept anyone waiting.At first I thought of cutting the story short but Right now I can't help writing..... It's been a while cuz even though I know exactly what's going to happen in the whole story, I haven't been in the mood to writing... Hope you like this chapter...
Chapter 4~
“Saving you by Breakin' you...?
Emma sat upon the marble floors rubbing her tired eyes. She yawned and did her best to stay awake as she waited patiently for an answer. The king sat upon his grand throne, twirling his mustache as he pondered her unexpected request. A large grin appeared upon his tired face as his gaze fell upon the young and bold teen before him.
“You shall ride by the first lights of the rising sun tomorrow morn. You may take the steed that has apparently grown attached to you. I've been told that you are now the only one that it permits to mount. My assistants shall accompany you to the Sacred Training Grounds and there you shall find what you so ardently seek.”
Emma stood with a huge smile upon her face and curtsied to the king.
“Thank you, for permitting this most wanted privilege. We shall not forget your kindness...”
The king stood up abruptly with a frown and sighed.
“You shall go alone... It is not wise to disturb his slumber for matters as insignificant as a travel to Sacred Grounds. It has been almost a week since his...incident. I shall not let you risk his well being. When I believe he is well enough, I shall permit him to ride to you; until then, you shall be on your own.” His stern voice echoed throughout the room as he gave her a direct order, the remaining effect emphasized his power over her.
Emma had lowered her gaze to the floor and her hands had tightened into fists, her nails cutting into her skin. She closed her eyes tightly as tears slowly escaped and traveled down her face. Her body trembled with frustration and she spoke through gritted teeth.
“I...can't....I...won't... There's nothing you can do to stop me... If I go anywhere he's coming with me or I don't go at all... And you know what that would mean... *sigh* I will never, ever leave him. Nothing in this world can make me. I made a promise that I would be there for him, I told him I wouldn't leave his side and I meant it... I swore to myself that even if I had to shed the last drop of my tainted blood, I would not let him die in this world. I don't know why we're here, but as long as he is okay; I have pledged to protect him just as he would protect me if he were in my place... I've decided...I'm not going.” She lifted her gaze to send a cold stare to the man who stood before her. As Leon had lain upon that bed, unmoving she had promised and sworn. Every word remained vivid in her mind, though Leon would never hear her say them aloud. Tears continued to fall as she kept her eyes transfixed upon the king. If a look could kill, the king would have died a thousand deaths as she stared daggers at him.
Even, if it were meant to save his life?”
Emma hesitated for a moment then glared at him again.
“Are you threatening him?”
“No; but if he does not rest he can become ill again and he might not survive this time. You need to go to the Sacred Training Grounds as soon as possible. It is not your choice.”
“I-I won't...I can't”
“You can and you will... What would he say if he saw you crying for him? Tis a pity that you shed so many tears and his life isn't even in danger, yet. You must go... You and I both know why... What would happen if it went out of control? It may cause more harm than protection, don't you think?”
Emma let herself drop to the ground in frustration. If she stayed she could be with Leon, but he would be in grave danger. If she left, she could be of more help and Leon would be able to rest.
“I-I don't know. What should I do? I can't just leave...and I can't stay either... I-I'm stuck in between...”
“Emma.” Emma looked up to find the king standing before her. He kneeled and put his hands on her shoulders.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
He stared into her eyes. They had become a dark shade of blue, almost black and they seemed so hollow and emotionless. She had lost her sense of devotion, and in turn she did not know what to choose. He squeezed her shoulders tightly and forced her to stare into his eyes and keep contact.
“Emma. Listen to me. You must choose... Think of the consequences. Do the best for you, for this kingdom...for Leon...”
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
For Leon...
The king's words echoed in her mind as Emma searched for what was left of her heart. Leon?
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“Perfect...” Thought Leon as he sneaked out of his room. “No guard... No Impa... No freaky cloaky guy...I `m Home Free... Now... To find Emma!”
Leon tiptoed across the garden then through himself to the ground in a roll. He landed in a crouch and looked around for any onlookers.
“Hehehe... This is easier than I thought.”
“Hey Leon...” came a low mumble from behind him.
Leon turned abruptly to find a familiar yet unusual face.
Emma sighed and just walked away. Leon followed curiously.
“Emma? What's wrong...? Hello? Um, Emma? You're scaring me...”
Leon jumped in front of Emma only to be able to look into her eyes for a few seconds before she walked past him. This was the first time that Emma's eyes had turned black. Usually when she was sad they would be blue and green when she was happy and other colors like that. He stared into two black pits of sorrow as he tried to persuade her to talk.
“Emma? Emma, please don't ignore me... Y-you're the only one I've got!”
Emma stopped and turned to him, tears freely falling from her eyes. She broke down in sobs and ended up on the ground. Leon went to hold her, but she pushed him away.
“Go! Just go away! Go! Leave me alone!” she screamed as she covered her face with her hands.
Leon hesitated at first, but then just turned around solemnly and walked back to his room. The images of how her eyes had turned black, as black as the darkness that surrounded him when he had been unconscious. As if there was nothing left for him...Leon sat down on his bead, the images replaying through his head. Those eyes... I've seen them before, but where? He searched his mind, forcing himself to try to remember. His head began to throb as he tried each time harder to remember.
Slowly an image of a small child appeared in his mind. Who is that? Slowly he saw the child turn around and he almost jumped at the image. The child's face was red and wet from crying and his eyes were pitch black like the darkest pitfalls. “Ma-mama... Mama's gone...” cried the boy as he lifted his bloody hands to stare at in horror. “Mama isn't coming back... No more suffering for mama... No more... Da-da no hurt mama no more... Mama no worry no more...”
The image blurred as pain surged through Leon's mind.
Damn it! Who the Hell was that?” he shouted in frustration, slamming his fist into the stone wall. “Why can't I remember? I HATE this!!!” Pain flashed through his arm as he put even more pressure against the wall. “I feel so fucking useless!” His arm became numb from the pain as he continued putting more pressure. A drop of blood traveled slowly down from his fist; leaving a wet, red line on the wall.
The sound of horse galloping loudly past his window brought him to the window. He looked out to see three cloaked riders in the distance. The one closest lowered her hood to reveal Emma. Emma pulled back on the horse's reins, causing it to rear back and whinny loudly. Then she rode off into the sunset.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*
“Good bye, Leon. I'm sorry. I hope I'm making the right choice.” Thought Emma as she rode through the fields after Impa and her companion. One last tear traveled down her face as the image of Leon worrying slowly blurred. She silently told herself to be strong and her sorrow slowly disappeared. It was replaced by a strength she had not seen in years. The strength to go on that had kept her from being immersed in her own dark and painful memories.
“I'll be back for you... I promise... This time, my Love won't let me break this promise... Wait for me...”
Soooo... What do you think? Took me a while.... I hope who ever reads it finds it worth the wait... I couldn't help getting Emma to keep a secret from the readers... Hehehe... I love doing stuff like that... Kinda like a cliff hanger... Don't you know...