Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Chance... ❯ A Night to Remember... ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well, it's been a while and the last chapter ended up being very long (11 pgsin word),only because I didn't want my `faithful'readers to feel disappointed… LOL... Guess what happens in this chap…. Hmm… It's sour and yet you can't get enough of it once you've started… Guess, yet? Well, I hope you enjoy this chap as much as I did when I dreamed of it… Yes, awkwardly this was a dream I had… Enjoy!!!(Took me a while to describe it with the right words and get used to writing Leon instead of the guy's name...LOL~ sweat drop)
Chapter 6~
A Night to Remember...
Impa lay sleeping peacefully on a soft white bed. At her feet, lies a small brown dog staring at her with sad eyes. The dog whined softly and Impa smiled in response.
“Don't worry, I'll recover... I've been through worse... All that matters is that we both survived. Now, I have to recuperate and show you how to return to your real form.”
Emma sat up and nodded her furry head in understanding. Though she was glad Impa was okay, she continued to stare at her sadly.
“You know. If you can visualize and remember or imagine how it feels to be human.... You just might change back. Go on. Try it.” said Impa softly as she opened her bloodshot eyes to watch the dog she now knew as Emma.
Emma jumped down from the bed onto the cold floor and carefully stood on her back paws. She closed her eyes tightly and millions of images of herself passed through her mind. One in particular kept repeating itself.
~A memory of meeting Leon after school...
They had been planning it since early in the morning and if they were lucky, they wouldn't be caught. At the sight of Leon, Emma had ran to him, into his embrace. Tears filling her bright green eyes...~
“L-Leon... Please forgive me...” sobbed Emma as she remembered what had occurred on that fateful day; she slowly dropped to her knees.
“I forgive you Emma. But you have to promise to show me how to morph...” came a very familiar voice.
Emma opened her teary eyes to find Leon smiling at her from afar.
“L-Leon? How can you, but I'm a-” Emma blushed and tried to cover herself as she noticed she was human; and naked.
“A beautiful girl whom I know as my Princess...” finished Leon as he went to her, placed a cloak around her and held her in a warm embrace. “I'm glad you're back to your old self. I couldn't stand the thought of kissing a dog...” he said with a laugh as Emma smiled at him sheepishly.
“Um... If you two don't mind, please take the lovey-dovey scene outside where it won't make even sick-er...” interrupted Impa sarcastically gagging for effect before shutting her eyes.
“Impa... Thank you for helping me... I don't think I'd be able to change back without your guidance. I owe you...my life.” stated Emma as she kneeled beside Impa's bed.
“I'll let you off the hook if you leave now and take your boo with you...” replied Impa with a small smile.
Leon and Emma exited and walked down the marble halls. Leon couldn't help, but put his arm around her. Part of him believed that this was just a dream and that once he let go of her he would find her dog form walking beside him.
Emma didn't hesitate or flinch at his touch, she was happy they were finally together again and even happier that he was showing this much concern.
Emma looked up at Leon who continued to stare forward with a smile on his face.
“You know I Love You, right?” Leon looked down at her and grinned when he saw tears in her green eyes.
“Yes, and I love you too.” She replied before placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
Leon looked at her momentarily, and then swept her off her feet. He laughed when she gasped in surprise. “I never want you go off without me ever again... You hear me? No matter what, we stick together.” Leon said, serious this time.
Emma nodded softly and rested her head against his chest. “I don't want to lose you either Leon...” she replied softly and Leon smiled, his former self returning.
“I never noticed how close your room was to the throne room or how little you weigh.” announced Leon as he entered Emma's room, still carrying the sleepy `princess'.
“That's because this is the first time in years that you carry me.” replied Emma in a whisper as Leon let her stand in the middle of her room. “Plus you've been working out since I last saw you.”
“So you did notice, I thought you just saw right through me like you used to.” He answered sarcastically as he watched her sit upon her bed carefully keeping the cloak tightly around her.
“I never saw right through you! I-I just couldn't help staring at you...” she replied blushing slightly.
Leon went to her and sat beside her. Emma pushed him further back on her bed and laid her head on his lap. To her surprise it wasn't flat.
“I was beginning to think you had left your perverted self behind, I guess I was wrong.” She scolded him softly as she sat smiling at him. This time it was his turn to blush.
“Well, you can't blame a guy for getting turned on when he's sitting on your bed with you wearing that!”
Emma looked down to see that she was wearing her black cloak, but it had been torn. It now looked like a very short and sexy dress which reached up to halfway of her thighs.
At first she thought of blaming him for giving her this tattered cloak in the first place, but then she had a better idea...
“Wow... I like this look... Don't you? It's missing one thing.” She replied, eyeing Leon who was trying soo hard to control himself.
“W-what?!?” he asked hesitantly after closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He now stared at her nervously.
“This...” she replied as she tore off the cloak's sleeves and made a long tear on the side which almost reached her hip.
Leon held his breath as she tore the cloak and he could of sworn he caught a glimpse of something more than `just skin' under the `cloak-dress'. He forced himself to look at her face, only to find her smiling slyly.
“What's wrong? Too much?” she said in a low and sexy voice as she moved and sat on his lap with her face inches from his.
Leon gulped as he realized what she was doing... Part of him screamed that he should stop her and walk out while he still could. While the other, told him to go along and finally show her how deeply he felt for her.
Emma sat straddling him, waiting to see how he reacted. Hopefully, he would go along... Even if he pushed her away, she was happy she finally got the guts to do something. Stuck in the dog form, she had realized how easily something could happen to one of them and then they would regret not doing or saying anything to each other about how they felt. No matter how this night ended, she would never regret it... Her heart yearned to be loved and she could resist him no longer.
“No... It's just perfect...” he replied after a moment of thought.
Emma smiled and slowly she pushed him down onto her bed and lay down upon him. Their lips met in a fiery and lustful kiss which quickly turned into many.
Leon carefully pulled off his T-shirt between one torrid kiss and the next, making sure not to stop Emma as her hands slowly probed down his skin.
He stopped her before she reached his shorts to turn over and lie above her.
Now he was slowly tracing two finger tips under the `little black dress.'
He pulled her cloak-dress up to trace two fingers inside her making her gasp in pleasure. Slowly he pushed his fingers in and out of her warm and wet vagina.
Emma placed her hands on his shoulders to keep herself steady as she slowly climbed to the peak.
Just when she thought she would reach orgasm, Leon removed his fingers and slowly lowered himself.
At first Emma stared at him in confusion when he opened her legs wider, then gasped and threw her head back when she felt his tongue swirl within her.
The unexpected rush of pleasure caused her to dig her nails into his skin, but Leon ignored the pain and concentrated all his thoughts into how to bring her more pleasure. He removed his tongue from her warm and wet insides to trace soft wet kisses on her skin as he removed her dress.
The barrier gone, he traced wet kisses all over her body. He reached her lips and took them in a deep kiss.
Emma took this as an opportunity to finishing undressing him, which wasn't hard because all that was left were his shorts that slipped down his legs easily enough.
Leon began pulling away to continue putting kisses, when Emma pulled him into another deep and breathtaking kiss.
She pushed him over and pulled away from him.
She then lowered her hand and began to rub his penis slowly at first. Encircling from the base slowly upward.
Then faster and faster as Leon grasped the covers tightly.
She began to slow then, stop.
She lowered herself, lifted herself and held herself inches above him momentarily before letting him thrust into her.
They both let out a loud gasp as they became one.
Slowly Emma lifted and lowered herself keeping him inside her and causing him to be thrusted into her over and over again.
It was half an hour before they stopped, both of them exhausted after thoroughly pleasuring each other.
Emma lay naked upon Leon's sweaty and nude body. Both of them had their eyes shut as they replayed the events in their minds.
Leon opened his eyes to find Emma staring at him with loving eyes.
He pulled her close and held her in a tight embrace.
“Yes, my Princess?”
“I love you.”
“I love you even more.” He replied as he shut his eyes again.
“Yes.” He answered, opening his eyes.
Don't go to your room. Please, just stay here; at least until the sun rises.”
“I wouldn't have it any other way. I would stay here forever if I could. Now, its time to rest.”
“Yeah... *yawn* Good night Leon.”
“Good night my love.”
Emma slowly shut her eyes and quickly fell asleep in Leon's arms. Leon stared out the window to see a beautiful harvest moon shining down on them.
“I guess I don't have bad luck with all girls on full moons...” he said to himself thoughtfully as he slowly fell asleep.
Well? What do you guys think?
The chapters kind of short and the lemon ain't that good but its something...
This chapter is a must review chapter... (that means you ZERO!!!)
See;It ain't easy to describe a dream you had
(that's what happens when you fall asleep worrying that you got no lemon for the story)
Well I hope Emma and Leon enjoyed the night cuz I doubt that they'll have a good `awakening' (I know I would have enjoyed it LOL)
Well... I might not be able to post chap six for 2-4 weeks cuz I gotta do a LOT of chores...
Then mom sees my grades (help me).... Then I'm going camping to Culebra (hip hip hurrah!!!)....
So please be patient with me....
C ya next chap!!!!!!!