Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Chance... ❯ A Rude Awakening... ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well,forthose who noticed… I changed the last chap… alot… I just had this major writer's block and I just didn't like how it had come out… I apologize to anyone who liked it…. Plus sorrythat I took so long, I've been having these mixed emotions/thoughts and I had no self esteem for this. After some persuasion,I sat down and wrote this chapter...Anyway... Leon and Emma had a lovely night in each others arms under a full moon... (Awwww.... how romantic) Let'shope they enjoyed it!!!
A Rude Awakening...
A few hours after midnight, Leon had dozed off with Emma snuggled up in his arms. The two slept peacefully dreaming of their love as two figures lurked in the shadows of the castle.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
The chirping of crickets stopped abruptly, the eerie silence awoke Impa, putting her at an alert.
“Someone's here.” she whispered to herself, hoping that someone other than herself had noticed.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
Soon the thundering sounds of cannons firing and cannonballs crashing against the stone walls would awaken the dwellers of the kingdom; but two were unaccounted for...
“S-sir, we're under attack!” shouted a trembling soldier as he stood before the sleepy king.
`As if I hadn't noticed' thought the king sarcastically.
“Is there any clue of who has the nerve to attack our kingdom minutes before sunrise?”
“No sir. It is as if the cannon balls are appearing out of thin air and flaming arrows are falling from the darkness of the night sky. W-what are your orders?” replied the soldier as he tried feebly to keep his legs from shaking visibly.
“Make sure every man, woman and child are aware of this spectacle and they remain within the castle walls. Protect yourselves as best you can, and bring Emelia and Leon to me. I believe they are both in danger. Now hurry and relay my words.” spoke the king emphasizing each sentence with a firm voice and a clenched fist.
Moments later the soldier returned.
“Y-your highness. They're gone...”
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The feeling of being moved and thumping her head against cold wood awoke Emelia slowly. She opened her eyes to find that she could see nothing at all. Her arms and legs ached and she felt like a pretzel.
Moving her arms just made it worse as she realized that she was tied up, blind folded, and gagged. She felt another thump as her transport hit another bump in its path. Desperately she tugged at her restraints; but to no avail.
“Why did it have to be me? Every time I feel safe and I'm enjoying a romantic moment, it just blows up in my face and the worst happens!”
She pulled at her restraints, causing herself more pain.
“Why won't they loosen?”
Another tug confirmed her greatest fear. She tried pulling her arms upward and stretching her legs, but she felt resistance.
“My legs are tied together and then tied to my arms!
She began pulling her arms upward and then back down, hurting herself in the process; but also loosening her restraints. Her wrists began to sting and burn painfully.
“That is so going to scar.”
She flinched as she tugged roughly at the ropes one last time. The ropes slid down her wrists as she felt blood trickle down her arms.
The carriage came to an abrupt stop as she celebrated and she was thrown against the wall.
She froze as she heard a door creak open and something is thrown on her. She hears a groan and she feels something heavy thrown upon her. After a few moments she felt that she was moving again, but at a faster pace. Emelia took off her blind fold and untied her gag. She looked around to find she was sitting in an empty carriage made of thick wood and it had no windows. The bag lying on her moved a bit and fell on the wood with a thump.
“Oh my god! I think someone's in there!” she whispered to herself as she began untying the ropes that bound the opening of the bag. Once loosened, the bag slipped off to reveal a small child with bright green hair and equally bright blue-green eyes. She was lying in a fetal position, shivering.
“Are you alright?” whispered Emma softly as she placed her hand on the girl's back. At her touch, the girl gave a small jump then slowly and hesitantly stretched out of her previous position. Emma watched quietly as the girl sat up and gasped when she noticed the girl had a black eye and her lip was cut.
“Wh-what happened to you?”
The girl stifled a sob and stared at Emma with sad and watery eyes.
“I d-don't kn-know. I was ju-jus-just walking h-ho-home a-and they hit m-me and put me in that b-bag.” stuttered the girl as she tried to keep herself from crying, rubbing her eyes constantly and looking like she was about to burst out crying.
“Oh, don't worry. It's okay to cry.” replied Emma as she hugged the girl and held her closely. Soon after, she felt the girl's wet tears soak into her torn cloak. “What's your name?”
“H-Hanako.” sobbed the girl.
“Well Hanako, I'm glad we're together. This way we won't be alone and we can help each other. My name is Emma and no matter what happens we're going to stick together. Right?” replied Emma in a soft voice, hoping to cheer Hanako up.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
Hanako sniffled a few times and stared in awe at Emma's determined face.
“Who is this girl? Is she mad?!? Doesn't she know that you- know- who will surely kill us than let us escape?!?”
Hanako stared at Emma for a few moments before deciding that dying with someone was better than being tortured for an eternity.
“Right!” she replied with a hesitant smile.
She might as well see what Emma has planned, there's nothing else to look forward to anyway. She sat watching as Emma paced around and tapped the walls every once in a while.
What in the world could she be doing?
She asked herself as she watched Emma kneel in front of the wooden wall on the right and put pressure against it.
“Hanako, come here.”
“What is it Emma?”
“I need you to push against both walls as much as you can. Try placing your hands on the right and your feet against the other wall.” pointed out Emma as she placed Hanako in the position. “Don't let up; cuz if you do, they'll hear us.”
“But, what are you doing?”
“You'll see.”
Emma stood readily and took a deep breath. Then, she kicked the wall with such force that the vibrations made Hanako flinch. After the vibrations died down Emma spoke.
“You can stand normally now Hanako.”
Hanako did as she was told, and as she removed her hands part of the wall fell inwardly.
“Whoa... How did you do that?”
“Practice, lots of practice. Now, take my hand.”
Emma reached out and Hanako took it. They stood before the hole in the wall and watched as the ground blurred before their eyes.
“This might hurt a bit, but if you roll the damage will be minimized. At least that's what Leon says.”
“Oh, sorry. He's a good friend of mine. I was with him, when they took me.” replied Emma sadly, almost in a whisper.
“Oh.” replied Hanako.
“Now!” shouted Emma as she jumped out, she landed in a roll only to be flattened when Hanako fell on her.
“S-sorry. Why is it that I always land on you?”
“I don't know, but you're heavy; for a kid.”
“I'm not a kid!” Hanako shouted angrily as s stood up and brushed the dirt off of her ragged green tunic.
“You sure look like one to me. How old are you anyway?” she replied as she sat up and watched the carriage in the distance, it was now the size of a dog. How ironic was that?
“I'm 16 years old!!!” exclaimed Hanako.
“WH-what?!? But I'm 19 and you're not even half my size!” shouted Emma disbelievingly.
“Size doesn't matter! I may be smaller than you, but you're also short for your size!” argued Hanako, glaring daggers at Emma.
“Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Well, we should go. I think that if we take this path back we can get back to the castle.” replied Emma as she stared in the direction opposite to where the (now empty) carriage was headed.
“Castle?!? I-I can't its forbidden! I'm not even supposed to be in the fields...” cried the girl, backing away from Emma as she shook her head in fear.
“What are you talking about? I've been there for almost two months.” replied Emma incredulously.
“It's just that...” Hanako stared at the ground solemnly tracing lines in the sand with her bare foot, unable to finish the statement.
“Well, just come on. When we reach the castle then we'll deal with where to take you. Alright?”
“Fine.” answered Hanako with a sigh. She didn't sound convinced, but agreed nonetheless.
“Do you know how to ride a horse?”
“Yea but-”
Hanako looked up to see that a horse stood where Emma had once stood.
“E-Emma? Where are you? Emma?!?”
At the sound of her name Emma whinnied loudly and stomped her hoof once on the ground.
“Is that you?”
Emma snorted and nodded her head.
“I am not stupid!”
Emma whinnied once more as Hanako mounted.
“See? I told you size doesn't matter and I'm not that heavy! Wait... I can understand you! This is soooo cool!”
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
Emma chuckled to herself.
“I guess I'm not the only one around here with special abilities... I can shape-shift, turn any house hold item into a weapon and talk to animals; and here is a strange girl who also understands animals... I guess it is a small world.”
Emma snorted once more as she galloped along the path, letting Hanako know that she should hang on tightly since she had no saddle. Hopefully this path would lead back to the castle.
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Upon a hill, looming over the two new companions...
“Should we capture them?” inquired a figure kneeling towards another within the shadows.
“No, let them go. We have what we need. We have no need to capture them. They shall eventually come to us.” Replied the other calmly, an evil grin shone in the poor light.
“Yes, master.” acknowledged the other with a nod for emphasis.
“Instead, you shall follow them and report to me at the end of the week. I am sure that you shall keep out of sight.”
“Of course.” with that said, the kneeling figure disappeared.
“Now, to watch it all unfold...” He said aloud to himself with a half-hearted chuckle, before disappearing in a purple cloud of smoke.
Who are these guys and what's up with Hanako? What could have happened to Leon and the dwellers of the kingdom? Why would the castle be forbidden? So many questions, so little time... Come back next time to find out! R & R!!!