Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ We Love You Link! ❯ LinkxAgithaxZelda ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Authors note at the end.


Biting down on her lower lip did nothing to stifle the long, squeaky whine in the way that she hoped. Sharp tingles of painful excitement stabbed at her lower back, causing her sizzling-hot body to thrash and arch on the bed. How much longer could she grip the pillows above her head with the strength to crush lumps of sandstone before they split was anyone’s guess.

Agitha’s eyes were ablaze with a rascally lust, well suited to her impishly wide grin. Curled on her side, down by Zelda’s legs, she wrapped an arm over to the outside of her friend’s thigh and clutched her buttock with clawed fingers. Keeping her eyes locked with Zelda’s for extra effect, she lowered her peachy lips onto her clitoris to suckle and nibble the tiny pebble, all to add to the stimulation of the current effort. What her other hand was doing, was continuously twisting a banana she pushed partway between the squelchy lips of the princess’ most precious area.

Despite her callous working of the wrist, Agitha managed to keep the depth of the penetration under control to ensure she didn’t break her friend’s hymen. That was a duty for Link.

Withdrawing the fruit and sucking the coating off the end, Agitha appeared to have finished with the tormenting. Lulling her friend into that false notion, waiting for her to relax and mumble in her unfulfilled confusion, she went back into action some seconds later. A terrified, or surprised, shriek echoed throughout the room as the princess’ body whipped like a coiled spring and kicked her heels desperately at the sheets beneath.


Ignoring what sounded like a painful cry for help, the ponytailed blonde kept her holding and ruthlessly drilled the banana upward into Zelda’s arse. Despite the unrepressed bodily convulsions, Agitha didn’t have any trouble doing this.

Pushing in further that before, inserting over two-thirds of the eight inch fruit, she did well to give it a harsh twist before setting her mouth over Zelda’s vaginal lips and continuing on from there.

“Mmm... Agi... hyaaaaaaaanhh...”

Fighting against the violently lashing figure to regain control, Agitha was struck by the surprise of her friend’s sudden release, straight into her mouth. Such great timing, read the meaning behind her gleaming, devilish eyes, and she twisted her shoulders to give her the added momentum she needed to help push Zelda back down to the bed. Fluids dribbled down the outside of her chin and throat, while the rest seamlessly chugged down the inside.

A complete change washed over the younger girl some minutes later. Hearing a knock at the door downstairs, she reverted back to her usual, sweet little self.

“Ah, you’ll just have to excuse me for the moment, Zelda,” Crawling over her haggard companion on all fours, straddling her creamy flat stomach without actually sitting on her, she leant down and kissed her flaring red cheek. “I just need to go and fetch the door. Oh, and we’ll leave this in for now,” She reached back and tapped the stalk of the object protruding from Zelda’s rear with the print of her index and middle fingers to elaborate what she’d was referring to. “Quickly, though...”

Evidently perplexed, and a little frightened, Zelda’s delicious peach lips trembled. Agitha had removed two ribbons that kept her ponytails up, letting her long golden hair flow down freely, gently seized her wrists and drew them up towards the iron-grate headboard. Keeping one of the ribbons hanging from either side between her closed lips, a darling sight that complimented the cuddly little sweetheart’s soft, gentle countenance, she used the other to bind the princess’ hands together at the wrists and secured them to one of the thick bars.

This wasn’t something she had to stand for, as her friend wasn’t holding her tight or with great strength, but she couldn’t find any reason to fight against it. Eyelids slowly closing and the top row of her perfect teeth setting upon the bottom lip, Zelda looked immensely content with her friends’ action.

“There we are,” She took the ribbon from out of her mouth and gave Zelda a lovely smile. “I’m sorry if this comes across as a little peculiar, but I can assure you that it’s all necessary. You wait here, and I’ll be back in a minute or two.”

Kissing her on the lips, she raised Zelda’s head an inch off the pillow and slipped the ribbon around. Creating a blindfold and tying it off on the side, she was glad to see that she was calm and relaxed despite the gesture. Stepping off her friend, she walked away from the bed and fetched a mauve cotton gown from beside her dresser. Light and thin, it very much gave a superior highlight to her petite slender figure without her actually being naked.

Unable to help casting a glance back to her friend upon the bed, the muscles within her body began to quake in an unusual way.

Zelda’s arms were well above her head, like a prisoner restrained for a thorough interrogation and satanic torture, and her damp lips were parted as if she were ready to let loose a thousand delectable moans. The thin, silky cobalt gown she borrowed from Agitha, evident from the fact it was a size too small for her, covered her nipples, mostly, and struck the urge in Agitha’s mind to get back there and lick away at the exposed crevice of pale flesh.

Bewitchingly, and most probably due to the long yellow fruit lodged up her backside, her sexy hips were very slowly shaking from side to side and her thighs were crossing and chafing together. So slowly and so enticingly, in fact, they resembled the professional work of some gorgeously sinful temptress who used that part of the body’s unearthly sexual attraction to hypnotically lure their object of desire toward them for their own immoral means. Whether or not Zelda had any such intention was very much the most alluring part of it all.

Looking away would do you no good. Even listening to the erotic spectacle was excruciatingly exhilarating. The sounds her smooth skin rubbing against itself, the thin, silky cloth beneath and covering her rustling as she twisted, an occasional restrained squeak from her mouth as she tried to find a comfortable way to lie with all the awkward restrictions... It was far more than anyone could tolerate, and it would have even the strictest celibate on the verge of cumming.

Agitha looked away and placed a hand over her mouth. The heat between her legs grew evermore intense and the thoughts creeping about in her mind were most unladylike, so much so that it was beginning to feel a little unbearable.

This is something that Link had done to her less than a few nights ago, albeit her nerves weren’t as sturdy as Zelda’s and she hadn’t a banana inserted within her person. She could really understand how Link was feeling at the time, although she failed to believe the hot, racy emotions would’ve been on the same scale when she was in that position. Zelda was, in her mind, a more desirable woman by far.

Lying blind and tied in the same manner, though, she trembled at the embarrassing way he whispered sensual things into her elf ear, seemed to be able to accurately paint a picture of just how unbelievably astonishing she looked in that position and how much he was going to enjoy having her over and over again like that. To make her feel even more uncomfortable, but in a good way as it was the time she looked the cutest, he told her that there were some people whom he’d invited into the house and were watching. Many of them, leering at her adorable, blushing body with their lecherous eyes, mouths open in want of devouring her themselves and making such ludicrous gestures with their hands as to what they would very much like to do with her.

That may have been a lie, but she wasn’t entirely certain of it. Although a master tease, she wouldn’t put such a stunt past him. Any yet... she now had some urges. Nay, hundreds of urges, every which one of them involved herself, Link, Zelda and a thousand spectators, watching as he steamily made raucous, sweaty love to the two of them in full view.

It was a scrumptious thought, and all she had to do was ask...

“Ghurrrhhhh....” Choking as she tried to stop herself from squealing aloud, Agitha tightly constricted her body into a ball as she collapsed on the spot, onto her soft butt. She couldn’t believe that she’d just released to all the dirty thoughts running through her mind!

Squeezing her eyes shut and biting on her lip, hot tears flooded from the corners of her eyes. Many of those things she thought of were just too much for her mind; a mind that’s supposed to be pure, and should really be restricted to things like cuddly bunnies, fluffy clouds and all the sweet, innocent things in life. Too bad the people around her, namely Telma with all those naughty books she kept lending her and Link with his Godlike loving abilities, brought her to such a corrupted state.

‘You’re such a perverse little ditz,’ She giggled to herself, strongly pressing the palm of her right hand against her crotch and using the other for support as she tried to get back up to her feet.

Wobbling a bit and feeling awkward with the dribbling wet sensation running downward the inside of her legs, Agitha was up and rushing down to the lower level of the house. Her hand was still pressed between her legs as she moved, so she would appear to anyone who saw her as someone in need of the loo. If anyone looked at her bare feet, where some trails from her release had wound up, it would appear that she’s a little too late.

“Hello and good evening, you are calling to Agitha’s Castle,” She said in her traditional manner, her voice shaky and laboured. “It’s very late to be seeking an audience with the princess, so unless it’s a matter of great importance, I might not be able help you. Could you please state your name and business?”

“Miss Agitha, it is I, Ashei,” The voice she heard was the very one she expected to hear, and it brought a relieved smile to her face. “I’m sure you know what it is that I have come to help you out with, without me having to speak it out loud for the world to hear.”

Bravely standing straight and relaxing her hands back to her sides, she took a deep breath. She had to take a few more, because her body continued to shake as if the cold had gotten to her. Agitha unlatched the door and opened it up, and flashed a smile to the young woman in armour.

“Come on in, quickly,” The knight brushed past the shorter girl, and turned to face her once the front door had been closed. “You’re running a little late, y’know.”

“For that I apologise, however it was unavoidable. I had a group meet and couldn’t get away sooner without drawing any attention.”

“I understand,” Agitha nodded in a light mood. She was aware of the band that run out of Telma’s bar, and appreciated the hard and most often dangerous efforts they went through to protect both the kingdom and their true Princess.

“So... is she here?”

“Upstairs,” Agitha said simply, and knew from the raise of Ashei’s eyebrow that she had an inkling of Zelda’s ‘status’ from her loose gown and flushed cheeks. Pretending to cough, Agitha started to walk towards the ladder leading to the next floor. “Thank you for accepting my request for an escort on such a short notice. And, also...”

“Think nothing of it. It’s an absolute honour to serve her highness and all her associates,” Ashei slowly followed after with her hand upon her hip. “Are we to leave right away, or do you wish for me to-”

“Not right away,” Agitha cut in with a low whisper as she turned abruptly and took Ashei’s hands. “I’m in the middle of something at the moment with her. Would you mind lending a hand?”

Ashei’s normally cold exterior shattered and her lips curled in a broad smile as the short blonde’s eyes shimmered with a gleeful, childish excitement. ‘Lord is she cute’, Ashei thought.

“Indeed, Miss Agitha.”


The vermillion sky overhead faded to twilight blue as the sun set to the west behind the horizon. Link gave a short, sharp whistle and tugged on the reigns to slow his steed down to a steady trot. He twisted in the saddle and looked back over the hills he passed over on the field.

Not a monster in sight. That was a very good thing, because after the long trek from the desert he didn’t feel all that up to an encounter with any other hostiles. Turning back to face forward and giving his horse a pat on the side of the neck, he lightly whipped the reigns and yelled to speed her up again.

Epona took off into a gallop, and the beat of her hooves echoed through the rock valley they passed through. In no time at all they arrived outside the front entrance to the Castle town, where he dismounted and continued the rest of the way on foot.

Night shift guards patrolled the outer gates in large groups of seven, which consisted of one senior and six privates. Most passed by Link without giving him a second glance, whilst others noticed the rough state he and his equipment were in.

Numerous cuts and small gashes were visible through the tears all over his clothes, and scuffs and scratches marked the surface of his shield. A long winding bandage rolled up his left arm from the palm, stained with dark red blotches.

If he wasn’t such a frequent visitor to the town in conditions always similar to this, the soldiers would have followed the standard procedure to check over swordsmen and hunters and escort them straight to the doctor’s clinic for any immediate treatment to prevent the risk of spreading any new diseases or infections they may have picked up on their travels. By now they knew him and he knew all the correct procedures.

Link crossed the drawbridge and entered through the main arch into the town. But, instead of heading in the direction of the doctors, he took a detour from the market down the alley towards Agitha’s Castle. He’d taken a surplus of water from healing pools in the cave to deal with his wounds and take care of any nasties in his bloodstream, so he could pass on a visit to that grumpy, arrogant old goat on the other side of the town for tonight. He didn’t plan on wasting any on the scratches he had now, not until he made it to the safety of Agitha’s Castle, because anything could still unexpectedly kick off out in the streets.

His walking pace slowed to a stroll. He nodded and smiled to a few familiar vendors who were in the process of closing up.

And then he heard the ruckus, and his pace quickened...


Sixteen year old Quill gave a stark warning to those he faced with his best glare. Given his size, build and rather meek personality, you wouldn’t think the young lad was the type to get into such a confrontation with kids twice his height.

But he was doing it for a very important reason.

“Outta the way, squirt. Don’t make me and the boys trample you.”

The threat from the leader of the little group didn’t waver his spirit one bit. He kept a brave face on, even when the bigger kid made a provoking action with a huge balled fist.

“I’m not going to let you do it,” Quill growled. “I’m not going to let you enter Princess Agitha’s Castle so you and your gang of thugs can make a mess of it and steal all of her bugs while she’s away. They mean everything to her.”

The group burst out laughing, both at the idea of wanting to steal some bugs and the idea that this small boy was going to stop them.

“Bugs? You think we want to get in there and steal those ugly, worthless things? No, she has far better things in there. Like a heap full Rupees, for a start,” One stubby cohort sneered through laughter.

“Silver necklaces, gold broaches,” Another started. “That so-called ‘Princess’ has no royal blood flowing through her veins, but she sure as Hell is loaded like one. There’s gotta be more money and jewels in that house than what the vendors make in a year combined.”

“We could buy this whole damn district with the money she has, and still have enough left over to keep us well fed for life,” The leader stretched his arms out to emphasise his point, before reissuing his threat to Quill. “So, unless you want to wind up swallowing your own teeth after a nasty fist-to-mouth incident, you are going to be an obedient rather than an obstructive little bastard and move away from that front door.”

“Don’t make this a fight. There is still enough time for you to reconsider your actions and turn away before someone gets unnecessarily hurt. Come on... everything you said before can be forgotten, and we won’t have to get the local authority involved...”

Growing tired of the delay between standing out here and getting their hands on some loot, the bigger kid threw a punch with enough force behind it to knock Quill down flat. However, at the point when he should’ve been on the floor seeing stars, he skilfully swiped the punch to the side with a simple block across his face and countered with a sharp snapping punch to the big kid’s nose.

There was a dull, wet crack upon contact. That was the sound of bone breaking, flesh squashing, and then the noise was visually followed up by a dark spray of blood from the big kid’s gaping nostrils. He fell like a cut-down tree before his gang, who’s violent spirits were crushed at the very sight of their best fighter taking an unconscious drop within a split second of the battle’s start. Especially since the opponent was smaller and looked physically inferior to him.

“Everybody stop,” Quill stepped out of his fighting stance and backed into a neutral position. He was still sure that the gang would take to reconsidering their plans. “No one else must challenge me, because it will only lead to more tragedy. Say that you no longer have any desire to fight and steal, and we shall help him get to the doctors for treatment. I will even pay for the damages. Truce?”

His offer was seen as an insult to their capabilities, their apparent courage, and the single brain cell they shared among them. They sought to show him that they weren’t the types to be trifled with, for they had disregarded his last move and put it down to a fluke. A lucky hit.

One kid balled up his fists and went in with the pose of a boxer; ducking his head, swaying his upper body and shadow punching. Quill’s eyes noticeably saddened at the display, knowing they didn’t take up the offer of surrender.

“...So it must continue.”

Another shocker for the gang was added to the list. No sooner had the ‘boxer’ shifted forward to fight, had he been thrown back like a doll caught in a miniature tornado after he received a thrusting kick in the gut. The flash of his leg was so quick you’d have thought Quill spent his previous life as a hummingbird.

“Holy crap!”

Three more were left standing, and Quill gracefully returned to his original fighting position without a word. His glare resurfaced and slowly, ever so slowly, he edged towards the last few.

“W-wait a second, kid! We ain’t so sure that we wanna fight no more!”

He moved closer.

“Yeah, I mean... sure, the thought of having all the money and the jewels sounded tempting an’ all, but we’re not that bad off that we’re willing to get all violent and scrap for it. That would just be plain stupid and barbaric to mindlessly spill blood and break the law for cash in this day and age.”

Quill stopped. The last kids standing saw this as a very good sign.

“Please? Let us forget this?”

Quill cocked his head.

“I’m afraid that’s no longer up to me, whether you get to walk away for free or get carried away by the guards. We’ll have to see what he says and go from there.”

They all looked very confused and a little worried. Quill crossed his arms and donned a neutral expression, moments before a voice cut through the air like a blade through paper.

“What’s the charge?”

The trio looked over their shoulders, panicked, and parted to either side of the narrow alley. A young man in green, roughly the same age as they, maybe older, stood there with his arms folded and a look which sought explanation. The air about him was almost terrifying; mostly from the battle-scuffed tunic and weapons he bore.

“Attempted breaking and entering into Princess Agitha’s home, and attempted grievous bodily-harm towards me,” Quill explained. “Shall we report them to the authorities, or should we take care of the rest of this situation ourselves, Mr Link?”

Scratching his chin, the warrior threw an uninterested glance over each gang member, including the ones on the floor. From the looks on the conscious kid’s faces, he could tell that they’ve already learnt an important lesson that needn’t go further.

“We’ll let them go. They won’t try anything like this again, am I right?”

With the question left unanswered through fear, the gang members collected up their two comrades over their shoulders, and high-tailed it out of the area.

Link turned to his short young friend and placed a solid hand on his shoulder once the kids had scarpered.

“I think it’s high time Agitha considered taking you on as an official guard if you’re going to spend all day standing outside her house keeping watch. She should at least consider paying you for the service if the air turns blue out here and your life is at risk.”

Quill managed a little smile at the comment.

“Protecting the Princess is enough of a reward for me, even if things get a little ugly.”

Link shrugged his shoulders. That was a pretty corny response, but it could slide this one time. He knew Quill had aspirations to become a Royal Guard like his late father, a well-respected and truly legendary warrior whose lineage originally hailed from the Far East, which explained his amazing fighting skills, and he couldn’t deny his passion for defending the realm. Nor his passion for defending Agitha, Link mused.

‘Quill’s a good kid. He’s got a lot of energy, too. I wonder if Agitha would mind if he joined us for a-’

-Dirty boy,- Giggled the impish voice in his head.

‘Yes, well... you haven’t anything against it, have you?’

-What, me against your will to make a Princess sandwich? No, never. I was hoping you’d let me in the action with Agitha first, though.-

‘You may yet. We have to check with her, first, to see if she’s up for either.’

-Not that she’s got a choice to exclude me, mind. Which order she’ll be done in is the only option she’ll be getting.-

‘Fair enough,’ He looked down to Quill, who’d gone back to watching the surroundings with hawk-like intensity. “Okay, so... is she home right now?”

“I’m afraid not,” He shook his head. “She left for an undisclosed location a couple of hours ago under the escort of a female knight named Ashei. I’ve no further information beyond that, I’m afraid.”

Link nodded, feeling a little disappointed. Still, he could go inside, make a cup of tea, and wait. Quill could come in and join him for a cuppa, too. Lord knows he’s earned it.

“Quill, would you fancy a-”


The nasal voice echoed down the narrow alleyway, followed by the clap of sandaled feet on the flagstones. That could only be...

“Greetings, Mr Link! I have come to deliver a letter,” The Postman handed him a small envelope from his satchel. “It is a letter from Princess Agitha.”

It was pretty obvious it was from Agitha, given the neat, extravagant writing and the butterfly motif at the corners on the envelope. He was actually rather careful in opening it to ensure it was still as neat as it’d been presented, for Agitha had obviously put a lot of effort into it, so much it was worthy of framing and mounting. The paper inside had been lightly scented with a floral perfume, the dominant smell being peony, perhaps.

“...She’s gone to Kakariko,” Link vaguely muttered as he scanned the lines of intricate handwriting. “Would like to meet me at the Inn... for a BIG surprise...”

-Why did you say ‘big’ so loud, for?-

‘It’s how it’s been written down here. ‘Big’ is in huge capital letters, so it warrants a louder read.’

-Oh. Well, it must be big, then,- Midna’s tone was high in interest.

‘I wouldn’t imagine she’d have gone out her way to the Inn, otherwise. It must be one heck of a surprise she’s got in store,’ Link’s lips curled into a boyish grin as he folded the letter back into the envelope and carefully slipped it into his pouch. “Kakariko Inn it is, then.”

“The sender had asked me to collect a response from you after I’d delivered the message,” The Postman handed Link a plain slip of paper and a pencil to jot down a reply.

Using the door as a flat-enough writing surface, Link scribbled down ‘I’ll be right over’. He then nodded to the Postman, gave him the folded response, the pencil and a ten-rupee tip.

“Much obliged,” The Postman’s legs started up on the spot, like the warming up of an engine. “Well, my business is concluded! Onward to mail!”

The Postman disappeared as quickly as he came, leaving Link and Quill alone in the alley once more. Well, alone as they could be, if you didn’t include the average passer-by and Midna’s unseen presence.

“I best be heading off, too,” Link turned and patted Quill on the shoulder. “Keep up the good work, Quill. I’ll be having a word with the Princess about your wages, and a worthy reward. You can count on that.”


“You managed to deliver the message to Link, yeah?”

“Have you no faith in my services, Knight? Of course I managed to deliver, otherwise I wouldn’t have returned to you with his written response, as per your original request,” The Postman turned on his heels indignantly as the female warrior’s mood fouled, expressed by her dangerous glare. “Now, if you would be good enough to excuse me, I’ve a few more deliveries to make before the night grows much older. Onward to mail!”

When he disappeared out of sight like a greyhound around a track, Ashei uncrossed her arms and made her way back to the Kakariko Inn, reading from the written response. It was time for her to make her Princesses aware their awaited guest was well on his way, and it would be recommended they made their final preparations for whatever devilishly erotic scheme they had going.

And while she wasn’t in any way attracted to Link, or any guy for that matter, she pondered whether her Princesses would grant her another opportunity in which she might be able to ‘assist’ them tonight. It felt a rather selfish thing to ask, but you never know unless you do so, yeah?


The rickety old board walk creaked noisily under Link's boots as he approached and entered the Kakariko Inn. With a rusty screech, the opening and closing of the heavy double doors attracted the attention of two inhabitants sitting opposite one another at a round, wonky table.

“It's good to see you again, Link,” Ashei greeted, though with an acknowledged nod rather than a smile. “I was just being told the story of how a brave young warrior, you, purged this village and the surrounding mountains of dark creatures, and rekindled the friendship between the two races in the process.”

“A tale worthy of legend, certainly,” Renado, the shaman, added.

Wanting to play down the scale of his heroism, Link shook off the ‘legend’ remark and enquired about his friends. They were doing well, according to Renado; Colin was fine, even though Beth and Luda were fussing over him so much they might accidentally tear him in two, and although Ilia was still without her memories, she was relaxed and resting well. Until Renado could come up with a plan to help make her full recovery, it was the best he could wish for.

After a brief chat and several concerns about his current tattered state, each of which he casually shrugged off, Ashei relayed to what room he’d find Agitha waiting for him.

“Head down the end of the hall on the second floor, to the last door on the right, yeah? The Princess will be waiting for you in there.”

Link wasn’t certain, but the way she addressed Agitha as a princess didn’t seem like it was by request in the message. It almost seemed as if Ashei actually regarded the girl as proper royalty.

“All further instructions will be presented to you when necessary. Now get a move on, because I’m not keen to thinking of the Princess growing restless from waiting.”

The tone of voice seemed highly suggestive, like she was entirely aware of what activities were to ensue, as if it were the worst kept secret in the world. It didn’t bother Link; it’s likely the whole village would hear what’s going on once he gets into the mood, anyhow.

Link walked up the creaking staircase, and went straight to the room where Colin slept to check up on him. He was able to check up on all of them, in fact, as everyone had moved in and camped in his room on the spare beds and floors. It was obviously their choice; the last time he was here, they all had their own rooms.

Once established that they're getting on well, he left the room and made his way down the hall. Before he reached out for the knob, Midna jumped out of his shadow in her fully materialised form with a message that she'd be leaving him to have a private session tonight.

-The message said that she had a surprise for you, so, really, my presence here would simply spoil it. I think you both deserve a bit of peace every now and again.-

“Thanks for the thought, but I'm not sure you would spoil it. You could stay, if you want.”

-Nah, I’ll leave this one to you. Besides, I’d really like to check out the hot springs they’ve got upstairs, to see if it’s worthy of being ‘world famous’ as the crooked old sign might suggest.-

“Hmm, good idea,” Link kissed her cheek. “After Agitha’s given me her surprise, we could go out and join you for a dip.”

-If you’re still up to it,- Midna hugged his neck, blushing a little. –But otherwise I might see you later, then, with the little Princess...?-

“Oh, you most definitely will, Midna,” Link grinned, and kissed her lips.

They went their separate ways, neither of them realising what was truly in store. Nor did they notice the door opposite had been slightly open at the time, where a certain someone silently spied on them.

Link pulled a bottle from his pouch and took a sip of the water he’d scooped from the healing pool, feeling the tingling effects throughout his body immediately after as his body healed and his energy was fully restored. More than enough to keep him shagging throughout the night... heck, with the energy boost received from the revitalising drink, he could take on three, four, maybe even five girls all at once...

Reconsideration halted him on his second attempt to grasp the doorknob. Yes, he was healed and bursting with energy, but he was still in a right tatty state. The best thing he could do given that Agitha had put considerable effort into coming out to Kakariko to spoil him with a special surprise was to at least greet her with clean hands and a washed face.

Doubling back down the hall, Link popped into the pokey washroom and stripped down to his trousers. After washing in the sink, he bundled up his removed clothes and left them in an unused room to be sorted later. Greeting her in his trousers was the best thing for him to do, because although he hadn’t a scratch on him, he didn’t want to worry Agitha by letting her see all the bloodstained rips and slices on the undershirt and tunic. There were some on his trousers, around about the thighs, but they weren’t half as bad as the upper body marks.

Almost cautiously, as if he expected there to be some kind of dangerous villain lurking in the shadows beyond the archway, Link eased the door open and peered inside. The room was faintly illuminated by a single candle on an awkwardly-leaning bedside table. Half-cast in a pool of pale orange light, a girl of sixteen glanced up from the notebook she rested on her lap with an expectant raise of her thin eyebrows, and her pretty countenance relaxed into the most wonderful smile when she made out his face.

Without a proper word, more just a delighted squeal, Agitha dropped the book aside, uncrossed her legs, pushed off the bed with her hands and darted across the room. Her double ponytails flurried behind her, and her shoed feet made clip-clop noises on the wooden floor.

“Oof,” He spluttered, tightly gripping the doorframe to stabilise his footing, and chuckling. She might have been over half his weight and a lot shorter in height, but when she charged into him for a hug, she could’ve knocked him down onto his muscular arse. “Glad to see you, too, Princess.”

“Mmmmmm,” Agitha hummed as she gleefully nuzzled her cheek against his bare jogging chest. “I had no doubt you’d receive my letter, only if you’d be able to come and see me. I’m happy that you could set aside some time to do so, even though you’re on an important quest.”

“You said in your letter that it was imperative that I come to see you tonight, so what other option did I have?” Link kissed the top of her head, swaying slightly from side to side as he returned the hug. “Mmm, you smell lovely. Is that a new perfume?”

“Not so much new. I have had it a while,” With her head bashfully downcast, she broke the hug and stepped back, holding his large paws in her small, delicate hands at arm’s length. “Do you... like my dress?”

Link’s dribbling silence said it all, as he took in the view for a first, proper time.

She wore a fairly dark corset dress with satin ribbon trims, and a short skirt stopping six inches above the knees with the same material. She twirled for show, and her skin was visible through the loosely laced back, as it looked like she opted out of having a modesty panel. After all, it wasn’t as if Link wasn’t going to see what’s beyond there anyway.

Everything from the top of her small breasts was bare, such as her shoulders and arms. She wore a lacy collar around her neck which had a very sweet butterfly motif on it. Downward, she wore a very attractive pair of black and white striped thigh-high socks and plain black, flat-soled shoes.

“Very, very much...” Link licked his lips and gave her a husky stare. He was about five seconds away pouncing onto and ravaging her like a rabid beast here on until next Sunday. “Would this be my surprise?”

Ooh, the seams of his trousers couldn’t take the stress of his hard on any longer. Judging from Agitha’s sly wink, the cute n’ naughty tilt of her hips and the ‘Ah, just you wait n’ see’ point of her finger, there was a lot more to it than her dress. Whatever it might be, it was undoubtedly something spectacular that’ll most certainly blow his mind out the back of his head.

“You’re in for the night of your life, Link,” She sashayed back to the bed, each exaggerated wiggle of her hips coursing little sparks in his gut to make him gradually fall to his knees, onto all fours with his tongue hanging out and panting like a dog in heat, and like a dog, he was insanely eager for his treat. She saw him in this state, and put her dainty fingertips to her thin, peachy lips as she giggled sweetly.

“Hee hee, you look like a cute li’l puppy.”

“Arf,” Link pathetically barked, finding himself unable to say anything else. Bloody Hell, perhaps he should spend a little less of his time in his wolf form. He’d be scratching his ears with his feet, next.

Maintaining such a sweet, innocent countenance as she picked up a long, silky ribbon from between the book pages and dragged it through alternate hands like she was smoothing it out, she approached him in the same, exaggerated hip-swaying manner as before. Link was salivating so much that he’d created a small lake on the wooden floorboards. It would’ve been bigger if it hadn’t seeped between the cracks.

Speaking of which, he had an extraordinary view of her tight, cameltoe-inducing black-laced panties from his space on the floor, made all the better as her skirt swayed from side to side. She knelt down in front of him with a beautiful, heartstring-strumming smile.

“I adore puppies,” Her voice was quiet and sugary. Her eyelids drooped, her gorgeous baby-blues soft and moist at the edges, and her cheeks burned a bright pink. “Do you... want to play?”

“Arf, Arf,” Link’s bark was strangled that time as his throat was parched, seeing as all the saliva that should’ve kept it from being so had rolled off his tongue and splashed on the floor.

Adoringly, she stroked his cheek. He turned to sniff her palm, caught the ridge between his lips and gently suckled on the soft flesh. She shivered, gasped shakily, and as he touched the back of her hand with one and used his other hand to cup her elbow, found herself growing weaker under the ever so slow trail of butterfly kisses leading down the inside of her forearm.

“Link,” She whispered, biting her lower lip as she was awfully tempted to give in and let him have his way with her on the floor right this moment, but ultimately overpowered such desires for the greater good. Agitha held the nape of his neck with her free hand, straightened her legs and, seeing as he was intent on making it to the crook of her elbow, kept her upper body bent over to suit his reach. “Would you follow me to the bed, please?”

Loyally complying, Link followed her on shuffling knees. She walked backwards and occasionally looked over her shoulder to find her way.

“Come on, up here,” She said softly, patting the mattress with her hand. Link climbed up onto and lay down on the bed as per her instruction.

Head and shoulders propped up slightly from the huge fluffy pillow, Link lay motionless in wonder as Agitha silently climbed aboard on all fours, and brushed the tip of her nose against his. She smiled in a slightly seductive way and locked her droopy gaze with his after she stepped a leg over his bent knees, and kept all her light weight up with her straightened arms pillared into the mattress on either flank and her mostly straightened legs on the outside of his angled thighs. Her butt was up in the air, and he’d have loved to have clasped those soft peaches with his itchy fingers if he hadn’t the patience to wait and see what it was she was planning.

“I’ll need you to put this on, to cover your eyes,” Keeping her voice quiet and trusting her balance to one arm, she waved the long ribbon under his chin. “And I must stress the importance of you being unable to see absolutely anything. Not even the slightest light leak. This is a surprise that mustn’t be spoilt.”

More intrigued than ever before, Link accepted the ribbon without too much show for his eagerness, and wrapped it around his head to cover his eyes.

“Can you see anything?”

“No, nothing,” Link waved a hand in front of his face as a tester, and could genuinely see nothing.

Agitha did it too as a double checker, and even inspected the wrap to make sure it wouldn’t come undone and fall off. Nope, it was nice and secure. Satisfied, she gave his lips a lingering kiss. All that was left to do now was for her to go and fetch her friend...

‘Okay,’ She took a deep, calming breath, and sat down on his stomach. This was going to be so exciting! “Link, I have to bring your surprise in from another room, so if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like you to sit still and wait for me to come back, alright?”

To her liking, Link’s voice was low and excited.

“I’m on tenterhooks.”


The night sky looked beautiful with all the twinkling stars and the full moon above. The air was warm, and the scent carried on the gentle breeze was as fresh as lilies. Light rain softly fell upon the face of the Twili girl who gazed upward to admire the serene beauty above, the faraway smile and woozy eyes almost trance-like. Yes, she thought to herself, this hot spring is definitely worthy of its world-famous status.

Steamy clouds created a minor haze around her as it rose from the water’s surface. Submerged up to her shoulders in the clear pool, Midna relaxed against the sloping bank with the view overlooking the entire Kakariko village behind her. Her long hair, glowing like a sunset, spread like spidery legs on the surface.

One had to wonder the purpose behind the scrupulously planned and almost troublesomely complicated call-out to the dilapidated Kakariko Inn they, or rather Link, received from Agitha when they left the desert lands, and the further instructions passed on by the stone-faced knight in the lobby, or bar, when they got here.

Midna shifted in the water like she sat on something disturbingly squishy. Surely, the simple, comfortable and mostly familiar setting within Agitha’s home in the city was a better place than the old Inn. Perhaps, though, it had something to do with the night he took her to his lodgings outside Ordon; the change in scenery had an effect on his mood and creativity, she recalled, as he suddenly exploded into a wild, insatiable animal with the most ludicrous imagination. Doing it six rungs up a ladder was one thing, but then doing it again upside down at the same height... incredible, is all she could say.

Midna’s eyes cast in the direction of the Inn. No doubt they were already up to something far beyond the norm for a human mating ritual, something anyone else would disclaim to be impossible or too mind-scrambling for any sane couple to even attempt. That was the way he was at these times; the kind of person who you’d tell to go screw himself, who would actually give it a try.

With a disbelieving smirk, she closed her eyes and wished them the best of luck.


Link hadn’t the faintest idea who it was he had his hands on. Agitha had simply introduced another girl who was an ‘admirer of his’, gave no names, and plonked her in his lap to ‘have some fun with’ while she sat down the other end of the bed to watch ‘for her pleasure’. A big surprise? Certainly. Any qualms from Link? So long as he gets to play with Agitha in the end, too, then the answer’s Heaven’s no.

All he could tell as he sat cross-legged with this girl in his lap, her back to his front, was that her flesh was softer and more of a joy to knead than a loaf of freshly baked bread, the lovely cherry scent that wafted up his nostrils came from her velvety soft hair, and her body had a warm, slick consistency due to profuse sweating either from the heat or, more simply, her nerves. The sweat, he loved; the oily texture allowed his fingers to smoothly glide along her slender thighs and her flat belly, and the taste... every time he suckled on her shoulder or licked within the crook of her neck, a delightful tang sparked inside his mouth that made him judder, squeeze her tighter in his arms, and groan strenuously in her ear like he’d just tried to lift a full-grown horse on his back.

“I’ve never known anyone to sweat so much,” Link whispered huskily, loving the mixed feel of hot, moist flesh and silky hair against his bare chest and the excessive dampness soaked up by his trousers.

She squirmed and whimpered cutely as he placed a hand on her belly and had her sit where the hard cylindrical lump in his trousers could nestle snugly within the crevice of her soft, tight buttocks. Her head fell aside, and he nuzzled with his nose to examine the exposed area before he suckled on her jugular like a toothless vampire. Her moans were as delectable as her tangy, sweat-laden skin, and he smirked against her neck when his ear was bumped by her shrugged shoulder.

Sweat trickled between the splayed fingers he used to cup her hot, soft breast. Nicely rounded and only slightly bigger than Agitha’s when taking their proportions into account, the mammary was delightfully clammy and squishy, like the rest of her fine body. Gently and rhythmically, his fingers moved as if strumming a delicate melody on harp strings, only this instrument was more joy to play and the resulting warbles emanating from the girl’s mouth were more gratifying to the ears. The hand he’d laid on her toned belly decided to have some fun with the navel, trying different fingers inside to tickle and enjoy all the delightful abdominal twitches. Ooh, first chance he gets, that sweet little hollow is going to get a severe tongue-lashing.

With that thought filling him with glee, Link raised that hand up to cup her other breast and mimic the goings-on on the right, making her body shiver immensely to his pleasure. For a while his mind ran wild, trying to picture any and all looks upon this girls face, but ultimately finding it to be difficult simply because he had to try and picture who she might be first. He was quick to abolish any connection between Agitha’s chosen meeting place and the current residents, because none of them had hair this long. In fact, he couldn’t think of anyone he knew who had hair that flowed down to their lower back, except, maybe...

Link paused for a moment, lips beside her ear, and softly blew on her wet cheek like he was cooling piping hot soup. The girl in his arms panted heavily, the intakes sharp and the exhales shuddery. The squeaks and whimpers sounded like they could possibly belong to...

‘Don’t get your hopes up,’ Link warned himself. ‘She’s gone, vanished, remember? You won’t find her anywhere near these parts, let alone in your lap. Besides, you really think Hyrule’s monarch, the powerful, most beautiful woman in the world, would be an admirer of yours? That she’d let you touch her like this, when she’s only ever met you twice, and on both of those occasions you were a hairy quadruped? Honestly?’

Okay, so the evidence was stacked against him. This girl couldn’t be whom he’d like her to be. However, now that his thoughts were with the Princess, he couldn’t help but visualise her being here. Her sweaty flesh in his hands, her being at the mercy of his wandering lips and tongue, her listening to his dirty little whispers, and her possible expressions as he’d subjected her to them all...

... Whereas Agitha could clearly see the heavenly emotions of the gracious beauty on Link’s lap who, despite his grave doubts, was indeed the one and only Princess Zelda. Slightly different to what he remembered, as her body had weakened somewhat through her life saving magic-transfusion onto Midna and left her skin paler than the moon and her long, silky locks whiter than freshly fallen snow, but otherwise the very same.

Kneeling with her feet tucked under her bum, a knuckle in her mouth to stifle her hitched voice and another hand cupped to her heated loins, Agitha watched it all from a distance just two feet shy of the amorously entangled couple. A radiant red blush brought well-needed colour to Zelda’s twitching cheeks as Link commented on her sweatiness in his excitedly gruff voice, and Agitha had to admit that she was fairly surprised to see her friend so sweaty, too. On the other hand, it did add a fantabulous glossiness to her skin that made her appear even more Goddess-like, especially the extra glow from the reflections of the candlelight. Her eyes absorbed all the details and picked up on the major appeals, including a translucent sweat bulb freefalling down Zelda’s toned abdomen and rolling over the fat bald pubis, to which it finally disappeared within the tight-lipped cleft between the chubby majora.

Very, very sexy, and if she’d the boldness of Link, she’d have lunged forward and sucked the bead back out like it was the last water drop in the canteen.

Going back to the absolute absence of hair on her friend’s shiny crotch, Agitha loved the look and feel so much when she and Zelda ‘played’ together, and knew with confidence Link would love it, too. That’s why, when Ashei had kindly ‘assisted’ her in tormenting Zelda earlier, she popped into the bathroom and shaved herself smooth. Oh boy, she couldn’t wait to see his face when she and Zelda show them off together!

Speaking of the looks on people’s faces...

The fingertips on Link’s exploring left hand had basically followed the route of the kamikaze sweat-bead from earlier as if he’d sensed its descent and destination, and he was on the chase to retrieve it for whatever purpose. She didn’t blame him, she felt like it was a tragic waste of the beautiful Princess’ sweet-tasting bodily secretions that she wanted to delve in to get it back, too. Eventually his fingertips reached the slick pubis, and much to giddy Agitha’s delight, Link indeed observed with intrigue and expressed his interest in the hairlessness, and hungrily motioned what he’d planned to do to it with his mouth.

Agitha felt guilty that Link should miss the look on Zelda’s flushed face, the mix of panic and embarrassment was more adorable than Agitha could ever personally hope to be. Leaning forward as the tips of his middle and index finger traced up and down the sticky-wet pudendal cleft, not delving within, Agitha’s eyes fixated on the quivering lips and she drew in a deep breath when he paused midway and fanned Zelda open for the world, or at least Agitha, to see one of nature’s grandest, most delightful shades of pink.

The second Link’s finger ever so slowly hooked into the deep pink tunnel, Agitha badly wanted to follow after and force her tongue far down the hole as possible. She restrained herself because she knew she shouldn’t interfere... yet, at least.

‘It’s so small and tight,’ Link very much enjoyed the copiously wet innards tightly coiling around his finger. What it must feel like when he inserted his member... Ooh, it was hard not to get excited!

Trailing his tongue along her shoulder to slake his newfound sweat obsession, Link wriggled his finger around and gently pumped it in as his thumb caressed her swollen clitoris. The whines and squeaks generated by his actions made him grin boyishly, more so when he felt compelled to comment on the lewd liquid noises her naughty body made. Licking across her cheek, he found out she was using a finger to bite and muffle her moans, and decided to give her mouth something else to occupy her mind.

He lead the charge with his tongue, batted her chewed finger out like an unwanted tenant and engaged her in a most passionate French kiss as to make her body limp like she’d instantaneously melted in his strong arms. The summery taste of strawberries blossomed like her heavy content sigh into his mouth. No retaliatory strikes against his invasive tongue were made, as hers basically let him waltz in and trample all over it like a welcome rug. As well as excessive sweat she appeared to be excessively drooling, leaking out the corners of her mouth and trickling down both their chins... but again, like with her sweat, he loved it.

To reduce the effort spent keeping her slick body from sliding out his grip and across the floor like she was racing down the Snowpeak Mountains, Link decided to lean back to the plentiful space on the bed behind him and to bring her limp body with him. Uncrossing his legs, he lay down on his side and laid her on her back, keeping one arm around underneath to keep on her breast and other hand still engrossed in the warmth between her curled-up legs, and he intimately spooned around her. Now, he could focus his efforts.

Miffed that she couldn’t see too well, Agitha crawled about like a cheetah with a scheme to escape from a cage. Her elf-ears caught the countless lewd squelches from Link’s fingers in her friend’s special place, but she couldn’t see like before, which was a bummer. To get the best view, Agitha pretty much had to edge her way to the side of the bed with the risk of falling out, and continue watching from there.

A sticky saliva string rolled off Link’s tongue when he broke the fervent kiss, and left poor Zelda with her quivering tongue poking out and begging for more. Said saliva string kept them connected, stretching and bowing as he moved his head down, and the translucent bridge collapsed following his lips descent to the top of her left breast. Now that his mouth got involved, working opposite to his hand on the other side, the gorgeous Princess’ eyes snapped shut and let the hot tears roll down her burning red cheeks.

‘So soft... so spongy...’ Link hummed as he nuzzled the delightful mammary, especially loving the sweaty, slimy texture.

Opening his mouth wide, Link happily sighed and playfully flicked her perky nipple with the tip of his tongue repeatedly. Flicks soon turned to agonisingly slow, full-surface drags as he circulated his tongue around the areola, again and again, until his big mouth went ‘eyuhhmmm’ and engulfed a huge portion of her breast.

The girl’s high-pitched, incomprehensible mumbling and squealing added to the delightfulness Link experienced.

‘Mmmmmm,’ So delicious, he snuggled and nuzzled in with his suckling lips, intoxicated by her flesh’s taste bud-tingling flavour. Wetly smacking his lips against her already soggy skin, Link’s thumb rubbed her clitoris firmer and he managed to pack in another finger to tease her shrinking vaginal walls.

From the sidelines, Agitha’s joy for her friend was reaching its peak, because she knew her friend was reaching hers.

‘Sh-she’s going to do it! She’s going to... right into his...!’

Moments later, Zelda’s body was racked with an almighty, back-arcing spasm, and was unable to hold out on calling Link’s name repeatedly like she was trying to summon him urgently from across the great field in the Eldin Province. Until she calmed down after what was a cataclysmic orgasm, Zelda was once again a sweaty, heavily-panting body in the arms of the man she loved. Speaking of which, his mouth came off her nipple with a fleshy wet ‘pop’, and he’d softly kissed her haggard cheek.

“I... I know your voice...” He said, sounding far away, like he was trying to place where.

Now, Agitha decided, was the time to make the surprise complete. Crawling and straddling the cuddled-together couple, she smiled with a deviant air picked up from her own time with Link, tenderly kissed the centre of Zelda’s rapidly rising chest and then hovered an inch away from Link’s ear.

“You’re going to love this,” She promised him sweetly, her face bright with her huggable loveliness. She brushed through his shaggy hair to find the knot in the ribbon, and started to untie it. Bubbling with joy, she whipped it off and cried “Surprise!”

Now obviously, there followed an incredibly astonished silence so thick that a blade would chip trying to cut through it. Zelda’s chin sunk to her chest in a child-like bashfulness, and her wobbly smile silently begged to Link, ‘Please don’t be mad at me.’

Shocked? Yes. Mad? Oh bloody, bleeding, blooming Hell, Heck and auntie Nora, if there was anything he could be totally devoid of at that moment, it was anger. She was here, in his arms, the secret admirer, allowing him to touch her body in so many ludicrously filthy ways, totally and utterly safe... well, safe from everything except his extreme sexual deviance, and she looked slightly on the ill side, but safe nonetheless. And to express his relief, he pulled her into the tightest hug imaginable as he kissed her in an explosively furious passion.

Having shuffled back to give them some room, Agitha was back down the bed and again sitting on her feet. Similar to how she reacted when Link brought all her golden guests to the ball, darling Agitha’s ecstatic reaction to his doubtless acceptance of Zelda consisted of her hands clasping together by her cheek, upper body twisting side to side, and an ever-sweet ‘nyahhh!’ to top it off.

When Link rolled onto his back, taking the unresisting, tightly-squeezed Zelda with him, Agitha noticed the incredible bulk in his torn trousers, and wondered how badly the monster within wanted to breath freedom. Well, Agitha was on hand to help with that. Crawling forward on her elbows, she worked on the stressed, ready-to-ping-off buttons, and very nearly took a slap to the face when his huge, proud phallus sprung out, her own mind adding the ‘boing’ sound effect, and stained her face with flecks of flung precum.

Never before had she seen it when contact was a tongue’s reach away, thus her cute face was in remarkable awe. It was really, really big, and ever so thick. How it ever managed to penetrate her small body she couldn’t begin to speculate, but she knew for certain why it hurt like the buggery when he first did so. With her index finger, cautiously, she touched the trembling tip, and then braved holding it with all her delicate fingers.

It was very hot. The stickiness was quite pleasant, and she barely managed to suppress a light giggle when she heard Link’s muffled groan in response to her swirling it around the head, and her inadvertently pushing and pressuring the shaft against Zelda’s sloppy-wet loins. When she realised this, Agitha had a rather naughty idea; placing both hands on the outside of either Zelda’s thighs, she clamped them together and moulded her friend’s soft flesh around the raging hard on.

An everlasting, shuddering moan on both Link’s and Zelda’s part forged the sunshine-smile on Agitha’s face. Keeping her hands on the outside of Zelda’s moist thighs, making sure they kept him squeezed, she wanted to try out the thing she been looking forward to all day. Poking out her cute little tongue, Agitha dabbed it on the on the dribbling dome for a taste of his seed, and admitted it had a lovely texture and taste, if not a little bitter. Not turned off, rather a lot more turned on, Agitha used the surface and underside of her tongue to slowly circulate the entire head a fair few times before trailing down both sides, and coming back up each time with a flick.

Tilting her head forward, spilling saliva off her tongue, the adorable bug Princess sighed and lowered her lips over the throbbing head. Her big blue eyes were open and sparkling wondrously, gradually and pleasantly fluttering half-closed.

“Ah-Agitha,” She heard Zelda whimper, looked up, and saw the red-cheeked Princess looking back over her shoulder. Evident from the silvery string dangling from her lower lip, she and Link had only just broken their kiss. “You s-said we could do it together...”

“I did, didn’t I?” Smirking, Agitha gave Zelda’s sweaty thigh a cheeky nibble. “Perhaps, if you’d care to join me right now, we could take care of this together.”

An encouraging nod from Link gave Zelda the motivation to slink back and curl down beside Agitha. Her nervous, glassy eyes went wide and her eyebrows shot up when she came face-to-face with Link’s throbbing organ, and a good moment was spent trying to reclaim her voice.

“I-it’s... really b-big...!”

Thus far, Zelda’s experiences with anything resembling a phallus had been that banana she and Agitha used earlier to practice their fellatio, and that weirdness of it being lodged up her peachy backside, and it was nothing compared to the real thing. She could feel the heat radiating from it three inches away.

Taking the initiative, Agitha used her fingers to draw it towards her and rolled her wet tongue over the bulbous head. Not wanting to be left behind, Zelda snapped back to reality with a small, mousy squeak, shuffled in close beside her friend, and attentively reached for the underside with her tongue until it touched the skin, and she released a shuddery breath as if she couldn’t believe she’d gone and managed to do a thing that was considered extremely naughty and against all the rules she’d been brought up following. Saliva flowed across her tongue and spilled down the shaft, over Agitha’s fingers. It didn’t bother her friend, who was too busy wetly lapping at the head to care. Besides, Agitha was making such a dribbling mess that she’d caught Zelda’s brushing nose a fair few times.

Resting on her elbows and wanting a turn to touch it, Zelda’s palm-heels pressed together and her dainty fingertips held the nice and slimy shaft. Agitha had moved her hands to two different locations; the first was still up-high and thumb/fingertips only, rubbing around the domed head and corona, and the other was lower down and cupping the bulky, dangly testicles. It all made Link groan throatily about how good it felt and his body shuddered, much to Zelda and Agitha’s delight, in the knowledge they were greatly pleasuring him.

And no doubt, Link felt an immensely satisfying wave through his body when Agitha pretty much took over the work by holding the base, closing her eyes and engulfing a whole third. Link choked and coughed, and complimented the wetness and incredible warmth of the bug Princess’ little mouth. She hadn’t pushed herself too far, merely hanging around the same third and pulling back to softly suckle on half the head, and let out some very cute moans to accompany both the adorable blush and the dazed, drowsy-eyes she used to look down and assess how much further she could go.

Starting out slow, twisting and bobbing her head, she worked purely on the third. Her confidence must have picked up thanks to Link’s repeated and heartfelt praise, as her small shoulders quaked moments before she engulfed him harder, quicker and further. Moaning and squawking, she’d squeezed her eyes shut as if she were really pushing herself to do something astronomically tricky, which Zelda could understand it being seeing as Link’s member was of a large size and Agitha was such a dinky little soul. Whether those crystal tears pouring down her flaring cheeks were through pain, pleasure or sadness, Zelda was far too fascinated to stop to check with her.

Agitha gargled something as she pulled back and twisted her head. Sweat stuck her fringe to her forehead, and her blue eyes, glimmering with the loveable want for more praise, earned her a gratified cup and stroke with his thumb on one cheek and a lick and a kiss from Zelda on the other.

“Agitha,” He whispered croakily. “What you’re doing is... is incredible, and it feels... so very, very good...”

“Wheally?” She distortedly asked with big googly eyes.

Nodding slowly, Link looked to Zelda who, with a rather meek expression, appeared she wanted to earn his praise, too. Perhaps Agitha picked this up, because she briefly looked aside before she tilted her head and released his member from the sanctity of her mouth.

“Here,” She said encouragingly, and tilted the upright organ towards her friend. “It’s your turn to have a go.”

Not as hasty as Agitha, Zelda breathed deeply to psyche herself up before she took over. Just like they’d practiced, she said to herself, and try to stick to what you’d just watched Agitha do, because that earned her a shower of praise from Link. With a breathy ‘nyhum’, Zelda engulfed the head and slowly pushed down to that same third Agitha worked to, but rather than moving anywhere, Zelda remained for her head was swimming with the Zora’s and her body was trembling like a leaf. The whole thing was scorching hot and throbbing, but according to Link’s rattling groan, it was her mouth supplying all the heat.

“Y-your mouth, i-it’s... really... s-soft, and...” He finished with the word ‘hot’, extending the ‘H’ like he was breathing onto a mirror for polishing.

It continued as Zelda started up, bobbing and slightly twisting her head, and the plentiful mix of her and Agitha’s lingering saliva dribbling messily around her lips and down her chin. The pace picked up, and although she hadn’t quite managed to reach the speed Agitha had, Zelda was almost certain she’d surpassed the distance her friend managed concerning consumption. Placing her hands on Link’s thighs, Zelda no longer wanted to be taunted by her mind’s own dare that she couldn’t take any more that she sucked in a deep breath, squeezed her eyes shut, and with a trembling screech, forced herself down the entire length.

Despite her wretched gag reflex she made it. Her hunched shoulders quaked terribly and she harshly snorted, much to the panicky concern of both Link and Agitha. The bigger hands belonging to Link clasped her shoulders and Agitha’s small arms wrapped around her chest, and fought against her attempt to stay.

“Whoawhoawhoa, stop! Stop!” Link cried, then slipping his hands underneath her chin, and finally being able to lead her back to a level that would be comfortable for her.

Met with the shy, dense cuteness of someone who’s tearfully ashamed they might not be doing enough to please another when in fact they were doing a most fantastic above-and-beyond job, made both Link and Agitha’s jaws drop open.

“You’ve been ever such a good girl,” Link hurriedly assured her, looking back into those eyes with concern for her wellbeing shining brightly in his. “I-I mean your mouth is already so velvety soft and warm, there’s no need for you to push yourself unnecessarily...”

Zelda’s eyes softened, the tears and the blushing cheeks making Link feel like a million rupees. Unable to help himself, he hunched forward as he kept his hand underneath her chin, lifting her mouth off his member with a gummy-wet ‘pop’, and engaged her in a tang-tastic kiss.

Agitha had watched what Zelda achieved in fascinated horror. Fully aware she could never amount to such a feat, it left her with even more respect for her friend. Still, she was happy doing what she could, and it seemed to please Link nonetheless.

Now that his manhood was free, Agitha thought she could have another go while those two were busy snogging again. Tilting it towards herself, she went back to her previous pattern of bobbing and swallowing two-thirds at a comfortably fast pace. She had to admit that the squelchy sounds made during the motions, along with her own mousy gasps, was quite an embarrassing side effect of fellatio, but then again, according to the dampness between her legs, it was awful fun, too.

At some point Agitha realised two things; firstly, Link and Zelda had stopped kissing, and Zelda was once again on her elbows beside her. Secondly, she was being a bit of a hog with Link’s member, and should be fair by sharing. With a wet gasp and an indecent, squelchy ‘pop’, Agitha ripped her mouth off the length and it sprung aside to the begging hands, shy, drowsy eyes and eager out-hanging tongue of Zelda.

The Hylian Princess was just as courteous, only spending a good ten to twenty seconds copying the exact thing Agitha did albeit at a much slower bobbing rate, before coming off with a content gasp and passing it back. This became the pattern, sharing between one and the other at this pace, enjoying the taste of Link’s hot flesh and each other’s saliva.

They were ever so good, and Link expressed his thanks and praised their work through a series of choked groans and moans. Agitha, at least, picked up the signs he wasn’t too far off cumming, and teased him in the most spine-tingling manner. She whispered something he couldn’t hear to Zelda, who seemed to fight her shyness to join cheek-to-cheek with her friend and they gave him the most endearingly seductive look with the eyes he’d ever seen in his life. Mouths opening and wet tongues slowly sliding out, ‘cuddling’ together around the head of his member, they gave him one very clear instruction.

“Please... we want you to... let it all out... into our mouths...”

Nodding dumbly, Agitha and Zelda ended their unbearably sexy flash of the eyes and went back to giving him what-for. Sharing it for only five seconds a piece now, they both worked extra hard and fast to bring him to his peak. Agitha’s middle finger and thumb made a ring around the base and jerked him a little on her turn, which may have been the straw that broke the donkeys back.

Growling harshly through his teeth, Link’s shuddering body hunched forward and his pulsing member let off its first thick shot into Agitha’s mouth as she went to pull away with a glossy look in her half-closed eyes, the second hitting her out-hanging tongue as he’d made his exit, third stringing across Zelda’s nose in the rush to switch to her desperately wanting and whimpering mouth, and the final few spurts guzzled down her throat. It was incredible; they were incredible, and watching Zelda gently hold his shaft like it was something ultimately precious to her as she licked the dribbling remnants with a gloopy string draped over the bridge of her nose filled his gut with a burning, fizzing sensation.

Looking aside, Agitha was staring back with adorable shimmering eyes and slightly puffed cheeks. Chuckling, Link stroked her stained chin and scooped flecks of his release to her lips with one finger, the index, pushed inside, and twirled around her stationary tongue. She hummed and ‘mmm’d’ and her tongue started following his finger around.

Licking her little nose as she quite merrily sucked on his finger, Link whispered to her that Zelda might need some help with the stuff on her face. Practically led by the finger in his mouth, Agitha stopped sucking and turned her tongue on the goo across Zelda’s nose. It was great to watch, especially with the rather light-headed and dopey look on Zelda’s face. When Agitha had finished, following an extra kiss on her friend’s cheek, she leaned up to Link and fed him and idea he couldn’t disagree with.

“Zelda, we need you to lie down on your back a moment,” Agitha told her.

Curiously following her friend’s instruction, Zelda lay on her back with her legs partly spread, top and tailed with Agitha. The bug Princess curled her legs up and tucked her feet up to her cute little butt, slid a hand under Zelda’s thigh, and rested her cheek on top. It was then Zelda twigged she was very much exposed to Link’s hungry, wolf-like eyes, and he was staring straight at her precious place.

“Yahhh!” Zelda squealed in embarrassment, wriggling and balling her fists up by her mouth, but otherwise subdued by Agitha’s surprisingly strong hold.

Link chuckled. Getting down, he gave the cheeky Agitha a lovely Eskimo kiss before he turned on Zelda’s oily labias with his lips, and then his tongue. The sweat tasted phenomenal down here as it mixed in with her love juices, and the skin was so tantalisingly smooth. Squeezing the chubby, spongy majora between thumb and index finger, Link slowly run his tongue down the pudendal cleft as he did earlier with his fingers.

Shortly after she started watching with great interest, Agitha decided she could make herself useful. Using her tongue, she trailed upward Zelda’s sizzling belly and stopped around the spot she saw Link play with earlier, with his fingers; the navel. Her lips curled devilishly as the notion to have a play wormed its way in her head. Circling first, she speared her tongue into the hollow and sealed her slurping lips to the skin.


Amused by the smaller girl’s antics when she started to blow raspberries against Zelda’s flat stomach, Link stopped teasing and decided to make his way in. Hunching his shoulders against the thighs attempts at closing, he used his thumbs to part the fat majora, stared into the gorgeous pink tunnel much to the Princess’ shame, and licked his lips noisily just so she was certain to hear him.

“It looks beautiful, and it smells wonderful down here,” Dribbling onto the pubis and giving it a deliberately slow suck, he mumbled on in a voice distorted by her flesh. “For a full on taste, I’m going to have to...”

Zelda’s body was racked with a violent spasm, and her voice cried out loud for mercy. He’d gone and covered her with his mouth, sliding his tongue in so deep. It felt like, and seemed from the sounds of his slurps, that he was sucking her insides out. When Agitha had tried this out with her earlier, she was pretty good; but like she’d been told, and though she wouldn’t admit it outright to her friend in want to not sound mean, Link was simply incomparable. There was something about his technique that immediately set her entire body to a temperature that would blow the mercury bubble on a thermometer.

Leaving the bellybutton alone, Agitha had moved on up and cupped her fingers around Zelda’s small, perfectly rounded breast like it were a delicious bowl of hot soup she was to drink without a spoon. She lapped at the stiff nipple, flicked it about with her tongue, and like with a piping hot bowl of soup, gave it a cooling blow before consumption.

Link was really, really enjoying himself. The wetness, the taste, the sounds of Zelda’s voice... it was all fantastic stuff that stoked the fires within the pit of his stomach. Sweat gathered from her body by his fingertips went to play havoc on her swollen clitoris, which he’d taken the time to suckle, lick and chew with his lips from time to time. She gurgled a lot, and begged him to please stop being so rough with her sensitive places which, naturally, only coaxed him into doing it some more. Whether she realised he kept up with the rough stuff due to her pleading with him to stop or not, she certainly made the effort to grind her hips into his face rather than twisting to evade.


It was all so sudden. Her back snapped into an arc and her hands suddenly gripped clumps of his thick hair like they were the reins of a wild horse she wanted to bring under control. Honey-sweet nectar poured down his gullet, and while it took him by surprise, he endeavoured to swallow every last drop.

“You see? I told you he was good,” Agitha playfully stuck her tongue out at Zelda’s haggard, twitching face. If she was in Zelda’s position, and she would very much love to be, she’d have been squirming in embarrassment during Link’s noisy, lip-smacking feast. Well, Zelda actually was squirming and getting all embarrassed about him making a pig of himself down there, so perhaps Agitha was just in wanting to be in that position herself.

Once he’d finished up, he gave her a moments rest before the next stage. Not that he wasn’t doing anything to her during that ‘moments rest’, mind. He went on to fulfil his desire to give her enticing bellybutton a good thrashing with his tongue, although he was quite gentle on the whole. He hugged her lower back and smooched with the hollow French style, as if he was actually kissing Zelda.


Breaking away with a breathy sigh, he boyishly grinned at the flushed face of the Princess. She had a very sweet, very innocent air about her, and in relation to what he’d done to her belly, it looked like she wouldn’t mind if he fancied another ‘make out’ session with it later on. He will, of course, plus some extras like juicy strawberries, hot chocolate sauce and thick, runny cream...

“Link, c-can we... do it..?”

For a moment he simply, and softly, looked her straight in the eyes. Pushing himself up, lying flat on top but at the same time with his keeping weight off her with his elbows and knees, he hugged and engaged her in a very tender kiss.

“...As you wish,” He whispered, licking her upper lip.

“It... will hurt the first time, yes?”

“An understatement if there ever was one,” Agitha muttered to herself.

“We’ll take it slow,” Link assured her when it appeared Zelda heard her friend’s complaint, and kissed her forehead.

“Wo-would you mind terribly if... I went on top?”

“That’s fine by me,” He nodded and slunk away, reaching out to take her dainty hands, and helped her sit up. Most likely, Link figured, she wanted to be in control of how much and how fast she takes it.

Sitting back with his legs apart, one arm behind for his support and balance and the other hand on Zelda’s back, he waited patiently as she shuffled along on her knees between his legs. Holding onto his neck as she upped in a squat, balancing on the balls of her feet, she straddled and tucked the insteps of her feet over his thighs. His length was between them, squashed between his solid abs and her flat, sizzling belly. She was anxious, understandably so, and kept on offering him an apologetic look with regards for her not knowing quite what to do, despite wanting to take ‘the lead’.

“Y-you don’t mind me...?”

“It’s okay,” He whispered. “Take all the time you need.”

Looking down to see what she was doing, Zelda raised her hips and aimed herself over the tip. Upon Link’s recommendation, she used at least one hand to hold and guide it. Feeling it press against her dripping entrance, she bit her lip and shuddered.

“A moments honesty, Agitha,” Zelda asked meekly. “Will this... hurt really badly?”

“Yes, it will,” Agitha admitted outright, in a soothing voice. “But the discomfort doesn’t last forever. Why, are your feet getting cold?”

“No,” Zelda responded firmly, turning to look Link in the eye, who said nothing at all. He sat there with a calm expression, and stuck to his cannons about her taking all the time necessary. “They most definitely are not.”

Taking the discussion no further, as Zelda knew in her heart and mind this was exactly what she wanted and needed, she determinately set herself back on course. Link’s patience helped a lot, and his hand on her back ready to comfort her, and the encouraging kiss he planted on her chin.

‘Here... I go...’ Zelda shut her eyes and clenched her teeth, bracing for the entry she at least assumed she had complete control over. ‘I’m going to... have s-s... s-sex with... Link!’
Easing her hips down was task enough when her body was shaking like Deku nuts in a tin can without her excessive clamminess causing stability issues. Slipping and falling almost too fast onto the bulbous head that’d prised her chubby labias apart with a lewd squelch, Zelda was aided in her recovery by Link’s quick reflexes. The hand he had behind his back, pillared into the mattress, was cupped under her tight, moist buttocks, and prevented her from taking too much too fast.

“Th-thank you,” She hugged his neck like it was the most dependant lifeline. Her beautiful features contorted and twitched as her lower body accommodated another thick, stretching inch, with aid from his hand to ensure the pace was suitable to her and not subject to another sudden drop.


Her innards were small and chokingly tight, and his thing was long and chunky. The descent would take forever if she had to pause each time she felt uncomfortable and waited for her body to adapt, which was why she decided to take the painful drop and be rid of the virgin pains sooner rather than later.

“L-Link? Could you... m-move your hand up... please?” She asked in a strained whisper. “I-I’m going to... take it from here...”

His hand went up her back, sliding smoothly across the sweaty plain. Her body rocked unsteadily as she counted to three, closed her eyes, and dropped her hips.


She winced tearfully in pain through her clenched teeth, squeezing Link’s neck, and quaking terribly in the aftermath of the hymen-snapping, wall-stretching impalement. She imagined it would’ve been a whole lot worse if Link hadn’t hugged and soothingly rubbed her back, accompanied by comforting whispers, so she was ever so grateful.

Tears poured down her red cheeks and dripped from her chin. Putting her forehead to Link’s, mistily staring into his half-closed eyes, she asked him in a watery, blubbering voice if his thing was all the way inside her.

“Yeah, it’s in,” He confirmed in a hoarse voice, as it was in to the hilt, and her mind-numbingly hot, wet walls were squeezing him tighter than her arms had done his neck. “And it feels really good, too...”

Elevated slightly higher than him, Link brushes his nose over her moist lips before he tilted his head back, hers further forward, and they joined together in a gentle French kiss. Moaning softly, Zelda hugged his neck and tried to put the pain out her mind for now.

Agitha had watched it all from behind, and grimaced at the memory of the first entry as the blood trickled and dripped onto the bed sheet. She had to say that Zelda handled it better than she had, but then Link seemed to be taking it a bit slower with her. No matter which way, it all feels incredibly good in the end for everyone.

Shuffling forward on her knees, Agitha slid her arms over her friend’s shoulders and hugged her, pressing her small bust into Zelda’s sweat-laden back, yet leaving enough space between them for Link’s hands to continue roaming. Almost as if to give her an opportunity to comfort a fellow Princess, Link broke the kiss with a moist smack and moved in on Zelda’s neck, causing her head to fall back, and giving Agitha the perfect angle to continue on the tongue-swirling lip lock.

Sliding the lower-down hand underneath Zelda’s butt to raise her sitting a bit more, Link trailed his butterfly kisses downward to her right breast and sealed his mouth over her wonderful nipple. He suckled like a baby, a noisy, piggish baby, and smiled as Zelda whimpered and shuddered into her kiss with Agitha. He smiled more so when he felt a small hand belonging to the bug Princess sneak in, knuckles brushing his cheek, and starting to play with the other moist mammary in a series of tender squeezes.

It felt better now. A whole lot better. Compelled to move, Zelda slowly started to grind her hips against him, and the slight twisting of his thickness inside sent a quiver up her spine that was more than a little pleasant. She noticed that at some point Agitha behind her copied her movements, writhing with her, as if to give extra strength and increase the pleasure factor. It did seem to work a bit, and the motions increased when even Link gave a literal helping hand.

Taking his hand off Zelda’s butt, he slapped it onto Agitha’s fine peaches and gave them a well-needed grope, kicking her snaking hips off more. The kiss Agitha and Zelda shared had ended with a dreamy sigh, a thin silvery string bowing between their tongues, and switched to a feisty tongue battle between Link and Agitha over the other Princess’ shoulder.

‘This... this feels wonderful,’ Tears rolling down her cheeks weren’t from the pain, which had now subsided. Zelda buried her face into Link’s shaggy hair, breathing in his sandalwood scent.

“Link,” Agitha breathed his name heavily after their lips broke contact, tongues hanging out. “Could you lie down for me, please? There’s something I’d really like to show you.”

Nodding eagerly, Link and Agitha worked together to unclamp Zelda’s hugging arms from around his neck. Eventually, Agitha managed to convince her friend that it wasn’t all going to end now; they just wanted to make sure everybody could enjoy themselves at the same time. When Zelda reluctantly let go, Link lay back and Agitha instructed Zelda to place her hands on his rock-hard abs and use her arms for pillared support, and that she could continue on grinding her hips to get off.

“There we are,” Agitha kissed Zelda’s flushed cheek, and crawled over in a predatory manner to smile saucily down at Link. “Now, let me show you...”

On her knees, Agitha hitched her short skirt and stepped over Link’s head. He stared straight up, straight at the dripping-wet panties, the gracious cameltoes, and all the silvery streaks running down her inner thighs. Upon her instruction, he reached up and peeled aside the material covering her crotch... and was met with mouth-wateringly smooth, bald flesh.

“I thought it looked so beautiful on Zelda, that I wondered if I should try mine like that,” She explained in a whisper. “Do you think it suits-”

His answer came in the form of his hands grabbing to tops of her thighs and yanking her tight folds directly to his mouth, and straight on to his poking tongue. An electrical jolt shot up Agitha’s spine, forcing a squeaky howl from her throat, and her hands cupped under his chin.

“Kyahhh! L-Link!!”

Panting heavily, Zelda watched with a haggard smile as her friend had Link wolfing at her precious area. The sweat on her palms left wet smears and handprints on Link’s stomach and, as she moved on up, his chest. Agitha caught her teary, content eyes when she managed to snap her head back forward after crying out aloud to the heavens, and almost rolled into the movement her coming forward to cup Zelda’s cheeks and start up another tongue-swirling kiss.

Keeping herself steady became a problem as Link bucked his hips up, and Zelda’s sweaty hands kept sliding off his chest. The best and final decision was to put them down on the mattress on either side, and to do that, she had to break the kiss with Agitha and lower her head... level with her friend’s chest.

‘Time... to repay you, Agitha...’

Half-smiling, Zelda used her teeth to yank down the front of Agitha’s dress. Before the bug Princess could react, Zelda had sealed her lips around the perky nipple and started up a tender assault that paid back all the efforts she’d made for her thus far tonight.


Agitha’s back arced, and Zelda adjusted herself to follow wherever her chest went. Unconsciously, her pelvis started to grind against Link’s super-sucking mouth. The combination of mouth, tongue and teeth on two sweet spots at the same time drove her crazy, so crazy, and closer to her climax.

She wasn’t the only one, either. Link’s member was throbbing, and Zelda’s vaginal walls were shrinking. Before long he was giving it his all, thrusting his hips up like a bronco trying to hurl his passenger off his back, and Zelda’s pants had grown out of control as she felt closer and closer to her climax. The final slam locked in to the hilt with her insides clenching him tightly, his name screaming out her lungs, and he released his seed into her womb with a trembling groan as she collapsed with her chest to his, and her head on Agitha’s thigh.

It turned into a gargling groan, as Agitha shortly after released her honey-sweet fluids down his throat.

“I-It’s... it’s...” Zelda babbled into Agitha’s flesh, her body squirming as his thick, warm ejaculation filled her up after what seemed an impossibly long time. “...It’s... tingling... i-inside...”

Giggling breathlessly, recovering from her climax, Agitha stroked her friend’s soft hair and half-staggered off Link’s face, and collapsed onto her front down the end of the bed.

Link, meanwhile, licked his lips tastily and sat upright, hugging a limp Zelda in his strong arms. She smiled hazily, ever so happily, and he couldn’t help but kiss her. Dropping forward and lowering Zelda to the bed, Link removed his still-raging hard on and gave the slightly-raised butt of Agitha an interested raised-eyebrow glance.

...Yep, Agitha’s turn, now.

Pushing up her dress, he sunk his fingers into her soft flesh and nipped at it through her crack-riding panties. She gave a mousy squeak to his delight. Peeling aside the material covering her precious area with his thumb, Link lined his member with the soaking wet slit and slowly entered, penetrating her small, tight body doggy style to the hilt.

Wriggling his hips playfully, Link held her hips and started with a slow, deep thrusting rhythm, pulling out an inch only each time, and locking back in the whole way. He loved to watch her clutch the bed sheets between her dainty fingers, and flash that embarrassed profile as he occasionally pointed out the deliciously lewd noises her special place made. He also loved it when she asked him to stop saying such things, to stop making fun of her, when she knew full well he’d only carry on doing it because she asked him to stop.

Pulling her up to his chest, his thrusts became snaky grinds. He engaged her in a sloppy, out-of-mouth tongue-twirl, and played roughly with her small breasts by way of pinching and twisting. After a while he hooked one arm underneath her knees, easily lifting and carrying her petite, featherweight figure, and laid her on top of the recovering, and surprised, Zelda.

Now was the time to go wild. Withdrawing the whole length, Link slammed it back into Agitha harshly. He did it again, and again, and again. After a sixth time, he started up a steady rhythm where he’d only take out half, and lock it back in each time. This was the pace he kept, short, sharp and mixing plentiful sounds such as Agitha’s excited squeals, wet flesh slapping, and Zelda’s steady moans.

Soon Zelda was moaning ever so much louder, as Link pulled out of Agitha and slammed his member into her body like a man possessed. He’d copied what he did to Agitha, too, with the full-length thrusts followed by the short, sharp ones. All the while he played with Agitha’s soft buttocks, squeezing her derriere for all things sacred.

Switching back to Agitha, Link was like a wild animal. Her face had buried into Zelda’s neck, and Zelda hugged her friend with all her strength. When Link switched to Zelda, he was rougher and faster than the first time, and she felt he was going to split her body in two.

She begged him not to pull out just yet, but he maliciously grinned and switched once more to Agitha, and after a few thrusts, back to Zelda again. Zelda came hard with his member bucking inside her, writhing underneath her close-to-cumming friend, and he made one last switchover to Agitha. He’d released once inside Zelda tonight, so it was only fair he released his second inside Agitha.

Desperately holding out until Link was set to blow, Agitha loudly whined into Zelda’s neck as her walls constricted around Link’s ejaculating member and milked him for everything he had to give, which was a lot. Anything her womb couldn’t hold leaked out their joining, thickly dripping down the insides of Agitha’s damp thighs and onto both the bed sheets and Zelda’s bald loins.

The girls were panting heavily, holding on to one another as if for their very lives. Link pulled out and, thanks to the energy boost from the water, was still ready to go without need to rest.

Hands on Agitha’s cute butt, glancing down at the sweet little hole at the rear, Link licked his lips as a devilish idea re-emerged.


Agitha recognised that feeling. Was he going to...? Oh yes, he most definitely was going to do it.

“W-wait, can’t I have a short bre-yaaaahhhh!”

In a single rectum-stretching plunge, Link hilted up her marvellous butt with a gratified moan. Angling his hips to penetrate downward, Link started out by treating her rear to a similar rhythm he’d used on her front, with an extra added wiggle each time he locked in fully. Changing the pace, Link scooped an arm under Agitha’s stomach and hooked the other under her knees and sat back, cuddling her close to his chest. He turned her body slightly, his hot length twisting and churning her clenching tract to draw a shuddery squeak from her lungs, and buried his lips into the crook of her neck.

“Th-this... this feels...”

“Yes?” He encouraged with a naughty grin, licking her jaw line, and snaking his hips.

“I-I... ahhhh... I l-love... this...”

“As do I,” He grinned, leaning and suckling on her small nose.

Somewhere in the region of ten minutes was spent loving the tight anal squeezes around his length, and the following two consisted of harsh, rapid pelvic thrusts, until he finally ejaculated into her squirming little body. Dropping aside to the mattress and finding it harder to pull out than it had been to put it in, Link kissed Agitha’s bare shoulder and sat back upright. The feral glint in his eye turned on Zelda who had sensibly spent the time recuperating for the next round.

Nothing had to be said. No instructions or requests were given. Zelda turned onto her front, lying flat with her hands on her buttocks, fingers struggling against the oily sweat to grip and spread the softness apart and display to him his intended destination.

A finger tapped Link’s shoulder, not quite drawing his full attention from the gorgeous blushing profile of Zelda, with long hair draped and veiling portions of her countenance, and the desperate pleading in her eye for him to take her.

“Link, I’m going to go outside for a while, and leave you two alone to share some private time, okay?”

“No problem,” Link said, only half listening. “We’ll come out and join you, maybe in an hour or two.”

Smiling sweetly, Agitha briefly caught his full attention when they shared a parting kiss. She slipped away, grabbed a thin towel from an old looking cupboard in the corner, and closed the door on her way out.

Salivating, Link leant forward and gripped Zelda’s soft buns, kneaded them, and applied his tongue to the small hole in the spread crevice. Swirling it within the clean depths, moaning and making tasty sounds as Zelda whimpered and trembled pleasantly, he pulled out with a thick saliva string dripping from his tongue and suckled on her left cheek.

“Liiiiiiiink,” Zelda whined pathetically. “Pleaaaase...”

“As you wish,” He smiled, rubbing the thick dome of his length against the slippery wet butt hole, and slowly eased himself in.


Ripples in the hot water roused Midna from her relaxing nap. At first she was groggy and uncoordinated, and her vision wasn’t at its best; when she noticed, after she’d turned her head, that her nose was an inch away from the bright and curious Agitha’s, all her senses returned to her like a sharp, ringing slap to the cheek.

“Hello there,” She chirped, smiling with honey sweetness. “You’re Midna, I take it? We’ve met once before... do you remember me?”

They briefly met once before, in the fields outside the castle town. Agitha had been picking flowers to make for herbal remedies, another hobby of hers, only she’d strayed beyond the safe view of the outer perimeter guardsmen and into the deadly sights of a Bokoblin band. Like a dark, stormy raincloud they swept in for chaos, most certainly intending to kill the girl, until Wolf Link and Midna rushed in to save the day. Bloody lucky they were passing at the time. The aftermath was Wolf Link and Midna shooing Agitha back to the castle... however, just as Agitha wanted to give thanks, the guards finally decided to show their faces and mistook them for the attacking monsters, forcing them to flee.

Taken so far back she felt she was in another world entirely, Midna opened her mouth to respond, with only a wobbly lip and a bewildered mumble to show for it. Whether or not Agitha had noticed her paralysed shock, she went on regardless.

“My name is Agitha, Princess of the Insect Kingdom... but, I’m assuming you already know that, with you being Link’s travel companion, and such.”

Midna probably should’ve leant back, because Agitha had leant in until the tips of their noses pressed and their lips were so close they shared breaths. Their eyeballs weren’t too far off touching, either. However, it sprung to mind maybe Agitha intended this proximity, as there was something radiating from her chipper expression that suggested if Midna did back off, Agitha would have followed until cornered.

“Actually, you’re more than a travel companion to Link, aren’t you?”

The bug Princess asked in a voice amorous for some and squeefully cute from her.

-I-I...- Midna stammered, feeling her lips dry. –I’m...-

What was happening? Link was going to bring her out, make an introduction, and then they three were going to do the dirty thing in the clean pool. Why, oh why, was Agitha out here on her own? Why, oh why, had she suddenly seized up in the face of childish innocence when she had spent the time out here thinking up all manner of naughty things to do to her with great confidence?

“I was told you two were close, so close you may even like to do things the same as the ones I’ve devoted my body to Link for... is that correct?”

Midna found her voice. It wasn’t strong and confident like normal, but so long as she had something to string a coherent sentence together, she’d make do.

-Y-yes, yes, we do... but you say it as if... Link wasn’t the one who told you...?-

“Nope, wasn’t him,” She replied in a carefree voice. “It was a friend of mine who told me.”


At some point, Midna realised, that she wasn’t sitting upright any longer. No, she was lying back down, on the angled bank, and Agitha was still in her face. Still in her face, most welcome to be so, and the only thing dividing her from the intimately pressed, naked body of Agitha was the threadbare towel she had wrapped around. All the heat was most definitely not from the water.

“Yes, my friend,” Agitha whispered, her eyelids drooping. “Princess Zelda.”

Midna’s eyes bulged. That was all she could manage in her position. Questions she would have liked, no, needed to ask were trapped in her brain, somewhere at the back. Luckily, Agitha cottoned on to her concern, and at least answered some.

“She’s inside with Link, doing the same things he does to us, to her,” Agitha whispered hazily, her lips moving like waves on the sensual ocean. “That was my surprise for him. From now on, Zelda and I will be taking care of Link’s needs... or that was the intention, before Zelda spotted the two of you in the hallway and saw that you were close. And when she told me she overheard you saying that you wanted to join in with Link and I, out here in the hot springs,” Agitha’s moist lips parted as if she badly needed someone to stick a waggling tongue in her mouth, and Midna was ever so close to obliging. “I decided I wanted to give those two some room for now so I may become better acquainted with the other girl who, from now on, will be taking care of Link’s needs alongside Zelda and I.”

Midna’s mind was numb. Zelda was safe (excluding from Link’s rampant sexual desires), and here in this town? And Agitha was out here, wanting to get ‘acquainted’ with her? It wasn’t quite how she expected this evening to pan out, but the complaints weren’t exactly queuing outside the door.

“Consider this as my heartfelt thanks to you for saving my life the other week,” Agitha’s tongue slowly poked out, and lingered there for anyone wanting to give it a suck.

No eager show of hands was necessary. Tenderly, Midna closed her lips around it, and sucked.


I do apologise for the long wait.

Next chapter will start with some Agitha x (Imp) Midna, Link x Zelda, and then move on to a Link x Zelda x Agitha x (Imp) Midna lemon. Ashei might pop in for a go, too. And, as a bonus, so shall Ilia.

The character Quill is the boy who hangs around outside Agitha’s castle in the game, except in my story I’ve spruced him up to make him a ‘guard cadet’ rather than a stalker. I’ve also named him after the postman from LoZ: WindWaker, who I thought was a pretty cool guy. If anyone would like me to expand his role, maybe add him in for one scene as that ‘reward’ Link promised him, let me know.

I’ve decided to push the ‘Cave of Ordeals’ to the end, saving it as a ‘bonus chapter’.