Liberty's Kids Fan Fiction ❯ LIBERTY'S KIDS: Into the Future, and Into Space ❯ Titanica, Here we come! ( Chapter 23 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
As the week rolled on, we spent a lot of our days working on the shuttles, and defending the camp in case titan's men were to show up.
Marsha was a great help too. Not only was she able to breath outside without a suit on, but she was even able to help make our Spacesuits better.
She gave the tanks a special tuning up, so that the air was infinite, and would never give out on us. We'd have an endless supply of air to breath.
Also, she and her people used to be in possession of a special alloy found on Mars and designed by them called… ILLIPTICUM!
It was proved not only to be ten times stronger the polymerized titanium of our Suits… but it was also super strong against many things.
Fire, Electricity.. even light sabers couldn't rightly cut through them. She was able to transfer the alloy into out suits and helmets, making our suits even stronger than ever.
Marsha sure was smart, and sweet. My kind of girl, yet I still couldn't notice why she acted shy, yet so kind towards me in particular.
About a week later, were organizing plans on how to get into Titan's territory.
Titanica was 500 kilometers to the northeast of the base camp, and would take the shuttlecrafts twenty minutes to fly there, thanks to STINGRAY'S Naves.
The weapons were heavily armed, but Marsha was able to tell my Grandfather who told us about Titan's weapons, and they were strong enough to rip us in half if we weren't careful.
“Somehow, we need to find a way to get ourselves in undetected.” I said. “But how?”
“Well the easiest way would be for us to fly through the main gate.” Said Samuel, “Except Titan has at least six armed aliens there to intercept intruders.”
That did put a damper on things, but James, Sarah, and Henri had already come up with an idea.”
Suddenly, we all began to hear alien voices coming from behind us, we turned and saw…
Sarah and James talking to each other in Titan's alien's language… “Esta' Orga'ra, Nochi'kara, Simra!”
…and Henri blowing through a straw into a cup of water. Making James and Sarah's voices sound ugly just like the alien's.”
“James, Sarah, Henri… have you lost your heads.” Snapped Elizabeth, “We're supposed to be planning an attack on Titanica.”
“But mother, that is part of the plan.” Said Sarah.
“Oui… it is.” Added Henri. “Marsha gave a text of the words we'll be `earing and using. We think that it might grant us right in past the guards.”
“Fine… that's terrific.” I said, “It might do the trick.”
A few more days passed, and we were all set to go. We had our suits on, and were armed heavily with guns and light sabers.
“I never thought I'd actually be allowing myself to do this.” Elizabeth said as she remember the Revolutionary days.
Ladies never did fight in battle, and it was even more barbaric for them to even become soldiers.
“Well… that was then, mother, this is Now!” said Sarah, “We're fighting for more than just freedom now.”
I nodded my head, we we're fighting to protect the world, and save all of Mankind from could soon be an Alien invasion.
Since we wouldn't really be returning to camp, we just abandoned it, but we did pack up what little supplies we could.
We only had four shuttlecrafts, We planned to fly in close enough to send the men, except for Henri, into combat with Titan's men.
Meanwhile… Sarah, Henri, Elizabeth, and Marsha, were to pilot the shuttle crafts and keep them in one piece. Especially seeing as how Sarah and her mother's crafts were carrying the supplies.
The plan was, to capture Titan and place him into custody, even though he was hostile, and others would rather kill him… he's still a life form worth studying.
“Is everyone ready?” asked Troy.
“All present and accounted for, Grandfather!” I answered.
Troy nodded, and gave the drivers the signal to start the engines, before long we were well on our way.
About twenty minutes later… we had arrived near the gateway to Titanica. “Sacre' Bleu… will you look at that!” cried Henri.
Titanica sure looked a lot different up close than it did on the relayed pictures Troy had beamed to us.
Rows and rows of strange, colorful, glowing buildings with highways and byways all over the place, and you couldn't look in one sector without seeing one of Titan's aliens.
One thing was certain, Titanica was kept inside a dome, much like one of those snow globes you get. The only way in was through the gate.
“This could be the most important thing we ever do in our lives.” Said James as he Sarah and Henri took off their Helmets.
“As long it's not the last, we'll be fine.” Said Sarah.
Henri nodded, and got his water cup ready. “Okay get ready… `ere we go.” Said.
He steered their shuttlecraft to the front of the group where two alien guards questioned them in their ugly voices.
“Garanga Kabuko o'tullo… Nit nic Tarrusa!” The alien said. Luckily thanks to Marsha's lessons, they knew that the alien was really saying.
“Who are you, and what are you doing here?!”
James Sarah and Henri moved close to the Radio. Henri began blowing his bubbles, and James spoke…
“Para'blunto wits'blost tara'blunto!”
Now those aliens actually couldn't see inside the shuttlecrafts, but the little voice fooled them completely, because they thought they just heard one of their own boys say…
“We have succeeded in capturing the Earthlings. Let us through?!”
“Guttung arrgalla!” said the other Alien which meant…
“Show us your permission slip from, Titan?!”
Now Sarah had anticipated that something like this would come up, so she came up with a little plan of her own. She said to them…
“Hagulla Zembabu, Ko'kra!”… Which meant!
“You don't need to see them. We dropped them by accident, and we're running late!”
The Aliens actually fell for it, and let us pass through without being escorted. “Good work guys, great going.” I said over the radio.
Meanwhile, in Titan's palace…
X-2-0 however wasn't fooled… “Oh great Titan, we have a problem, the Earthlings have entered the city.” He cried.
He expected Titan to go wild with anger, but Titan was smiling sinisterly, this was what he had planned all along.
He had spoken to Toyfulle, their great god, and asked for his advice. “If the Earthlings will not come willingly, then we shall take them by force… Hmm, mm, mm, mm!”
Titan already had some armed Aliens in secret positions ready to attack should the Earthlings decide to wage battle on them.
The Final showdown was ready to begin.